BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-11-11 12:30 AM
in reply to: #4493498

, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Asalzwed - 2012-11-10 9:18 PM Nice work Felicia and so sorry to hear about the course cutters. That frustrates me to no end. But hey, control the controllables (big sigh) right? My race was a lot of fun. We ran with a group of medical professionals (my friend organized it.) I rounded up the back and took pictures and did some cheer leading. There was an all you can drink beer garden (say what?) and we also convinced them to fill up our growler before we went home. Good times! I yeah, and it was snowing at the start. Yikes!

It was too cold today!

2012-11-11 12:47 AM
in reply to: #4493533

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
spudone - 2012-11-10 10:30 PM

Asalzwed - 2012-11-10 9:18 PM Nice work Felicia and so sorry to hear about the course cutters. That frustrates me to no end. But hey, control the controllables (big sigh) right? My race was a lot of fun. We ran with a group of medical professionals (my friend organized it.) I rounded up the back and took pictures and did some cheer leading. There was an all you can drink beer garden (say what?) and we also convinced them to fill up our growler before we went home. Good times! I yeah, and it was snowing at the start. Yikes!

It was too cold today!

I agree.  I needed to mow my lawn--had to wait until late afternoon, and parts of it were still frosty... Ah well, still way better than rain!!

2012-11-11 1:04 AM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Ahem.....drum roll please.....

Second bike lesson - got an hour and a half, - turned on my IM Ho charm...

I can stop with aplomb - no more unladylike stumbles...

I can drink - without crashing or dropping the bottle...I can ride comfortably with one hand, either will do.

I can slalom in and out of white lines.  I can turn.

Of course i need to practice practice practice but i am sorted!  Booked another lesson coz the piglet deserves it!

2012-11-11 1:20 AM
in reply to: #4493537

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
jobaxas - 2012-11-10 11:04 PM

Ahem.....drum roll please.....

Second bike lesson - got an hour and a half, - turned on my IM Ho charm...

I can stop with aplomb - no more unladylike stumbles...

I can drink - without crashing or dropping the bottle...I can ride comfortably with one hand, either will do.

I can slalom in and out of white lines.  I can turn.

Of course i need to practice practice practice but i am sorted!  Booked another lesson coz the piglet deserves it!

Way to go Jo!

2012-11-11 2:28 AM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Weather here 89 sunny am tanned ocean temp 61
2012-11-11 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4458563

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED


That is a damned long race, and in all that wind!

2012-11-11 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4493498

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Asalzwed - 2012-11-10 11:18 PM Nice work Felicia and so sorry to hear about the course cutters. That frustrates me to no end. But hey, control the controllables (big sigh) right? My race was a lot of fun. We ran with a group of medical professionals (my friend organized it.) I rounded up the back and took pictures and did some cheer leading. There was an all you can drink beer garden (say what?) and we also convinced them to fill up our growler before we went home. Good times! I yeah, and it was snowing at the start. Yikes!

Well, to be fair, there weren't plural cutters in this race, just one potential. It could have been an accident, but I'm not sure. I was telling my husband at dinner last night, "It's simple math. How could she make a mistake?" Then I realized that for the last six miles of the race, I couldn't remember what city I was racing in. lol It was driving me crazy. I was running through all of the "C" cities I could think of. I was obsessed with it. I didn't figure it out until I was walking up the last hill to the start/finish/aid station. "Ahhh! Concordia!!!" I felt so victorious.

So, maybe she couldn't do the math -- I think she forgot/cut on purpose the 5k spur that made 25k out of the 10k loop.

In any case, she didn't complete the last 10k loop of the 50k, so she was DNF.

The cold front finally came through, thankfully, 10 hours after they had predicted. It was high 70s yesterday, mid 80s the day before. This morning? 29. Our lawn furniture was tossed around the back yard. It looks like a tornado or hurricane went through here last night. It was pretty scary.

And the wind is still roaring. So as difficult as the race was yesterday, it would have been much worse this morning.

Edited by KansasMom 2012-11-11 9:57 AM
2012-11-11 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4493110

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Artemis - 2012-11-10 2:58 PM
TriAya - 2012-11-10 3:14 PM


She did a swell job on her 8K.

Thanks, Yanti!! I finished my 8k in about 1 hour and 10 minutes - gun time was just under 1:13, so I'm guessing around 1:10 for chip time.  I ended up wearing pants, tshirt, arm warmers, hat, and gloves.  I was cold for the first 3 or so miles and at the end.  I'm glad I wore the pants even if it means wimping out.  

Great job, Jen! I tend to wear long. The 50k woman was in capris yesterday. I was in capris (with attached skirt, for the fashionistas; pink shirt -- of course), but everyone else was in shorts. One guy ended up taking his shirt off.  I was glad I had the extra protection from the wind.

Anyway. Nice job on your race.

2012-11-11 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4493669

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-11-11 9:36 AM


That is a damned long race, and in all that wind!

Thanks! Here's the race report.




2012-11-11 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4493110

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
Artemis - 2012-11-10 2:58 PM
TriAya - 2012-11-10 3:14 PM


She did a swell job on her 8K.

Thanks, Yanti!! I finished my 8k in about 1 hour and 10 minutes - gun time was just under 1:13, so I'm guessing around 1:10 for chip time.  I ended up wearing pants, tshirt, arm warmers, hat, and gloves.  I was cold for the first 3 or so miles and at the end.  I'm glad I wore the pants even if it means wimping out.  

Well done!

2012-11-11 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4493148

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2012-11-10 4:02 PM

I'm home.

Wow. The wind here is amazing today. Just horrible. The race is about 120 miles away. I used a quarter of a tank to get there and over a half a tank to get back (against the wind).

So, I didn't make my time goal. But at about mile 3, heading into the wind with another 2.5 miles against the wind to go, I reframed the race. I decided this race was going to be about mental toughness. And I needed it. I seriously wanted to quit half a dozen times. But I kept myself going by saying "walk" when the hills were steep and "now down" once I got up over the top of them. I don't want to see another hill. Ever. Even driving home, when I came to a hill, I groaned. "Another hill!"

Good parts of the race:

1)I have now run 15.5 miles. (Well, "run," but you know what I mean.)

2)I know that after 13 miles, I can still climb some hills (I didn't walk up all of them) and run at a good pace (for me). 

3)I can discipline myself. Early in the race, I was feeling pretty good, so I argued with myself, "Come on. You can just run up this hill. You're not going to make your time goal. You need to run up this hill." But I would tell myself, "If you run up this hill now, you will not only not make your time goal, but you might not be able to finish at the end." I kept putting myself off, "Get to the 15k aid station. See how you feel. If you want to start running some hills after that, okay."

Well, I actually felt fantastic at the aid station. I took about three minutes there. The RD re-filled my water for me, got me two (2!!!!) small cups of coke. I chatted with a couple racers and volunteers. Verified the rest of the route, and then I was off. But I was going to be running the next four miles with heavy cross winds and head winds. I decided it was not a good time to start running up the hills. Seriously. I felt like I was in a wind tunnel. I couldn't even keep my face straight into the wind; I had to keep it at the side. I lost count how many times I was almost blown over.

4) I got to run for a short time with a mule deer buck with a beautiful rack. He was running in the field, parallel to me. And close.

5) Nutrition. Nailed it. (Almond butter and honey on Naan)

6) At the end, I was still smiling (barely)

7) The RD asked me if I would try the 50k next year, and I said no. He replied, "Hmm. Maybe I can figure out a 35k for you." AWESOME!!!

8) I was DFL in the 25k, and I don't even care. Not everyone who started the 25k and 50k races finished. So . . . I finished. Win for me. 4/4 (mixed gender/ages)

There was some drama (course cutting, I suspect), but I'm still processing it. One of the 50k racers was going home as I finished -- there is no way she didn't cut the course, so I'm assuming the RD figured it out, the lead 50k runner figured it out, or she just decided to go home. She wasn't listed on the finisher's board. The lead 50k guy was fast. I mean crazy fast. He was easily running twice as fast as I was. The girl was struggling. Still faster than I was running, but by only 20 minutes or so. Then, all of a sudden, I see her coming at me, flying, a full 10 minutes ahead of the previous 50k leader. I was like, "Whaaat??? No way." There is no way. She cut the course. I'm sure of it.

Wow, those sound like some tough conditions, way to hang tough!

2012-11-11 10:56 AM
in reply to: #4493498

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Asalzwed - 2012-11-10 11:18 PM Nice work Felicia and so sorry to hear about the course cutters. That frustrates me to no end. But hey, control the controllables (big sigh) right? My race was a lot of fun. We ran with a group of medical professionals (my friend organized it.) I rounded up the back and took pictures and did some cheer leading. There was an all you can drink beer garden (say what?) and we also convinced them to fill up our growler before we went home. Good times! I yeah, and it was snowing at the start. Yikes!

That is my kind of race!

2012-11-11 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4493735

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
amd723 - 2012-11-11 10:56 AM

Asalzwed - 2012-11-10 11:18 PM Nice work Felicia and so sorry to hear about the course cutters. That frustrates me to no end. But hey, control the controllables (big sigh) right? My race was a lot of fun. We ran with a group of medical professionals (my friend organized it.) I rounded up the back and took pictures and did some cheer leading. There was an all you can drink beer garden (say what?) and we also convinced them to fill up our growler before we went home. Good times! I yeah, and it was snowing at the start. Yikes!

That is my kind of race!

Hey, Ann-Marie, OT -- How did the election turn out for you? Did your boss win?

2012-11-11 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4493740

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2012-11-11 11:02 AM
amd723 - 2012-11-11 10:56 AM

Asalzwed - 2012-11-10 11:18 PM Nice work Felicia and so sorry to hear about the course cutters. That frustrates me to no end. But hey, control the controllables (big sigh) right? My race was a lot of fun. We ran with a group of medical professionals (my friend organized it.) I rounded up the back and took pictures and did some cheer leading. There was an all you can drink beer garden (say what?) and we also convinced them to fill up our growler before we went home. Good times! I yeah, and it was snowing at the start. Yikes!

That is my kind of race!

Hey, Ann-Marie, OT -- How did the election turn out for you? Did your boss win?

He did - in fact he crushed his opponent!  So, looks like I should stay employed a while longer

Thanks for asking.

2012-11-11 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Ok, I need some help from you cyclist peeps.  I just got on trainerroad and did the FTP test yesterday.  I noticed that I couldn't keep the power as high when spinning at a higher cadence as I could when 'mashing' at a lower cadence (~70).  I do know that my regular cadence (the one my body naturally does) is around 75-80, so lower than many.  So, should I be trying to increase my power at my mashing cadence, or should I be trying to increase my cadence and then my power at that increased cadence.  Or should I stop overthinking it and just ride Sealed

I do have to say that the two rides that I have done on TR have been worth it--without it, I usually just end up being lazy...

2012-11-11 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Big congrats to Felicia (so cool about the mule deer), Salty and Jen on their finishes!  Jo - congrats on getting a handle on your bike skills, and thanks for posting the beautiful pics.

My RR is here.  Warning: it contains pictures of POP TARTS!!  They were in our food goodie bag, and I of course thought of Yanti and the other manatees and immediately and chuckled!  Check out my log for the recap of my hockey game, too, if you so desire.  Cuh-razy!

2012-11-11 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4493801

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-11-11 1:42 PM

Ok, I need some help from you cyclist peeps.  I just got on trainerroad and did the FTP test yesterday.  I noticed that I couldn't keep the power as high when spinning at a higher cadence as I could when 'mashing' at a lower cadence (~70).  I do know that my regular cadence (the one my body naturally does) is around 75-80, so lower than many.  So, should I be trying to increase my power at my mashing cadence, or should I be trying to increase my cadence and then my power at that increased cadence.  Or should I stop overthinking it and just ride Sealed

I do have to say that the two rides that I have done on TR have been worth it--without it, I usually just end up being lazy...

I am not a cycling expert, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night.  (that's a joke) I will only offer my thoughts on the FTP test/power from my own experience.  For the FTP test, I used my gearing to try to match my power and cadence with what was recommended by the program even if that high of a cadence isn't quite natural for me.  I don't know if that is right or wrong, but I will also throw out there this suggestion: email Nate and the gang at TrainerRoad by email, Facebook or Twitter and they will answer your question quickly and thoroughly.  I emailed them about something last year and they got back to me within the same day and also sent a follow-up to make sure the info they sent back was understood and worked. (I had a question about set-up)

2012-11-11 9:43 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Dead tired after tying up 24 hours of training over last week.

I would have loved to do nothing all day and sleep forever, but unfortunately, I'm headed back to Jakarta for this week, back to Bali for the weekend.

2012-11-11 10:55 PM
in reply to: #4494304

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

24hours - are you insane???

My peak will probably be around 17 maybe 20 hours....maybe....Embarassed

2012-11-12 7:29 AM
in reply to: #4494366

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
jobaxas - 2012-11-12 11:55 AM

24hours - are you insane???

My peak will probably be around 17 maybe 20 hours....maybe....Embarassed

Well ... I'm kind of dumping 20 weeks into 8. Ironcram! Kids, don't try this at home.

2012-11-12 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4493801

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-11-11 12:42 PM

Ok, I need some help from you cyclist peeps.  I just got on trainerroad and did the FTP test yesterday.  I noticed that I couldn't keep the power as high when spinning at a higher cadence as I could when 'mashing' at a lower cadence (~70).  I do know that my regular cadence (the one my body naturally does) is around 75-80, so lower than many.  So, should I be trying to increase my power at my mashing cadence, or should I be trying to increase my cadence and then my power at that increased cadence.  Or should I stop overthinking it and just ride Sealed

I do have to say that the two rides that I have done on TR have been worth it--without it, I usually just end up being lazy...

Well, it's my understanding that you want to avoid mashing all together. It's less efficient. 

2012-11-12 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4493801

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-11-12 1:42 AM

Ok, I need some help from you cyclist peeps.  I just got on trainerroad and did the FTP test yesterday.  I noticed that I couldn't keep the power as high when spinning at a higher cadence as I could when 'mashing' at a lower cadence (~70).  I do know that my regular cadence (the one my body naturally does) is around 75-80, so lower than many.  So, should I be trying to increase my power at my mashing cadence, or should I be trying to increase my cadence and then my power at that increased cadence.  Or should I stop overthinking it and just ride Sealed

I do have to say that the two rides that I have done on TR have been worth it--without it, I usually just end up being lazy...

No. Not really. There are innumerable pros, both cycling and tri, who average in the 70s.

Being able to ride at different cadences puts more tools in your box for varied purposes, conditions, terrain.

That said, it's a pretty common finding that newer cyclists will lose power with a higher cadence. But big T.I.T.S. is what lets you find your sweet spot where you're putting out the best power for your pedal. That's a very individual thing.

Nobody can really tell you what the lower threshold for too low a cadence is.

Mine is, when cycling uphill, if I can walk or run faster than I'm pedaling and I'm out of gears (this only ever happened at CA 70.3 ... when I had three gears ... not a triple ring, I mean THREE GEARS) ... I get off and walk.

2012-11-12 12:08 PM
in reply to: #4495058

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-11-12 12:06 PM
bcraht - 2012-11-12 1:42 AM

Ok, I need some help from you cyclist peeps.  I just got on trainerroad and did the FTP test yesterday.  I noticed that I couldn't keep the power as high when spinning at a higher cadence as I could when 'mashing' at a lower cadence (~70).  I do know that my regular cadence (the one my body naturally does) is around 75-80, so lower than many.  So, should I be trying to increase my power at my mashing cadence, or should I be trying to increase my cadence and then my power at that increased cadence.  Or should I stop overthinking it and just ride Sealed

I do have to say that the two rides that I have done on TR have been worth it--without it, I usually just end up being lazy...

No. Not really. There are innumerable pros, both cycling and tri, who average in the 70s.

Being able to ride at different cadences puts more tools in your box for varied purposes, conditions, terrain.

That said, it's a pretty common finding that newer cyclists will lose power with a higher cadence. But big T.I.T.S. is what lets you find your sweet spot where you're putting out the best power for your pedal. That's a very individual thing.

Nobody can really tell you what the lower threshold for too low a cadence is.

Mine is, when cycling uphill, if I can walk or run faster than I'm pedaling and I'm out of gears (this only ever happened at CA 70.3 ... when I had three gears ... not a triple ring, I mean THREE GEARS) ... I get off and walk.

But if it's self defined as mashing don't you think it's probably inefficient?

And do you disagree with this? 

"The prevailing theory is that spinning is a more efficient use of your strength and energy. Many cyclists revert to mashing, however, because it feels faster. But, not only does mashing produce more lactic acid, it predominantly uses what's called fast-twitch muscle fibers, which fatigue faster than slow-twitch fibers (used in spinning) [source: Williamson]."

2012-11-12 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

And Yanti, you seem to be a big promoter of aqua jogging. I've never done it so I can give no advice but I was wondering if it's something Reece could do with his PF. Two weeks without running at all leading into a marathon without solid marathon training to begin with sounds not so great.


2012-11-12 3:11 PM
in reply to: #4458563

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Beyond Ridiculous Manatees PART 6--CLOSED

Ok, hahaha here are a few photos from the Pineapple 5k:

If you look close enough you can see I am wearing a coconut bra. Also my super touristy "Maui" hat and sunglasses. Very weekend at Bernie's (If indeed Bernie lived in Maui instead of the hamptons)

And this is my friend Eric diving for the slip n' slide:


Here is Mt. Si (I've climbed it a few times) post race when the sun FINALLY came out:

*The more beer-oriented pictures are in my blog although, nothing incriminating. 

When Eric and I were on our 'long' run yesterday he said, "So, I was thinking about the whole post race all you can drink beer at the pineapple classic. I wonder if we were just part of some social experiment. You take a whole bunch of thirsty racers on a farm, enable a significant amount of day drinking and then sit back and see what happens ... "


Edited by Asalzwed 2012-11-12 3:19 PM
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