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2015-07-06 4:36 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Asalzwed

We've had temps in the 90s for the past week here. I am actually acclimating. I know you people in hot climates might roll your eyes but just know, none of us have residential aircon and only some businesses do. So there are lots of cranky people.

The whole sweat + wind (from running) + evaporation thing the body does is really quite amazing. I mean, I end my runs drenched in sweat but I don't feel hot.

Drenched in sweat is an understatement. I come back into the gym at my office and one of the personal trainers likes to ask me if I got in a fight with a water hose. You also learn to just jump in the shower fully clothed. You're clothes are completely soaked anyway, might as well rinse them off before putting them in the hamper (or worse, the gym bag).

That's a great idea!  We've been having higher humidity than normal due to all the rain we've been getting.  The relative humidity is up into the 60%'s, and yest I know that's peanuts for some of you!  Anyway, as a result, our usual "dry heat" hasn't been so dry and it's awful because we don't get the usual evaporation we're used to.  I sweat a ton too and have been coming home from runs completely drenched.

Funny story about sweat:  DH has been having problems with his phone when he's riding.  It keeps jumping around, switching to different map locations and even applications.  After thinking that his phone was on the blink, he finally figured out that the problem was little drops of sweat dripping off his helmet and landing on the screen.  #firstworldproblems

I have to wrap my phone in a plastic bag before tucking it into my jersey or race belt that has a perfect sized pocket or it would be ruined.

i wrap it in a paper towel before the plastic bag. Sometimes double up on the bag.

Am I sensing a bit of competition here?  Nuh uh, I get sweatier than you do!

For lack of a better place, I tucked my phone in my bra while volunteering for a race over the weekend.  NOT a good plan, especially when it's 90*.  Didn't cook it, but it was sure gross.

Hahaha. In a towel, in a bag, between the bewbs, under a shirt....

There was a discussion on my Navy Moms site about carrying the phone when running (we navy moms will kill to get to our phone when our sailor is calling). Some of the women suggested the phone in the bra thing. I told them I'm too, um, aero for that. It would look like I have a battery pack

2015-07-06 5:40 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Asalzwed

We've had temps in the 90s for the past week here. I am actually acclimating. I know you people in hot climates might roll your eyes but just know, none of us have residential aircon and only some businesses do. So there are lots of cranky people.

The whole sweat + wind (from running) + evaporation thing the body does is really quite amazing. I mean, I end my runs drenched in sweat but I don't feel hot.

Drenched in sweat is an understatement. I come back into the gym at my office and one of the personal trainers likes to ask me if I got in a fight with a water hose. You also learn to just jump in the shower fully clothed. You're clothes are completely soaked anyway, might as well rinse them off before putting them in the hamper (or worse, the gym bag).

That's a great idea!  We've been having higher humidity than normal due to all the rain we've been getting.  The relative humidity is up into the 60%'s, and yest I know that's peanuts for some of you!  Anyway, as a result, our usual "dry heat" hasn't been so dry and it's awful because we don't get the usual evaporation we're used to.  I sweat a ton too and have been coming home from runs completely drenched.

Funny story about sweat:  DH has been having problems with his phone when he's riding.  It keeps jumping around, switching to different map locations and even applications.  After thinking that his phone was on the blink, he finally figured out that the problem was little drops of sweat dripping off his helmet and landing on the screen.  #firstworldproblems

I have to wrap my phone in a plastic bag before tucking it into my jersey or race belt that has a perfect sized pocket or it would be ruined.

i wrap it in a paper towel before the plastic bag. Sometimes double up on the bag.

Am I sensing a bit of competition here?  Nuh uh, I get sweatier than you do!

For lack of a better place, I tucked my phone in my bra while volunteering for a race over the weekend.  NOT a good plan, especially when it's 90*.  Didn't cook it, but it was sure gross.

Hahaha. In a towel, in a bag, between the bewbs, under a shirt....

There was a discussion on my Navy Moms site about carrying the phone when running (we navy moms will kill to get to our phone when our sailor is calling). Some of the women suggested the phone in the bra thing. I told them I'm too, um, aero for that. It would look like I have a battery pack

Bionic Mom!!

2015-07-06 6:04 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

No spoilers but OMG, today's TdF stage...

I'm getting caught up on it now.


2015-07-06 6:06 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Asalzwed

We've had temps in the 90s for the past week here. I am actually acclimating. I know you people in hot climates might roll your eyes but just know, none of us have residential aircon and only some businesses do. So there are lots of cranky people.

The whole sweat + wind (from running) + evaporation thing the body does is really quite amazing. I mean, I end my runs drenched in sweat but I don't feel hot.

Drenched in sweat is an understatement. I come back into the gym at my office and one of the personal trainers likes to ask me if I got in a fight with a water hose. You also learn to just jump in the shower fully clothed. You're clothes are completely soaked anyway, might as well rinse them off before putting them in the hamper (or worse, the gym bag).

That's a great idea!  We've been having higher humidity than normal due to all the rain we've been getting.  The relative humidity is up into the 60%'s, and yest I know that's peanuts for some of you!  Anyway, as a result, our usual "dry heat" hasn't been so dry and it's awful because we don't get the usual evaporation we're used to.  I sweat a ton too and have been coming home from runs completely drenched.

Funny story about sweat:  DH has been having problems with his phone when he's riding.  It keeps jumping around, switching to different map locations and even applications.  After thinking that his phone was on the blink, he finally figured out that the problem was little drops of sweat dripping off his helmet and landing on the screen.  #firstworldproblems

I have to wrap my phone in a plastic bag before tucking it into my jersey or race belt that has a perfect sized pocket or it would be ruined.

i wrap it in a paper towel before the plastic bag. Sometimes double up on the bag.

Am I sensing a bit of competition here?  Nuh uh, I get sweatier than you do!

For lack of a better place, I tucked my phone in my bra while volunteering for a race over the weekend.  NOT a good plan, especially when it's 90*.  Didn't cook it, but it was sure gross.

Hahaha. In a towel, in a bag, between the bewbs, under a shirt....

There was a discussion on my Navy Moms site about carrying the phone when running (we navy moms will kill to get to our phone when our sailor is calling). Some of the women suggested the phone in the bra thing. I told them I'm too, um, aero for that. It would look like I have a battery pack

I often have to run with my phone and HATE to wear anything around my waist like a spibelt, soI was thrilled when I found the Oiselle long roga shorts.  It has a side pocket that fits my iphone 6 (with cover).  The pocket holds the phone tightly, so there is no jiggling. The material is such that the shorts don't get soaked, so I don't even have to put it in a bag or use a paper towel etc.  Of course, your sweat results may vary!!

Edited by amd723 2015-07-06 6:06 PM
2015-07-06 7:39 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by brigby1

Some of those spots might be doing just that. Had a ride on Saturday where that really was the case for a couple late ones. Power was way past threshold. HR was too, reaching 190 a couple times, which I hadn't done in a few years. Cadence was dropping near 40 rpm in a couple spots and it was about all I could do to just get to the next "step". Had to go up near 3/4 of a mile just like this in one place. Really wanted to stop a few times on this, but stayed with it and made it over. Felt great having done it though.

You might consider the short stops at the tops, but also look into the recovery between each. I see it on strava now that there is at least a short downhill between each. Right after each of the big hills for mine I'd go into a quick, but controlled spin. Felt really light weight and cadence was a bit faster than my flatground average would be, but still easily maintainable for a quite a while if I wanted. For me that's getting near or just over 100 rpm. For you that might be something else. Stop if you need to, but also get your legs moving again before hitting the next hard section as you want to be loose and ready for that. As ready as you can.

Thanks, Ben.  Honestly, it helps a lot to hear that even good athletes like you think about stopping on hills, and to hear that I'm doing some things right.  I do spin on the downhills and you're right, it helps a lot, both to loosen up and to get some momentum to tackle the next one.  I also try to crest the hill and keep going at least a little ways to get that little bit of psychological advantage instead of just stopping at the top.

I'm really counting on the 4 mi. downhill after 8 mi. climb.  Hopefully it'll help me recover enough that I can get off my bike without falling over.

I was going to jump in before with the "won't back down" as that's more of a negative or avoidance thought, but there is really both going on. Positive in something to go after and also hating the negative to keep going if that slips. I've gone back and forth plenty on the same interval or hill. The spirit is both wanting to win and refusing to lose when you get down. Toughing through it until the positive reemerges.

Pushing yourself to crest the hill and get back up to speed in training is good. It also tends to be good to do in the race much of the time, however, in this case you're looking at making it. For now, keep trying to do that and push yourself.

There was another comment about it getting easier. It will, but you may not notice right away. It could come in the form of getting a bit farther, going faster, or needing less rest. You might not realize any of these in the moment, but they do come.

2015-07-06 8:47 PM
in reply to: amd723

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Asalzwed

We've had temps in the 90s for the past week here. I am actually acclimating. I know you people in hot climates might roll your eyes but just know, none of us have residential aircon and only some businesses do. So there are lots of cranky people.

The whole sweat + wind (from running) + evaporation thing the body does is really quite amazing. I mean, I end my runs drenched in sweat but I don't feel hot.

Drenched in sweat is an understatement. I come back into the gym at my office and one of the personal trainers likes to ask me if I got in a fight with a water hose. You also learn to just jump in the shower fully clothed. You're clothes are completely soaked anyway, might as well rinse them off before putting them in the hamper (or worse, the gym bag).

That's a great idea!  We've been having higher humidity than normal due to all the rain we've been getting.  The relative humidity is up into the 60%'s, and yest I know that's peanuts for some of you!  Anyway, as a result, our usual "dry heat" hasn't been so dry and it's awful because we don't get the usual evaporation we're used to.  I sweat a ton too and have been coming home from runs completely drenched.

Funny story about sweat:  DH has been having problems with his phone when he's riding.  It keeps jumping around, switching to different map locations and even applications.  After thinking that his phone was on the blink, he finally figured out that the problem was little drops of sweat dripping off his helmet and landing on the screen.  #firstworldproblems

I have to wrap my phone in a plastic bag before tucking it into my jersey or race belt that has a perfect sized pocket or it would be ruined.

i wrap it in a paper towel before the plastic bag. Sometimes double up on the bag.

Am I sensing a bit of competition here?  Nuh uh, I get sweatier than you do!

For lack of a better place, I tucked my phone in my bra while volunteering for a race over the weekend.  NOT a good plan, especially when it's 90*.  Didn't cook it, but it was sure gross.

Hahaha. In a towel, in a bag, between the bewbs, under a shirt....

There was a discussion on my Navy Moms site about carrying the phone when running (we navy moms will kill to get to our phone when our sailor is calling). Some of the women suggested the phone in the bra thing. I told them I'm too, um, aero for that. It would look like I have a battery pack

I often have to run with my phone and HATE to wear anything around my waist like a spibelt, soI was thrilled when I found the Oiselle long roga shorts.  It has a side pocket that fits my iphone 6 (with cover).  The pocket holds the phone tightly, so there is no jiggling. The material is such that the shorts don't get soaked, so I don't even have to put it in a bag or use a paper towel etc.  Of course, your sweat results may vary!!

Have heard of this, but hasn't yet happened. 

2015-07-06 8:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Wow, lots gone one here!

Darren, sorry to hear about your weekend, but sounds like you have a plan.  I will chime in only on nutrition and echo what Adrienne said: eat good food, not empty calories, but don't limit too much.  And the occasional cheat meal so that you don't completely deprive yourself or it won't last.

Mary: keep climbing.  When the voice says you can't, keep telling it to shut up. 

Adrienne: awesome photos and adventures!

Steve: glad to hear the knee held up. 

TJ: Sounds like a great weekend with DS2!

Sweat: I lost 5 lbs on my run last Thursday--our temps are very similar to Adriennes, upper 20 to low 30C.  I cannot carry my phone anywhere.

My race: tons of smoke from nearby fires, but it was really high until just after I finished, so the impact was 'cloudy' and cooler temps, which was good.  Had it been as hot as it has been, it would have been a much tougher race.  Had a really good race, met my goals which were mostly not time related.  Race report to come.


Edited by IronOx 2015-07-06 8:53 PM
2015-07-06 9:21 PM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Okay, plan of action... 1. Mass, get rid of it. I'm talking my big butt, not buying some new carbon fandangle. Currently at 168 lbs, which is about 8 lbs more than I was. Plan, no food intake 5 hours prior to sleeping.

Haha, can't we all? Does taking in food within that time frame disturb your sleep? 

2. Run volume/frequency. Complete at least 5 hours per week, building to 6 hours. Initially, ignore pace and run off heart rate, trying to keep HR around 150 bpm. Going to be slow to start with but hopefully pace will increase as heart rate stays the same as the weeks go on, as running efficiency increases and weight goes. First 4 weeks will be done on same loop to keep efforts consistent and take the thought out of it, after that I will introduce some hill reps somewhere to get the most bang for buck time wise. Initially I will be running 3/4 days a week, building to 6 days a week. Main bulk of workouts will be 2 x 1.25 - 1.5 hour runs with a 2 - 2.25 hour long run. Again, these will be ran at 150 bpm. Rest of the runs will be tacked on to bike sessions or used as recovery jogs to increase volume/frequency.

Like Jetson said, that sounds like some pretty big running. Usually works better to turn that around and get in the smaller, more frequent runs first. Then build up some of those into the ratio suggested. Build off the fitness you have while being mindful of what you're building towards. And why at 150 bpm? What is that based off of?

3. Swim, euuuurrrrggggghhh, my nemesis. I won't lie, this will probably remain as is. I just can't get in the time needed to put in the technical work, but I will aim to do at least one open water swim a week with a bike ride attached. Will try swimming with a nose clip.

Yeah, it's tough to improve this if you can't get in time to do it. What's with the frequent open water though? Didn't have time to read everything before. Is there an issue with being out in the open? Otherwise get into the pool and set up quality swims there to make yourself as fast as possible. If there is something with the open water, are you working specifically to address that thing? Especially when you're limited in being able to address something that is a weakness, you really want to make sure you're getting out of it what you really need. Don't really know what to do about salt water? Yanti?

4. Bike. now this is where I'm at a loss at the moment. Currently I'm guessing I've lost a lot off my FTP, so I will need to retest to see where I'm at. Moving forward I'm not sure whether or not to break it down into doing 2 x hard indoor/trainer/trainer road/sufferfest type workouts to raise FTP per week (Ben?Thoughts on suitable workouts?) and one long endurance ride where I keep to a set wattage (i.e 65-70% FTP for 4-5 hours, building to 6-7 hours) or whether to just get T.I.T.S.

Yes, the red cleats could have caused a problem. They have no float whereas the yellow has a little. Float is what lets your foot move back and for some when clipped in, pivot point is up at the pedal, under your forefoot. Might not explain everything, but it's a good place to start.

As for workouts how far out are you from the event again? To start, the harder workouts are likely have intervals at 90-100% for the most part. I don't know where you're at just this moment, but usually people start shorter and build these longer. Think of sweet spot, but a little aggressive on the intensity. Then maybe occasionally up past threshold in Z5, but that also depends on where in the build you are. As for bigger, I tend to get more out of rides that last for a few hours, but pushing various types of intervals in them. However, since you already have the 2 weekday and you're trying to build a number things at once (e.g. not in a bike focus block) you're probably better off just riding a bunch like you said. My mountain bike rides on the MUP that some of you see would be at done at 60-70% FTP, just generally enjoying being out there. I might attack a very short hill here and there, but really try to keep the effort down. More effort can help, but it needs to be planned in. As in the recovery. I don't know if there will be enough room in there for it. Also guessing this is about what you're planning to ride the IM at?

5. Nutrition - all my shorter stuff (sub 3 hours) to be done after waking on nothing but water, longer rides/combined days fuel on same stuff as given out on course, i.e powerbar gels etc ( must get some in). Thoughts?

Generally, eat to perform. Did you eat and rest well to get the recovery before the workout? I don't see an issue having things on a shorter one if those haven't gone as well. Just be careful of making it mindless or very dependent on it for them. See the mass reduction of item 1. Good idea working with the expected on-course nutrition.

2015-07-06 9:36 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Richardsdrr Okay, plan of action... 1. Mass, get rid of it. I'm talking my big butt, not buying some new carbon fandangle. Currently at 168 lbs, which is about 8 lbs more than I was. Plan, no food intake 5 hours prior to sleeping. 2. Run volume/frequency. Complete at least 5 hours per week, building to 6 hours. Initially, ignore pace and run off heart rate, trying to keep HR around 150 bpm. Going to be slow to start with but hopefully pace will increase as heart rate stays the same as the weeks go on, as running efficiency increases and weight goes. First 4 weeks will be done on same loop to keep efforts consistent and take the thought out of it, after that I will introduce some hill reps somewhere to get the most bang for buck time wise. Initially I will be running 3/4 days a week, building to 6 days a week. Main bulk of workouts will be 2 x 1.25 - 1.5 hour runs with a 2 - 2.25 hour long run. Again, these will be ran at 150 bpm. Rest of the runs will be tacked on to bike sessions or used as recovery jogs to increase volume/frequency. 3. Swim, euuuurrrrggggghhh, my nemesis. I won't lie, this will probably remain as is. I just can't get in the time needed to put in the technical work, but I will aim to do at least one open water swim a week with a bike ride attached. Will try swimming with a nose clip. 4. Bike. now this is where I'm at a loss at the moment. Currently I'm guessing I've lost a lot off my FTP, so I will need to retest to see where I'm at. Moving forward I'm not sure whether or not to break it down into doing 2 x hard indoor/trainer/trainer road/sufferfest type workouts to raise FTP per week (Ben?Thoughts on suitable workouts?) and one long endurance ride where I keep to a set wattage (i.e 65-70% FTP for 4-5 hours, building to 6-7 hours) or whether to just get T.I.T.S. 5. Nutrition - all my shorter stuff (sub 3 hours) to be done after waking on nothing but water, longer rides/combined days fuel on same stuff as given out on course, i.e powerbar gels etc ( must get some in). Thoughts?
Looks like a good plan Darren. The only things I'd suggest changing would be: 1. Start out running 6 days a week (shorter runs) than trying to immediately jump to 5 hrs a week in 3/4 days. Especially since you already have knee issues. I'd start out around 20 miles/week (2 mi, 4 mi, 2 mi, 4 mi, 2 mi, 6 mi) and work your way up from there (no more than 10% from one week to the next). This is the BarryP plan from slowtwitch. Search there for more details. 2. I wouldn't go too far on cutting calories straight off the bat. Looks like you're going to be ramping up the volume considerably rather quickly. You're going to need fuel to do that. You don't want to run out of steam right away. Weigh yourself every day and let that be the judge. If you're losing more than 2 lbs/week, eat more. And really you don't have that much to lose considering, so I'd probably try and limit it to no more than 1 lb/week.

I also favor tackling frequency first when upping volume. BarryP is not just a slowtwitch thing though. 

For nutrition stuff I wouldn't even try to limit what you eat, just try to eat quality food and pay attention. Upping your training volume should really help too. 

BarryP Link

Definitely eat to perform. Calories are cut by eating better stuff. It has more of what you need per calorie, so it's more a changing of the ratio there as opposed to lopping stuff off.

2015-07-07 6:41 AM
in reply to: brigby1

User image

Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Richardsdrr Okay, plan of action... 1. Mass, get rid of it. I'm talking my big butt, not buying some new carbon fandangle. Currently at 168 lbs, which is about 8 lbs more than I was. Plan, no food intake 5 hours prior to sleeping. 2. Run volume/frequency. Complete at least 5 hours per week, building to 6 hours. Initially, ignore pace and run off heart rate, trying to keep HR around 150 bpm. Going to be slow to start with but hopefully pace will increase as heart rate stays the same as the weeks go on, as running efficiency increases and weight goes. First 4 weeks will be done on same loop to keep efforts consistent and take the thought out of it, after that I will introduce some hill reps somewhere to get the most bang for buck time wise. Initially I will be running 3/4 days a week, building to 6 days a week. Main bulk of workouts will be 2 x 1.25 - 1.5 hour runs with a 2 - 2.25 hour long run. Again, these will be ran at 150 bpm. Rest of the runs will be tacked on to bike sessions or used as recovery jogs to increase volume/frequency. 3. Swim, euuuurrrrggggghhh, my nemesis. I won't lie, this will probably remain as is. I just can't get in the time needed to put in the technical work, but I will aim to do at least one open water swim a week with a bike ride attached. Will try swimming with a nose clip. 4. Bike. now this is where I'm at a loss at the moment. Currently I'm guessing I've lost a lot off my FTP, so I will need to retest to see where I'm at. Moving forward I'm not sure whether or not to break it down into doing 2 x hard indoor/trainer/trainer road/sufferfest type workouts to raise FTP per week (Ben?Thoughts on suitable workouts?) and one long endurance ride where I keep to a set wattage (i.e 65-70% FTP for 4-5 hours, building to 6-7 hours) or whether to just get T.I.T.S. 5. Nutrition - all my shorter stuff (sub 3 hours) to be done after waking on nothing but water, longer rides/combined days fuel on same stuff as given out on course, i.e powerbar gels etc ( must get some in). Thoughts?
Looks like a good plan Darren. The only things I'd suggest changing would be: 1. Start out running 6 days a week (shorter runs) than trying to immediately jump to 5 hrs a week in 3/4 days. Especially since you already have knee issues. I'd start out around 20 miles/week (2 mi, 4 mi, 2 mi, 4 mi, 2 mi, 6 mi) and work your way up from there (no more than 10% from one week to the next). This is the BarryP plan from slowtwitch. Search there for more details. 2. I wouldn't go too far on cutting calories straight off the bat. Looks like you're going to be ramping up the volume considerably rather quickly. You're going to need fuel to do that. You don't want to run out of steam right away. Weigh yourself every day and let that be the judge. If you're losing more than 2 lbs/week, eat more. And really you don't have that much to lose considering, so I'd probably try and limit it to no more than 1 lb/week.

I also favor tackling frequency first when upping volume. BarryP is not just a slowtwitch thing though. 

For nutrition stuff I wouldn't even try to limit what you eat, just try to eat quality food and pay attention. Upping your training volume should really help too. 

BarryP Link

Definitely eat to perform. Calories are cut by eating better stuff. It has more of what you need per calorie, so it's more a changing of the ratio there as opposed to lopping stuff off.

Thanks for posting the link Ben.

Darren - I started with this on May 1st @ 20 miles/week (2/4/6). I'm now at ~35 miles/week (3.5/7/10.5), however I did just substitute a tempo run for one of the medium runs to prepare for a sprint in September.

Since you have a much better running background than I do, you'll be able to up the mileage quicker than I was able to I'm sure. I have remained relatively injury free too, never had anything hurt while running, but have had a few aches and pains following some of the harder runs.
2015-07-07 7:34 AM
in reply to: brigby1

User image

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Okay, plan of action... 1. Mass, get rid of it. I'm talking my big butt, not buying some new carbon fandangle. Currently at 168 lbs, which is about 8 lbs more than I was. Plan, no food intake 5 hours prior to sleeping.

Haha, can't we all? Does taking in food within that time frame disturb your sleep? 

2. Run volume/frequency. Complete at least 5 hours per week, building to 6 hours. Initially, ignore pace and run off heart rate, trying to keep HR around 150 bpm. Going to be slow to start with but hopefully pace will increase as heart rate stays the same as the weeks go on, as running efficiency increases and weight goes. First 4 weeks will be done on same loop to keep efforts consistent and take the thought out of it, after that I will introduce some hill reps somewhere to get the most bang for buck time wise. Initially I will be running 3/4 days a week, building to 6 days a week. Main bulk of workouts will be 2 x 1.25 - 1.5 hour runs with a 2 - 2.25 hour long run. Again, these will be ran at 150 bpm. Rest of the runs will be tacked on to bike sessions or used as recovery jogs to increase volume/frequency.

Like Jetson said, that sounds like some pretty big running. Usually works better to turn that around and get in the smaller, more frequent runs first. Then build up some of those into the ratio suggested. Build off the fitness you have while being mindful of what you're building towards. And why at 150 bpm? What is that based off of?

3. Swim, euuuurrrrggggghhh, my nemesis. I won't lie, this will probably remain as is. I just can't get in the time needed to put in the technical work, but I will aim to do at least one open water swim a week with a bike ride attached. Will try swimming with a nose clip.

Yeah, it's tough to improve this if you can't get in time to do it. What's with the frequent open water though? Didn't have time to read everything before. Is there an issue with being out in the open? Otherwise get into the pool and set up quality swims there to make yourself as fast as possible. If there is something with the open water, are you working specifically to address that thing? Especially when you're limited in being able to address something that is a weakness, you really want to make sure you're getting out of it what you really need. Don't really know what to do about salt water? Yanti?

4. Bike. now this is where I'm at a loss at the moment. Currently I'm guessing I've lost a lot off my FTP, so I will need to retest to see where I'm at. Moving forward I'm not sure whether or not to break it down into doing 2 x hard indoor/trainer/trainer road/sufferfest type workouts to raise FTP per week (Ben?Thoughts on suitable workouts?) and one long endurance ride where I keep to a set wattage (i.e 65-70% FTP for 4-5 hours, building to 6-7 hours) or whether to just get T.I.T.S.

Yes, the red cleats could have caused a problem. They have no float whereas the yellow has a little. Float is what lets your foot move back and for some when clipped in, pivot point is up at the pedal, under your forefoot. Might not explain everything, but it's a good place to start.

As for workouts how far out are you from the event again? To start, the harder workouts are likely have intervals at 90-100% for the most part. I don't know where you're at just this moment, but usually people start shorter and build these longer. Think of sweet spot, but a little aggressive on the intensity. Then maybe occasionally up past threshold in Z5, but that also depends on where in the build you are. As for bigger, I tend to get more out of rides that last for a few hours, but pushing various types of intervals in them. However, since you already have the 2 weekday and you're trying to build a number things at once (e.g. not in a bike focus block) you're probably better off just riding a bunch like you said. My mountain bike rides on the MUP that some of you see would be at done at 60-70% FTP, just generally enjoying being out there. I might attack a very short hill here and there, but really try to keep the effort down. More effort can help, but it needs to be planned in. As in the recovery. I don't know if there will be enough room in there for it. Also guessing this is about what you're planning to ride the IM at?

5. Nutrition - all my shorter stuff (sub 3 hours) to be done after waking on nothing but water, longer rides/combined days fuel on same stuff as given out on course, i.e powerbar gels etc ( must get some in). Thoughts?

Generally, eat to perform. Did you eat and rest well to get the recovery before the workout? I don't see an issue having things on a shorter one if those haven't gone as well. Just be careful of making it mindless or very dependent on it for them. See the mass reduction of item 1. Good idea working with the expected on-course nutrition.

Darren, I have nothing to offer on the plan, your FTP, HR, BPM, BMI, or any other acronyms.  But I can tell you that the biggest challenge for most people is to implement the long range plan and stick to it with consistency, dedication and discipline.  Set yourself up for success by being brutally honest with yourself from the start.  I have been so impressed with Melanie's work prepping for her 70.3 in Syracuse, mostly because of the dedication it took for her while going through a trying time in her home life.  There was obviously a lot of scheduling that went on to get everything in.  The same goes for Janyne's work going into Vineman and Sean's prep for Texas.  There are others as well, but those quickly came to mind as examples in this group of "planning the work and working the plan".  

2015-07-07 8:41 AM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Okay, plan of action... 

For long course training I have found that the WHEN you are going to do all of this training can be as challenging as the WHAT you are going to do.  Think carefully about how you can schedule things so that you can consistently get it done. 

2015-07-07 9:12 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

We've had temps in the 90s for the past week here. I am actually acclimating. I know you people in hot climates might roll your eyes but just know, none of us have residential aircon and only some businesses do. So there are lots of cranky people.

The whole sweat + wind (from running) + evaporation thing the body does is really quite amazing. I mean, I end my runs drenched in sweat but I don't feel hot.

What is the evaporation that you speak of? I'm unfamiliar with that!

After my race on Saturday there was sweat and/or humidity running down my shins. I don't usually sweat like that. It was crazy!

Sadly, that's the norm here this time of year.  My dogs love shin sweat.  I refer to myself as the human salt lick.  I don't let them enjoy as much as they'd like because they drive me a little nuts (and who knows what all is on my shins from the road/trail), following me around, licking my legs as I'm walking around the house after a run before I get a shower.  This morning it was 88% humidity and around 72*.  There was a whole lot of dripping going on!  Clothes completely soaked, like Sean said, it looked like I was in a battle with a water hose.

2015-07-07 9:17 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Darren - I don't have any advice to give but the things other manatees have added or addressed make a lot of sense.  I wish you luck in your plan!  Stay healthy and happy.

2015-07-07 9:50 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

We've had temps in the 90s for the past week here. I am actually acclimating. I know you people in hot climates might roll your eyes but just know, none of us have residential aircon and only some businesses do. So there are lots of cranky people.

The whole sweat + wind (from running) + evaporation thing the body does is really quite amazing. I mean, I end my runs drenched in sweat but I don't feel hot.

What is the evaporation that you speak of? I'm unfamiliar with that!

After my race on Saturday there was sweat and/or humidity running down my shins. I don't usually sweat like that. It was crazy!

Sadly, that's the norm here this time of year.  My dogs love shin sweat.  I refer to myself as the human salt lick.  I don't let them enjoy as much as they'd like because they drive me a little nuts (and who knows what all is on my shins from the road/trail), following me around, licking my legs as I'm walking around the house after a run before I get a shower.  This morning it was 88% humidity and around 72*.  There was a whole lot of dripping going on!  Clothes completely soaked, like Sean said, it looked like I was in a battle with a water hose.

Me too.  It doesn't help that one of the dogs likes lotion too so sunscreen has the same effect.  Weirdo.

2015-07-07 11:39 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Asalzwed

We've had temps in the 90s for the past week here. I am actually acclimating. I know you people in hot climates might roll your eyes but just know, none of us have residential aircon and only some businesses do. So there are lots of cranky people.

The whole sweat + wind (from running) + evaporation thing the body does is really quite amazing. I mean, I end my runs drenched in sweat but I don't feel hot.

Drenched in sweat is an understatement. I come back into the gym at my office and one of the personal trainers likes to ask me if I got in a fight with a water hose. You also learn to just jump in the shower fully clothed. You're clothes are completely soaked anyway, might as well rinse them off before putting them in the hamper (or worse, the gym bag).

That's a great idea!  We've been having higher humidity than normal due to all the rain we've been getting.  The relative humidity is up into the 60%'s, and yest I know that's peanuts for some of you!  Anyway, as a result, our usual "dry heat" hasn't been so dry and it's awful because we don't get the usual evaporation we're used to.  I sweat a ton too and have been coming home from runs completely drenched.

Funny story about sweat:  DH has been having problems with his phone when he's riding.  It keeps jumping around, switching to different map locations and even applications.  After thinking that his phone was on the blink, he finally figured out that the problem was little drops of sweat dripping off his helmet and landing on the screen.  #firstworldproblems

I have to wrap my phone in a plastic bag before tucking it into my jersey or race belt that has a perfect sized pocket or it would be ruined.

i wrap it in a paper towel before the plastic bag. Sometimes double up on the bag.

Am I sensing a bit of competition here?  Nuh uh, I get sweatier than you do!

For lack of a better place, I tucked my phone in my bra while volunteering for a race over the weekend.  NOT a good plan, especially when it's 90*.  Didn't cook it, but it was sure gross.

Hahaha. In a towel, in a bag, between the bewbs, under a shirt....

There was a discussion on my Navy Moms site about carrying the phone when running (we navy moms will kill to get to our phone when our sailor is calling). Some of the women suggested the phone in the bra thing. I told them I'm too, um, aero for that. It would look like I have a battery pack

I often have to run with my phone and HATE to wear anything around my waist like a spibelt, soI was thrilled when I found the Oiselle long roga shorts.  It has a side pocket that fits my iphone 6 (with cover).  The pocket holds the phone tightly, so there is no jiggling. The material is such that the shorts don't get soaked, so I don't even have to put it in a bag or use a paper towel etc.  Of course, your sweat results may vary!!

Speaking of Oiselle, the storefront opens soon. I'm going to the sneak peak event on Thursday.

2015-07-07 11:43 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Speaking of Oiselle, the storefront opens soon. I'm going to the sneak peak event on Thursday.


2015-07-07 11:50 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Speaking of Oiselle, the storefront opens soon. I'm going to the sneak peak event on Thursday.


me too!

2015-07-07 11:51 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Speaking of Oiselle, the storefront opens soon. I'm going to the sneak peak event on Thursday.


Seattle is just a quick flight away!


How is your PPA training going? 

2015-07-07 12:00 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Back home for a week and then off to Kansas. Had a great visit with my family. Kids didn't want to leave...grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle/four cousins, a pond, a rope swing, a raft, a river, 24 acres, bikes, sheep, chickens, bugs, frogs, etc, etc, etc. 

On the downside...2+ weeks off didn't do much for my knee.  I reasoned/pouted with myself on the way home, and I'm out of Pikes.   I couldn't see a doctor earlier because of insurance, and with these trips it won't happen for another 2-3 weeks. As excited as I was to do it, just not smart at this point.

I hope you'll all forgive me for not reading the 550+ pages you wrote over the last two weeks







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2015-07-07 12:17 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Back home for a week and then off to Kansas. Had a great visit with my family. Kids didn't want to leave...grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle/four cousins, a pond, a rope swing, a raft, a river, 24 acres, bikes, sheep, chickens, bugs, frogs, etc, etc, etc. 

On the downside...2+ weeks off didn't do much for my knee.  I reasoned/pouted with myself on the way home, and I'm out of Pikes.   I couldn't see a doctor earlier because of insurance, and with these trips it won't happen for another 2-3 weeks. As excited as I was to do it, just not smart at this point.

I hope you'll all forgive me for not reading the 550+ pages you wrote over the last two weeks


Well, looks like you had a great time. 

It is a total bummer about your knee but I am glad you made the call. It's the type of race that would be absolute misery without proper training (and even with.)

Are you guys still coming to Colorado? 

2015-07-07 2:37 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Speaking of Oiselle, the storefront opens soon. I'm going to the sneak peak event on Thursday.


Seattle is just a quick flight away!


How is your PPA training going? 

I'm happy with my progress. I didn't get a hike in last weekend but I did climb the only hill (bridge) in Charleston

How's your training for the National Championship going?

2015-07-07 2:55 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Speaking of Oiselle, the storefront opens soon. I'm going to the sneak peak event on Thursday.


Seattle is just a quick flight away!


How is your PPA training going? 

I'm happy with my progress. I didn't get a hike in last weekend but I did climb the only hill (bridge) in Charleston

How's your training for the National Championship going?

I'm super excited, I haven't been to Colorado in a while!

The training is going well. Or at least I am having a ton of fun. I've cut loose a ton of structure in lieu of just enjoying myself. Why knows how truly effective that will be but I am enjoying it so much, I don't care. 

I think National's will be awesome. I've got a whole adventure weekend planned in Bend pre and post race. I can hardly stand the wait!


2015-07-07 3:08 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Back home for a week and then off to Kansas. Had a great visit with my family. Kids didn't want to leave...grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle/four cousins, a pond, a rope swing, a raft, a river, 24 acres, bikes, sheep, chickens, bugs, frogs, etc, etc, etc. 

On the downside...2+ weeks off didn't do much for my knee.  I reasoned/pouted with myself on the way home, and I'm out of Pikes.   I couldn't see a doctor earlier because of insurance, and with these trips it won't happen for another 2-3 weeks. As excited as I was to do it, just not smart at this point.

I hope you'll all forgive me for not reading the 550+ pages you wrote over the last two weeks


Well, looks like you had a great time. 

It is a total bummer about your knee but I am glad you made the call. It's the type of race that would be absolute misery without proper training (and even with.)

Are you guys still coming to Colorado? 

Love the picture in the rocking chair.  That's definitely a keeper and maybe one to do every year.  Boo about the knee, but smart decision.  I was wondering the same thing as Salty:  are you still coming?  I assume J is still planning on doing the PPM?  Hope so!  If nothing else, a little trip to CO for just the 2 of you would still be a nice way to pre-celebrate your milestone birthday.  Plus you wouldn't have to stick to root beer on the brewery tour.

2015-07-07 3:10 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

User image

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Speaking of Oiselle, the storefront opens soon. I'm going to the sneak peak event on Thursday.


Seattle is just a quick flight away!


How is your PPA training going? 

I'm happy with my progress. I didn't get a hike in last weekend but I did climb the only hill (bridge) in Charleston

How's your training for the National Championship going?

I'm super excited, I haven't been to Colorado in a while!

The training is going well. Or at least I am having a ton of fun. I've cut loose a ton of structure in lieu of just enjoying myself. Why knows how truly effective that will be but I am enjoying it so much, I don't care. 

I think National's will be awesome. I've got a whole adventure weekend planned in Bend pre and post race. I can hardly stand the wait!

Yay for fun and adventures!  That beats drudgery any day of the week in my book.

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2015-02-23 11:27 AM IndoIronYanti
date : January 29, 2013
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 0
There are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
date : April 23, 2009
author : Team BT
comments : 1
The closed fist drill will ensure that you are pulling with your entire hand and forearm.