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2009-04-13 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
wow i'm behind in my reading.  i'm looking forward to reading the new posts and getting to know the new people..

when i woke-up this morning i felt like crap!  too much easter candy, cookies and wine over the weekend.  i think i ate 5 X the amt of candy my son did.  I felt a little hungover, i guess my body isn't used to all the sugar.  the good thing is i had an early morning swim, emphasized form more than anything.  worked on the catch-up drill and practiced my new stroke that's similar to the catch-up drill. i'm much slower and i feel like it's more of an effort now but i have confidence it's the rt stroke for me based on my swim coach and what tony mentioned as well.  Went for a run afterwards on the dreaded tm.  funny thing is i was just going to do a very slow 5 mile run but this cute girl kept on looking at me and my tm speed... so i though i can't go that slow! so i ran a little faster and then she decided to go faster...  it was kind of weird but it pushed me more..  ended-up having a great workout and it cured my hangover!  

2009-04-13 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2080959

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Oklahoma City, OK

swbkrun - 2009-04-13 11:49 AM Ok if Janet isn't going to brag about her weekend, I am going to do it for her!  She set a PR in a run she did yesterday by 4 minutes (including some hills!).... That is awesome and I think that EVERYONE should know about it!

Way to go Janet!!!  That ROCKS!

2009-04-13 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2081538

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tahrens - 2009-04-13 2:13 PM

Being a girl and a plate of freshly baked cookies works wonders.  My LBS can fix my wheel (not have to replace it) and have it to me tomorrow!  The scary part is, I made a deal with myself that if I didn't have to buy a new wheel I would do a last minute Olympic this saturday!  Now that I've written it down I guess I'm committed.   I never thought I would be at a level where I could do a "last minute Olympic" but since my Half is in 3 weeks this will be an excellent training exercise.   The only down side it the water temp, between 60-70 degrees!   Freakin' cold!  But it will be a lovely 75degree day on Saturday.  Besides, I'm hard right?  HTFU and RACE!!! 

"Being a girl and a plate of freshly baked cookies works wonders.My LBS can fix my wheel (not have to replace it) and have it to me tomorrow!"......  You have to flash them anything else????Cool
2009-04-13 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Ok my turn for a question.........I have a cervelo p2. I have finally been able to ride it outdoors. yippee. I pulled off the original seat and put on my "ol' specialized something or other"  from 8 years ago. When I get down in the aero position, it isn't very comfy on the boys. I did have a fitting back in the winter where the pulled the stem up and everything fits right.... But, when i get into the aero postion you are supposed to be forward on the seat right? And that is when the 'problem' starts. So should the saddle be slightly angled down, or should i try a new saddle?
2009-04-13 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2080959

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swbkrun - 2009-04-13 11:49 AM Ok if Janet isn't going to brag about her weekend, I am going to do it for her!  She set a PR in a run she did yesterday by 4 minutes (including some hills!).... That is awesome and I think that EVERYONE should know about it!

Thanks Steve (and everyone elseSmile).  Believe me, if I'd had time to be online today, I would have let people know, lol!  But work has been extremely busy today and I'm just now getting the chance to check in before heading home.  I was so excited about my run yesterday after I realized the time (I always wear my Garmin, but never actually look at it until the run is over), especially since the route I did is very similar to the 10k I'm running in 2 weeks - just a little shorter.  I was hoping for a PR in that race and now I think it just might be possible to get it!
2009-04-13 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2081722

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
So where is the race report??? We want details!  I am so happy for you. 

2009-04-13 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2081703

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-04-13 2:20 PM Ok my turn for a question.........I have a cervelo p2. I have finally been able to ride it outdoors. yippee. I pulled off the original seat and put on my "ol' specialized something or other"  from 8 years ago. When I get down in the aero position, it isn't very comfy on the boys. I did have a fitting back in the winter where the pulled the stem up and everything fits right.... But, when i get into the aero postion you are supposed to be forward on the seat right? And that is when the 'problem' starts. So should the saddle be slightly angled down, or should i try a new saddle?

Trevor well look at it this way... you can adjust the seat for free and see if it feels better, or you can go out and buy a new one with the HOPES that it will make you feel better!  You decide.  But if it were me I would slide the seat first to see if that helps.  If not then definitely go find a new saddle.  You may find that if the "boys" hurt a little more that you are having to pee more frequently on the bike! 

So I was driving today, and I heard some crying in the back of my van... Odd I don't have any kids, and the dog is at home... LOOK AT THIS CHILD ABUSE!!!

(CELL PHONE 106.jpg)

CELL PHONE 106.jpg (29KB - 25 downloads)
2009-04-13 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
OK OK!! My 1st major mistake of the thread!  There are not many (yeah right!) but here it goes!!!

OUR VERY OWN Suzy aka- SSMINOW is part of the team!  I have left her out... NOT ON PURPOSE!  Suzy is your go to person for all your running needs!  She always brings useful information to the table, and if she doesn't know it, she will get it!  If you are ever needing a kick in the butt on your workouts just check her logs!  She makes all of us look like a pansy!  She ran over 2500 miles last year alone and on pace this year for more than that!

2009-04-13 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Holy Moly, 

 I just leave the computer for 12 hours and it seems there is a ton going on!  Congrats Janet, nice pr there  Welcome to everyone, I'm going to have to figure out once again how to do that spreadsheet thing in my training log

 Holly-I was on a great schedule with the weight training until the HIM training plan started and then I just couldn't fit it in to my schedule, so I haven't been doing it other than my squats, lunges and pilates type core/stabilization exercises I can do at home.  I miss it but feel like it's the only thing I should miss if I have to miss something.

 Sounds like everyone has a ton of races coming right up so that is exciting.  I am heading out for an OWS in a few hours to meet with a group...the water temp is crazy the 50's, I think. YIKES.  Yes I have a wetsuit, neoprene cap and wish I had booties too!  I will let you all know how it goes.  This is a beginners group being led by the coach who ran my 2 day TI clinic.

 So, to answer someone's question, was it Adam???  Sorry if I got that wrong...anyhow, the TI drills I do as a part of my warmups include the skate (kick on one side with one arm extended) and the underswitch (which I concentrate on rotating my hips on the switch).  I do these with fins.  One of my bad habits that I am trying to stop is kicking too much...I am trying really hard to slow down to a 2 beat kick but right now I think it is a 6 beat kick, which is okay.  I think it was like a 12 beat kick before TI  I feel much less tired after swimming than I used to and have slowly gotten a little faster, too.  

 Happy Monday everyone! 

2009-04-13 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2081766

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Trevor well look at it this way... you can adjust the seat for free and see if it feels better, or you can go out and buy a new one with the HOPES that it will make you feel better!  You decide.  But if it were me I would slide the seat first to see if that helps.  If not then definitely go find a new saddle.  You may find that if the "boys" hurt a little more that you are having to pee more frequently on the bike! 

So I was driving today, and I heard some crying in the back of my van... Odd I don't have any kids, and the dog is at home... LOOK AT THIS CHILD ABUSE!!!


I love the naked carbon look of your bike.  What model is thit and did it come stripped down or did you have to strip it yourself?

2009-04-13 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Adam- Thanks I love the bike... It is the XLAB TT AVENGER.  I bought the "pre paint" and love the nude carbon look!  It is always a mystery where ever I go, and people always ask what framset it is!  The MYSTERY!  I love it!  With my Race wheels stripped of the stickers as well... It looks sweet... 

You see Adam, my theory is if you can't be good, be sure to look good!  That is how I race! 

2009-04-13 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2081703

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-04-13 5:20 PM Ok my turn for a question.........I have a cervelo p2. I have finally been able to ride it outdoors. yippee. I pulled off the original seat and put on my "ol' specialized something or other"  from 8 years ago. When I get down in the aero position, it isn't very comfy on the boys. I did have a fitting back in the winter where the pulled the stem up and everything fits right.... But, when i get into the aero postion you are supposed to be forward on the seat right? And that is when the 'problem' starts. So should the saddle be slightly angled down, or should i try a new saddle?

I would adjust the saddle a bit.  But don't go past horizontal to the ground, i.e. don't angle it down...

If it still doesn't work for you I would check out the LBS and see what they have, most of the shops I have seen will let you try them out for a few days and if you don't like it you can take it back.  I would look at the tri-specific models as they tend to have more padding up front since you are there more when in aero.

I personally have the Adamo race saddle, I nose ride and it feels just fine after 2+ hrs. 
2009-04-13 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Alright, starting to think about swimming - it is my biggest weakness, mentally and physically.  I got an email today from TI, 500 bones is a lot to drop for a weekend swim class -  but I will need to swim 1500m for the olymic distance I am planning on doing at the end of the summer.  For those of you in the know, is it better to go to TI or to spend the money on some one-on-one swim coaching?  It seems that $500 should get one about 16 or so private 1/2 hour or so lessons.

Thanks in advance for any advice...


2009-04-13 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2081392

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Charlottesville, Virginia
BigReub - 2009-04-13 3:16 PM Can I get in? 
35, Married 12 years in August, 3 kids - soon to be 10 year old son and 8 and 4 year old girls.

I've been an athlete as long as I can remember.  However, college slowed me down with about 120 pounds of pizza and beer.  About three years ago I went from 330 to 265 over the winter and have stayed there.  BTW, I am 6'9"  A friend convinced me to run the Indy 500 Mini-marathon which I am ready for.  This will be my first race of any type.  But I am tired of only running so I bought a bike and have started on it.  What I find odd about me saying "tired of running" is I never liked running.  Now I absolutely enjoy running (get irritated if I don't get out), but I want to add to the challenge.

Planning for my first sprint in August.  My only concern for this distance is the swim.  I haven't swam any distance since high school gym class.

I have a neighbor that I run with quite a bit that did IM Louisville last year and is training for Florida now.  We went to watch him finish which was a real rush just watching.  That got me thinking.  I still didn't start running until about November.  As soon as I finish the mini (May 2) I plan to get full bore into tri training.

My biggest training problem will be scheduling.  My older daughter plays softball and my son is one two baseball teams.  One is a good travel team which played nearly 80 games last summer.  The tournaments really eat up my weekends.

I can't explain how excited (and nervous) I am to start this journey.  More importantly my wife and kids are excited for me to do it as well.

Welcome Reuben,

I think a few of us have the same scheduling issues you do.  My wife is training for a 1/2 in June and I am always training for something + we have 2 small kids (2 & 5).  What I think most everyone ends up doing is getting up very early to get those workouts in when they would conflict with family plans later in the day.

One of us is up by 5:00 every day to get to the pool or an early morning run in.  LOL, we have a finely tuned machine so if there is any bump we have to re-work training schedules (which happens all the time), also many later in the evening trainer rides after the kids go to bed.
2009-04-13 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Andy that seems like a lot of cash to drop for the weekend... Let's say you improve or things change... You going to drop another five hundo to have them relook at your stroke?  Just go with the one on one, and as you change go your instructor will change with you!

I have never done TI so I can't say for sure.  Other's have done TI, read TI, see TI, practiced TI, so they may have more input!  I prefer just to do a cannonball into the water and start swimming, but maybe that is why I NEVER improve in my swim.  3 years ago my Ironman swim time was 1:09, and last year I did a 1:08... So not much difference here.
2009-04-13 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2081803

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
swbkrun - 2009-04-13 5:08 PM OK OK!! My 1st major mistake of the thread!  There are not many (yeah right!) but here it goes!!!

OUR VERY OWN Suzy aka- SSMINOW is part of the team!  I have left her out... NOT ON PURPOSE!  Suzy is your go to person for all your running needs!  She always brings useful information to the table, and if she doesn't know it, she will get it!  If you are ever needing a kick in the butt on your workouts just check her logs!  She makes all of us look like a pansy!  She ran over 2500 miles last year alone and on pace this year for more than that!


Ok, people this is why people stay in Steve's mentor group forever.  His enthusiasm is a little like crack, the more he gives, the more you want it! 

I have to admit, I don't get the whole crying bike reference in the back of your car.  And Adam said something about you stripping? What's up with that?


2009-04-13 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2082073

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
ashort33 - 2009-04-13 8:39 PM

Alright, starting to think about swimming - it is my biggest weakness, mentally and physically.  I got an email today from TI, 500 bones is a lot to drop for a weekend swim class -  but I will need to swim 1500m for the olymic distance I am planning on doing at the end of the summer.  For those of you in the know, is it better to go to TI or to spend the money on some one-on-one swim coaching?  It seems that $500 should get one about 16 or so private 1/2 hour or so lessons.

Thanks in advance for any advice...


LOL, I am on a roll...

If you can find someone to do personal lessons I would do that over the TI workshop.  I did the workshop when I first started and it had some good points but they left out quite a bit that is needed to swim that far (breathing was a big one they didn't cover...)

Private swim lessons once a week for 3 months would be awesome.  One thing I would make sure from any instructor is that they are comfortable and capable of teaching adults.  I went through quite a few coaches that were probably great with kids or with adults that came from swim backgrounds but wern't so good at telling me what I needed to hear.  My current coach isn't afraid to tell me I suck from time to time and that I need to work harder on some things.

Maybe ask in the Texas forums if anyone knows a good instructor in the DFW area.

2009-04-13 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2082089

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
SSMinnow - 2009-04-13 8:44 PM
swbkrun - 2009-04-13 5:08 PM OK OK!! My 1st major mistake of the thread!  There are not many (yeah right!) but here it goes!!!

OUR VERY OWN Suzy aka- SSMINOW is part of the team!  I have left her out... NOT ON PURPOSE!  Suzy is your go to person for all your running needs!  She always brings useful information to the table, and if she doesn't know it, she will get it!  If you are ever needing a kick in the butt on your workouts just check her logs!  She makes all of us look like a pansy!  She ran over 2500 miles last year alone and on pace this year for more than that!


Ok, people this is why people stay in Steve's mentor group forever.  His enthusiasm is a little like crack, the more he gives, the more you want it! 

I have to admit, I don't get the whole crying bike reference in the back of your car.  And Adam said something about you stripping? What's up with that?


It's a guy thing Suzy, our bikes talk to us...  Mine are yelling at me right now calling me a slacker for pushing todays bike off until tomorrow.
2009-04-13 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2082101

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
dalessit - 2009-04-13 7:49 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-04-13 8:44 PM
swbkrun - 2009-04-13 5:08 PM OK OK!! My 1st major mistake of the thread!  There are not many (yeah right!) but here it goes!!!

OUR VERY OWN Suzy aka- SSMINOW is part of the team!  I have left her out... NOT ON PURPOSE!  Suzy is your go to person for all your running needs!  She always brings useful information to the table, and if she doesn't know it, she will get it!  If you are ever needing a kick in the butt on your workouts just check her logs!  She makes all of us look like a pansy!  She ran over 2500 miles last year alone and on pace this year for more than that!


Ok, people this is why people stay in Steve's mentor group forever.  His enthusiasm is a little like crack, the more he gives, the more you want it! 

I have to admit, I don't get the whole crying bike reference in the back of your car.  And Adam said something about you stripping? What's up with that?


It's a guy thing Suzy, our bikes talk to us...  Mine are yelling at me right now calling me a slacker for pushing todays bike off until tomorrow.

Ohhhhh! Glad to hear it because that is how I carry my bike all the time.  I thought maybe it was bad for it.  But you still didn't answer the stripping question!
2009-04-13 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2082107

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
SSMinnow - 2009-04-13 8:52 PM
dalessit - 2009-04-13 7:49 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-04-13 8:44 PM
swbkrun - 2009-04-13 5:08 PM OK OK!! My 1st major mistake of the thread!  There are not many (yeah right!) but here it goes!!!

OUR VERY OWN Suzy aka- SSMINOW is part of the team!  I have left her out... NOT ON PURPOSE!  Suzy is your go to person for all your running needs!  She always brings useful information to the table, and if she doesn't know it, she will get it!  If you are ever needing a kick in the butt on your workouts just check her logs!  She makes all of us look like a pansy!  She ran over 2500 miles last year alone and on pace this year for more than that!


Ok, people this is why people stay in Steve's mentor group forever.  His enthusiasm is a little like crack, the more he gives, the more you want it! 

I have to admit, I don't get the whole crying bike reference in the back of your car.  And Adam said something about you stripping? What's up with that?


It's a guy thing Suzy, our bikes talk to us...  Mine are yelling at me right now calling me a slacker for pushing todays bike off until tomorrow.

Ohhhhh! Glad to hear it because that is how I carry my bike all the time.  I thought maybe it was bad for it.  But you still didn't answer the stripping question!

He stripped the stickers off the wheels so the whole bike matches "naked carbon", get your mind out of the gutter womanLaughing
2009-04-13 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Okay, I feel sort of guilty for skipping the OWS thing but 54 degrees with gale force winds seems not so safe for someone like me who is not so sure of OWS.  I know, excuses, excuses.  

 Anyhow, the following picture which I hope loads is for Steve's bike laying on it's side crying.  You can fit two bikes in standing up and your gear (and front wheels) can go on the sides.  Just take off the front wheel and place the bike right on the hub thingy.  What is that thing called?  I got these at for 9.95 each they were on sale.  The board is a 2 x 4 my dad had in his toolshed.  I have a Ford explorer sport so there is lots of clearance.  (well and we are short and have 48cm bikes )  But I have fit a 58 cm bike in no problem.

 I got tired of having to use towels, tarps etc to protect the bikes from scraping each other, gear on top of wheels, etc.

 okay found it, it is called a bike mount, duh...

Edited by kt65 2009-04-13 8:36 PM


phpYMcQGOPM.jpg (75KB - 29 downloads)

2009-04-13 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2080441

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Calgary, Alberta
Hey Trevor - having two flat tires  did really put a damper on my first Tri - I plan on learning how to change my own tire for the next one!  Im relatively new to Calgary so I have just been training on my own.  Yourself?
2009-04-13 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2082183

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smoore3 - 2009-04-13 7:24 PM Hey Trevor - having two flat tires  did really put a damper on my first Tri - I plan on learning how to change my own tire for the next one!  Im relatively new to Calgary so I have just been training on my own.  Yourself?

Yes I am on my own as well. My wife comes out running every once in awhile. BUt i tend to swim and bike on my own. We also have a couple young ones that makes it challenging as well.  You're new to town? Where you from? Are you a downtowner?
We are going to run this weekend out in Airdrie, they have a 5k/10k/21k thing going on.
2009-04-13 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Thank you all for the great suggestions on the weight training!!  It's hard to know what to leave out sometimes, especially when you feel like you have to squeeze everything in.

Kim -  don't blame you for skipping the OWS practice..... at 54 degrees and high winds I would have skipped too!
2009-04-13 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2082150

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
kt65 - 2009-04-13 7:08 PM

Okay, I feel sort of guilty for skipping the OWS thing but 54 degrees with gale force winds seems not so safe for someone like me who is not so sure of OWS.  I know, excuses, excuses.  

 Anyhow, the following picture which I hope loads is for Steve's bike laying on it's side crying.  You can fit two bikes in standing up and your gear (and front wheels) can go on the sides.  Just take off the front wheel and place the bike right on the hub thingy.  What is that thing called?  I got these at for 9.95 each they were on sale.  The board is a 2 x 4 my dad had in his toolshed.  I have a Ford explorer sport so there is lots of clearance.  (well and we are short and have 48cm bikes )  But I have fit a 58 cm bike in no problem.

 I got tired of having to use towels, tarps etc to protect the bikes from scraping each other, gear on top of wheels, etc.

 okay found it, it is called a bike mount, duh...

Hopefully that pic isnt from he back of the Ford Explorer.....Otherwise you have some explaining to do! Hardwood florring? HATongue out
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