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2011-04-08 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3436281

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DougRob - 2011-04-08 1:02 PM

Here are my next three workouts:

Today: swimming 2800 yards/ 1 hr. (I will try to get an hour of Yoga in tonight)

Saturday: 2x brick (First brick of 2011) 1 hr ride, 20 minute run, 1 hr ride, 20 minute run

Sunday 2.5 - 3.0 hr ride.

Hoping for good weather.

Sweet, very motivating. Not having a trainer and having just bought my first real tri bike I'm way behind in my cycling training. This is the planned week ahead.

Saturday: 10 mile zone 2 run

Sunday: 1 hour bike ride, first of the outdoor season

Monday: 6.2 mile steady state run

Tuesday: Master's swim 3000 yards

Wednesday: Either 75 minutes of spinning or outside bike depending on the weather followed up by 2 miles to make it a brick.

Thursday: Masters Swim 3400 yards

Friday: Light weights and yoga

If the weather holds I'll get in an additional 60-90 minute outdoor ride Thursday or Friday late afternoon. All my other training kicks off at 5:30-6AM.

2011-04-08 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Name: Linda

Location: Maryland

Family Status: Married to a weight lifter who also road bikes with me.  We have 2 teenage girls and a Golden Retriever.  I teach elementary school and I love my job!

Current Training: I have been marathon training and strength training through the winter and my focus will now turn to more cycling and swimming. I am fair with my running. I currently do not have a bike and hope to buy one soon. I ride on my trainer with my used oversized men's bike that only rides in 6 gears. I love to swim in open water but I panic at the start of ows tris. My goals are to become a faster runner, purchase a bike and maintain my cycling strength, and achieve a higher level of comfort at the start of the ows races.

2010 Races: Chambersburg Half, Boston Marathon, Bob Potts Trail Marathon, Hagerstown Triathlon, C & O 5 miler, Freedoms Run 10K, Baltimore Marathon, Harrisburg Marathon

2011 Races: Wild Woman 5 miler, Frederick Half, Maryland Half, Baltimore 10 miler, Hagerstown Sprint Triathlon, Freedoms Run Half, NCR Trail Marathon

What I bring to the MG: A positive attitude and lots of admiration for everyone here!

2011-04-08 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Two questions:

What are the goals of your rides? Are they base building miles, any intervals, etc.?

Second, I thought friday was your "rest" day, but then you said you might run. When do you rest?

Your body needs a day of down time to recover. The training causes tearing of the musles, which heal when you rest thereby making you stronger over time. Rest is very often overlooked. Also failing to rest leads to over trainer and mental burnout.


Edited by DougRob 2011-04-08 12:30 PM
2011-04-08 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3436345

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Terps421 - 2011-04-08 10:25 AM

Name: Linda

Location: Maryland

Family Status: Married to a weight lifter who also road bikes with me.  We have 2 teenage girls and a Golden Retriever.  I teach elementary school and I love my job!

Current Training: I have been marathon training and strength training through the winter and my focus will now turn to more cycling and swimming. I am fair with my running. I currently do not have a bike and hope to buy one soon. I ride on my trainer with my used oversized men's bike that only rides in 6 gears. I love to swim in open water but I panic at the start of ows tris. My goals are to become a faster runner, purchase a bike and maintain my cycling strength, and achieve a higher level of comfort at the start of the ows races.

2010 Races: Chambersburg Half, Boston Marathon, Bob Potts Trail Marathon, Hagerstown Triathlon, C & O 5 miler, Freedoms Run 10K, Baltimore Marathon, Harrisburg Marathon

2011 Races: Wild Woman 5 miler, Frederick Half, Maryland Half, Baltimore 10 miler, Hagerstown Sprint Triathlon, Freedoms Run Half, NCR Trail Marathon

What I bring to the MG: A positive attitude and lots of admiration for everyone here!

You forgot to mention your 4500 miles a year running experience.... That's right kids!!! RUNNING!! That is 2x as much as most of us bike in a year!!!


2011-04-08 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3436365

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
swbkrun - 2011-04-08 12:31 PM
Terps421 - 2011-04-08 10:25 AM

Name: Linda

Location: Maryland

Family Status: Married to a weight lifter who also road bikes with me.  We have 2 teenage girls and a Golden Retriever.  I teach elementary school and I love my job!

Current Training: I have been marathon training and strength training through the winter and my focus will now turn to more cycling and swimming. I am fair with my running. I currently do not have a bike and hope to buy one soon. I ride on my trainer with my used oversized men's bike that only rides in 6 gears. I love to swim in open water but I panic at the start of ows tris. My goals are to become a faster runner, purchase a bike and maintain my cycling strength, and achieve a higher level of comfort at the start of the ows races.

2010 Races: Chambersburg Half, Boston Marathon, Bob Potts Trail Marathon, Hagerstown Triathlon, C & O 5 miler, Freedoms Run 10K, Baltimore Marathon, Harrisburg Marathon

2011 Races: Wild Woman 5 miler, Frederick Half, Maryland Half, Baltimore 10 miler, Hagerstown Sprint Triathlon, Freedoms Run Half, NCR Trail Marathon

What I bring to the MG: A positive attitude and lots of admiration for everyone here!

You forgot to mention your 4500 miles a year running experience.... That's right kids!!! RUNNING!! That is 2x as much as most of us bike in a year!!!


And saying you're a "fair' runner is a pile of crap.  You kick butt Missy!

Edited by SSMinnow 2011-04-08 12:42 PM
2011-04-08 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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BACKGROUND: I did my first triathlon in 2008, did two sprints that summer.  Prior to December 2007, my swim experience was mostly playing in the lake, my road biking experience was nil and I had a general disdain for running when my life didn’t depend on it.  I was an avid mountain biker, which is still something I enjoy, but don’t do as much as I did pre-kids.

I’ve been a part of this group (off and on) since before my first race in 2008.  I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge, made some friends and hopefully contributed a little bit too.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (Bev) 7 years in July, 2 kiddos (Lily – almost 4, Sam – just turned two).  We live in Bellingham, WA – just south of the Canadian border.

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly running these days, just dusted off the bike after a neglectful winter.  Rarely swimming, which Trevor recently pointed out may be something I should address if I want to do another tri – I’m still unconvinced this is necessary. <just checked my logs and see that I have not been in the pool this year… wow!!>

2010: I did one event in 2010, not in my race list because, well, it was small and I was too lazy to get it added it to the race directory.  It was a trail 10k.  I was suffering from an injury for most of 2010, my motivation and desire to train/race was severely sprained.  Not sure what/where that came from, I’m thinking it was a result of sleep deprivation – Sam was not a good sleeper until really about the first of this year.  There is a strong correlation between him sleeping through the night and the quality and number of workouts I get in.

2011: I’m taking this year as an opportunity to do whatever sounds like fun.  Events on the calendar thus far include the Birch Bay Road Race (15k) – already done.  Bloomsday – 5/1.  Skagit Spring Classic – cycling tour on 5/7. 

The longest race I’m planning to do is a Trail Half-Marathon in October.  It is a fundraiser for a foundation honoring the memory of Anna, a 2 year old friend of ours that was killed last September, and raising awareness about distracted driving. 

I’m just going to use this year to get back into training and having fun and not worry about times, distances, volume, etc.  I can see some more cycling events and maybe even sprint or Oly tri’s being added to the event list… who knows… only time will tell.

Glad to be back!

2011-04-08 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3436329

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everlong - 2011-04-08 1:19 PM

If the weather holds I'll get in an additional 60-90 minute outdoor ride Thursday or Friday late afternoon. All my other training kicks off at 5:30-6AM.

i thought you said you get up insanely early?   5:30?  what's it like to sleep in that late?     ;-)

crazy woman up there in the neon shirt busts out 10-14 milers every day at 4am.  i'm lazy and make it 4:30.  some get at it really late at night. 


2011-04-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


2011-04-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3435722

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copa2251 - 2011-04-08 8:51 AM

Name: David

Story: I've always enjoyed sport but mainly for the social (read drinking) side until my mid-30's, before that I played squash and rugby. I decided to start running so I could take part in the Sydney City 2 Surf run a few years ago - the biggest fun run in the World and got hooked!

I'm a surf lifesaver and so can swim happily in the ocean but didn't get a bike until last September when I decided to start training for triathlons. I'm slowly getting stronger on the bike but still very slow.

I was born and raised in the UK but came to Australia in my 20's, officially emigrating 7 years ago.

We live by the beach near Noosa (home to the Noosa Triathlon).

Family status: Married to Allison, 3 kids: Harriet 12, Alice 9 and Oliver 7 plus a yellow labrador called George and a Siamese cat called Barnie!

My kids keep telling me how I ruined their last birthdays, Christmas etc. by going out for a run before they could open their presents...

Current training: I'm just coming to the end of a recovery week in my 14 week training plan, next week is week 11 and so my first Olympic Tri is fast approaching - Hervey Bay. I've done a couple of sprint tri's (mini-sprint) so far this season and have been accepted for the Noosa Tri in October and will fit in a half marathon probably in July.

I did a 10k and a 5k race a few weeks ago and recorded new PR's which is encouraging considering my running volume has been reduced to fit in with tri training.

My weakness is cycling since I only got the bike 6 months ago, I'm going to attempt some group rides next week for the first time.


Looking forward to training with you all,


TELL US SOME SHARK STORIES!!!!  gotta be 30 foot great whites and 24.3 foot tiger sharks!!!

2011-04-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3436423

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SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 1:53 PM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


well i suck but since kyla is currently slacking off on the trainer,  here.  he writes the most stuff that makes sense to me, this one just happens to be from st. 

edit.. like the videos in the article too.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-04-08 1:05 PM
2011-04-08 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3436357

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DougRob - 2011-04-08 1:28 PM


Two questions:

What are the goals of your rides? Are they base building miles, any intervals, etc.?

Second, I thought friday was your "rest" day, but then you said you might run. When do you rest?

My rides for right now are going to be very light and just getting used to being on a tri bike in the aero position. Although not a day off really unless I do spinning on Wednesday these are going to be close to recovery rides.

I do understand the value of time off and I wouldn't normally train like this but like I said in my bio I don't have a trainer and having young children I try to keep training out of the hours they are awake for the most part. Sunrise isn't until after 6AM still and at that time it's generally still fricking freezing here. Plus as noted I'll still be learning the position so I'd rather have it be lighter out. Plus the first day I'm going to a parking lot first just to practice clipping and un-clipping the shoes and doing some light one leg drills to improve my form.

I'm off for April vacation and it's going to be warmer so I'll ride a little longer, a little harder but a little less often in the coming weeks. If you check my logs you won't see a 7 days cycle in there. This is just a short conversion period because I'm itching to get the new bike on the road and because I don't think I can really ride long than an hour in the new position any way.

If I get to the end of the week and even a short ride seems like too much I won't do it. For instance today is awesome out and I want to go home and ride in the worst way but I'm going to pass because my legs are toast. Having done just swimming yesterday and just a light upper body workout today along with a long stretching routine I hope to be good to go for tomorrow's run.

2011-04-08 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3436423

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SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 1:53 PM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?



My kick sucks. Really my legs are more like pull anchors. If I could just get to the point where they weren't a hindrance I'd be such a better swimmer. When we do pull with paddle drills in masters I absolutely fly.

2011-04-08 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3436423

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SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 1:53 PM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


Marty gives us kick drills every time. Funny thing is the guy I share a lane with is a faster swimmer than me, but I can beat him soundly in the kick drills. Fat lot of good it does me in a tri. Anyway,I never swim with no kick. In practice I use it a lot. The least is on the easy laps but moderate or higher levels engage my kick more and more. I find in helps me even out my effort. What I mean is I don't go tarzan if I am kicking.

In a race longer than a sprint I used an easy kick to help maintain my body position and keep long. In a sprint it is usually 250 - 300 yds, so I kick a lot. How much am I going to wear my legs out in under 5 minutes? Longer races I "save" my legs for the bike and run. Triathlon swimming is not regular swimming.

Does that help at all?

2011-04-08 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3436456

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DougRob - 2011-04-08 2:10 PM  Funny thing is the guy I share a lane with is a faster swimmer than me, but I can beat him soundly in the kick drills.

There are three people in my lane that I'm faster than but all three smoke me in kick drills. The ones who are faster than me do too.

I still want to have the power come too much from bending my knees and not letting it generate from my hips. I'm such an Arnie when it comes to swimming.

2011-04-08 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3436449

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Plus the first day I'm going to a parking lot first just to practice clipping and un-clipping the shoes and doing some light one leg drills to improve my form.

When I first got clipless pedals in 1990 (Damn I am old) I went to a field to practice. That way if I fell, which I did, it would not hurt so much. Sort of like riding rollers in a doorway to help provide balance. Nothing worse than getting hurt practicing unclippping. Laughing

2011-04-08 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3436423

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SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 10:53 AM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


If I recall correctly , I kick easy and steady.  I feel like it gives me much better balance, but I don't think it provides much propulsion.

2011-04-08 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sacramento, CA
Subject: Uploading Training logs

Hi Everyone,

I am using the 16 oly training program slightly modified with strength training thrown in and I cannot upload the training program to my logs.  Do I need to upgrade my membership to do that?Smile

2011-04-08 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3436468

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I don't kick much when I swim. I have a 2-beat kick that's more for balance and rotation than for propulsion. I just think it burns too much oxygen and energy to try to get speed out of my kick. For people who have trouble kicking with a kickboard, try using swim fins, which will help train you to keep your ankles loose and kick from your hips instead of your knees. They're also really fun!
2011-04-08 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3436468

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DougRob - 2011-04-08 2:15 PM

When I first got clipless pedals in 1990 (Damn I am old) I went to a field to practice. That way if I fell, which I did, it would not hurt so much. Sort of like riding rollers in a doorway to help provide balance. Nothing worse than getting hurt practicing unclippping. Laughing

That's a good idea. I'll have to think hard about a field where the ground will be hard enough. Will all the snow melting and rain we've had most fields around here are at least mush if not outright flooded.
2011-04-08 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3436445

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fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:04 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 1:53 PM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


well i suck but since kyla is currently slacking off on the trainer,  here.  he writes the most stuff that makes sense to me, this one just happens to be from st. 

edit.. like the videos in the article too.

Now I'm home, weeping a bit, icing my hamstring/glute... Was out running trails w/son and dog, tripped and fell, had a popping feeling in hamstring as I went down. Wah. Shouted major choice words and immediately had a tantrum. After figuring I can walk slowly, I hobbled a bit with my buddy before sending him 1.5 miles home to get Dad to come and rescue me. I'll be OK -- not sure what it is but the fact I can walk says it's not a tear.

Anyway, I'm a 2-beat kicker for sure, but when I am really thinking about things I use that to fuel my rotation for sure. As I reach, I can feel it in the hip flexors -- really reach and rotate at the same time. I don't think the kick should be any real EFFORT, but don't drag the legs and certainly don't let them sink! Does that make sense???

2011-04-08 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3436492

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Uploading Training logs
cherifortin - 2011-04-08 2:27 PM

Hi Everyone,

I am using the 16 oly training program slightly modified with strength training thrown in and I cannot upload the training program to my logs.  Do I need to upgrade my membership to do that?Smile

I know you can't have planned workouts in your logs if you're not at least a bronze member.

2011-04-08 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3436502

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kkcbelle - 2011-04-08 2:30 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:04 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 1:53 PM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


well i suck but since kyla is currently slacking off on the trainer,  here.  he writes the most stuff that makes sense to me, this one just happens to be from st. 

edit.. like the videos in the article too.

Now I'm home, weeping a bit, icing my hamstring/glute... Was out running trails w/son and dog, tripped and fell, had a popping feeling in hamstring as I went down. Wah. Shouted major choice words and immediately had a tantrum. After figuring I can walk slowly, I hobbled a bit with my buddy before sending him 1.5 miles home to get Dad to come and rescue me. I'll be OK -- not sure what it is but the fact I can walk says it's not a tear.

Anyway, I'm a 2-beat kicker for sure, but when I am really thinking about things I use that to fuel my rotation for sure. As I reach, I can feel it in the hip flexors -- really reach and rotate at the same time. I don't think the kick should be any real EFFORT, but don't drag the legs and certainly don't let them sink! Does that make sense???


Oh no!! I hope it's not serious! Take good care of yourself -

2011-04-08 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3436423

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Charlottesville, Virginia
SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 1:53 PM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


I say swimming is lame and time is better spent getting faster on the bike/run : )

But I have heard the same things said about triathletes not kicking much.  My kick sucks. 

2011-04-08 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Portland, OR

Gosh, you guys have to slow down while I'm in class!  I can't keep up! 

Suzy - My kick absolutely sucks.  I don't know what my deal is, but I am thinking about getting fins.  Will that help?  I think my kick is what is limiting on the swim.

Linda - Give yourself (a LOT) more credit for your running distances!  You rock!

Sam - I'm glad that you and Tony started out that way, because I've been thinking that maybe Ryan and I are just freaks for not wanting kids!  Everybody around us is having them right now, and we hate the thought of them right now.  I don't have any motherly instincts whatsoever (which is why I was so surprised that your daughter liked me).  At least we know there is hope!

All else -

 Bluto's Zit Impression in ANIMAL HOUSE [1978] Image

2011-04-08 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3436502

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Charlottesville, Virginia
kkcbelle - 2011-04-08 2:30 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:04 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-08 1:53 PM

Serious swimming question ahead:  Talk to me about your kick and its importance to your swim.....

I asked my Master's coach why she puts so much kicking in our workouts....her response is most triathletes rely too heavily on their wetsuits and kick very little in the pool/OWS as a result.  She believes kicking (flutter, 2 beat, even 6 beat) engage the core and assist in better rotation.  Her suggestion was to maintain a kick even while in OWS.  Normally I barely kick (or at least I don't think I do), but today I really concentrated on it and it did seem to provide better body position and more glide.

What say you?


well i suck but since kyla is currently slacking off on the trainer,  here.  he writes the most stuff that makes sense to me, this one just happens to be from st. 

edit.. like the videos in the article too.

Now I'm home, weeping a bit, icing my hamstring/glute... Was out running trails w/son and dog, tripped and fell, had a popping feeling in hamstring as I went down. Wah. Shouted major choice words and immediately had a tantrum. After figuring I can walk slowly, I hobbled a bit with my buddy before sending him 1.5 miles home to get Dad to come and rescue me. I'll be OK -- not sure what it is but the fact I can walk says it's not a tear.

Anyway, I'm a 2-beat kicker for sure, but when I am really thinking about things I use that to fuel my rotation for sure. As I reach, I can feel it in the hip flexors -- really reach and rotate at the same time. I don't think the kick should be any real EFFORT, but don't drag the legs and certainly don't let them sink! Does that make sense???

Ouch sorry to hear that.  I know the situation isn't funny but when I first read it, I thought you wrote you had a pooping feeling...

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