BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-01-07 8:29 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen


Todd, how is the kombucha? 

It is very good! I can pull 1 quart every other day from it. My wife said she will not be drinking that much from it so I probably won't pull that much, maybe every 3rd day or so.

2014-01-07 8:35 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Got a run in Monday night, on the treadmill, gawd so boring! Ran 3 miles then raised incline to 10% and ran at 7mph for 2 mins then 1 min rest 5 times. Hill repeats is about the only thing I like the treadmill for.

Sleep? what is that?

9:30 and I'm going to bed. worked 12 hrs, neg temps all day. uhgg more coffee.
2014-01-08 10:10 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Hi Team! I am so happy - Felicity took a good nap and I managed the entire run I wanted to get in AND a shower! It really is the small things isn't it?? hahaha

Yesterday, it was okay - I hopped on the trainer and got to 25 mins before she woke up.  It sure is better than nothing but I was hoping for 30-45 mins.  

I really can't wait for the 'warm up' this weekend.  We are definitely housebound.  I may suck it up and bundle us up to go somewhere, anywhere. 

2014-01-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Originally posted by juniperjen


Todd, how is the kombucha? 

It is very good! I can pull 1 quart every other day from it. My wife said she will not be drinking that much from it so I probably won't pull that much, maybe every 3rd day or so.

Dude. Wow. Um, there a website you used. Not sure if my wife would put up with another alternative remedy fermenting away in the fridge or counter, considering my new addiction to green smoothies.
2014-01-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
37 minutes on the trainer while J "napped". he slept for about the first half, but then cooper barked twice 5 minutes apart and he didn't fall asleep after that. Does anyone else have dogs that wake up kids from naps? any suggestions?
2014-01-08 1:08 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Team! I am so happy - Felicity took a good nap and I managed the entire run I wanted to get in AND a shower! It really is the small things isn't it?? hahaha

Yesterday, it was okay - I hopped on the trainer and got to 25 mins before she woke up.  It sure is better than nothing but I was hoping for 30-45 mins.  

I really can't wait for the 'warm up' this weekend.  We are definitely housebound.  I may suck it up and bundle us up to go somewhere, anywhere. 

yay on getting your full run in! I'm excited for the weekend weather as well, though I'll probablt take the dog out later for a walk so that J can get an okay nap in the stroller.

2014-01-09 9:36 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Ah the dog! Felicity may or may not wake up if the dog barks, I guess it's based on how deep in sleep she is ... i am often deriding our cat who can actually be  louder than the dog - at much more inconvenient times.  He wanders around caterwauling with a toy in his mouth usually after 10 pm. Erg. I have't figured out how to quiet them down ... though i don't usually help - yelling at at them ... hahaha

Had a good swim last night - we were doing hypoxic sets and i really suck.  I get panicky. It's good to do though. this is where I most feel my youth as a non-swimmer

This morning I felt Felicity second tooth coming in. So far the teeth haven't made her too cranky. She's tired

So it seems people are doing what they can with the time they have - do you have a favourite workout that fits in 30-45 mins? Swim, bike, run or strength?

2014-01-09 9:39 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

I haven't read the book but it might be good discussion for us: time-crunched triathete

Has anyone read it? Have thoughts on how best to maximize limited training time? 

And we do have several ladies here - a big concern of mine is maintaining energy and nutrition for breastfeeding which is not likely in this book. 

2014-01-09 11:38 AM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Awful ride this morning on the trainer. Couldn't get comfortable, so I got off and realized my saddle had shifted and was at a 30 degree angle upward.
2014-01-09 11:54 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Ah the dog! Felicity may or may not wake up if the dog barks, I guess it's based on how deep in sleep she is ... i am often deriding our cat who can actually be  louder than the dog - at much more inconvenient times.  He wanders around caterwauling with a toy in his mouth usually after 10 pm. Erg. I have't figured out how to quiet them down ... though i don't usually help - yelling at at them ... hahaha

Had a good swim last night - we were doing hypoxic sets and i really suck.  I get panicky. It's good to do though. this is where I most feel my youth as a non-swimmer

This morning I felt Felicity second tooth coming in. So far the teeth haven't made her too cranky. She's tired

So it seems people are doing what they can with the time they have - do you have a favourite workout that fits in 30-45 mins? Swim, bike, run or strength?

On the trainer in that amount of time, I get on, and just make it harder every two minutes. When I switch to the big ring, I make it a step or two easier. Cool down by switching to the small ring and take it one step lower easier each minute.

Running, I'm boring and still just doing easy runs. I guess I should add some intensity in at some point. I am getting retested for my lactate threshold limits next week (I think?) so we'll see where I need to work. I'm guessing it will be intense stuff again, I tend to be lazy and just go easy (I'm an endurance junkie and will have to change that this year with my focus on shorter races this year!)
2014-01-09 11:58 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

I haven't read the book but it might be good discussion for us: time-crunched triathete

Has anyone read it? Have thoughts on how best to maximize limited training time? 

And we do have several ladies here - a big concern of mine is maintaining energy and nutrition for breastfeeding which is not likely in this book. 

This is a concern of mine as well. I've been losing weight and terrified to lose it too quickly. I try to track my food and make smart choices, but I'm also trying to make sure I eat enough to only lose a pound a week, if I have left over calories, I do have a treat usually to make sure I don't lose too much too fast. It is kind of funny because normally, you would be like "yay, I lost two pounds this week!" now it is "Oh no! I lost 2 pounds, I hope this doesn't effect my milk supply!"

2014-01-09 11:59 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

Awful ride this morning on the trainer. Couldn't get comfortable, so I got off and realized my saddle had shifted and was at a 30 degree angle upward.

Sorry, I had to chuckle at that. no wonder it was uncomfortable!
2014-01-09 1:28 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Ah the dog! Felicity may or may not wake up if the dog barks, I guess it's based on how deep in sleep she is ... i am often deriding our cat who can actually be  louder than the dog - at much more inconvenient times.  He wanders around caterwauling with a toy in his mouth usually after 10 pm. Erg. I have't figured out how to quiet them down ... though i don't usually help - yelling at at them ... hahaha

Had a good swim last night - we were doing hypoxic sets and i really suck.  I get panicky. It's good to do though. this is where I most feel my youth as a non-swimmer

This morning I felt Felicity second tooth coming in. So far the teeth haven't made her too cranky. She's tired

So it seems people are doing what they can with the time they have - do you have a favourite workout that fits in 30-45 mins? Swim, bike, run or strength?

ahhh same problem too with the dogs and cat...I think after awhile they get used to it as our oldest doesn't even wake up if the little guy is yelling in the morning before she gets up ( he has found his voice bigtime!) our cat is the same way at night she almost howls to the point where it's super disruptive...I actually just took her to the vet for blood testing as she's lost a bunch of weight in the past year too...I both are indicative of hyperthyroidism so we will see if that's the answer..

If I do a 30-45 min spin I usually just pop in some tunes and spin to the music...usually gets a good sweat going on. For a run i'll do hill sprints or just 400m sprints......swim it all depends.
2014-01-09 1:34 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

Originally posted by juniperjen

I haven't read the book but it might be good discussion for us: time-crunched triathete

Has anyone read it? Have thoughts on how best to maximize limited training time? 

And we do have several ladies here - a big concern of mine is maintaining energy and nutrition for breastfeeding which is not likely in this book. 

This is a concern of mine as well. I've been losing weight and terrified to lose it too quickly. I try to track my food and make smart choices, but I'm also trying to make sure I eat enough to only lose a pound a week, if I have left over calories, I do have a treat usually to make sure I don't lose too much too fast. It is kind of funny because normally, you would be like "yay, I lost two pounds this week!" now it is "Oh no! I lost 2 pounds, I hope this doesn't effect my milk supply!"

totally worry about that too!!! although midwife said not to worry unless i'm doing 2hr runs and long bikes/swims and make sure I drink lots of fluids.....the long workouts will be coming but hopefully around the same time the little guy is eating more food. with my first I was so stuck on loosing those last 5lbs but this time its like eh i'm nursing I can use the little extra weight and when training ramps up it will all come off anyways.

2014-01-09 2:06 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by Daffodil
Originally posted by sethjk Awful ride this morning on the trainer. Couldn't get comfortable, so I got off and realized my saddle had shifted and was at a 30 degree angle upward.
Sorry, I had to chuckle at that. no wonder it was uncomfortable!

Me too! good on ya for making it even that long! 

And don't worry - we've all (okay, I know i have without including the rest of the group) done something or other like that.  I've actually crashed my bike on the trainer ... oh gawd. it was so stupid but i'd been using my bike on the weekend and didn't put it back in the trainer properly and a couple of days later I hopped back on forgetting that it wasn't fully secured. I went a few minutes before I started to tip over all clipped in.  I laugh so hard even thinking about it because my face would have had to be hysterical.  I was so shocked as to what was happening! hahahaha

2014-01-09 2:13 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Thanks for all the support! I made it about 25 minutes.

On the upside, didn't need the alarm to go off as my 13 month old decided to moan LOUDLY in his sleep at 5:30 (15 minutes before my alarm). He does it a lot, and usually we just switch off the monitor (I promise, we're not bad parents), but today he was really loud. he might actually have been awake and wanting to play but our rule is if he isn't crying we don't get him until 7.

2014-01-10 10:24 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Happy Friday everyone! So what is up for the weekend? 

The temperatures have risen but annoyingly we got a bunch of snow overnight. So it's just gonna be really wet. I was planning to use the Bob for an outdoor run but the roads and sidewalks won't be clear. Blerg.  Treadmill maybe - but it's not looking like a great nap day. We'll see what will work out. 

I am looking at some baby programs - for those with older kids - when or did you start taking your baby swimming? I have the option of going to an aqua aerobics class on Fridays where she would be in a floating chair - but could also go to family swim at the public pools.  What should have or do with the baby? I took baby sign language class before the holidays and it was fun and very educational. So, even though i want to work out I should plan things for Felicity and I can do ... hahaha

2014-01-10 11:14 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
We took J in the pool the first time when he was a little over three weeks old. it was an outdoor pool and the water was too cold for him, didn't work so well. Took him again when he was maybe 10 weeks? worked better (he had really good head control, and I used to be a swimming instructor so felt comfortable.

He has been in the water maybe half a dozen times altogether. he enjoys it. Unless it is a warm pool, I would recommend limiting the time in it to 15 minutes as there little bodies get cold. We were supposed to start swim lessons this past tuesday in Brantford (they have a warm pool and my friend teaches the class) but the blowing snow lead to a tonne of accidents on the 403, so we decided to skip the first lesson. We'll be going next week.

I also take J to a play group at the library - nursery rhyme games and stories. In september/october we did infant massage, but I think the timing of it was really bad, I was still adjusting to parenthood and it always seemed to be in the afternoon when J was sleeping, the missed sleep made him very grumpy in the evening, we never stuck with it. Maybe I'll try again now that we are trying to establish routines.

As for weekend, DH's birthday was on Tuesday, so we are going to dinner tomorrow night. We'll take J with us. On Saturday during the day, we may or may not go for a hike as a family. I want to stay consistent with the nap training, but on the other had if we went out for the hike, it is pretty much guaranteed that J will sleep for a solid 2-2.5 hours which I think his poor little body desperately needs right now. This sleep training business is tough, I think I spent as much time crying last night as J did. The poor little guy is exhausted.

Edited by Daffodil 2014-01-10 11:24 AM
2014-01-10 2:58 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

Awful ride this morning on the trainer. Couldn't get comfortable, so I got off and realized my saddle had shifted and was at a 30 degree angle upward.

yep that would do it.
2014-01-10 3:02 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy Friday everyone! So what is up for the weekend? 

The temperatures have risen but annoyingly we got a bunch of snow overnight. So it's just gonna be really wet. I was planning to use the Bob for an outdoor run but the roads and sidewalks won't be clear. Blerg.  Treadmill maybe - but it's not looking like a great nap day. We'll see what will work out. 

I am looking at some baby programs - for those with older kids - when or did you start taking your baby swimming? I have the option of going to an aqua aerobics class on Fridays where she would be in a floating chair - but could also go to family swim at the public pools.  What should have or do with the baby? I took baby sign language class before the holidays and it was fun and very educational. So, even though i want to work out I should plan things for Felicity and I can do ... hahaha

Ever since I stopped running my weekends are free. Sleep in, pancakes with the kids, clean the house. Gee, I don't even need a nap in the afternoon. Think we are going to take the kids swimming on Sunday. Might try to get some squats and deadlifts done Saturday in the basement.

Great news, my gym is open on Monday again. YAY! Epic workout on deck.
2014-01-10 6:05 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

37 minutes on the trainer while J "napped". he slept for about the first half, but then cooper barked twice 5 minutes apart and he didn't fall asleep after that. Does anyone else have dogs that wake up kids from naps? any suggestions?

My dogs don't bark very often, only when someone comes to the door, or they see a deer getting close to the back patio. Havn't had the dogs wake our DS up yet in the house. In the car, Yes. The one dog will whine whenever we stop at a light or any turn whatever.

2014-01-10 6:13 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy Friday everyone! So what is up for the weekend? 

The temperatures have risen but annoyingly we got a bunch of snow overnight. So it's just gonna be really wet. I was planning to use the Bob for an outdoor run but the roads and sidewalks won't be clear. Blerg.  Treadmill maybe - but it's not looking like a great nap day. We'll see what will work out. 

I am looking at some baby programs - for those with older kids - when or did you start taking your baby swimming? I have the option of going to an aqua aerobics class on Fridays where she would be in a floating chair - but could also go to family swim at the public pools.  What should have or do with the baby? I took baby sign language class before the holidays and it was fun and very educational. So, even though i want to work out I should plan things for Felicity and I can do ... hahaha

Not real sure what I am doing this weekend. Worked way too many hours this week. Would be nice to get some sleep but alas we all know thats not going to happen. Went to Applebees for dinner tonight, I have stopped eating all meat where I don't know where it came from. So Applebees does not have much on the menu for me. I consider Seafood meat so I don't want to eat that. Salad, and Quesadillas it was.

Got in a 9.3 mile run on Thursday morn, Ran with a group of friends, avg pace was 8:05.

Gonna do something tonight, just dont know what. Trainer, swim or Run. Hrmm

2014-01-10 6:17 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
If I only have 45 mins to work out I usually will run, just seems like it is the best workout and Running helps your bike, but biking doesnt help your run.
But if it is 45 mins of actual workout, so getting ready and showering afterward is not included then I would swim also. I can get a good swim in 45 mins.

2014-01-10 9:23 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

If I only have 45 mins to work out I usually will run, just seems like it is the best workout and Running helps your bike, but biking doesnt help your run.
But if it is 45 mins of actual workout, so getting ready and showering afterward is not included then I would swim also. I can get a good swim in 45 mins.

Interesting.... you are the first person I've heard say that running helps your bike.....I've always heard it the other way around- biking helps your run in a cardiovascular sense, that's why often runners that are injured resort to biking so they can keep up the same cardiovascular strength and can get back to running easier post injury, providing they keep the muscles strong. But the two use totally different muscles so in a muscle sense they don't help each other but can be a form of good cross training and provide some relief from impact especially if prone to shin splints.
2014-01-10 9:33 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy Friday everyone! So what is up for the weekend? 

The temperatures have risen but annoyingly we got a bunch of snow overnight. So it's just gonna be really wet. I was planning to use the Bob for an outdoor run but the roads and sidewalks won't be clear. Blerg.  Treadmill maybe - but it's not looking like a great nap day. We'll see what will work out. 

I am looking at some baby programs - for those with older kids - when or did you start taking your baby swimming? I have the option of going to an aqua aerobics class on Fridays where she would be in a floating chair - but could also go to family swim at the public pools.  What should have or do with the baby? I took baby sign language class before the holidays and it was fun and very educational. So, even though i want to work out I should plan things for Felicity and I can do ... hahaha

Our city lessons start at 6 months, however when we were in a small town they started them at 4months (I took my oldest at 4 months) ....really all it is getting them comfy in the water and singing some songs. I'm starting E in lessons next month with a friend and her baby- we are using it to get out of the house and do something with the babies while the older ones are in school! E has been in a pool a few times and didn't seem to mind. definitely check out the water temp, most kiddie pools are warmer so it's ok - we use a full arms/legs bathing suit with the swim diaper underneath, it keeps them warmer and comfy. For the aqua aerobics I know the previous pool said you can put them in a sleeper to keep them warmer in the water because it's held in the lap pool.... but I never tried it since we have the full suit.

plans for the weekend- hop on the trainer as soon as the kiddo's are asleep tonight while hubby runs beside me on the tready.....short run tomorrow, long run sunday.......
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