General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2010-09-21 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3108739

Annapolis, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-20 6:47 PM This is a pretty general Q:

Where is everyone in their season? Still going strong? Wrapping up? Done?

I just hit the 4 week mark of being DONE. After a long season, I feel mostly recovered and healed (A freak foot injury showed up 5 days after my last HIM. I am afraid to call it healed fully). Either its this nice fall-cool-morning-weather or I AM fully recovered that my easy AM runs are a lot faster than during the summer @ peak training. I also love running not sore!

Regardless, running in cool weather is mentally bringing me back into the game more than anything. I renamed humidity to be Fumidity this past summer.

Just finished Savageman and now enjoying some rest...will start moderate training in late October with base laying in the winter.  Real training will start 17 weeks out of race.

2010-09-21 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3109354

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
tripadigin - 2010-09-21 9:15 AM
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-20 6:47 PM This is a pretty general Q:

Where is everyone in their season? Still going strong? Wrapping up? Done?

I just hit the 4 week mark of being DONE. After a long season, I feel mostly recovered and healed (A freak foot injury showed up 5 days after my last HIM. I am afraid to call it healed fully). Either its this nice fall-cool-morning-weather or I AM fully recovered that my easy AM runs are a lot faster than during the summer @ peak training. I also love running not sore!

Regardless, running in cool weather is mentally bringing me back into the game more than anything. I renamed humidity to be Fumidity this past summer.

Just finished Savageman and now enjoying some rest...will start moderate training in late October with base laying in the winter.  Real training will start 17 weeks out of race.

nice job! did you make it up that hill?
2010-09-21 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3108739

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-20 6:47 PM This is a pretty general Q:

Where is everyone in their season? Still going strong? Wrapping up? Done?

I just hit the 4 week mark of being DONE. After a long season, I feel mostly recovered and healed (A freak foot injury showed up 5 days after my last HIM. I am afraid to call it healed fully). Either its this nice fall-cool-morning-weather or I AM fully recovered that my easy AM runs are a lot faster than during the summer @ peak training. I also love running not sore!

Regardless, running in cool weather is mentally bringing me back into the game more than anything. I renamed humidity to be Fumidity this past summer.

Getting married on September 26 and then racing the HalfMax National Championship on October 2.  Hoping to go in the mid- 5:20s and make Team USA for the 2011 ITU Long Course Worlds.

Figure if I can make worlds, LP will help me in building a big base early next year.

2010-09-21 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3109512

Annapolis, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-21 10:15 AM
tripadigin - 2010-09-21 9:15 AM
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-20 6:47 PM This is a pretty general Q:

Where is everyone in their season? Still going strong? Wrapping up? Done?

I just hit the 4 week mark of being DONE. After a long season, I feel mostly recovered and healed (A freak foot injury showed up 5 days after my last HIM. I am afraid to call it healed fully). Either its this nice fall-cool-morning-weather or I AM fully recovered that my easy AM runs are a lot faster than during the summer @ peak training. I also love running not sore!

Regardless, running in cool weather is mentally bringing me back into the game more than anything. I renamed humidity to be Fumidity this past summer.

Just finished Savageman and now enjoying some rest...will start moderate training in late October with base laying in the winter.  Real training will start 17 weeks out of race.

nice job! did you make it up that hill?

yup..2nd brick for me.  Did the race in 2008 and it crushed me.  This year I chopped 90+minutes off of my previous time.  2+ years of IM training definitely increased my fitness.
2010-09-21 6:13 PM
in reply to: #3108739

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-20 4:47 PM This is a pretty general Q:

Where is everyone in their season? Still going strong? Wrapping up? Done?

I'm finished tri for the season. Last one was an olympic a few weeks back in Banff, AB. It was so cold...10C water=not nice. Haha. The air wasn't much better. Came 3rd in my AG...first non-finisher's medal ever! Woohoo!

Now I'm finishing off a final build phase of running for my Oct 17 marathon. It's my 23rd bday and I still haven't decided if it was a good decision to do my first marathon on my birthday...haha. Oh well, too late to take that one back. 2 races this weekend--1 trail HM and 1 road 10k.

I've also just started swimming up for the fall-winter. I've quazi returned to competitive swimming and will be doing that until the end of short course season anyways. I think I will have 1 meet a month from October-Feb. I'd like to try and get my times down compared to last season...maybe get my 200m free down to 2:20-2:25 and get my IM and backstroke going again...We will see how that progresses.
2010-09-21 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3098185

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

1. Is this your first IM?


2. Have you done LP before?


3. What are your goals for the 2010 race?

Finish around 14 hours

4.How/Why did you select the Lake Placid Race?

About a four hour drive from my home in Massachusetts

5. Do you have any specific questions that you wish addressed about LP (the race, training etc)

I’d really like to latch on to a low budget training weekend with other BT’ers sometime in early June.

I'm done with tri’s for the season, but I am doing some training for local road races

I’m using the “Be Iron Fit” training plan come the latter part of December.

P.S. Dream Chaser, good luck in Boston after you run your qualifier at Steamtown. Take it easy during the first ten miles, it’s downhill and can be a real quad buster!


Edited by RalBorseth 2010-09-21 7:10 PM

2010-09-22 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3105954

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hey Corner of D - I just bought Fitzgerald's book to use his plan for IM LP 2011. I'm looking at either level 8 or 9 likely. LP will be my 3rd IM. I'm hoping to get to another level this year. Would you mind sharing your experiences with the plan? Specifically, the day-to-day stuff that you didn't realize about the plan until after you were in it for a few months? Pros? Cons? Limitations? Maybe something(s) you'd do differently using the plan again? Anything that might help is much appreciated! 

2010-09-22 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3108739

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-20 6:47 PM This is a pretty general Q:

Where is everyone in their season? Still going strong? Wrapping up? Done?.

I just finished SavageMan HIM and will be doing the Sea Gull Century on 10/9. After that it's winter maintenance mode. I do plan on focusing a bit more on the run by adding an extra run session per week, and I am still toying with the idea of hiring a swim coach for a few sessions. My swim has improved greatly on my own but I'd like to know if there are any major kinks in my form.

My next race is HarryMan HIM in late May '11.
2010-09-22 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3112096

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Grand Rapids
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hey Corner of D - I just bought Fitzgerald's book to use his plan for IM LP 2011. I'm looking at either level 8 or 9 likely. LP will be my 3rd IM. I'm hoping to get to another level this year. Would you mind sharing your experiences with the plan? Specifically, the day-to-day stuff that you didn't realize about the plan until after you were in it for a few months? Pros? Cons? Limitations? Maybe something(s) you'd do differently using the plan again? Anything that might help is much appreciated!


I've only done one IM and this was the only training plan I used so far so I don't have much to compare it to. But I'll try to share my experience with it and hopefully it helps. As far as day-to-day stuff... you'll see just by looking at the plan that it is pretty redundant as far as what workouts go on what days of the week. Depending on the individual this could be good or bad. I kind of liked it, I knew what days to expect what type of workout I would be doing. For example on the lower levels of the plan Tuesdays and Thursdays were bike workouts with nothing else. The bike workouts change weekly though so it still changes it up some.

Pro's for the book: It's structured. You have build phases with a recovery week every 4th week. Pretty good descriptions of the workouts and exact interval, recovery, and total workout times.

Con's for the book: Limited advice and tips throughout the plan. Uses RPE for workout intensity. Includes build-up races (sprint, Olympic, an half) but most people do more races than that while training for an IM. I just kind of adjusted my workouts myself if I was racing during one of the non-race weekends.

Things I would do differently: I lived on a lake during training but did not have access to a pool. I missed the first 3 months of swim workouts. I moved and now have access to a YMCA. So I will follow the swim workouts closer. I would like to add strength exercises and spend more time on flexibility. This book has ideas and examples for both at the end of the book but I have not incorporated into my workouts yet so I don't know how good they are.

Overall I thought it was very good for my limited budget. My longest distance tri before my IM was an Olympic. I was surprised how good I felt during my first IM and how good I felt when I was done. Granted, it wasn't at a very fast pace but I did only use level 1 of the training plan.

Hope this helps, if you have any other questions I'll try to answer them.
2010-09-22 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3098185

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Havertown, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

1. Is this your first IM?


2. Have you done LP before?


3. What are your goals for the 2011 race?

I'm going for the win.

4.How/Why did you select the Lake Placid Race?

I like really expensive hotels with long minimum stays.   No, I just love LP.  I like the mountains...the lake...the vibe.  It's a special place.

5. Do you have any specific questions that you wish addressed about LP (the race, training etc)

Not at this time.  Looking forward to enjoying all the cold dark training days with you all this winter!
2010-09-23 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3098185

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I am new to this website, so bear with me if I accidentally post this a dozen times....Smile

1. Is this your first IM?


2. Have you done LP before?


3. What are your goals for the 2011 race?

make it to the starting line uninjured, and finish comfortably

4.How/Why did you select the Lake Placid Race?

love the bike course!

5. Do you have any specific questions that you wish addressed about LP (the race, training etc)

i am also interested in an informal bt training weekend in May/early June.

2010-09-23 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3098185

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hello Everyone:

This is my first post so bear with me. This will be my first Iron Distance race and I am curious as to which training plan or plans everyone is using?

I have done a lot of road races, off road tri's etc. but I am a little concerned about getting in the right shape for a race of this length. 
2010-09-24 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3098185

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Silver Spring, Maryland
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Just finished savageman and doing beach2battleship in november to wrap up the season.
2010-09-26 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3098185

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
What is everyone going to do for gearing. I plan on getting my hands on a compact crank. I haven't decided if my 12-25 will be adequate yet though.
2010-09-26 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3118152

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
carlwithac - 2010-09-26 3:03 PM What is everyone going to do for gearing. I plan on getting my hands on a compact crank. I haven't decided if my 12-25 will be adequate yet though.

Currently have 12x25....Going to change to a 27 or 28 in the rear. Keeping my 39X25 up front.
2010-09-26 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3118152

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
carlwithac - 2010-09-26 3:03 PM What is everyone going to do for gearing. I plan on getting my hands on a compact crank. I haven't decided if my 12-25 will be adequate yet though.

I'm going to train all winter with a compact and 11-25. I'll focus on hills and see how things are going by May when I do Harriman. I also plan on a preview ride at some point with that same gearing.

2010-09-26 5:29 PM
in reply to: #3118227

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2010-09-26 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3118386

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-09-26 6:29 PM
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-09-26 4:10 PM
carlwithac - 2010-09-26 3:03 PM What is everyone going to do for gearing. I plan on getting my hands on a compact crank. I haven't decided if my 12-25 will be adequate yet though.

Currently have 12x25....Going to change to a 27 or 28 in the rear. Keeping my 39X25 up front.

Just curious, do you really have a 39/25 in front or is it a 52/39?

39/25 would give you a 1:1 ration in the small ring with your easiest rear cog. Just curious.

whoops! typed wrong #....53/39 up front.
2010-09-26 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3098185

Subject: ...
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2010-09-26 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3118454

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-09-26 7:11 PM Ha, thanks! I thought it was like a 'super-compact crack' or something

waaaaaay too many #'s to remember in this sport sometimes
2010-09-26 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3118454

Grand Rapids
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I just bought a new Cervelo P2. I think it has 50/34 crankset and a 12/25 cassette. Has anyone ridden this combination at Lake Placid? If so would you ride this setup again or change to a 12/27 cassette?

2010-09-26 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3118608

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
cornerofdivision - 2010-09-26 9:03 PM I just bought a new Cervelo P2. I think it has 50/34 crankset and a 12/25 cassette. Has anyone ridden this combination at Lake Placid? If so would you ride this setup again or change to a 12/27 cassette?

Many use the combination you use. What is your estimated bike strength should determine gearing.

2010-09-27 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3118643

Grand Rapids
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Many use the combination you use. What is your estimated bike strength should determine gearing.

Biking is my weakest discipline of the three. I'm hoping to finish the bike in about 6 hours and 15 minutes or approximately at an 18 mph average.
2010-09-28 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3120377

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

cornerofdivision - 2010-09-27 5:48 PM
Many use the combination you use. What is your estimated bike strength should determine gearing.
Biking is my weakest discipline of the three. I'm hoping to finish the bike in about 6 hours and 15 minutes or approximately at an 18 mph average.

I am looking to be between 18.5 and 19 mph on the Bike at LP, and I'm using a 12-27.  I replaced my 12-25 with a 12-27 for the Harryman and Rev3 Quassy Half Ironman's last Spring (both nasty, hilly courses) and I was very glad I switched.   

2010-09-28 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3122032

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-09-28 2:31 PM

cornerofdivision - 2010-09-27 5:48 PM
Many use the combination you use. What is your estimated bike strength should determine gearing.
Biking is my weakest discipline of the three. I'm hoping to finish the bike in about 6 hours and 15 minutes or approximately at an 18 mph average.

I am looking to be between 18.5 and 19 mph on the Bike at LP, and I'm using a 12-27.  I replaced my 12-25 with a 12-27 for the Harryman and Rev3 Quassy Half Ironman's last Spring (both nasty, hilly courses) and I was very glad I switched.   

Dream Chaser - safe to assume you are using 12-27 with a standard crank, right? Not compact? according to Sheldon Brown, 39/27 gives you 39 gear inches, while 34/25 gives you 36.7 gear inches - that should be plenty, right?
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