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2007-05-25 8:45 AM
in reply to: #805274

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Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
Hey Turtle - I say go for it, but be careful.  If your shins begin to bother you in the least, that is your sign to stop immediately.  Otherwise, go get 'em

2007-05-28 8:34 AM
in reply to: #805274

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
Where is everybody???  Busy busy weekend here.  Great ride on the Moo course Saturday, great run and OWS yesterday.  Not sure if I'll get a workout in today as it the plan is home improvement to the max!  My to do list is on my blog, along with workout summaries from the last couple days.  I'm eating right now or else I wouldn't be online!
2007-05-28 10:06 AM
in reply to: #805274

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Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
2007-05-29 5:29 AM
in reply to: #819142

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
PeterAK - 2007-05-28 1:34 PM

Where is everybody??? Busy busy weekend here. Great ride on the Moo course Saturday, great run and OWS yesterday. Not sure if I'll get a workout in today as it the plan is home improvement to the max! My to do list is on my blog, along with workout summaries from the last couple days. I'm eating right now or else I wouldn't be online!

sounds like you're had a really good one, mate. well done!

I've been away all weekend ..... and it's all gone pete tong not only on the training front! Going to have to work twice as hard this week to get back on schedule I think.
2007-05-29 8:44 AM
in reply to: #805274

Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
been car-shopping the whole weekend.. and yet I still don't have a car. but at least i think I know what I want... how does a red honda fit sounds?
2007-05-29 9:11 AM
in reply to: #805274

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Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

Legs a bit sore from yesterdays 10k.  Here is what I have for this week (in my other mentor thread, we post our weekly planned workouts so that we can hold each other accountable):

  • Tue - 45min 1600 swim and 40min bike
  • Wed - 30min 1400 swim (or Masters class) and 4 mile run
  • Thu - 45 min bike and 3 mile run
  • Fri - 20 min 1200 swim and 20 min bike
  • Sat - Oly Race
  • Sun - Off day

2007-05-29 9:29 AM
in reply to: #805274

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In limbo
Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

I had a rough weekend.  Found out saturday that a good friend of mine tried to kill herself on tuesday.  Needless to say I've been pretty stressed out since then!  I went out to lunch with her on saturday and she's not doing too well, even though she's trying to act like everything's fine.  She's had mental health issues in the past, but this is the worst I've seen her.

Anyway, aside from that I enjoyed having a 3 day weekend.  I didn't get as much homework done as I would've liked but I did at least get some done.  I'm getting in to really really stressful school time right now, b ut it's my last 2 weeks of school ever, so I guess I'll survive!

Workout-wise I biked a lot....I need to get a swim in at some point....looks like Wednesday, unless it rains today and cancels my softball games for the third week in a row.  Looking at my logs though I think I had one of my biggest weeks yet minute-wise, which is cool.  Anyway, hope you all are doin well!   

2007-05-29 9:49 AM
in reply to: #805274

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
I like the idea of posting your weekly schedule.. so lets run with that one. Post on Monday, through the following sunday:
  • Tuesday: 6.5 mile run. Difficult with hills.
  • Wednesday: 2100Y swim
  • Thursday: 5k run.
  • Friday: off taper for RNR Half IM
  • Saturday: off, maybe an open water swim.
  • Sunday: Race: Rock N Roll Half Iron Man.  Current weather outlook low 66 High 91. Sunny. = Ouch.
2007-05-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: #805274

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

lil turtle. Sorry to hear about your friend. That's a difficult situation. I am hoping for the best. Good job with your ride. this past weekend.

As far as everything else goes, it was a nice relaxing weekend away from everything for me and I hope it was for everyone else too. Jonathan 22 and myself have races coming up this weekend. Anyone else?

Edited by atl_runner 2007-05-29 9:55 AM
2007-05-29 10:00 AM
in reply to: #805274

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In limbo
Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

My schedule for the rest of the week:
Tuesday: 3 softball games...unless it rains, then I'll go swim
Wednesday: swim
Thursday: bike
Friday: swim
Saturday: 2 mile run race if my shins are up for it
Sunday: No idea

Nothing too specific right now since this is my last week of classes and next week is finals week.  School is top priority, but I'm going to try to fit workouts in where I can.  No pressure though, the last thing I need is to put more stress on myself right now.  I just want to get to graduation and then after that I'll get back on a regular schedule!

2007-05-29 10:28 AM
in reply to: #820209

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
Posting weekly work out plans sound like a great idea! So here's mine, as requested:

  • Tuesday: Run - 4M TT (10)
  • Wednesday: Weights & climbing
  • Thursday: Run - 4M fartlek (7-10)
  • Friday: Weights AM / Swim PM - 400m w/u drills; 1 x 500m pull; 2 x 250m swim; 4 x 100m kick; 8 x 50m swim (Rest: 1min; 1min; 30s; 30s) (8)
  • Saturday: Bike - 30M steady (6-7)
  • Sunday: Bike:1 hour steady / Swim: 500m w/u drills; 4 x 100m kick; 4 x 150m hypoxic training (breathing every 3/4/5/6/5/4) (6)

  • RPE level in brackets as a guideline

    2007-05-29 10:56 AM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Atlanta, Ga
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    Nice.. that 4 mile TT at an RPE of 10 is like music to my ears. Post your results here tomorrow along with some thoughts regarding it.. anything that you are thinking. This week we will focus on the run here.. everyone can post how they get through a tough workout like Intervals.. or any run at an RPE of 8 to 10. For me, I find that getting into a deep, rhythmic breathing pattern helps me deal with the extra physical stress. Sometimes I concentrate on which foot I breath in on, and which I breathe out with. Side stitches are a non issue when you get into a good deep breathing cycle.
    2007-05-29 4:43 PM
    in reply to: #820378

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    well, I'm back from my 4M TT. Managed a time of 35:48. Was aiming between 32 and 36 as a rough target so made it. My coach says to not worry about the time all that much as we're still really early in the program but I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand it's sub-9mins/mile pace, I've had a rough few days and have stiff calves and hip from the driving ..... but for some reason I was hoping / aiming for nearer the 32 min mark. Especially as I feel I let myself down with my 6 mile run last week - felt I should be hitting 10min/mile pace over pretty much all long distances. *shrugs* oh well, just means I've got a long way to go then.

    Anyway, I found that I let my mind relax and wonder off on its own (I spent most of the run planning / rehearsing a meeting, briefing and teaching I've got to do next week! ) and let my body do it's own thing ..... though I do kinda keep half an eye on things and the pace set. I've also started breathing every three steps for some reason ..... kinda like my swimming which was amusing! lol what else? oh, running round tight calves can be entertaining. I found myself concentrating internally on the feel of things and just give my body a push now and then to keep the pace right. Most weird, huh?

    No stitches tonight but did feel a bit sick during the first few miles. not sure why .... probably the effort to suck my gut in to stop it ripping off or scaring people with the sight of "fat man running"! lol

    so how'd everyone else do tonight?
    2007-05-29 9:46 PM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Atlanta, Ga
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

    excellent detail. Just be patient and most of all consistant. The results will come. Workouts are weird like that. Some days you feel great, others you just feel like it's the worst thing you could possibly put yourself through at that moment. So you hit 35 this week. Maybe 34 and change next week. Don't look for huge leaps just yet. You want 32, and you'll get there, just give it time.

    I had a great run tonight. 6.5 miles on the hills of Buckhead.. for those who don't know, Buckhead is a district here in Atlanta. Rather wealthy area, with tons of hills in the neighborhoods. There is a route that I named TNR.. Tuesday night run.. I know, real original, anyway, I credit that run with a lot of my performance increase over the last year. It's tough every week, and an excellent gauge of my fitness.

    Tomorrow I will post some pictures I took during my 52 mile bike on Memorial Day. All on the Silver Comet trail. One of the greatest resources for biking, anywhere. 

    2007-05-30 5:18 AM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Extreme Veteran
    Greenwood, SC
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    Sorry, I just now saw the posts above about posting your schedule.

    Wednesday-1 hour run on the trail maybe with some fartlek thrown in
    Thursday-Swim 3500 at the Y near my parents if I can find it!
    Friday-Probably try to swim again as I'd like to have 2 swims in this week
    Saturday-1 hour run
    Sunday-Rest day

    I think this week will be good as it will have me yearning to get back on the bike!
    2007-05-30 9:42 AM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Atlanta, Ga
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

    Nice Schedule Kimje. On vacation, my workouts usually fall apart. FOF is coming up though so I imagine that you are staying dedicated for that.

    How do you guys feel about time based schedules over Distance based? I have my own thoughts regarding that, but I want to get yours first. 

    e.g. ride 2.5 hours vs ride, 45 miles.

    Edited by atl_runner 2007-05-30 9:42 AM

    2007-05-30 10:36 AM
    in reply to: #805274

    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    hmm.. this might be a dumbo question.. but what is RPE and TT? I think TT stands for Time Trial if I am not mistaken. What is the difference between a TT and a regular training session?

    As for workout schedule for this week, I will be doing mostly elliptical and start a little running. Since I'm still looking for a car, it's hard to go to the gym.. have to use what I have in the office. I will try to increase my time each day:

    Wed: 30 min elliptical
    Thurs: 35 min elliptical
    Fri: 40 min elliptical
    Sat: 5k run/walk or bike
    Sun: 5k run/walk or bike

    Hopefully i get my car by the end of this week. It's quite hard to get around without a car
    2007-05-30 11:03 AM
    in reply to: #821976

    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    atl_runner - 2007-05-30 7:42 AM

    How do you guys feel about time based schedules over Distance based? I have my own thoughts regarding that, but I want to get yours first.

    e.g. ride 2.5 hours vs ride, 45 miles.

    I tend to do time based since it's a little easier for me to schedule workouts.. but sometimes i will aim for a distance based goal because I feel that I can complete it in a reasonable amount of time or I want to test myself.
    2007-05-30 11:20 AM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Atlanta, Ga
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

    triornot.. RPE is rate of perceived exertion, or more simply put, how much effort YOU think you are putting into a workout. It's a great training guideline, and can help you differentiate more easily between what is supposed to be a difficult workout, and an easy one. I actually give it more credence than HRM training. I think far too many people get caught up in Heart Rate. Heart Rate has it's place, but mainly for those who are not pushing hard enough. It's a way to get to the truth so to speak.

    TT is certainly Time Trial, but I believe the way Greycat and his coach are using it is to run a defined distance at the fastest time he can in order to establish benchmarks, and gauge progress. It's always a very well defined workout. 4 miles, same course every time etc..  

    2007-05-30 12:31 PM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

    Here's my schedule for the remainder of the week:

    Wednesday:  30 Minute Swim, 30 Minute Run, 30 Minute Bike (all zone 2)

    Thursday: Bike LT Test

    Friday: 30 Minute Swim, 30 Minute Bike

    Saturday: Swim 1000 yd TT 

    2007-05-30 12:57 PM
    in reply to: #821976

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    In limbo
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    atl_runner - 2007-05-30 8:42 AM

    How do you guys feel about time based schedules over Distance based? I have my own thoughts regarding that, but I want to get yours first. 

    e.g. ride 2.5 hours vs ride, 45 miles.

    I asked this very question on the board a while back.  It is interesting to hear different ideas on it.  For me, my running has all been time-based using the couch to 5k plan from this site.  That makes a lot of sense to me since my running (at its best) was usually about half running half walking.  Time based makes it nice and easy to figure out what percent of my run was actually running.  Also that allows me to run anywhere w/out knowing distances (though now i've figured out how to measure them on the computer, so that's not a big issue now.  For swimming I go by distance since I'm using planned workouts, but since the workouts are hugely long I modify them a bit for them time that I am able to workout, but then I go until the distance is finished.  For biking I'm about in the middle, but I usually base it on distance so that I can relax during the ride and just follow the route w/out stressing about time left.  Now that my speed is getting more consistant though I can pick a distance based on the time I want to spend.  So I guess I do a little of everything!   (and I think this post totally makes me sound like a confused newbie! lol

    2007-05-30 5:16 PM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    Distance v time? If it's a planned work out, then it's distance. if it's unplanned or just a casual thing (ie: random run when away from home) then I'll just go for time.

    To my way of thinking we race over fixed distances not fixed time, so train like you're going to race. This applies if you're improving your max distance too (ie: going from spring to oly distances) however, doing things like fartlek / interval training should be done in time IMO.
    2007-05-31 8:37 AM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Extreme Veteran
    Greenwood, SC
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.
    I tend to go mostly by time. I do lots of trainer time and don't go by any sort of distance reading at all for that. I just think it is too hard to compare. For running I always guess on a distance. I just can't give up logging those miles from all my running years.
    2007-05-31 10:08 AM
    in reply to: #805274

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    In The Peleton
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

    I go by time 'cuz that's how the coach writes my workouts!

    Intense week for me.  My track workout on Tuesday kicked my booty.  Definately felt it in my lungs on yesterdays bike, and last night just sitting around as well.  We'll see how I feel on tonight's 75 minute Z2 run.

    Today is 100 days from IMWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anybody else racing this weekend?  I've got a sprint on Sunday, and from there going to ride the IM course again.  Excited about the sprint, it's a fun race and there are going to be a handful of BT'ers there.

    2007-05-31 10:59 AM
    in reply to: #805274

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    Atlanta, Ga
    Subject: RE: Atl_runner's group - Full.

    Good news on the track workout. To hear it any other way would only mean one thing.. and we know you gave all the effort you could. Good luck with the sprint. Be sure to link to your race report here. After the run, you better have nothing left.. I mean you should not be able to talk to anyone for at least 5 minutes. Kill it completely.

    I am racing this weekend. Half Ironman. 2nd in 3 weeks. We'll see what all that means come sunday. It's going to be warm out there.. (Macon, Georgia). Heat does me in more than anything else.

    As far as time vs distance goes, I myself prefer to write my schedule according to distance. The idea behind this is that it's not about how far I can go in 2.5 hours, but how long it takes me to do 50 miles on a bike. I agree with the time based scheduling, I just don't prefer it. When I write for others, so far, it's all been distance based. There is definitely a place for time though. Especially on a trainer, or when there is no way to discern distance. A lot more difficult these days with all the great mapping programs out there.

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