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2013-06-02 5:12 PM
in reply to: runninirish

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Does anyone know if there is a place to rent a stroller and/or double stroller in LP?

2013-06-02 6:59 PM
in reply to: cornick

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Quassy really kicked my butt today, many times during the event I said to myself "What were you thinking signing up for a full IM?!". It was pretty discouraging, and I hope I get over it - I can't imagine doubling that distance - I need to learn so much - I struggle with pacing - I blew myself up on the hills and really suffered on the last 10 miles of the ride and first 5 miles of the run before I felt like I was back in the Zone. I swear the Pro's are inhuman - aliens, machines!!!!
2013-06-03 8:15 AM
in reply to: cobratodd

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The Cold North
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Brian, sorry to hear that life is changing paths for you, but it sounds like it's all for a great reason. I have a close friend who recently had to make the decision to pull out of LP, due to things changing in her situation since last summer as well. It's a hard decision, but it sounds like you've come to terms with the change. Good luck with your planned races.

I had a 180k ride on Saturday in what was probably our hottest day yet, up north. I was supposed to run off the bike, but missed that AND my long run due to injury. The marathon portion of LP is going to do me in, I'm sure.
2013-06-03 8:18 AM
in reply to: cobratodd

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I hear you there. I had a pretty decent bike split then it hit the fan after mile 7 of the run for me. I missed my goal time by 15 minutes even though I started the run 5 min early. I blew up real bad on the run to the point it was a little embarrassing. I just can bring myself to go slower on the bike. It's just too fun to go fast.
2013-06-03 8:19 AM
in reply to: cobratodd

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by cobratodd

Quassy really kicked my butt today, many times during the event I said to myself "What were you thinking signing up for a full IM?!". It was pretty discouraging, and I hope I get over it - I can't imagine doubling that distance - I need to learn so much - I struggle with pacing - I blew myself up on the hills and really suffered on the last 10 miles of the ride and first 5 miles of the run before I felt like I was back in the Zone. I swear the Pro's are inhuman - aliens, machines!!!!

I was volunteering and spectating at the Philly Cycling Classic yesterday. Talk about inhuman! 120 miles (and up the Manayunk Wall 10x) in 4:35. The women were 60 miles in 2:25. Some of those women had thighs wider than my torso

Two of my friends did Quassy yesterday. Husband and wife. He crashed on the bike and DNF'd. He's fairly OK, bike is trashed. She said it was brutal. She's saying the same thing about doubling the distance. We're supposed to do a 100-miler this weekend, not sure she's still going to be up for it.

That's how I felt at Black Bear, happy just to be done. You finished Quassy. You'll finish LP, too.
2013-06-03 9:02 AM
in reply to: Tracker09

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Quassy was a reality check for me.

Swim started okay. Hard to sight after the first turn because you're basically staring right at the sun. Got caught up in a pack but wasn't too bad.

Bike felt good! It was great to do a race with the new tri bike. I hit 46mph on that first long decent which was great.

Run was brutal. It was survivor mode. My strategy became (I'll only walk on the up hills).

Nutrition was good. Didn't need to stop for port john until the first mile on the run. Stomach was okay. Didn't lock up like all the other times. I think loading up on the first hour on the bike works well. I don't have it down to a science yet. Just doing 3 gels + 1 bar on the first hour.

My family had so much fun they already signed me up for 2014. They don't realize how much pain was involved.

Originally posted by Tracker09

I hear you there. I had a pretty decent bike split then it hit the fan after mile 7 of the run for me. I missed my goal time by 15 minutes even though I started the run 5 min early. I blew up real bad on the run to the point it was a little embarrassing. I just can bring myself to go slower on the bike. It's just too fun to go fast.

2013-06-03 9:45 AM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Oh man, Brian ... bummer. Sounds like you're coming at this with a great attitude, though. Good luck with everything as it comes together!

My scheduled 90 mile ride got cut pretty much in half yesterday due to thunderstorms. The good that came from it is that I really tried to pound the final 15 miles to stay ahead of the storm. I was going to back off a bit next weekend, but I'll do the long ride then instead. I've got some serious hill work in the plans for this week, so I'm not feeling too bad about it. We've had a lot of local flooding due to the big rains we've been having ... washed out roads, etc.

Home renovations are winding down and we should have a usable kitchen by the end of the week with only a few final details to finish. Then my entire family is here most of next week for my daughter's HS graduation. I anticipate being told how selfish I'm being with my training and have already been thanking my wife, in advance, for having my back as I try to continue my training as best as I can with a houseful of family.
2013-06-03 11:02 AM
in reply to: BernardDogs

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BernardDogs

Oh man, Brian ... bummer. Sounds like you're coming at this with a great attitude, though. Good luck with everything as it comes together!

My scheduled 90 mile ride got cut pretty much in half yesterday due to thunderstorms. The good that came from it is that I really tried to pound the final 15 miles to stay ahead of the storm. I was going to back off a bit next weekend, but I'll do the long ride then instead. I've got some serious hill work in the plans for this week, so I'm not feeling too bad about it. We've had a lot of local flooding due to the big rains we've been having ... washed out roads, etc.

Home renovations are winding down and we should have a usable kitchen by the end of the week with only a few final details to finish. Then my entire family is here most of next week for my daughter's HS graduation. I anticipate being told how selfish I'm being with my training and have already been thanking my wife, in advance, for having my back as I try to continue my training as best as I can with a houseful of family.

The weather has been rough. I have no idea how these pros do it. High 80's, high humidity, rain, and still hammering away. I was talking to the winner of the women's race and she said there were 80 races on her calendar and she will do about 50. She did her interviews, picked up her check, loaded her stuff in the team car and rode her bike back to the hotel. Insane.

Thanks Troy. My coach said there is always another race but you only have one business and one family. And that IM is all about time management. I'm still in for another half this summer and will do a lot of sprints. Also I'll take my suffering in small doses now, thanks

2013-06-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Brian, your coach is right on.  You only get one family -- if we are fortunate there are many, many races.

Yesterday I did Ironman Raleigh 70.3 with my wife.  It was her first triathlon ever and she couldn't run due to a back injury.  She finished with the biggest grin and all the kids crowded her like a reigning world champion.  It was awesome.  I ended up with a PR by 21 minutes and finished 10th in my age group.  Much, much to my surprise -- I headed advice of a friend and reluctantly walked down two blocks to where the results were being done and where they had rolldown set up.  I ended up with the last of five slots from my age-group and will be racing at the World Championships in Nevada.  It is surreal.  Even if I dropped another 21 minutes I wouldn't be competitive but it is still a mind-trip to think about the chance to go do this race.

Now I need to prepare.  And, there is no better preparation than to make IMLP fantastic.  We're only 8 weeks away.

2013-06-03 5:58 PM
in reply to: klassman

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Quassy has me really scared for LP. I felt terrible after the bike and walked most of the run. I know I can't run much of the run due to a torn meniscus, arthritis and a whole bunch of degenerative stuff that showed up on the MRI. I am just looking to finish before midnight. My past two half distances (Timberman and Quakerman) I finished in 7hrs. Quassy I finished in 8:30 hours. So with little time left where do I focus my time!! I don't have a coach and I have been using Friel's competitive plan and hitting most of the workouts except the run the past two months.

Nutrition--Maybe I didn't take in enough (2 bottles) during the ride. I am always concerned about feeling sick from too much so I go with a bit less. I ate a gel and a bag of the shot blocks. Ate a banana and oatmeal before the race.

Again, I am at the back of the pack just trying to make the cut-off times. Just looking at where to focus my time over the next month to make the cut-offs. I am thinking about doing a walk/run for all remaining run workouts. If I get a cortisone shot (sport Dr. said it was an option to get through the training) for the knee, do you know after how long after the shot I can run on it? Not sure if it will give me pain relief. He said something about a series of three shots to put cushion between bones (something that you cannot have an allergy to eggs.

Who won Quassy yesterday?

2013-06-03 6:57 PM
in reply to: dsmallacomb

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by dsmallacomb

Who won Quassy yesterday?

anyone who finished...

for the Pros, Joe Gambles beat Richie Cunningham and in the battle of 'Heathers', Wurtele beat Jackson.

2013-06-03 7:22 PM
in reply to: dtoce

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I finished Quassy yesterday; first off, congrats to all that finished. I am far from Kona material, but I do enjoy triathlon. Yesterday tested that a bit!

The good:
Finished... that was way hot for an "early" tri up north!
PRed the swim, bike, and overall. (Only my second half iron distance, but still... we can build on this!)

The bad:
Run was challenging. Legs felt okay, but I didn't want to overheat, and I think I needed more calories from the bike. Kicked into survival mode in mile one of the run, with cramps.
Apparently I should be paying rent in transition, given all the time I spent there.
Dropped my chain SIX times; front derailleur was out of sync, and was a problem going from small to large. This will be fixed.

Overall, was able to take a lot of positives away, but I really, really suffered. I made a conscious choice to push the bike, to gauge the real possibilities for IMLP; I enjoyed the bike course a lot. The run course was really hard in the heat, but the volunteers and fans along the way (especially those with sprinklers going) were angels! I'll digest the data tonight from the computers, but overall I'll have adjustments but no regrets.

2013-06-03 7:30 PM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BrianRunsPhilly

I am very disappointed to say this, but I will likely not be doing IMLP. I've spent a week wrestling with this, but there are very pressing business needs and opportunities happening right now, and I need to do what's right for the long term.

I run a small biotech company that did a pre-launch for a new product last month. Response has been extremely good, and we have investor meetings lined up. Also my business partner and board of directors are pushing me very hard (i.e up my a**) to focus on striking while the iron is hot. I simply can't juggle LP training and travel with business. I wish I could, but I can't. In trying to talk this through with a good friend and experienced triathlete he reminded me that there is always another race. I have employees and family to take care of, too.

I'll do IM. I'm still doing local HIM's this year. In the meantime I'm going to do a lot of sprints and other races that are local and don't take so much time. I'm not wasting all this training on nothing. And, honestly, I'm OK. I wasn't at the beginning of the week, but I am doing what's right for my future and all those who depend on me.

Hope you all have a fantastic time. I can't wait to read race reports.

Just catching up, and digesting your message. Sorry to hear it, but you'll get your opportunity in the future, especially with that kind of positive attitude. Your priorities are in the right place. JC
2013-06-03 7:35 PM
in reply to: klassman

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by klassman

Brian, your coach is right on.  You only get one family -- if we are fortunate there are many, many races.

Yesterday I did Ironman Raleigh 70.3 with my wife.  It was her first triathlon ever and she couldn't run due to a back injury.  She finished with the biggest grin and all the kids crowded her like a reigning world champion.  It was awesome.  I ended up with a PR by 21 minutes and finished 10th in my age group.  Much, much to my surprise -- I headed advice of a friend and reluctantly walked down two blocks to where the results were being done and where they had rolldown set up.  I ended up with the last of five slots from my age-group and will be racing at the World Championships in Nevada.  It is surreal.  Even if I dropped another 21 minutes I wouldn't be competitive but it is still a mind-trip to think about the chance to go do this race.

Now I need to prepare.  And, there is no better preparation than to make IMLP fantastic.  We're only 8 weeks away.

Congrats! That is so awesome!
2013-06-03 7:55 PM
in reply to: dsmallacomb

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The Cold North
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by dsmallacomb

Quassy has me really scared for LP. I felt terrible after the bike and walked most of the run. I know I can't run much of the run due to a torn meniscus, arthritis and a whole bunch of degenerative stuff that showed up on the MRI. I am just looking to finish before midnight. My past two half distances (Timberman and Quakerman) I finished in 7hrs. Quassy I finished in 8:30 hours. So with little time left where do I focus my time!! I don't have a coach and I have been using Friel's competitive plan and hitting most of the workouts except the run the past two months.

Nutrition--Maybe I didn't take in enough (2 bottles) during the ride. I am always concerned about feeling sick from too much so I go with a bit less. I ate a gel and a bag of the shot blocks. Ate a banana and oatmeal before the race.

Again, I am at the back of the pack just trying to make the cut-off times. Just looking at where to focus my time over the next month to make the cut-offs. I am thinking about doing a walk/run for all remaining run workouts. If I get a cortisone shot (sport Dr. said it was an option to get through the training) for the knee, do you know after how long after the shot I can run on it? Not sure if it will give me pain relief. He said something about a series of three shots to put cushion between bones (something that you cannot have an allergy to eggs.

Who won Quassy yesterday?

That seems pretty low for calories on the bike - I'd fall over for sure if I only had a gel and a pack of shot blocks. Is that all you ever eat for that length of ride? I would focus your attention on the bike, if you're looking at missing the runs. I have limited run training as well, due to injury, and my coach has been going heavy on the bike for me.

Klassman, nice race!

Congrats to everyone who did Quassy. Sounds like a tough day!

Is anyone doing Syracuse in a few weeks?
2013-06-04 7:39 AM
in reply to: jsenc2002

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by jsenc2002

Originally posted by BrianRunsPhilly

I am very disappointed to say this, but I will likely not be doing IMLP. I've spent a week wrestling with this, but there are very pressing business needs and opportunities happening right now, and I need to do what's right for the long term.

I run a small biotech company that did a pre-launch for a new product last month. Response has been extremely good, and we have investor meetings lined up. Also my business partner and board of directors are pushing me very hard (i.e up my a**) to focus on striking while the iron is hot. I simply can't juggle LP training and travel with business. I wish I could, but I can't. In trying to talk this through with a good friend and experienced triathlete he reminded me that there is always another race. I have employees and family to take care of, too.

I'll do IM. I'm still doing local HIM's this year. In the meantime I'm going to do a lot of sprints and other races that are local and don't take so much time. I'm not wasting all this training on nothing. And, honestly, I'm OK. I wasn't at the beginning of the week, but I am doing what's right for my future and all those who depend on me.

Hope you all have a fantastic time. I can't wait to read race reports.

Just catching up, and digesting your message. Sorry to hear it, but you'll get your opportunity in the future, especially with that kind of positive attitude. Your priorities are in the right place. JC

Thanks. Now all I need to do is find someone to take over the rental for my half of the house in LP and I'm set.

In the meantime I'm signed up for a 100-mile bike event this Sunday and a combo camping/sprint tri weekend with my younger son on the 15th. I do feel like a giant weight has been lifted. I plan on shifting focus to cycling and doing a lot more long group and club rides.

2013-06-04 8:14 AM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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The Cold North
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Brian, I just saw the other day that someone was asking on ST for a rental big enough for either himself or his family.
2013-06-04 9:46 AM
in reply to: erincs

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by erincs

Brian, I just saw the other day that someone was asking on ST for a rental big enough for either himself or his family.

Thanks. I had split the house with a friend, and I told her I'd do whatever she wants to make sure she's still got the house. We are trying the local tri community first, see if anyone we know wants to go. I'm willing to lose some money to keep her as a friend, but it would be great not to have to spend $1800 for a house I'm not using. I'm sure someone will want it, the location is great.
2013-06-04 5:39 PM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

I just got back from LP from a great training weekend.  Mirror Lake was beautiful and perfect with a full suit. About 63 ish degrees? Road up past Whiteface is sooo much better than last year! No huge potholes to contend with, just the wind in your face. The Keene descent isn''t great w/ plow heaves but it's certainly manageable.  All in all, a wonderful weekend and all the snow was already melted from the 2+ feet Memorial Day weekend. Oh, and LPBP has a nice new IPA that goes down smooth after a dip in the lake. 

Enjoy your last couple of weeks of training! It's almost time to reap your reward.

2013-06-05 8:12 AM
in reply to: kristinc0916

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by kristinc0916

I just got back from LP from a great training weekend.  Mirror Lake was beautiful and perfect with a full suit. About 63 ish degrees?

Ugh ... warming up quicker than Lake Champlain (which makes sense, obviously). We're still in the mid 50s as of this morning. My current session of Masters Swim ends next week. I need a warm up.
2013-06-05 5:42 PM
in reply to: BernardDogs


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Glad its warming up, heading up this weekend. My local lake has been too cold for ows, I wish that would hurry up and warm up!

2013-06-06 9:06 AM
in reply to: Jeff H

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Brian, sux that you're not heading up to Placid with us. Glad though that you will be using that bank of fitness at local races instead.

Is anyone planning on going up to LP the weekend of the 22nd/23rd? I will most likely head up on Thursday late and ride two (slow) loops on either Friday or Saturday. No doubt will swim the course clockwise to get the feel for that and try to get one loop of the run course in on the other day. Also plan on going to the Brewery to drink a pint or three if anyone would like to meet up.

Quassy was great this past weekend. The weather was a bit hot, but heat is better than wet roads going 40+mph on the downhills. Has anyone heard about the swim timing for the M45-49 possibly being wrong? I heard it was too fast by 3 minutes. My swim was 9 minutes faster than it was 2 years ago, but if it was only really 6 minutes faster, I'd still be happy. I took it nice and easy, maybe too easy on the bike (avg HR 127). I left my Garmin on my bike so don't have any run data and had to run it totally by feel. Didn't feel like I was pushing HR or respiration until after the 10 mile aide station. The thing that kept me going on the run was the beer tent at the finish line only to find out that it was a lie. A darn lie!
2013-06-07 8:33 AM
in reply to: jmagnyc

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by jmagnyc

Is anyone planning on going up to LP the weekend of the 22nd/23rd? I will most likely head up on Thursday late and ride two (slow) loops on either Friday or Saturday. No doubt will swim the course clockwise to get the feel for that and try to get one loop of the run course in on the other day. Also plan on going to the Brewery to drink a pint or three if anyone would like to meet up.

I'll be taking the ferry over from Burlington VT on the 22nd and would be happy to meet up with you at the long out/back section of Jay ... then ride the course to LP with you. I'm just doing one loop, so I'd continue on Route 9 of your 2nd loop. Once I have the ferry schedules, I could plan my arrival time and we could pick a gas station. One loop with the added mileage to/from the ferry will get me close to a century ride.
2013-06-07 10:12 AM
in reply to: BernardDogs

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
We're 51 days out by my count. Who's ready to put some goals down on record?

I'll start:

Swim: Feeling good about my swim right now. I've already got the endurance and anticipate a small bump in speed. I'll narrow this down a bit more once I have some OWS data, but for now I'll list 75 minutes.
T1: This will be longer for me than T2. 7 minutes
Bike: I have not seen the improvements I'd like to see, but I'm feeling good about feeling the pace that will be manageable to allow me to really show up ready for the run. 6:50:00 (this is my most ambitious of the times I'm listing)
T2: Gonna change my socks. 5 minutes
Run: Sub 4. 3:55

That puts me at a 12:12:00

We'll call it a 12:15:00 'A' goal.
2013-06-07 12:40 PM
in reply to: BernardDogs

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Originally posted by BernardDogs We're 51 days out by my count. Who's ready to put some goals down on record? I'll start: Swim: Feeling good about my swim right now. I've already got the endurance and anticipate a small bump in speed. I'll narrow this down a bit more once I have some OWS data, but for now I'll list 75 minutes. T1: This will be longer for me than T2. 7 minutes Bike: I have not seen the improvements I'd like to see, but I'm feeling good about feeling the pace that will be manageable to allow me to really show up ready for the run. 6:50:00 (this is my most ambitious of the times I'm listing) T2: Gonna change my socks. 5 minutes Run: Sub 4. 3:55 That puts me at a 12:12:00 We'll call it a 12:15:00 'A' goal.

Wow, BernardDogs -- you are going to make me commit in public.  Here goes:

Context: In 2012 I did my first Ironman on the same course.  My experience at Lake Placid was simply out of this world -- everything was amazing and wonderful.  I was like a schoolboy with a crush on the whole dang freaking experience.  Every minute of it.  My time ended up about five minutes slower than my "B" goal.  I had main goal of getting to the final arch with a smile and then a "Not Really Possible A Goal" followed by a "Really Good Day B Goal" and a "Something Went Wrong, But Not Horribly Wrong C Goal." These were each about an hour apart.

I went 53:09 in Mirror Lake followed by a 5:17 T1.  Then I rode nearly even splits to a 6:01:10 followed by a 2:53 T2.  I covered the run in 4:42:32 (which was my best marathon time by 25 minutes.)  All in all, I was 11:45:01 and exuberant.

Now don't laugh.  I'm a year older and recovery is that much harder.  My four kids have more activities and the home schedule is crazier than ever.  Nonetheless, these are my goals:

A -- Crazy Over the Moon Awesome Race -- 51:00, 4:30, 5:28:00, 2:00, 3:43:00 for a grand total of 10:08:30.

B -- A Really, Really Strong Day Without Mistakes -- 52:30, 5:00, 5:40:00, 2:30, 3:56:00 for a total of 10:36:00

C -- Getting It Done, Hopefully With a Smile -- 11:44:59 by swimming under 55, riding under 6:00:00 and running under 4:30:00. 

Realistically, it is such a long day and so many variables come into play I don't have a prediction but I will be thrilled to get under 11 hours.  Now, I beg of you, when we meet up for a swim with all the other BT folks on Saturday at Mirror Lake, you don't laugh in my face for having such outrageous goals compared to my skills/abilities.  (Good for you for getting this conversation is motivating to put things down in writing.)

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