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2007-08-02 11:48 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Good to know she is doing better.  Goes to show you how quickly things can change into a life altering event.  We all need to be so thankful for everything we have.  Get well soon!!!

2007-08-02 12:14 PM
in reply to: #911113


Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Just thought that I would share with you that I actually got to see Deanna in the hospital two days ago. I have never met Deanna, but we do live in the same town, share the same interests (GO WOLFPACK) and have the same TRI coach (Coach D). She is a young, beautiful blond hair, blue eyed, fair skinned girl who I can tell has a lot of fight in her. Deanna, I am praying for you daily and I know you will pull through this! Next time I come to visit, you'll be in a different'll be awake and alert and ready to get out of that bed and get on with your life. You also have a very special friend------his name is Chris and he has been at your bedside or in the waiting room everyday. I also enjoyed talking with your grandmother. I swear she thinks that blonds have special powers.....ha.....maybe we do, including your grandmother.

I can't wait to meet you soon.



To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first. SHAKESPEARE

2007-08-02 12:28 PM
in reply to: #898191


Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Just heard about this blog from one of Deanna's friends - it is great to see all the support. FYI - there is an article about Deanna in today's NCSU Technician newspaper - at Note that I am quoted toward the end and given a position in the Social Science department instead of Soil Science, where Deanna is an M.S. student.
2007-08-02 2:29 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Wonderfull to hear all the great progress Deanna is making. I have been praying for her and her entire loving and supporting family. It is not too suprising that Deanna continues to show strength and resilience. It seems to be a family trait!

2007-08-02 9:41 PM
in reply to: #910729

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Crazy Aunt Cheryl - 2007-08-02 8:11 AM DEANNA UPDATE -- THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 Thank you Chris for your factual updates!! Read on..... Deanna did well again yesterday. Yesterday morning, however, she did not pass the test of removing the respirator. With the respirator removed, she breathed too shallowly and too quickly. They are going to try it again today. They did remove the continuous dialysis on Tuesday and went to an every other day treatment. Her kidneys and lungs need to regain strength, but everything else seems to be doing very well, the doctors say. She is fighting ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome. This is not uncommon for near drowning victims. This is most likely the reason that she breaths too quickly when the respirator is removed. Yesterday, they decided to do one more surgery for a tracheotomy and a PEG tube. The tracheotomy is going to relive some of her anxiety. This will remove the respirator tube from her mouth and throat, which looks very irritated. This procedure will increase her comfort and ease any fluid removal from her throat. This is not a permanent procedure, and it is most likely going to speed along the process of taking her off the respirator. The PEG tube is a direct feeding tube that goes into the stomach, instead of a drip tube down the throat, again, reducing irritation and anxiety. The "NG2" that they are feeding her now is not doing as good a job as the doctors would hope, so this PEG tube will allow more nutrition to her digestive system and provide more energy for recovery. This is a small procedure and she will only a small amount more anesthetic than she is on normally for pain. This procedure will be undertaken in the OR, and not bedside. If anyone is planning on sending flowers or anything to this nature to Deanna, please hold on to the money you would spend on them. As we all know Deanna, she's not a "flowery" type person. The flowers would be appreciated, but I will be trying to set up an account that you may send donations to for a fund for the best running prosthetic leg that money can buy. I'll let you know about the details soon. Her family thanks everyone for the continuing support and keeping Deanna in your thoughts and prayers. She will be pulling though soon! Chris Fellow grad student in the Soil Science Department

awwwwwwwwwww... the best prosthetic leg money could buy!!  You are so sweet Crazy Aunt Cheryl... that post put chills up my spine.  Be sure to let us know as I would be glad to send money for the best prosthetic leg for sure!!  What a great idea... next year Deanna will be running with us all again

2007-08-02 10:56 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Dear Pigfinn,
It actually wasn't my idea to set up a fund for donations to for the best running prosthetic leg
that money can buy. It was Chris' statement in the Thursday Update that I copied and pasted onto this BT site, so he gets the credit. However, I am 100% in favor of the idea! Deanna will be extremely humbled by any thoughtful contributions to a fund for her.
Deanna is one of those young adults who has been and will continue to be an asset to our society. Besides the description by Triplets above, Deanna is a strong Christian, has never smoked, doesn't swear, doesn't drink (maybe one on a rare occasion), loves children, respects adults ---the whole 9 yards! She is very special and very deserving of a bright future -- which she will take charge of and be successful!

2007-08-03 2:02 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
DEANNA – Friday, August 03, 2007 (Notes from Chris as reported Thursday Evening)
Good (Thursday) evening everyone. Not much news to report, which is probably a good thing. The tracheotomy scheduled for this morning was moved to 1 pm this afternoon and then was later moved to tomorrow. This is a result of her dialysis. The name of the medication escapes me now, but it was blood thinner for the every-other-day dialysis.
The doctors did not feel it would be safe to attempt a surgery that could wait with blood thinners in her system. Deanna is scheduled for this surgery tomorrow morning, so please think about her as you make your way to work/school tomorrow morning.
As for everything else, her breathing remains stable with some episodes of anxiety and her kidneys have yet to kick in.
The doctors seem to be very optimistic about her mental capacity. They say that while she may be unresponsive one minute, she is doing very well the next minute. They blame this mostly on the heavy sedatives that she has been on for the last 13 days. They say it will take time for her to fully recover mentally as well as physically.
As we all know Deanna, we're positive she'll be back to 100%. And again, the tracheotomy procedure will help with the anxiety attacks.
Today (Thursday) was basically a rest day and she maintained her temperature very well, with little fever. This was all without medication, which she had been taking for temp. (Tylenol).
The prognosis continues to improve so hopefully we'll see that smile from her pretty soon.
A savings account/trust fund will be set up for her soon to help with the cost of a prosthesis (which can be upwards of $50,000), so I'll let everyone know about that tomorrow (Friday). I know you all may be getting tired of my sign-off, but as always, keep Deanna in your thoughts and prayers.
2007-08-03 2:12 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Glad to hear Deanna had a good night and is resting well.  Please make sure to let us know when a fund has been set up.  Thanks for the daily updates. 
2007-08-03 2:58 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Here's another update for today. Keep 'em coming, Chris!
Good (Friday) afternoon everyone. We got the report this morning that Deanna went through the tracheotomy surgery and PEG surgery very well. Her mother says that she loves seeing her face again without all the hoses, tubes, and tape attached to her.
This procedure will speed her recovery as well as help her off the respirator and be easier to apply suction to remove liquids from her respiratory system.
I am currently setting up a non-profit, tax-deductible fund for Deanna to help pay for her prosthetic when she's ready for it. Please give me a little more time as banks tend to give you the run around.
I will update more later on today after I visit in the hospital. Keep Deanna in your thoughts and prayers.
2007-08-03 7:27 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
To Deanna, her coach, her teamates, her Parents, Chris, and Crazy Aunt Cheryl, I just want to say how much you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I have been so busy training, and with other life events, that I had not been on the general thread session to read what has been going on.

I am so sorry to hear about Deanna's terrible accident, but in the same breath, I am so happy to hear all of the wonderful progress that she has made over the last 2 weeks.

I don't know her, but to quote some of the other fellow bt'ers on here, I can tell she is a very strong woman, a triathlete, and I know she has a long road ahead of her, but she will pull through like a champ.

All of us are behind her 100%, and I would like you to know, that I will now run every race, in honor of her. She is a fighter, and I would be honored to have her in my thoughts and prayers as she continues to fight and comeback to this wonderfully addicting sport. I have no doubt, that shel'll be blowing me away in no time!

Please continue to keep us posted, and when the fund is set up, I know the BT crew will help out in every way possible.


Amy S. Noie
Chicago BT'er
2007-08-04 1:26 AM
in reply to: #898191

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

I was at the pool today and thought of Deena...    I am so glad things are going well...  I do pray to God she will recover fully and we get to see her running and doing tri's for a long time.    I am a brain tumor survivor and my brush with death gave me a new perspective of life.    She will come out of this as a much better person....  

To her family and friends...    I pray you guys are strong and have the love and patience she will need to fully recover..



2007-08-04 12:36 PM
in reply to: #913149


Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Your last post just brought tears to my eyes.
My next race is September 16th (Duke 1/2) and
I to, will race in honor of Deanna.



Do or do not, there is no try. -----famous words of Master Yoda.
2007-08-04 7:29 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

I can't believe I just found this thread. Will be sending a card out on Monday. Deanna, you are an ironwoman!! Hang in there kiddo, your family and your teammates need you. Will be keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Be tough and know nothing is going to stop her from making it to the finish line.

And being, a Tiger, I can't believe I'm even gonna say this... but....

Go Pack! 

2007-08-04 7:43 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Today was the best news that Deanna has given us so far!
She was opening her eyes and very alert!
She was trying to speak and was responding to more complicated requests like thumbs up and trying to slow her breathing.
Deanna did cry, understandably, because she is in the hospital and is probably pretty scared right now.
She also gave us a smile and a little bit of a laugh when we told here about the dog that has been in to visit her.
I personally got a hand squeeze from her. All signs are pointing up now.
She will be running down the road to recovery soon!!!
As always, keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Friend and fellow graduate student at NCSU
2007-08-04 7:55 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Durham, CA
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Fantastic news - thanks for keeping us all in the loop - and thanks for being there for Deanna.



2007-08-04 8:01 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Wow. I'm floored, by first the event, second the support Deanna's getting locally, and from the BT community.

As the father of a leukemic kid (another unspeakable circumstance), I can't do much but offer up that no matter where you are today, the optimism from those who support you will absolutely help you recover to where you can, no matter what the endstate.  In my incredibly humble opinion, the recovery will parallel the support and optimism of those around you. It's proven, and for you, I'm incredibly optimisic for the future, and can't wait to see the day-by-day gains, fueled by the love.  There's a big team pulling for you.  

You go, girl. And if you're getting tired, grab a gel. And huge props to Ellesdad and Darin for the updates. Keep us updated, please.

2007-08-04 10:02 PM
in reply to: #898191

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Dear Deanna, and family:  I have made a gift to send.  After reading through a book of quotes today, I came across this one, "Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things bright.  Love makes all things easy."  I thought of you all and the struggles and triumphs that you all are going through.  I will get the gift in the mail on Monday.  You are in my thoughts each day.  I continue to monitor this thread each day for the updates and am encouraged with Deanna's improvements with each passing day.  Keep the love strong and I will continue to keep her close to my heart each and every day.

Jeanette Bicknell
Houston, TX

2007-08-05 2:06 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

I check every day, and it's so awesome to hear she's waking up and alert.  I understand the tears and fear.  You could tell her that  every day people are checking on her.  As of today this thread has had over 5300 viewings. 

It's scarey but you're not alone, we're all pulling for you Deanna!

2007-08-05 4:13 PM
in reply to: #898191

Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Wow! Everytime I come here for another update, tears come to my eyes. Not only for what happened but because of all the support! Keep fighting! You are an inspiration. Every time I train now I think of you and can push just a little harder. I will be completing my very first Sprint Tri in 3 weeks and will definitely have you in my thoughts.

My family now know who you are and someday maybe we will be fortunate enough to meet you! What a story you will have and we look forward to hearing it!

Thanks also to those of you who are able to keep us updated. I look forward to checking the updates to hear the good news of continued recovery!

2007-08-05 4:18 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Yup.  I'm here every day to check up.  Praying daily too.
2007-08-05 6:44 PM
in reply to: #898191

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Can't stop thinking about this and praying for Deanna and family. I am a fellow triathlete and Occupational Theraist (part of the rehab team). Deanna your strong will and determination make our jobs as therapists easy because your drive for success is endless. I know the rehab process is yet ahead but your work ethics, determination and will to finish are unique. I'm married to an Ironman and fully understand the elite individuals that you are. Keep up the good work and good luck with your road to recovery.

Mark and Diane
Ontario, Canada

2007-08-05 8:14 PM
in reply to: #913592

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Crazy Aunt Cheryl - 2007-08-04 7:43 PM DEANNA -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 Today was the best news that Deanna has given us so far! She was opening her eyes and very alert! She was trying to speak and was responding to more complicated requests like thumbs up and trying to slow her breathing. Deanna did cry, understandably, because she is in the hospital and is probably pretty scared right now. She also gave us a smile and a little bit of a laugh when we told here about the dog that has been in to visit her. I personally got a hand squeeze from her. All signs are pointing up now. She will be running down the road to recovery soon!!! As always, keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Chris Friend and fellow graduate student at NCSU

God's Grace

2007-08-05 10:34 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Deanna had a good day today (& yesterday). She is still in ICU, but her recovery is picking up speed.

She was off the respirator for around 7 hours today. Since she still has a trac in her throat for feeding and breathing when necessary, she can't talk yet. Even so, its very clear that her mental capacity is sharp as she responds to challenging questins

She recognizes all her family and friends and waves a greeting to them as they come in to visit. Naturally, she tires very easily, so that was pretty much it for today.

I talked to Dee's parents, Debbie and Brent, this evening; but did not receive a report from Chris. They are thrilled and thankful beyond belief! I will forward any new report on that I receive.


2007-08-06 7:41 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Good morning everyone, support continues to grow for Deanna and
everyone's smiles were huge in the waiting room yesterday. Deanna
continues to amaze us all. When I went to visit her yesterday, I got a
big wave and a smile when I walked in. There were so many good things
going on with her yesterday, that it's hard to describe. She was very
responsive to everything said and brought almost everyone to tears in
the room. She even gave me a usual Deanna face when I told her that
her father had been driving her car since he had been here. It was a half
"Uh-oh" half "is my car OK still", but I told her that it was still in
one piece. She is going to get sick of giving out hand squeezes
because everyone's asking for that.
The nurse recognized me from one of the pictures of Deanna and I on
the wall. She had been asking Deanna if this was a picture of her and
her boyfriend and the nurse couldn't understand why she was trying to
laugh. Her mom, my girlfriend, and I were all pretty amused with the
humor Deanna can display even without talking.
We all have been waiting for the Deanna smile for quite some time
and she's been displaying it proudly. Her arms are free so she can stretch
and move a bit. While I was in her room she caught her trachea tube on
accident and I told her be careful of the tube because it's providing
her some extra oxygen and helping her out. She nodded and gave me a
look that she understands what's going on and accepts it all. She
seems to be very accepting and happy under the circumstances. She never
ceases to amaze us all. All the nurses and doctors are enamored by how
well she is doing everyday.
Deanna was off the respirator from 9 am to 3 pm. This seemed to
tire her out a little bit, but she still did excellent with it. She kept
her respiration rate slow with deep breaths. We are all so lucky that
Deanna is a fighter. Her kidneys are still not functioning, but the
doctors and nurses are not worried about this yet. They said people
without her health and youth have been in comas for months and their
kidneys simply kick back in out of nowhere. This is what they're
hoping for her. Until then, dialysis will continue to be preformed.
Sorry about the long update, there is just so much good news to
tell. All the details are so upbeat. The Prosthesis fund will be up and
running this morning as soon as I get in contact with the I.R.S. one
more time. I'll let everyone know the details of it as soon as
Keep Deanna in your thoughts and prayers, they're paying off and
she's regaining strength every minute!
2007-08-06 8:20 AM
in reply to: #898191

New user

Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Please keep the "long" updates coming, and thank you! I'm smiling right along with Deanna, her family and friends, and the BT community as I read the progress reports each day. This situation reaffirms much of what is good in the world - individual strength and determination, the power of prayer and the loving support of family, friends, and community. Thanks for sharing Deanna with us. Way to go, Deanna!! You are such an inspiration!
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