General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2010-05-11 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2817428

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
The weather here then is great from my perspective. Born and raised here. Can be cold that morning by the lake so light warmups to drop and once sun goes down maybe a bit cooler but really it should be awesome. Sunny of course. Rarely do we get a warm spell that late in the year but it can get close to 90 out of the blue. The watercan get cold aslo. Just did St George so obviously not THAT cold but still people were cold last yr coming out of the water. It will be a blast!

2010-05-14 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2527415

Kenosha, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Normally wetsuit legal???
2010-05-14 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2859038

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
2010-05-15 11:22 PM
in reply to: #2527415

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I am planning to do this race in 2011, however concerned about the fact that the race is going to sell out on race day.  I was planning to register online when it opens up the following day, but it seems like this race is becoming more and more popular every year.  Do you think it will sell out on race day, has it sold out on race day in the previous years...thanks...keep training hard..
2010-05-16 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2527415

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Folsom, CA (Sacramento Area)
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
i believe this year sold out in 30 minutes.  Good luck
2010-05-16 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2527415

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Folsom, CA (Sacramento Area)
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Edited by MrSolis 2010-05-16 10:36 AM

2010-05-16 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2861218

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I had to bite the bullet to get in this year and pay for a Community Slot.
2010-05-16 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2527415

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I got  online right when it opened up and got in....I also know that I went back 40 minutes later for course info and it showed that it was sold out, so be quick if you're going to go for online.  Right now I am starting my full on program for the IM next week, but have been training pretty solidly for other shorter events that are coming up quickly.  It's pretty cool to think that last year I was training to do a HIM and now the run distances that are my consistent training runs are the run distances for the HIM and getting longer (and easier).....good luck to all
2010-05-19 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2861218

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I volunteered last year in order to get my slot for this year. It was a blast. You couldn't have a better way of figuring out an event than being inside the ropes. I see you are in SoCal - it's only a hop away.

2010-05-20 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2527415

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Late joining the thread, but I'm in for 2010!!  Raced IMAZ in 09......if you hear a girl on green bike cursing the third loop on the Beeline....that's me   This will be my 3rd IM of the 2010 season, yay!
2010-05-21 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2872774

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
AbbieR - 2010-05-20 9:28 PM Late joining the thread, but I'm in for 2010!!  Raced IMAZ in 09......if you hear a girl on green bike cursing the third loop on the Beeline....that's me   This will be my 3rd IM of the 2010 season, yay!

This is great news, Ab!

2010-05-21 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2527415

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
What's the name of the wheel rental biz at the expo?  I wanna take a look at their prices and selection online if they have a website.
2010-05-21 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2628175

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

zionvier - 2010-01-21 11:26 PM I just got really excited seeing my name on the official list of participants for the race!!!!!!! (It's also reassuring that I'm really registered and there wasn't some computer malfunction)[/QUOTE]

I know exactly how you feel..   I copy/pasted mine and then cropped it, and had it in "my slide show" to see the whole year waiting until race day....


2010-05-21 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2527415

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Couldn't resist jumping in..  Recognize a few names in here from 2009 thread as I did this race last year for my first and only IM..  I was just as excited as all you first-timers... It's going to be a wonderful journey through your training, as the finish line your ultimate destination... Relish it and remember it as you will be impressed on how far you can go...  I was...  I was amazed at the athlete I turned into...  The self-confidence will blossom and the belief in yourself will be overwhelming.  I know this sounds mushy but almost 6 months after hi-fiving Mike Reilly and crossing the finish line to "YMCA", it hasn't worn off.  16:20:05.... It was an amazing day....

To help with a few words of advice..  Watch that last step at the bottom of the ladder during practice.. I am not a strong swimmer so I stayed at the back..  I wore a full wetsuit as the water was about 60 deg and that was very hard for me...  Stay relaxed and in your pace and you will finish just fine.  The wetsuit strippers were great as I was not sure-footed when I came up the ladder from the cold water...  They were very hands-on...  Remember to point yer toes!  T1 and T2 helpers were excellent too... The bike course was solid and I have to admit, I really was talking to myself on that 3rd loop..  Passing Rudy was an inspiration on the start of the 3rd trip up Beeline..  It was deceiving for me as that incline doesn't seem like much, but I was down to about 10 MPH just before the dip to the turnaround before heading for home.  No problems clearing the bike time cutoffs and averaged 15 MPH for the 112 miles..  Having a cold didn't hit me until the run and by about mile 7, the wheels came off my tricycle..  I was more frustrated than tired, because I was having breathing trouble I had to walk more than I wanted to. 

Yes my quads hurt because I didn't realize there was so much concrete on the run..  I didn't stop; I kept moving forward.. I did all my run-training on asphalt, but never on concrete so the suggestion to do that by another blog-poster may help for that.. 6:26 for my run was ugly, but........... I never once during the whole 16+ hours, ever doubted I would finish in a legal time..  That was my goal...  Never during the 8 months of training did I ever doubt myself.  I guess you can say it had become an obsession to be successful at that point.  The only person I was doing this race for, was me..  I had friends and family who didn't believe I could do it, but that was okay..  I knew I could..  And you all can too..  You made the commitment to become an Ironman when you signed up for the race.. 

It's been non-stop for me now.  Just did my first ultra, a 50K, this past April.  It was just about 3 weeks after doing the LA 26.2 so I knew I had the fitness base.. Really struggled in LA and was trashed after posting a 5:12, but getting the demon off my back from that 6:26 at IMAZ was a must.  During the 50K I set a PR at the 26.2 distance, and took my age group.. I never thought about a 50K before, but after completing the Ironman, I knew I could do it..  6:14 was fine for me for 31 miles....   Next is my first trail 26.2 as I have never done a trail marathon...  After that, who knows....  The training and involvement in triathlon has changed me from a 165 pound couch potato in 2004 to a 134 pound Ironman in 2009...

I will have fun checking in and following along up to race-day...  Good luck to all of you, veterans and newbies alike... So, train hard.. Train smart... Accept the pain and look fear in the eyes and stare it down.. If I can do it 5 weeks before my 50th birthday, you all can do it..


"Lest we forget, part of the joy in any sport is the attempt to do it well.  To succeed in endurance sports and in life, all you need is a big heart, and that has nothing to do with size.."  Scott Tinley..

2010-05-22 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2873633

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
elliot85 - 2010-05-21 11:18 AM What's the name of the wheel rental biz at the expo?  I wanna take a look at their prices and selection online if they have a website.

raceday wheels
2010-05-31 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2869403

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Will you be able to sign up race day if you are a volunteer, was wanting to do it next year, trying to figure out the best way to get in.

2010-06-01 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2892132

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
gerardahughes - 2010-05-31 10:30 AM Will you be able to sign up race day if you are a volunteer, was wanting to do it next year, trying to figure out the best way to get in.

If you volunteer you can sign up the day AFTER the race. They open the sign-up line at 6AM, and people with volunteer t-shirts have first shot at signing up.
2010-06-01 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2527415

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
So what's up with making the new Ironman Powerbar Perform the official drink of IMAZ? Does this mean that it will out on the course instead of Gatorade Performance 02?
2010-06-04 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2527415

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I guess that is one way to ensure you will sell plenty of your new drink is to put it on the course so the athletes have to train with it to make sure it agrees with them.   I hope they still have Gatorade as well but from the sound of the advertising I am not sure if they will we might have to work with Powerbar Ironman Perform.
2010-06-13 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2527415

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Bike course questions
I rode two loops of the bike course yesterday.  I am slow and live where it's hilly so I can never manage to average more than 12 mph. Mentally I needed to know I could bring my average up and meet the cut-off times.  I was able to average 15 mph with a pace I think I can maintain, hopefully for the third loop as well.  For all of you who have ridden it multiple times I have a few questions.
I was under the impression that going out would be difficult, especially the Beeline, I actually enjoyed that part of the ride, it did not seem challenging except for maybe the two miles or so before the turnaround, I felt it was much harder coming back in fighting a 10mph head/crosswind.
Is this the typical way the winds blow? 
I know the wind has potential to be worse, what has been your experience-has it been more challenging going out or coming back in?  I was expecting a screaming fast return and that wasn't the case.  Thanks, any advice/insight would be appreciated.  My advice if you're going to do a training ride--bring at least two tubes (my husband had two flats on the course).
2010-06-13 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2918254

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Bike course questions
grannygear - 2010-06-13 8:31 AM I rode two loops of the bike course yesterday.  I am slow and live where it's hilly so I can never manage to average more than 12 mph. Mentally I needed to know I could bring my average up and meet the cut-off times.  I was able to average 15 mph with a pace I think I can maintain, hopefully for the third loop as well.  For all of you who have ridden it multiple times I have a few questions.
I was under the impression that going out would be difficult, especially the Beeline, I actually enjoyed that part of the ride, it did not seem challenging except for maybe the two miles or so before the turnaround, I felt it was much harder coming back in fighting a 10mph head/crosswind.
Is this the typical way the winds blow? 
I know the wind has potential to be worse, what has been your experience-has it been more challenging going out or coming back in?  I was expecting a screaming fast return and that wasn't the case.  Thanks, any advice/insight would be appreciated.  My advice if you're going to do a training ride--bring at least two tubes (my husband had two flats on the course).

Melinda- last year I had a different wind experience each loop. On loop one, I was headed into the stronger wind (but not ridiculous at all) going up the Beeline, but FLEW back to town. Loop two- this was more of a cross wind, and there was less resistance going up, but not as fast back into town. Loop three- felt like I had a tailwind UP the Beeline, and then more of a headwind back into town.  So, really, anything can happen race day. There are several BT'ers from that area that probably have more anecdotes--but I don't know if there is a "normal" and you really could get anything.

2010-06-15 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2918259

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Bike course questions

I had much the same on each loop... My goal was to do the bike in 7:30 for a 15 MPH average... The temps were mild I do not think it ever got above about 70-73 the whole ride that day.  I would not gauge the winds and weather now though..  I did a pre-ride last year on the Wednesday of race week and since I didn't train on an open road, the trucks scared the crap out of me.. From Wednesday to race-day there was a slight wind directin change but it was not bad on race day..  The third loop started to get to me a bit and I had more than one taking-to with my evil twin but I got thru it.. Headed back into town on the third loop I had a bit of a head wind and didn't get that "WOO HOO" feeling like I did during training, but it wasn't that bad.. Came into T2 in 7:25 and for a 50 year old fart, you can do just as good or better....

Lori..... "Crying? Are you crying?! There's no crying in Triathlon?!?" 

2010-06-16 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2527415

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Hey thanks!  I guess it will be what it will be.  I do feel a bit more confident that it is doable since I'm even older, I'll be 53 soon.
2010-06-17 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2925474

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

sorry... the "old fart" comment was directed to me!  This IM was my 50th Bday present to myself...  If this is your first IM, you picked a great race to lose yer virginity on... The key point for me in this 16 hour 20 min day, was to really focus on each event and not the day as a whole.. "Get thru the swim.... reach, pull... reach, pull... Stay consistent on the bike.... pedal, pedal, pedal... keep moving... Survive the run cause I am sick...keep moving forward... don't stop... keep something...drink something....keep moving....Dang, Rudy ran by me fast..  "2766 to finish line, over....finish line, go ahead 2766... permission to cross the finish line... permission granted...2766.... 2766, you are an IRONMAN!"  See, you can do it too...



2010-06-17 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2527415

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Love it!  Stealing mantras!
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