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2012-12-23 9:16 PM
in reply to: #4546371

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
jfought - 2012-12-23 9:01 PM

Count me in again!!

Name:  Jayne

Background: I'm 46 years experienced.  I'm a middle school U.S. History teacher, and exercise is my stress-reliever. 

Family Status:  Married with 3 children (ages 24 (Tyler--just got engaged), 24 (Ben--Currently taking up running), 22 (Samantha--Graduating from IU in the spring), 2 dogs, 1 cat.

Current Training:  Maintain the swim/bike and stretch the running distances.

2012 Races: Did my first 1/2 marathon in March, an "accidental" 30 mile ultra in April and another trail 1/2 marathon two weeks later.  A few sprint triathlons and an oly.  Finishing my my year with a 50k trail ultra on December 29.

2013 Races: I'm registered for a very fun nighttime trail 1/2 marathon in January with Julia, a 50 mile trail run in April, and planning to register for my first HIM (Muncie in July).  Add a spattering of sprints/trail races, etc.

Weight Loss:  I have lost about 35lbs in the past couple of years and would like to take off another 10.  I need to learn more about, and focus on good nutrition. 

Overall Goal:  Go longer and get faster.  I finally have 10 toenails, so I'd kinda like to keep them for the season.  

What do I bring to the mentor group?:  I love to joke around and have fun.  Don't want to take life (or myself) too seriously. I bring a lot of questions.  Some of them are occasionally on topic Laughing

I look forward to getting to know everyone, hearing your stories, and working together to meet our goals!

^^^ i'd hit it.

2012-12-23 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4546371

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
jfought - 2012-12-23 7:01 PM

Count me in again!!

Name:  Jayne

Background: I'm 46 years experienced.  I'm a middle school U.S. History teacher, and exercise is my stress-reliever. 

Family Status:  Married with 3 children (ages 24 (Tyler--just got engaged), 24 (Ben--Currently taking up running), 22 (Samantha--Graduating from IU in the spring), 2 dogs, 1 cat.

Current Training:  Maintain the swim/bike and stretch the running distances.

2012 Races: Did my first 1/2 marathon in March, an "accidental" 30 mile ultra in April and another trail 1/2 marathon two weeks later.  A few sprint triathlons and an oly.  Finishing my my year with a 50k trail ultra on December 29.

2013 Races: I'm registered for a very fun nighttime trail 1/2 marathon in January with Julia, a 50 mile trail run in April, and planning to register for my first HIM (Muncie in July).  Add a spattering of sprints/trail races, etc.

Weight Loss:  I have lost about 35lbs in the past couple of years and would like to take off another 10.  I need to learn more about, and focus on good nutrition. 

Overall Goal:  Go longer and get faster.  I finally have 10 toenails, so I'd kinda like to keep them for the season.  

What do I bring to the mentor group?:  I love to joke around and have fun.  Don't want to take life (or myself) too seriously. I bring a lot of questions.  Some of them are occasionally on topic Laughing

I look forward to getting to know everyone, hearing your stories, and working together to meet our goals!

She said " go longer and get faster"
2012-12-23 10:57 PM
in reply to: #4545551

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
TrevorC - 2012-12-22 7:43 PM;">2013 Races: just a HIM in July that I'm currently not all that thrilled about training for.

Looking forward to racing the Vancouver Marathon in May. Would like to best my time in the only other stand alone marathon I've done. Should be easy with a bit of 45 year-old pace booty out there. 


WEIGHTLOSS: I'm 6' 205-210 lbs. Really need/want to shed a few lbs for Vancouver.
I don't feel like my nutrition is what it should be, so this will be another test. 

Welcome new guys! We have fun here!

Glad I can't see the booty.... Hopefully no one can. Besides, the 45-year-old booty I'm hauling plans to be too far ahead for your viewing pleasure.
2012-12-24 7:10 AM
in reply to: #4543742

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
Welcome new peeps!!! It's Christmas eve!!!
2012-12-24 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4543742

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

NAME: Caleb

STORY: Every few years I make a silly declaration that I'm "going to lose a little weight." I lose about 30 lbs over the course of three or four months. Eventually I'll take 9 months to a year and find all of that weight again.

Now, I have a better goal. I want to lose fifty pounds (260->210) by participating in cross-training events like triathlons in 2013 and embracing a fitness lifestyle. I know that I will have accomplished this goal when I have:

  1. Lost 50 pounds.
  2. Completed two or more triathlons.
  3. Sustained my weight-loss for twelve consecutive months.

Triathlon seems like an odd fit for me because I don't like to run, don't really swim and haven't owned a bike since I was 9.

Ten weeks ago I started the Couch to 5K program which I just completed. I ran a 5K a few days ago in 32:21. That's an improvement on the 37:34 5K that I ran three months ago.

I bought a Felt Z4 road bike a month ago. I have a long way to go on the bike. I've had a few spills already - the first was due to clip-less noobery and the last was due to cross walk paint and a wet road. However, the weather in San Antonio is just wonderful (72 today on Christmas Eve) so I'll have plenty of opportunities to get better quickly.

Last week I started swimming laps. Kinda. I'll be getting lessons soon!

STATUS: Married for 10 short years. We have two awesome children (5 and 3).

TRAINING: I plan on joining a masters swim club soon. I'm currently running every other day and riding my bike every other day.

2012 RACES: I discovered my interest in triathlons in time to spectate the Longhorn 70.3 in Austin.

2013 RACES: Two early season duathlons (Feb and March) and a sprint tri in April. I plan to do several others during the year but I haven't decided on which ones to do yet. I'm debating trying to push hard for the late season Longhorn 70.3 (late October) but I realize that's a high bar for my first season.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm down 22 lbs right now. I have another 28 to go to hit my goal weight for 2013.

2012-12-24 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4543742

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

Can you believe this year is almost over already?  Where did the time go?

I would love to hear your reflections on 2012?  Did you achieve your goals?  Did you exceed them, or fall short and learn from the experience? 

I had some great moments this year:  I set a 5k pr and sprint tri pr, ran my first 1/2 marathon, and also my first 30 mile trail race. I swam with the loons in Canada (real ones, not the crazy Canadian mg members).  I wanted to improve my oly time, but fell 20 sec short.  I was disappointed that I didn't beat the previous year's time, but I finished the race without cramping and I felt a whole lot better than the previous year. 

I've come a long way, baby.  Two years ago I was recovering from surgery on both legs for exertional compartment syndrome, I didn't know how to swim, and I couldn't run more than a couple minutes without stopping to catch my breath. 

If you were listening very carefully yesterday, you may have heard me mutter the words, "I'm gonna run a 100 miler some day." 

Insanely scary goals are what keep me training Laughing

2012-12-24 10:10 AM
in reply to: #4546772

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

Heelo I'd like to join.

Name: Fit4Infinity (Mark) 52 and in the best shape of my life.
Story: In 2005 I faced a family crisis and came out of a dark place
motivated to save my life.  I lost over 150 hundred pounds and reconnected with deep need to be in motion.  Given the new found potential to do anything, I focused on becoming a triathlete.  This sport allows me to design a course of action, plan, prepare, execute the plan and after evaluating the plan begin again. Blending the mental, physical and spiritual.  I’m very technical and pattern oriented,  and enjoy training with HRM, Power, and T-Pace.  My weakest link is my passion and inexperience causes me to over drive, brake hard, accelerate to much, ending in the finish chute, a sweaty mess without any thing left in the tank.  I’m working on smoothing out the rough parts, but it might take forever to get it right.  My strongest natural discipline is the bike, but I equally enjoy the swim and the run.  Perhaps it is because I’m still seeing great improvements in my swim and run that I motivated to capture further rewards in the disciplines I have the least experience in.

Family Status: Married to my Best Friend for 21 years, with 3 labs.  When I'm not training or racing, I llok forward to running agility courses with my champion 3x Strider and the rest of the family.

Current Training: Recovering from IMAZ 2012, having fun in the pool, on the bike and working to have fun running again.  Knee has been iffy, but I'm adding volume slowly and hope to find the joy again soon.  I swim 3 days a week with Masters group, ride indoors or out 5 days a week, run 3-4 times a week.  My love is the bike. I feel really good in the water, but I've lost that loving feeling about running.

2012 Races: Issy Sprint in June, Ramrod in July, Lake Meridian oly. in August, Black Diamond Long Course tri in Sept. Finish first Ironman in November at IMAZ. (Likely to race more IM in 2014)

2013 Races: Several Sprints, trying for 3 Oly's and 2 HIM (Lake Stevens and Black Diamond)  The calander is open, but I have a few ideas of century+ cycling events I will do.  If I can get the run fitness back I will do 4 Half mary's (Mercer Island, Cinco deMayo and Seattle RnR and the Seattle HM in November.

Weightloss: Several years ago I lost over 150 pounds (340 -> 180) and a lot of muscle.  I feel good but would feel better after I lose some of what has crept back on.

2012-12-24 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4543742

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
I finally had a chance to read through all the pages of this group.  You guys sound like a hoot!  Glad to be here! Laughing  Now I need to get off my arse and clean like a mad woman.  We have our big celebration tonight.  Merry Christmas!
2012-12-24 11:00 AM
in reply to: #4546784

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
Fit4Infinity - 2012-12-24 10:10 AM

Heelo I'd like to join.

Name: Fit4Infinity (Mark) 52 and in the best shape of my life.
Story: In 2005 I faced a family crisis and came out of a dark place
motivated to save my life.  I lost over 150 hundred pounds and reconnected with deep need to be in motion.  Given the new found potential to do anything, I focused on becoming a triathlete.  This sport allows me to design a course of action, plan, prepare, execute the plan and after evaluating the plan begin again. Blending the mental, physical and spiritual.  I’m very technical and pattern oriented,  and enjoy training with HRM, Power, and T-Pace.  My weakest link is my passion and inexperience causes me to over drive, brake hard, accelerate to much, ending in the finish chute, a sweaty mess without any thing left in the tank.  I’m working on smoothing out the rough parts, but it might take forever to get it right.  My strongest natural discipline is the bike, but I equally enjoy the swim and the run.  Perhaps it is because I’m still seeing great improvements in my swim and run that I motivated to capture further rewards in the disciplines I have the least experience in.

Family Status: Married to my Best Friend for 21 years, with 3 labs.  When I'm not training or racing, I llok forward to running agility courses with my champion 3x Strider and the rest of the family.

Current Training: Recovering from IMAZ 2012, having fun in the pool, on the bike and working to have fun running again.  Knee has been iffy, but I'm adding volume slowly and hope to find the joy again soon.  I swim 3 days a week with Masters group, ride indoors or out 5 days a week, run 3-4 times a week.  My love is the bike. I feel really good in the water, but I've lost that loving feeling about running.

2012 Races: Issy Sprint in June, Ramrod in July, Lake Meridian oly. in August, Black Diamond Long Course tri in Sept. Finish first Ironman in November at IMAZ. (Likely to race more IM in 2014)

2013 Races: Several Sprints, trying for 3 Oly's and 2 HIM (Lake Stevens and Black Diamond)  The calander is open, but I have a few ideas of century+ cycling events I will do.  If I can get the run fitness back I will do 4 Half mary's (Mercer Island, Cinco deMayo and Seattle RnR and the Seattle HM in November.

Weightloss: Several years ago I lost over 150 pounds (340 -> 180) and a lot of muscle.  I feel good but would feel better after I lose some of what has crept back on.

Mark--welcome!  You have a great story.  I look forward to hearing more about how you turned your life around!

2012-12-24 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4543742


Chehalis, Washington
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

Name:  Michelle Jones

Story:  I am from Winlock, Washington, 48 years old with 3 daughters and one grandson. I am a bookkeeper by day and a farrier on the weekends.  I've been pretty active in the past years as I also pack people up in the hills to camp and hunt.  But it wasn't active enough, as I have steadily gained weight.  So here I am, wanting to try something new.  My office mates and I have been running for the past couple of months and entering as many 5k's as we can.  I am brand new to the triathlon world and need all the assistance and training advice I can get.  I am reading the "Slow, Fat Triathlete" right now which describes me pretty well.

Training:  Right now just running, running, running...  After the first of the year, we are going to start incorporating biking and swimming. 

Goals:  To finish the 2013 Chelan Man Try-a-Tri in Lake Chelan.  To improve my endurance and confidence....and to have fun!

I am looking forward to hearing any words of wisdom.  All that I have read and heard has said that triathletes are encouraging and upbuilding, no matter at what level they participate.  I am excited to be a part of this crowd.

Thank you,






2012-12-24 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

NAME: breger1 / Bill.  AKA: berger, bruger, byllger, BQByll, bonger1, etc. etc. etc.  (It's a long story I'll relate someday!)

STORY: I am 60 years young as of this past June.  I have always been active, having played recreational Basketball 3 or 4 times a week, till well into my 50's when all the old BBall skills went south.  8 years ago I was in Dallas Consulting for 6 months (I live in S. Florida) and knew absolutely nobody.  For something to do I impulsively joined a Half marathon Training Group (and I was a non-runner then!).  I surprisingly found I liked it, lost 25 pounds almost immediately, and got hooked.  

I've now run many HM's and 8 marathons, including Boston 2010 and New York.  I'm a dedicated Trainer - some would say obsessive.  I'll stick around!  In 2012 I did three Sprint Tris and an Int'l distance Tri last year - making the podium in my AG in all of them.  I know a lot about how to train for running and the biking is progressing nicely.  But swimming has been a problem.  I can swim far enough and I'm very comfortable in the water, but I'm way slowwwww.  This past year I've been having some back issues (from an old back injury in my teens), which told me I needed to cross train - thus started Triathlon training last January.

FAMILY STATUS: I've been married for 29 years (on April 7) and we have a biological son who is 24 and getting married in March.  I also have 2 adopted daughters from a previous marriage ages 44 and 45.  My wife supports me and follows me around to my races - we try to make a vacation out of them.  She is a runner and active in the weight room and in yoga.  But she has no interest in racing.

CURRENT TRAINING: Living in S. Florida I train all year round.  The summertime can be tough given the Heat and Humidity but I persist.  The Tri training has put a serious dent in my running mileage.  I typically average about 2000 miles running a year, but 2012 saw me run 1000 miles only.  (Biking and Swimming are way up though.)  I've let the training slip a little lately and need to get back at it after the New year.

2012 Races:  An HM PR (1:44) last January.  Three Sprint Tris and an International Distance Tri.  Did okay in all of them but want to do better - especially with the swimming.

2013 RACES:  I've been fairly lazy lately and I don't have much on the schedule yet except my 1st HIM in November.  No doubt I will add some other races as time goes on.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am a slim, trim 6' 3" guy who no one would ever consider overweight.  But before I started running I was up to 203 pounds.  Too much for my slight build.  Now I hover around 188 and really, that's too much.  (Snacking is my big sin.)  Racing weight would probably be around 180.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love to "do things the right way".  I love learning how one should train and then going out and doing it.  Swimming is all about technique and I need some serious help here.  And I'm really finding the bike training to be hard.  This will need to be a big focus of my training. 


2012-12-24 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

HI gang another year gone and all sorts of achievements. I know I haven't been around much but have at least followed you as much as I could.If you'll have me I would like to stay part of the group as I enjoy at the least the friendly banter which goes on in between the very informative discussions.

2012-12-24 1:29 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

Name: Rob,

Life time: hockey, baseball, football, golf , martial arts..( 3rd degree BB ).  I started training for triathlons about 7 yrs ago and was completely hooked after my first race. I have done up to a half Ironman ( which kicked the crap out of me) and am still hoping to get to do an Ironman before my body gives out. I’m also a personal fitness trainer with my own business and personal training at the university in Guelph, Ontario. I had an off year in 2012 due to a shoulder injury and my growing business. I only did 3 races in June and then was off. My shoulder is slowoy coming back so I hope to be back on the circuit in 2013.

Family Status:
currently separated,  2 daughters 3 grandchildren

 2013 Races: 3 in June and that was all she wrote.

2014 Races:
  Going to try for a half IM again this year.

What makes me a good part of this group
:  I was the original (token) Canadian in the group . I've been with the group almost since the beginning Also I’m a personal trainer and a NCCP trained coach for triathlons.

I haven't been as active as i would like to be here due to business picking up but I do still drop in and will give my sage advice wherever needed or wanted

Good to be back with the gang.

2012-12-24 1:31 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
Hey Bil that finally make me NOT the oldest person in the group. I didn't turn 60 until August this year.
2012-12-24 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

Hello to everyone new and old (no offensive) to the group.  Merry Christmas!  I want to see the new tri gear Santa brings!!  

2012-12-24 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Chehalis, WA
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

NAME: SpahrC / Candice Spahr

STORY: I am from the little town of Chehalis and have just recently been introduced to the world of running.  I have only done and survived 3 - 5K's with the persistant pushing of my fellow office ladies.  It quickly grew into a running team, Balmelli Babes, and NOW I am lined up to do a triathlon!!! HELP PLEASE!! I really have enjoyed the running when I don't feel like I'm gonna die. lol  I really want to enjoy this also.  BUT have NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING!!

We are lined out to do a dualathalon on Jan 6th witch is a 5K and 5.3 mile Bike Ride.  I figured this would be a good start.......yes? no?


2012-12-24 6:03 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

Welcome Bill, Michelle and Candice!  Looks like we have a great new set of peeps.

To the rest of you have a very Merry Christmas!  Hope Santa brings  you that special gift and the time with your friends and family is everything you want it to be.

Paul and I arrived in Minocqua tonight.  We'll be spending a quiet day tomorrow, but I am excited to give him his present!  Pics to come.

If anyone else is willing, post some of your favorite moments!

2012-12-24 6:09 PM
in reply to: #4547020

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
spahrc - 2012-12-24 2:15 PM

NAME: SpahrC / Candice Spahr

STORY: I am from the little town of Chehalis and have just recently been introduced to the world of running.  I have only done and survived 3 - 5K's with the persistant pushing of my fellow office ladies.  It quickly grew into a running team, Balmelli Babes, and NOW I am lined up to do a triathlon!!! HELP PLEASE!! I really have enjoyed the running when I don't feel like I'm gonna die. lol  I really want to enjoy this also.  BUT have NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING!!

We are lined out to do a dualathalon on Jan 6th witch is a 5K and 5.3 mile Bike Ride.  I figured this would be a good start.......yes? no?


Sure!  It's a little tough to answer without a full set of logs (hint!), but as long as you take it one step and pedal stroke at a time, it sounds like fun to me.

2012-12-24 8:36 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
2012-12-24 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4547188

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

My favorite moment arrived this afternoon by mail.  Shimano 105 Groupset. : )  The interesting part will be installation.  Pics to come.  More moments tomorrow when my ons opens his presents.  He is at the age now that even I like what Santa brings. Laughing

Happy Holidays everyone.!!!

2012-12-24 10:54 PM
in reply to: #4546887

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
MichelleLynn - 2012-12-24 1:14 PM

Name:  Michelle Jones

Story:  I am from Winlock, Washington, 48 years old with 3 daughters and one grandson. I am a bookkeeper by day and a farrier on the weekends.  I've been pretty active in the past years as I also pack people up in the hills to camp and hunt.  But it wasn't active enough, as I have steadily gained weight.  So here I am, wanting to try something new.  My office mates and I have been running for the past couple of months and entering as many 5k's as we can.  I am brand new to the triathlon world and need all the assistance and training advice I can get.  I am reading the "Slow, Fat Triathlete" right now which describes me pretty well.

Training:  Right now just running, running, running...  After the first of the year, we are going to start incorporating biking and swimming. 

Goals:  To finish the 2013 Chelan Man Try-a-Tri in Lake Chelan.  To improve my endurance and confidence....and to have fun!

I am looking forward to hearing any words of wisdom.  All that I have read and heard has said that triathletes are encouraging and upbuilding, no matter at what level they participate.  I am excited to be a part of this crowd.

Thank you,






I had no idea they had written a book about me. I'll work on a bio when I get off this phone & back to a computer. Welcome, new peeps! Merry Christmas, everyone!!!

2012-12-24 11:05 PM
in reply to: #4547247

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
fattyfatfat - 2012-12-24 6:36 PM
I'm glad you give Santa good beer!!!
2012-12-24 11:24 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
Merry Christmas!!!
2012-12-24 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4543742

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN
Merry Christmas, all!!!  Home from the in-laws, drove past all the luminarias in our neighborhood, up the hill to a beautifully lit up house (awesome hubby!) and going to bed KNOWING that I'll be up before all of the kiddos....and can fill the stockings then.  NICE.  Merry Christmas to all......and to all a good night!!!!!!!!
2012-12-25 5:04 AM
in reply to: #4543742

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Subject: RE: Swbkrun mentor group - OPEN

Merry Christmas everyone!

Just got back from my run, managed to sneak out after the kids opened their presents. Wow it's cold here! I know it's nothing compared to the temps some of you run in but I came back unable to feel my hands for about 5 minutes. Back to sunny Australia in 2 weeks!

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