Other Resources The Political Joe » ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already) Rss Feed  
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2013-11-08 2:23 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by NXS

Originally posted by mr2tony

Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by NXS Self insured here and my plan was dropped, not sure what I am going to do now. Cannot afford an upgrade, so I will prob just pay the penalty. Actually won't pay the penalty since they can't collect it unless they owe you a refund and that never happens for me. So much for the "if you like your plan" lie.
You can get a subsidized plan if you don't make enough to afford one. I would look into that.


He had a plan that he liked and was his personal choice, now he's got the govt telling him what he really needs and charging him more.....yeah thanks Nancy, now that we passed the bill and found out what's in it we're realizing it's a bunch of bovine excrement.

Yep that's the law, in a nutshell. Thanks for the recap. Life sucks all around, doesn't it.

I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.

Just curious, do you take any deductions on your taxes? Mortgage interest? Education? Kids?

2013-11-08 2:23 PM
in reply to: bsjracing

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by NXS 

I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.



Not sure if any of you have kids, but if you do, are you also saying the same thing about EIC or any other subsidy for procreating?

How about any subsidy if either of you have started a small business?

I also consider that, through my property taxes, I am subsidizing any parent that has more than one child. Can I get that money back and the parent(s) pay for each additional kid?
2013-11-08 2:25 PM
in reply to: bsjracing

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by bsjracing

Just found out our coverage(provided by wife's employer) is going up as a direct result of the ACA.  Thanks alot for this new tax Washington.

How much is it going up? How much has it gone up each year for the last 5 years?
2013-11-08 2:43 PM
in reply to: bsjracing

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
2013-11-08 3:13 PM
in reply to: Marvarnett

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)

Originally posted by Marvarnett
Originally posted by bsjracing

Just found out our coverage(provided by wife's employer) is going up as a direct result of the ACA.  Thanks alot for this new tax Washington.

How much is it going up? How much has it gone up each year for the last 5 years?
It has remained fairly constant over the last few years, however It is about a 3x increase over previous increases.  

2013-11-08 3:14 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)

Tony, I'm going to assume you're just trying to stir the pot and prompt some late-Friday Poli COJ debate.

This is a "Fun with Statistics" chapter.


2013-11-08 3:31 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Tony, I'm going to assume you're just trying to stir the pot and prompt some late-Friday Poli COJ debate.

This is a "Fun with Statistics" chapter.


Who me?  lol

I was actually going to comment on it, but had a call I had to jump on so I figured I would just throw it out there real quick.  

It's just a poll and doesn't really mean anything.  Of course the opponents are going to throw it out there as "see, we told you so".
If the poll comes to fruition, then obviously there will be some fiscal issues with the ACA, but nobody really knows what is going to happen until it does.

As I've mentioned before we'll probably have a much better feel for who and how many are signing up a 3 or 4 months into 2014. (assuming they get the website fixed by then)

2013-11-08 3:52 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by NXS

Originally posted by mr2tony

Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by NXS Self insured here and my plan was dropped, not sure what I am going to do now. Cannot afford an upgrade, so I will prob just pay the penalty. Actually won't pay the penalty since they can't collect it unless they owe you a refund and that never happens for me. So much for the "if you like your plan" lie.
You can get a subsidized plan if you don't make enough to afford one. I would look into that.


He had a plan that he liked and was his personal choice, now he's got the govt telling him what he really needs and charging him more.....yeah thanks Nancy, now that we passed the bill and found out what's in it we're realizing it's a bunch of bovine excrement.

Yep that's the law, in a nutshell. Thanks for the recap. Life sucks all around, doesn't it.

I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.

So you said you're not going to buy insurance because you can't afford it. And you follow up by saying you are self-reliant and proud, two attributes that are apparently unique to you and only a few other people in this country, the most-prosperous in the world.

So if you, heaven forbid, fall and break your arm or get a nasty illness or, I don't know, any emergency befalls you, I will assume since you can't afford to pay the insurance premium each month you won't be able to afford the hospital bill, right? If that's the case, then someone will have to pay it, and it won't be you because you can't afford it, it'll be taxpayers.

You won't have insurance, yet you want to remain self-reliant. How do you reconcile that?
2013-11-09 5:47 AM
in reply to: NXS

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)

Originally posted by NXS
Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by NXS Self insured here and my plan was dropped, not sure what I am going to do now. Cannot afford an upgrade, so I will prob just pay the penalty. Actually won't pay the penalty since they can't collect it unless they owe you a refund and that never happens for me. So much for the "if you like your plan" lie.
You can get a subsidized plan if you don't make enough to afford one. I would look into that.


He had a plan that he liked and was his personal choice, now he's got the govt telling him what he really needs and charging him more.....yeah thanks Nancy, now that we passed the bill and found out what's in it we're realizing it's a bunch of bovine excrement.

Yep that's the law, in a nutshell. Thanks for the recap. Life sucks all around, doesn't it.
I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.

using other people's money to cover your emergencies/big bills is kind of how insurance always worked...

2013-11-09 6:48 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)

Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by NXS
Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by NXS Self insured here and my plan was dropped, not sure what I am going to do now. Cannot afford an upgrade, so I will prob just pay the penalty. Actually won't pay the penalty since they can't collect it unless they owe you a refund and that never happens for me. So much for the "if you like your plan" lie.
You can get a subsidized plan if you don't make enough to afford one. I would look into that.


He had a plan that he liked and was his personal choice, now he's got the govt telling him what he really needs and charging him more.....yeah thanks Nancy, now that we passed the bill and found out what's in it we're realizing it's a bunch of bovine excrement.

Yep that's the law, in a nutshell. Thanks for the recap. Life sucks all around, doesn't it.
I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.

using other people's money to cover your emergencies/big bills is kind of how insurance always worked...


The difference, of course, being that until Oct 1 having insurance meant that you were voluntarily hitching your wagon with like-minded people(who also joined voluntarily) in order to share risk. 


2013-11-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: JoshR

New user
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by JoshR

Originally posted by NXS

Originally posted by mr2tony

Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by NXS Self insured here and my plan was dropped, not sure what I am going to do now. Cannot afford an upgrade, so I will prob just pay the penalty. Actually won't pay the penalty since they can't collect it unless they owe you a refund and that never happens for me. So much for the "if you like your plan" lie.
You can get a subsidized plan if you don't make enough to afford one. I would look into that.


He had a plan that he liked and was his personal choice, now he's got the govt telling him what he really needs and charging him more.....yeah thanks Nancy, now that we passed the bill and found out what's in it we're realizing it's a bunch of bovine excrement.

Yep that's the law, in a nutshell. Thanks for the recap. Life sucks all around, doesn't it.

I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.

Just curious, do you take any deductions on your taxes? Mortgage interest? Education? Kids?

Yes, BECAUSE IT IS MY MONEY, NOT THE GOVERNMENTS. I labored for it and they just take it, so don't try to say the government is giving me anything. Its just they are allowing me to keep what is already mine.

While I am pissed, let me tell you about another screwing I got from this administration that some may not know about that happened to some of us. Those of us who had stocks and bonds in GM before the bailout lost it all. The bond holders were not paid 1st as required by Fed. law and the stock was declared void. Courts ruled against bond holders saying it didn't go through bankruptcy, so they got nothing. When new stock was issued, the old was voided and you weren't re-issued anything, you just lost. Guess who came out smelling like a rose? The unions, you know the ones who pumped millions into this corrupt, lying, loser of a president to get him elected. You know if I hadn't been screwed in the GM deal, I could afford the health insurance policy that is more than double than the cost of my old one.

2013-11-09 8:28 AM
in reply to: Marvarnett

New user
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by Marvarnett

Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by NXS 

I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.



Not sure if any of you have kids, but if you do, are you also saying the same thing about EIC or any other subsidy for procreating?

How about any subsidy if either of you have started a small business?

I also consider that, through my property taxes, I am subsidizing any parent that has more than one child. Can I get that money back and the parent(s) pay for each additional kid?

Two small businesses, self financed.

Pay property taxes, my children went to private school and now home schooled.

I am sure if you dig deep enough there is maybe a fraction of a percent of some benefit I receive out of all the taxes I pay. Remember, taxes come from our money, not the gov., so any deduction we take, is just the gov. allowing us to keep more of what is already ours.

2013-11-09 11:48 AM
in reply to: moondawg14

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)

Originally posted by moondawg14


The difference, of course, being that until Oct 1 having insurance meant that you were voluntarily hitching your wagon with like-minded people(who also joined voluntarily) in order to share risk. 



Ding Ding Ding WINNER!!!!

2013-11-09 1:23 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by NXS

Originally posted by Marvarnett

Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by NXS 

I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.



Not sure if any of you have kids, but if you do, are you also saying the same thing about EIC or any other subsidy for procreating?

How about any subsidy if either of you have started a small business?

I also consider that, through my property taxes, I am subsidizing any parent that has more than one child. Can I get that money back and the parent(s) pay for each additional kid?

Two small businesses, self financed.

Pay property taxes, my children went to private school and now home schooled.

I am sure if you dig deep enough there is maybe a fraction of a percent of some benefit I receive out of all the taxes I pay. Remember, taxes come from our money, not the gov., so any deduction we take, is just the gov. allowing us to keep more of what is already ours.

The military that protects this country, the police, the fire department, the roads on which you drive (or ride your bike), the sidewalks on which you walk, your food (unless you grow all your own), the airspace in which you fly, the landfills where your trash goes, etc etc etc are all paid for, regulated or subsidized by the government. I would say you receive a LOT of benefit from all the taxes you pay.

Also, you invested all or most of your money in GM, which was an iffy bet at best, and now you own two companies that are self-financed and have or had your kids in private school, and you can't afford health insurance? Sounds like you need a new financial adviser.
2013-11-10 7:50 AM
in reply to: mr2tony

New user
Subject: RE: ACA fun begins on Oct 1 (mines beginning already)
Originally posted by mr2tony

Originally posted by NXS

Originally posted by Marvarnett

Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by NXS 

I don't want a f&%#$%* subsidy. A subsidy is someone else's hard earned dollars going to me. I was happy and making it on my own, and now the Democrats say just depend on the gov. Well guess what? I don't want a damn thing from the gov. but to be left alone. I guess I have what most of the people in this nation don't, pride and self reliance.



Not sure if any of you have kids, but if you do, are you also saying the same thing about EIC or any other subsidy for procreating?

How about any subsidy if either of you have started a small business?

I also consider that, through my property taxes, I am subsidizing any parent that has more than one child. Can I get that money back and the parent(s) pay for each additional kid?

Pay property taxes, my children went to private school and now home schooled.

I am sure if you dig deep enough there is maybe a fraction of a percent of some benefit I receive out of all the taxes I pay. Remember, taxes come from our money, not the gov., so any deduction we take, is just the gov. allowing us to keep more of what is already ours.

The military that protects this country, the police, the fire department, the roads on which you drive (or ride your bike), the sidewalks on which you walk, your food (unless you grow all your own), the airspace in which you fly, the landfills where your trash goes, etc etc etc are all paid for, regulated or subsidized by the government. I would say you receive a LOT of benefit from all the taxes you pay.

Also, you invested all or most of your money in GM, which was an iffy bet at best, and now you own two companies that are self-financed and have or had your kids in private school, and you can't afford health insurance? Sounds like you need a new financial adviser.

You see, its this wonderful economy that our president and others have created has hurt my families income. Unlike what is proclaimed in Washington, the economy here is suffering. We have cut back personally in many, many ways so that we would not have to lay off anyone in our businesses. In private owned businesses, the owner is the last to get paid. We live on a tight budget and I am fine with that. However, when someone in Washington tells me I need to spend more for something I really don't need, that is outside of my budget, when I already had something that was working, I get pissed and I don't want someone else's labor to help pay for it. As far as my GM investments, I hung onto the bonds and stocks because under the law, the bondholders would be paid off first in bankruptcy, so I had some security, or so I thought, until they circumvented the law. Trust me, a number of smarter wealthier investors got hosed along with me. Should I have dumped them sooner, yep, mistake made. But I learned something. If the gov. wants something you have, they will find a way to take it and convince the public that its necessary.

The bottom line for me, is that my family was fine before the Democrats decided to take over healthcare. We had the health insurance we needed, at a price we could afford. It just proved to me one again, that government needs to be smaller and function as outlined in the constitution. I'm out of this one, hope everyone stays healthy.
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