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2009-10-29 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2488083

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
DoloresM2 - 2009-10-29 7:10 PM I had a friend tell me - one who is an Ironman and one who did this course - it's a swim, bike and run with FOOD and lots of other folks.  It's FUN! I for one am looking forward to a supported ride and a run with some FUN in there too. 

FUN! Remember?

Does... not... compute!

I'm all about fun, D!

2009-10-29 11:45 PM
in reply to: #2479774

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

AbbieR - 2009-10-26 10:28 AM
DoloresM2 - 2009-10-26 9:41 AM Home is no longer called's just a really expensive transition area.

LOl, I love the bed in my transition area.....I wish I was able to spend more time in it!

Bed?  What's that? I think it's a big square thing filled with springs, has blankets and pillows, usually substitutes for Chaplin's scratching post if I am in it more than 5 hours, and dreams of a 15:50 or better IMAZ finish...

2009-10-29 11:50 PM
in reply to: #2480371

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

biobabe - 2009-10-26 2:23 PM I have to agree. No one wants to ride in my car.

I can't believe I just found this forum. Must be too much training in the Texas heat. I should be grading papers but I've been reading all the posts. Will you let a newcomer into your group at this late stage?

Sure....  the more the merrier...  just bring your own boxing gloves!!!

Lori...  "Crying??!?  Are you crying? There's not crying in Triathlon?!??"

2009-10-30 12:03 AM
in reply to: #2479885

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

bryancd - 2009-10-26 11:18 AM
phatknot - 2009-10-26 1:04 PM i may have misread your point.

basically for those that care, his jist appears to be: if you are tired, you are supposed to be, so stick with the plan as best as possible and itll pay off on raceday.

my jist is: if you are potentially facing injury during a workout that is negatively affected by fatigue or some other factor (e.g., illness), quit now. dont risk a dns, dnf or a painful completed race.

both valid points and not necessarily opposing ones, so lets move on to other things unless you want the final word to clear up what i just wrote.

No, that's pretty much correct. We are all training in a state of fatigue. Even with recovery days, we are never really fully recovering at this point. That's what a taper is for. There is a big difference between training when you are tired, which we all are doing, to training with an injury or aggrevating an injury or if you are sick. I would hope one would understand the distinction and act accordingly and approriatley. BUT, assuming you don't have the flu or are developing any kind of overuse injuruy, it is important to apply the appropriate amount of stress on yourself to acclimate your body for the event. That's training 101 and becomes even more improtant during the peak phase of training. Here's a great general blanket statement I will make. Training right now in general should feel like it sucks, that you are sick and tired of it, you can't imagine being able to run a marathon off your long rides, and you question why you signed up in the first place. Geuss what? That means you are ready.

I am SO F******G ready...  I am feeling all of that and more right now Bryan...  I am excited and stoked and driving everybody at work NUTS..  I am surprised that HR hasn't handed me a cup to pee in to see what I am on... I am high on triathlon...  I am high on the fact hat I have lost 15 pounds and looking like a lean, mean, triathlon machine..  I can swim, bike, and run farther than I ever have in my life..  I will be 50 years young 5 weeks after this race and at 134, I am at a weight I haven't seen since high school.. I talk to people who roll their eyes and think I am nuts because I can ride 100 miles on a Saturday and run a 1/2 marathon on a Sunday.. I am also a woman on the edge...  Because just like Bryan said, some of us have pushed ourselves farther than we have ever thought we could.. "To go where no man has gone before".. Sorry Capt Kirk....

Who in their right mind would look forward to an 8+ hour training day, other than us?  We shrug our shoulders at that.. A year ago I would have thought you were ALL nuts..  But this is what we do if we want to succeed and become an Ironman..  This is what I have learned over this past 8 months..  We are on the home stretch boys and girls... We are here and we are ready... Can I get an Amen?


Edited by TriBabe2006 2009-10-30 12:04 AM
2009-10-30 12:32 AM
in reply to: #2487924

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Destroyer - 2009-10-29 5:50 PM I'm with you on the no peeing rules.  I wouldnt have even thought about it, but now that it's brought up I think I've only stopped to pee during one ride.  It was a 2 hour ride and I had to pee just because I had to pee; never had to pee during any of my long rides.  If I have to pee during the race you better hope you're following the no drafting rule because it's going on my bike. 

I have never tried this yet as I consider peeing on myself relevent when I am on someone else's waverunner at Lake Havasu or had wayy too much to drink of the adult beverage variety...  But, I'll try some things once...  If I am standing on my pedals for more than a minute, you'll know what I am doing....  Maybe I should have a sign attached to my bike that says "Keep back 100 feet" or "Caution Wet road ahead"...

Just thinkin.......

Edited by TriBabe2006 2009-10-30 12:33 AM
2009-10-30 1:14 AM
in reply to: #2488230

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Amen Lori!

2009-10-30 2:37 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
So I took a sick day today and went riding... yay...  I logged 100+ it was great.   I did not want to go fast,  just steady..  Did not stop at all (just to pee, and to refill bottles)  which was great..    I am happy...   

Then I went to see David Sedaris... OMG,  that guy is  a really funny guy.   Loved it..

Hope that Friday is good and the weekend is full of exciting stuff for all of us.  Take care and keep healthy,   the race is just a few days away..   Yay..

2009-10-30 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Hey IMAZ'ers---
Just went from being a "cheer section" to being a racer.  Long and rough story--all in my logs--but bottom line is I have been given a gift, and I will still get to race Ironman this year, and now I get to race it with you great people.  So, count me into the crew.
2009-10-30 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
Sunny San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Here we go kiddies! For many of us, this is the final push. Our last big training weekend. What does everyone have planned?

For me it's 1.5 hour swim today, 90 mile bike tomorrow, Halloween party tomorrow night and 20 mile run Sunday morning.

Have a safe and happy weekend!
2009-10-30 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2488429

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Extreme Veteran
Sunny San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Welcome to the party Brittany!!!
2009-10-30 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2488431

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the desert
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
joker70 - 2009-10-30 4:50 AMHere we go kiddies! For many of us, this is the final push. Our last big training weekend. What does everyone have planned? For me it's 1.5 hour swim today, 90 mile bike tomorrow, Halloween party tomorrow night and 20 mile run Sunday morning. Have a safe and happy weekend!
I've got a 6½hr ride with a :45 run on Saturday. I'm off on Sunday! Plan on eating A LOT on Saturdsy night

2009-10-30 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2488429

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
TexasMPGal - 2009-10-30 4:49 AM Hey IMAZ'ers---
Just went from being a "cheer section" to being a racer.  Long and rough story--all in my logs--but bottom line is I have been given a gift, and I will still get to race Ironman this year, and now I get to race it with you great people.  So, count me into the crew.

Oh wow, I am so happy for this!  I read your logs last night and felt heartbroken for you.  Can't wait to see you in Arizona!
2009-10-30 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2488431

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
joker70 - 2009-10-30 4:50 AM Here we go kiddies! For many of us, this is the final push. Our last big training weekend. What does everyone have planned? For me it's 1.5 hour swim today, 90 mile bike tomorrow, Halloween party tomorrow night and 20 mile run Sunday morning. Have a safe and happy weekend!

Saturday: 90min swim, 3hr run, 1hr bike
Sunday: 6hr bike, 1hr brick run

I was supposed to do long bike on Sat and long run on Sun, but it's going to rain tomorrow and I ain't doing 6 hours on the trainer, so I swaped days.  I think I'm finally over being sick.  Exhausted, but healthy again.  Yay!
2009-10-30 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2488429

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
TexasMPGal - 2009-10-30 4:49 AM Hey IMAZ'ers---
Just went from being a "cheer section" to being a racer.  Long and rough story--all in my logs--but bottom line is I have been given a gift, and I will still get to race Ironman this year, and now I get to race it with you great people.  So, count me into the crew.

Enforcer 6, we're honored to have you aboard.
2009-10-30 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2488645

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Im pleased the party keeps growing here! Welcome aboard.

Im looking forward to my 120 miler tomorrow NOT. We are getting rain forecasted too.

but at least today and Sunday are easy bricks (40>5 and 4000>6). My 21 mile run was done Wed so thats nice to not have to worry about.

On urination, I try and keep my nutrition and hydration pretty similar but sometimes I have to pee alot (hourly) and other times I don't, and I am not really sure why. I try to generally keep hydrated at all times. My diet is not that variable, but I did start drinking light beer instead of wine on occasion. That might have something to do with it. Bud light wheat haha

I can pee all day in my wetsuit, but still unable to cajole it out on the bike. I need someone to help me understand how to Free Willy!!!!!! I will never pee while I run. Thats just too whacked.
2009-10-30 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2488429

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

TexasMPGal - 2009-10-30 4:49 AM Hey IMAZ'ers---
Just went from being a "cheer section" to being a racer.  Long and rough story--all in my logs--but bottom line is I have been given a gift, and I will still get to race Ironman this year, and now I get to race it with you great people.  So, count me into the crew.

Uh-Oh, the womens field just got more competitive! LOL. Welcome Brittany! Just glad I'm not in your AG  

2009-10-30 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2488710

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
riorio - 2009-10-30 6:33 AM

TexasMPGal - 2009-10-30 4:49 AM Hey IMAZ'ers---
Just went from being a "cheer section" to being a racer.  Long and rough story--all in my logs--but bottom line is I have been given a gift, and I will still get to race Ironman this year, and now I get to race it with you great people.  So, count me into the crew.

Uh-Oh, the womens field just got more competitive! LOL. Welcome Brittany! Just glad I'm not in your AG  

I was thinking the same thing.  The girl can race, for sure.
2009-10-30 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2488715

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
dave699 - 2009-10-30 8:34 AM
riorio - 2009-10-30 6:33 AM

TexasMPGal - 2009-10-30 4:49 AM Hey IMAZ'ers---
Just went from being a "cheer section" to being a racer.  Long and rough story--all in my logs--but bottom line is I have been given a gift, and I will still get to race Ironman this year, and now I get to race it with you great people.  So, count me into the crew.

Uh-Oh, the womens field just got more competitive! LOL. Welcome Brittany! Just glad I'm not in your AG  

I was thinking the same thing.  The girl can race, for sure.

Great, put pressure on me...and Sally, you can say nothing. You just better hand around the finish line to cheer me in!

I'm going to have to try to catch up on this thread this weekend so I don't ask already answered questions like:
Am I going to freeze in my sleeveless wetsuit?
2009-10-30 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2488968

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
TexasMPGal - 2009-10-30 7:46 AM
dave699 - 2009-10-30 8:34 AM
riorio - 2009-10-30 6:33 AM

TexasMPGal - 2009-10-30 4:49 AM Hey IMAZ'ers---
Just went from being a "cheer section" to being a racer.  Long and rough story--all in my logs--but bottom line is I have been given a gift, and I will still get to race Ironman this year, and now I get to race it with you great people.  So, count me into the crew.

Uh-Oh, the womens field just got more competitive! LOL. Welcome Brittany! Just glad I'm not in your AG  

I was thinking the same thing.  The girl can race, for sure.

Great, put pressure on me...and Sally, you can say nothing. You just better hand around the finish line to cheer me in!

I'm going to have to try to catch up on this thread this weekend so I don't ask already answered questions like:
Am I going to freeze in my sleeveless wetsuit?

RTFO, Skipper!
2009-10-30 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2488968

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I'm going to have to try to catch up on this thread this weekend so I don't ask already answered questions like:
Am I going to freeze in my sleeveless wetsuit?

Nope, you get a pass... you dont have to read thru 40 pages of this thread, just ask away!

2009-10-30 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

recovery week is over... 1:20 swim today, 4:30 bike tomorrow and 15 mile run on Sunday... And yes, welcome young lady... I can't do anything about who's in my AG as all the women will be fast.... Since 50 is only 5 weeks later, ya think they would put me in the 50-54 AG, just to give me a glimmer of hope that I am not last?  I will be inking BT on my calf so when you run by the one that likes my avatar, from OC Tri club, PLEASE don't knock me down... 

But remember..... DFL is better than DNF any day!

Lori.....   "Stay Hard... Mack Bolan"

2009-10-30 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
This weekend planned:

Fri: 90min in the (steep) Hills on the bike/ 5000m swimming!! (thankfully Rose Bowl open till 9pm)

Sat: 112m/8m BRICK

Sun: 40m Bike, 1mile OWS (maybe more)

this is the last big's all downhill after this!!
2009-10-30 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
All my big stuff is behind me now. No more rides over 112 miles, no more runs over 18 miles. Time to get sharp and speedy. Saturday is a 5 hour bike, Sunday is a 16 mile run with the last 8 miles @ 7:00/mile pace tempo.
2009-10-30 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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2009-10-30 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2489770

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Paulettejo - 2009-10-30 2:32 PM


Weather at TTL - updates every 10 minutes...this is today's snapshot.

Big warm up on the way this weekend and next week. Hopefully will keep the lake warmer for a bit longer. I hate the cold.
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