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2010-10-10 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3143570

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
velcromom - 2010-10-10 10:18 AM Go, KYLA!!!   You can do it!!!!  Pick it up a bit......3:33 is calling your name!

She did, 8:29s after 9m.

2010-10-10 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3143576

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-10-10 11:26 AM
velcromom - 2010-10-10 10:18 AM Go, KYLA!!!   You can do it!!!!  Pick it up a bit......3:33 is calling your name!

She did, 8:29s after 9m.

She's hot.  Banking good time.
It's calling her name!
2010-10-10 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Kyla, stay steady...stay strong!1:54 at the half. Cmon girl! You can dooooooooo it!
2010-10-10 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
looks like her buddy abbe is right there with her.    awesome!
2010-10-10 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3143578

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Havin'Fun - 2010-10-10 11:30 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-10-10 11:26 AM
velcromom - 2010-10-10 10:18 AM Go, KYLA!!!   You can do it!!!!  Pick it up a bit......3:33 is calling your name!

She did, 8:29s after 9m.

She's hot.  Banking good time.
It's calling her name!

Great job Kyla!
2010-10-10 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3143638

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Go, Kyla, go!! Bring it home strong!

2010-10-10 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3143648

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Finished my first cross race, I highly recommend them, it was a blast.
2010-10-10 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kyla is doing great.  we talked for a bit, simply not her day.    she's going to catch abbe's finish then heading home.  more later from her...........

you're awesome slacks!  wooooot!
2010-10-10 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3143657

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
dalessit - 2010-10-10 12:29 PM Finished my first cross race, I highly recommend them, it was a blast.

Glad you had fun....too much of a clod to do one of those....

I'm not seeing an updated times for Kyla! what's going on????????????
2010-10-10 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3143661

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-10-10 1:31 PM
dalessit - 2010-10-10 12:29 PM Finished my first cross race, I highly recommend them, it was a blast.

Glad you had fun....too much of a clod to do one of those....

I'm not seeing an updated times for Kyla! what's going on????????????

read my post above.   good job tony!
2010-10-10 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3143663

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Glad you're okay, Kyla! You'll get it next time!!

2010-10-10 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3143707

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
gotta run - 2010-10-10 11:52 AM Glad you're okay, Kyla! You'll get it next time!!

No fear.  That race is not going anywhere.  You will be back to kick it's butt another day! 
2010-10-10 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Sorry you weren't feelin' it today, Kyla.  I'm sure the rain didn't  help. Does that mean Vegas is now on your list?!?
2010-10-10 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Catching up on news! Been busy lately.

Sorry to hear about Hobbs!  Why is his name Hobbs?  My cat's name is Hobbes after Calvin and Hobbes. :-) So kinda similar.  

Hope Connor bounces back!

Volunteered for my first event yesterday - gives me a different perspective.  This is a charity ride, and people are SO rude and selfish. Seriously.  Many speculators would just hoard water bottles, not leaving those who did the 115 miles (with 5000' of lie), with enough water at the end. It's sad really. Even some of the people that are riding were rude as well, they would take three bottles of water, just because they "arrived first". And they would complain that we have no soda or beer. Are you kidding me?! This is a CHARITY RIDE, not a damn race.   *rant over, for now*

Did my the Bike course for Pumpkinman. Holy Hills Batman! Seriously!! I am *so* glad that I got to experience this course before the race. There will be NO WAY in HELL that I can finish my Olympic race under 3 hours. It ain't gonna happen. :-(  I'm bummed, but I rather be able to RIDE the hills instead of walking like most folks will be (as I was told by some of the triathlete friends of mine).  Funny enough, they said, it's not even worth having a tri bike for Las Vegas triathlons. Too much climbing to enjoy being in aero. So I think I'll be satisfied with just clip ons for next year.  I was DAMN slow today, but my legs did not get trashed or killed. 

I'm a little scared of the LV Half. Lately, I'm been having severe insomnia issues (it happens when the weather changes temperatures), and been feeling like I'm tired all the time. It sucks.

Kyla - you'll KILL it next time! :-) Everyone has a bad day, I keep reminding myself that. :-)  Chrissie didn't even start her IM, and I'm sure she've been training for that one for a VERY long time. It happens to the best of us.   {hugs}

2010-10-10 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3143813

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
CyborgQueen - 2010-10-10 3:49 PM Catching up on news! Been busy lately.

Sorry to hear about Hobbs!  Why is his name Hobbs?  My cat's name is Hobbes after Calvin and Hobbes. :-) So kinda similar.  

Hope Connor bounces back!

Volunteered for my first event yesterday - gives me a different perspective.  This is a charity ride, and people are SO rude and selfish. Seriously.  Many speculators would just hoard water bottles, not leaving those who did the 115 miles (with 5000' of lie), with enough water at the end. It's sad really. Even some of the people that are riding were rude as well, they would take three bottles of water, just because they "arrived first". And they would complain that we have no soda or beer. Are you kidding me?! This is a CHARITY RIDE, not a damn race.   *rant over, for now*

Did my the Bike course for Pumpkinman. Holy Hills Batman! Seriously!! I am *so* glad that I got to experience this course before the race. There will be NO WAY in HELL that I can finish my Olympic race under 3 hours. It ain't gonna happen. :-(  I'm bummed, but I rather be able to RIDE the hills instead of walking like most folks will be (as I was told by some of the triathlete friends of mine).  Funny enough, they said, it's not even worth having a tri bike for Las Vegas triathlons. Too much climbing to enjoy being in aero. So I think I'll be satisfied with just clip ons for next year.  I was DAMN slow today, but my legs did not get trashed or killed. 

I'm a little scared of the LV Half. Lately, I'm been having severe insomnia issues (it happens when the weather changes temperatures), and been feeling like I'm tired all the time. It sucks.

Kyla - you'll KILL it next time! :-) Everyone has a bad day, I keep reminding myself that. :-)  Chrissie didn't even start her IM, and I'm sure she've been training for that one for a VERY long time. It happens to the best of us.   {hugs}


I cannot wait to meet are one giant stream of consciousness.  I love why exactly do you have insomonia? because of the LV half? seriously?  I won't be doing any speedwork at all until Thanksgiving...I'm coming to see the gang and letting the time fall where it falls...very low stress and high fun quotient for some of us!

Don't sweat the hills on the bik either...just learn how to climb them... drop into a lower gear and spin up them.  If you need to drop cadence to maintain your Watts or HR, just do it!  No worries.  Remember, triathlon is supposed to be fun.
2010-10-10 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
LOL! Wait until you hear my dirty jokes....:-)

    No, I've always had issues with insomnia for the last few years. It was REALLY bad in 2006-2007 due to severe migraines and tinnitus. Little did I know that my cochlear implants pretty much cured both of them.  Insomnia comes and goes, and mostly gets bad during the monthly thing that women suffer go through. :-P   

    I'm just a little worried that I haven't been training enough for the half, but you know what, I think I'll be fine. Worse case is that I'll have to walk the majority of it, and frankly, I don't give a damn. :-P

    Trust me - when you ride up the hills here, you'll bow at my feet....maybe.  (A gal can dream can't she?

2010-10-10 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3143959

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Hey guys!!! Thanks for the LOVE!!

I'm home. I'm good. I'm a little sad but not a ton.

It was a brutal day out there in Portland today. Lots of rain. Lots of it. (We've been dry all fall, great weather coming next week, just bad luck.) Rain has never stopped me before, though.

I had a goal today, and a plan to get there. I tend to be a very conservative marathon runner -- I go out slowly and negative split or hang on well. To be faster, I wanted to get out there faster. I had sized up goal splits compared to my splits last year (when I ran a 3:57 with my girlfriend Abbe). I could do it. I'd go out with the 3:50 pace group for 5-ish miles, and then either stick with them or pull on ahead. Running coach wanted me holding 8:30-8:45, maybe 9:00 on big hills (of which there is one HUGE one, 2-3 decent smaller ones). So I startd with 3:50 pacers. Abbe, who has been training similarly to me (but actually quite a bit faster) started with 3:45. I felt pretty good -- was pushing it, but had a few mantras I was channeling. "Be bold." (Thanks, Kim!!) "When I say no to fear, I win." (Thanks, Suzy!) "A marathon should never feel easy." (Running coach!) Around 6 miles or so, I was comfortably running beside the pacers, then pulled ahead of them a bit.

Last year I clocked something like 26.5 miles at this race and it was a huge mental mind-$#*$ for me, so this year I was not going to obsess over it. My Garmin auto-lapped my mile splits, but I only looked when I passed the mile markers, checking it against my pace band. I was 20-45 seconds ahead. Around mile 12-ish the pacers caught me again, but that was OK as I'd just hang with them. After crossing the half marathon mark, I began to feel like this was not sustainable for me. Really not sustainable. My glutes/hamstrings were screaming, and I've run enough marathons (8) to know what I had to look forward to the 2nd half. I knew in my heart of hearts that I could not sustain that pace. I took quick inventory of what this meant, what I wanted, what I'd be happy with, etc. I thought, "I could still PR. Maybe I could even negative split this -- don't give up! You have tons of endurance and crazy stamina!" But I just knew I could not keep up that pace. And I figured if I finished the race, I'd be looking at a good several weeks, up to a month, of recovery time. If I stopped, I might be able to resume training sooner, the way I want to train. I'm doing an Ironman again in June... I want to be able to train for that. I just weighed my pros/cons and felt like I did not need a substandard (for me) marathon. I did not need to suffer in the rain (with the biggest hills yet to come). I did not need another t-shirt and another medal. It wasn't my day.

I could still see the pacers!! I had walked a little to re-group and have a pep talk with myself, but then I felt like I did not want to watch them slowly get away from me. I ran/walked a little. And then I just said, "You know what? I'm done." I found a car with three sweet Seattle women in it, and they drove me back to the start area (they were heading back to see their peeps). And I was FINE. I was not sad. I felt at that second like that was the best call. Yes, I had a bit of "Failure is not an option" in me that made it hard to stop at first, and had it been my first or second marathon maybe I would have continued.

Made it to the hotel and was amazed at how sopping wet my clothes/socks/shoes were. Ugh. I showered, made some phone calls, got some coffee, and wandered back to the finish to see Abbe crush it. I knew she could.

You know what? She had a dismal (for her) day as well. She hung with the 3:45 pacers until mile 20 or so, then she really hit the wall. At mile 22 or so she saw the 3:50 pace group go by and she was soooo hoping to see me, to run with me. At mile 23 she called her husband and said, "No way, not today." She walked. She cried. She persevered. She finished in 3:59:22, two minutes slower than last year. It was miserable for her. We spent the whole drive home talking about how miserable it all was. Seeing how she ended up really solidified my decision in my brain. It was not meant to be today. I cut my losses and moved on.

I'm OK.

I was worried about being a disappointment to my kids, about teaching them that quitting is OK. They don't seem to care. So either my husband did a fabulous job of talking to them before I got home, or more likely, I am so much more to them than a race, win or lose, start or finish, succeed or not. My daughter is sick (again) with a 102 fever, poor thing. She couldn't give a rat's #$$ about a marathon right now, and I don't blame her!! I am more than a marathon.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. When I was out there running I was feeling like, "I just need to take a break. A long break." Of course now that I've stopped I don't want to. And Abbe and I spent the drive home contemplating other races. We'll see, we'll see.

Of course I felt like I had let you guys down when I knew I wouldn't be crossing timing mats anymore, but it was the best thing FOR ME today. And it's all about me, right?!

It's all good!!!!!!
2010-10-10 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3144015

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kkcbelle - 2010-10-10 7:16 PM Hey guys!!! Thanks for the LOVE!!

I'm home. I'm good. I'm a little sad but not a ton.

It was a brutal day out there in Portland today. Lots of rain. Lots of it. (We've been dry all fall, great weather coming next week, just bad luck.) Rain has never stopped me before, though.

I had a goal today, and a plan to get there. I tend to be a very conservative marathon runner -- I go out slowly and negative split or hang on well. To be faster, I wanted to get out there faster. I had sized up goal splits compared to my splits last year (when I ran a 3:57 with my girlfriend Abbe). I could do it. I'd go out with the 3:50 pace group for 5-ish miles, and then either stick with them or pull on ahead. Running coach wanted me holding 8:30-8:45, maybe 9:00 on big hills (of which there is one HUGE one, 2-3 decent smaller ones). So I startd with 3:50 pacers. Abbe, who has been training similarly to me (but actually quite a bit faster) started with 3:45. I felt pretty good -- was pushing it, but had a few mantras I was channeling. "Be bold." (Thanks, Kim!!) "When I say no to fear, I win." (Thanks, Suzy!) "A marathon should never feel easy." (Running coach!) Around 6 miles or so, I was comfortably running beside the pacers, then pulled ahead of them a bit.

Last year I clocked something like 26.5 miles at this race and it was a huge mental mind-$#*$ for me, so this year I was not going to obsess over it. My Garmin auto-lapped my mile splits, but I only looked when I passed the mile markers, checking it against my pace band. I was 20-45 seconds ahead. Around mile 12-ish the pacers caught me again, but that was OK as I'd just hang with them. After crossing the half marathon mark, I began to feel like this was not sustainable for me. Really not sustainable. My glutes/hamstrings were screaming, and I've run enough marathons (8) to know what I had to look forward to the 2nd half. I knew in my heart of hearts that I could not sustain that pace. I took quick inventory of what this meant, what I wanted, what I'd be happy with, etc. I thought, "I could still PR. Maybe I could even negative split this -- don't give up! You have tons of endurance and crazy stamina!" But I just knew I could not keep up that pace. And I figured if I finished the race, I'd be looking at a good several weeks, up to a month, of recovery time. If I stopped, I might be able to resume training sooner, the way I want to train. I'm doing an Ironman again in June... I want to be able to train for that. I just weighed my pros/cons and felt like I did not need a substandard (for me) marathon. I did not need to suffer in the rain (with the biggest hills yet to come). I did not need another t-shirt and another medal. It wasn't my day.

I could still see the pacers!! I had walked a little to re-group and have a pep talk with myself, but then I felt like I did not want to watch them slowly get away from me. I ran/walked a little. And then I just said, "You know what? I'm done." I found a car with three sweet Seattle women in it, and they drove me back to the start area (they were heading back to see their peeps). And I was FINE. I was not sad. I felt at that second like that was the best call. Yes, I had a bit of "Failure is not an option" in me that made it hard to stop at first, and had it been my first or second marathon maybe I would have continued.

Made it to the hotel and was amazed at how sopping wet my clothes/socks/shoes were. Ugh. I showered, made some phone calls, got some coffee, and wandered back to the finish to see Abbe crush it. I knew she could.

You know what? She had a dismal (for her) day as well. She hung with the 3:45 pacers until mile 20 or so, then she really hit the wall. At mile 22 or so she saw the 3:50 pace group go by and she was soooo hoping to see me, to run with me. At mile 23 she called her husband and said, "No way, not today." She walked. She cried. She persevered. She finished in 3:59:22, two minutes slower than last year. It was miserable for her. We spent the whole drive home talking about how miserable it all was. Seeing how she ended up really solidified my decision in my brain. It was not meant to be today. I cut my losses and moved on.

I'm OK.

I was worried about being a disappointment to my kids, about teaching them that quitting is OK. They don't seem to care. So either my husband did a fabulous job of talking to them before I got home, or more likely, I am so much more to them than a race, win or lose, start or finish, succeed or not. My daughter is sick (again) with a 102 fever, poor thing. She couldn't give a rat's #$$ about a marathon right now, and I don't blame her!! I am more than a marathon.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. When I was out there running I was feeling like, "I just need to take a break. A long break." Of course now that I've stopped I don't want to. And Abbe and I spent the drive home contemplating other races. We'll see, we'll see.

Of course I felt like I had let you guys down when I knew I wouldn't be crossing timing mats anymore, but it was the best thing FOR ME today. And it's all about me, right?!

It's all good!!!!!!

Don't sweat it Kyla - like you said it wasn't your day.  There will be plenty more.  We've all had bad days and good days. 
I seem to remember a pretty good day for you a few months ago.  :-)

If all we did as athletes was to get faster every race, accomplish all of our goals and never fail then we lose the sport of competing.  Races and training would be boring.  I think we all thrive on the challenge and the excitement of toeing the line to see what we are made of.  Sometimes we shine and sometimes we don't.  That is the part of the sport that keeps us coming back for more.

Rest up! I hope your daughter is feeling better and live to fight another day.  :-)
2010-10-10 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Kyla I agree with Sam.  $hit happens, we have good days and bad days, it happens to everyone.  Just need to move on to the next goal for the next race.

A beer or two always helps ; )

2010-10-10 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3144049

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
A couple of pictures from today.

2010-10-10 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3144049

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
dalessit - 2010-10-10 5:57 PM Kyla I agree with Sam.  $hit happens, we have good days and bad days, it happens to everyone.  Just need to move on to the next goal for the next race.

A beer or two always helps ; )

Or Cream of Wheat with cinnamon and brown sugar.    Big Hugs to you, Kyla. 

2010-10-10 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3144063

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-10-10 9:10 PM
dalessit - 2010-10-10 5:57 PM Kyla I agree with Sam.  $hit happens, we have good days and bad days, it happens to everyone.  Just need to move on to the next goal for the next race.

A beer or two always helps ; )

Or Cream of Wheat with cinnamon and brown sugar.    Big Hugs to you, Kyla. 

dark brown sugar!  never EVER light brown sugar. 

no traspasar!
2010-10-10 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Catch up time:

Congrats on 5 years Kim!
Sam - nice dance.
Dj- you'll be fine at the half. Lots of crowd energy to feed off of. You'll surprise yourself I bet.
Kyla- boo. It's all good. we put way more pressure on ourselves than our kids do. You want to make them proud, but really when you are proud of yourself they are proud of you.

Kona- I was at my parents house. had my BB there, but spotty coverage. Parents do not have internet. Major fail. I saw the updates happening, wondering where Wellington was at. I get we see that $hit happens to the best of them on a major stage as well. Sucks that Carfrae had an amazing race, but didnt race Chrissy. that'll be the talk until next year I guess.
Michelle & I went out for a long run. Down into the riverbottom area. Which was silly, steep hills, major winds(gusts to  60km/hr) and getting in 24k(~17.5 miles). But the time was so super slow. And I've learned she needs her own Fuel belts when we do these longer runs. I was getting so thirsty and we weren't around water for a fill up.
Upon finishing, I just felt like garbage. Today i feel better about it. But we realized that if we are planning on doing some of these longer runs together we need to run at our own pace. SO essentially I am going to give her a headstart and catch her when I do. She told me at ~20k she needed me there to keep her going. I think part of it for her is she needs to manage calories better. She totally doesn't take in nearly enough(or so I think). She took in probably a 1/3 of what I did.
Who knows, she can eat a big dinner and go for a run 15 minutes later and not feel anything. Me, I'm in the bushes!
2010-10-10 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3142731

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-10-09 1:01 PM So sad about Chrissie.

But now, I am full on rooting for Mirinda Carfrae (sp?).  I love the way she runs!

Hey guys, tonight Kathy and I have reservations here:

It is Tyler Florence's new restaurant in town!  Made the reservation about 6 weeks ago.  It is our 5 year anniversary.  Not as long as lots of you guys here, but we are doing our best, and still having fun.  I don't think either of us will be doing the chicken dance tonight or climbing on top of the speakers. 

Happy Anniversary!!!   Die hard foodie here.....was it as good as the menu looks?   FYI, we ate at eVe in Berkeley last week, amazing.
2010-10-10 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3142915

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
DougRob - 2010-10-09 3:51 PM Hello everyone It is almost 1AM here I have not check the IM yet.

Linda:  I hope Connor is fine. You totally made the right choice

Tracy: I hope Hobbs gets well soon

Steve: Those hills are the largest mountains in Germany Austria gave them to Germany  a looonnggg time ago.

I went to Dachau concentration camp today. Whew. If I have not said it before, I am Jewish. It was hard. In the Jewish Memorial near the end I cried as I said the mouner's Kadish. I don't know if I could handle Aushwitz as that was a death camp and most of the structures have been preserved. It certainly makes one appreciate what one has today and the fact that we get to do triathlon mostly carefree.

I hope everyone is well, and if you raced that you had a great day!


I went to Dachau 4 years ago.  I, too,  cried.
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