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2012-04-22 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Congratulations Kirk and Allen!!!   Great Races!!

Allen-you are no longer a tri-virgin!  Just beware of the madness.  Once you tri one, you tend to keep going back for more...


I have to apologize for being so absent lately and I haven't caught up on most of the posts.  Still family crisising.  Cry I plan on leaving all this stress on the course next weekend.  Every hill I will climb will have meaning.

2012-04-22 8:36 PM
in reply to: #4165234

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

ukweeble - 2012-04-22 10:16 AM Lots of food cravings now. Need meat and salt. Also keep wanting to burst into tears- is that normal?




2012-04-22 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

I also want to apologize for not being around much.  Baby E has been sick all week.  I actually had to stay home with her Tuesday and Wednesday.  By Thursday, I was hoping she was well enough to go to work a few hours for a break.  Apparently, when you are sick, you only want mommy.

She was feeling better yesterday - we even went to the park and put her feet in the grass!!  Today, she has been screaming inconsolably.  I think she is working on getting the tooth that has been bugging her for almost a month.  I hope that's what it is.  And my stupid Target is out of baby Tylenol!    We have enough for tonight, but I really hope CVS or Walmart has some tomorrow when I check!

I will try to pop in more this week.  I really hope it is less crazy than last week.

2012-04-22 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4165925

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jogo - 2012-04-22 4:43 PM

Congratulations Kirk and Allen!!!   Great Races!!

Allen-you are no longer a tri-virgin!  Just beware of the madness.  Once you tri one, you tend to keep going back for more...


I have to apologize for being so absent lately and I haven't caught up on most of the posts.  Still family crisising.  Cry I plan on leaving all this stress on the course next weekend.  Every hill I will climb will have meaning.

Sorry you are still struggling with family issues, Jo.  Sounds like a good plan to use your race to help de-stress.  Take care.

2012-04-22 8:46 PM
in reply to: #4166148

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Artemis - 2012-04-22 6:39 PM

I also want to apologize for not being around much.  Baby E has been sick all week.  I actually had to stay home with her Tuesday and Wednesday.  By Thursday, I was hoping she was well enough to go to work a few hours for a break.  Apparently, when you are sick, you only want mommy.

She was feeling better yesterday - we even went to the park and put her feet in the grass!!  Today, she has been screaming inconsolably.  I think she is working on getting the tooth that has been bugging her for almost a month.  I hope that's what it is.  And my stupid Target is out of baby Tylenol!    We have enough for tonight, but I really hope CVS or Walmart has some tomorrow when I check!

I will try to pop in more this week.  I really hope it is less crazy than last week.

Sorry the wee one hasn't been well, Jen.  I always feel so bad for them when you can't make them feel better.  Hope she is feeling better soon.

2012-04-23 12:15 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Warning---longish post, having absolutely nothing to do with triathlon, read at your own peril...

Well, so much for my rest day.  I spent the better part of my afternoon trying to trap a feral cat who took up residence in my backyard shed with her 2 approximately 10-day old kittens.

I went into my shed to get the bag for the lawn mower.  When I picked up the bag, something shrieked.  So, so did I, whilst dropping the bag.  Regained my senses, picked up the bag and poured out the critter out, thinking it was a rat.  Nope, a cute little cuddly piglet kitten.  Standing there, holding it, trying to make sense of why it was there, by itself, inside my lawn mower bag.  How did it get there?  How was it alive??  When, all of a sudden, through the gate, comes momma cat, with another baby in her mouth.  Ok, moving day, I can deal with that.  Momma goes past me, around the BBQ, into the shed.  Deposits kitten, and promptly comes out, hissing, spitting and ready to scratch my eyes out.  So of course, I shriek again, and jump back like I am on fire.  She was ready to defend her babes, man.  If not for my dogs, who are terriers and will kill anything that is not family that comes in the yard (rat, skunk, and a badly maimed raccoon), I would have just left them be until I could set a humane trap to have them fostered/altered.  But that couldn't happen.

So I put baby #1 in a carrier, make sure she is warm (it is a nice day here, thank goodness, and she just went to sleep).  Momma went back to baby #2, so I looked in and tried to talk nice to her.  She just glared.  Grabbed another carrier and thought about how to deal with this.  And she launches herself at me again.  I have dealt with feral cats, angry cats, and momma cats.  But never one who was all 3 at the same time.  I grabbed a broomstick, a dustpan and some food.  Put food in dustpan on end of stick.  She had not gone back into the shed, she was just watching me, so I offered it to her.  She took one piece, but then spat it out.  So I grabbed a can of fish dog food that we had, opened that, and she just chowed it down.  So to make a long story not quite so long, I made a trail of food into the open carrier and when she went in far enough, I closed the door behind her (wearing gardening gloves, mind you).  She was NOT happy.  Grabbed the other baby and managed to get them all in together and then spent another hour trying to find a shelter who would take a semi-feral cat.  Finally did, 20 minutes before they closed.  Phew.  I know the shelter and they will be well taken care of.  The momma was quite young, maybe only 7-8 months herself, so she was really teeny and definitely needed some fattening up to feed the little 'uns. 

Pics are of baby #1; the other one was grey and eyes were just opening up.  So cute!  Hope everyone else's Sunday was more restful!


(kitten 1.jpg)

kitten.jpg (42KB - 4 downloads)
kitten 1.jpg (46KB - 4 downloads)

2012-04-23 3:40 AM
in reply to: #4166362

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-23 1:15 PM

Warning---longish post, having absolutely nothing to do with triathlon, read at your own peril...

Well, so much for my rest day.  I spent the better part of my afternoon trying to trap a feral cat who took up residence in my backyard shed with her 2 approximately 10-day old kittens.

Pics are of baby #1; the other one was grey and eyes were just opening up.  So cute!  Hope everyone else's Sunday was more restful!


Awww Kirsten ... thank you for being you and doing (three!) good turns ... I am convinced that good karma does turn itself into training, somehow. I'm not sure of all the exact steps in this chain but I know it is true!

2012-04-23 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4165821

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
rrrunner - 2012-04-22 6:36 PM

Congrats to both Kirk and Allen!  Welcome to Triathletism Allen!

As for my race... I love being here and seeing all of the teams.  I got to talk with one of the support staff for a team from Hamburg!  They sure came a long way for this.

I had my race report completely filled out and it disappeared Surprised. I'll put it back in there when I feel like re-hashing it again! In a nutshell, the race got to me about an hour and a half later than expected, I started out feeling really good so I didn't pace myself as I should have.  I had some stomach issues, possibly GI, possibly a huge stitch in my side, then got past that but didn't recover on the time, then finished it off with a tight calf.  Overall ok but I missed my goal by 4 minutes (wanted to be sub 1 hour).

Don't think I'll get my planned swim in today.  Still fried from my 3:00 AM run...

TJ, great job on your race. That has to be an awesome sight, the lights of Vegas at 3:00 am as you are heading into town. How cool is that! Sorry that you had some stomach cramping issues. I would think that just getting out at that hour of the morning would have my body complaining in all sorts of ways. Good job getting through it all
2012-04-23 6:51 AM
in reply to: #4166390

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-23 3:40 AM
bcraht - 2012-04-23 1:15 PM

Warning---longish post, having absolutely nothing to do with triathlon, read at your own peril...

Well, so much for my rest day.  I spent the better part of my afternoon trying to trap a feral cat who took up residence in my backyard shed with her 2 approximately 10-day old kittens.

Pics are of baby #1; the other one was grey and eyes were just opening up.  So cute!  Hope everyone else's Sunday was more restful!


Awww Kirsten ... thank you for being you and doing (three!) good turns ... I am convinced that good karma does turn itself into training, somehow. I'm not sure of all the exact steps in this chain but I know it is true!

I agree. Sweet kitties. We also have a feral cat or two prowling about our place (I think they live in our garage), but we can't get anywhere near them. Since we live on the edge of town, I have made a peace with them -- they keep the out buildings free of mice, I don't turn them in. lol

Once, however, we did find a kitten (not as young as the two you found). We turned her into the vet. (Our town's shelter).

Since our town has such a rodent problem (one square mile town in the middle of fields), the city has decided to take feral cats (when they can be captured), spay or neuter them, and then re-release them. So far, it's worked out well. The couple years where they decided to catch them and, um, not re-release them, we were all over run by field mice. Icky.

2012-04-23 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4166465

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Good morning everyone. I am up, having a cup of coffee, and about to start getting ready for work. I skipped the pool this morning, thought I might go for a short run instead, and then checked the temperature -- 34 degrees. Wow. That seems unreasonably cold for almost May.

I had a great bike ride last night. I procrastinated going out because we had some wind yesterday -- not horrible, but I wasn't feeling up to fighting it. By waiting until 30 minutes before sunset, the wind died down (maybe 5-10 mph), and I had a very pleasant ride.

I wore my head lamp just in case, and wow. Was that ever attractive.

I'm kind of glad it is Monday -- every week down puts me a week closer to summer break!

What's on tap for everyone today?

2012-04-23 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4166472

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-23 7:56 PM

Good morning everyone. I am up, having a cup of coffee, and about to start getting ready for work. I skipped the pool this morning, thought I might go for a short run instead, and then checked the temperature -- 34 degrees. Wow. That seems unreasonably cold for almost May.

I had a great bike ride last night. I procrastinated going out because we had some wind yesterday -- not horrible, but I wasn't feeling up to fighting it. By waiting until 30 minutes before sunset, the wind died down (maybe 5-10 mph), and I had a very pleasant ride.

I wore my head lamp just in case, and wow. Was that ever attractive.

I'm kind of glad it is Monday -- every week down puts me a week closer to summer break!

What's on tap for everyone today?

C'mon. Chicks with headlamps are hot (I have proof ... somewhere). Nice ride!

Into typhoid relapse (common to have a 2nd, "somewhat" milder relapse 2 weeks out). Kinda wanna die. Clinging fiercely to that this is actually a sign I'm getting better. Yuck, couldn't the sign be, like, the arrival of Pop Tarts or something?

2012-04-23 9:42 AM
in reply to: #4165821

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
rrrunner - 2012-04-23 6:36 AM

Congrats to both Kirk and Allen!  Welcome to Triathletism Allen!

As for my race... I love being here and seeing all of the teams.  I got to talk with one of the support staff for a team from Hamburg!  They sure came a long way for this.

I had my race report completely filled out and it disappeared Surprised. I'll put it back in there when I feel like re-hashing it again! In a nutshell, the race got to me about an hour and a half later than expected, I started out feeling really good so I didn't pace myself as I should have.  I had some stomach issues, possibly GI, possibly a huge stitch in my side, then got past that but didn't recover on the time, then finished it off with a tight calf.  Overall ok but I missed my goal by 4 minutes (wanted to be sub 1 hour).

Don't think I'll get my planned swim in today.  Still fried from my 3:00 AM run...


It's easy to do easy ... you persevered through the HARD! Yuck! Four minutes over goal is, IMO, under goal when you've got issues going on. Well done. Glad you got to enjoy the atmosphere of the race, though.

I've had major awesome blogs/posts/RRs eaten by the computer and GRRRR. Looking forward to it when it can happen.

2012-04-23 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4165004

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-22 1:44 AM

But the best part of my day?  My little baby Elektra (she is 3, but she is the baby of the family) got her Agility Trail Champion of Canada today!  (She had to 'pass' 15 different courses in 4 different disciplines--it took about 20 months).  My partner gets some credit too of course.  Well I guess most of the credit, since she did all the training. Sealed But I picked her out of the litter!  I'm so proud of them.

Hope everyone else had a great day too!  Can't wait to read the race reports.


2012-04-23 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4165230

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-22 10:08 AM


A few minor hick-ups but nailed it in 1.50.56, ten minutes inside my target, and i smiled.

Great job and Congratulations you Triathlete you!

2012-04-23 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4166148

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Artemis - 2012-04-23 9:39 AM

I also want to apologize for not being around much.  Baby E has been sick all week.  I actually had to stay home with her Tuesday and Wednesday.  By Thursday, I was hoping she was well enough to go to work a few hours for a break.  Apparently, when you are sick, you only want mommy.

She was feeling better yesterday - we even went to the park and put her feet in the grass!!  Today, she has been screaming inconsolably.  I think she is working on getting the tooth that has been bugging her for almost a month.  I hope that's what it is.  And my stupid Target is out of baby Tylenol!    We have enough for tonight, but I really hope CVS or Walmart has some tomorrow when I check!

I will try to pop in more this week.  I really hope it is less crazy than last week.

NEVER NEVER NEVER! So happy you're here, just pop in whenever you can.

Poor baby E. Poor Jen!

2012-04-23 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4166472

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-23 7:56 AM

Good morning everyone. I am up, having a cup of coffee, and about to start getting ready for work. I skipped the pool this morning, thought I might go for a short run instead, and then checked the temperature -- 34 degrees. Wow. That seems unreasonably cold for almost May.

I had a great bike ride last night. I procrastinated going out because we had some wind yesterday -- not horrible, but I wasn't feeling up to fighting it. By waiting until 30 minutes before sunset, the wind died down (maybe 5-10 mph), and I had a very pleasant ride.

I wore my head lamp just in case, and wow. Was that ever attractive.

I'm kind of glad it is Monday -- every week down puts me a week closer to summer break!

What's on tap for everyone today?

Chilly here, too.  Hard to believe I was sweating in shorts and short sleeves on the bike on Saturday with the cold, rainy, yuck we have as weather today.

Training will be indoors this week, it seems by the forecast.  Showers predicted most of the week.  So pool, trainer, and core/strength are on my list.  Although I finally have the DVD player working that is attached to the TV in the basement that I watch while on the trainer, so maybe I will throw in a good cycling movie to watch as I do TrainerRoad workouts!

2012-04-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4166839

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-23 10:37 AM

C'mon. Chicks with headlamps are hot (I have proof ... somewhere). Nice ride!

Into typhoid relapse (common to have a 2nd, "somewhat" milder relapse 2 weeks out). Kinda wanna die. Clinging fiercely to that this is actually a sign I'm getting better. Yuck, couldn't the sign be, like, the arrival of Pop Tarts or something?

Geez, girl!  Typhoid needs to be gone!  But hopefully it is a sign you are getting better.  Do they sell Pop Tarts in Indonesia or do you rely on folks in other countries to supply you with their sweet, pastry goodness?  And what is your favorite flavor, by the way?  My 2 favs are frosted cherry and frosted blueberry.  Not a big fan of the un-frosted.  Let's have a manatee poll of favorite Pop Tart flavors!

2012-04-23 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4166472

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-23 7:56 AM

Good morning everyone. I am up, having a cup of coffee, and about to start getting ready for work. I skipped the pool this morning, thought I might go for a short run instead, and then checked the temperature -- 34 degrees. Wow. That seems unreasonably cold for almost May.

I had a great bike ride last night. I procrastinated going out because we had some wind yesterday -- not horrible, but I wasn't feeling up to fighting it. By waiting until 30 minutes before sunset, the wind died down (maybe 5-10 mph), and I had a very pleasant ride.

I wore my head lamp just in case, and wow. Was that ever attractive.

I'm kind of glad it is Monday -- every week down puts me a week closer to summer break!

What's on tap for everyone today?

Good day. I hope all is well with everyone. I was able to get in a run this morning, but that will be it for the day. Glad you got your ride in after the wind died down a bit. And I think the headlamp look is one that more people should try. I rock that look at least 3 times a week for my morning runs. BTW Felicia, doesn't the admin part of your job go away after this semester? I thought you were looking forward to that. Also, any residual stuff from the tornadoes in your area? I hope the family is doing good.

Have a great one everybody!
2012-04-23 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4167125

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
melbo55 - 2012-04-23 11:54 AM

TriAya - 2012-04-23 10:37 AM

C'mon. Chicks with headlamps are hot (I have proof ... somewhere). Nice ride!

Into typhoid relapse (common to have a 2nd, "somewhat" milder relapse 2 weeks out). Kinda wanna die. Clinging fiercely to that this is actually a sign I'm getting better. Yuck, couldn't the sign be, like, the arrival of Pop Tarts or something?

Geez, girl!  Typhoid needs to be gone!  But hopefully it is a sign you are getting better.  Do they sell Pop Tarts in Indonesia or do you rely on folks in other countries to supply you with their sweet, pastry goodness?  And what is your favorite flavor, by the way?  My 2 favs are frosted cherry and frosted blueberry.  Not a big fan of the un-frosted.  Let's have a manatee poll of favorite Pop Tart flavors!

I have to concur, I will be happy when the typhoid is done.

The running joke in my family is that my favorite meal is my next one. So, since lowfat brown sugar and cinnamon is in my pantry, it is my current favorite Poptart flavor. But I have been known to partake in a variety of others.
2012-04-23 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4167173

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
cdban66 - 2012-04-24 12:05 AM
melbo55 - 2012-04-23 11:54 AM
TriAya - 2012-04-23 10:37 AM

C'mon. Chicks with headlamps are hot (I have proof ... somewhere). Nice ride!

Into typhoid relapse (common to have a 2nd, "somewhat" milder relapse 2 weeks out). Kinda wanna die. Clinging fiercely to that this is actually a sign I'm getting better. Yuck, couldn't the sign be, like, the arrival of Pop Tarts or something?

Geez, girl!  Typhoid needs to be gone!  But hopefully it is a sign you are getting better.  Do they sell Pop Tarts in Indonesia or do you rely on folks in other countries to supply you with their sweet, pastry goodness?  And what is your favorite flavor, by the way?  My 2 favs are frosted cherry and frosted blueberry.  Not a big fan of the un-frosted.  Let's have a manatee poll of favorite Pop Tart flavors!

I have to concur, I will be happy when the typhoid is done. The running joke in my family is that my favorite meal is my next one. So, since lowfat brown sugar and cinnamon is in my pantry, it is my current favorite Poptart flavor. But I have been known to partake in a variety of others.

I have to concur, sir, too still not quite up to eating Pop Tarts yet though good sign I need to stay in bed. To be fair, it was also a way-overactive Saturday.

Yeah, my saying is a Pop Tart is a Pop Tart is a Pop Tart. That said, all the frosteds come in ahead of unfrosted, but those are fine too.

Fave flavors are (here with you, Melanie!) frosted cherry and blueberry, then strawberry, then brown sugar/cinnamon, then all the other fruit frosteds, then ... I will say that the space of favor between all the top frosteds is pretty negligible, though.

Pop Tarts are available here RARELY and unpredictably. They also sell out almost immediately (go figure) so chances of scoring any here are nil. They also cost $10-$12/box. Small box. In a country where you can eat (well) for a week on $10.

2012-04-23 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4166362

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-23 1:15 AM

Warning---longish post, having absolutely nothing to do with triathlon, read at your own peril...

Well, so much for my rest day.  I spent the better part of my afternoon trying to trap a feral cat who took up residence in my backyard shed with her 2 approximately 10-day old kittens.

I went into my shed to get the bag for the lawn mower.  When I picked up the bag, something shrieked.  So, so did I, whilst dropping the bag.  Regained my senses, picked up the bag and poured out the critter out, thinking it was a rat.  Nope, a cute little cuddly piglet kitten.  Standing there, holding it, trying to make sense of why it was there, by itself, inside my lawn mower bag.  How did it get there?  How was it alive??  When, all of a sudden, through the gate, comes momma cat, with another baby in her mouth.  Ok, moving day, I can deal with that.  Momma goes past me, around the BBQ, into the shed.  Deposits kitten, and promptly comes out, hissing, spitting and ready to scratch my eyes out.  So of course, I shriek again, and jump back like I am on fire.  She was ready to defend her babes, man.  If not for my dogs, who are terriers and will kill anything that is not family that comes in the yard (rat, skunk, and a badly maimed raccoon), I would have just left them be until I could set a humane trap to have them fostered/altered.  But that couldn't happen.

So I put baby #1 in a carrier, make sure she is warm (it is a nice day here, thank goodness, and she just went to sleep).  Momma went back to baby #2, so I looked in and tried to talk nice to her.  She just glared.  Grabbed another carrier and thought about how to deal with this.  And she launches herself at me again.  I have dealt with feral cats, angry cats, and momma cats.  But never one who was all 3 at the same time.  I grabbed a broomstick, a dustpan and some food.  Put food in dustpan on end of stick.  She had not gone back into the shed, she was just watching me, so I offered it to her.  She took one piece, but then spat it out.  So I grabbed a can of fish dog food that we had, opened that, and she just chowed it down.  So to make a long story not quite so long, I made a trail of food into the open carrier and when she went in far enough, I closed the door behind her (wearing gardening gloves, mind you).  She was NOT happy.  Grabbed the other baby and managed to get them all in together and then spent another hour trying to find a shelter who would take a semi-feral cat.  Finally did, 20 minutes before they closed.  Phew.  I know the shelter and they will be well taken care of.  The momma was quite young, maybe only 7-8 months herself, so she was really teeny and definitely needed some fattening up to feed the little 'uns. 

Pics are of baby #1; the other one was grey and eyes were just opening up.  So cute!  Hope everyone else's Sunday was more restful!

Aww....cute little baby kittehs!!  Thank you for taking care of them.

2012-04-23 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4165925

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jogo - 2012-04-23 7:43 AM

Congratulations Kirk and Allen!!!   Great Races!!

Allen-you are no longer a tri-virgin!  Just beware of the madness.  Once you tri one, you tend to keep going back for more...


I have to apologize for being so absent lately and I haven't caught up on most of the posts.  Still family crisising.  Cry I plan on leaving all this stress on the course next weekend.  Every hill I will climb will have meaning.

Again, no apologies needed! Good to see you, Jo, and we are ALL cheering and helping you up every hill. Leave it all on the course!

2012-04-23 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4166472

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-23 7:56 AM

What's on tap for everyone today?

Take baby to doctor, find out baby has ear infection.  Just put her down for a nap, so we'll be going out to get antibiotics once she wakes up and eats.  At least I have an answer and she should be feeling better in a day or two.

I did manage to find the Son of a Peach beer, so I think I'll be having one tonight.  I'm going to need it by the end of the day!

2012-04-23 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4167315

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-23 12:52 PM 

Fave flavors are (here with you, Melanie!) frosted cherry and blueberry, then strawberry, then brown sugar/cinnamon, then all the other fruit frosteds, then ... I will say that the space of favor between all the top frosteds is pretty negligible, though.

Pop Tarts are available here RARELY and unpredictably. They also sell out almost immediately (go figure) so chances of scoring any here are nil. They also cost $10-$12/box. Small box. In a country where you can eat (well) for a week on $10.

So, do I need to send you another box of PopTarts? 

2012-04-23 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4167451

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Artemis - 2012-04-23 12:45 PM
KansasMom - 2012-04-23 7:56 AM

What's on tap for everyone today?

Take baby to doctor, find out baby has ear infection.  Just put her down for a nap, so we'll be going out to get antibiotics once she wakes up and eats.  At least I have an answer and she should be feeling better in a day or two.

I did manage to find the Son of a Peach beer, so I think I'll be having one tonight.  I'm going to need it by the end of the day!

Ohhh poor baby! No wonder she has been having a rough go! Yeah, at least you know what is wrong now. That probably helps a lot. 

That is amazing you found the beer! You beat me to the punch and THAT is impressive! 

On tap for me is a short run and then BBQ with some friends at the park after work. Seattle is being blessed with some excellent weather. I got scorched on my long run Saturday. I knew I should have put some sun screen on but didn't have any in the house. Shame on me for not going to get some. 

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