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2007-01-17 9:28 PM
in reply to: #658451

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
hangloose - 2007-01-17 4:43 PM

FWIW I faced a choice similar to yours last year with similar strengths and weaknesses.  Except I had never run before but had ridden a bit.  I decided to make it a 3 year project.  Sprint and OLY last year.  HIM and Marathon this year.  IM next year.  I know people don't always do a marathon first, but for me, I have to know that my body can take it as a stand alone event.  I picture myself getting off the bike in T2 at IMWI in 2008 exhausted and feeling like I want to die.  Hardly able to move.  At that point, do I want to start a marathon wondering if I can do it or knowing I've done one?  For me that's it.  Maybe you don't need that. 

Holy Mackerel! You just described . . . me! I did my first sprint and OLY last year, have a marathon and HIM on tap for this year, and intend to do IMWI next year if I can take the marathon as a stand alone event. Sounds like I'm running with the right crowd!

2007-01-17 9:34 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

What's the rush?

Why not focus this season on getting the training down for some more sprints and a couple of Olympic distance events? It will give you a good base and will let you ease into the whole training thing.

I found training for a HIM to be pretty all consuming. Of course, training for an IM is even MORE consuming. I'm not sure how that could even be. (!!!)

I did a season of sprints, a season of sprints and then one Olympic and THEN a season of a couple of sprints and a couple of Olympics before I tried a Half. You don't have to wait that long, if you don't want to... but if this is truly a lifestyle choice, you've got the rest of your life to tackle the various distances. Take your time and do what fits best into your schedule right now!  

2007-01-17 11:07 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Great input John and Laura. I really appreciate your advice and your willingness to share your experiences.

Let's see--what's the rush? Mother time? Physically it is only downhill from here in many IM required physical attributes (think aerobic capacity, strength, bone density).

If I want to do an IM without killing myself I need to get going. When you have time, take a look at the women's results for Ironman distance races in the 50-54 age group and up. Not much there. I talked with a few Doctors who are Ironman finishers and asked them what the correlation was with the significant decrease in numbers of participants from the 40-44 and 45-49 age groups to 50+. They gave me the answer I knew was coming.

If I wasn't such a wimp about OWS, I would have three sprints in the books by now. I really don't find the sprints very much fun. They are very hectic. I am just getting into my rhythm and I am done with that portion of the race. I know I will do another sprint this year and an Olympic this year. The HIM is very much open for discussion/debate. Really not much difference in swim distance--the bike and run more so. Maybe waiting to take on a HIM is the right strategy for now.

I really rely on the advice of experienced triathletes who have been there, done the work, and completed the race!
2007-01-18 7:16 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I've enjoyed reading the experince of you folks on training and goals. The idea of doing a IM appeals to me, but until I get at least a couple of oly under my belt, I'm not even listing an IM as a goal.

I've been reading articles on training and looking at plans. I'm leaning to the idea of hiring a coach to craft a plan. This is based on several factors. Mainly that my schedule includes 12 hours shifts at night and I can't figure out how to adapt any training plan to those hours.
2007-01-18 2:17 PM
in reply to: #658881

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Episcopit - I may not be the right person to chime in on this.  Or maybe I am.  I don't really follow a set plan.  I read plans, and I keep track of the volume that they recommend, when to do speed training and in what quantities, and that kind of stuff.  But I don't really follow one per say.  I just try to do what I can and make sure I hit some touchstones, like a weekly long run, etc.  I also try to rotate my training to do more of one activity for a few weeks and then switch.  See, all I can do is as much as I have time for, which is not much, so that has to be enough.  So I don't think I'd be much help if you want to adapt a plan and follow it strictly.  My approach might help you though if you want to be less rigid about following a plan. 

If you want to talk about it some more post a link to a plan you would like to follow and I'll tell you what I think.  Also post if certain days of the week are better for you to do certain things, what days are best for rest, do you do mornings or nights, weekends, etc.



2007-01-18 7:48 PM
in reply to: #659639

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
hangloose - 2007-01-18 3:17 PM

Episcopit - I may not be the right person to chime in on this. Or maybe I am. I don't really follow a set plan. I read plans, and I keep track of the volume that they recommend, when to do speed training and in what quantities, and that kind of stuff. But I don't really follow one per say. I just try to do what I can and make sure I hit some touchstones, like a weekly long run, etc. I also try to rotate my training to do more of one activity for a few weeks and then switch. See, all I can do is as much as I have time for, which is not much, so that has to be enough. So I don't think I'd be much help if you want to adapt a plan and follow it strictly. My approach might help you though if you want to be less rigid about following a plan.

If you want to talk about it some more post a link to a plan you would like to follow and I'll tell you what I think. Also post if certain days of the week are better for you to do certain things, what days are best for rest, do you do mornings or nights, weekends, etc.

I work 7p-7a 3-4 days a week. Right now, I can set my own schedule, but it's likely that I'm taking a job at a smaller facility where I won't have that flexibility. I like swimming after I get off work which is possible except on weekends. I will do short runs or lift before work, but I'm time limited to about an hour of workout time. My first day off a set of work days is normally a rest day to catch up on sleep, laundry, shopping, cooking, ect. I need the option to have a day off during the middle of the set because life happens.

What I do now is make a list of all the workouts I want to accomplish in the week, and then decided on a day to day basis what to do. I can see how I could adapt most plans I've seen to this philosphy.

One of my current options with scheduling is working 7 on, 7 off. If I can do that again, I then will plan training on quick periodization - seven days hard, seven days maintain.

I've done a horrible job of following a plan for marathon training, but I've managed to get in a day of speedwork, a tempo run, and a long run most weeks, so I understand the theory of what you're saying. What I don't know is how to combine training for other sports and what are the key-workouts I need to consider in cycling and swimming.

2007-01-19 9:04 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Ok, then we are in very different work situations but similar "time available" circumstances.  My approach isn't that different than what you've been doing.  Instead of me telling you what to do (which is a bad idea!) I'll just tell you what I do and you can modify it or ignore it at your pleasure.

My base week right now with the bike on the trainer is like this. 
     2 runs, 2 bikes, 2 swims.  One run has to be long (10+ miles for me).

My ideal week would be 3 bike sessions and one more S-M run.  That doesn't happen too often with life interfering.  The last couple weeks I've slacked on the swimming (Whizz might say I've been slacking on swimming for a year).  I don't really have key workouts on the trainer or in the pool which is probably why my winters seem to be run heavy.  Consequently, that is my best event.  Once I get my bike on the road in the spring I'll be focusing way more on bike and a weekly long ride there.  I know I'm bad about the swim, I guess that puts me in the majority of triathletes.

Anyway, I rotate the workouts based on what I did last and what my body feels up to.  Running three days in a row - probably not a good idea.  As far as what I do DURING the workouts, that's where you can incorporate the times and types of workouts described in the plan of your choice.  Personally, I'm just trying to do as much as I have time for.  That's probably not the best for everyone.

As my time for workouts disappears based on my work, kids and wife's needs I'll drop the swimming first, the 3rd and 2nd bike next, and the running last.  The weekly long run would be the last thing to go if it ever got to that, but that's because I'm working toward a marathon at the end of the season and want to keep putting miles on my legs.

Monday is really my only planned rest day, because I usually hit it pretty hard on the weekends.  The other rest day just happens during the week anyway so why plan it?  I used to write this out in a calendar type format but after a while I just do it.

Hope all this rambling helps.

2007-01-19 9:12 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

As my time for workouts disappears based on my work, kids and wife's needs I'll drop the swimming first, the 3rd and 2nd bike next, and the running last.

As time for working out disappears based on life obligations, you should WORK YOUR WEAKNESS! If all my time disappeared, I'd be RUNNING almost exclusively. All the running you do at the expense of your swimming doesn't help. Unless you want to be ((mainly)) a runner that happens to do triathlons.

Get in the pool Marty! (I've taken to calling you that, as I think it suits you better than your actual name!) Laughing


 Whizzzzzzzzzzzzzz (I smell chlorine...)

2007-01-19 1:11 PM
in reply to: #660461

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-01-19 9:12 AM

As my time for workouts disappears based on my work, kids and wife's needs I'll drop the swimming first, the 3rd and 2nd bike next, and the running last.

As time for working out disappears based on life obligations, you should WORK YOUR WEAKNESS! If all my time disappeared, I'd be RUNNING almost exclusively. All the running you do at the expense of your swimming doesn't help. Unless you want to be ((mainly)) a runner that happens to do triathlons.

Get in the pool Marty! (I've taken to calling you that, as I think it suits you better than your actual name!) Laughing


 Whizzzzzzzzzzzzzz (I smell chlorine...)

You're right.  I know.  I'm like the kid that has to be told to clean his room.  I know I have to do it.  And once its done I'm glad I did it.  I just have trouble getting around to actually doing it.  Plus, before fall of 05 I had never once run for excersize in my life before.  This still feels new to me and maybe part of me is that if I let up at all it is all going to crumble away.  Ok, this is probably too much analysis of the guy who was just going to chime in once in a while.  Sorry to be a thread hog.  Hopefully some of you feel similarly so all my blithering is somehow serving a purpose.

Anyone else want to chime in on the "working your weaknesses first" thing?  Or what you strip it down to if you can only get in one or two workouts per week?

2007-01-19 7:10 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Working on my weakness is exactly why I started my triathlon training with swimming lessons.

OWS lessons this June will not be missed, no excuses. If I miss a run, no big deal. If I miss a bike workout, not too big of a deal. If I miss a swim, major impact.

I am putting emphasis on prioritizing my workouts this season with workouts set in importance as follows: #1-swim, #2-bike, #3-run. I have made a promise to myself: I will never miss a scheduled long workout in any of the sports.

My swim coach knows when I have missed workouts--swimming is so much of a technique sport that it is so easy to lose it. I may not even have ever had it.

What does everyone have planned this weekend? Me, bike tonight, run/swim Saturday, and swim Sunday. Have a great weekend!
2007-01-19 8:19 PM
in reply to: #660461

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-01-19 10:12 AM

Unless you want to be ((mainly)) a runner that happens to do triathlons.

Yes, really I think that's what I'm doing right now. (No offense taken, and subject to change if I actually like triathlons better.)

2007-01-19 8:27 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I too started out this season working on my weakest weakness: running. I absolutely DIED on the run during my last race last year. I promised myself that it would not happen again. That's why I picked out a marathon to run this year. My sister and cousin both plan to run in it as well, so it provides added motivation not to slack on the training.

The swimming (a close second weakness) focus is a recent development. I started swimming more when it got colder just to give my legs a break. Participating in a multiweek swim distance "challenge" didn't cross my mind until I was guilted into it. That will take me into March on 3x per week pool visits.

While I don't think I am that weak on the bike, I keep reading that it is the leg where you can make up or lose the most time. Once non-freezing temperatures roll around again (I don't have a trainer or the scheduled time to do spin class), I'll be hitting the bike hard, probably at the expense of some swim time.

This weekend: Friday night - dreadmill. Saturday - find a pair of ski boots for my oldest son (10) so we can get out and hit the slopes. Then take him to the pool and squirrel around so I can get in my last 25 laps of the week. He's got better form that I do so maybe I can pick up a thing or two! Sunday - long run! It's the only thing I can do with music stuck in my ears and it's terribly theraputic for the soul.

Have a great weekend everyone!
2007-01-19 8:35 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Right now, I'm really focued on running since the next event on my radar is a marathon. I've cut down on the number of days I run since I started training but my runs are more focused now. I've added more swimming and maintained my lifting schedule.

When I switch focus to a tri, I'm going to have trouble letting up on the run. I already miss my daily easy run that I used to pray the rosary (1 Tim 4:8).

I need to get some cycle work in but it's not my favorite thing. I enjoy using a bike to get from point A to point B, but don't enjoy training rides as much. I could start buying groceries across town, but I still don't have an easy way to transport groceries on a road bike.

Swimming I need to do some other time that when I get off work if I'm going to work on speed. I haven't timed myself, but I know I'm slower after work. But since I still get in the yards and it works with my schedule, I'm not going to change it too much.

Weight lifting is going to have to go into maintance phase soon for sake of time if I'm going to increase bike and swim.
2007-01-19 8:40 PM
in reply to: #661372

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
tvwatters - 2007-01-19 9:27 PM

(I don't have a trainer or the scheduled time to do spin class),

I'm in the same boat here. I asked about using the spin bikes when no class was going on and got the OK from the gym. I'm considering using podrunner mixes to work on cadence in an enviroment that I don't have to worry about being distracted and ending up at work in an ambulace.
2007-01-20 3:22 PM
in reply to: #661368

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Episcopit - 2007-01-19 8:19 PM
Whizzzzz - 2007-01-19 10:12 AM

Unless you want to be ((mainly)) a runner that happens to do triathlons.

Yes, really I think that's what I'm doing right now. (No offense taken, and subject to change if I actually like triathlons better.)

No offense intended! I'm in awe of people that can actually run. On land. Speedily and without expending huge amounts of effort. I look like a lumbering....well... lumberjack when I run. I'd really love to consider myself a "runner" at some point... I'm DEFINITELY not there yet. *SIGH*. Am jumping back into running, though, as the knee allows. Knee feels pretty good so I'm looking forward to a fun spring and summer chock full of RUNNING!

I consider myself a triathlete that runs only because it's required to get to the finish line. 

2007-01-21 3:21 PM
in reply to: #661787

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-01-20 3:22 PM

I consider myself a triathlete that runs only because it's required to get to the finish line. 

Ya 'mon!

2007-01-22 12:59 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I would really love to consider myself a swimmer at some point.

I am definitely not there. I swim like a brick.

The beauty of training in all three sports is that there is always something to work on, challenge yourself with, and hopefully master/overcome at some point.

I don't favor any of the three sports because not one of them is stronger than the others. I need to work on all three--maybe a little harder on swimming than running and biking.

Enjoy the journey!

2007-01-23 2:18 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Alright.  Just to get some conversation going and learn some more about each other here goes.

List the longest distance you have done in each event.  It can be in training or in a race.  If in a race it can be in a tri or individual sport race.  If you swam (for example) in college and did 10,000M workouts but that was 20 years ago maybe you want to give two responses, then and in your current fitness incarnation.

Longest tri:
Longest swim:
Longest bike:
Longest run:


2007-01-23 7:30 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
OK, I'll play.

Longest Tri: just a little local sprint (400M Swim, 16 Mile Bike, 5K run-2006).
Longest Swim: At one time--1000 yards (2006).
Longest Bike: 36 miles (2005).
Longest Run: 20 mile Syttende Mai run, Madison to Stoughton, WI (more hilly than the Boston Marathon--in the mid-80s-when I was a runner)

Athletic History:
-High School tennis player
-College tennis player
-55-60 miles per week runner (10Ks, half-marathons, one 20-miler)
-Injured runner who became a casual road cyclist/mt biker and cross country skiier
-Got into body building--what can I say, the scenery was good!
-Returned to competitive USTA league/tournament tennis player (4 times/week all year round)
-Workaholic/stressed out couch potato
-Finally found my way to triathlon

Whew--that covers the last 30+ years! 2007-another sprint or two, an olympic, and maybe a HIM. 2008-HIM and maybe Ironman Wisconsin (if I make it through the training in one piece)

2007-01-23 9:24 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
My turn:

Longest tri: Lake Geneva Oly (.9mi, 26mi, 6.2mi). HIM in the plans for this summer.
Longest swim: 3500 yards, so far. Planning 5000 for this weekend if I can find the time.
Longest bike: 60 miles. Will crack the 100 mi mark this summer!
Longest run: 13.1 miles. Doing Grandma's Marathon this year, if I can get in. Otherwise, I'll pick something closer to home.

I have no previous endurance background, unless you count couch sitting or college drinking. This past year was my first attempt at anything approaching "endurance". College-level competitive ski racing was the closest I came - slalom and GS.

Tri training gave me a goal to actually work toward. Every physical activity that I've ever done had to be a game, and tri's fit the bill!

Edited by tvwatters 2007-01-23 9:25 PM
2007-01-23 9:27 PM
in reply to: #665626

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
retiretotri - 2007-01-23 7:30 PM

2008-HIM and maybe Ironman Wisconsin (if I make it through the training in one piece)

With any luck, I'll be joining you at IMWI in 2008! Stay strong!

2007-01-24 9:47 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Longest tri: I did 2 HIMs last season... Spirit of Racine and Lake Geneva. I was supposed to do Lake Geneva as a HIM in 2005, but I didn't have the run base, so I switched to the Olympic Distance on race day.
Longest swim: 4850 yards. Not last weekend, but the weekend before, for my friend Pete's 52nd birthday, we did 52 x 100. I took some breaks so wound up with 4850 yards instead of 5200.
Longest bike: 101 miles, August, 2005. Katie and Pete were training for IM that year, so we did more really long bike rides. My longest bike ride this year was only about 80. I was ready to give my bike away to the first person who might have asked for it after that 101 ride. Heh. My butt was SORE and chafed. I wasn't enlightened to chamois butter yet. I am now!
Longest run: Checking my logs.... 13.86 miles. Hmmmpf. I thought it was longer. August of 2006.

I've been working up to IM distance training... I know I can do the swim and the bike... right after each other... without too much of a problem... the run... I'm not so sure. I need intensive run training in order to wrap my teeny tiny mind around the idea of running 26.2 miles after biking for 112.  My plan is an IM in 2008 as well... We'll see... depends on how the knee comes along... and how well I'm able to absorb another year of training. My engine is just not as big as I'd like it to be...

Edited by Whizzzzz 2007-01-24 9:48 AM
2007-01-24 2:20 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I forgot to do it myself.  Duh.

Longest tri:  Pleasant Prairie OLY last year.  HIM this summer.

Longest swim:  Crystal Lake (where I live) 2mi OWS.  (3520 yds)  Cheap race held every July.  Good OWS practice.  Did it last year for the first time and I'll keep doing it every year because it is such good practice.  I really had no business swimming this far based on training, all I can say is thank heaven for wetsuits.

Longest Bike:  50 miles last July.  Tired but not too sore.

longest run:  20 miles.  About a month ago.  It was tough but I built up to it pretty well so it didn't completely wreck me.

My ultimate goal is IM.  Hopefully a HIM and marathon this summer will help put me in a position to do IM next year.  The two things I need the most work on are bike speed and swim pace.  My problem is tearing myself away from running to concentrate on the other two.  I want to qualify for a starting corral for the Chicago Marathon this year (1:35 or less for half mary).  The race I'll be attempting that at is in early May.  After that run I'll have 10 weeks to really hammer the bike and swim training before Spirit of Racine.  Then marathon training begins.


2007-01-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Longest tri: sprint - 2004, 2006
Longest swim:  3600 meters in pool  2004
Longest bike:  40 miles training
Longest run: 4 or 5 miles 2004

Athletic history:

Swim team 1973-1980 or so

HS basketball

HS track and field (high jump and javalin)

HS biking - long rides in farm country

college - played intramural anything - if someone is willling to keep score, I was willing to play it.   Was rather good at floor hockey.

Dabled in weight lifting, lap swimming, jogging, mtn biking.


2007-01-24 4:37 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I know there are still two people's responses to get, but we have a pretty similar group, I think.  If you are someone who has a weak event that you are concerned about signing up for an event that focuses on that can really help.  My example is me with swimming.  I'm very lucky to live in a town with a decent lake and every year they have a 2 mi OWS race.  A lot of triathletes in the area do it.  It's great OWS practice.  Just knowing that I can do the distance, regardless of pace, is a big confidence builder.  But knowing  how hard it is and what it is like to try to come out of the water after two miles helps me realize how much I need to work on my swimming. 

Anyway, the point is that some of us may simply not have done a certain distance in a certain event due to opportunity.  Seek those opportunities out, especially if they are in your weakness, because it will make you a better and more confident athlete.  They can be in races or in training.  Maybe a planned training event with a partner.  I know this summer I'll be doing some long rides with others to help get me up to that 75-100 mile region.  Whizzz pointed out that's why she did 101 miles in 05.  I focused a month's worth of running around getting a 20 mile training run accomplished just because I wanted to achieve that goal.  And of course there's always that da** swim.

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