BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes) Rss Feed  
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2013-10-23 11:02 AM
in reply to: switch

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch

Oh. Dear. God. I am so feelin it.

Do you know what's cooler than being an Elliptigo World Champion?  Being a cheerleader (coughhecklercough) for a EWC in the making.

JT, are you man enough for all this?

And it's in San Diego, knowwhatimsayin? 

But the timing is all off...looks like it's in early September, and my guess is JT is going to be doin the 70.3 Worlds right about then.  Ben, you have a direct line to him or something, right? What's the word? 

If by "direct line" you mean receiving the Picky Bar newsletter, then yes.

Pulled an off-the-wall 1:09 100 scy at end of practice tonight. No buoy either.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?  Oh, that is so freakin awesome.  At the END of practice?  Good lord.

I thought you said you read his blog or something, maybe it was just the PB newsletter.  BTW, have you tried PB?  Are they any good? 

I do read the blog too, but don't really comment. Many others already do so. And yes, have tried the Picky Bars and they work well. I tend to save them for races and the bigger rides I travel to, using some cheaper things for most training. Still hoping to find a gel that works again as those are *really* hard to beat when they work. Otherwise it's good to know I have something I can depend on with these, not a small order with me.

And another yeah, still contemplating that from practice. More so the descending throughout the whole thing, not just one rep. Don't remember if it came up when you were asking more about swimming, but making sure to hit some fast things on a regular basis has been very helpful. Kind of like how strides and occasional R-pace work helps out your running form, fast 25's or 50's have been vital for improved swimming. Lots of strong threshold sets to build up fitness and the occasional fast one to figure out how to go faster. That might be oversimplifying, but it's been easier to understand at first that way. Even 2-4 of them in a session has done a lot.

This is helpful.  I definitely feel like my form starts to just fall apart at the end of my swimming sessions.  I am really trying to do fast stuff every time I go though.

A few more fishy questions for the group:

One of the thing I'm struggling with a bit is where to place my arm for the initiation of my stroke.  I know I shouldn't cross over, but I don't want to go too wide either.  When I have good rotation my arm placement feels pretty narrow at the catch, and it feels like it has to be to feel that medial delt to the chin/cheek connection.  Is there some other kinesthetic or other cue I should be looking for to know I'm doing it right?

A guy who swims at the pool was commenting how the final third of the stroke is where a lot of people lose speed, and I haven't been particularly focused on that (probably thinking too much about the EVF).  Do you all feel like your power through the entire stroke is consistent?  Do you actively push water back/push yourself forward in the final third of the stroke? 

At this stage of my swimming is it more important to have longer RIs and shorter sets when my form starts to fall apart, or is it actually better to push through at this point and keep a shorter  RI?  Maybe it's not an either or, but I hear/read people talk about this with two very distinct school of thought:  you don't want to have bad form and reinforce bad technique v it's good to push when you're really tired in swimming because that's where you'll get the big gains and it's ok if your form suffers a bit because eventually you will figure out how to adapt to make the SO.


Ben (whoa, that can't be your name ... Bill?) ... ya bloody fastie fishy that's beautiful!

The bolded isn't oversimplifying. It's just how it is. I'll repost the Swim Smooth "How to Train" article here--really helpful regarding structure/frequency of training down to RIs and repeats.

Using Critical Swim Speed (their version of time trials) is much like doing field tests for bike and run HR training.

As for catch--it's really hard to say without video. It's likely to be extremely easy to say with it. MOST swimmers, even ones in your speed range, will be erring (if they are erring) on crossing over. Again, I vote video, but you could always try a little experiment with extending your hands to what feels like 12 o'clock, then 11 and 1, then 10 and 2. Which is fastest/smoothest?

Also, some swimmers LOOK like they cross over (or are too close to the midline) but when you look at the underwater footage they've actually initiated catch exactly where they need to in order for a good pull. Diana Nyad is one of these.

As for the back half (push or finish phase) ... I'm just gonna harp on doing the SSW. They really structure training in an optimal way (all gets answered regarding RIs, repeats, effort) and break the stroke down at the same time into very simple, easy-to-implement steps.

2013-10-23 11:03 AM
in reply to: TriAya

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Has anyone done any good tris in the southeast US or California that will take place April 12th to the 21st, 2014? That is when my school break is, and I am willing to travel from NY, but when I search, my eyes glaze over. I am looking for a sprint, just to keep motivated this winter,
2013-10-23 11:17 AM
in reply to: nancylee

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Originally posted by nancyleeHello,Has anyone done any good tris in the southeast US or California that will take place April 12th to the 21st, 2014? That is when my school break is, and I am willing to travel from NY, but when I search, my eyes glaze over. I am looking for a sprint, just to keep motivated this winter,Thanks,nancy
Too bad your vacation is not a week earlier- nautica south beach is a really fun race. There is a sprint in cocoa beach on 4/13. I've not done it, but it is in a nice location!
2013-10-23 11:18 AM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by jobaxas it is a little displaced and impacted - a piece has broken off somewhere in there! It will heal way quicker with surgery and will heal properly. Tri season on hold! Now looking for run races.

Awwww, sorry to hear this Jo.

But that is the beautiful thing about triathlon. When you can't do one sport for one reason or another, you have two others to potentially choose from.

Waita' take the glass half full approach. It's perfect timing for some run focused training

2013-10-23 11:19 AM
in reply to: TriAya

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

OK, thanks Yanti.  I just read the link, and computed my CSS.  So that puts me at 1:45/100 based on a 2:58 200 TT and a 6:28 400TT (my times are from yds, not meters, but I'm guessing that doesn't change as long as you're then using your CSS time in a SCY pool?).

I am thrilled to hear that I can improve by swimming at 1:45/100.  Do I have that right? 

2013-10-23 11:19 AM
in reply to: JJ-

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by JJ- I did something stupid......... Last Saturday my left ankle began to have some soreness in it. Sunday after my long run it was worse. I took Monday off as I usually do and last night went for a short run and again was very sore. I immediately figured out the problem. Saturday I transitioned into new shoes. They are the exact same model but just brand new. The extra cushion caused the soreness in my ankle. Don't change anything race week!!! I know that but somehow failed anyway. Aaaaggggggg Lesson learned. Now I am going back to my old shoes until after my race Sunday

Someone's got some taper madness!!!

Same make? Same model? You will be just fine.

2013-10-23 11:20 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch

Oh. Dear. God. I am so feelin it.

Do you know what's cooler than being an Elliptigo World Champion?  Being a cheerleader (coughhecklercough) for a EWC in the making.

JT, are you man enough for all this?

And it's in San Diego, knowwhatimsayin? 

But the timing is all off...looks like it's in early September, and my guess is JT is going to be doin the 70.3 Worlds right about then.  Ben, you have a direct line to him or something, right? What's the word? 

If by "direct line" you mean receiving the Picky Bar newsletter, then yes.

Pulled an off-the-wall 1:09 100 scy at end of practice tonight. No buoy either.

This made me laugh out loud 

2013-10-23 11:21 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Janyne - it's THIS weekend!!  You ready for this??  :D  

Of course we're ready!



What she said!

2013-10-23 11:26 AM
in reply to: nancylee

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Twitter questions answered here.

Elesa - Simply find a few people to "Follow". From there it is an ever evolving thing. You'll see people retweet other people's posts and then you might end up following the original person, because it was interesting. I continue to add and remove people.

Monica - I follow a bunch of country musicians, Brad Paisley, Blake Shelton, etc. I follow a bunch of triathletes, Mirinda Carfrae, Chrissy, Jesse Thomas, Boom Boom Reed, etc. I also follow GQ magazine, triathlete magazine and a few others. For farts and giggles I follow God, Texts From Last Night, a couple of other spoof accounts. I just added Kid President this morning. He is really cool. Oh yeah, I also follow Betty Designs, cause I want to be the first male "Betty". 

2013-10-23 11:30 AM
in reply to: nancylee

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by nancylee Hello, Has anyone done any good tris in the southeast US or California that will take place April 12th to the 21st, 2014? That is when my school break is, and I am willing to travel from NY, but when I search, my eyes glaze over. I am looking for a sprint, just to keep motivated this winter, Thanks, nancy

I can only speak for California ... if you're wanting something low-key (translation, also low $$) but super fun, the Big Rock triathlon in Perris is great (I did their Oly ... have a race report on it here). Lots of fun wineries, hot air ballooning, etc. in that area.

HITS has their Napa Valley series around that time. Gorgeous area, definitely pricey (the area, not the tri), might still be pretty cold.

Silicon Valley tri puts on a good series in mid-April as well. Not as beautiful as Napa, but hey, you could get to Napa from there, and that south-of-the-Bay-Area is just super too. Might also be quite cold as well.

2013-10-23 11:35 AM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Hallloooooooo Manatees!  

Jo - I'm so sorry to hear about the wrist, but hopefully the surgery will speed up the healing process!

Erin - maybe you should use your own motivation pic for your marathon training???    

Ben - DUUUUDE!  1:09/100??   That's ssssssssmokin'!  

JJ - Glad you found out BEFORE race day about the shoes!

Salty - still faching fast as fach - you soooo freakin' impress me, woman

Switch - we will seriously have to co-ordinate a Bernie Lean for next year

Darren - I wish I had some advice or comments to make about your bike photos... other than YOU look fit!

Chris - I have a twitter account that I don't use a whole lot right now, who do you follow?  

Janyne - it's THIS weekend!!  You ready for this??  :D  

Awwww thanks!!!


I am so excited for you and Janyne!!

Is Tony spectating? Tell him to be sure to FB update. 

2013-10-23 11:36 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by cdban66

Twitter questions answered here.

Elesa - Simply find a few people to "Follow". From there it is an ever evolving thing. You'll see people retweet other people's posts and then you might end up following the original person, because it was interesting. I continue to add and remove people.

Monica - I follow a bunch of country musicians, Brad Paisley, Blake Shelton, etc. I follow a bunch of triathletes, Mirinda Carfrae, Chrissy, Jesse Thomas, Boom Boom Reed, etc. I also follow GQ magazine, triathlete magazine and a few others. For farts and giggles I follow God, Texts From Last Night, a couple of other spoof accounts. I just added Kid President this morning. He is really cool. Oh yeah, I also follow Betty Designs, cause I want to be the first male "Betty". 

Thanks!  I've got a few actors that I think are funny - NPH, Nathan Fillion, the Bloggess, George Takei; others that are more sports related - Chrissie, Ironman, Seattle Seahawks, Betty Designs and Kristin Mayer... and I think I might add a couple from your list!  

I don't tweet a whole lot, but it's fun to follow some others.  

2013-10-23 11:42 AM
in reply to: switch

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by switch

OK, thanks Yanti.  I just read the link, and computed my CSS.  So that puts me at 1:45/100 based on a 2:58 200 TT and a 6:28 400TT (my times are from yds, not meters, but I'm guessing that doesn't change as long as you're then using your CSS time in a SCY pool?).

I am thrilled to hear that I can improve by swimming at 1:45/100.  Do I have that right? 

Did you do the two time trials in a row with rest in between (recently)? Standalone and the longer in the past it was (even a few weeks) is not gonna be quite as accurate. That said, if such a TT session essentially yielded the same results, the answer is yes--done the way they recommend. Not all of your repeats in all of your sets are going to be at that speed, and the rest time will vary. CSS also changes quickly.

That part of swimming (among many) is fairly similar to running, in that if you could hold 1:45/100yd with :10 rest for more repeats (say, 30x100) and not fade, you could definitely hold 1:35 or better in a shorter race (say 1500m, yard equivalent). However, again, this number will drop, so you continue adjusting, and continue refining your ability to hold the highest steady pace possible for as long as possible (and that would be getting a fair bit longer if you're heading into long-course).

2013-10-23 11:46 AM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by cdban66

Twitter questions answered here.

Elesa - Simply find a few people to "Follow". From there it is an ever evolving thing. You'll see people retweet other people's posts and then you might end up following the original person, because it was interesting. I continue to add and remove people.

Monica - I follow a bunch of country musicians, Brad Paisley, Blake Shelton, etc. I follow a bunch of triathletes, Mirinda Carfrae, Chrissy, Jesse Thomas, Boom Boom Reed, etc. I also follow GQ magazine, triathlete magazine and a few others. For farts and giggles I follow God, Texts From Last Night, a couple of other spoof accounts. I just added Kid President this morning. He is really cool. Oh yeah, I also follow Betty Designs, cause I want to be the first male "Betty". 

Thanks!  I've got a few actors that I think are funny - NPH, Nathan Fillion, the Bloggess, George Takei; others that are more sports related - Chrissie, Ironman, Seattle Seahawks, Betty Designs and Kristin Mayer... and I think I might add a couple from your list!  

I don't tweet a whole lot, but it's fun to follow some others.  

Oh! BTW I meant to take a pic and tag you haha but I wore these socks yesterday. I have them from all my fav. US cities I have visited. (this is of course blocking out a certain train experience)


Also, while I am talking about Chicago. J and I watched the first 20 installments of R Kelly's trapped in the closet on Monday. I had forgotten that it was set in Chi. We are going to have a TITC theme party. Hahaha.

2013-10-23 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Still can't post from work so I'm not responding much.

Agree with Darren lookin good but no help on the bike fit.

As for twitter, I followed for a while but some I followed were too active with the posts so I quit watching.

Go B2Bers!!!!!
2013-10-23 11:59 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

You have to kind of pick and choose who you follow, some folks go nuts. DO NOT follow Rev3 on race day, it gets nuts.  I'll also add someone during a period of time or event, then unfollow when the event is over.

2013-10-23 11:59 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by cdban66

Twitter questions answered here.

Elesa - Simply find a few people to "Follow". From there it is an ever evolving thing. You'll see people retweet other people's posts and then you might end up following the original person, because it was interesting. I continue to add and remove people.

Monica - I follow a bunch of country musicians, Brad Paisley, Blake Shelton, etc. I follow a bunch of triathletes, Mirinda Carfrae, Chrissy, Jesse Thomas, Boom Boom Reed, etc. I also follow GQ magazine, triathlete magazine and a few others. For farts and giggles I follow God, Texts From Last Night, a couple of other spoof accounts. I just added Kid President this morning. He is really cool. Oh yeah, I also follow Betty Designs, cause I want to be the first male "Betty". 

Thanks!  I've got a few actors that I think are funny - NPH, Nathan Fillion, the Bloggess, George Takei; others that are more sports related - Chrissie, Ironman, Seattle Seahawks, Betty Designs and Kristin Mayer... and I think I might add a couple from your list!  

I don't tweet a whole lot, but it's fun to follow some others.  

Oh! BTW I meant to take a pic and tag you haha but I wore these socks yesterday. I have them from all my fav. US cities I have visited. (this is of course blocking out a certain train experience)


Also, while I am talking about Chicago. J and I watched the first 20 installments of R Kelly's trapped in the closet on Monday. I had forgotten that it was set in Chi. We are going to have a TITC theme party. Hahaha.

Holy crap, those are awesome socks!  Where did you get them??  

You absolutely MUST have that party and take pics and post them!  

2013-10-23 12:01 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by cdban66

You have to kind of pick and choose who you follow, some folks go nuts. DO NOT follow Rev3 on race day, it gets nuts.  I'll also add someone during a period of time or event, then unfollow when the event is over.

Yep, this happened with Kona.  My twitter feed was nothing but time splits which got old really, really fast.  

2013-10-23 12:15 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by JJ- I did something stupid......... Last Saturday my left ankle began to have some soreness in it. Sunday after my long run it was worse. I took Monday off as I usually do and last night went for a short run and again was very sore. I immediately figured out the problem. Saturday I transitioned into new shoes. They are the exact same model but just brand new. The extra cushion caused the soreness in my ankle. Don't change anything race week!!! I know that but somehow failed anyway. Aaaaggggggg Lesson learned. Now I am going back to my old shoes until after my race Sunday

Someone's got some taper madness!!!

Same make? Same model? You will be just fine.

Ok now I'm really confused. I ran this morning in my old shoes and they felt very un-cushioned and not very comfortable. I can tell they are worn out. So do I wear my new shoes race day or old shoes??

What to do??????
2013-10-23 12:18 PM
in reply to: JJ-

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by JJ-
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by JJ- I did something stupid......... Last Saturday my left ankle began to have some soreness in it. Sunday after my long run it was worse. I took Monday off as I usually do and last night went for a short run and again was very sore. I immediately figured out the problem. Saturday I transitioned into new shoes. They are the exact same model but just brand new. The extra cushion caused the soreness in my ankle. Don't change anything race week!!! I know that but somehow failed anyway. Aaaaggggggg Lesson learned. Now I am going back to my old shoes until after my race Sunday

Someone's got some taper madness!!!

Same make? Same model? You will be just fine.

Ok now I'm really confused. I ran this morning in my old shoes and they felt very un-cushioned and not very comfortable. I can tell they are worn out. So do I wear my new shoes race day or old shoes?? What to do??????

New shoes.

I can't imagine there are any real issues with the new shoes. Honestly the "new" cushioning is probably less of an impact than say, thin vs. thick socks.

Take those new shoes out on a few EZ runs. VERY easy runs.


2013-10-23 12:25 PM
in reply to: bcraht

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by bcraht

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Janyne - it's THIS weekend!!  You ready for this??  :D  

Of course we're ready!



What she said!


So freakin' excited right now - just got checked in for the flight tomorrow morning.  


2013-10-23 12:32 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by bcraht

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Janyne - it's THIS weekend!!  You ready for this??  :D  

Of course we're ready!



What she said!


So freakin' excited right now - just got checked in for the flight tomorrow morning.  


I'm itching to get out of work and get on with more important things!  (more so than usual even!)

2013-10-23 12:35 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by cdban66

You have to kind of pick and choose who you follow, some folks go nuts. DO NOT follow Rev3 on race day, it gets nuts.  I'll also add someone during a period of time or event, then unfollow when the event is over.

Yep, this happened with Kona.  My twitter feed was nothing but time splits which got old really, really fast.  

I have to ask -- what is everyone's twitter id?

I'm @jmkizer

Also, what's your favorite twitter tool?  I've been using TweetDeck at work.  I just keep it running off to the side.  I'm not good about following twitter at home.  Or FB either for that matter.  I just don't spend a lot of time online at home -- Words With Friends being the big exception there!

2013-10-23 12:40 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by cdban66

You have to kind of pick and choose who you follow, some folks go nuts. DO NOT follow Rev3 on race day, it gets nuts.  I'll also add someone during a period of time or event, then unfollow when the event is over.

Yep, this happened with Kona.  My twitter feed was nothing but time splits which got old really, really fast.  

I have to ask -- what is everyone's twitter id?

I'm @jmkizer

Also, what's your favorite twitter tool?  I've been using TweetDeck at work.  I just keep it running off to the side.  I'm not good about following twitter at home.  Or FB either for that matter.  I just don't spend a lot of time online at home -- Words With Friends being the big exception there!


You are the Manatee I mentioned before, if you didn't figure that out I just use the Android Twitter App. It works fine. I used a couple of others and they were cludgey. I had Friend Stream running on the phone, which pulls in all your social media accounts, but it was a resource hog. I rarely tweet about anything other than my Strava workouts or drunk people that I run into when we go out at night. I always like a good drunk person story, which is probably why I follow TFLN.

2013-10-23 12:52 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by cdban66

You have to kind of pick and choose who you follow, some folks go nuts. DO NOT follow Rev3 on race day, it gets nuts.  I'll also add someone during a period of time or event, then unfollow when the event is over.

Yep, this happened with Kona.  My twitter feed was nothing but time splits which got old really, really fast.  

I have to ask -- what is everyone's twitter id?

I'm @jmkizer

Also, what's your favorite twitter tool?  I've been using TweetDeck at work.  I just keep it running off to the side.  I'm not good about following twitter at home.  Or FB either for that matter.  I just don't spend a lot of time online at home -- Words With Friends being the big exception there!


You are the Manatee I mentioned before, if you didn't figure that out I just use the Android Twitter App. It works fine. I used a couple of others and they were cludgey. I had Friend Stream running on the phone, which pulls in all your social media accounts, but it was a resource hog. I rarely tweet about anything other than my Strava workouts or drunk people that I run into when we go out at night. I always like a good drunk person story, which is probably why I follow TFLN.


I follow more than tweet and I just use the Android app as well

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