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2009-12-14 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2558054

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED (but maybe some more?)
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-14 1:00 PM NAME: CyborgQueen/ DJ B

Born and raised in NJ, moved to Las Vegas in 2008. I'm also deaf (and I guess in a way it makes me stand out!). In 2008, I got two cochlear implants (one in each ear), and I can hear a lot better than hearing aids.  I've been a couch potato my whole life. There isn't an athletic bone in my body...until now.  I started cycling in end of July 2009, and logged 860 miles since then.  I've been "considering" triathlons as my stepsister does triathlons. However, a friend of mine did some and was looking for a tri partner. I was encouraged by my biking friends to do here I am!  I know what to "expect" at races, but never experienced racing at all.

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged to Roy, with 4 cats and a dog: Mocha, Hobbes, Keno, Reno and Stardust (the dog). Currently a student enrolled in Game Art and Design. So I have a very flexible schedule that many triathletes will envy. Wink

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently doing some running (as I have never ran in my LIFE!), and will be starting swimming in Jan when I get back from NJ.  Since I'm already experienced with cycling, I thought I could at least tackle these two for now, but WILL do some invervals on trainer.  Real set schedule training starts in January.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: No races - but completed two charity rides - RTC Viva Bike Vegas: 35 miles, and Empower To Ride for Breast Cancer (support group charity ride) - 51.2 miles

2010 RACES:  Kind of up in the air. I have a couple that I'm thinking of. IronGirl tri in May, Lake Las Vegas Triathlon and Las Vegas Triathlon.  I am hoping to be strong enough to do one olympic, but we'll see! Many of the Las Vegas triathlons are later in the summer.   On top of this, I will do three charity rides - ADA in April (64 miles), RTC Viva Bike Vegas (either 64 or 118), and MS 150 (150 in span of 2 days - this ride is NOT official yet, but I'm considering it).

WEIGHTLOSS: After I started cycling and eating a little bit better, I've lost 17 pounds within a couple months, and is losing more.  I would like to lose a bit more, but not a huge priority. 

welcome to the group DJ.  just the fact that you're bad a$$ enough to say screw being deaf i'm gonna rock a triathlon or 40 is freakin' inspiring!  as i'm typing this i'm trying to figure how that would affect my race.   i'd think maybe riding might be the challenge but clearly you have that down so no issue there.  can't wait to see you rock it.

concerning your training and 2010 races.  "real" training started yesterday ;-)  and you will be strong enough to bust out an OLY this year.   

as far as being a jersey girl.  always a soft spot for this one from the boss.

2009-12-14 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2558207

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED (but maybe some more?)

trysprintolympic - 2009-12-14 2:06 PM Holy smokes, I am officially overwhelmed by the volume of posts already! I don't know if I can keep pace around here, but I will give it 100%.

I am the one with the pretty pink tri bike! It's actually pink and purple, if that makes it any better/worse. The decals and seat are a nice metallic purple to match my bubblegum pink frame. I bought it used so I didn't have much of a choice, but I love it!

Don't sweat it too much - the conversation is usually circular anyway   Just come on it.  You will figure out what the thread topic is in a few posts or so...  (Most likely it is me, John, and Trevor talking about beer...)


2009-12-14 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2558554

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED (but maybe some more?)
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-14 2:36 PM
welcome to the group DJ.  just the fact that you're bad a$$ enough to say screw being deaf i'm gonna rock a triathlon or 40 is freakin' inspiring!  as i'm typing this i'm trying to figure how that would affect my race.   i'd think maybe riding might be the challenge but clearly you have that down so no issue there.  can't wait to see you rock it.

concerning your training and 2010 races.  "real" training started yesterday ;-)  and you will be strong enough to bust out an OLY this year.   

as far as being a jersey girl.  always a soft spot for this one from the boss.

LOL!  I actually started to have issues with my CI coming off when I run, so I'm working on trying to see if I can find a visor and create a "pocket" to put my CI in.   I'll be stone deaf when I do the swim. I think I probably will rock the bike/run courses with a jersey that says, "DEAF (and let me pass!). I am going to have to practice really hard with the transitions putting my CI on then putting my bike helmet on. Or might as well go totally deaf for all three...but then I wouldn't hear the cheers! What to do...what to do....

Yeah, thanks for the not-so Deaf-friendly YouTube vid. :-D *snickers* Will have to look up lyrics!
2009-12-14 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Yay!!  In light of making the cut, here is my story...

NAME: Michelle

I was NEVER any sense of the word...until I joined the Army where I was forced to work out.  I learned to love running and to this day, running is my Happy Place!!  I got out after 10 years and kept up with working out but have never truly been happy with my body.  Triathlons is something that I've wanted to do for quite a while now so when I found myself at 198lbs after having my baby girl in '08 the thought/goal of actually doing one kept creeping into my mind as I am very goal oriented!  Needless to say, in Oct '08 I found BT, made the commitment to finish my first triathlon, and here I am (60 lbs lighter) gearing up for season 2! 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 13 years (Mike) with one kiddo (Samantha)!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm kind of all over the place since my 1/2 mary in Nov.  However, I'm trying to figure out my race schedule for next year so I know where I’m going!  With that said, I am slower than molasses when it comes to swimming so I seriously need to get my arse in gear and fix that!  I’ve even asked begged my hubby for a gift cert to a stroke clinic coming up in Feb for Christmas!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Biathlon, Duathlon, Sprint tri, somewhat of an Oly tri (the swim was short), ½ marathon, and a few smaller running races.  I managed to win my AG in the Du, and top 10% of my AG in all the rest so I’m pretty pleased with my first season!!

2010 RACES:  I am in the process of deciding this but I know my season will start in Feb with an 8.2 mile run and I am seriously considering doing a HIM while I’m here in HI but that means I have to do it THIS YEAR and I just haven’t been able to say yes ~ yet!  I know there will most likely be one race a month…it’s just a matter of sitting down and figuring it all out!

WEIGHTLOSS:  Now that I am down to a weight/size I am fairly happy with, I am focusing on changing my body composition.

Edited by Happychick 2009-12-14 5:28 PM
2009-12-14 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
copied and pasted but made some updates

Name: Kim (kt65)

:  I grew up in a family with one brother and tons of boy cousins and had to keep up with them whether it was riding bikes, playing touch football, riding skateboards, etc.  Played varsity basketball in high school and lots of co-ed sports in college but got really busy in grad school.  From age 25-33, didn't do too much but decided to start running when I turned 34, just started not fitting my clothes and getting kind of "soft".  At age 34, I trained for and did my first marathon and kept running for exercise.  At age 36, I did my second marathon, Big Sur and went sub-4....but suffered an injury (plantar fasciitis) from overtraining.  Kind of got lazy again, but still ran twice a week, spin class 1-2x/week but two years ago, saw a tri-training group that promised to get me to the finish line of a sprint (even though I didn't know how to swim at the time!).  I signed up and the rest is history!  I am seriously hooked.

Family status
:  Happily partnered for 10 years with one cat (Mochi) and one 2 year old dog (Ripley) who is my running partner.
Current training:  This is technically my 3rd year of triathlon.  I am currently training for my second HIM (CA70.3) which is in March (13 weeks away!) and am only slightly freaked out because I just finished serious marathon training last week, so time to really hit the bike and swim!

2009 Races
: Kaiser Half marathon (February...1st one ever 1:48), Tri for Real Olympic (June...a big pr at 2:49), Vineman 70.3 (July, first HIM ever...had some trouble on the run in pretty hot conditions... 6:13:xx), and my big marathon pr just last week at CIM 3:27:15. 

2010 Race
s: Kaiser Half Mary in Feb, CA70.3 in March.  Vineman 70.3 revenge (HIM) July 19. Beyond that, I am not sure yet.  Oh, well there is that little race in April of 2011 on the horizon...

I do believe this mentor group has been amazing and look forward to another season of fun, encouragement and good natured badgering!  Oh and of course, learning from one another is a nice perk!

Definitely log workouts, people, we will visit often to inspire, whether you like it or not!  
Signed (for Suzy), 


Edited by kt65 2009-12-14 5:26 PM
2009-12-14 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Awesome, I'm stoked to be here and ready to renter the Tri world.  My bio goes something like this...

I am a proud husband and father of 5 (3 boys and 2 girls)  My Boys live with me here in TN, while my daughters enjoy the cold weather of CO with their mother.  I've been in the Air Force for the last 15 years, and LOVE my job.  Based on my chosen profession, there is no way I will ever be in the "average pay scale" for Triathletes....the AF doesn't pay enlisted members 6 figure incomes.  Luckily, I have two good legs, and a I have the tools, now all I need are the skills.

I have very limited Tri experience.  I completed 3 sprint races in 2007 with very little training.  Since then, I have had to set my racing aspirations to the side while I moved and got accustomed to a new job in TN (still in the AF).  This new job required many long hours at work, and little time for consistent training.

Now that things have settled down and I am ready to kick start my training.  I have been running pretty consistently for the last couple months, and am starting to incorporate biking and swimming back into my routine. 

As far as running, today I pushed myself for 3.75 miles, and my splits are on my log.  The first two miles were faster than I have run in a really long time, but I couldn't maintain the last 1.75 at that pace.  I have a swimming background, so once I get in the water, I will improve rapidly.  The bike however is a different story.  I have no cycling background, and have no idea how to effectively train for this part of the sport.  My 2010 schedule calls for 1 sprint and 2 olympic races.  I feel with consistent training, I can and will be successful.

I look forward to meeting you all and am excited to be back in training mode.  I LOVE THIS SPORT!!!

2009-12-14 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2558443

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Hi Kyla! Glad you're here to join in the fun! I guess I better start training again...

2009-12-14 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2558591

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED (but maybe some more?)
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-14 5:05 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-14 2:36 PM
welcome to the group DJ.  just the fact that you're bad a$$ enough to say screw being deaf i'm gonna rock a triathlon or 40 is freakin' inspiring!  as i'm typing this i'm trying to figure how that would affect my race.   i'd think maybe riding might be the challenge but clearly you have that down so no issue there.  can't wait to see you rock it.

concerning your training and 2010 races.  "real" training started yesterday ;-)  and you will be strong enough to bust out an OLY this year.   

as far as being a jersey girl.  always a soft spot for this one from the boss.

LOL!  I actually started to have issues with my CI coming off when I run, so I'm working on trying to see if I can find a visor and create a "pocket" to put my CI in.   I'll be stone deaf when I do the swim. I think I probably will rock the bike/run courses with a jersey that says, "DEAF (and let me pass!). I am going to have to practice really hard with the transitions putting my CI on then putting my bike helmet on. Or might as well go totally deaf for all three...but then I wouldn't hear the cheers! What to do...what to do....

Yeah, thanks for the not-so Deaf-friendly YouTube vid. :-D *snickers* Will have to look up lyrics!

holy crap i can't believe i did that.  stellar.  cheers?! what is that.  all I hear are laughs.  and yes you will be rockin' the entire course.   i like your *snickers* btw. 
2009-12-14 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

And here we go again  page 7 already and not even a day into the group.

Hey Trevor ( the other Canadian.) I don't know whether to be impressed or insulted by Steve giving us our own intro a few pages ago. At least we weren't included withthe guys who just " think" they are funny.


A great big hello, howdy etc to all the new members of the group. You are gonna love this group. If you don't get some helpful information, lots of useless banter and great support from this group you just aren't  tri' ing hard enough. ( see what i mean us Canadians really being funny

Great to see everyone coming back this year. Are there any other mentor groups starting up out there. Not that I am looking just wondering

DougR. I didn't realize you had played hockey so long. I have played for over 50 years now and still love the game. I may not be quite as fast as I once was but I am a lot smarter.

2009-12-14 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2558657

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED (but maybe some more?)
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-14 4:53 PM
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-14 5:05 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-14 2:36 PM
welcome to the group DJ.  just the fact that you're bad a$$ enough to say screw being deaf i'm gonna rock a triathlon or 40 is freakin' inspiring!  as i'm typing this i'm trying to figure how that would affect my race.   i'd think maybe riding might be the challenge but clearly you have that down so no issue there.  can't wait to see you rock it.

concerning your training and 2010 races.  "real" training started yesterday ;-)  and you will be strong enough to bust out an OLY this year.   

as far as being a jersey girl.  always a soft spot for this one from the boss.

LOL!  I actually started to have issues with my CI coming off when I run, so I'm working on trying to see if I can find a visor and create a "pocket" to put my CI in.   I'll be stone deaf when I do the swim. I think I probably will rock the bike/run courses with a jersey that says, "DEAF (and let me pass!). I am going to have to practice really hard with the transitions putting my CI on then putting my bike helmet on. Or might as well go totally deaf for all three...but then I wouldn't hear the cheers! What to do...what to do....

Yeah, thanks for the not-so Deaf-friendly YouTube vid. :-D *snickers* Will have to look up lyrics!

holy crap i can't believe i did that.  stellar.  cheers?! what is that.  all I hear are laughs.  and yes you will be rockin' the entire course.   i like your *snickers* btw. 

This is the early leader for post of the new message group!!! leave it to John...awesome!!
2009-12-14 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Before Trevor or John get to it I thought I should let you know that Roni started a fad last year by posting monthly pics of her bikinis.  She says it was to keep her on track with weight loss but I'm sure it was just to show off her fashion sense

Edited by Redknight 2009-12-14 6:57 PM

2009-12-14 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2558723

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Redknight - 2009-12-14 5:56 PM

Before Trevor or John get to it I thought I should let you know that Roni started a fad last year by posting monthly pics of her bikinis.  She says it was to keep her on track with weight loss but I'm sure it was just to show off her fashion sense

Good idea Rob...All female members need to post bikini pics asap!! That way we can put faces to names..... Tongue out

2009-12-14 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2558732

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
TrevorC - 2009-12-14 7:05 PM
Redknight - 2009-12-14 5:56 PM

Before Trevor or John get to it I thought I should let you know that Roni started a fad last year by posting monthly pics of her bikinis.  She says it was to keep her on track with weight loss but I'm sure it was just to show off her fashion sense

Good idea Rob...All female members need to post bikini pics asap!! That way we can put faces to names..... Tongue out

Excellent idea!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-12-14 7:15 PM
2009-12-14 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Guys take the us your spandex  Surprised
2009-12-14 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2558612

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Happychick - 2009-12-14 6:24 PM

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Biathlon, Duathlon, Sprint tri, somewhat of an Oly tri (the swim was short), ½ marathon, and a few smaller running races.  I managed to win my AG in the Du, and top 10% of my AG in all the rest so I’m pretty pleased with my first season!!

Do you really mean biathlon as in shooting/x-country skiing? I did that as a kid! I never thought of it as a companion to triathlons, but I suppose it is technically a multi-sport event!

2009-12-14 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2558123

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
DougRob - 2009-12-14 2:27 PM
Tobey91 - 2009-12-14 1:10 PM

I realized that I neglected to include my goals/races for 2010:  Florida HIM; Philly Sprint and Oly; Nation's Tri; Florida IM.

sdalessio:  I live in Chevy Chase, MD.  (Town of Chevy Chase - near the center of Bethedsa.)  I assume that you must be one of those guys who blows by me on a beautiful tri bike (really more of a blur) on MacArthur Blvd along the Potomac.  Maybe a training ride or run when the weather gets nicer would be in order.

I will be racing the Nations Tri too. I come up to Rockville regularly to visit my family. Perhaps a run together is in the future.

Doug I'm thinking about doing the Nations Tri as well. Maybe we can all meet-up for it..Stan

2009-12-14 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2558770

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)

trying1 - 2009-12-14 7:34 PM
DougRob - 2009-12-14 2:27 PM
Tobey91 - 2009-12-14 1:10 PM

I realized that I neglected to include my goals/races for 2010:  Florida HIM; Philly Sprint and Oly; Nation's Tri; Florida IM.

sdalessio:  I live in Chevy Chase, MD.  (Town of Chevy Chase - near the center of Bethedsa.)  I assume that you must be one of those guys who blows by me on a beautiful tri bike (really more of a blur) on MacArthur Blvd along the Potomac.  Maybe a training ride or run when the weather gets nicer would be in order.

I will be racing the Nations Tri too. I come up to Rockville regularly to visit my family. Perhaps a run together is in the future.

Doug I'm thinking about doing the Nations Tri as well. Maybe we can all meet-up for it..Stan

Stan, I think lotsa (a new MG member) lives in your area...

2009-12-14 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2558740

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-14 5:13 PM
TrevorC - 2009-12-14 7:05 PM
Redknight - 2009-12-14 5:56 PM

Before Trevor or John get to it I thought I should let you know that Roni started a fad last year by posting monthly pics of her bikinis.  She says it was to keep her on track with weight loss but I'm sure it was just to show off her fashion sense

Good idea Rob...All female members need to post bikini pics asap!! That way we can put faces to names..... Tongue out

Excellent idea!

Uncalled for.... !!!
2009-12-14 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2557349

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
As promised, a short Bio.

Name:  Glen

Background:  Live in Katy, TX outside of Houston.  Married with 2 great teenagers (13 and 15).  Very non-athletic for most of my life til about 18 months ago.  Decided I needed to change how I was living now as it impacts what I could be able to do in 10 years.  I will be 50 this Friday....and feeling great about it now.  I lost 30lbs in 2008 by swimming and doing cardio at the gym.  In early 2009, I was looking for something to keep me motivated to work out and decided to try the triathlon.  I like to swim, hate to run, still not decided about the bike yet.  My wife trains for half-marathons.  She actually was part of the inspiration for me to change my lifestyle....its hard to live with someone who is fit and healthly when you are a couch potato....

Current training:  I completed one sprint tri (Try Andy's Tri in Sugar Land) last October.  I have a race report about it in my profile.  I used the 20 week training program on this site to get ready for it.  It kept me on track and I was pleased with my results.  I am on the Winter Maintenance program now and plan to continue to do Sprint tri's in 2010 (3 or 4 total).

 Goals:  Build a strong base and show improvement with each tri in 2010.  Long term, I want to work my way to a point to complete one IM before I am 60.  Not an aggressive goal, but who knows, maybe I will get it done by the time I am 55.

This is the first time for me to be in a mentor group, so I am looking forward to learning for others in the group.  I have seen an impressive range of folks and accomplishments in this is really inspiring!
2009-12-14 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2556206

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
SSMinnow - 2009-12-13 5:56 AM I'm never leaving.....third round of being mentored by Birdy.

Suzy Shain, 46, no kids, no pets, semi fun husband of 20 years

Been doing triathlon for two years, started doing Sprints and built up to a HIM this year. Began competitive running when I was 39 years old, did 12 marathons and now 99% focused on triathlon.  Swimming was my achilles heel and probably still is although I feel like I can swim a LOOOOONG way, but SLOOOOOWLY. "A" race is IMWI '10 which is in my backyard, literally.

Currently injured, but doing my best to work through it with a smile on my face.

Tell us if you want more Birdy (aka SWBKRUN mentor head, Steve).


Now we need to get some focus on getting you ready for IMMOO this year.  I plan on volunteering at that race again this year.  Only I get to eat "Piasans" pizza the night before the race!
2009-12-14 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2557370

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
losta - 2009-12-14 10:47 AMName: Lisa

Family Status:  Domestic Partner and a cute little dog named Cooper.

Story: I was on a swim team when I was 9-11 and swam the longer distances in High School which were probably 100-400M. I used to run in my early 20's I ran 10Ks, Half Marathons, and one Marathon. I used to run about 50 miles a week in that period. I got injured with some calf and shin issues, started cycling for a few years after but eventually found myself on the couch.

I'm 51 now and in the years bewtween mid 20's to 50 life got in the way, I would sometimes bike, swim  walk, run a bit but never really got going. I ended up gaining over 100 lbs from where I was in my early 20s. In May of 2009 I signed up for a sprint for August. Got on the bike, joined the Y for the pool, started running a bit, just kept going and adding on to the point where I now usually do at least 2 workouts a day and usually workout 10-12 hours a week.

I have arthritis in my left knee, I am seeing a sports med Dr. about it and have had gel injections in that knee. Losing weight has made it better but it is the one thing that worries me and I have to be careful with running as I can easily injure the knee and that can be painful and interfere with my training.

Current Training: I swim at least 2x a week and have just started winter swim training with a local tri team, run 3-5x a week and cycle 3-5x a week. I have a bike on the trainer for the winter and have been doing spinervals. I also take pilates, aqua aerobics and a bootcamp training class. I am going to check out a CrossFit class for the first time this week. I am going to have a tri coach starting in January.

2009 Races: All sprints -Danskin SheRox Triathlon Philadelphia 8/2/09 (due to weather changed to a duathlon), Trek Women's Tri Mt Snow, VT 8/9/09, Trek Women's Tri Metro NY 9/13/09, Tri Fitness Tri 9/21/09 plus Greenwich Point 1 Miles OWS 7/18/09

2010 Races/Goals:  I'm moving up this year to Olympic and Half Ironman. First I'll travel to Florida for St. Anthony's Oly in late April, a possible sprint in late May, Rev 3 Oly in CT June 6th, and Timberman N.H. 70.3 August 22nd. I am also considering Mussleman Aquabike in July (HIM distance) and Tri Columbia Skipjack (1.2 Mile Swim , 64 Mile Bike, 10 Mile Run) in September and a half marathon sometime late winter-early spring.

Weightloss: I lost 50 lbs. since March 2009 and hope to lose 50 more by sometime in 2010.

Lisa welcome to the group! nice to see a fellow NY metro area person in the group. Do you live in the city or in the tri-state? I'm currently living in Chelsea/Flatiron area but moving in the summer to the Upper West Side. Maybe we can go for a ride or a run sometime.

2009-12-14 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Name: Jeff (

Family Status:  Married for 2 years to my wonderful wife Heather, we have a 75 lb nearly 2 year old 'puppy' Bernese Mountain Dog

About Me: IT Professional, Live in Minneapolis Metro area, love downhill skiing and snowboarding in the winter(6 months a year up here) I am one to do plenty of research and get deep into things, so the field of triathlon has given me some good topics to research.

Current Training: 
 Working off a plan from the website as I nail down my '10 schedule and customize my training more specifically to my race schedule etc.  Doing my base/build periods right now.

History: I have always enjoyed being active, although I hated running and never understood how anyone could get enjoyment out of it.  I started running my last year of college with a run club and kept it up for fitness reasons, I moved to Kansas City right out of college and kept up running.  I spent nearly 6 months traveling to Mississippi and learned that I had a lot of free time so running on the beach was part of my routine.  After a while I decided if I was going to run, I might as well set a goal and why not make it a good goal.  I had always looked up to 'marathon runners.'  I set my goal to run the Twin Cities Marathon in 2008 in 4:48:28.  My wife has never been a runner, so she suggested that we do a sprint tri together since she enjoyed swimming.  The flood gates are opened....  Tris are the first place that I have been able to be successful and see significant gains in performance.  It reminds me of wrestling in high school, individual sport that depends on what I put into it.  

2009 Races:
New Brighton Sprint Tri
Waconia Sprint Tri
Waseca Sprint Tri
St Paul Sprint Tri
Square Lake Sprint Tri
Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon - 4:12:38

2010 Races/Goals: No set schedule, but it will include New Brighton and St Paul sprint tri.  Lifetime Fitness, Waseca, Waconia, Pigman, and Trihawks.  

 I started at about 185 lbs and am hovering around 167 right now.  I have not stabilized at 165 yet which will be a big milestone for me.  I do not have a set amount to lose, but I know there are some spare pounds hanging around.  I think if I got down to 160 and replaced some flab with some more muscle mass it would be a good place to be.  

First time in a Mentor group and looking forward to learning a bunch and getting to know some people.

2009-12-14 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2558829

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
gdctex - 2009-12-14 6:01 PM As promised, a short Bio.

Name:  Glen

Background:  Live in Katy, TX outside of Houston.  Married with 2 great teenagers (13 and 15).  Very non-athletic for most of my life til about 18 months ago.  Decided I needed to change how I was living now as it impacts what I could be able to do in 10 years.  I will be 50 this Friday....and feeling great about it now.  I lost 30lbs in 2008 by swimming and doing cardio at the gym.  In early 2009, I was looking for something to keep me motivated to work out and decided to try the triathlon.  I like to swim, hate to run, still not decided about the bike yet.  My wife trains for half-marathons.  She actually was part of the inspiration for me to change my lifestyle....its hard to live with someone who is fit and healthly when you are a couch potato....

Current training:  I completed one sprint tri (Try Andy's Tri in Sugar Land) last October.  I have a race report about it in my profile.  I used the 20 week training program on this site to get ready for it.  It kept me on track and I was pleased with my results.  I am on the Winter Maintenance program now and plan to continue to do Sprint tri's in 2010 (3 or 4 total).

 Goals:  Build a strong base and show improvement with each tri in 2010.  Long term, I want to work my way to a point to complete one IM before I am 60.  Not an aggressive goal, but who knows, maybe I will get it done by the time I am 55.

This is the first time for me to be in a mentor group, so I am looking forward to learning for others in the group.  I have seen an impressive range of folks and accomplishments in this is really inspiring!

Welcome to the Group!!

Stick around and in no time John will have you drinking junky beer and BBQ'n god knows what.... You will be swearing at the Canadians and every Weds. Suzy will ask you what race you are competing in.  If your like me you will ingore it for 51 weeks a year, then you can finally SAY YES I AM RACING!!!

Anyways, since I may forget on Friday---HAPPY 50th B-day!  Are you going to be like Dean Karnazes and run 50 miles on your b-day?  Or be like Fatty and drink 50 beers?
2009-12-14 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2558829

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
gdctex - 2009-12-14 8:01 PM As promised, a short Bio.

Name:  Glen

Background:  Live in Katy, TX outside of Houston.  Married with 2 great teenagers (13 and 15).  Very non-athletic for most of my life til about 18 months ago.  Decided I needed to change how I was living now as it impacts what I could be able to do in 10 years.  I will be 50 this Friday....and feeling great about it now.  I lost 30lbs in 2008 by swimming and doing cardio at the gym.  In early 2009, I was looking for something to keep me motivated to work out and decided to try the triathlon.  I like to swim, hate to run, still not decided about the bike yet.  My wife trains for half-marathons.  She actually was part of the inspiration for me to change my lifestyle....its hard to live with someone who is fit and healthly when you are a couch potato....

Current training:  I completed one sprint tri (Try Andy's Tri in Sugar Land) last October.  I have a race report about it in my profile.  I used the 20 week training program on this site to get ready for it.  It kept me on track and I was pleased with my results.  I am on the Winter Maintenance program now and plan to continue to do Sprint tri's in 2010 (3 or 4 total).

 Goals:  Build a strong base and show improvement with each tri in 2010.  Long term, I want to work my way to a point to complete one IM before I am 60.  Not an aggressive goal, but who knows, maybe I will get it done by the time I am 55.

This is the first time for me to be in a mentor group, so I am looking forward to learning for others in the group.  I have seen an impressive range of folks and accomplishments in this is really inspiring!

KATY, TX!!!  wooooooot!  i'm over in copper lakes.  welcome to the mg and BT.  what races are on tap for 2010?  where do you ride?

edit.  50 beers on your b-day. AWESOME!!!  Canadians suck...a lot of beers down.  (all you new Canadians.. relax i love ya) moosehead.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-12-14 8:39 PM
2009-12-14 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2558863

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
swbkrun - 2009-12-14 8:20 PM
gdctex - 2009-12-14 6:01 PM As promised, a short Bio.

Name:  Glen

Background:  Live in Katy, TX outside of Houston.  Married with 2 great teenagers (13 and 15).  Very non-athletic for most of my life til about 18 months ago.  Decided I needed to change how I was living now as it impacts what I could be able to do in 10 years.  I will be 50 this Friday....and feeling great about it now.  I lost 30lbs in 2008 by swimming and doing cardio at the gym.  In early 2009, I was looking for something to keep me motivated to work out and decided to try the triathlon.  I like to swim, hate to run, still not decided about the bike yet.  My wife trains for half-marathons.  She actually was part of the inspiration for me to change my lifestyle....its hard to live with someone who is fit and healthly when you are a couch potato....

Current training:  I completed one sprint tri (Try Andy's Tri in Sugar Land) last October.  I have a race report about it in my profile.  I used the 20 week training program on this site to get ready for it.  It kept me on track and I was pleased with my results.  I am on the Winter Maintenance program now and plan to continue to do Sprint tri's in 2010 (3 or 4 total).

 Goals:  Build a strong base and show improvement with each tri in 2010.  Long term, I want to work my way to a point to complete one IM before I am 60.  Not an aggressive goal, but who knows, maybe I will get it done by the time I am 55.

This is the first time for me to be in a mentor group, so I am looking forward to learning for others in the group.  I have seen an impressive range of folks and accomplishments in this is really inspiring!

Welcome to the Group!!

Stick around and in no time John will have you drinking junky beer and BBQ'n god knows what.... You will be swearing at the Canadians and every Weds. Suzy will ask you what race you are competing in.  If your like me you will ingore it for 51 weeks a year, then you can finally SAY YES I AM RACING!!!

Anyways, since I may forget on Friday---HAPPY 50th B-day!  Are you going to be like Dean Karnazes and run 50 miles on your b-day?  Or be like Fatty and drink 50 beers?

Thanks Steve.  No 50 miles....maybe 50 minutes on the treadmill?  or the spinning bike?  Definitely no 50 beers....I don't drink beer, so does that mean I am not in the group anymore?  Undecided.   I hope not.  I am having too much fun already!
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