BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun with us!!! - Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-12-23 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3258988

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

dalessit - 2010-12-23 10:27 AM
Redknight - 2010-12-23 10:22 AM

Holy Mackeral. Just started and 4 pages in. I think I should log on more often. I'm back for yet another season. I'll send my update shortly. Have to go shopping again today.

Welcome to the new people and Hi again from the frozen north to all the returnees.

had a good short 1/2 hour ride in my jammies this morning just to make sure I got something in today.

Going away for a few days over christmas so may not get a chance to wish eveyone a

safe and "Merry Christmas"

Sorry Rob, too late, we're way over our quota of Canadians this time..Laughing

Ugh, more logs to read where I have to convert KM's to Miles....

Not to worry I'll just lurk on the edges and stay the mild mannered and antisocial Canadian I have been over the last four years with you guys.

Yeah additional Canadian content and from Ontario to boot.. ABoot time eh!  . We will adapt and overcome those southerners.

Edited by Redknight 2010-12-23 9:35 AM

2010-12-23 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Georgia peeps, some early season racing to get your blood flowing.

Always heard good things about this race.

Not sure how close it is to you guys.

TT's are pretty easy, get a number, pin it on, wait for your number to be called, go to start (minus saddle bag, USAC don't like those...) and ride as hard as you can until the finish.  Not overly complicated.
2010-12-23 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DUH.  I guess I am late for the party...still reading the old MG. 

But I'm in.

STORY:  This will be my 4th mentor season with SWBKRUN!  Definitely a big influence in my progress and enjoyment of triathlon.  I started doing triathlon 3 years ago (oct 16, 2008) to be exact.  At that point, I really had never needed to run over a mile, could swim off the dock with the best of them (lake stroke), but had been cycling regularly with a group for several years, so cycling was my only strength.   After watching one of the replays of Kona, I told my wife that I wanted to train for a Half Ironman, which I thought was a real STRETCH.  Finished Augusta HIM in 2009!

FAMILY:  I am married to Shawna and have a son, Jones 6, and a stepson, Donnie 22. 

OCCUPATION:  Manufacturers Rep.  I am an independent rep, and primarily represent a window and door company out of Wisconsin, but also rep a few other manufacturers in the millwork industry.  I love my job, as I travel some, but have lots of time for SBR since I work from a home office most of the time.

RACES:  In the past, I have only done a few Olympics and a Half Ironman.  2011 will include Olympic, Half, and Ironman.

Edited by Plainsman AU 2010-12-23 10:49 AM
2010-12-23 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3258778

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN

Name et al: Andy  - 2 yrs with the swbkrunMG

Two years of triathlons now - mostly sprints with a couple of oly's thrown in.  I also like doing bike events like 100k's and centuries.  Live in Frisco, TX - just north of the Big "D"

Family Status: Married for 18 years, one daughter who is ten going on fourteen  (aghh....)

'10 Races: Sprints, sprints, some olympic brutality.  Burned down and out at the end of summer...

'11 Races:
  Splitting the season this year to try to manage the long season and not burn out.  Going to make a spring season, most of summer will be about cycling and maintenance in the other two sports and then several autumn races.  Specific races that are on my list are the Gateway to the Bay Oly in Kemah, TX; US Open Oly in Rockwall; Hotter Than Hell Hundred; there are some sprints that I want to do; I am sure something else weird will pop up like a warrior dash or mud run..  Most importantly - have fun!

What makes me a good part of this group: I provide a good example to others as to what not to do.... Comic relief....  Seriously though, some techie knowledge, a couple of years of learning what to do and what not to do,

What else the newbies should know:  This group is great.  Even though I have been known to drop out of sight for awhile at times, they always welcome me back.  Most important, listen to your body and don't try to push through no mater what, it will burn you out.   Lots of info will flow back and forth on this thread and everyone is still learning, whether they have several years of experience or are just starting the sport.  Don't be afraid to ask a question, it will get answer.  If you blink and you are ten pages behind, just pick up there, no need to read every post to catch up.  Oh yeah, Suzy will ask about racing or another question every week about Wed or so be ready.  Lastly, do race reports for every race, they are invaluable later!

2010-12-23 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
NAME: Doug

LOCATION:  Raleigh, NC


YEARS RACING OTHER DISCIPLINES: Raced bikes in the late 70's early 80's 

FAMILY:  Married, 2 kids.

WORK: Patent Attorney.

I am turning 50 this season so I will be at the low end of my AG!

CURRENT TRAINING: I finished Augusta 70.3 (with a bad run) and took a couple of months off. I am now back at it. All my runs this year were sub-par. Found out I have bursitis in my left achillies in OCtober and I am doing PT to fix my "issues" and bad habits. Running is way down, but I am swimming, biking and strength training regularly.

2011 RACES:  Not sure. Was going to do Rev3 Knoxville Half, but PT said "NO!" Will do some sprints and olympics until late in the season. Hope to do the B2B half late in the year. Perhaps a return to Augusta. Not sure. Will defer my Rev3 to next year.

WEIGHTLOSS: Working my wieght back down to where I had it 2 seasons ago. Doing WWer's.  

 I can provide advice on cycling and I was a mechanic off and on for 6 years. Biking is my strength, but my coach has helped me cut down my swim time by 1/3 in one year.

Seems like Ryan was the baby of the group last year at 33. Now we have peeps in their 20's!

Tony I will NOT be doing the Nation's Tri! 7K racers...really!

Kim, I did not know you were an optometrist! Cool.

We need more Ssoutherners! With all these Canadians and people from Wisconsin! Where is Tracy?

2010-12-23 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
NAME: Chris   aka SPANKY ya ya I know had the nickname for years

LOCATION:  Southern Ontairo Canada

YEARS RACING TRIATHLON: 0 about 6 months since my first Try a Tri

OTHER HOBBIES: Hiking, Kayaking, Photography, and SCUBA DIVING. I have Been scuba diving for 16 years now. I am a Deep Mixed Gas Technical diver and a Cave diver. I usually spend one week a year in Florida Cave diving. I now dive a machine called a Closed Circuit Rebreather that recycles my gas and changes gas mixtures on the fly allowing me time to stay down for hours on small amounts of gas. But with much higher risk level. I do some teaching but much less now.
FAMILY:  Wife Tina, 1 Dog Sasha (alaskan malamute) 1 Cat Chloe

WORK: Mechanical Engineer, More into management role and Continuous Improvements

RACES I have done: Tomato Man Try a Tri, Rondeau Try a Tri, Jingle Bell 5K run

FAVORITE Discipline: Cycling, It burns calories, I enjoy riding in the country with my friend and just taking everything in for hours at a time. 

WHERE I STARTED WITH THIS: A co-worker of my wife decided to do a try a tri last year told me all about it I thought about it all winter and said heck ya I can do this. I just need to loose some damn weight. In april I stepped on the scale realized that a 5'6" tall (ok ok SHORT) guy should not weight 279 lbs. So I started eating better, recording my meals and educating myself. By May I was down to 265lbs and pretty happy, then I talked to some friends doing a couch to 5K running program and I started that VERY SLOWLY I might add. It was TOUGH as H3LL. I actually gave up 4 weeks in.

Then ended up on BT and found an old College Friend on here. She offered to meet up with me for Coffee etc. Couple of PMs later and we realized that we were old friends from College, once we knew who each other we hooked up and she has been a Mentor, workout buddy and a good friend again ever since. She helped me extend my biking from 30-50km rides then next thing I knew I did a 98km ride, She came out with me on some runs and I did my first Try a Tri in June. It was fun and horrible at the same time.  Only been swimming for 3 weeks prior to it. I blew up on my run and walked half the 2km. But I finished it and I was HOOKED.

Oh ya I am down to 215 lbs now. So I have lost 64 lbs since I started watching myself and more so 50lbs since I started training.


Everywhere I am a total NEWBIE. I have a great local workout buddy and Mentor but she admits she knows what works for HER not for me. She is a teacher with summers off so she picks up volume in the summer where I can not.

I can Ride 100km now, Swim 2500M on a swim night in a pool. I can run 10km now. I am slow at all of them. But I am working on them all. My short legs means I won't ever run fast. But I keep seeing improvements and hope to continue down that path.

2011 RACE SCHEDULE Potential

Missisauga or Ottawa Half Marathon
Leamington Sprint Triathlon
Welland Sprint Triathlon
A bunch of local WRACE 5k and 10K events. A few guys from work lost a lot of weight too and are doing these now.

I am slow and Steady, I try hard, I work hard, I am willing to try new things and take advice. I know I will never win any races. But I am winning a war with myself when it comes to health. Triathlons are giving me more with respect to that then any PLACING in the top would ever do.

Seeing there are enough Canadians here. I hope to see some of you at an event sometime or even for just some fun.

Oh ya and I promised my buddies I would squeeze in some scuba diving this year too. I didn't do much last year.

Edited by Techdiver 2010-12-23 10:06 AM

2010-12-23 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3258988

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
We need a rule: All logs must be in miles or yds.!!! However, temperatures must be done on the Kelvin scale!

dalessit - 2010-12-23 10:27 AM
Redknight - 2010-12-23 10:22 AM

Holy Mackeral. Just started and 4 pages in. I think I should log on more often. I'm back for yet another season. I'll send my update shortly. Have to go shopping again today.

Welcome to the new people and Hi again from the frozen north to all the returnees.

had a good short 1/2 hour ride in my jammies this morning just to make sure I got something in today.

Going away for a few days over christmas so may not get a chance to wish eveyone a

safe and "Merry Christmas"

Sorry Rob, too late, we're way over our quota of Canadians this time..Laughing

Ugh, more logs to read where I have to convert KM's to Miles....[/QUOTE]

Edited by DougRob 2010-12-23 10:05 AM
2010-12-23 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3258641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tpnguyen10 - 2010-12-23 1:50 AM I have 2 days of travelling and 22hrs of flying ahead of me (god help me with my daughter!), so I picked up Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Thoughts? Opinions? (on the book that is!) unless you want to weigh in on how Emma will take to a 19hr direct flight?

OMG, I go out for a social evening (for a change) and am so behind on the MG already. Welcome to all of the new members. Just wanted to throw in that you will love Born to Run, at least I did. Thought-provoking, too, when it comes to running gait and shoes. Didn't make me change anything about the shoes I wear (other than open my mind enough to buy a lighter pair that I use for tempo runs and LOVE) but it makes for awesome conversation.

I will post a bio at some point maybe today. For now I have to find my trainer and make the pedals go around... But I am riveted by everyone's bios and such here. Dang, I wish the BT IPhone app were ready to go!! (I'm too old to do much forum reading on the phone w/o my granny glasses, which fog up on the trainer...)

Happy Thursday to all! I'm sooooo looking forward to getting to know the new peeps. Not that there's anything wrong with the old peeps, of course, I'm just a "the more the merrier" type of gal. (That's what she said.)
2010-12-23 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3258977

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Redknight - 2010-12-23 7:22 AM

Holy Mackeral. Just started and 4 pages in. I think I should log on more often. I'm back for yet another season. I'll send my update shortly. Have to go shopping again today.

Welcome to the new people and Hi again from the frozen north to all the returnees.

had a good short 1/2 hour ride in my jammies this morning just to make sure I got something in today.

Going away for a few days over christmas so may not get a chance to wish eveyone a

safe and "Merry Christmas"

OK, that just rocks. 99% of the time I "think about" doing a short trainer ride but never do largely because I'm too lazy to change my clothes. Wow -- jammies. You are awesome.

And isn't it funny that we can be too lazy to change an outfit but not too lazy to run 10 miles (or whatever)? What up wi' dat?!

Oh, I'm still sitting here trying to get myself to change my clothes and get on my trainer...
2010-12-23 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3259145

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 11:31 AM
tpnguyen10 - 2010-12-23 1:50 AM I have 2 days of travelling and 22hrs of flying ahead of me (god help me with my daughter!), so I picked up Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Thoughts? Opinions? (on the book that is!) unless you want to weigh in on how Emma will take to a 19hr direct flight?

OMG, I go out for a social evening (for a change) and am so behind on the MG already. Welcome to all of the new members. Just wanted to throw in that you will love Born to Run, at least I did. Thought-provoking, too, when it comes to running gait and shoes. Didn't make me change anything about the shoes I wear (other than open my mind enough to buy a lighter pair that I use for tempo runs and LOVE) but it makes for awesome conversation.

I will post a bio at some point maybe today. For now I have to find my trainer and make the pedals go around... But I am riveted by everyone's bios and such here. Dang, I wish the BT IPhone app were ready to go!! (I'm too old to do much forum reading on the phone w/o my granny glasses, which fog up on the trainer...)

Happy Thursday to all! I'm sooooo looking forward to getting to know the new peeps. Not that there's anything wrong with the old peeps, of course, I'm just a "the more the merrier" type of gal. (That's what she said.)

The Android and iPhone apps are just for logging workouts, you can't read forums from them.  Doesn't your iPhone zoom on the browser?
2010-12-23 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
*slaps head*  I didn't realize that there was a change in the MG's for the Winter season. 

Can I sneak in? I'm short enough to fit... (this would be my 3rd round with this MG...I think. LOL!

2010-12-23 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3258278

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!!

fattyfatfat - 2010-12-22 5:43 PM
Terps421 - 2010-12-22 4:37 PM I'm in, better include me, "Wine for ____________".

lol!   awesome! 

John, w?as that wine or whine? ???

2010-12-23 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

In an effort to get to know one another better and learn everyone's name, it would be helpful if everyone would put their name in the signature box below your post.

We did this before and it really helps!

2010-12-23 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3259175

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dalessit - 2010-12-23 8:43 AM
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 11:31 AM
tpnguyen10 - 2010-12-23 1:50 AM I have 2 days of travelling and 22hrs of flying ahead of me (god help me with my daughter!), so I picked up Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Thoughts? Opinions? (on the book that is!) unless you want to weigh in on how Emma will take to a 19hr direct flight?

OMG, I go out for a social evening (for a change) and am so behind on the MG already. Welcome to all of the new members. Just wanted to throw in that you will love Born to Run, at least I did. Thought-provoking, too, when it comes to running gait and shoes. Didn't make me change anything about the shoes I wear (other than open my mind enough to buy a lighter pair that I use for tempo runs and LOVE) but it makes for awesome conversation.

I will post a bio at some point maybe today. For now I have to find my trainer and make the pedals go around... But I am riveted by everyone's bios and such here. Dang, I wish the BT IPhone app were ready to go!! (I'm too old to do much forum reading on the phone w/o my granny glasses, which fog up on the trainer...)

Happy Thursday to all! I'm sooooo looking forward to getting to know the new peeps. Not that there's anything wrong with the old peeps, of course, I'm just a "the more the merrier" type of gal. (That's what she said.)

The Android and iPhone apps are just for logging workouts, you can't read forums from them.  Doesn't your iPhone zoom on the browser?

Oh rats, I was hoping we could read and post in the forums from the phone too! Oh well. And yeah, I can zoom it in but I have to zoom it A LOT and then I'm scrolling all over the place. Really, I'm not such a hot-$#*& cyclist that I should be playing on the phone instead of concentrating on my workout, ha ha ha!! (But I do love the phone for w/u and w/d distraction!)
2010-12-23 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3259070

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2010-12-23 10:02 AM
WORK: Patent Attorney.

Great, I can get tips from you!!!  Laughing  I'm hoping to get an internship with Nike's legal department for next fall, and I need to know a LOT of IP law to get into it.  I have Patent and Trade Secret law next semester, so you may be getting some fun PMs from me!  Where do you work?
2010-12-23 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3258816

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN
SSMinnow - 2010-12-23 8:12 AM
SoccerGK - 2010-12-23 6:44 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-22 8:15 PM
SoccerGK - 2010-12-22 8:13 PM Is there still room?  I'm a bit of a newbie with only one year of training, but I think this seems like a good group for me.  If not, just let me know!  If so, I will post my bio asap!  Thanks!

Welcome!  I would love another fellow Wisconsinite in the group.  There are two of us already. Side note, I used to live in West Bend!


Where did you train in West Bend?  We really only live here because we have to.  Ryan works in Oshkosh, and I go to law school at Marquette, so we need to live as close to halfway as possible so neither one of us has to commute a REALLY long way.  It's about 40 miles away for me and 50 for him.  We plan on moving as soon as I graduate!  It's just a little too "small town-ish" for me. 

We actually really want to move out to Portland, Oregon.  If I get an internship out there for next fall, we probably will for sure when I graduate. *crosses fingers* 

Ok, are we related???   We only lived in West Bend because we had to.  I worked in Appleton at Kimberly Clark (1:10 commute each way) and Paul worked in downtown Milwaukee (equally ugle commute).  We never did anything in West Bend, but sleep and eat bad Pizza at Dick's.  Back in those days, 80 hour work weeks prevented me from training, other than an occasional Nordic Trak workout (that really dates me)....MOVE when you can...that's what we did!

PS. There is another girl on BT, triplemom that lives in West Bend and she trains all the time.  I can connect you two if you like.

I'm glad someone else shares my sentiments on West Bend!  There's NOT a lot to do here, especially because we have a dog!  *gasp, a dog!!*  We had a heck of a time even finding a place to rent that would let us bring her.  We were SO mad while searching for places that we almost just decided to live in Germantown.  Would have been an awful drive for Ryan, but I kind of wish we had...

The only thing we ever do in West Bend is walk the Eisenbahn trail...wooo.  No other parks or trails allow us to bring the dog.  Dumb. 

Tripletmom has contacted me already!  I haven't pm'ed her back yet, but I have a feeling she is WAY out of my league when it comes to training!  I'm still a newbie!

2010-12-23 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3258924

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 9:54 AM
mighty mom - 2010-12-23 8:27 AM Good morning! Here is my bio...

Name:  Christina

aaahhhh crap.  please tell me i didn't send fink's plan to a red sox fan.     ha!  welcome to the mg. 

Ha!  No need to worry.  Can't remember the last time I watched a game, and that includes times when I've been at Fenway with the purpose of attending a game.   Just don't go dissing my man Brady.  Not b/c I care that much about the Pats but b/c he's hawt!
2010-12-23 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3259207

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Plainsman AU - 2010-12-23 11:57 AM PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT

In an effort to get to know one another better and learn everyone's name, it would be helpful if everyone would put their name in the signature box below your post.

We did this before and it really helps!


More importantly now that we have everyone, we can all post bike pic's again, lol my favorite part of the new mentor groups...

2010-12-23 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3259254

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mighty mom - 2010-12-23 11:25 AM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 9:54 AM
mighty mom - 2010-12-23 8:27 AM Good morning! Here is my bio...

Name:  Christina

aaahhhh crap.  please tell me i didn't send fink's plan to a red sox fan.     ha!  welcome to the mg. 

Ha!  No need to worry.  Can't remember the last time I watched a game, and that includes times when I've been at Fenway with the purpose of attending a game.   Just don't go dissing my man Brady.  Not b/c I care that much about the Pats but b/c he's hawt!

While you guys are on the topic of sports, I should mention that I am a diehard Chicago Bears fan.  I am crazy supportive of them, I think they are always the best team in the league, and I will argue to the death about it.

And I'm only telling everybody this for your own good.  Wink
2010-12-23 11:57 AM
in reply to: #3259211

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SoccerGK - 2010-12-23 11:58 AM
DougRob - 2010-12-23 10:02 AM
WORK: Patent Attorney.

Great, I can get tips from you!!!  Laughing  I'm hoping to get an internship with Nike's legal department for next fall, and I need to know a LOT of IP law to get into it.  I have Patent and Trade Secret law next semester, so you may be getting some fun PMs from me!  Where do you work?

I spent 20 years in private practice. Now I work as in-house counsel for Infineon Technologies North America Corp.
2010-12-23 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

I am back!! Been around a few years as well.

official updated bio.....
My story.....Grew up living a very active lifestyle. As a Canadian boy, obviously hockey was No#1. Volleyball, baeball,etc. When I moved up to Calgary, did alot of mountain biking with our glorious rocky mountains nearby. Then the downfall - got married, had kids and got fat.
Joined a gym about 3 years ago, got a trainer for a few months and shed alot of the weight..Down about 50 lbs so far. Hit my long-term training goal weight of 199lbs prior to my 1st season of tri's. Have never been a runner, so this lifestyle started as a great way to mix up my training and get me out of my comfort zones.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 7 years, 2 little girls (5 and 3), and a Wheaten Terrier named KONA(we were married in Hawaii, I had no idea about this ironman thing back then)
2010 RACES:  3 1/2 Ironman's ( Met a whack of MG'ers there), few Oly's,etc.
And I just ran my 1st marathon in Vegas in December.
2011 RACES: few oly's,sprint,etc...... and IM Canada August 2011

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm 6' 205-210 lbs. Started my IM plan in January, and I'm committing to shedding lbs for it.
I don't feel like my nutrition is what it should be, so this will be my test. 
I belong to a tri-team here in Calgary, So it is great to train with a bunch of peeps that 'get it.'
Wife just signed up for her 1st try-a-tri and a sprint this coming year. Big challenge will be learning to balance all this and not be too selfish with training for my 1st IM.
Whoot- riding my new bike tonight for the 1st time tonight!! I'm post a real pic of it later. Just for Tony.

To the Newbies here- we have a great group. Alot of us have met up and we may have a few inside jokes.
You will find that there are a few of us that tend to joke around a wee bit. There are many people that hang around here that know what they are talking about.

To the new Canadians out there - You will never hear "Go leafs Go". Oilers fan here.

2010-12-23 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Like Tony I like looking at bicycles. Here is a picture of mine tri-bike (Citius):

I just replaced the deraillier cables with new Teflon ones. The holes in the frame for the Transition are small and the old cables would seize up after I rode in the rain (Augusta). Hopefully this solves that problem. I will probably re-tape my bars this winter.

2010-12-23 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3259077

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Hey Spanky

First, congrats on the life turn around! Second, I venture u havesomething greater than a 26" inseam so don't ever let me catch usaying u can't run fast. Totally disagree. While I'm not as fast as I usd to be, I was fast AND will be again. If u can lose 64 lbs u can do anything!!!!

The shortest member of this team
sent via iPhone

Edited by SSMinnow 2010-12-23 1:44 PM
2010-12-23 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3258976

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
h2oknine - 2010-12-23 10:21 AM what is the coldest water ever swam in with out a wetsuit. I am doing my first half Ironman in March cold really doesn't bother me to bad and this will also be my first open water swim. I am planning getting to Florida about 5days before the race to hopefully get some in. Any suggestions on what to expect?

how tall are you and whats you're waist size?  i might show up at gator, if i come down and you're similar size i'll bring an extra wetsuit.
2010-12-23 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
100!  good start peeps. 
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