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2009-02-06 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Happy Friday everyone!  Anything fun planned for this weekend?  I am excited because it is supposed to be 50° here tomorrow! I am so looking forward to a run outside!  I haven't done that since Thanksgiving!  I don't even care that they are calling for rain!


Steve - that stinks about your job.  I am definitely spoiled.  I live less than 4 miles from my job and my gym is on the way home!  My husband drives close to 40 miles each way, plus on the job miles.  Of course he gets mileage and a per diem, so it's not that bad!

Trevor - thanks for the link.  I love that!  Sadly enough, I did sync swim in college!  Every now and then when I go to the pool, I will still do some of the moves I learned!!  But only when no one is looking!! 

Rob - I can't imagine the pain of waxing your back!  Have you done it since?  A friend of mine got married a while back and her husband truly did have a sweater!  He shaved her name into his back for the wedding.  It was rather disturbing to see!!

Have a great weekend!


2009-02-06 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1949265

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
swbkrun - 2009-02-06 12:08 PM

So I had one of those really LONG response's to EVERYTHING over the last 2 days, and it didn't save.... ANNOYING!  What is even more annoying is that I just came out of a meeting stating that we are moving 35 miles south of where we are currently located....  Sucks big time for me because I live pretty close to the office (9 miles),  my wife's office is 3 miles from here (nice for lunch, carpool, etc), my gym is 2 miles from here (it is a top of line gym).  It just all sucks..... So dissapointed, BUT I AM VERY HAPPY TO STILL HAVE A JOB, SO I AM GRATEFUL, just need to have a bitc* session!!!!


Tony, you will need to buy more cable, I suggest you buy extra..... IN CASE OF ERROR!!  And just so you know... Once you shave for the summer, you won't stop!  You won't like the stuble!

So, if your office is moving 35 miles away does that mean you have to move or have a really LOOOOOOOONG commute?  My husband spent part of his childhood in Bellvue and part on Vashon Island so we have been to the area and the traffic is BAD. Of course, I am a small town Madison girl.  We complain if it takes 10 minutes to get anywhere!

Have a good weekend everyone.  I won't bore you with stories of how warm it is here or how great the beaches are in Kauai!


2009-02-06 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Steve that sucks. I truly hate being caged up in the car for that long. Any chance of working from home a few times a week? You can get so much work (ing out) done on those telecommuting days! No distractions like meetings, phone calls, etc.

And think how happy Kona would be!

Edited by kt65 2009-02-06 2:54 PM
2009-02-06 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Sorry to hear about that move Steve.  That's quite a big difference that they expect to do.  Maybe you can work in a couple of bike rides to and from work every now and then!
2009-02-06 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1949765

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
I think you should just HTFU and ride to work, think of all the extra miles you will get inLaughing
2009-02-06 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

I have it REALLY good... I don't have to pay for a car, gas, insurance, anything (it's a great perk!)... I just don't like being in my car that long, but if you really break it down that is an extra 1 1/2 hours everday 7 1/2 hours every week, etc.... It just stinks, but like I said--- I AM VERY LUCKY to HAVE A JOB!  There people in my office who live FARTHER NORTH, and have even farther to drive now, and they don't have a company car.... I feel for these people!  There is no good that comes out of this move at all for ANY of us, but we are moving to cheaper rent/lease, and not having to lay people off!  We will for sure have some people quit, but we expected that this would happen!


On a better note--- Everyone enjoy a good glass of vino, a good solid laugh (the kind where your cheeks hurt from laughing so hard), putting your feet up and letting out a sigh of the good life, and HAVE A WORKOUT OF YOUR LIFE THIS WEEKEND!!!

2009-02-06 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Karen: The waxing wasn't that bad. I just bit down on a steel rod and only screamed like a little girl. THat wax was hot. Once they actually started taking the waxing strips off I just fainted. It was so much fun I did it again half way through the summer.

Steve: thanx for telling us to go ahead with the wine and of course the compulsory workout the day after

Everyone: Have a great weekend and let's hope Suzy gets a few days of sun in Hawaii before having to come back.

Edited by Redknight 2009-02-06 10:13 PM
2009-02-07 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1950194

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

I followed his sagely advice and had some nice wine last night.

Working on the bike today after I get back from my sons swim lesson.  Should be fun, my wife is working at a yard sale today for my sons pre-school and I have to entertain my daughter while my son is in the pool.  Sounds easy but far from it.

Tomorrow actually going for a run with my wife.  She is training for a 1/2 and it is amazing how much more work that is than training for an olympic.

I know this might be blasphemy but I enjoy the short course, I like racing vs. just finishing.  With the amount of time I have to train I think I can get good at the olympic distance.  Where if I were to train for the 1/2 it would be just to finish it, which I guess I am not interested in just finishing.

Does that make any sense?

2009-02-07 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1950296

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
dalessit - 2009-02-07 7:51 AM

I followed his sagely advice and had some nice wine last night.

Working on the bike today after I get back from my sons swim lesson.  Should be fun, my wife is working at a yard sale today for my sons pre-school and I have to entertain my daughter while my son is in the pool.  Sounds easy but far from it.

Tomorrow actually going for a run with my wife.  She is training for a 1/2 and it is amazing how much more work that is than training for an olympic.

I know this might be blasphemy but I enjoy the short course, I like racing vs. just finishing.  With the amount of time I have to train I think I can get good at the olympic distance.  Where if I were to train for the 1/2 it would be just to finish it, which I guess I am not interested in just finishing.

Does that make any sense?

I understand what you are saying.  In my instance it is a little different.  I can race when I run and have a chance of being top three in my AG, especially in halfs.  With triathlon, not even close which is a little humbling, but provides a challenge.  That is why I do it.  I am not sure I will be anything more than a mid packer, especially as the distance grows (and the swim becomes more important), but I like seeing the improvement.  While I am still improving times in running, it takes a lot more to do it. 

Make sense?

PS I haven't done an Olympic or 1/2 IM yet so we will see if I change my mind afterwards Eyes Poppin



2009-02-07 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Last year my goal was to just finish. This year I want to get better and see how I can do on a shorter tri. My overall big goal though is to JUST finish the HIM. I'd love to finish in the top few of my age group but I need more seasoning in the races. I moved up didstance quite quickly last year so I was competeing against people who had done the distances before and knew what to expect.
What you should do is pick what it is you want to do and do it. Don't get caught up in the longer distances if you're not interested in them at this time.
It's all about having fun and enjoying what you are doing.

Edited by Redknight 2009-02-07 9:29 AM
2009-02-07 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Well... It's 4pm here is Seattle... I haven't done workout yet, and can't figure out what to do?!  I am feeling lazy today, and looking forward to going up to the mtns tomorrow for a nice snowshoeing trip!!

For distance go with what you love!  Some people love speed, some people love the challenge of "pushing" themselves to the next distance.  My favorite distance is the 1/2 Iron because I feel like this is the happy middle of the road between short and long... It is very hard, but I can still live my life without being so stressed about getting in certain workouts.  For others it maybe mastering the sprint!  They like speed, they have families, work, etc and that is all they have time to do.... EVERYONE is different!

2009-02-08 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Gooood morning everyone. It's warm and sunny here today. I think the temp is -1 but is supposed to go to about 7 degrees. I shovelled off the back deck and am going to barbeque tonight. We had our annual brother and sister family get together last night and had a great time. Good food, a few drinks and lots of great conversation and no kids. Today I went out for a 10k run. Slipped on some ice on the way into the gym and pulled the lower ab/groin muscle again. I could feel it all the way through the run. My run time was quite slow as everytime I tried to stretch out my pace I felt increased pain.
Anyway overall felt goos about getting the 10K in as I had not put in a good longer run in a while.
Have a great day everyone and see ya'll on Monday.

Edited by Redknight 2009-02-08 11:08 AM
2009-02-08 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Rough day for me today... Notice the snow on the bottom right of the picture... See the slope there.  It was an extremely steep pitch that was tough going getting up, and REALLY FUN going down.... A little scary with all the ice, no fresh snow, and warm temps today.  But not harm done today!  !! Another adventurous day!

Edited by swbkrun 2009-02-08 5:51 PM



(Time to go down.jpg)

Shrunk.jpg (65KB - 6 downloads)
Tiny.jpg (54KB - 6 downloads)
Time to go down.jpg (74KB - 6 downloads)
2009-02-08 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Small Town
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Wow, those pictures are awesome!  I'm jealous.

A quick personal update: I am working today and was able to spend some time on the treadmill.  In fact, I started watching a movie (Back to the Future) and kept on runn-eng!  This is the longest time I've spent on a treadmill and the farthest distance I've ever put in on a training run.

(I'm not seeking praise, just excited!)

2009-02-08 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1951682

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Got a nice 9 mile run in with my wife today, felt good to get out in this nice weather 65 today.
2009-02-08 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey all, back home from Spokane.  We had a beautiful memorial service for my Grandmother yesterday.  It was nice to see some people that I hadn't seen in a long time, and many of whom had never met my wife or daughter.  We then spent the afternoon with my Grandparent's kids and their families - all in all it was a very nice weekend, even if a little somber. 

So I haven't had a workout since Wednesday and I ate like it was the holidays while I was gone.  Really need to get back at it this week.


2009-02-09 6:55 AM
in reply to: #1951881

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
cadmus - 2009-02-08 10:59 PM

Hey all, back home from Spokane.  We had a beautiful memorial service for my Grandmother yesterday.  It was nice to see some people that I hadn't seen in a long time, and many of whom had never met my wife or daughter.  We then spent the afternoon with my Grandparent's kids and their families - all in all it was a very nice weekend, even if a little somber. 

So I haven't had a workout since Wednesday and I ate like it was the holidays while I was gone.  Really need to get back at it this week.


Welcome back!

Anyone have exciting plans for the upcoming week?

2009-02-09 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii!

Not sure what the entire week will bring, but we are planning to go to Volcano National Park to hike the crater, horse back ride up in Waimae and go to Kona to see revisit the IM swim start.  There is a cool little tri store across the street from it so I will probably buy some garb there as well.  Other than that, relax at the beach and hit our favorite little bar/restaurant for beers and fish for lunch.  A life I could get used to!

Oh, and I  might run a little too.

Hope everyone has a good week. 


2009-02-09 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey Matt.....It sucks doesn't it....Weddings and funerals are the only time we truly get to connect with some family. Its hard with you r own life going on,work,kids,etc but you always say you'll make more of an effort to stay in touch...But it is difficult for sure.

Jeremy...Treadmill running isnt much fun is it? But worthwill for sure to train on it!

I got a run in my wife yesterday- 1st time we've ever ran together. Weather was awesome...She's a little slower paced than me, but it was nice just to get outside with her and run. I think grandparents are taking the girls later this week, so we'll be able to do 2 in a week together!

Edited by TrevorC 2009-02-09 9:41 AM
2009-02-09 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

So, I had Friday's "recommended" glass of wine (a Sangiovese - yummy) plus 3 ....let's just say Saturday's run was most unpleasant.  Nothing like running off a hangover.  On the bright side, the weather was fantastic this weekend.  It got up into the 70's.

Since I totally slacked off last week I am posting my total planned hours/yards for this week.  Now I got people to answer to Wink   Swimming: 6,150 yards; Bike 4hrs / 40min.; Run: 2hrs / 45min.

2009-02-09 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1952688

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Small Town
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

TrevorC - yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the treadmill, I'd much rather run outside with my wife. But, when in Rome... or at work...

HollyW - So where might one find the 'reccomended' wine of the day, or of the Friday? You'll hit your goals for this week!  Any specific planned days?

2009-02-09 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1952903

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
JHagerman - 2009-02-09 1:24 PM

TrevorC - yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the treadmill, I'd much rather run outside with my wife. But, when in Rome... or at work...

HollyW - So where might one find the 'reccomended' wine of the day, or of the Friday? You'll hit your goals for this week!  Any specific planned days?

The plan for the week is: 

Tuesday - 1.5 hr bike

Wed. - 2000 yd swim & 50min. run

Thurs - 1.10 hr bike

Fri - 2,050 yd swim & 55 min run

Sat - 2,100 yd swim & 1hr. run

Sun - 2 hr. bike

The wine recommendation..... I was referring to Steve's post on Friday:   "On a better note--- Everyone enjoy a good glass of vino, a good solid laugh (the kind where your cheeks hurt from laughing so hard), putting your feet up and letting out a sigh of the good life, and HAVE A WORKOUT OF YOUR LIFE THIS WEEKEND!!!"


2009-02-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
What me drink, or refer someone to drink?  That is crazy.  That goes against the better healthy habits and lifestlyes we have all chosen! !!!!
2009-02-09 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Hi everyone, I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Mine was so so (so part of the post is me complaining)..  It was great to spend time with the baby, wife, and friends and also great to get the first real ride of the year in on my new bike (new for me).  Only reason why it was so so was due to all the traffic I had to deal with in the city (pedestrian and cars).  I think I almost got hit like 5 times by cars and almost ran over some people in central park (some cabbies are so dangerous, they do anything to get a fare).  Pedestrians for some reason think it's ok to walk in rows in the middle of the streets going through central park.  I don't believe they know it's an active street.  It's weird the runners run in the running lane the bikers bike towards the rt of the street yet people walking don't use the side walk.  There were a group of parents talking to each other not paying attention to their children and there were a group of us riding that almost hit the kids.  It's crazy, parents need to pay attention to what's going around their kids especially in NYC.  The parents were surprise we were angry with them!




On a separate note, does anyone have any running workouts they can suggest?  I’ve been reading about tempo runs but don't really understand them as many articles say different things.  It seems like my running is getting worse while everything else seems to be improving.  I used to never have problems with improving the run but since November I’ve either stayed at the same level or declined. 







2009-02-09 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED


 I too had difficulties figuring out running workouts.  For so long I was just running to learn how to run and build an endurance base, never mind about speed.  Finally I started doing this simple drill and it helped get me over the hump (not that I am claiming to run fast, just less slow!)

 I set the timers on my watch for 30 seconds and 20 seconds.  I do a mile warm up, the all out sprint for 30 seconds with a 20 second recovery. I usually walked these to catch my breath) then repeat.  I did this for about a mile distance, than ran a slow mile cool down.  This really helped me learn how to stretch my legs during a run and still keep moving during a recovery.

I'm sure there are lots of suggestions out there, but this helped me, plus it's easy!!!!

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