BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
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2014-05-28 5:44 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Originally posted by JoePetto
Originally posted by sawyer1206 One more week in the pool and I'm going to try my first open water swim by myself with my wife on the support boat. My first Tri is 2 months away so I'm wondering how often should I work in open water swims into my workouts? Any particular advice on hazards associated with open water swims?
1. Never swim alone 2. Learn to sight by practicing in the pool 3. Learn to swim in a straight line (try swimming with your eyes closed in a pool) 4. Use the proper tinted goggles based on sunlight 5. Swim in a group - this is a big one. A leisurely lake swim won't get you ready for washing machine. 6. If racing in a wetsuit, practice in a wetsuit. If racing in your tri gear, swim in your tri gear. 7. Wear a swim cap if not using one 8. If you plan to take a gu or gel prior to racing, do the same before your swim to see how it feels on the gut 9. Practice starting like you will in a race. If it is a beach start, practice that. If it is a deep water start, try treading water for 2-4' and then start swimming. The more situations and variables you can account for, the less anxiety you will have.

Dennis, Joe did a great job with his recommendation list for OWS!

I did a 4k OWS on a great lake in Guatemala during the weekend and unfortunately had to break advise #1 "Never swim alone", but it was either that or no swim at all.   However, when I do such thing, I try to stay close to the shore and carry with me an orange safety buoy to increase my visibility along with a bright yellow cap - Here is the link from DC Rainmaker where I got the buoy from

2014-05-29 8:47 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Thanks Gabe and rest assured that I will NOT swim alone and I'm actually going to go to my first OWS tonight with the local Triathlon group in the nearby lake. I will post details tomorrow as to how it went.

Anyone using the Garmin 910Xt wish to share some of their swim workouts with me? I just started using one in my swim workouts and am trying to analyze the results but it would probably help to see others and compare. Right now it looks like I’m all over the map as far as efficiency and stroke go.

1000yd set this morning:

2nd set with a Pull Buoy:
2014-05-29 11:06 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
I managed 50 minutes on the bike yesterday.

Mark 21 24:08:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Mitch 18 23:04:00
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 17 24:57:55
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Jim 18 17:51:11
Bruno 18 23:00:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
Gabe 15 20:59:00

Mitch - I found some people swimming this Saturday, you are welcome to join.
Subject: Saturday Morning (05.31.14) Island Lake Training Session
Place: Kent Lake Parking lot at Island Lake
Plan: Swim in Trout Lake then 1 lap on the road
Time: 7:45ish we will walk over to Trout at 8am
2014-05-29 12:29 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
50 minute run this morning (12x30" speed intervals with 2' recoveries) and 30 minute swim at lunch

Mark 21 24:08:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Mitch 19 24:24:52
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 17 24:57:55
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Jim 18 17:51:11
Bruno 18 23:00:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
Gabe 15 20:59:00
2014-05-29 12:36 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
For runch I did a 5 mile fartlek funday.

Mark 21 24:08:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Mitch 19 24:24:52
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 17 24:57:55
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Jim 19 18:33:33
Bruno 18 23:00:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
Gabe 15 20:59:00
2014-05-29 3:02 PM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
13k run after work..
Happen to run past commercial shooting with a mermaid, guy on an ocean kayak and lots of artificial fog making it look like arctic conditions. Poor mermaid, couldn't swim in this outfit and had to be carried on a tarp by 2 guys. Looked funny.

Mark 22 25:28:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Mitch 19 24:24:52
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 17 24:57:55
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Jim 19 18:33:33
Bruno 18 23:00:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
Gabe 15 20:59:00

Interesting short article on recovery by Dean Karnazes:

Edited by markz 2014-05-29 3:11 PM

2014-05-29 9:27 PM
in reply to: markz

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Mark 22 25:28:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Mitch 19 24:24:52
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 20 28:20:01 (when you're slow, it takes more time)
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Jim 19 18:33:33
Bruno 18 23:00:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
Gabe 15 20:59:00

Does kayaking count? I didn't add it in, but it was the most challenging paddle I've ever done. Swift current, lots of logs down, narrow openings and I was in a 16' boat! I survived, but it was a lot of work!

Gabe, nice swim! Dennis, I wish I could help with the Garmin workouts. Mine look like that too. That may not be good.

Joe, thanks for the tips. Hopefully I'll be doing another swim lesson soon.
2014-05-30 2:06 AM
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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by jackiep

Does kayaking count? I didn't add it in, but it was the most challenging paddle I've ever done. Swift current, lots of logs down, narrow openings and I was in a 16' boat! I survived, but it was a lot of work!


x2 about kayaking . Just got back and the paddle against the wind was demoralising more than biking against the wind. I love it though.

Edited by markz 2014-05-30 2:07 AM
2014-05-30 12:09 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Thursday I ran for 30 minutes and completed 30 minutes of speedwork in the pool. Then I finished staining the deck... I love how my back is sore, not from training but from the stupid deck. ha.

Mark 22 25:28:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Mitch 19 24:24:52
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 20 28:20:01 (when you're slow, it takes more time)
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Jim 19 18:33:33
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
Gabe 15 20:59:00
2014-05-30 12:48 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
50:42 on the bike

Mark 22 25:28:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Mitch 19 24:24:52
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 20 28:20:01 (when you're slow, it takes more time)
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Jim 20 19:24:15
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
Gabe 15 20:59:00
2014-05-30 3:57 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
44 minute on the mountain bike pulling 65 pounds (4 year old on her Wee Hoo tow behind)

Mark 22 25:28:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Jackie 20 28:20:01 (when you're slow, it takes more time)
Mitch 20 25:09:00
Jim 20 19:24:15
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Drew 16 19:07:28
Gabe 15 20:59:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24

2014-05-30 8:28 PM
in reply to: 0

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Thanks Gabe and rest assured that I will NOT swim alone and I'm actually going to go to my first OWS tonight with the local Triathlon group in the nearby lake. I will post details tomorrow as to how it went.

Anyone using the Garmin 910Xt wish to share some of their swim workouts with me? I just started using one in my swim workouts and am trying to analyze the results but it would probably help to see others and compare. Right now it looks like I’m all over the map as far as efficiency and stroke go.

1000yd set this morning:

2nd set with a Pull Buoy:

Edited by JoePetto 2014-05-31 6:25 AM
2014-05-30 8:42 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals SuccessP
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Thanks Gabe and rest assured that I will NOT swim alone and I'm actually going to go to my first OWS tonight with the local Triathlon group in the nearby lake. I will post details tomorrow as to how it went.

Anyone using the Garmin 910Xt wish to share some of their swim workouts with me? I just started using one in my swim workouts and am trying to analyze the results but it would probably help to see others and compare. Right now it looks like I’m all over the map as far as efficiency and stroke go.

1000yd set this morning:

2nd set with a Pull Buoy:

Actually, your numbers are fairly consistent. Strokes per length range from 12 -14 and your lap times don't vary that all that much over 1000 yards. So, the good news is that you are consistent over 1000 yds.

By contrast, when I swim 1000 yd sets I slow down. Granted, my pace starts in the low 1:30s and drifts upwards to high 1:40s. My strokes per length get worse too. 1000 yard time trials are good, but they limit your ability to improve and should be used for benchmarking purposes (or if training for long course or IM), Try swimming 20 x 50 or 10 x 100 amd work on keeping consistent pacing. Ideally, like running negative splits,really strong swimmers get faster the longer they swim into sets - these are called descending sets. For example, try swimming a 10 x 100 set where the first five intervals each get progressively faster. Start. Slow and then add speed. Then repeat the same for the next 5 starting easy and then getting faster for each interval.

Lastly, use your Garmin to track SWOLF scores. Practicing on taking the fewest strokes possible as quickly as possibly forces you to swim efficiently - which really is the key measure for us non-natural swimmers. Efficient swimmers exert less energy and maintain speed, which is key for longer distance tris.
2014-05-30 8:53 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Mark 22 25:28:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Jackie 21 28:58:35
Mitch 20 25:09:00
Jim 20 19:24:15
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Drew 16 19:07:28
Gabe 15 20:59:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
2014-05-30 9:05 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Updating 1hr drainer on Wed night and today 9 mile run + 2k interval swim at lunch

Mark 22 25:28:00 
Joe 21 21:43:09 
Jackie 21 28:58:35 
Mitch 20 25:09:00 
Jim 20 19:24:15 
Bruno 19 24:00:00 
Dennis 18 26:08:15 
Drew 16 19:07:28 
Gabe 17 24:04:00 
Lisa 13 14:17:24

2014-05-31 12:34 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
33k run this morning. Yipee. It was a struggle in the end, but it I'm glad I did it. Got powdered Gatorade (in a zip bag) to add to the water and it worked fine.

Mark 23 29:01:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Jackie 21 28:58:35
Mitch 20 25:09:00
Jim 20 19:24:15
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Drew 16 19:07:28
Gabe 17 24:04:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24

2014-05-31 7:59 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
30 minute swim followed by 50 minute run this morning

Mark 23 29:01:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Jackie 21 28:58:35
Mitch 21 26:29:11
Jim 20 19:24:15
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Drew 16 19:07:28
Gabe 17 24:04:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24
2014-05-31 3:05 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Good run Mark and congrats on taking the May Challenge!  

Today a 54 mile bike ride with good climbing.  It had been about 6-7 weeks since my last outdoor ride, so it felt really nice to be out again! 

Mark 23 29:01:00 
Joe 21 21:43:09 
Jackie 21 28:58:35 
Mitch 21 26:29:11 
Jim 20 19:24:15 
Bruno 19 24:00:00 
Dennis 18 26:08:15 
Drew 16 19:07:28 
Gabe 18 27:34:00 
Lisa 13 14:17:24

2014-05-31 10:30 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by trigabe

Good run Mark and congrats on taking the May Challenge!  

Today a 54 mile bike ride with good climbing.  It had been about 6-7 weeks since my last outdoor ride, so it felt really nice to be out again! 

Mark 23 29:01:00 
Joe 21 21:43:09 
Jackie 21 28:58:35 
Mitch 21 26:29:11 
Jim 20 19:24:15 
Bruno 19 24:00:00 
Dennis 18 26:08:15 
Drew 16 19:07:28 
Gabe 18 27:34:00 
Lisa 13 14:17:24

Thank you Gabe!
In accepting this award I would like to thank my supportive wife for putting up with those cold weekend mornings by herself, my daughter, for being able to entertain herself while I was out there running or biking, my sponsor - RSL for not overloading me with work and of course all of you fellow BTrs being part of this inspiring group. Thank you and muchas gracias.
2014-06-01 7:21 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Thank you Gabe!
In accepting this award I would like to thank my supportive wife for putting up with those cold weekend mornings by herself, my daughter, for being able to entertain herself while I was out there running or biking, my sponsor - RSL for not overloading me with work and of course all of you fellow BTrs being part of this inspiring group. Thank you and muchas gracias.

Amazing speech! Congrats!
2014-06-01 2:29 PM
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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Tapering for my first tri made me an absent poster the past week, so I have some catching up to do. Looks like I finished in 5th place last month. Need to do better in June if I want to get that podium spot!

Here is a breakdown of my entire month:
21 days of some kind of training
32 total activities
1 sprint tri (my first!)
Total time: 23:04:18
Total distance: 223.39 mi

Swim: 5:30:41 - 9.58 mi
Bike: 11:02:32 - 167.92 mi
Run: 6:27:57 - 45.88 mi

And the updated leaderboard:

Mark 23 29:01:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Jackie 21 28:58:35
Mitch 21 26:29:11
Drew 21 23:04:18
Jim 20 19:24:15
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Gabe 18 27:34:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24

Edited by Meathead 2014-06-01 2:45 PM

2014-06-01 2:32 PM
in reply to: Meathead

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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
As for my first tri...I survived it! Not only did I survive, but I had so much fun doing it. It was a sprint. I finished in 1:38:50 & placed 9th in my division (novice) despite finishing third in the swim & fifth in the run. Riding a heavy 20 year old mountain bike killed me. I lost 10 minutes on the bike compared to the rest of my division & only 8 minutes separated me from the guy who placed first in the division. It may be time to start dropping more than just subtle hints to the wife that I want a new lighter faster bike!
2014-06-01 3:53 PM
in reply to: Meathead

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by Meathead

As for my first tri...I survived it! Not only did I survive, but I had so much fun doing it. It was a sprint. I finished in 1:38:50 & placed 9th in my division (novice) despite finishing third in the swim & fifth in the run. Riding a heavy 20 year old mountain bike killed me. I lost 10 minutes on the bike compared to the rest of my division & only 8 minutes separated me from the guy who placed first in the division. It may be time to start dropping more than just subtle hints to the wife that I want a new lighter faster bike!

Congratulations Drew! Looks like you really enjoyed it and are now officially hooked. Great!
What kind of tires you had? 1.5" slicks that you can inflate to 65psi make a big difference vs wide knobby ones. But of course a road bike would be better, even a 20yo one.
2014-06-01 4:51 PM
in reply to: markz

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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
I had slicks on it. High pressure tires that I had 90psi in. The bike was smooth & I did good with my gears. What killed me was being upright on the MTB when we came on downhills. Even leaning forward, it was just too much drag & I could feel it pounding my chest. The fastest I got up to on the entire ride was 30MPH & I averaged 15.7 MPH.

Here's my entire ride from my Garmin:
2014-06-02 1:41 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Nice job Mark! Also, I loved the article you posted. That's pretty much my philosophy these days (within reason, of course).

I could add in three more days to the May log but that seems pointless now. Hooray for June! We're up in the mountains now and have logged two rounds of canoeing, one of hiking, one regular run and one trail run since arriving on Thursday. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll have time (and that the weather will cooperate) so I can fit a run and ride in tomorrow.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
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