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2010-04-12 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2782820

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2010-04-10 7:08 PM Whoops, didn't post right first time . . .

Race results for 2nd Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri (first was end of February)

Again, just using this as practice, but improved alot (I think since a month ago)

Swim - 19 lengths, 475 yards in 10 minutes (18 lengths last month). Really pushed swim. There was someone in the lane next to me that was stroke for stroke with me the whole time. Mentally that pushes me. She started out freesytle, then did breastroke for 25 (I would pass her) then switch back to freestyle for the next 25 (she would catch up).  My pushes off the wall were better than hers too.

Bike - 15.3 miles in 30 minutes (13.5 miles last month, but didn't know rules last month and the trick is to spin the flywheel as fast as possible for miles.  I had tension set higher a month ago)

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

Congrats on the improvement.  And on the shin splints cooperating!

2010-04-12 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2784555

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-12 8:22 AM
token male - sorry i forgot your name (and i tried to cheat and look at it but the reply window only lets me see the last post). how did your bike/swim/bike go yesterday?  rarely do i get the computer on the weekends (we have one and the hubs uses it for business) sorry i wasn't around to respond.

going shopping today so i can promise you that i'll never ride helmetless again! Cool

steve here - Went Ok, ran out of steam on the return ride.  Coach kept us long in the pool, so I was tired starting the ride.  Did not have any desire to add a walk/run on the end like I did last week.  So I was out almost 3 straight hours of exercise....

Glad you got a helmet..  Saw young lady this morning with no helmet, earphones, on sidewalk, not really holding handle bars...  thought to myself, there goes an organ donor....

2010-04-12 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2785657

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hey! Good job on races this weekend! Carrie - agree on the dehdration. I have some info I can share about hdration and nutrition I can share when I get to a real computer. Same for you, steve. You prob want to take in 200 cals per hour either in sports drink, gels, etc plus 16-20 oz per hour water for longer workouts like that.I can't wait to read the race report from the half!My ten miler was not fun, more details soon...My apologies for grammar and spelling, blackberry is hard :)
2010-04-12 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2783528

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2010-04-11 2:35 PM

Official results for my indoor tri

Swim 10/52 women
Bike 12/52 women
Run 42/52 (by far my worst of the 3 legs - I suck at the run!!!)

Congrats Carrie!  Sounds like a great experience too!  Making me wish my races were sooner...well, not too soon :-)
2010-04-12 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2785247

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-04-12 11:08 AM

Hey guys!  Just finished my race report from my half yesterday.  Let's see if I can get the link to work -  Bottom line - I had a great race, met my goal, and set a new PR by 15 minutes Laughing.  Very happy with the way it went.  My legs are a little stiff and sore today (glad I took the day off work) so I don't know if I'll get any training done today - maybe just some yoga to stretch things out. 

Off to get caught up - I'm not usually on the computer much on the weekends so I'm sure I'm behind!

Awesome!  A PR by 15 minutes is FANTASTIC!  You must feel great (other than the soreness of course).
2010-04-12 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Very nice! You seem to be a speedy swimmer.

Wow, a 15m PR, thats really impressive, esp for a half mary. You seem to run about my pace, too bad we don't live closer....we could run together.  I used to live 1.5 hrs from St.Louis....such a pretty city.

Emily, can't wait to read your RR. The Cherry Blossom 10 miler is on my to-do list. I ran the Army 10 miler 2 yrs ago and I love DC, love the distance (13 miles seems too long and a 5k and my old knees are barely warmed up and the race is over lol).

I hope the pollen wasn't too bad, though. My H was just in SC and his allergies were killing him.


2010-04-12 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2787045

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Nah, not that much of a speedy swimmer, just ended up in a group of women this time that had less lengths.  I have been able to make more swim practices this past month with less work interference.

However, we did some 50's tonight at swim practice and I got my 50 down to 52 seconds.  That is my best time ever so I am really happy.  If only I could keep that pace up for an entire race.
2010-04-13 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Good morning guys!

Sorry I have been MIA, I took a little 'computer break' over the weekend and even took the day off yesterday to take the kids to the museum downtown.

Everyone sounds like they have some great races so far!  I need to catch up on all I missed, but wanted to let you know I will be back on here posting regularly again! 


2010-04-13 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2785657

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
otter_sh - 2010-04-12 1:40 PM

steve here - Went Ok, ran out of steam on the return ride.  Coach kept us long in the pool, so I was tired starting the ride.  Did not have any desire to add a walk/run on the end like I did last week.  So I was out almost 3 straight hours of exercise....

Glad you got a helmet..  Saw young lady this morning with no helmet, earphones, on sidewalk, not really holding handle bars...  thought to myself, there goes an organ donor....

steve steve stevesteve steve.  okay maybe now i won't forget.  Cool

i'm excited (and hyper) this morning - i got an inhaler!  i'm one of those crazy self concious people who is scared of asking my doctor questions.  i mentioned that i struggle with breathing during runs.  he asked how often i ran so i told him right now 2-3 times a week, but its only that low b/c i'm training for a triathlon.  his eyes got big and said "oh, well you take this seriously then".  i think he expected me to say that i ran once a month or something so of course i got out of breath.

i ended up with an RX for singulair for when i'm training and also an inhaler to take 15 minutes before activity.  tried it this morning before my swim - not sure if it really helped, or just gave me a mental edge.  either way i cut 2 minutes off my 300m time.

other gear purchased: a bike helmet and a water bottle to be mounted on my bike.  I forgot that I had a $50 gift card or else i would have got that $19 distance/calorie/pace meter for my bike too.
2010-04-13 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2787509

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-13 5:43 AM
otter_sh - 2010-04-12 1:40 PM

steve here - Went Ok, ran out of steam on the return ride.  Coach kept us long in the pool, so I was tired starting the ride.  Did not have any desire to add a walk/run on the end like I did last week.  So I was out almost 3 straight hours of exercise....

Glad you got a helmet..  Saw young lady this morning with no helmet, earphones, on sidewalk, not really holding handle bars...  thought to myself, there goes an organ donor....

steve steve stevesteve steve.  okay maybe now i won't forget.  Cool

i'm excited (and hyper) this morning - i got an inhaler!  i'm one of those crazy self concious people who is scared of asking my doctor questions.  i mentioned that i struggle with breathing during runs.  he asked how often i ran so i told him right now 2-3 times a week, but its only that low b/c i'm training for a triathlon.  his eyes got big and said "oh, well you take this seriously then".  i think he expected me to say that i ran once a month or something so of course i got out of breath.

i ended up with an RX for singulair for when i'm training and also an inhaler to take 15 minutes before activity.  tried it this morning before my swim - not sure if it really helped, or just gave me a mental edge.  either way i cut 2 minutes off my 300m time.

other gear purchased: a bike helmet and a water bottle to be mounted on my bike.  I forgot that I had a $50 gift card or else i would have got that $19 distance/calorie/pace meter for my bike too.

YEAH !!!!       sweeet!!

2010-04-13 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2773694

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-07 9:52 AM

Welcome Marcie!  It sounds like the accountability of this group will benefit everyone.  I'll try to bug/encourage you as much as possible    I did my first half marathon early in my "career", even before my first real triathlon.  I literally hadn't run more than two miles until Sept of '06, but when a friend suggested the half I signed up.  It was a lottery race, so we entered in February I think...   I learned I was in and thought "oh no!", but trained and had a good race.

I love the Hal Higdon running plans, especially for first time at a race distance.  They are very manageable for a busy schedule:

Thanks for sharing this link, I registered for the Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon today and will be starting this training plan in the next two weeks.

I have a question to anyone who has trained for a half or full marathon while tri training, how do you incorporate both trainings?  The half training plan is all running (obviously) but I also have to get swims and bikes in too.  Do I just swap out a long ride for a run?  Trying to see how I can mesh these together and still be prepared.  Thanks!!!

2010-04-13 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2788030

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
swimmom2002 - 2010-04-13 11:05 AM

thanks for sharing this link, I registered for the Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon today and will be starting this training plan in the next two weeks.

I have a question to anyone who has trained for a half or full marathon while tri training, how do you incorporate both trainings?  The half training plan is all running (obviously) but I also have to get swims and bikes in too.  Do I just swap out a long ride for a run?  Trying to see how I can mesh these together and still be prepared.  Thanks!!!

i've never done a half while training for a tri, but this is the half program i used and you can get by with running as little as 3 days a week.  you won't set any course records using this program, but it'll get you across the finish line in a respectable time.
2010-04-13 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2788030

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

That's exactly why I like that Higdon plan.   It has "x-training" days, which I swim and bike.  What I did was combined the swimming and biking from a tri plan and the running from Hal.  See if you can keep up with the plan without feeling too fatigued.   If so, then you should be more than ready.  And think of how you'll rock the run at the tri!

swimmom2002 - 2010-04-13 10:05 AM

BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-07 9:52 AM

Welcome Marcie!  It sounds like the accountability of this group will benefit everyone.  I'll try to bug/encourage you as much as possible    I did my first half marathon early in my "career", even before my first real triathlon.  I literally hadn't run more than two miles until Sept of '06, but when a friend suggested the half I signed up.  It was a lottery race, so we entered in February I think...   I learned I was in and thought "oh no!", but trained and had a good race.

I love the Hal Higdon running plans, especially for first time at a race distance.  They are very manageable for a busy schedule:

Thanks for sharing this link, I registered for the Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon today and will be starting this training plan in the next two weeks.

I have a question to anyone who has trained for a half or full marathon while tri training, how do you incorporate both trainings?  The half training plan is all running (obviously) but I also have to get swims and bikes in too.  Do I just swap out a long ride for a run?  Trying to see how I can mesh these together and still be prepared.  Thanks!!!

2010-04-13 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2789408

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Glad to hear about the inhaler, helmet, and swim pr Brooke!

2010-04-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2789411

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

Since it came up with a few people, I will outline what my coach told me to do for nutrition and hydration.  I can say I have tried to skimp during races and I ALWAYS do better with more food.  And, of course, that requires training.  Some points:

  • I also try to stay hydrated preemptively.  On a workout day, I have 26 oz in the morning, 26 in the afternoon before my workout.  I eat a snack about 60-90 mins before the workout starts: a mix of carb and protein.   This is the minimum I do for any workout day.
  • For a workout more than an hour, I start fueling at about 15 mins in.  Then every 30 mins.  That's usually a gel or something that size.  Hydrate with 16-20 oz water per HOUR of activity.  I easily forget to plan for this by hour, and might only take in 20 oz for 1.5 hours.
  • OR - can do this with sports drink.  Shoot for 150-200 cals an hour, depending on your size.  I do about 180 since that's convenient for me.

Just an example, I have about 100 cals of heed in a bottle of water (20 oz) for a 30-60 min workout.  Don't skimp.

Gotta run... hope this makes sense, since I can't edit it right now   TTYL!

2010-04-13 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the nutrition advice...  Will start trying it.

Posted new workout plan on my calendar, it is a hybrid of what I was doing and the recommendations from Tri-Camp to get ready for the Tri on 6/6/10.

My daughter suffered with Sports enduced asthma, so I understand need for inhalers and such.  She ran 3 yrs of cross country with taking medicine during the season but never after the season.  My breathing test showed some improvement with and inhaler but not enough for the doctor to actually prescribe anything.

Well got to go, a bike ride tonight or I am a slacker.....

2010-04-13 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Got in my ride..  2 dogs chased me and it got dark, so cut off last 3 minutes of cool down.  Otherwise nice ride except I forgot drink...  Did negative splits on inner 4 loops 7:20, 7:06: 7:03, 7:00 for 1.86 miles.
2010-04-14 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2789694

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

otter_sh - 2010-04-13 7:25 PM Got in my ride..  2 dogs chased me and it got dark, so cut off last 3 minutes of cool down.  Otherwise nice ride except I forgot drink...  Did negative splits on inner 4 loops 7:20, 7:06: 7:03, 7:00 for 1.86 miles.

One of my biggest fears for both running and biking......the running of the loose dogs.  I have been chased on my bike, but not running.  Have a very bad story about stray dogs that happened to my friend's mom, so it is always something I am a little parnoid about when running outside alone.  I really hate the electronic fences people have, because I think the dogs are going to run right for me.  I am not sure where my fear of dogs comes from, maybe because I was bit when I was little, but strange dogs freak me out.  My heart is pounding just thinking about stray dogs.   

2010-04-14 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
i got chased by a stray pitbull on one of my runs back in the fall.  i called animal control and the cop said that the best thing is a good pepper spray like they sell at gun stores, not the kind from sporting good stores.  he said that it'll back the dog down every time.  also good for humans.   obviously this would only be in the situation of an attack, but not something bad for a runner (especially a woman) to keep on her.
2010-04-14 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I'm really behind and I apologize for not checking in a week. I went the hospital last Thursday because of a severe pain in my side. Many theories and no conclusions yet as to what it is. Pain in the abdomen is gone but swelling in the feet is so bad I can barely stand or walk for more than 5-10 minutes.  Ran on Monday (after the hospital visit before the swelling) and it was good! Difficult for me, but I nailed it! Swelling started Tuesday and I haven't exercised since. I have been on pain killers all week with today as an exception. I'm taking a natural diuretic (did I spell that correctly?). My doctor is looking at the possiblities and if the swelling does not go down tomorrow I'm going back to the doctor. Here's my question:

My event is in a week and a half. It's my first triathlon. I could do it now if I wanted to (and I wasn't sick). So, how do you think this will affect me? Any suggestions? I'm hellbent on doing it...but I don't want to kill myself, either. I'm so discouraged. I've worked so hard and I've never had physical problems like this before. I've always been healthy as a horse...even when I was 250 pounds. Now I've got this major event I've worked my butt off for and my body is doing this...AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S CAUSING IT!

2010-04-14 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
These were 2 pit bulls running together...  Definitely caused me to put the hammer down.

Long swim work out tonight...  Coach said going for just 2000 yrds ... actually did 2300...  He does not count well when he makes up what I do next as we go along...  Oh and everything was on 8 second rests....

2010-04-14 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2791725

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

My husband has two bottle holders on his bike. One is for his water and the other is for his bear (pepper spray) repellant.  He has trained MANY dogs and when we ride you can tell which ones. They turn tail and RUN when they see us coming.

Edited by lesliericheytoo 2010-04-14 9:01 PM
2010-04-15 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2792862

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
lesliericheytoo - 2010-04-14 9:59 PM I'm really behind and I apologize for not checking in a week. I went the hospital last Thursday because of a severe pain in my side. Many theories and no conclusions yet as to what it is. Pain in the abdomen is gone but swelling in the feet is so bad I can barely stand or walk for more than 5-10 minutes.  Ran on Monday (after the hospital visit before the swelling) and it was good! Difficult for me, but I nailed it! Swelling started Tuesday and I haven't exercised since. I have been on pain killers all week with today as an exception. I'm taking a natural diuretic (did I spell that correctly?). My doctor is looking at the possiblities and if the swelling does not go down tomorrow I'm going back to the doctor. Here's my question:

My event is in a week and a half. It's my first triathlon. I could do it now if I wanted to (and I wasn't sick). So, how do you think this will affect me? Any suggestions? I'm hellbent on doing it...but I don't want to kill myself, either. I'm so discouraged. I've worked so hard and I've never had physical problems like this before. I've always been healthy as a horse...even when I was 250 pounds. Now I've got this major event I've worked my butt off for and my body is doing this...AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S CAUSING IT!


first and foremost what does your doctor say?  is he allowing you to keep up your exercise routine? 
2010-04-15 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2793359

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-15 8:07 AM
lesliericheytoo - 2010-04-14 9:59 PM I'm really behind and I apologize for not checking in a week. I went the hospital last Thursday because of a severe pain in my side. Many theories and no conclusions yet as to what it is. Pain in the abdomen is gone but swelling in the feet is so bad I can barely stand or walk for more than 5-10 minutes.  Ran on Monday (after the hospital visit before the swelling) and it was good! Difficult for me, but I nailed it! Swelling started Tuesday and I haven't exercised since. I have been on pain killers all week with today as an exception. I'm taking a natural diuretic (did I spell that correctly?). My doctor is looking at the possiblities and if the swelling does not go down tomorrow I'm going back to the doctor. Here's my question:

My event is in a week and a half. It's my first triathlon. I could do it now if I wanted to (and I wasn't sick). So, how do you think this will affect me? Any suggestions? I'm hellbent on doing it...but I don't want to kill myself, either. I'm so discouraged. I've worked so hard and I've never had physical problems like this before. I've always been healthy as a horse...even when I was 250 pounds. Now I've got this major event I've worked my butt off for and my body is doing this...AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S CAUSING IT!


first and foremost what does your doctor say?  is he allowing you to keep up your exercise routine? 

You know. I'm a complete idiot and I forgot to ask him. I'm going to call him today. I knew not to run with the swollen feet. The swelling decreased overnight. I'm going to go swimming today. It's not a hard workout...just long continuous. I WILL ASK THE DOCTOR THOUGH.

I guess what I want is encouragement.  I was very depressed last night when I wrote that. Things are a little clearer this morning...and since my foot doesn't look like I have elephantitus. It's just a cankle today. :D
2010-04-15 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2793383

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
lesliericheytoo - 2010-04-15 8:17 AM
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-15 8:07 AM
lesliericheytoo - 2010-04-14 9:59 PM I'm really behind and I apologize for not checking in a week. I went the hospital last Thursday because of a severe pain in my side. Many theories and no conclusions yet as to what it is. Pain in the abdomen is gone but swelling in the feet is so bad I can barely stand or walk for more than 5-10 minutes.  Ran on Monday (after the hospital visit before the swelling) and it was good! Difficult for me, but I nailed it! Swelling started Tuesday and I haven't exercised since. I have been on pain killers all week with today as an exception. I'm taking a natural diuretic (did I spell that correctly?). My doctor is looking at the possiblities and if the swelling does not go down tomorrow I'm going back to the doctor. Here's my question:

My event is in a week and a half. It's my first triathlon. I could do it now if I wanted to (and I wasn't sick). So, how do you think this will affect me? Any suggestions? I'm hellbent on doing it...but I don't want to kill myself, either. I'm so discouraged. I've worked so hard and I've never had physical problems like this before. I've always been healthy as a horse...even when I was 250 pounds. Now I've got this major event I've worked my butt off for and my body is doing this...AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S CAUSING IT!


first and foremost what does your doctor say?  is he allowing you to keep up your exercise routine? 

You know. I'm a complete idiot and I forgot to ask him. I'm going to call him today. I knew not to run with the swollen feet. The swelling decreased overnight. I'm going to go swimming today. It's not a hard workout...just long continuous. I WILL ASK THE DOCTOR THOUGH.

I guess what I want is encouragement.  I was very depressed last night when I wrote that. Things are a little clearer this morning...and since my foot doesn't look like I have elephantitus. It's just a cankle today. :D

I have to agree - check with the doctor first.  I understand wanting to do your tri (especially since it's your first) but you don't want to make things worse.  If the doctor OK's it, then I say go for it, but take it easy, especially if you're still having symptoms.  I hope you can figure out what the problem is. 
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