BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod Rss Feed  
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2012-05-17 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4215651

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jobaxas - 2012-05-17 4:08 PM

gotta love the Manatees...sometimes i jump on in the mornng and I feel I've missed a whole episode - or in face Series 1!! 

Anyway - hope everyone is feeling as good as they can with all of life's trials being thrown around.  I don't have any of the issues you guys are experiencing so it's time to count my blessings I think, and I will thank the Big Guy for all that I have, and pray for good things to come to all of you.

It's a day off from training for me - YAY  I hear you say.  Not YAY, I get edgy and moody with no training.  Just the way I am!  It's now only 2 weeks til HIM, the competitor booklet is now ready to be downloaded (terrifying)

I love the first page on the website.  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you wear a full wetsuit.  James Cook University have advised that the stinger season is later this year due to lack of rain early in the season......HOLY CR*P!  I was soooo worried about the bike but now I have a whole new set of worries.....


2 weeks Awesome!! Good luck!!

Stinger season?  Like Jellyfish or worse?

My DW actually dove into a POD of Jellyfish last summer while at the beach and then we tried to fix it with vinegar, balsamic vinegar, because we were visiting friends that had rented a beach house and that's what they had at the time.  It ended up so bad she eventually went to go see a Dr. who said it was the worst case of jelly fish stings they had ever seen.  And vinegar is bad to use to treat jelly fish stings.  Amonia is the way to go.  I still get in trouble for that and not sure how...  Wasn't trying to cause any more anxiety honestLaughing


Slammer and I got our run in this afternoon instead of the morning mostly since I snoozed right through until 6am...  He really likes to run in the rain... got him to go under 9 min miles, maybe I need to go somewhere where it rains more... nah I'll just run slow.  Trying to post a pic of the after:




HAHAHA SUCCESSS!!!  This was after a quick rinse off since he took a header into a puddle trying to catch a duck, if it wasn't that whole flight thing he might have had a chance...


FIL is doing well thank you all for the well wishes.  I'm doing my race on sunday but looking at it as a gauge of where I am to figure out what I need to do to hit my goal for the one in July

2012-05-17 6:52 PM
in reply to: #4215850

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
amd723 - 2012-05-17 6:00 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-17 3:07 PM

See the tag team is on tonight.

Look what i found.

Tongue out

Not that i needed any, but i was struggling for some 'clean' ones cos i luvs 'er really i does. Wouldn't want to upset 'my precious' for real. 

It seems a good portion of your slang is different ways to call a person an "idiot".  I like it   I'm going to have to study this a bit before my trip to London next month.  I'm also heading to Ireland, so I may need to look for a similar  primer to calling people names for that part of my trip.


Craik (sp?(pronounced crack) is a good thing.  So if you here Where is the Crtack? or What's the Crack?  it doesn't mean what we think it means...  Cool

2012-05-17 7:33 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Mmmmmmmm hmmmm a po-po trying to tell me crack is a good thing? Nice try, sir! Awwee I don't think I had seen a pic of slammer. So cute! Glad to hear your FIL is doing well, too! Sorry for poor formatting, I'm on my phone.
2012-05-17 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4215952

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-17 6:52 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-17 6:00 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-17 3:07 PM

See the tag team is on tonight.

Look what i found.

Tongue out

Not that i needed any, but i was struggling for some 'clean' ones cos i luvs 'er really i does. Wouldn't want to upset 'my precious' for real. 

It seems a good portion of your slang is different ways to call a person an "idiot".  I like it   I'm going to have to study this a bit before my trip to London next month.  I'm also heading to Ireland, so I may need to look for a similar  primer to calling people names for that part of my trip.


Craik (sp?(pronounced crack) is a good thing.  So if you here Where is the Crtack? or What's the Crack?  it doesn't mean what we think it means...  Cool

I actually know that one - it means "fun time" or something like that.  I will definitely be keeping an eye out for it.

BTW, love your dog and his name is great!

2012-05-17 7:36 PM
in reply to: #4215854

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-17 5:04 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-17 5:00 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-17 3:07 PM

See the tag team is on tonight.

Look what i found.

Tongue out

Not that i needed any, but i was struggling for some 'clean' ones cos i luvs 'er really i does. Wouldn't want to upset 'my precious' for real. 

What? Me in a pub, that's just crazy talk!

It seems a good portion of your slang is different ways to call a person an "idiot".  I like it   I'm going to have to study this a bit before my trip to London next month.  I'm also heading to Ireland, so I may need to look for a similar  primer to calling people names for that part of my trip.

Somebody is getting in a bar(er excuse me, pub) fight, I can feel it! 

2012-05-17 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4215949

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-17 6:48 PM
jobaxas - 2012-05-17 4:08 PM

gotta love the Manatees...sometimes i jump on in the mornng and I feel I've missed a whole episode - or in face Series 1!! 

Anyway - hope everyone is feeling as good as they can with all of life's trials being thrown around.  I don't have any of the issues you guys are experiencing so it's time to count my blessings I think, and I will thank the Big Guy for all that I have, and pray for good things to come to all of you.

It's a day off from training for me - YAY  I hear you say.  Not YAY, I get edgy and moody with no training.  Just the way I am!  It's now only 2 weeks til HIM, the competitor booklet is now ready to be downloaded (terrifying)

I love the first page on the website.  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you wear a full wetsuit.  James Cook University have advised that the stinger season is later this year due to lack of rain early in the season......HOLY CR*P!  I was soooo worried about the bike but now I have a whole new set of worries.....


2 weeks Awesome!! Good luck!!

Stinger season?  Like Jellyfish or worse?

My DW actually dove into a POD of Jellyfish last summer while at the beach and then we tried to fix it with vinegar, balsamic vinegar, because we were visiting friends that had rented a beach house and that's what they had at the time.  It ended up so bad she eventually went to go see a Dr. who said it was the worst case of jelly fish stings they had ever seen.  And vinegar is bad to use to treat jelly fish stings.  Amonia is the way to go.  I still get in trouble for that and not sure how...  Wasn't trying to cause any more anxiety honestLaughing


Slammer and I got our run in this afternoon instead of the morning mostly since I snoozed right through until 6am...  He really likes to run in the rain... got him to go under 9 min miles, maybe I need to go somewhere where it rains more... nah I'll just run slow.  Trying to post a pic of the after:




HAHAHA SUCCESSS!!!  This was after a quick rinse off since he took a header into a puddle trying to catch a duck, if it wasn't that whole flight thing he might have had a chance...


FIL is doing well thank you all for the well wishes.  I'm doing my race on sunday but looking at it as a gauge of where I am to figure out what I need to do to hit my goal for the one in July

Rather depends on the jellyfish - the ones in Queensland are of course peculiar to these tropics.  White vinegar is the way to go with these ones.

We have other jellyfish in Oz called blubottles or Portuguese manowar, these need to be treated with hot water.

Once when i was a teenager my friend got stung in Tunisia and they put raw tomato on it and that fixed her up.

So I think it is breed specific!

2012-05-17 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4215163

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
bcraht - 2012-05-17 1:14 PM
amd723 - 2012-05-17 10:10 AM
TriAya - 2012-05-17 12:07 PM

Hey, cool Manatees

Quick drive by myself with a favor asked of anyone who has some medical knowledge or knows anyone with any who may be willing to give a few minutes ...

I wrote a few brief paragraphs about my mom's condition and treatment, and if you have any thoughts at all, no matter how brief, I'd really appreciate them. This thread:


I clicked on the link, but it comes up page not found.

try this


Reading this my first impression was urine infection but they ruled that out.  Now I would have to agree with you that it may be typhoid.  The legs are probably more spasms than "seizures". 

Whatever it is, I am keeping Mutti and you in my prayers.  I hope you find out what is going on soon.  {{{{Melon Presses}}}}

2012-05-17 11:53 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

That is a happy lab.  Big smile and tongue lolly-ing.  He looks like a big goofy teenager Smile

Got a good run in tonight.  Not long, but a hard one, kinda felt like vomiting.  We are a strange bunch aren't we?

I'm about to take a page from Chris' book, I hope you will indulge me.

I am feeling unbelievably grateful that I am a part of this group.  The attitude and support shown by everyone is amazing.  Those of you who are struggling continue to support, encourage and pray for others.  Each of you, by being you, is helping me to not only be a better triathlete, but a better person.  Thank you.

Indulgence over.

2012-05-18 1:36 AM
in reply to: #4215678

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-17 9:19 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-17 3:07 PM

See the tag team is on tonight.

Look what i found.

Tongue out

Not that i needed any, but i was struggling for some 'clean' ones cos i luvs 'er really i does. Wouldn't want to upset 'my precious' for real. 

You are just dying to call me a "bint" aren't you

Shhhhhhhhhhh*t. Today is not my day, I couldn't even spell bint correctly. 

Great minds think alike, and sometimes even you catch upTongue out

2012-05-18 1:39 AM
in reply to: #4215850

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
amd723 - 2012-05-17 11:00 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-17 3:07 PM

See the tag team is on tonight.

Look what i found.

Tongue out

Not that i needed any, but i was struggling for some 'clean' ones cos i luvs 'er really i does. Wouldn't want to upset 'my precious' for real. 

It seems a good portion of your slang is different ways to call a person an "idiot".  I like it   I'm going to have to study this a bit before my trip to London next month.  I'm also heading to Ireland, so I may need to look for a similar  primer to calling people names for that part of my trip.

Oh yes, Ireland's a whole different heap of insults.

2012-05-18 2:46 AM
in reply to: #4216239

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
bcraht - 2012-05-18 5:53 AM

That is a happy lab.  Big smile and tongue lolly-ing.  He looks like a big goofy teenager Smile

Got a good run in tonight.  Not long, but a hard one, kinda felt like vomiting.  We are a strange bunch aren't we?

I'm about to take a page from Chris' book, I hope you will indulge me.

I am feeling unbelievably grateful that I am a part of this group.  The attitude and support shown by everyone is amazing.  Those of you who are struggling continue to support, encourage and pray for others.  Each of you, by being you, is helping me to not only be a better triathlete, but a better person.  Thank you.

Indulgence over.

We are a strange bunch, its true. I didn't realise how strange til i met you lot, but i, also, am better for it. Nice words Kirsten

Crack is spelled CRAIC in irish and whilst you are there, look out for a Ceilidh (pronounced Caillie!!!) which is an old fashioned party/ get together that the gailic people do so well. I got caught in one when i was a young man sailing off the scottish coast and we put into a small harbour called Portpatrick for the night. One of the best nights of my life. pure magic.

2012-05-18 3:10 AM
in reply to: #4216262

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ukweeble - 2012-05-18 2:46 AM
bcraht - 2012-05-18 5:53 AM

That is a happy lab.  Big smile and tongue lolly-ing.  He looks like a big goofy teenager Smile

Got a good run in tonight.  Not long, but a hard one, kinda felt like vomiting.  We are a strange bunch aren't we?

I'm about to take a page from Chris' book, I hope you will indulge me.

I am feeling unbelievably grateful that I am a part of this group.  The attitude and support shown by everyone is amazing.  Those of you who are struggling continue to support, encourage and pray for others.  Each of you, by being you, is helping me to not only be a better triathlete, but a better person.  Thank you.

Indulgence over.

We are a strange bunch, its true. I didn't realise how strange til i met you lot, but i, also, am better for it. Nice words Kirsten

Crack is spelled CRAIC in irish and whilst you are there, look out for a Ceilidh (pronounced Caillie!!!) which is an old fashioned party/ get together that the gailic people do so well. I got caught in one when i was a young man sailing off the scottish coast and we put into a small harbour called Portpatrick for the night. One of the best nights of my life. pure magic.

I feel also honoured to be a part of this group and feel like we are all 'friends' though I've only met Yanti!

Ah a Ceilidh - I've been to a few - and I have never laughed so hard or peed my pants from laughing so much!  The Scottish/Irish dancing is sooooo much fun especially after a little alcohol - the bagpipes are so haunting and make me cry, but the dancing well that makes me laugh!  My nephew married a Scottish girl in 2010 and we went to the wedding which was a Ceilidh, HILARIOUS.  If I find some pics I'll post them.

2012-05-18 4:39 AM
in reply to: #4216268

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Crack is spelled CRAIC in irish and whilst you are there, look out for a Ceilidh (pronounced Caillie!!!) which is an old fashioned party/ get together that the gailic people do so well. I got caught in one when i was a young man sailing off the scottish coast and we put into a small harbour called Portpatrick for the night. One of the best nights of my life. pure magic.

I feel also honoured to be a part of this group and feel like we are all 'friends' though I've only met Yanti!

Ah a Ceilidh - I've been to a few - and I have never laughed so hard or peed my pants from laughing so much!  The Scottish/Irish dancing is sooooo much fun especially after a little alcohol - the bagpipes are so haunting and make me cry, but the dancing well that makes me laugh!  My nephew married a Scottish girl in 2010 and we went to the wedding which was a Ceilidh, HILARIOUS.  If I find some pics I'll post them.



Ceilidhs sound like craic!  I will try to find one (or two)!

Edited by amd723 2012-05-18 4:39 AM
2012-05-18 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Ceilidh I know ... that is the username of one of my closest friends here on BT, who witnessed firsthand the creation of the {MELON PRESS}. Actually that's her dog's name.

Oy vey. Things are very not good here. From my blog:

[insert every swear word in every language]


Come to Jakarta to find that no one in the hospital has been taking care of my mom the last three days. They're not regularly checking her temperature and vital signs; they're not trying to control her fever; they're not paying attention to her pain; nearly 90% of the tests, procedures, care and medication they claimed to have given her never actually happened.

Nurses refuse to let me have access to any of my mom's information, test results, or files. I make a scene and throw them the business card of the National Chief of Police (my uncle). They hand it over.

Spend the afternoon there taking care of my mom MYSELF--I found her with her limbs tied to the bed with strips of a ripped-up bedsheet, and with a fever between 104 and 105, she's bundled up in socks, gowns, sheets and blankets. No one has noticed that her IV is pouring solution into her skin, creating a big painful bruised bubble. Finally I just start ordering tests, ordering doctors, ordering medications, ordering routine care.

That's the short version.

Then I come back to the house.

Nobody's fed the dog for three days and she's been left out in the rain. Her water bowl is slime and rainwater. Her food bowl is green slime with rainwater. She's shivering, coughing, and has pus coming out of her eyes.

Then I talk to my dad, whose comment on everything is, "Your mother doesn't have it as bad as I do. She should not be a burden to me by being sick like this."

We have TEN staff at the house, including two maids, and no one had prepared my room (yes I called in advance) and when I got back from the hospital, no sign of dinner anywhere.


It's back to figuring out who to beat, who to fire, and who to murder.

I cooked and served myself dinner and am running a hot bath. Then it's back to the hospital to throw staff out the fourth-story windows.

What's scary is ... there isn't a better hospital here. And as bad as this one is, it's less than a kilometer from the house. Anywhere else would be impossible to get to in Jakarta traffic.


2012-05-18 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4215651

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jobaxas - 2012-05-17 4:08 PM

It's a day off from training for me - YAY  I hear you say.  Not YAY, I get edgy and moody with no training.

I hear you there!  That is why my "off" day is "Walk Emma 5k at at fast pace" day.

2012-05-18 8:01 AM
in reply to: #4215651

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

jobaxas - 2012-05-17 4:08 PMI love the first page on the website.  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you wear a full wetsuit.  James Cook University have advised that the stinger season is later this year due to lack of rain early in the season......HOLY CR*P!  I was soooo worried about the bike but now I have a whole new set of worries.....

Well, there is Safe Sea for jellyfish.  Is there something similar for stingrays?

2012-05-18 8:04 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Yanti, I have welled up with tears. The level of cr@p that you have going on, while sick yourself no less, would have reduced me to a quivering heap of Jello by now. You are obviously one strong lady. And you probably don't want to hear it, but Paul tells us: "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). I continue to pray for you, Mutti, and your sister. And I hope that you can provide relief for your mom during her trying times. It certainly sounds like you are.
2012-05-18 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4216422

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Oh no!  This is so not what we wanted to hear! 

You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.  (And Reece with his injury and Jo with her daughter and everyone else with their issues and injuries -- must get Manatees All Better!)


TriAya - 2012-05-18 8:43 AM

Come to Jakarta to find that no one in the hospital has been taking care of my mom the last three days.

2012-05-18 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Sweet Janyne and dear Dub6. Thank you both so much--for your comments here, inspires, PMs, etc.

I am post-hot bath and am considering putting off wholesale slaughter at least for the time being. 'Cause I'm a little tired.

Honestly, just about this exact situation is fairly common with my family, folks' household, and the medical scene here (and since I've been sick most of the last two years, that too). I'm not sure why I had expectations that would be different this time. I guess I was hoping? It's a good thing all of us are pretty tough (I think we have had to be, to survive each other!)

A few other good things ... my brother really stepped up to the plate, and he never has before. He lives in this city, but almost never sees my folks and when they have emergencies, he usually vanishes. He's not good for much and owes us all lots of money and doesn't take care of his own family.

He has been at the hospital a lot the last three days and has been able to do very simple things for my mom like get her juice and just hold her hand. (He doesn't know a thing about medicine and though he talked a lot between the doctors and I, a lot got lost in translation and no one person being responsible for her care). So he also assumed that things were being done which weren't and that they didn't have proper restraints and things like that.

My mom perked up the moment she saw me, and she recognized me and called me by name (even when she's normal she often mixes me up with my sister, due to her Alzheimer's), and when a doctor finally arrived she proudly introduced me. I did get them to give her Tylenol for her fever and pain and between my brother and I we wrung out a bunch of my socks with cold water and plastered them all over her, and her fever came down and she was a lot more lucid, less agitated and in a lot less pain. And speaking clearly in whole sentences. And then she finally said ... I'm hungry!

No kidding ... all she's gotten the last few days are IV electrolytes and hydration. That's something, I suppose, but maybe a few calories and vitamins through the line might have been a good idea too.

2012-05-18 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Wow Yanti you are in my thoughts and my prayers.  I don't know how you are handling it so well you truly are a rock in troubled waters.  I'm guessing that now that you are there to kick a$$ and take names the service to your mother will vastly improve.  If not enjoy the defenestrations!
2012-05-18 8:54 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Love the pic of Slammer, what a great looking dog. And it looks like he is ready to run more. Too cool!

2012-05-18 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Oh, Yanti. How can this be?? (I know. My naivete is one of my strongest personality traits. I keep thinking the world is better than it is.)

I'm glad things are improving a little, but I am so sorry that you had to walk into that mess -- both at the hospital and at your parents' house.

Good for your brother for stepping up. I'm glad that your mother has become a little more lucid. Remember to take care of yourself, too.

We all continue to send you prayers and positive thoughts.

2012-05-18 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4216422

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-05-18 8:43 AM

Ceilidh I know ... that is the username of one of my closest friends here on BT, who witnessed firsthand the creation of the {MELON PRESS}. Actually that's her dog's name.

Oy vey. Things are very not good here. From my blog:

[insert every swear word in every language]


Come to Jakarta to find that no one in the hospital has been taking care of my mom the last three days. They're not regularly checking her temperature and vital signs; they're not trying to control her fever; they're not paying attention to her pain; nearly 90% of the tests, procedures, care and medication they claimed to have given her never actually happened.

Nurses refuse to let me have access to any of my mom's information, test results, or files. I make a scene and throw them the business card of the National Chief of Police (my uncle). They hand it over.

Spend the afternoon there taking care of my mom MYSELF--I found her with her limbs tied to the bed with strips of a ripped-up bedsheet, and with a fever between 104 and 105, she's bundled up in socks, gowns, sheets and blankets. No one has noticed that her IV is pouring solution into her skin, creating a big painful bruised bubble. Finally I just start ordering tests, ordering doctors, ordering medications, ordering routine care.

That's the short version.

Then I come back to the house.

Nobody's fed the dog for three days and she's been left out in the rain. Her water bowl is slime and rainwater. Her food bowl is green slime with rainwater. She's shivering, coughing, and has pus coming out of her eyes.

Then I talk to my dad, whose comment on everything is, "Your mother doesn't have it as bad as I do. She should not be a burden to me by being sick like this."

We have TEN staff at the house, including two maids, and no one had prepared my room (yes I called in advance) and when I got back from the hospital, no sign of dinner anywhere.


It's back to figuring out who to beat, who to fire, and who to murder.

I cooked and served myself dinner and am running a hot bath. Then it's back to the hospital to throw staff out the fourth-story windows.

What's scary is ... there isn't a better hospital here. And as bad as this one is, it's less than a kilometer from the house. Anywhere else would be impossible to get to in Jakarta traffic.


Oh. My. Word.  How absolutely heartbreaking to hear how your mother is being (mis)treated by the very people who are supposed to be helping her with her illness.  And heartbreaking to hear how no one cared for your dog while you were gone.  Bless your dear heart, dealing with your own illness, your sister's illness, and now your mother (and dog).  And yeah, you have every right to be upset with the help staff for doing nothing.  Poor Yanti.  I pray things get better for you and your family. {{melon presses}}

2012-05-18 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

No volunteers to help me with the tarring and feathering?


Well, I've done all I can for today and my dad's nurse will sleep here in the hospital next to my mom so that I can get some rest at home. Unfortunately that might mean playing nurse for my dad but since he's incapacitated, I usually say WHAT? and if it's not an emergency I just ignore him Nice thing when they can't chase after you.

Tomorrow's another day, and in the greater city of 16 million, there has got to be ONE vet that does house calls.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and kindness and letting me vent.

2012-05-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
I wanna help tar and feather!!!! ...Though by the time I would probably get there I am betting the job would be already done. My heart goes out to you my friend; I am speechless that this (lack of) treatment goes on anywhere (I too am naive...or optimistic if you prefer)...I wish there was something I can do--I guess I can just send prayers for now. Hang in there.
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