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2016-01-04 12:13 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by johnthecat Just sent a Strava request as well. Haven't used it much in the past, but I saw how many people are on there so that should keep me better motivated.

I think that Chris got you in.  Strava is good for an overview of what training everyone in the group is doing.  It's also a good way to "steal" routes from others in your area.  It is no fun to use unless you have at least a handful of folks that you are using it with.

Are you paying attention Laura?  (should I call you Laura C or Laura Y?)

2016-01-04 12:16 PM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Welcome David!

I just finished adding everyone to my friends list and have completed my roster table. Although I do have a few people in it that I anticipate showing up still. And room for more...

2016-01-04 12:18 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by johnthecat Just sent a Strava request as well. Haven't used it much in the past, but I saw how many people are on there so that should keep me better motivated.

I think that Chris got you in.  Strava is good for an overview of what training everyone in the group is doing.  It's also a good way to "steal" routes from others in your area.  It is no fun to use unless you have at least a handful of folks that you are using it with.

Are you paying attention Laura?  (should I call you Laura C or Laura Y?)

I went with "Y" although I'm probably wrong. As a husband and father of 2 girls, I'm used to being wrong

2016-01-04 12:20 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by cdban66

Welcome David!

I just finished adding everyone to my friends list and have completed my roster table. Although I do have a few people in it that I anticipate showing up still. And room for more...

Mary S is on her way over soon.  She promised!

2016-01-04 12:21 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Hi, I'm Yanti! (Yanti Ardie on FB)

- Grew up in Indonesia, went to the U.S. for university, did a few sports at high level (swimming, badminton, martial arts)
- Got really fat (like close to 130kg/300lb fat and I'm 5'3"ish). Drank a lot. Got sober. Got suckered into doing a charity marathon in 2004. Here I am now!
- Moved back to Indonesia 2009. With a group of fellow former partiers (used to heckle runners on our way home Sunday mornings) started the triathlon & endurance sport scene here in Indonesia and it's now HUGE! Ravers gotta rave.

Life status: I'm 39 and married one of history's greatest athletes while we were doing the run course of Ironman WA. It ended up in the ER and StaceyK of the Mastiffs had to carry him home. We're both crazy animal people. We live in Perth (his home city), Bali, and Jakarta (my elderly mom who has Alzheimer's lives there)--sometimes together, sometimes apart. I work for our family business (shrimp farms), as a coach, and my husband and I just started a business developing an ultra-quality, ultra-secure GPS tracker.

Current training: Took a few weeks off after Ironman WA on Dec. 6th (funny, I know both the dates I finished Ironmans but can't remember my wedding anniversary--I didn't finish that one!) and have been working insane hours. Am slowly building up from zero now, have been running for a week.

I'd be a good Manatee because … who am I fooling?! I'm an awful Manatee. I do have longevity on my side, though (I miscounted last year--I think it's 14 seasons now!). I do stalk and pop in when it seems I have something relevant (or irrelevant or irreverent or just plain inappropriate) to contribute, often regarding swimming.

2016 Races: If anyone tells my husband or sister, you will be shot. I get freebie slots and/or partial sponsorships, so I show up to network at events and have a training day on course and go however far I can. Right now IM Asia-Pacific seems eager for me to finish the IMs I DNF'ed.

January 17      Rockingham Tri        sprint tri                      Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 26      Rotto Rehearsal       10K ocean swim        Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 31      Busselton                  Olympic tri                 Busselton, AUSTRALIA
March 5          Ironman New Zealand                                  Taupo, NEW ZEALAND
March 19        Port2Pub                    20K ocean swim       Perth, AUSTRALIA
April 3             Putrajaya 70.3                                               Putrajaya, MALAYSIA
April 23           Sungailiat Tri             sprint tri                       Bangka, INDONESIA
May 10            Vietnam 70.3                                                 Da Nang, VIETNAM
June 12            Ironman Cairns                                            Cairns, AUSTRALIA
July 5               Bali Ocean Swim       10K ocean swim       Bali, INDONESIA
August 28        Ironman Vichy                                               Vichy, FRANCE
November 12   Ironman Malaysia                                         Langkawi, MALAYSIA
December 4    Ironman Western Australia                           Busselton, AUSTRALIA

2016-01-04 12:22 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by Jet Black

NAME: Sean
STORY: Good at math (engineer - for now, sweating more layoffs in the oil patch). I played lots of sports growing up, including summer swim team from age 5-17, but decided to stick with basketball when I got to high school. Graduated college, got fat, had a kid, realized I got fat, started getting active. Saw a local triathlon in my neighborhood in fall of 2014 and said to myself "I can do this!", then went home and told my wife I was going to do an Ironman.
FAMILY STATUS: Married with two boys ages 3 & 5, & a 9 year old black lab.
CURRENT TRAINING: LOTS. Just started base 2 of 3 (then 2 builds) for IMTX.
THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: IMTX, will probably do an olympic leading up to IMTX. Will probably take a break then do some sprints in the fall.
GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: Would like to lose 5 lbs of fat before IMTX, the heat can be real. Stretch goal is sub 11 hrs, will be disappointed if I don't break 12.
WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I have an obsessive/compulsive personality!

Tough time in the engineering field eh? I'm an environmental engineer and I work at a large consulting company. we've gone from 9100 employees in September 2014 to 6700 employees now. It's been a tough year!

2016-01-04 12:22 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by johnthecat
Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by jmkizer

This is what I have for the roster so far.  Please feel free to correct me!

Active Manatees:

Chris, Erin, Judi, Ben, Stacey, Lisa, Kirsten/Ox, Robin K, TJ, Darren, Mary G, Ann-Marie, Jen, Karen, Adam, Tom, Dicky (love the name superfunkyfresh!), Dave, Laura/Daffodil (last initial?), Mark, Jim, Markus, Connor, moi

Needs to post bio: Kevin (microdoc), Robin (ceilidh)

MIA: Yaniti, Melanie, Mary S, Monica, Laura, Tom A, Randee, Steve

Jeez, I guess I need to post more, so easily forgotten! Bio in a sec, but wanted to say I have the 920 and use it to swim and find it is really good. No complaints, but I also don't really have anything to compare it to. I do have to say that my masters coach hates it, because she's apparently not very good at math and I always let her know when my yards don't match what she's got for the workout. (I know the watch is right because I hit the lap button for every interval)
Sean, where do you go for your Masters? I can also second the 920. I barely got mine around Thanksgiving time and haven't gotten many swims in, but so far it's been accurate on the lap/distance count.

I use the 910. It's usually pretty accurate for counting laps on its own. There have been times that it gave me an extra lap or two.

2016-01-04 12:29 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Hi, I'm Yanti! (Yanti Ardie on FB)

- Grew up in Indonesia, went to the U.S. for university, did a few sports at high level (swimming, badminton, martial arts)
- Got really fat (like close to 130kg/300lb fat and I'm 5'3"ish). Drank a lot. Got sober. Got suckered into doing a charity marathon in 2004. Here I am now!
- Moved back to Indonesia 2009. With a group of fellow former partiers (used to heckle runners on our way home Sunday mornings) started the triathlon & endurance sport scene here in Indonesia and it's now HUGE! Ravers gotta rave.

Life status: I'm 39 and married one of history's greatest athletes while we were doing the run course of Ironman WA. It ended up in the ER and StaceyK of the Mastiffs had to carry him home. We're both crazy animal people. We live in Perth (his home city), Bali, and Jakarta (my elderly mom who has Alzheimer's lives there)--sometimes together, sometimes apart. I work for our family business (shrimp farms), as a coach, and my husband and I just started a business developing an ultra-quality, ultra-secure GPS tracker.

Current training: Took a few weeks off after Ironman WA on Dec. 6th (funny, I know both the dates I finished Ironmans but can't remember my wedding anniversary--I didn't finish that one!) and have been working insane hours. Am slowly building up from zero now, have been running for a week.

I'd be a good Manatee because … who am I fooling?! I'm an awful Manatee. I do have longevity on my side, though (I miscounted last year--I think it's 14 seasons now!). I do stalk and pop in when it seems I have something relevant (or irrelevant or irreverent or just plain inappropriate) to contribute, often regarding swimming.

2016 Races: If anyone tells my husband or sister, you will be shot. I get freebie slots and/or partial sponsorships, so I show up to network at events and have a training day on course and go however far I can. Right now IM Asia-Pacific seems eager for me to finish the IMs I DNF'ed.

January 17      Rockingham Tri        sprint tri                      Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 26      Rotto Rehearsal       10K ocean swim        Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 31      Busselton                  Olympic tri                 Busselton, AUSTRALIA
March 5          Ironman New Zealand                                  Taupo, NEW ZEALAND
March 19        Port2Pub                    20K ocean swim       Perth, AUSTRALIA
April 3             Putrajaya 70.3                                               Putrajaya, MALAYSIA
April 23           Sungailiat Tri             sprint tri                       Bangka, INDONESIA
May 10            Vietnam 70.3                                                 Da Nang, VIETNAM
June 12            Ironman Cairns                                            Cairns, AUSTRALIA
July 5               Bali Ocean Swim       10K ocean swim       Bali, INDONESIA
August 28        Ironman Vichy                                               Vichy, FRANCE
November 12   Ironman Malaysia                                         Langkawi, MALAYSIA
December 4    Ironman Western Australia                           Busselton, AUSTRALIA

Way to fill out the Racing Manatees list!

2016-01-04 12:32 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

January 17      Rockingham Tri        sprint tri                      Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 26      Rotto Rehearsal       10K ocean swim        Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 31      Busselton                  Olympic tri                 Busselton, AUSTRALIA
March 5          Ironman New Zealand                                  Taupo, NEW ZEALAND
March 19        Port2Pub                    20K ocean swim       Perth, AUSTRALIA
April 3             Putrajaya 70.3                                               Putrajaya, MALAYSIA
April 23           Sungailiat Tri             sprint tri                       Bangka, INDONESIA
May 10            Vietnam 70.3                                                 Da Nang, VIETNAM
June 12            Ironman Cairns                                            Cairns, AUSTRALIA
July 5               Bali Ocean Swim       10K ocean swim       Bali, INDONESIA
August 28        Ironman Vichy                                               Vichy, FRANCE
November 12   Ironman Malaysia                                         Langkawi, MALAYSIA
December 4    Ironman Western Australia                           Busselton, AUSTRALIA

Way to fill out the Racing Manatees list!

Those two are the fault of Stace Face (StaceyK). She pulled some fached-up Jedi mind trick on Kingsley and I whilst we were in pre-Ironman daze. Admittedly she'll also be hauling us around sometimes I think we are her 9th and 10th mastiffs ...

2016-01-04 12:41 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by Daffodil

Originally posted by Jet Black

NAME: Sean
STORY: Good at math (engineer - for now, sweating more layoffs in the oil patch). I played lots of sports growing up, including summer swim team from age 5-17, but decided to stick with basketball when I got to high school. Graduated college, got fat, had a kid, realized I got fat, started getting active. Saw a local triathlon in my neighborhood in fall of 2014 and said to myself "I can do this!", then went home and told my wife I was going to do an Ironman.
FAMILY STATUS: Married with two boys ages 3 & 5, & a 9 year old black lab.
CURRENT TRAINING: LOTS. Just started base 2 of 3 (then 2 builds) for IMTX.
THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: IMTX, will probably do an olympic leading up to IMTX. Will probably take a break then do some sprints in the fall.
GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: Would like to lose 5 lbs of fat before IMTX, the heat can be real. Stretch goal is sub 11 hrs, will be disappointed if I don't break 12.
WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I have an obsessive/compulsive personality!

Tough time in the engineering field eh? I'm an environmental engineer and I work at a large consulting company. we've gone from 9100 employees in September 2014 to 6700 employees now. It's been a tough year!

Yep. Our Gulf of Mexico business cut around 20% beginning of last year. Now we're going to cut 25% of what's left beginning of this year. <>
2016-01-04 12:44 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by johnthecat

Originally posted by Jet Black

Originally posted by jmkizer

This is what I have for the roster so far.  Please feel free to correct me!

Active Manatees:

Chris, Erin, Judi, Ben, Stacey, Lisa, Kirsten/Ox, Robin K, TJ, Darren, Mary G, Ann-Marie, Jen, Karen, Adam, Tom, Dicky (love the name superfunkyfresh!), Dave, Laura/Daffodil (last initial?), Mark, Jim, Markus, Connor, moi

Needs to post bio: Kevin (microdoc), Robin (ceilidh)

MIA: Yaniti, Melanie, Mary S, Monica, Laura, Tom A, Randee, Steve

Jeez, I guess I need to post more, so easily forgotten!

Bio in a sec, but wanted to say I have the 920 and use it to swim and find it is really good. No complaints, but I also don't really have anything to compare it to. I do have to say that my masters coach hates it, because she's apparently not very good at math and I always let her know when my yards don't match what she's got for the workout. (I know the watch is right because I hit the lap button for every interval)

Sean, where do you go for your Masters?

I can also second the 920. I barely got mine around Thanksgiving time and haven't gotten many swims in, but so far it's been accurate on the lap/distance count.

I swim at Memorial Athletic Club MWF mornings (5:30-7). There are TTH evening practices too, but I'm not sure what time.

Good to have you aboard!

2016-01-04 1:04 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Now that Canada geese have taken over all of the ponds in my area, Canada appears to be intent on sharing their air with us.  It's gonna be quite cold for my morning run tomorrow (low 20s (-6C), cold by NC standards. What are you favorite cold weather running tights?

My fave are my CW-X (I even received a new pair for Christmas). They are supportive for my ITBS and warm. win-win!

I have a pair of CW-X insulators that I like pretty well.  I thought I'd ask around before obtaining a second pair.  Two pair of heavier weight tights/pants plus laundry should be ok.  So far we have a vote for CW-X tights and one for Brooks pants.

I abstain from voting

Seems I did, but it was discounted.

There are a number of things that should work well though.

The last time I wore tights the wife gave me a telling off for laddering them.
2016-01-04 1:05 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by rrrunner

I can also second the 920. I barely got mine around Thanksgiving time and haven't gotten many swims in, but so far it's been accurate on the lap/distance count.

I use the 910. It's usually pretty accurate for counting laps on its own. There have been times that it gave me an extra lap or two.

I also requested to join the Strava group.

I'm in the minority, but I have a Suunto Ambit 2 S watch that I love. It's good (but not perfect) in open water and flawless for counting laps in the pool (well, with the exception of drill work). I paid significantly less than the cost of a Garmin 910, including HR monitor, from Amazon a few months ago. Suunto's software integrates directly with Strava (though I prefer Suunto's software).

2016-01-04 1:10 PM
in reply to: CRFTX2001

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 Can I join? I've been a member of BT since April 2015 and would like to join a mentor group. Name: Connor Story: I'm 14 years old, but I've been through a lot. At birth both of my kidneys failed and I was in and out of hospitals for the first year of my life. I had a transplant at 10 months and am one of the first ten people to not be on steroids afterwards. I started running at 11 years old despite the doctors telling me I wouldn't be any good at it because I wouldn't be able to keep hydrated. I kept running and never looked back. I just recently started doing triathlons and am loving it so far. Family Status: Both parents, one younger sister, two dogs, and two cats Current Training: Right now I'm on a junior elite team (although I am in no way. shape, or form an elite) whose main goal is to prepare us for possibly going to the 2020 or 2024 Olympics. We are sprint focused and train 5 days a week together: two run/swim days and three bike/run days. Races/Events: Mostly local sprint races, but I may be chosen to go to a national qualifier if my swimming improves. There is a policy that if you are caught by the person in first place, you are disqualified. Goals/Objectives/Desires: I want to learn more about the sport of triathlon. My hope is that if I have a question, you have an answer, and vice-versa. What makes you a good Manatee: I am open to any advice or suggestions. If it works, I'm willing to do it.

The force is strong in this one

2016-01-04 1:24 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
If there's room for another rookie count me in!

NAME: Justin

STORY: I'm a 33 year old male with a wife and 8-month old son. I currently live in Texas and am originally from Canada. In between I've spent 4 years in Boston and about 9 in NYC. I grew up playing just about every sport possible and was a college rugby player until I moved to NY and worked 20 hour days and put on about 30lbs. Since moving to TX about 3 years ago I decided trying a triathlon would be fun and ever since I've been hooked. Last year was my 1st full year of competing and I did 3 or 4 Olympic distance races and 1 1/2 Ironman. I was top 3 in my age group in all my races except for 1 Olympic where I tried a new strategy I read somewhere (probably BT ) and in the 70.3 where there were a TON of competitors in my age group. I love the sport because I can train on my own at odd hours and at age 33 still be competitive.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 1 son.

CURRENT TRAINING: I took 2 swim lessons last year but otherwise I just train by myself. I'll also occasionally join a group ride but 95% of my training is solo.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I'd like to do at least 1 1/2 Ironman and ideally 4 (give or take) Olympic distance races this year

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to meet some like minded people that share the same passion and drive as I do. I love pushing the limits of what I can do and seeing my race times drop and pushing my body to its limit has made me really passionate about triathlon.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Being completely self-trained, I've probably done 100 things wrong for every strategic thing I've done right. I always have a lot of questions and enjoy discussing the sport. To the extent I can ever provide guidance I'm always willing to chime in.
2016-01-04 1:33 PM
in reply to: TXTriRook

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by TXTriRook If there's room for another rookie count me in! NAME: Justin STORY: I'm a 33 year old male with a wife and 8-month old son. I currently live in Texas and am originally from Canada. In between I've spent 4 years in Boston and about 9 in NYC. I grew up playing just about every sport possible and was a college rugby player until I moved to NY and worked 20 hour days and put on about 30lbs. Since moving to TX about 3 years ago I decided trying a triathlon would be fun and ever since I've been hooked. Last year was my 1st full year of competing and I did 3 or 4 Olympic distance races and 1 1/2 Ironman. I was top 3 in my age group in all my races except for 1 Olympic where I tried a new strategy I read somewhere (probably BT ) and in the 70.3 where there were a TON of competitors in my age group. I love the sport because I can train on my own at odd hours and at age 33 still be competitive. FAMILY STATUS: Married with 1 son. CURRENT TRAINING: I took 2 swim lessons last year but otherwise I just train by myself. I'll also occasionally join a group ride but 95% of my training is solo. THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I'd like to do at least 1 1/2 Ironman and ideally 4 (give or take) Olympic distance races this year GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to meet some like minded people that share the same passion and drive as I do. I love pushing the limits of what I can do and seeing my race times drop and pushing my body to its limit has made me really passionate about triathlon. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Being completely self-trained, I've probably done 100 things wrong for every strategic thing I've done right. I always have a lot of questions and enjoy discussing the sport. To the extent I can ever provide guidance I'm always willing to chime in.

I think we've hit the limit on Texans

2016-01-04 1:39 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by TXTriRook If there's room for another rookie count me in! NAME: Justin STORY: I'm a 33 year old male with a wife and 8-month old son. I currently live in Texas and am originally from Canada. In between I've spent 4 years in Boston and about 9 in NYC. I grew up playing just about every sport possible and was a college rugby player until I moved to NY and worked 20 hour days and put on about 30lbs. Since moving to TX about 3 years ago I decided trying a triathlon would be fun and ever since I've been hooked. Last year was my 1st full year of competing and I did 3 or 4 Olympic distance races and 1 1/2 Ironman. I was top 3 in my age group in all my races except for 1 Olympic where I tried a new strategy I read somewhere (probably BT ) and in the 70.3 where there were a TON of competitors in my age group. I love the sport because I can train on my own at odd hours and at age 33 still be competitive. FAMILY STATUS: Married with 1 son. CURRENT TRAINING: I took 2 swim lessons last year but otherwise I just train by myself. I'll also occasionally join a group ride but 95% of my training is solo. THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I'd like to do at least 1 1/2 Ironman and ideally 4 (give or take) Olympic distance races this year GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to meet some like minded people that share the same passion and drive as I do. I love pushing the limits of what I can do and seeing my race times drop and pushing my body to its limit has made me really passionate about triathlon. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Being completely self-trained, I've probably done 100 things wrong for every strategic thing I've done right. I always have a lot of questions and enjoy discussing the sport. To the extent I can ever provide guidance I'm always willing to chime in.

I think we've hit the limit on Texans

Well, technically we have hit the limit for Canadians in Texas.  Two is enough, right?

2016-01-04 1:44 PM
in reply to: IronOx

User image

Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by TXTriRook If there's room for another rookie count me in! NAME: Justin STORY: I'm a 33 year old male with a wife and 8-month old son. I currently live in Texas and am originally from Canada. In between I've spent 4 years in Boston and about 9 in NYC. I grew up playing just about every sport possible and was a college rugby player until I moved to NY and worked 20 hour days and put on about 30lbs. Since moving to TX about 3 years ago I decided trying a triathlon would be fun and ever since I've been hooked. Last year was my 1st full year of competing and I did 3 or 4 Olympic distance races and 1 1/2 Ironman. I was top 3 in my age group in all my races except for 1 Olympic where I tried a new strategy I read somewhere (probably BT ) and in the 70.3 where there were a TON of competitors in my age group. I love the sport because I can train on my own at odd hours and at age 33 still be competitive. FAMILY STATUS: Married with 1 son. CURRENT TRAINING: I took 2 swim lessons last year but otherwise I just train by myself. I'll also occasionally join a group ride but 95% of my training is solo. THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I'd like to do at least 1 1/2 Ironman and ideally 4 (give or take) Olympic distance races this year GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to meet some like minded people that share the same passion and drive as I do. I love pushing the limits of what I can do and seeing my race times drop and pushing my body to its limit has made me really passionate about triathlon. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Being completely self-trained, I've probably done 100 things wrong for every strategic thing I've done right. I always have a lot of questions and enjoy discussing the sport. To the extent I can ever provide guidance I'm always willing to chime in.

I think we've hit the limit on Texans

Well, technically we have hit the limit for Canadians in Texas.  Two is enough, right?

I thought about adding that element too. 

2016-01-04 1:44 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

January 17      Rockingham Tri        sprint tri                      Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 26      Rotto Rehearsal       10K ocean swim        Perth, AUSTRALIA
January 31      Busselton                  Olympic tri                 Busselton, AUSTRALIA
March 5          Ironman New Zealand                                  Taupo, NEW ZEALAND
March 19        Port2Pub                    20K ocean swim       Perth, AUSTRALIA
April 3             Putrajaya 70.3                                               Putrajaya, MALAYSIA
April 23           Sungailiat Tri             sprint tri                       Bangka, INDONESIA
May 10            Vietnam 70.3                                                 Da Nang, VIETNAM
June 12            Ironman Cairns                                            Cairns, AUSTRALIA
July 5               Bali Ocean Swim       10K ocean swim       Bali, INDONESIA
August 28        Ironman Vichy                                               Vichy, FRANCE
November 12   Ironman Malaysia                                         Langkawi, MALAYSIA
December 4    Ironman Western Australia                           Busselton, AUSTRALIA

Way to fill out the Racing Manatees list!

Those two are the fault of Stace Face (StaceyK). She pulled some fached-up Jedi mind trick on Kingsley and I whilst we were in pre-Ironman daze. Admittedly she'll also be hauling us around sometimes I think we are her 9th and 10th mastiffs ...

That's not the way she tells the story!

2016-01-04 1:45 PM
in reply to: awm007

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by awm007
Originally posted by rrrunner
I can also second the 920. I barely got mine around Thanksgiving time and haven't gotten many swims in, but so far it's been accurate on the lap/distance count.

I use the 910. It's usually pretty accurate for counting laps on its own. There have been times that it gave me an extra lap or two.

I also requested to join the Strava group. I'm in the minority, but I have a Suunto Ambit 2 S watch that I love. It's good (but not perfect) in open water and flawless for counting laps in the pool (well, with the exception of drill work). I paid significantly less than the cost of a Garmin 910, including HR monitor, from Amazon a few months ago. Suunto's software integrates directly with Strava (though I prefer Suunto's software). --Adam

You're in.  I am totally planning to steal routes from you! ;-)

2016-01-04 1:46 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by TXTriRook If there's room for another rookie count me in! NAME: Justin STORY: I'm a 33 year old male with a wife and 8-month old son. I currently live in Texas and am originally from Canada. In between I've spent 4 years in Boston and about 9 in NYC. I grew up playing just about every sport possible and was a college rugby player until I moved to NY and worked 20 hour days and put on about 30lbs. Since moving to TX about 3 years ago I decided trying a triathlon would be fun and ever since I've been hooked. Last year was my 1st full year of competing and I did 3 or 4 Olympic distance races and 1 1/2 Ironman. I was top 3 in my age group in all my races except for 1 Olympic where I tried a new strategy I read somewhere (probably BT ) and in the 70.3 where there were a TON of competitors in my age group. I love the sport because I can train on my own at odd hours and at age 33 still be competitive. FAMILY STATUS: Married with 1 son. CURRENT TRAINING: I took 2 swim lessons last year but otherwise I just train by myself. I'll also occasionally join a group ride but 95% of my training is solo. THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I'd like to do at least 1 1/2 Ironman and ideally 4 (give or take) Olympic distance races this year GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to meet some like minded people that share the same passion and drive as I do. I love pushing the limits of what I can do and seeing my race times drop and pushing my body to its limit has made me really passionate about triathlon. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Being completely self-trained, I've probably done 100 things wrong for every strategic thing I've done right. I always have a lot of questions and enjoy discussing the sport. To the extent I can ever provide guidance I'm always willing to chime in.

I think we've hit the limit on Texans

Well, technically we have hit the limit for Canadians in Texas.  Two is enough, right?

I thought about adding that element too. 

Canada seems to be running roughshod over us, eh? 

2016-01-04 1:47 PM
in reply to: 0

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by TXTriRook If there's room for another rookie count me in! NAME: Justin STORY: I'm a 33 year old male with a wife and 8-month old son. I currently live in Texas and am originally from Canada. In between I've spent 4 years in Boston and about 9 in NYC. I grew up playing just about every sport possible and was a college rugby player until I moved to NY and worked 20 hour days and put on about 30lbs. Since moving to TX about 3 years ago I decided trying a triathlon would be fun and ever since I've been hooked. Last year was my 1st full year of competing and I did 3 or 4 Olympic distance races and 1 1/2 Ironman. I was top 3 in my age group in all my races except for 1 Olympic where I tried a new strategy I read somewhere (probably BT ) and in the 70.3 where there were a TON of competitors in my age group. I love the sport because I can train on my own at odd hours and at age 33 still be competitive. FAMILY STATUS: Married with 1 son. CURRENT TRAINING: I took 2 swim lessons last year but otherwise I just train by myself. I'll also occasionally join a group ride but 95% of my training is solo. THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I'd like to do at least 1 1/2 Ironman and ideally 4 (give or take) Olympic distance races this year GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I hope to meet some like minded people that share the same passion and drive as I do. I love pushing the limits of what I can do and seeing my race times drop and pushing my body to its limit has made me really passionate about triathlon. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Being completely self-trained, I've probably done 100 things wrong for every strategic thing I've done right. I always have a lot of questions and enjoy discussing the sport. To the extent I can ever provide guidance I'm always willing to chime in.

I think we've hit the limit on Texans

And Canadians who now live in Texas!

ETA: ...err What Kirsten said!

Edited by jmkizer 2016-01-04 1:48 PM
2016-01-04 1:52 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Man, you guys are a tough crowd. I would have thought Canadians (especially those living in TX) adds nothing but greatness to your group!
2016-01-04 1:53 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016


If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it.  Finally, most of us use the training log on the site -- it's required unless you have a note from your coach.  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up.  

If you list your upcoming races on your training log  -- by adding to My Races or listing them in Dashboard, we'll celebrate with you!

We have a Bike Gallery and Pet Gallery.  Post a picture of your racing steed and draw Chris' attention to it.  He'll get you added.

We have a Strava group (  Let Chris or Janyne know and we can add you.  (PRO TIP:  If you decide to join the Strava group, check out They will sync from Garmin Connect to Strava in the background.)

We also have a TrainerRoad group that Darren manages for us: />
Oh, we're on Twitter too...  (post or PM your twitter name to Janyne to be added to the twitter list)

In the past, someone in the Pod (Yanti, Chris, Janyne) has created a table listing all of the pod members with links to their logs.  Once this handy dandy table has been created, feel free to copy/paste it to your own dashboard.

Please be active!  Inactive Manatees make us sad!

2016-01-04 1:55 PM
in reply to: TXTriRook

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by TXTriRook Man, you guys are a tough crowd. I would have thought Canadians (especially those living in TX) adds nothing but greatness to your group!

Oh, yes, Canadians are the best.  But you should stay in Canada, like me.  Texas is full of Texans.  And other 'Mericans.  

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
comments : 0
Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.