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2010-04-09 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2779862

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Gotcha!  Then I would go with working on the bilateral breathing first.

smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-09 9:54 AM
it only relates because i'm not a confident enough swimmer to work on both at the same time!  when  i'm in the pool i pretty much only focus on one thing.  trying to bilateral breath AND keep my head down at the same time usually results in me doing neither properly!  i'm going to try and hit the pool 4 times a week, so i could easily have breathing days and head position days.

2010-04-09 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2779885

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

I had one of those too...   The typical slow, distracted, OOPS.  I was in a parking lot, looking at my front wheel/brake, and basically tipped over.

otter_sh - 2010-04-09 9:58 AM  I agree with this one...  worse drop so far was going slow, but reaching for a water bottle.  The lack of momentum took me to the edge and I went over.  Slow does not equal staying upright...  Or maybe I am just uncoordinated and should not drink and ride... 

2010-04-09 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2779899

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Ladies and Steve:  Just wanted to mention that I'm leaving tomorrow morning for DC, but am taking this afternoon off work and might be out of touch.  So have fun without me and I'll try to pop in when I can.  I've found working BT on the Blackberry isn't my favorite thing to do, so we'll see what happens!  I have a good race, I'll want to share

2010-04-09 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys!  Just wanted to check in this morning.  I've only got a half day at work today (going to pick up my packet this afternoon for my half marathon on Sunday!) and since I took Monday off work also, I've got lots to get done today.  Oh, and tomorrow is me & my hubby's 20th wedding anniversary so I need to come up with something for that also.  We'll be going out for dinner but I'd like to do something else as well.  It just has to be easy since I need to get to bed early tomorrow night. 

I got in a good run last night - kept it short and easy.  Had a first during the run - got a soda cup thrown at me by a bunch of immature teenagers driving byFrown.  Didn't hurt really - just startled me.  I think I'm going to try for a short swim this afternoon, if I have time, then take it easy until Sunday. 

OK, gotta get back to work.  I'll try to check in later.
2010-04-09 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2779921

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-09 8:05 AM

Ladies and Steve:  Just wanted to mention that I'm leaving tomorrow morning for DC, but am taking this afternoon off work and might be out of touch.  So have fun without me and I'll try to pop in when I can.  I've found working BT on the Blackberry isn't my favorite thing to do, so we'll see what happens!  I have a good race, I'll want to share

Have a GREAT race!!!  Laughing
2010-04-09 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2779998

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-04-09 8:23 AM Hey guys!  Just wanted to check in this morning.  I've only got a half day at work today (going to pick up my packet this afternoon for my half marathon on Sunday!) and since I took Monday off work also, I've got lots to get done today.  Oh, and tomorrow is me & my hubby's 20th wedding anniversary so I need to come up with something for that also.  We'll be going out for dinner but I'd like to do something else as well.  It just has to be easy since I need to get to bed early tomorrow night. 

I got in a good run last night - kept it short and easy.  Had a first during the run - got a soda cup thrown at me by a bunch of immature teenagers driving byFrown.  Didn't hurt really - just startled me.  I think I'm going to try for a short swim this afternoon, if I have time, then take it easy until Sunday. 

OK, gotta get back to work.  I'll try to check in later.

GREAT race for you, too!  Laughing

ps sorry about the soda cup,  not a fun thing to happen

2010-04-09 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Anybody else racing this weekend?
2010-04-09 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2780024

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I am, I am . . . I have a training ride tomorrow am then doing an indoor tri at Lifetime in the afternoon.  If the weather holds up Sunday I have a run race by my house, otherwise masters swim.

And the racing season begins . . . good luck everybody!!!

P.S.  Work on technique for swims, don't worry about the bilateral stuff (I only really practice in warm-ups).  As long as you learn to sight, it is more important to get the most efficient swim form.
2010-04-09 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2780071

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2010-04-09 8:45 AM I am, I am . . . I have a training ride tomorrow am then doing an indoor tri at Lifetime in the afternoon.  If the weather holds up Sunday I have a run race by my house, otherwise masters swim.

And the racing season begins . . . good luck everybody!!!

P.S.  Work on technique for swims, don't worry about the bilateral stuff (I only really practice in warm-ups).  As long as you learn to sight, it is more important to get the most efficient swim form.

Busy weekend!!  Good luck with the tri and run race!
2010-04-09 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2779998

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-04-09 11:23 AM Hey guys!  Just wanted to check in this morning.  I've only got a half day at work today (going to pick up my packet this afternoon for my half marathon on Sunday!) and since I took Monday off work also, I've got lots to get done today.  Oh, and tomorrow is me & my hubby's 20th wedding anniversary so I need to come up with something for that also.  We'll be going out for dinner but I'd like to do something else as well.  It just has to be easy since I need to get to bed early tomorrow night

Speaking as the token male, A card with a sincere note saying why you respect him, detailing the little things he has done to show love to you, the work he does, and just his general life.  Writing a letter outlining things you respect about a man goes a long way.....
2010-04-09 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2779998

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-04-09 11:23 AM Hey guys!  Just wanted to check in this morning.  I've only got a half day at work today (going to pick up my packet this afternoon for my half marathon on Sunday!) and since I took Monday off work also, I've got lots to get done today.  Oh, and tomorrow is me & my hubby's 20th wedding anniversary so I need to come up with something for that also.  We'll be going out for dinner but I'd like to do something else as well.  It just has to be easy since I need to get to bed early tomorrow night. 

I got in a good run last night - kept it short and easy.  Had a first during the run - got a soda cup thrown at me by a bunch of immature teenagers driving byFrown.  Didn't hurt really - just startled me.  I think I'm going to try for a short swim this afternoon, if I have time, then take it easy until Sunday. 

OK, gotta get back to work.  I'll try to check in later.

sounds like you've got a busy and exciting weekend!  enjoy!!!

good luck to all you racers this weekend!

2010-04-10 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2779612

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-09 8:54 AM

Nice to really "meet" you!  Okay, I am confused.  I thought your name was Valerie.

I have found that the running gets easier and faster just with time.  You just need to believe in yourself.  If you always feel like your plodding, have you ever tried to run a bit faster just for brief stints?  I am not suggest anything fancy, necessarily, just picking up the pace to feel the speed.    I still really enjoy 2-mile runs because I can break away from the normal pace a bit.  Find a distance, even if it's a block, where you can really run.   Just a thought.

firstteeth - 2010-04-08 10:44 PM

Me:  Lacie, age 41, eastern Iowa, pediatric dentist....

Oh, sorry.  I actually go by both, Valerie at work, Lacie the rest of the let's stick with Lacie Tongue out sorry for the confusion.

As far as the running, good advice.  Actually, that is what my trainer has been having me do and i am seeing progress, it just takes so long to improve.  Frustrating.
2010-04-10 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Good luck racers!!  We're looking forward to your reports!
2010-04-10 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hard workout today...  Bike to swim... Long workout in swim and then long bike back..  Left house at 7:35 got home at 10:50

I need advice on what to eat and drink, only drank 1/2 water bottle and 1/2 gatoraid.  Eating was a quick stop for  a breakfast burrito at the 3/4 point of the bike. 
2010-04-10 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

2010-04-10 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2782157

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I try to go through at least 1 full bottle of water of gatorade per hour.  If workout is longer than an hour, I drink mostly gatorade, otherwise stick to water.  Maybe add gels, cliff shot blocks or gu chomps?  Protein bar too?

2010-04-10 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Whoops, didn't post right first time . . .

Race results for 2nd Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri (first was end of February)

Again, just using this as practice, but improved alot (I think since a month ago)

Swim - 19 lengths, 475 yards in 10 minutes (18 lengths last month). Really pushed swim. There was someone in the lane next to me that was stroke for stroke with me the whole time. Mentally that pushes me. She started out freesytle, then did breastroke for 25 (I would pass her) then switch back to freestyle for the next 25 (she would catch up).  My pushes off the wall were better than hers too.

Bike - 15.3 miles in 30 minutes (13.5 miles last month, but didn't know rules last month and the trick is to spin the flywheel as fast as possible for miles.  I had tension set higher a month ago)

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

2010-04-11 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Good workout this morning even though I did not want to get up and start moving....   ended up going 3 miles even though I was just working off of time.

Sorry to hear about your headache.  Good job on going farther and faster this time compared to last.
2010-04-11 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2782820

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Official results for my indoor tri

Swim 10/52 women
Bike 12/52 women
Run 42/52 (by far my worst of the 3 legs - I suck at the run!!!)

2010-04-12 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2783528

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2010-04-11 3:35 PM

Official results for my indoor tri

Swim 10/52 women
Bike 12/52 women
Run 42/52 (by far my worst of the 3 legs - I suck at the run!!!)

great job carrie  as far as the Mom that raced - that's incredible.  i wanna be like that old lady when i get old.  hopefully i'll never stop exercising, but what i mean is what incredible will and determination not to mention her fearless attitude!

may i ask what you mean about spinning and tension?  i was wondering about that on my last training bike - i'm still figuring the gears and everything out.  is it better to put it on a lighter resistance or on the toughest one you can handle for the incline?  which gets you furthest/fastest?

token male - sorry i forgot your name (and i tried to cheat and look at it but the reply window only lets me see the last post). how did your bike/swim/bike go yesterday?  rarely do i get the computer on the weekends (we have one and the hubs uses it for business) sorry i wasn't around to respond.

okay so now we're still waiting on the race report from the halfie right?

going shopping today so i can promise you that i'll never ride helmetless again! Cool
2010-04-12 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2784555

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I didn't know any of this last year which is why I blew myself up on the bike portion of my races.

As for the indoor tris, the key is to spin as fast as possible because that is how you get the mileage for those events.

As for regular riding, I did coached computrainer sessions all winter and they say something similar.  You want to be at 90-100 rpms when riding.  It is easier on your legs than higher tension, and even more so hold than rpm approaching and going up a hill.  They say, and it is true that when you start going up a hill or have to hold the rpms that you legs will adjust in about 15-20 seconds.  Also, when you get to the top of that hill, keep spinning so that the lactic acid doesn't build.  If you keep spinning after you get up the hill, you will spin past that lactic acid build.

More importantly, you can always get your HR back down, and hence you legs recovered, from spinning at higher rpms and recover for runs.  However it is more difficult and sometimes impossible to regain your legs if you used too high a tension.

So that advice may feel like you are always doing easier workouts and not getting as much out of them, but think about it from the standpoint of being more efficient and being able to get off the bike and run easier.

Hope that helps,


2010-04-12 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys!  Just finished my race report from my half yesterday.  Let's see if I can get the link to work -  Bottom line - I had a great race, met my goal, and set a new PR by 15 minutes Laughing.  Very happy with the way it went.  My legs are a little stiff and sore today (glad I took the day off work) so I don't know if I'll get any training done today - maybe just some yoga to stretch things out. 

Off to get caught up - I'm not usually on the computer much on the weekends so I'm sure I'm behind!

2010-04-12 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2782157

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
otter_sh - 2010-04-10 11:58 AM Hard workout today...  Bike to swim... Long workout in swim and then long bike back..  Left house at 7:35 got home at 10:50

I need advice on what to eat and drink, only drank 1/2 water bottle and 1/2 gatoraid.  Eating was a quick stop for  a breakfast burrito at the 3/4 point of the bike. 

Nice workout - I've been thinking about doing the same on Sunday mornings.  I want to start riding my bike to the gym, do my swim workout and then ride back home.  Sorry I can't help with the eating/drinking - I usually have the same problem.  I'm curious to see what others suggest.
2010-04-12 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2782820

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2010-04-10 9:08 PM Whoops, didn't post right first time . . .

Race results for 2nd Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri (first was end of February)

Again, just using this as practice, but improved alot (I think since a month ago)

Swim - 19 lengths, 475 yards in 10 minutes (18 lengths last month). Really pushed swim. There was someone in the lane next to me that was stroke for stroke with me the whole time. Mentally that pushes me. She started out freesytle, then did breastroke for 25 (I would pass her) then switch back to freestyle for the next 25 (she would catch up).  My pushes off the wall were better than hers too.

Bike - 15.3 miles in 30 minutes (13.5 miles last month, but didn't know rules last month and the trick is to spin the flywheel as fast as possible for miles.  I had tension set higher a month ago)

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

Congrats on your race!  I had the same issue with a headache after my half marathon yesterday.  In my case, I think it was dehydration.  The race was warmer than expected and I know I didn't drink enough.  Did you have water with you during the race? 

2010-04-12 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2785247

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-04-12 9:08 AM

Hey guys!  Just finished my race report from my half yesterday.  Let's see if I can get the link to work -  Bottom line - I had a great race, met my goal, and set a new PR by 15 minutes Laughing.  Very happy with the way it went.  My legs are a little stiff and sore today (glad I took the day off work) so I don't know if I'll get any training done today - maybe just some yoga to stretch things out. 

Off to get caught up - I'm not usually on the computer much on the weekends so I'm sure I'm behind!

Great race and I enjoyed your report.  Congrats on the PR.  Sounds like you went into it with the right attitude and plan.
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