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2012-04-03 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
Watching Baylor and Notre Dame in the National Championship, Brittany Griner is an amazing ball player.

2012-04-03 8:56 PM
in reply to: #4128454

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Terps421 - 2012-04-03 6:38 PM Watching Baylor and Notre Dame in the National Championship, Brittany Griner is an amazing ball player.

meh.  Stanford's out - why watch?!?  Wink

2012-04-03 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Suzy Shain - Madison WI (Unless a miracle happens I am the smallest elderly member of the MG!)

Started endurance sports at the age of 40 after seeing the first IM WI in Madison. I knew one day I wanted to do the race as a way to get over my fear of water. Since I didn't know how to swim and rarely biked I turned to running and did 12 marathons before deciding to tackle the limiter holding me back from triathlon--swimming.   Support from this group, many lessons and some deep soul searching got me to my first super sprint in '08.  Since then I've hired a coach (Brett Petersen, PPL) and become a full fledged triathlon addict.

Family: Married for 23 years to Paul aka "the man",  no kids, but we do have an awesome Cockapoo, Cooper.   Work slightly less than full time , train as much as I can.

'12 Races:  "A" race is IM MOO #3, prep races are High Cliff HIM and Door County HIM, a few bike races and sprints. 

Role in MG: I know a fair amount about running and injury management, try to be the cheerleader and the voice of reason.  I hate the HTFU approach and am not afraid to strike back when picked on by Fatty or Trevor.

Other Tidbits: I live on the IM MOO bike course, I love chocolate and am the ultimate Badger Football and Basketball fan.

2012-04-03 9:20 PM
in reply to: #4128045

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
kkcbelle - 2012-04-03 2:01 PM
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-03 10:26 AM
_Deb_ - 2012-04-03 11:56 AM

swbkrun - 2012-04-03 8:27 AM
_Deb_ - 2012-04-03 7:13 AMSo, I am going for a run with my husband today.  We've never run together before.  Will we still be married when the day is over?
Depends on who's faster . Make sure you tell him that was really hard!

He can go faster.  I can go longer...

As in, he runs fast, but doesn't run for more then about 2 minutes straight.  I'm optimistic that I can keep up over such short distances.  It'll be like interval training.

i don't see a problem here, at least for your husband anyways... ;-)

 hope you had fun.  i enjoy running with jarrett though our paces are a bit different.   wait til' kyla comes up here and stats bitchin' about running with dave, its pretty damn funny!!!

Oh good grief, don't get me started!!!!! So on Sunday we both were gonna run, and his SundayRunningBuddy was out of town, so he asked me to run with him. Why not. So first off, I am a total creature of habit. I grew up swimming up and down the same swimming pools. I like routines. Dave does meandering runs -- they drive me nuts, but I can handle it (was silently pissed when he chose and up-hill road into the wind, but I dealt -- I have issues with wind). We were just running nice and easy, but somewhere in the last 1.3 miles or so he just turns it on and takes off. I kept up my nice, easy pace and let him go, silently cursing him the whole time wondering why the hell I run with him. I mean, if he had said, "Let's crank it up the whole way home," I'd be down with that. But he just left. I almost turned around to go run another couple of miles on my own, but I played nice and just followed him home. WTF??!!

Really, my issue with running with my husband is that I'm competitive and I work hard. To me, I should be faster than he is. He runs 1-2x a week, is always nursing some injury, yada yada yada. So I'm a bit of a sore loser when/if/that he runs faster. Sunday I COULD have gone a lot faster, but then I just held back based on principle. Ha!!

The best was in Hawaii once when I went out for a long run and he decided to "tag along" for "just a little bit." He didn't pack any water or anything. I KNEW he would need water and I'd have to sacrifice some of mine. Sure enough... Grrrrr.

So yeah, running together probably isn't good for our marriage. But it's my problem and they are my issues and I know that. He seems to enjoy it all just fine!! Ha!!! I'm working on being a good sport!! Honest, I am!!

I just remind myself, and everyone around me, that the BQ for men is 30 minutes faster than for women.   +75 seconds per mile, right?  So, as the partner in an overly-competative yet supportive marriage, my theory is that if I'm running within 75 seconds per mile of him, I win.  right now, I'm winning.  We discount the fact that he's training for an IM that's 3 weeks post-Boston, and that he's got a bit of an injury.  I still win.  See how that works?!?  gotta admit, though, I tend to run faster with him - expecially our 'ketchup runs'.

2012-04-03 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4128416

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
gotta run - 2012-04-03 8:16 PM
SSMinnow - 2012-04-03 9:11 PM

JustWood - 2012-04-03 5:51 PM Is there still room in the group? I would like in...thanks fattyfatfat.

You mean you know Fatty and you still want to join the group? Laughing  Welcome to the crazies!  Probably need a little bio from you!

Anybody who wasn't scared off by the first page would have to know Fatty already. Welcome, Justin!

Well... yes indeed I know fatty. HA!  I have met Suzy and a few others via ol' fatty at Galveston 70.3 in 2010.  I have been off of BT for a bit, but I am looking for that extra lil' nudge to maintain focus in 2012 and this seems to be the place!  SWBKRUN is legendary and glad to be a part.


JustWood = Justin Wood

I reside in Cypress, Texas...suburb of Houston.  I have been doing tri's since April 2008 and was into running before that.  I have 5 marathons, 2 Ironmans and countless other HIM's, Tri's, adventure races and a Warrior Dash under my belt.  I race trained and untrained... I have had great fast races and miserably slow ones....but I cherrish them all.  I have kept every bib from every event since 2002... 5K -- Ironman.

Planned races for 2012...still in development, but:

Hog's Hunt 50K trail run in a couple weeks (4/14) first ultra

Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3 in scenic Lubbock, TX on June 24th (my third trip to this venue)

And a return visit to Ironman Florida in November.

I will likely slide some others in as I can, but we will see how that plays out.

I hope that is enough to get things started...  Thanks for letting me in.  Let's do this!

2012-04-03 9:46 PM
in reply to: #4127404

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

fattyfatfat - 2012-04-03 12:26 PM YO TERPS!!!!   THIS IS HOW THE HOUSTON POLICE ROLL!!!!

Here we go!  Let the games begin!  We are going to the black and whites.... Don't make me go deep, deep, undacova on you fool!

2012-04-03 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

WAIT!!!!  We're letting in a friend of JOHN'S?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

BIRDY!!!!   WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?


2012-04-03 10:04 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Any friend of John's is ... well, anyways, welcome to the group!  Crime scene guy, huh?  I like the picture John taked of your car.

2012-04-03 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

OK, after reading the posts I humbly request to join your band of crazies!

This is my first year in Triathlon, I finished two Sprints and am currently training for an Oly in May.

2012-04-03 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
Hey, Scott.....flying down to Huntington Beach tomorrow!  I'll wave from the airplane.
2012-04-04 1:46 AM
in reply to: #4128580

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
velcromom - 2012-04-03 7:49 PM

WAIT!!!!  We're letting in a friend of JOHN'S?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

BIRDY!!!!   WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?


He sent me a scathing email to make sure we let him in . Fatty scared me into it.Scott- welcome! If you can handle sarcasm and hard work you'll fit right in...

2012-04-04 5:09 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Yo Peeps!  Even though it is a Holiday weekend for some of us, I bet I can find at least one racer!  Raise your hand high and give us the details!

If you're not racing, let's talk about where you get your inspiration.  When a race or workout gets so hard your head wants to explode, how do you keep going?

For the new people, I post the race question each Wednesday to get us excited!

2012-04-04 5:24 AM
in reply to: #4128562

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
JustWood - 2012-04-03 9:38 PM
gotta run - 2012-04-03 8:16 PM
SSMinnow - 2012-04-03 9:11 PM

JustWood - 2012-04-03 5:51 PM Is there still room in the group? I would like in...thanks fattyfatfat.

You mean you know Fatty and you still want to join the group? Laughing  Welcome to the crazies!  Probably need a little bio from you!

Anybody who wasn't scared off by the first page would have to know Fatty already. Welcome, Justin!

Well... yes indeed I know fatty. HA!  I have met Suzy and a few others via ol' fatty at Galveston 70.3 in 2010.  I have been off of BT for a bit, but I am looking for that extra lil' nudge to maintain focus in 2012 and this seems to be the place!  SWBKRUN is legendary and glad to be a part.


JustWood = Justin Wood

I reside in Cypress, Texas...suburb of Houston.  I have been doing tri's since April 2008 and was into running before that.  I have 5 marathons, 2 Ironmans and countless other HIM's, Tri's, adventure races and a Warrior Dash under my belt.  I race trained and untrained... I have had great fast races and miserably slow ones....but I cherrish them all.  I have kept every bib from every event since 2002... 5K -- Ironman.

Planned races for 2012...still in development, but:

Hog's Hunt 50K trail run in a couple weeks (4/14) first ultra

Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3 in scenic Lubbock, TX on June 24th (my third trip to this venue)

And a return visit to Ironman Florida in November.

I will likely slide some others in as I can, but we will see how that plays out.

I hope that is enough to get things started...  Thanks for letting me in.  Let's do this!

Fixed that for you!  Need to be bold to stand out in this crowd!

Edited by SSMinnow 2012-04-04 5:24 AM
2012-04-04 6:46 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

I'll post my bio and Wed response in a minute but I have something on my mind and I need perspective from people in the know.

Since I did not grow up going to a pool I consider myself naive in pool ettiquette.  This morning I got to the pool at opening (5:30am) and began my swim.  About 6:10am  a young guy asked to join in the lane, no big deal.  Then about 10 minutes later a group of 3 people came in and started talking with the other guy in my lane as well as the 3 people in the lane next to me.  They proceeded to stop me in my w/o (was going for 3000 straight) and asked if I would move lanes.  Now, I have moved in the past, no big deal, but today felt different.  They were all standing there looking at me like I was the idiot to be in that lane.  I did move but for some reason it's not sitting well with me today.  It felt a little like bullying.  Heck, I'm the one who got there at 5:30 am.  So, the question is, is this normal, and is pool ettiquette that I move?

2012-04-04 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4123816

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
I'm annoyed.  I don't get to run today because my childcare fell through.  I was supposed to do a medium run today (9-10 miles), short run tomorrow, and my long run Friday (will be at ILs this weekend and it is really hard to get a long run in there).  Now it is all messed up.
2012-04-04 8:04 AM
in reply to: #4128895

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
mighty mom - 2012-04-04 6:46 AM

I'll post my bio and Wed response in a minute but I have something on my mind and I need perspective from people in the know.

Since I did not grow up going to a pool I consider myself naive in pool ettiquette.  This morning I got to the pool at opening (5:30am) and began my swim.  About 6:10am  a young guy asked to join in the lane, no big deal.  Then about 10 minutes later a group of 3 people came in and started talking with the other guy in my lane as well as the 3 people in the lane next to me.  They proceeded to stop me in my w/o (was going for 3000 straight) and asked if I would move lanes.  Now, I have moved in the past, no big deal, but today felt different.  They were all standing there looking at me like I was the idiot to be in that lane.  I did move but for some reason it's not sitting well with me today.  It felt a little like bullying.  Heck, I'm the one who got there at 5:30 am.  So, the question is, is this normal, and is pool ettiquette that I move?

I am no pool ettiquette pro, nor have I read the book, but I would have to say NOPE! I don't think I would have even stopped for them in the first place; especially if I were going for a long straight set like you were.  I think it was rude of them to make such a request and kind of you to oblige them.  We have little clicks here that would pull the same kinda stunt... F' the bullies, mean peeps, and the inconsiderate cotton-headed-ninny-muffins!   Swim On!   

2012-04-04 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
Thanks Suzy for gettin' my BOLD on....  you could have picked a prettier color though, maybe flashing or blinky lettering next time! Laughing
2012-04-04 8:12 AM
in reply to: #4128816

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
SSMinnow - 2012-04-04 6:09 AM

Yo Peeps!  Even though it is a Holiday weekend for some of us, I bet I can find at least one racer!  Raise your hand high and give us the details!

If you're not racing, let's talk about where you get your inspiration.  When a race or workout gets so hard your head wants to explode, how do you keep going?

For the new people, I post the race question each Wednesday to get us excited!

No racing here but I do have another long run Friday.  I am inspired by multiple things I guess.  I don't want to look like an idiot come race day, my dad who has MS and still runs, my son who has fought multiple battles at his young age, the scale.

2012-04-04 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4128774

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
swbkrun - 2012-04-04 1:46 AM
velcromom - 2012-04-03 7:49 PM

WAIT!!!!  We're letting in a friend of JOHN'S?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

BIRDY!!!!   WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?


He sent me a scathing email to make sure we let him in . Fatty scared me into it.Scott- welcome! If you can handle sarcasm and hard work you'll fit right in...

Sorry Birdy... Some people's loose acquaintances.

to answer the crime scene guy thing... that was a few years ago.  I have been with Houston PD 17 years this August. I worked patrol, Homicide (Crime Scene Inv for 10 years) and now I run the Westside Gang Unit.  I hunt bad guys in some of the roughest areas in west houston...I love my work! HOWEVER... I do not consider myself a stereotypical cop... and I am not a fan of the type.  I enjoy the jokes, ribbing and SARCASM!  I put up with fatty...nuff said.

2012-04-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
Hey Justin welcome. I remember your Galveston experience well. That day sucked for you from what I remember.
2012-04-04 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Ok - Booooo on Mexico airport people.

When we arrived back in Calgary on Sunday morning, I noticed that one of our checked bags zipper was opened about 6  inches or so. But i thought nothing of it.

Michelle unpacks everything, and sees her RayBan case open, and no glasses in it. So she thinks"maybe I forgot them in the room" and those type of things.

I packed my running stuff and came to work yesterday. When I got here I thought "Crap I left my sunglasses at home." Driving home I started to think I didn't remember unpacking them. Sure enough, my Jawbones were gone. And then we realized our camera wasn't there either.

I am in the process of putting in a claim to the airline, so in 6-8 weeks we may get something . Cost is one thing, and yes maybe we should have just had them in our carryon, but you kind of feel violated as you think there is some kind of trust there. But they didn't take my 310 which was in another suitcase.

On the good news front, it was nice to swim in an outdoor pool and run in 90 degree heat!

2012-04-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4129141

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!

Sam and I are in Minnesota, we'll post when we get back.

No racing for us this weekend.

2012-04-04 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4128895

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
mighty mom - 2012-04-04 6:46 AM

I'll post my bio and Wed response in a minute but I have something on my mind and I need perspective from people in the know.

Since I did not grow up going to a pool I consider myself naive in pool ettiquette.  This morning I got to the pool at opening (5:30am) and began my swim.  About 6:10am  a young guy asked to join in the lane, no big deal.  Then about 10 minutes later a group of 3 people came in and started talking with the other guy in my lane as well as the 3 people in the lane next to me.  They proceeded to stop me in my w/o (was going for 3000 straight) and asked if I would move lanes.  Now, I have moved in the past, no big deal, but today felt different.  They were all standing there looking at me like I was the idiot to be in that lane.  I did move but for some reason it's not sitting well with me today.  It felt a little like bullying.  Heck, I'm the one who got there at 5:30 am.  So, the question is, is this normal, and is pool ettiquette that I move?

I would have been annoyed, but would have moved.  For now, shake it off.   You run into idiots all the time!

2012-04-04 9:05 AM
in reply to: #4128816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
SSMinnow - 2012-04-04 3:09 AM

Yo Peeps!  Even though it is a Holiday weekend for some of us, I bet I can find at least one racer!  Raise your hand high and give us the details!

If you're not racing, let's talk about where you get your inspiration.  When a race or workout gets so hard your head wants to explode, how do you keep going?

For the new people, I post the race question each Wednesday to get us excited!

No racing.

When a workout gets really hard, I tell myself THIS is where the meat of the workout is. I always think of something like an 18-mile run as a 3-mile workout... when I'm in that kind of long run shape, the first 15 miles are just a warm-up. Then when it starts to hurt, that's where it counts. Yesterday doing my 6x1000 on the track, during number 5 it started getting hard, and I told myself the first 4 didn't really count -- the improvment takes place when the pain and mental fatigue set in.

And during a race, I tell myself things like, "You know, if this all falls apart now you'll want to come back and re-do this. You've come this far, and you'll have to get to this place again. Just go with it now and push on. You can stop soon!" And then I try to draw on things like the paragraph above -- when those workouts got hard, THIS is the moment they were getting me to.

Welcome to new MG members. I'll post a bio at some point, I think. Or maybe Fatty will post one for me. Pink font, please!!! Kiss

2012-04-04 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running!
.....and, we're at 100 posts!!  Yea!!
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