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2007-01-10 9:37 PM
in reply to: #648931

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

TitanIV - 2007-01-10 9:22 AM My training pretty good this week. We got a cold front so no swimming until it passes through as I swim in an outdoor pool :-) It is heated, but this FL boy isn't getting in and out of the pool in 50 degree weather! It's great for running though.

Nice run the negative split.

I'm with you on the cold weather and swimming.  My friends make fun of me when I won't get in the lake until June or July.

2007-01-10 9:39 PM
in reply to: #648560

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Bluejack - 2007-01-09 9:04 PM I've been feeling alitle weak today but I accomplished my bike training.  I feel pretty drained and I'm ready for my recovery week!

I know you don't need me to tell you, but what the heck.  Recovery is good stuff. 

Just checked your plan.  Whew!  2hr run and then 3hr bike on Sat.  Good Luck and Have Fun!

Edited by run joe run 2007-01-10 9:41 PM
2007-01-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I'm going to do my LT TTs next week during my recovery week for two of the shorter sessions.  My running is coming along fine and biking is about where I think it should be for endurence but no speed. Shoulder is slowing me down.  I'm still going to take it slow for swimming.  I think my technique is contributing to issues, I have been placing my arm across my body instead of straight ahead.  I have broad shoulders and this could be contributing. We'll see.
2007-01-12 6:43 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Week One down, eleven to go 'till raceday---Today is a rest day for me.  Perfect timing.  I felt a little ITB sensation in my knee yesterday after swimming, which is a first for me.  I'm extremely paranoid about developing ITBS again, so I'm happy to be resting today.  Tomorrow is also a rest day - I moved my whole plan ahead one day to get Saturday as my off day.  My wife will appreciated that.  She doesn't feel the effect of my training time during the week since I sneak most of it in during the day, but on the weekends I leave her high and dry with the kids, housework, etc.

All in all, it was a good week.  How was the week for everyone else?  What's shakin' for the weekend?  Any LSD plans?

2007-01-12 8:32 AM
in reply to: #651824

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Heading to Savannah today with Wicked Witch of the North. Got in a quick run (2.4 miles) and a quick swim this morning (around 900 or so yards). Had to move quick since at 9am the pool closes down for water aerobics.

WWOFTN and I will run down in Savannah. Hopefully, we will be back in time on Sunday to get in another swim and bike. If not, oh well, I'll just swap out Monday/Sunday on my plan.

2007-01-12 9:44 AM
in reply to: #651922

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

I'm back, with a red-eye flt hangover!  I'm suppose to swim later today, we'll see if I can get it in.  Need some sleep though, man Vegas kills you in reqgards to that...

BTW, you guys are all doing great.

2007-01-12 3:41 PM
in reply to: #652018

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Welcome back Don! Are you riding with us tomorrow morning. Lester wants a later start that might work well for you :-)
2007-01-12 3:42 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Hope eveyone had a good week of training. Enjoy the weekend!
2007-01-12 10:09 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I feel like wilted dog nuts after the two hour dreadmill last night.  ACK!  i sweat like a piggie.  I had a hard time staying hydrated.  What is the weather in Arizona in April?
2007-01-15 8:56 AM
in reply to: #653201

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Bluejack - 2007-01-12 10:09 PM I feel like wilted dog nuts after the two hour dreadmill last night.  ACK!  i sweat like a piggie.  I had a hard time staying hydrated.  What is the weather in Arizona in April?

Holy Crap! 2 hours on the treadmill? I thought the trainer was bad :-) Good job and good mental fortitude!

Last week I had a pretty good full week of training adding in more bike and starting swimming. Missed one run and one bike. Legs feel pretty good.

This week I want to be sure to get in all three bikes this week. I have an Oly race in 8 weeks and need to get that back up. Swimming is swimming :-) Need to get my swim endurance back up. Also increasing long run 1-2 miles this week. A big thing I need to work more on this week is diet. I'm not eating terrible, but not where I want to be yet.

2007-01-15 11:14 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Holy Cow!  I just spent over 48 hrs w/o BT!  I don't think I've been away more than 16-18 hrs since I first logged on last summer.  We were hit by a pretty bad Ice storm that started Friday and continued until last night.  We lost power Fri night and were without for about 48 hrs.  Luckily I was able to buy a generator Friday morning and since we have gas heat we weren't too bad off.  Had lots of friends and family stop by to get a warm shower, etc.  It didn't really have much impact on training as Fri and Sat were rest days.  I had a planned 1hr bike ride scheduled for yesterday.  I did it on the trainer, but was only able to go 35 mins before feeling some slight ITB pain in my knee.  Probably due to not enough stretching and/or warming up.  I'm sooooo freaking paranoid about ITBS that I stopped.  Oh well. 

Hope everyone else is well.

2007-01-15 11:30 AM
in reply to: #654942

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
run joe run - 2007-01-15 12:14 PM

Holy Cow!  I just spent over 48 hrs w/o BT!  I don't think I've been away more than 16-18 hrs since I first logged on last summer.  We were hit by a pretty bad Ice storm that started Friday and continued until last night.  We lost power Fri night and were without for about 48 hrs.  Luckily I was able to buy a generator Friday morning and since we have gas heat we weren't too bad off.  Had lots of friends and family stop by to get a warm shower, etc.  It didn't really have much impact on training as Fri and Sat were rest days.  I had a planned 1hr bike ride scheduled for yesterday.  I did it on the trainer, but was only able to go 35 mins before feeling some slight ITB pain in my knee.  Probably due to not enough stretching and/or warming up.  I'm sooooo freaking paranoid about ITBS that I stopped.  Oh well. 

Hope everyone else is well.

LOL, 48 hrs huh!  This past week was my longest WO BT, I Mon-Wed.  Logged on Thursday to show someone I meet who is an Ultra runner the BT site, He loved it and will probably see him on BT soon!

Bummer on the weather man.   Soundl like what I went through 2.5 years ago with the hurricanes.  We were smarter enough to buy a big enough portable gen to run the whole house, even the new central AC system!  Hope all is ok for you all sooner than later.


2007-01-15 11:35 AM
in reply to: #653201

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Bluejack - 2007-01-12 11:09 PM I feel like wilted dog nuts after the two hour dreadmill last night.  ACK!  i sweat like a piggie.  I had a hard time staying hydrated.  What is the weather in Arizona in April?

2 hours on a dreadmill, holy crap!  Man I have mind-bonk after 20 minutes   Great work to get that in, those mental excursions WILL pay dividends at IMAZ...

2007-01-16 8:54 AM
in reply to: #654972

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Scheduled "off" tomorrow - does this mean no strength training as well or just "off" from the 3 disciplines?  I haven't hit the weights lately and would like to get some in...

Thoughts from the group?

2007-01-16 9:31 AM
in reply to: #656116

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
LHablas - 2007-01-16 8:54 AM

Scheduled "off" tomorrow - does this mean no strength training as well or just "off" from the 3 disciplines? I haven't hit the weights lately and would like to get some in...

Thoughts from the group?

To me, off means off. No aerobics, weight training, nothing. The mental break is just as important as the physical break.
2007-01-16 9:44 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I usually take the day completely off. But if I feel pretty good, I will do some core or easy swim. As mentioned, the mental aspect is also important. There are people who train 7 days a week too though. Depends on your body.

2007-01-16 11:24 AM
in reply to: #656116

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
LHablas - 2007-01-16 9:54 AM

Scheduled "off" tomorrow - does this mean no strength training as well or just "off" from the 3 disciplines?  I haven't hit the weights lately and would like to get some in...

Thoughts from the group?

Personally I lift weights whenever it fits in, I treat "off" days as no aeobic training (S, B, R), but try to not lift if I'm going to be doing something long or hard the next day.  That said I lifted last night, 1 set full upper body (no legs) and swam long this AM.  Stiff and minor soreness that took a while to work out!

2007-01-16 11:26 AM
in reply to: #656322

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
2007-01-16 12:11 PM
in reply to: #656326

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

There have been a couple of threads on the main Tri forum recently about HR training.  I attached below a pdf with some HR Zone and general info that I made when I first discovered HR training in late 05/06.

Other notes I have to consider:

  • Remember that your heart rate increases as you become dehydrated. This phenomenon, called cardiac drift, occurs because dehydration causes a drop in blood volume, which means less blood is pumped with each heartbeat. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that heart rate increases seven beats per minute for each 1% loss in body weight due to dehydration. Running for 50 minutes in 70 degree heat can result in a loss of 11/2 to 3 lbs. That’s a 1% to 2% weight loss for a 150-lb. runner, which would increase heart rate by about seven to 14 BPM. If this runner is planning a tempo run at a heart rate of 160 to 166 BPM, she should account for the fact that her pace will slow during the run, and allow her heart rate to increase to about 170 to 175 BPM by the end.

  • Measure your heart rate during easy runs to safeguard against overtraining. The purpose of your easy runs is to recover from the stress of hard training and racing. If you do these runs too hard (as many runners do), you will become overtrained, with staleness eventually setting in. You can avoid this problem by tracking your heart rate on your easy days. Let’s say you typically run five miles in 38 minutes at a heart rate of 150 beats per minute (BPM). One day, however, you find your heart rate is 160 BPM during your regular five-mile easy run. That is most likely a sign that you should back off for a couple of days before doing your next hard workout or race. You may be overtrained or fighting a bug. Listening to your body in this way can help keep an illness from robbing you of days or weeks of training.

  • Don’t select your heart rate for racing based on measurements taken during training. Three studies from an international conference on the use of heart rate monitors, recently published in the Journal of Sports Sciences, reported that heart rate during racing is substantially higher than during training at the same pace. One study, from the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, found heart rates measured in a 10K race to be 20 BPM higher than while training at the same speed; during a marathon the rates were 19 BPM higher than when training at marathon race pace. The researchers write, “The heart rate difference could not be explained by differences in running terrain or added psychological stress.” I looked up a 1995 article that found the same phenomenon; there the authors speculate that “increased sympathetic arousal in the races” accounted for the difference. This suggests that the excitement of racing accounts, at least in part, for the higher heart rates. The upshot is that using training heart rates to select race paces will lead to slower-than-anticipated race times. As a result, you could end up racing up to 20 seconds per mile slower than your pace at the same heart rate during training—and that could turn a planned 2:37 marathon into a 2:46! This phenomenon in reverse can work against you too. For example, if you base your heart rate for tempo runs on your heart rate during a 10-mile race, you may end up doing your tempo runs too fast.

  • For myself, I found that during a sprint Tri in the summer my Run HR is usually ~10 bpm higher than the RPE I'm at. During the HIM in November, it was a nice and warm 84F and HR during the run started at 155 and went up to mid 160's within 2 miles and stayed there, this was with a PRE of 2-3 which for Z1 should have been <140.  When training in the summer heat & humidity, I forget HR after 20 minutes or so.  If it is nice cool and dry, the race HR may be closer to your LT zones, at least for me it is.  Hence it is important to learn the relationship between HR Zones and Rate of Perceived Effort (RPE).

    RPE Zone

     HR Zone



    Complete Rest



    Very Weak: light walking



    Weak: strong walk, very slow run, easy conversation pace



    Moderate: easy run, begin to sweat, but can hold conversation throughout


     Z1 Upper

    Somewhat Strong: still easy, sweating a bit more



    Strong, Extensive endurance


     Z2 Upper

    Strong, Extensive endurance breathing becoming labored



    Very Strong: Intensive endurance/muscular endurance, breathing very labored, but can still maintain pace for some minutes without slowing.



    Hard: Workouts that are ‘hard’ session during the week. 



    Very Hard: May not be able hold effort for long, or 5k race pace for MOP to FOP racers



    Extremely Hard: Anaerobic endurance / power 

Hope this helps...

Joe Friel's Training Bible exerpts (Ken Mierke and Mike Ricci).pdf (74KB - 28 downloads)
2007-01-16 3:50 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Good info - Thanks

2007-01-16 4:09 PM
in reply to: #656405

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Thanks for the article, Don.  Good info...based upon the article, I may just take tomorrow off and do weights on Thursday, after my swim.

2007-01-16 9:28 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I'm going to get my HRZs with two tinme trials later this week.  I'm probably training a lot in RPE 4 instead of 2-3 like I should be.  We will see. Thanks for the great info.
2007-01-17 8:14 AM
in reply to: #656326

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
DRM - 2007-01-16 11:26 AM

So Jonothan, did you buy it yet ????

A little birdie told me that the wife snuck into all3sports and put $1000 down to hold a size medium for me. Have to wait until this weekend to find out the rest of the story.

Sent her 18 roses today as a thank you.
2007-01-17 10:04 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Article I saw today

As triathletes, a lot of our training includes high-intensity workouts or workout sessions that lasts more than 60 minutes. Refueling your body post-exercise is most important for recovery. I think the following tips regarding food & liquid replacement are helpful. Enjoy your workouts!

Understand why your body needs refueling.
During exercise your body breaks down tissues and uses energy (primarily carbohydrates) stored in the blood, liver and muscle. Replenishing the energy lost in the muscle (stored as glycogen) is essential for muscle recovery. Eating properly post-exercise is crucial to ensuring that your subsequent workouts are productive and enjoyable.

Learn why fluid replacement is essential.
The harder and longer you exercise, the more fluid you lose through perspiration and exhalation. When its extremely hot or humid, keeping hydrated is more difficult than staying hydrated in cooler temperatures. Since sweat doesnt evaporate quickly in humid weather, its very easy to get overheated.

Calculate how much to drink.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends drinking 21/2 - 5 cups (20-40 ounces) of fluid per hour during exercise. After working out, drink 2-3 cups (16-24 ounces) of fluid per pound of body weight lost through sweat. To help you get an idea of the amount of fluid lost, weigh yourself before and after intense workouts and record the difference.

Figure out what to drink.
ACSM recommends drinking water when your training session lasts less than 60 minutes. If its longer, use a 4-8% carbohydrate sports drink.

Know when to refuel with carbohydrates.
If you swim, bike or run at a modest intensity for 30-60 minutes three to five times per week, you can maintain adequate carbohydrate stores by eating a balanced diet. If you train harder or longer at a time, your muscles need to be refueled with carbohydrates immediately after exercising and again at the next meal or snack. This practice can ensure that carbohydrates stored in the muscle are consistently replenished.

Choose the right type of carbohydrate.
Carbohydrates in liquid form, such as sports drinks or juices, can be easier to digest than solid foods post-exercise. However, power bars, or bagels make great food choices.

Why you also need protein.
Protein is an important building block for muscle. Eating proteins and complex carbohydrates within one hour after exercising can enhance insulin response, which encourages resynthesis of muscle glycogen.

Know how much protein to eat.
Most experts recommend eating carbohydrates and protein in a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 post-exercise. An example would be 3 servings of grains plus 1 serving of turkey/meat.

Realize when you need sodium.
When training in high heat and humidity, sodium losses can be as much as 10 grams per day. Several hours of exercise in cool temperatures will also deplete sodium levels.

Learn what foods contain sodium.
Sports drinks that contain electrolytes (sodium and potassium) as well as whole foods that contain a significant amount of sodium will help replenish the sodium lost during a training session.
how you train makes the difference

2007-01-17 10:21 AM
in reply to: #657390

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
jonathan22 - 2007-01-17 9:14 AM
DRM - 2007-01-16 11:26 AM

So Jonothan, did you buy it yet ????

A little birdie told me that the wife snuck into all3sports and put $1000 down to hold a size medium for me. Have to wait until this weekend to find out the rest of the story. Sent her 18 roses today as a thank you.


I presume your wife will get to help with the name?

Look forward to seeing a pic of the new family member soon!

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