BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed Rss Feed  
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2016-06-03 9:40 AM
in reply to: bcagle25

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
What would you guys do here?

In general my recovery from the achilles issues has been going well. I got to the point where I was pain free for a good while and started transitioning to running outdoors again. That went well. Two weeks ago I did a 45min run outside over undulating terrain, and there were no issues whatsoever. So last sunday I decided to throw some speed intervals (4x400m) into my run. I probably ran them a little hot (about 20-25s/km faster than my 5km race pace) but it felt good to run fast and I was feeling strong. Some mild discomfort developed on the last interval so I shut it down and ran in zone 2 the rest of the way home. Things were a little stiff that evening and the next day there was more pain. Discouraging. Took a few days off, ran yesterday with no issues whatsoever again. I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm just not going to be able to do any speedwork, maybe for this whole race season.

My concern is racing and how my achilles is going to take it. This brings me to my dilemma.

My A race is an Oly on July 23rd. I really want to get at least one sprint in before then. I'm looking at a race on June 11th and one on June 25th, just not sure which one to do.

If I do the one on the 11th, I may be less far along in my rehab, but if my achilles doesn't handle the race well I'll have 6 weeks to recover before my Oly.

If I do the one on the 25th, I'll be further along in my rehab, but I'll only have 4 weeks recovery before my Oly.

Which course of action makes more sense?

2016-06-03 6:27 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
what treatment have you been doing to the achilles ?

2016-06-03 8:29 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
I've been using KT tape, running mostly on the treadmill and mostly in my shoes with the greater heel-toe drop, and doing eccentric heel drop exercises 2-3 times a day.
2016-06-05 12:09 PM
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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
I would probably do the later race. It sounds like your recovery has actually gone quite well and that with some more time you may get closer to peak performance.

If your issues recur in July, I don't think they are going away and would be there for your olympic race any way.

No speed work...... :-)

Edited by wannabefaster 2016-06-05 3:52 PM
2016-06-05 12:25 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Did an impromptu 10K this morning. It it our biggest local race and one of my friends really wanted me to do the race with her......

So, I signed up last minute and went to do the race.

Since she was driving the bus on this one, I totally trusted her when she said that the race started at 8:00. Unfortunately it really started at 7:50 (the 5K started at 8:00). So, when we were walking toward the start corral at 7:50 and heard a faint, "on your mark, set, BANG," we were a little surprised. I think I may have been one of the last people to cross the start line.

It took me almost two miles to weave around everyone and get to a steady pace. I ran all by myself for the whole race. Eventually the passing slowed down as I got closer to the front.

Finished in 41:28, 3rd AG, 17th OA. There is a 13.1 mile race as well and that is where all of the really fast people were. I 'believe' that if I had gone off with the front runners that I had a better run in me today. I'm guessing that I lost as much as 2 minutes in the melee of the first 2 miles. Alas. That's what I get :-)

Overall, very fun. Glad I did it and I definitely left the door open to be faster next year.
2016-06-05 1:45 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Quick check in as I've been absent for a while.  I'm not battling injury like some folks, but have been struggling to get in the hours and volume.  I've realized that Tremblant is going to be about resetting expectations and just go out to enjoy the day and tI me with friends rather than chase a specific time goal.  A bit disappointed but at the same time trying to keep things in perspective - supposed to get some fun out of this activity.

2016-06-05 3:56 PM
in reply to: GoFaster

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by GoFaster

Quick check in as I've been absent for a while.  I'm not battling injury like some folks, but have been struggling to get in the hours and volume.  I've realized that Tremblant is going to be about resetting expectations and just go out to enjoy the day and tI me with friends rather than chase a specific time goal.  A bit disappointed but at the same time trying to keep things in perspective - supposed to get some fun out of this activity.

It is pretty easy to get caught up in the "must go faster" mentality.....

Truly, it is a hobby for almost all of us. If life gets in the way, that's ok. Resetting expectations and having a good time are signs of maturity.

I'm sure that you will have fun and who knows, maybe you will surprise yourself. Tremblant is a nice place to visit and all of the people seemed truly happy to have us there for the race. Don't forget to eat the Smoke's Poutine. Maybe my favorite part of the whole trip.....
2016-06-05 5:18 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by wannabefaster
I would probably do the later race. It sounds like your recovery has actually gone quite well and that with some more time you may get closer to peak performance.
If your issues recur in July, I don't think they are going away and would be there for your olympic race any way.
No speed work...... :-)

Thanks Jason, that's helpful. I had pretty much decided to do the race next weekend, mainly because I'm really itching to race. But what you say makes a lot of sense - if there's a chance I can get fully recovered I should probably take it rather than race injured. The other argument in favour of the later race is I did it last year so it'll serve as a good way to measure my progress.
2016-06-06 7:36 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by SenatorClayDavis

Originally posted by wannabefaster
I would probably do the later race. It sounds like your recovery has actually gone quite well and that with some more time you may get closer to peak performance.
If your issues recur in July, I don't think they are going away and would be there for your olympic race any way.
No speed work...... :-)

Thanks Jason, that's helpful. I had pretty much decided to do the race next weekend, mainly because I'm really itching to race. But what you say makes a lot of sense - if there's a chance I can get fully recovered I should probably take it rather than race injured. The other argument in favour of the later race is I did it last year so it'll serve as a good way to measure my progress.

Just because it is my opinion doesn't mean it is right......

Alternatively, you could do the early race and just make up your mind to not push the run so you don't impact your recovery.

Heck, I might even do both races, committing to not going hard in the first run but still getting in a fun event and then really testing things out in the later race.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope the achilles holds up. As Marc can apparently attest, it is an injury that sometimes takes a long time to get better.

I am moderately sore today from the 10K effort yesterday. Very easy day with only 2000 yards of swimming, already done. May be a day to get some yardwork done if I get done with work early enough.
2016-06-06 10:12 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by wannabefaster
Alternatively, you could do the early race and just make up your mind to not push the run so you don't impact your recovery.
Heck, I might even do both races, committing to not going hard in the first run but still getting in a fun event and then really testing things out in the later race.

Ideally that would make sense, but in practice it probably wouldn't work out that way. I have a hard time reigning things in when my competitive juices get flowing, and the thing I've noticed about the achilles is that the pain really comes in later rather than during. The odds of me telling myself that everything's fine and pushing for the podium are pretty high, so likely best I avoid putting myself in that position on the first place.
2016-06-06 8:00 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

MRI results came back and I have a torn medial and likely torn lateral meniscus in addition to arthritic changes. Decided not to race the local sprint last Saturday as the knee was killing me after an easy 2 mile run on Thursday night.  Really figured I could push through on the run but in a rare moment of good judgement figured it wasn't worth several days of increased swelling and pain.  Enjoyed cheering on Team mates and friends at the race but did miss being a part of the competition..

Surgery will be next Monday and I plan to continue to bike, nothing too intense, and swim up until the surgery.  Then, I will get back to activity as allowed after the surgery.  It is actually a decent time of year to take a break.  Summers are brutal down here with the heat and humidity and the local races don't really pick back up until late August.  So, if I can get back to biking and swimming pretty quickly and maintain some decent level of fitness I should be able to put together a couple of race efforts in the Fall assuming running is not  prohibited moving forward.  This will be my 3rd surgery on the right knee with an ACL repair 25 years ago then a scope about 20 years ago.  I am hoping that I can get back to running but if not i will probably dive deeper into cycling and give that more attention.

Its tough getting old but seems we all deal with injury periodically.  Makes getting back out there to train and race that much more special.


2016-06-06 8:46 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

I just hope your experience/recovery goes as well as mine did.
2016-06-07 5:28 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by slornow
MRI results came back and I have a torn medial and likely torn lateral meniscus in addition to arthritic changes.

That truly sucks. It sounds like you are taking it in stride. Injuries drive me nuts and I never have the patience to let them properly heal.
2016-06-07 5:30 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by SenatorClayDavis

I've been using KT tape, running mostly on the treadmill and mostly in my shoes with the greater heel-toe drop, and doing eccentric heel drop exercises 2-3 times a day.

Have you tried some ART ? But I am glad you are doing the heel drops. Those are the key to strengthening the achilles as well
2016-06-07 7:39 AM
in reply to: marcag

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by slornow MRI results came back and I have a torn medial and likely torn lateral meniscus in addition to arthritic changes.
That truly sucks. It sounds like you are taking it in stride. Injuries drive me nuts and I never have the patience to let them properly heal.

Thanks...I have the same problem with patience.

2016-06-07 7:40 AM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

I know the season is just getting under way up north.  What does everyone have coming up?

2016-06-07 9:29 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Hello all.  I have been MIA for a few weeks as work has been incredibly busy and I have been spending every other moment either outdoors (summer has arrived early in southern Ontario) or training in the basement.  I also bought a kayak over the winter and have been taking it down to Lake Ontario.  Hoping it will build upper body strength and improve my swim times

Randy, Mike, Marc - sorry to hear about the injuries.  In my late 30s and early 40s, my mentality was to push through the pain.  I have now realized that the aches and pains are the body trying to tell you something and you better listen.

The PF in my right foot seems to have settled down, although I have only run on the treadmill and not tried anything strenuous. 

My first race is a Sprint this Saturday and so will be testing out my foot for the first time since the injury.  I'm a little worried as normally I would have had a few 5 and 10 km races by now, but due to the foot I've not done anything close to race speed.

A question for the group - I am scheduled to race another Sprint on June 25th but am considering switching to the Long Course Tri (2 km/56 km/15 km).  Pancake flat bike and run and the swim is in an outdoor facility they built in Southern Ontario for the Pan-Am games.  Apparently there are guide wires underwater so you don't need to sight. 

I had originally planned to do the Long Course to get a feel for the longer distances and prep for a fall HIM, but the foot injury set my training back.

I feel confident about my bike and the swim will be nothing spectacular but I know I can do the distance, but my run training has fallen behind. 

The longest run I've done since the injury is 10 km treadmill run last week.  Volume before the injury was building to roughly 40 kms per week, but tailed off considerably after the injury and have only managed to run 25 kms for the last two weeks. 

Would you enter this race with this level of training?

I'm going to wait and see how the foot feels after the weekend, but if all goes well I am leaning towards giving the long course a try and potentially suffer in the last half of the run.

2016-06-07 12:55 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by slornow MRI results came back and I have a torn medial and likely torn lateral meniscus in addition to arthritic changes.

That truly sucks. It sounds like you are taking it in stride. Injuries drive me nuts and I never have the patience to let them properly heal.

It's a little easier when you have a coach who forces you to not make stupid decisions.  Guarantee I would have reinjured my stress fracture if left to my own devices. 

2016-06-08 7:51 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by Scott71
A question for the group - I am scheduled to race another Sprint on June 25th but am considering switching to the Long Course Tri (2 km/56 km/15 km).  Pancake flat bike and run and the swim is in an outdoor facility they built in Southern Ontario for the Pan-Am games.  Apparently there are guide wires underwater so you don't need to sight. 

I had originally planned to do the Long Course to get a feel for the longer distances and prep for a fall HIM, but the foot injury set my training back.

I feel confident about my bike and the swim will be nothing spectacular but I know I can do the distance, but my run training has fallen behind. 

The longest run I've done since the injury is 10 km treadmill run last week.  Volume before the injury was building to roughly 40 kms per week, but tailed off considerably after the injury and have only managed to run 25 kms for the last two weeks. 

Would you enter this race with this level of training?

I'm going to wait and see how the foot feels after the weekend, but if all goes well I am leaning towards giving the long course a try and potentially suffer in the last half of the run.

I think it's wise to wait until after the upcoming race to make the call on whether you do sprint or long-course on the 25th. How your body responds to the 5k should be a reasonable indicator of how the 15k will treat you. Also depends on your goals - you'll likely be more competitive at the sprint, but as preparation for your HIM the long course may serve you better. Then again, if your HIM is in the fall you've got lots of time to prep for that. Worse comes to worse you can do a solo race like Ben to dial in your pacing, nutrition, etc.

Are you racing Woodstock? I hear there's some hotshot named Lionel lining up there... should be fun to see what sort of time he puts up.

@ Marc, I haven't tried ART but will look into it. The funny thing about the tendonitis is it migrates around. When it really bothers me after speedwork it's just above the ankle but as I recover it gradually moves down and becomes insertional. Weird. Apparently for insertional achilles stuff you don't want to go into too much dorsiflexion so it's just flat heel drops.
2016-06-09 12:30 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Yeah, rumour has it that Lionel will be racing the Woodstock Sprint on Saturday. 

He last raced Woodstock in 2014 at a blistering 57:33.

I'm sure all I will see of him is a green blur heading the other way back to T2 on the bike.

2016-06-10 12:59 PM
in reply to: Scott71

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Question for any who races in a tri jersey (not full suit) with a full zipper at the front.

Earlier this week I tested my LG M-2 jersey under my wetsuit to get a sense of how tight it feels on my shoulders.  All went fine for the swim, but when I tried to adjust the jersey afterwards and pull it down, the zipper popped out of the catch and separated entirely up the front.

I thought that maybe I didn't quite seat the zipper in the catch so I tried again and the same thing happened.   

It ended up separating about 6 or 7 times no matter how I fit the zipper and it appears that, when the jersey is wet, it clings so tightly to the skin that when you pull it down the material doesn't move and the zipper ends up giving out.

I was planning on wearing the M-2 for a race this weekend but now I'm nervous that I'll pull on it the wrong way and the zipper will explode and separate on me while I'm on the bike.

I've emailed LG customer service to see if they have received any other complaints about this or if its a design flaw with my particular jersey.  

Anyone ever experience this with a full zip tri jersey?  Thinking of putting a few stitches in the zipper to hold it together at the bottom, but pretty sure that would void any warranty with LG.

2016-06-10 1:04 PM
in reply to: Scott71

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by Scott71

Question for any who races in a tri jersey (not full suit) with a full zipper at the front.

Earlier this week I tested my LG M-2 jersey under my wetsuit to get a sense of how tight it feels on my shoulders.  All went fine for the swim, but when I tried to adjust the jersey afterwards and pull it down, the zipper popped out of the catch and separated entirely up the front.

I thought that maybe I didn't quite seat the zipper in the catch so I tried again and the same thing happened.   

It ended up separating about 6 or 7 times no matter how I fit the zipper and it appears that, when the jersey is wet, it clings so tightly to the skin that when you pull it down the material doesn't move and the zipper ends up giving out.

I was planning on wearing the M-2 for a race this weekend but now I'm nervous that I'll pull on it the wrong way and the zipper will explode and separate on me while I'm on the bike.

I've emailed LG customer service to see if they have received any other complaints about this or if its a design flaw with my particular jersey.  

Anyone ever experience this with a full zip tri jersey?  Thinking of putting a few stitches in the zipper to hold it together at the bottom, but pretty sure that would void any warranty with LG.

So you're saying when wet, it clings to the point the zipper comes apart if you move anaything ?
I can try mine again tonight, but that never happened to me
2016-06-10 2:28 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

So you're saying when wet, it clings to the point the zipper comes apart if you move anaything ? I can try mine again tonight, but that never happened to me

So far it only happens when I pull the jersey down from the bottom of the jersey on the left side (my left hand side looking down at the jersey).  

Its OK if I pull down on the my right hand side or the back, just the left side.

I bought the small which was within my dimensions on the LG fit guide.  It fits tight, but not restricting.  

2016-06-10 3:09 PM
in reply to: Scott71

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by Scott71

So you're saying when wet, it clings to the point the zipper comes apart if you move anaything ? I can try mine again tonight, but that never happened to me

So far it only happens when I pull the jersey down from the bottom of the jersey on the left side (my left hand side looking down at the jersey).  

Its OK if I pull down on the my right hand side or the back, just the left side.

I bought the small which was within my dimensions on the LG fit guide.  It fits tight, but not restricting.  

My M2 top doesn't do that.  I rode in it just last weekend, and being nearly 100% humidity, I was completely soaked and did pull the top down (maybe with my right hand versus my left??) to make sure it was laying flat for my aero testing. 

I doubt it's an issue of being too small on you.  I bought both a small and XS initially....I couldn't even zip the XS all the way and the S is still quite tight, but don't have any issues with what you're experiencing.  I think you would know if it was too small.

2016-06-13 3:39 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Randy had surgery on his knee today. Hope he doesn't mind me sharing. Keeping my fingers crossed for him that everything went well and that he makes a speedy recovery.

I have had a couple good days of training over the last few. I have taken on some additional responsibilities at work and things have gotten very busy. Working very hard to fit it all in. The life of the AG triathlete......
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