Other Resources Challenge Me! » E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-10-14 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2458517

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Quebec, Canada
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

2009-10-14 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2458520

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

rlejeune - 2009-10-14 6:49 AM BTW, I won a brand new Garmin 310XT


I'm jealous, but I'm still thinking that the 310xt is too big for my wierdly small wrists.


2009-10-14 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2458478

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

blujay65 - 2009-10-14 6:17 AM

Off the forum for one day and you guys racked up several pages! Can't keep up with all the conversations!

I am off for an 8 miler... we'll see how it goes, our area has been racked by storms all night with more on the way. Don't mind running in the rain, especially since it is still so warm, just not to excited about the thunder and lightning!

No kidding!

Nothing in our house is drying, either. I cannot wait for this weekend when it's finally supposed to clear off for a few days and actually be cool and crisp (by MS standards).

It will be a great weekend for the marathon and half marathon they're running in town on Saturday. I'm not running it, but will head over to help at the finish line after I finish my own run. Hubby is managing the finish line...and he's actually getting paid to do it!

2009-10-14 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2458665

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

So, team, got my hill run in last night, but it was quite a bit shorter than planned. I was wet enough. Another run tonight. Should be around 5 or 6 miles.

2009-10-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Hey team!  Got in an easy 3 miler last night before my ST session at the gym.  Going for a 5 mile tempo run tonight! 
2009-10-14 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2458419

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
movingsouth - 2009-10-14 12:50 PM Grump.

The gym called to say childcare is closed for 24 hour to disinfect... apparently one of the staff was at work with H1N1.  Argh.

When am I supposed to run?? 

Please note my concern is foremost about my run needs, NOT about the chance my kids were exposed.

-housebound mama

I'm sorry but that's really funny ... about the kids I mean, heh. Pooh about not being able to run though!

Been great to pop in when I can, been traveling with infrequent Internet access, and it's down at the house/office too, so I'm stuck grabbing time at hotspots when I can.

Went on a 25-minute run-walk this morning. Felt great. Woke up yucky and needed to clear my head. Had to consciously focus on the running and not the maelstrom in my mind though.

2009-10-14 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2458518

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

rlejeune - 2009-10-14 6:48 AM I ran again yesterday, another 8km done

Nice job!

2009-10-14 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2458670

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

kvesey - 2009-10-14 8:39 AM

So, team, got my hill run in last night, but it was quite a bit shorter than planned. I was wet enough. Another run tonight. Should be around 5 or 6 miles.

Good job!  Have fun on your run tonight...

2009-10-14 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2458739

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

soccermom15 - 2009-10-14 9:13 AM Hey team!  Got in an easy 3 miler last night before my ST session at the gym.  Going for a 5 mile tempo run tonight! 

Woo hoo!  Keep racking up those miles...

2009-10-14 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2458750

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

TriAya - 2009-10-14 9:19 AM
movingsouth - 2009-10-14 12:50 PM Grump.

The gym called to say childcare is closed for 24 hour to disinfect... apparently one of the staff was at work with H1N1.  Argh.

When am I supposed to run?? 

Please note my concern is foremost about my run needs, NOT about the chance my kids were exposed.

-housebound mama

I'm sorry but that's really funny ... about the kids I mean, heh. Pooh about not being able to run though!

Been great to pop in when I can, been traveling with infrequent Internet access, and it's down at the house/office too, so I'm stuck grabbing time at hotspots when I can.

Went on a 25-minute run-walk this morning. Felt great. Woke up yucky and needed to clear my head. Had to consciously focus on the running and not the maelstrom in my mind though.

Nice wog!  Dee will be proud

2009-10-14 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

Good Morning reapers - dropped a 5k "hair of the dog" run this morning - lots of nagging little aches and pains from Sunday - body feels better now!

2009-10-14 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

^^^^^  "Hair of the dog" toppage....

2009-10-14 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2458471

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

blujay65 - 2009-10-14 6:08 AM
movingsouth - 2009-10-14 12:50 AM Grump.

The gym called to say childcare is closed for 24 hour to disinfect... apparently one of the staff was at work with H1N1.  Argh.

When am I supposed to run?? 

Please note my concern is foremost about my run needs, NOT about the chance my kids were exposed.

-housebound mama

Sorry! What a bummer, hope you can get it figured out! At the university (work) swine flue is raging, or maybe it's everyone's convenient excuse to miss class... But I have seen some really sick folks. Nasty bug. Even though it would probably be pretty benign for someone like me I still don't want to get it.

Hope you can find some time to run!

That stinks!  I've been working from home all week because my youngest daughter has h1n1   I'm just glad I am able to log into work from home and not have to use up all of my PTO!

My wife is a microbiologist in a local hospital here and says that 100% of the flu that comes in is h1n1 right now.  They haven't had any seasonal flu come in yet.

2009-10-14 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2458807

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

ashort33 - 2009-10-14 9:38 AM

Good Morning reapers - dropped a 5k "hair of the dog" run this morning - lots of nagging little aches and pains from Sunday - body feels better now!

Good job on the run! 

2009-10-14 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2458519

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

rlejeune - 2009-10-14 6:49 AM I will go for a 10km during lunch or after work

I'm thinking I should start tracking my runs in Kilometers instead of Miles --- the bigger numbers just sound impressive :-)

Great job!



2009-10-14 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2458520

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
rlejeune - 2009-10-14 7:49 AM BTW, I won a brand new Garmin 310XT

I saw that on Twitter. I'm so jealous.  I started following them after that.

2009-10-14 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Managed to get in my run sans the rain, Yea! Ended up a nice sunny day, with temps only at 75*. Got in 9 miles, slow but I have over 4 months or marathon training and I plan completing it healthy!
2009-10-14 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2458910

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
wkirbytri - 2009-10-14 10:05 AM

rlejeune - 2009-10-14 6:49 AM I will go for a 10km during lunch or after work

I'm thinking I should start tracking my runs in Kilometers instead of Miles --- the bigger numbers just sound impressive :-)

Great job!



Ha, ha that's pretty funny! I was just thinking about that today... It would make my 9 miles over 14 kilometers!
2009-10-14 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Got a 5k in today.  Boy were my legs tired!  Two days of painting and 6 miles yesterday made for slow going but a beautiful day out! 

Day two in a row of getting a HORRIBLE side stitch on my last mile running downhill.  Anyone have any ideas as to prevent??
2009-10-14 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2459053

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

blujay65 - 2009-10-14 10:52 AM Managed to get in my run sans the rain, Yea! Ended up a nice sunny day, with temps only at 75*. Got in 9 miles, slow but I have over 4 months or marathon training and I plan completing it healthy!

Nice run Jen!!!

2009-10-14 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2459145

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

ebshot - 2009-10-14 11:24 AM Got a 5k in today.  Boy were my legs tired!  Two days of painting and 6 miles yesterday made for slow going but a beautiful day out! 

Day two in a row of getting a HORRIBLE side stitch on my last mile running downhill.  Anyone have any ideas as to prevent??

Nice job on the run!  It hurts me to run two days in a row - I generally need about 36hr minimum...  Hoping that changes!

Side stitches - try changing your breathing pattern during the down hill...  If not try to change your pace / stride length.  Side stitches are bit mysterious - the thing I read that made the most sense is that it is an issue with ligaments that hold your diaphram and other internal organs in place - an abnormal breathing rythm / foot impact causes it to flare up. 

Then again I could be totally wrong....

2009-10-14 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2458520

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
rlejeune - 2009-10-14 7:49 AM BTW, I won a brand new Garmin 310XT
Didn't you just buy that Garmin? I thought someone did somewhere around page 4.  I would give you a fair price on the used one....
2009-10-14 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Just updated the spreadsheet. As a team we are right on track with % of goal with % of month.  Nice work everyone!!
2009-10-14 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Any word from Slugger??
2009-10-14 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Heya Teamies!  I've yet to be able to get my run in to day so it will have to be tonight after my little one is in bed ~ how I hate running at night anymore!

Erica, I have a question for you...didn't you say you used to live in Iriqois Point?  Was it naval housing or was it already privatized?
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