General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2011-02-25 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3372579

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Transition is a bit different, mainly because you have to accommodate for so many more people than normal. You run out of the swim/bike exit to an area with your transition bags (provided to you by IM). Your bags have stuff separated out for bike or run. Grab the bag, head into the tent to change if needed or to set yourself up. Sunscreen people are there too to help you out. Run to the next area and grab your bike (or just run out) and off you go. Its not too complicated, but the t-zone is rather large and can be crowded. My advice is just to practice your transition routine before hand so you know exactly what you are doing. Come race day, you and everyone around you will be thankful that you are not running around like crazy.

2011-02-25 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3372440

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
15step - 2011-02-25 10:32 AM Oh yea, I am definitely a sunscreen freak. Nothing would be worse than overheating on the course due to a sunburn (was extra careful of this at IMKY and still got pretty red). I am not as concerned for CdA as I was for Kentucky, but still something I am very aware of.

I have been burned several times at CDA.  I now pack a small (3oz) sunscreen on the bike so I can apply extra while riding if needed.
2011-02-25 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3372579

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
gojogo - 2011-02-25 10:45 AM

I've never been to a full IM, but from the posts on here, it seems like the transitions are quite a bit different.   What are the tents all about?  Do you have to use them or can you set up transition by your bike like normal? 

These are BIG tents with benches inside to sit on and change.  Volunteers are running around in there to help out also.  There's a men's tent and women's tent.  Don't almost run into the wrong one like I did.

2011-02-25 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3372664

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-02-25 11:25 AM
15step - 2011-02-25 10:32 AM Oh yea, I am definitely a sunscreen freak. Nothing would be worse than overheating on the course due to a sunburn (was extra careful of this at IMKY and still got pretty red). I am not as concerned for CdA as I was for Kentucky, but still something I am very aware of.

I have been burned several times at CDA.  I now pack a small (3oz) sunscreen on the bike so I can apply extra while riding if needed.

x2.  A lot of people wear compression sleeves on the bike which also help avoid sunburn.

It was 90 degrees last year at CdA.  That's probably not as hot as IMKY, but with Idaho being up north, you have longer days in the summer, so more total exposure time.
2011-02-25 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3372678

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
spudone - 2011-02-25 12:31 PM
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-02-25 11:25 AM
15step - 2011-02-25 10:32 AM Oh yea, I am definitely a sunscreen freak. Nothing would be worse than overheating on the course due to a sunburn (was extra careful of this at IMKY and still got pretty red). I am not as concerned for CdA as I was for Kentucky, but still something I am very aware of.

I have been burned several times at CDA.  I now pack a small (3oz) sunscreen on the bike so I can apply extra while riding if needed.

x2.  A lot of people wear compression sleeves on the bike which also help avoid sunburn.

It was 90 degrees last year at CdA.  That's probably not as hot as IMKY, but with Idaho being up north, you have longer days in the summer, so more total exposure time.

I didn't get burnt, but I have a bunch of dorky run pictures with white sunscreen smears all over my face and arms (maybe I should use one of those for my profile).  This year I'm bringing my own clear sunscreen.  I'm not vain, but I demand at least one good run pic after doing 5 IMs.

Was it really 90?  I don't remember feeling that warm.  The weather was perfect last year.  I was all prepped for the nasty head wind heading back to the lake on the second bike loop, but it never happended.  It was nice to take advantage of the flats.  I'm not counting on perfect weather for two years in a row.
2011-02-25 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3372711

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kiki_zen - 2011-02-25 2:49 PM

I'm not counting on perfect weather for two years in a row.

Shh, you'll jinx it...

2011-02-25 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3372664

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I have been burned several times at CDA.  I now pack a small (3oz) sunscreen on the bike so I can apply extra while riding if needed.

I plan on doing this also.  I worked one of the bike and run aide stations last year and the most common request that noone had was for sunscreen.  I would doubt that you can rely on anyone having it at the aide stations.
2011-02-27 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Im building it up! 52+ mi this week + 10 hours bike + 8300 yards and one hour Strength = eat whatever the heck I want!
2011-02-27 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3374656

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-02-27 7:00 PM Im building it up! 52+ mi this week + 10 hours bike + 8300 yards and one hour Strength = eat whatever the heck I want!

Good for you.  February ends tomorrow and it's been a tough month.  Today was a 10/14 in 75 degree weather, 70% humidity, 24 mph winds and NOT nearly enough water.  The legs just are not firing like they should.  Maybe it's weather.  Hours.  Load.  Yesterday was a 50/5 in similar conditions.  I'm also struggling with my weight.  Ugh!    

I also find out if I get a Leadville spot tomorrow.  God help me.  2011 may take several years off my life.           
2011-02-27 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3374734

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Maybe it's weather.

Trade you Tongue out

30-something rain mixed with snow and high wind today.  Whee. 
2011-02-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3374734

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Weather's been awesome for the past ~3 weeks here in Alabama.  After a bizaare January that dumped a foot of snow on us, we got a nice rebound weather-wise. 
I've been biking like a fiend trying to get as much nice outdoor riding as possible.  Rode about 150 miles week before last which was about twice what I road in January.
Yesterday was the 1st day of my IMCDA 17 week training program, so my volume is about to go way up.  I'm actually looking forward to more structure as the last 2-3 months have been a little unfocused.

Also, PR'd a 5k on saturday and took 3rd in my AG.  Nothing to write home about, but the nice thing about that was that my running has been mostly anemic due to some nagging injuries.  So, I think my uberbiking really helped compensate. 

2011-02-28 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I would love to call my biking uberbiking! cool way of putting it. ITs about time for the monthly check in. Sorry for my ga brethren in terms of double post as they see it on the Feb Goals thread on the Ga board.

I saw some improvements from last month in all3sports, but I am well ahead of last year's February in biking and running but behind in swimming. I ended up with (and yes, I am drinking Josh's Barry P's kool-aid):
February's totals:
Bike:31h 41m 26s  - 628.77 Mi
Run:21h 20m 51s  - 160.47 Mi
Swim:9h 45m 15s  - 27900 Yd
Strength:5h 20m

January's totals:
Bike:30h 45m 58s  - 601.93 Mi
Run:15h 46m 10s  - 120.25 Mi
Swim:8h 34m 45s  - 26100 Yd
Strength:5h 45m
2011-02-28 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Ill play along for months total

February's totals:
Bike: 14h 08m 56s - 275.5 Mi
Run: 11h 47m 09s - 80.72 Mi
Swim: 11h 05m - 31700 M

* tack on an extra 25 for bike I plan to do this evening.

compared to the previous....

January's totals:
Bike: 14h 10m 49s - 256.03 Mi
Run: 8h 55m 06s - 59.57 Mi
Swim: 11h 05m - 31950 M

So not nearly as much as some others, but I am just not getting back into the swing of things. I'm going to star bike commuting to work 3 times a week, so though that is not "training time", I am still counting it as mileage and .

I'll go ahead and say what I want to do for March

Bike - 450 miles
Run - 90-100 miles
Swim - 40000 m

Based on where I am heading, I intend to get to it. Gonna consult with the coach first. Who knows, he might actually want me to do more!
2011-02-28 2:08 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
February's totals:
Bike:17h 35m 04s  - 350 Mi
Run:14h 46m 22s  - 101.46 Mi


January's totals:
Bike:15h 03m  - 301 Mi

12h 48m 21s  - 93 Mi


I probably need to get in a pool!

2011-02-28 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Overall I am mostly happy with where my training is at.  Volume wise February was better than January.  My training right now is focued more around frequency than big volume.

February 2011:
Bike = 25 rides = 20:11
Run = 20 runs = 12:35
Swim = 10 swims = 8:10 (wish it were more)

Plan for March is "Do more, weigh less".
2011-02-28 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

February's totals:
Bike:25h 15m
Run:16h 35m
Swim:7h 05m

2011-02-28 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Here are my Feburary totals.  Man some of you guys are killing it already.  Nice work. 


19h 06m  - 331.34 Mi
Run:11h 16m 37s  - 71.5 Mi
Swim:7h 09m  - 18000 Yd
2011-02-28 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

February Totals:
Bike 19:02 329.8 mi
Run 19:38 104 mi
Swim 4:15 12,400 yds
Yoga 4:15 0 mi
Total 47:10 440.8 mi

I feel pretty good about this month.  I could swim a bit more, but this amount of swimming puts me MOP, which I can live with.   I'll start ramping up my bike mid to late March when I can get outside.  All but 37 miles of bike this month was done on the trainer or in spin class, so I'm calling it good. Unfortunately, this amount of running still won't give me MOP on the marathon.  As you can see, my run is very slow, so it's a huge time commitment, but I intend to average 140 mi/month until June (~35 mi/week except recovery weeks).

I've appreciated the threads about different approaches to running lately.  They have given me hope that I'll get faster over time if I keep consistenly putting the work in. I'm not sure yet what my goal will be for the marathon this year.  I've tried the run/walk approach, but it slides too easliy into a walk/run.  I like the idea of trying to run the whole thing without thinking about a goal time. I'm working on the mental toughness to carry it off.  My personal opinion about having your longest run only be 2.5 hours is that it doesn't work for slow runners even with a high weekly volume.

Is anyone here active on twitter?  I get a lot of motivation from what other trigeeks post there also.  Feel free to follow me @rystyk.  I'll follow you back if you say hi.

2011-02-28 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Hope you don’t mind a late arrival, but I am in the need of some assistance.

This will be my first IM and my training has been going well until recently when I changed jobs.  The good news is the job is a going to be amazing but the town I now call home doesn’t have an indoor pool and the outdoor pool did not open until the middle of June last year.  There are some lakes around, but the cold water temperatures will be similar to the local pool and will not be an option until early June.  The nearest indoor pool is 140 miles away so likely I will only be able to swim maybe once every two weeks. 

Overall , my swimming ability is average as I am not fast however I seem to be able to swim long distances fairly easily.  I don’t want to be the new needy kid, but does anybody have some suggestions of good dry land training exercises and some advice of swim workout for when I am able to get wet.  My concern is implementing a plan to build some endurance, but not getting injured. 

Thanks in advance,


2011-02-28 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3376294

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
paddlefaster - 2011-02-28 3:39 PM

Overall , my swimming ability is average as I am not fast however I seem to be able to swim long distances fairly easily.  I don’t want to be the new needy kid, but does anybody have some suggestions of good dry land training exercises and some advice of swim workout for when I am able to get wet.  My concern is implementing a plan to build some endurance, but not getting injured. 

Thanks in advance,


Being able to cruise long distances is good, so that's something.  For swimming strength, all your core exercises in the gym are good.  Lat pulldowns, rowing machine and triceps work are good places to start.

If you can find a pool to drive to (maybe on the weekend?) - even getting one swim a week would be helpful to work on technique.  Maybe a coaching session or two.

Edit: I missed the 140 miles part - ouch.  If you make the trip that far, I'd definitely schedule some time with a coach to maximize your benefit.

Edited by spudone 2011-02-28 6:10 PM
2011-02-28 6:30 PM
in reply to: #3376327

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
February's totals:
Bike:26h 11m 38s  - 390.13 Mi
Run:15h 42m 44s  - 96.12 Mi
Swim:6h 55m  - 23050 Yd

January's totals:
Bike:8h 33m 24s  - 133.57 Mi
Run:18h 02m 25s  - 115.11 Mi
Swim:2h 45m  - 9000 Yd

Started my training "officially" mid-January, so my logs are finally looking more triathlete-balanced (I did a ton of running this winter and not so much swimming and biking). Loving the routine, looking forward to the race. Was thinking about OWS this morning, although that is very, very far away for me these days (Seattle area). Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

2011-02-28 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I'm pretty pleased with my training this month considering I was on the road 3 of the 4 weeks this month:

S: 12400.00 Yd - 5h 35m 35s
B: 204.52 Mi - 12h 33m 20s
R: 67.98 Mi - 13h 18m 12s

I'll be looking forward to hitting some big #s for March
2011-02-28 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
February's totals:
Bike:15h 44m 28s  - 230.19 Mi
Run:9h 52m 58s  - 61.45 Mi
Swim:5h 48m 25s  - 18400 Yd
Skiing:2h 00m
Yoga:2h 05m

Ran Colonial Half Marathon on Sunday, came in at 2:01 and felt strong at the end.  Did I really sign up for a full, in June?!

Edit: But I did get a brand new Trek Speed Concept 7.2 last friday! 

Edited by mdfahy 2011-02-28 8:04 PM
2011-02-28 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
"heavy on the pedals"  

Y'all are going to love this question..."how does it feel when you're in the aero-bars?"  Me, well, I feel very heavy on the pedals.  I'm not sure if this is a fit situation (I have been fit/adjusted a few times) or if it is something that everyone else deals with.  It's not that I'm uncomfortable in the aero position -- 2-3 hrs down with an occasional reposition is no problem...its just that I feel like I'm hammering the downstroke and not getting unweighted "circles/revolutions" --  and if I hit a hill, pulling on the upstroke works fine (can feel and provide tension) it just doesn't have the same feeling as when I'm sitting up and feel completely "unweighted" throughout the pedal stroke.  I start to get "wobbly" in the aero position above a cadence of 90, but siting up 110+ is smooth and controlled.  Any suggestions, or is this what others experience also?  Thanks, Cam
2011-02-28 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3376495

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
February's totals:
Bike:24h 33m  - 444.74 Mi
Run:18h 25m 28s  - 114.34 Mi
Swim:6h 10m 27s  - 18875.07 Yd
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