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2010-12-23 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Name: Rob, (the old guy)

Life time : hockey, of course, martial arts 3rd degree BB.  I started training for triathlons almost 4 yrs ago and was completely hooked after my first race. I have done up to a half Ironman and am still hoping to get to do an Ironman before my body gives out.

Family Status:
Married,  2 daughters 3 grandchildren

 2010 Races: My major race was an Olympic. I did a few other sprints but most of the year was taken up helping coach with the local Tri club.

2011 Races:
  planned at this time is at least one Olympic and several sprints etc. Was going to be a HIM but we’ll have to see how that goes.

What makes me a good part of this group
:  I was the original (token) Canadian in the group. That’s good enough for this group. I ‘ve been with the group almost 4 years and while I have visited a couple of other mg’s there is non other like this one. Also I’m a personal trainer and a NCCP trained coach for triathlons.

What else the newbies should know:
  There are a lot of very knowledgeable people here that can and will gladly help with all sorts of issues from actual training related questions to nose zits and even some crappy talk. Don’t be over whelmed by the number of posts. Read what you want/can… ask lots of questions and don’t sweat the rest.

Further to Tony  “When the new groups start up the posts will be fast and furious, don't feel like you have to read every single post, things will calm down after a month or so they always do.” We only had about 500 posts last session.

Edited by Redknight 2010-12-23 1:55 PM

2010-12-23 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3259367

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 12:35 PM

I am back!! Been around a few years as well.

official updated bio.....
My story.....Grew up living a very active lifestyle. As a Canadian boy, obviously hockey was No#1. Volleyball, baeball,etc. When I moved up to Calgary, did alot of mountain biking with our glorious rocky mountains nearby. Then the downfall - got married, had kids and got fat.
Joined a gym about 3 years ago, got a trainer for a few months and shed alot of the weight..Down about 50 lbs so far. Hit my long-term training goal weight of 199lbs prior to my 1st season of tri's. Have never been a runner, so this lifestyle started as a great way to mix up my training and get me out of my comfort zones.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 7 years, 2 little girls (5 and 3), and a Wheaten Terrier named KONA(we were married in Hawaii, I had no idea about this ironman thing back then)
2010 RACES:  3 1/2 Ironman's ( Met a whack of MG'ers there), few Oly's,etc.
And I just ran my 1st marathon in Vegas in December.
2011 RACES: few oly's,sprint,etc...... and IM Canada August 2011

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm 6' 205-210 lbs. Started my IM plan in January, and I'm committing to shedding lbs for it.
I don't feel like my nutrition is what it should be, so this will be my test. 
I belong to a tri-team here in Calgary, So it is great to train with a bunch of peeps that 'get it.'
Wife just signed up for her 1st try-a-tri and a sprint this coming year. Big challenge will be learning to balance all this and not be too selfish with training for my 1st IM.
Whoot- riding my new bike tonight for the 1st time tonight!! I'm post a real pic of it later. Just for Tony.

To the Newbies here- we have a great group. Alot of us have met up and we may have a few inside jokes.
You will find that there are a few of us that tend to joke around a wee bit. There are many people that hang around here that know what they are talking about.

To the new Canadians out there - You will never hear "Go leafs Go". Oilers fan here.

Hey Trev--ya know what they say about guys who use little fonts?

Felt like a 6 year old today....had to go and get a Chicken Pox vaccine.   I can take 67 prolotherapy shots, but my whole right side is VERY SORE after on tiny shot a pee-week normally receives....had to hang out at the clinic for an extra 10 minutes to make sure I wouldnt get the hives...Merry Christmas to me!
2010-12-23 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3259492

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

SSMinnow - 2010-12-23 1:52 PM
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 12:35 PM

I am back!! Been around a few years as well.

official updated bio.....
My story.....Grew up living a very active lifestyle. As a Canadian boy, obviously hockey was No#1. Volleyball, baeball,etc. When I moved up to Calgary, did alot of mountain biking with our glorious rocky mountains nearby. Then the downfall - got married, had kids and got fat.
Joined a gym about 3 years ago, got a trainer for a few months and shed alot of the weight..Down about 50 lbs so far. Hit my long-term training goal weight of 199lbs prior to my 1st season of tri's. Have never been a runner, so this lifestyle started as a great way to mix up my training and get me out of my comfort zones.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 7 years, 2 little girls (5 and 3), and a Wheaten Terrier named KONA(we were married in Hawaii, I had no idea about this ironman thing back then)
2010 RACES:  3 1/2 Ironman's ( Met a whack of MG'ers there), few Oly's,etc.
And I just ran my 1st marathon in Vegas in December.
2011 RACES: few oly's,sprint,etc...... and IM Canada August 2011

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm 6' 205-210 lbs. Started my IM plan in January, and I'm committing to shedding lbs for it.
I don't feel like my nutrition is what it should be, so this will be my test. 
I belong to a tri-team here in Calgary, So it is great to train with a bunch of peeps that 'get it.'
Wife just signed up for her 1st try-a-tri and a sprint this coming year. Big challenge will be learning to balance all this and not be too selfish with training for my 1st IM.
Whoot- riding my new bike tonight for the 1st time tonight!! I'm post a real pic of it later. Just for Tony.

To the Newbies here- we have a great group. Alot of us have met up and we may have a few inside jokes.
You will find that there are a few of us that tend to joke around a wee bit. There are many people that hang around here that know what they are talking about.

To the new Canadians out there - You will never hear "Go leafs Go". Oilers fan here.

Hey Trev--ya know what they say about guys who use little fonts?

Felt like a 6 year old today....had to go and get a Chicken Pox vaccine.   I can take 67 prolotherapy shots, but my whole right side is VERY SORE after on tiny shot a pee-week normally receives....had to hang out at the clinic for an extra 10 minutes to make sure I wouldnt get the hives...Merry Christmas to me!

EWWW...  I hate shots...  They make an owwie.....

2010-12-23 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3259077

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Techdiver - 2010-12-23 8:03 AM NAME: Chris   aka SPANKY ya ya I know had the nickname for years

LOCATION:  Southern Ontairo Canada

YEARS RACING TRIATHLON: 0 about 6 months since my first Try a Tri

OTHER HOBBIES: Hiking, Kayaking, Photography, and SCUBA DIVING. I have Been scuba diving for 16 years now. I am a Deep Mixed Gas Technical diver and a Cave diver. I usually spend one week a year in Florida Cave diving. I now dive a machine called a Closed Circuit Rebreather that recycles my gas and changes gas mixtures on the fly allowing me time to stay down for hours on small amounts of gas. But with much higher risk level. I do some teaching but much less now.
FAMILY:  Wife Tina, 1 Dog Sasha (alaskan malamute) 1 Cat Chloe

WORK: Mechanical Engineer, More into management role and Continuous Improvements

RACES I have done: Tomato Man Try a Tri, Rondeau Try a Tri, Jingle Bell 5K run

FAVORITE Discipline: Cycling, It burns calories, I enjoy riding in the country with my friend and just taking everything in for hours at a time. 

WHERE I STARTED WITH THIS: A co-worker of my wife decided to do a try a tri last year told me all about it I thought about it all winter and said heck ya I can do this. I just need to loose some damn weight. In april I stepped on the scale realized that a 5'6" tall (ok ok SHORT) guy should not weight 279 lbs. So I started eating better, recording my meals and educating myself. By May I was down to 265lbs and pretty happy, then I talked to some friends doing a couch to 5K running program and I started that VERY SLOWLY I might add. It was TOUGH as H3LL. I actually gave up 4 weeks in.

Then ended up on BT and found an old College Friend on here. She offered to meet up with me for Coffee etc. Couple of PMs later and we realized that we were old friends from College, once we knew who each other we hooked up and she has been a Mentor, workout buddy and a good friend again ever since. She helped me extend my biking from 30-50km rides then next thing I knew I did a 98km ride, She came out with me on some runs and I did my first Try a Tri in June. It was fun and horrible at the same time.  Only been swimming for 3 weeks prior to it. I blew up on my run and walked half the 2km. But I finished it and I was HOOKED.

Oh ya I am down to 215 lbs now. So I have lost 64 lbs since I started watching myself and more so 50lbs since I started training.


Everywhere I am a total NEWBIE. I have a great local workout buddy and Mentor but she admits she knows what works for HER not for me. She is a teacher with summers off so she picks up volume in the summer where I can not.

I can Ride 100km now, Swim 2500M on a swim night in a pool. I can run 10km now. I am slow at all of them. But I am working on them all. My short legs means I won't ever run fast. But I keep seeing improvements and hope to continue down that path.

2011 RACE SCHEDULE Potential

Missisauga or Ottawa Half Marathon
Leamington Sprint Triathlon
Welland Sprint Triathlon
A bunch of local WRACE 5k and 10K events. A few guys from work lost a lot of weight too and are doing these now.

I am slow and Steady, I try hard, I work hard, I am willing to try new things and take advice. I know I will never win any races. But I am winning a war with myself when it comes to health. Triathlons are giving me more with respect to that then any PLACING in the top would ever do.

Seeing there are enough Canadians here. I hope to see some of you at an event sometime or even for just some fun.

Oh ya and I promised my buddies I would squeeze in some scuba diving this year too. I didn't do much last year.

Welcome, Spanky!  Congrats on the awesome lifestyle changes and losing incredible amounts of weight!  Keep up the great work, I think you will be surprised how fast short legs can go.
2010-12-23 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
NAME:  Brent Mathews
  Abilene, Texas
Married (18 Years) w/ one 13 daughter (UGH!) and the dog

  It all started this spring... 5K's then a 10K then an 8 Mile Turkey Trot (Dallas YMCA).   Half mary planned for Jan 9th.  ZERO Tri race experience.

Active Duty US Air Force for 18 years in aircraft maintenance.  Its taken me all over the world and I've enjoyed every minute of it!

  Tournament archery is my first passion...  I'm a factory sponsored amateur shooter competing mostly in the Texas area in ASA 3D tournaments.  I've been shooting competitively for 6 years and bow hunting for about 9 years.  I also help coach/design local youth archery programs.

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental.   All that thinking doesn't burn any calories so I was packing on the lbs; February of this year I was just over 210, I'm only 5'7"!!!   Early spring I started, working out with some buddies from work - The Insanity videos - it was a good jump start to get me motivated.  Started eating cleaner and being more active all around with overall fair results and generally felt better.  
Come June timeframe, my wife brings home these applications for a 5K race.   I had run 5K's for Air Force functions before so I thought "no big deal" -- It kicked my tail!   I tried to go all out from the start (like I do everything!) and burned out at 2 miles.  Now I'm mad... mad at myself for a poor time, for not being prepared, for not performing my best.   Now I'm driven to improve and I do just that - began training runs that very week.  Researched like crazy, changed my running style and beat it.   Over the next few months, we run several more 5K's and my times drop like flies (PR to date 21:22)
I've been fighting this triathlon bug for about 5 years...  I've always thought doing a tri would be fun and exciting and I view triathlons as a top fitness sport.   This past August was my birthday... I gave in, moved one step closer and bought a road bike.  Began training on it and now riding is by far my favorite part.   
My Wife says I'm going through a midlife crisis with all this triathlon talk... my friends all agree with her and look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about my training bricks.  I love it!  I feed on the chase to beat my last time or fastest pace.   To me its not about the competitors, the biggest competitor is myself and doing my personal best!

Swimming - I am not strong in the swim at all.  I know the life guard at the pool was glad to see my leave the other day.  I almost drowned myself twice! Luckily the pool is only 5 feet deep...
Nutrition - gels, powders and bars... oh my!  So many options, I just need to hear more personal experiences with what works and what doesn't work in regards to your long training session/race day nutrition.

I am highly self motivated.  I enjoy doing a ton of reading/researching before making decisions.  I think I can bring a completely unbiased view to discussions,  I'm totally new to all of this what do I know?  I do have experience with obtaining corporate sponsorship, so if anyone has questions about that type of stuff just let me know.

I look forward to learning and absorbing everything I can from every one of you. 

2010-12-23 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3259570

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 3:35 PM

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental. 


hey robin hood,  this implies you guys in the air force do physical labor at some point in your career...........


go navy!   at least you got the texas part down.   seriously, thanks for your service! 

nutrition is easy.... figure out what works in training and don't over think it.  we'll get into it a bit more earlier in the new year.  how many long runs do you have left prior to the 9th, 2?  you going through your race day nutrition,  pre, during and post race?

swimming,  are your logs accurate?  nothing wrong AT ALL with them, just asking.  if so,  don't worry about the swimming part.  soon you'll be dropping your 2010 total in a single workout.   i couldn't swim one length three years ago.  a few months later i was able to go a mile.  we have some awesome swimmers here in the mg that will be glad to help any and all out.  and they are hotties to!   one of em' beat a bunch of pro's out of the water at the florida iroman  last year.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2010-12-23 3:02 PM

2010-12-23 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3259570

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 2:35 PM NAME:  Brent Mathews
  Abilene, Texas
Married (18 Years) w/ one 13 daughter (UGH!) and the dog

  It all started this spring... 5K's then a 10K then an 8 Mile Turkey Trot (Dallas YMCA).   Half mary planned for Jan 9th.  ZERO Tri race experience.

Active Duty US Air Force for 18 years in aircraft maintenance.  Its taken me all over the world and I've enjoyed every minute of it!

  Tournament archery is my first passion...  I'm a factory sponsored amateur shooter competing mostly in the Texas area in ASA 3D tournaments.  I've been shooting competitively for 6 years and bow hunting for about 9 years.  I also help coach/design local youth archery programs.

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental.   All that thinking doesn't burn any calories so I was packing on the lbs; February of this year I was just over 210, I'm only 5'7"!!!   Early spring I started, working out with some buddies from work - The Insanity videos - it was a good jump start to get me motivated.  Started eating cleaner and being more active all around with overall fair results and generally felt better.  
Come June timeframe, my wife brings home these applications for a 5K race.   I had run 5K's for Air Force functions before so I thought "no big deal" -- It kicked my tail!   I tried to go all out from the start (like I do everything!) and burned out at 2 miles.  Now I'm mad... mad at myself for a poor time, for not being prepared, for not performing my best.   Now I'm driven to improve and I do just that - began training runs that very week.  Researched like crazy, changed my running style and beat it.   Over the next few months, we run several more 5K's and my times drop like flies (PR to date 21:22)
I've been fighting this triathlon bug for about 5 years...  I've always thought doing a tri would be fun and exciting and I view triathlons as a top fitness sport.   This past August was my birthday... I gave in, moved one step closer and bought a road bike.  Began training on it and now riding is by far my favorite part.   
My Wife says I'm going through a midlife crisis with all this triathlon talk... my friends all agree with her and look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about my training bricks.  I love it!  I feed on the chase to beat my last time or fastest pace.   To me its not about the competitors, the biggest competitor is myself and doing my personal best!

Swimming - I am not strong in the swim at all.  I know the life guard at the pool was glad to see my leave the other day.  I almost drowned myself twice! Luckily the pool is only 5 feet deep...
Nutrition - gels, powders and bars... oh my!  So many options, I just need to hear more personal experiences with what works and what doesn't work in regards to your long training session/race day nutrition.

I am highly self motivated.  I enjoy doing a ton of reading/researching before making decisions.  I think I can bring a completely unbiased view to discussions,  I'm totally new to all of this what do I know?  I do have experience with obtaining corporate sponsorship, so if anyone has questions about that type of stuff just let me know.

I look forward to learning and absorbing everything I can from every one of you. 


Hey Brent....I think you might have a little more to your mental training is top notch.  That is a big part of triathlon and often a missing link for many.   Hopefully you can share some of those "secrets" with us.
2010-12-23 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3259621

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-23 4:09 PM
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 2:35 PM NAME:  Brent Mathews
  Abilene, Texas
Married (18 Years) w/ one 13 daughter (UGH!) and the dog

  It all started this spring... 5K's then a 10K then an 8 Mile Turkey Trot (Dallas YMCA).   Half mary planned for Jan 9th.  ZERO Tri race experience.

Active Duty US Air Force for 18 years in aircraft maintenance.  Its taken me all over the world and I've enjoyed every minute of it!

  Tournament archery is my first passion...  I'm a factory sponsored amateur shooter competing mostly in the Texas area in ASA 3D tournaments.  I've been shooting competitively for 6 years and bow hunting for about 9 years.  I also help coach/design local youth archery programs.

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental.   All that thinking doesn't burn any calories so I was packing on the lbs; February of this year I was just over 210, I'm only 5'7"!!!   Early spring I started, working out with some buddies from work - The Insanity videos - it was a good jump start to get me motivated.  Started eating cleaner and being more active all around with overall fair results and generally felt better.  
Come June timeframe, my wife brings home these applications for a 5K race.   I had run 5K's for Air Force functions before so I thought "no big deal" -- It kicked my tail!   I tried to go all out from the start (like I do everything!) and burned out at 2 miles.  Now I'm mad... mad at myself for a poor time, for not being prepared, for not performing my best.   Now I'm driven to improve and I do just that - began training runs that very week.  Researched like crazy, changed my running style and beat it.   Over the next few months, we run several more 5K's and my times drop like flies (PR to date 21:22)
I've been fighting this triathlon bug for about 5 years...  I've always thought doing a tri would be fun and exciting and I view triathlons as a top fitness sport.   This past August was my birthday... I gave in, moved one step closer and bought a road bike.  Began training on it and now riding is by far my favorite part.   
My Wife says I'm going through a midlife crisis with all this triathlon talk... my friends all agree with her and look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about my training bricks.  I love it!  I feed on the chase to beat my last time or fastest pace.   To me its not about the competitors, the biggest competitor is myself and doing my personal best!

Swimming - I am not strong in the swim at all.  I know the life guard at the pool was glad to see my leave the other day.  I almost drowned myself twice! Luckily the pool is only 5 feet deep...
Nutrition - gels, powders and bars... oh my!  So many options, I just need to hear more personal experiences with what works and what doesn't work in regards to your long training session/race day nutrition.

I am highly self motivated.  I enjoy doing a ton of reading/researching before making decisions.  I think I can bring a completely unbiased view to discussions,  I'm totally new to all of this what do I know?  I do have experience with obtaining corporate sponsorship, so if anyone has questions about that type of stuff just let me know.

I look forward to learning and absorbing everything I can from every one of you. 


Hey Brent....I think you might have a little more to your mental training is top notch.  That is a big part of triathlon and often a missing link for many.   Hopefully you can share some of those "secrets" with us.

i got some some secrets for you.... 
2010-12-23 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3259627

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 3:16 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-23 4:09 PM
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 2:35 PM NAME:  Brent Mathews
  Abilene, Texas
Married (18 Years) w/ one 13 daughter (UGH!) and the dog

  It all started this spring... 5K's then a 10K then an 8 Mile Turkey Trot (Dallas YMCA).   Half mary planned for Jan 9th.  ZERO Tri race experience.

Active Duty US Air Force for 18 years in aircraft maintenance.  Its taken me all over the world and I've enjoyed every minute of it!

  Tournament archery is my first passion...  I'm a factory sponsored amateur shooter competing mostly in the Texas area in ASA 3D tournaments.  I've been shooting competitively for 6 years and bow hunting for about 9 years.  I also help coach/design local youth archery programs.

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental.   All that thinking doesn't burn any calories so I was packing on the lbs; February of this year I was just over 210, I'm only 5'7"!!!   Early spring I started, working out with some buddies from work - The Insanity videos - it was a good jump start to get me motivated.  Started eating cleaner and being more active all around with overall fair results and generally felt better.  
Come June timeframe, my wife brings home these applications for a 5K race.   I had run 5K's for Air Force functions before so I thought "no big deal" -- It kicked my tail!   I tried to go all out from the start (like I do everything!) and burned out at 2 miles.  Now I'm mad... mad at myself for a poor time, for not being prepared, for not performing my best.   Now I'm driven to improve and I do just that - began training runs that very week.  Researched like crazy, changed my running style and beat it.   Over the next few months, we run several more 5K's and my times drop like flies (PR to date 21:22)
I've been fighting this triathlon bug for about 5 years...  I've always thought doing a tri would be fun and exciting and I view triathlons as a top fitness sport.   This past August was my birthday... I gave in, moved one step closer and bought a road bike.  Began training on it and now riding is by far my favorite part.   
My Wife says I'm going through a midlife crisis with all this triathlon talk... my friends all agree with her and look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about my training bricks.  I love it!  I feed on the chase to beat my last time or fastest pace.   To me its not about the competitors, the biggest competitor is myself and doing my personal best!

Swimming - I am not strong in the swim at all.  I know the life guard at the pool was glad to see my leave the other day.  I almost drowned myself twice! Luckily the pool is only 5 feet deep...
Nutrition - gels, powders and bars... oh my!  So many options, I just need to hear more personal experiences with what works and what doesn't work in regards to your long training session/race day nutrition.

I am highly self motivated.  I enjoy doing a ton of reading/researching before making decisions.  I think I can bring a completely unbiased view to discussions,  I'm totally new to all of this what do I know?  I do have experience with obtaining corporate sponsorship, so if anyone has questions about that type of stuff just let me know.

I look forward to learning and absorbing everything I can from every one of you. 


Hey Brent....I think you might have a little more to your mental training is top notch.  That is a big part of triathlon and often a missing link for many.   Hopefully you can share some of those "secrets" with us.

i got some some secrets for you.... 

I'm waiting.....will they make me a better cook? a better wife? a better swimmer?  I am sure you don't plan to tell me how to become a better biker. Tongue out
2010-12-23 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
 Name:  Linda - at 47, a stay-at-home mom and one of the more elder members of this group!

Background: Did this all in reverse order.  After a doctor told my that my RA wasn't gonna get any better, I should focus on maintaining the status quo with  meds, I decided to take a different approach.  I signed up to do IMMOO in September of 2008.  Started running the next day.  Cleaned up and old bike and started cycling a few weeks later.  Ran my first race, Rock & Roll half in 10/08.  Did my first mary 4/09.  My first tri was the Wildflower Long Course in 5/09, and I raced IMMOO in September of 2009!

Family Status:
Married to Jeff (3-time Ironman) for almost 25 years, have 3 kids (21, college senior; 17, HS senior; 14, HS freshman) and one very fat boxer. 

'10 Races:
  Boston Marathon(!); Wildflower half; IMCdA; Santa Cruz Oly; Silicon Valley mary

'11 Races:
  Big Sur Marathon; Vineman 1/2; IMAZ.

other essentials:  SF Giants; SJ Sharks; SF 49ers.  Oh, and I live in Northern California!

2010-12-23 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3259432

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-23 1:13 PM

Hey Spanky

First, congrats on the life turn around! Second, I venture u havesomething greater than a 26" inseam so don't ever let me catch usaying u can't run fast. Totally disagree. While I'm not as fast as I usd to be, I was fast AND will be again. If u can lose 64 lbs u can do anything!!!!

The shortest member of this team
sent via iPhone

Hey Thanks... I have a solid 28" Inseam and a good friend that hems all my pants for I will get faster and I will push to get faster. But I have no stress over placing in the top in my I don't care where I place as long as I keep progessing against my personal self.

Guess I get to be a tall person in this group.. YAY.

Thanks everyone for the welcome. I look forward to working with and talking to everyone and drawing form everyone for knowledge and strength. I am kind of excited to start this new year out and actually plan a training and race schedule.

And Kim I will work on making these wee little legs go as fast as I can.

Besides I don't mind being Short, just means I have to buy my first USED tri bike from some cute experianced tri woman.

Edited by Techdiver 2010-12-23 4:49 PM

2010-12-23 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3259678

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
velcromom - 2010-12-23 3:47 PM  other essentials:  SF Giants; SJ Sharks; SF 49ers.  Oh, and I live in Northern California!

I am with you on the 49ers die hard fan for over 20 years. And I am Canadian.
2010-12-23 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Wichita Falls
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Ok, so now I have time to add the bio:

NAME: Steve (Mac)
LOCATION: Wichita Falls, Texas
FAMILY: Married for 12 years and have 4 kids (15, 10, 10 and 6)

RACING HISTORY: I did a couple of local 5ks and rode in the Hotter N Hell 100

WORK: MSgt (E7) in the USAF in Munitions Maintenance (2W2)

OTHER HOBBIES: I coach soccer and am an avid Crossfitter. I have wrestled my whole life, I fought Muay Thai and MMA (7 years), and played rugby (18 years).

STORY: My last duty assignment was Kleine Brogel AB in Belgium. It is a little NATO base in the north eastern part of Belgium. While there, I got accustomed to the social life. Well, I got a little too accustomed. I began to drink A LOT of beer and we all know what happens to your gut when you drink beer and eat fried food... I ballooned up to 291lbs.

Well, the USAF finally decided to become a military service and has enacted a pretty hardcore PT program. I failed miserably. I have never been a small guy, but I looked at myself after that failure and I realized that I was dying. Slowly but surely, I was killing myself with my lifestyle. My family has a history of heart disease and diabetes and I was sure headed that way. What scared me the most was that two of my friends died last year from heart attacks at the age of 38. I didn't want to die and leave my family, so I decided to change. I took my measurements (5'8", 291, 46" waist) and proceeded to my first Crossfit class. I didn't make it through. That was in April of this year.

Since then, I have lost 53lbs and took 8.5" of my waist. I have added running 3-5 times a week and cycling (both road and mtn) 2-3 times a week. I have always thought of doing triathlons, but never fulfilled it (just look at my join date). I remembered this site and started lurking again. I realized that I can do this.

WHERE I COULD USE HELP: Swimming and a little motivation. I tried swimming a bit this past summer and realized that I suck at it! HAHA! I can also be lazy at times. Some days, I need that little nudge to get me moving in the right direction. Plus, my wife is an enabler and allows me to sleep in on those COLD winter days, HAHA!

WHAT I BRING TO THE GROUP: I think I have a mild form of OCD. If I am focused on something, I tend to become obsessed with it. I also read a ton and research everything before I make a decision. It took me almost 8 months of research before I bought my first road bike. I am also an expert at HTFU! It was the only way to survive in my past endeavors.

I look forward to sharing/learning with you guys in the future!

2010-12-23 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Many new MG members have said that swimming is where they need help. If Suzy can go from fear of swimming to an IM than there is hope for everyone. With only a little bit of technique you can see a lot of improvement in swimming. In the last year I have brought my time for 100 yards down from 1:57 to 1:21. The MG can be pretty helpful in this discipline.
2010-12-23 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3259603

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 12:59 PM
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 3:35 PM

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental. 


hey robin hood,  this implies you guys in the air force do physical labor at some point in your career...........


go navy!   at least you got the texas part down.   seriously, thanks for your service! 

nutrition is easy.... figure out what works in training and don't over think it.  we'll get into it a bit more earlier in the new year.  how many long runs do you have left prior to the 9th, 2?  you going through your race day nutrition,  pre, during and post race?

swimming,  are your logs accurate?  nothing wrong AT ALL with them, just asking.  if so,  don't worry about the swimming part.  soon you'll be dropping your 2010 total in a single workout.   i couldn't swim one length three years ago.  a few months later i was able to go a mile.  we have some awesome swimmers here in the mg that will be glad to help any and all out.  and they are hotties to!   one of em' beat a bunch of pro's out of the water at the florida iroman  last year.

OK, is that for realz??? Cuz that is just so impressive. I gotta say, I'm in awe of non-swimmers doing the OWS thing on ANY level. Congrats, Fatty -- you never cease to amaze me. (That's what she said. Boy, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that lately!)
2010-12-23 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
ahhh let the chaos ensue.!!
Just booked a 6 day Disneyland trip for late January.
The girls are going to go crazy - Lunch with the Princesses.

2010-12-23 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3259956

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 9:13 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 12:59 PM
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 3:35 PM

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental. 


hey robin hood,  this implies you guys in the air force do physical labor at some point in your career...........


go navy!   at least you got the texas part down.   seriously, thanks for your service! 

nutrition is easy.... figure out what works in training and don't over think it.  we'll get into it a bit more earlier in the new year.  how many long runs do you have left prior to the 9th, 2?  you going through your race day nutrition,  pre, during and post race?

swimming,  are your logs accurate?  nothing wrong AT ALL with them, just asking.  if so,  don't worry about the swimming part.  soon you'll be dropping your 2010 total in a single workout.   i couldn't swim one length three years ago.  a few months later i was able to go a mile.  we have some awesome swimmers here in the mg that will be glad to help any and all out.  and they are hotties to!   one of em' beat a bunch of pro's out of the water at the florida iroman  last year.

OK, is that for realz??? Cuz that is just so impressive. I gotta say, I'm in awe of non-swimmers doing the OWS thing on ANY level. Congrats, Fatty -- you never cease to amaze me. (That's what she said. Boy, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that lately!)

yep.  for real.  you wanna watch?
2010-12-23 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3259956

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

At last, time to post a bio:

NAME: Kyla
LOCATION: Bellevue, WA (near Seattle & near Steve and Ryan
FAMILY: Married for nearly 15 years, 2 kids (10, 8), 1 dog, 1 cat

RACING HISTORY: Lifetime? Not sure. I think 8 marathons, about 15 half-marathons, 1 IM, 1 HIM, 1 Oly, lotsa sprints, a few 10K's and 5K's...

WORK: Stay-at-home mom -- and I take my job very seriously!!

OTHER HOBBIES: My dog, Trip, a 3-year-old Flat-Coated Retriever (we do field/hunt test training, obedience, and he's my favorite running partner except he won't do 20-milers with me, rats!), SCUBA, hiking, outdoors, crosswords, and coffee (is coffee a hobby? is an addiction a hobby? I love coffee.).

STORY: Nothing nearly as exciting as so many others. I was a competitive swimmer through college (distance freestyle was my event), ran off and on for fitness for years, ran my first marathon in 1998 pre-kids. Tried spinning a few years back, loved it, met a woman who was a triathlete and confessed I always wanted to try triathlons... Did a tri class at the Y, bought a road bike, the rest is history. I love to train, I love long distances, and I love dessert. I always joke that I train so I can eat ice cream at night. This is partially true. I don't monitor my weight (much) -- just make sure I can button up those jeans when they come out of the drier and I'm good to go.

2010 races: IM Coeur d'Alene, a few half-marathons, one sprint.
2011 races: Phoenix Rock n Roll Marathon (January 16), likely Mercer Island half-marathon (March), IM Coeur d'Alene (June 26).

WHERE I COULD USE HELP: Just keepin' it all together sometimes...!! And I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to cycling stuff -- honestly, the technical part of cycling (i.e. equipment/gear) is my least favorite part of triathlon.

WHAT I BRING TO THE GROUP: A great attitude, lots of energy, some swim experience, some running experience, some tri experience, some Mom experience, a bit of OCD, and a love of laughter and life.

2010-12-23 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3259982

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 6:25 PM
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 9:13 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 12:59 PM
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 3:35 PM

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental. 


hey robin hood,  this implies you guys in the air force do physical labor at some point in your career...........


go navy!   at least you got the texas part down.   seriously, thanks for your service! 

nutrition is easy.... figure out what works in training and don't over think it.  we'll get into it a bit more earlier in the new year.  how many long runs do you have left prior to the 9th, 2?  you going through your race day nutrition,  pre, during and post race?

swimming,  are your logs accurate?  nothing wrong AT ALL with them, just asking.  if so,  don't worry about the swimming part.  soon you'll be dropping your 2010 total in a single workout.   i couldn't swim one length three years ago.  a few months later i was able to go a mile.  we have some awesome swimmers here in the mg that will be glad to help any and all out.  and they are hotties to!   one of em' beat a bunch of pro's out of the water at the florida iroman  last year.

OK, is that for realz??? Cuz that is just so impressive. I gotta say, I'm in awe of non-swimmers doing the OWS thing on ANY level. Congrats, Fatty -- you never cease to amaze me. (That's what she said. Boy, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that lately!)

yep.  for real.  you wanna watch?

I thought you'd never ask.

Still, you are a great swimmer. As I say to Trip (ha ha): Yay for you!!!!
2010-12-23 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3259912

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2010-12-23 8:34 PM. Well, the USAF finally decided to become a military service

wait,    what?    

and about that beer part.....  uh-oh!!!!!

ha!   good for you.  AWESOME job!!!   yes YOU WILL DO THIS!  welcome to the mg.

2010-12-23 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3259987

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 9:29 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 6:25 PM
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 9:13 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 12:59 PM
Scalded_Dawg - 2010-12-23 3:35 PM

OK, so as you read, I'm military but as you move up in rank in the military you don't work as hard physically its more mental. 


hey robin hood,  this implies you guys in the air force do physical labor at some point in your career...........


go navy!   at least you got the texas part down.   seriously, thanks for your service! 

nutrition is easy.... figure out what works in training and don't over think it.  we'll get into it a bit more earlier in the new year.  how many long runs do you have left prior to the 9th, 2?  you going through your race day nutrition,  pre, during and post race?

swimming,  are your logs accurate?  nothing wrong AT ALL with them, just asking.  if so,  don't worry about the swimming part.  soon you'll be dropping your 2010 total in a single workout.   i couldn't swim one length three years ago.  a few months later i was able to go a mile.  we have some awesome swimmers here in the mg that will be glad to help any and all out.  and they are hotties to!   one of em' beat a bunch of pro's out of the water at the florida iroman  last year.

OK, is that for realz??? Cuz that is just so impressive. I gotta say, I'm in awe of non-swimmers doing the OWS thing on ANY level. Congrats, Fatty -- you never cease to amaze me. (That's what she said. Boy, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that lately!)

yep.  for real.  you wanna watch?

I thought you'd never ask.

Still, you are a great swimmer. As I say to Trip (ha ha): Yay for you!!!!

no slacks,  YOU are one of the great swimmers in this group.  *pats on head  guuuuuuuuud giiiiiirrrrrlllllllllll*


2010-12-23 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3259961

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 9:15 PM ahhh let the chaos ensue.!!
Just booked a 6 day Disneyland trip for late January.
The girls are going to go crazy - Lunch with the Princesses.

awesome.  but, come. on. already.  lets have some pics of the new ride.
2010-12-23 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Yeah!  More Texans!  I was afraid the Canadians were going to take over there for a few minutes!  I must say we have a very international flair this time around though - Singapore, Japan...  Should be someone on the board 24x7

2010-12-23 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3259995

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 7:38 PM
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 9:15 PM ahhh let the chaos ensue.!!
Just booked a 6 day Disneyland trip for late January.
The girls are going to go crazy - Lunch with the Princesses.

awesome.  but, come. on. already.  lets have some pics of the new ride.

You are going to make me go downstairs right now arent you?

alright I'll be back.
2010-12-23 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3260013

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 9:54 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 7:38 PM
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 9:15 PM ahhh let the chaos ensue.!!
Just booked a 6 day Disneyland trip for late January.
The girls are going to go crazy - Lunch with the Princesses.

awesome.  but, come. on. already.  lets have some pics of the new ride.

You are going to make me go downstairs right now arent you?

alright I'll be back.

way to make tony proud.
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