BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL Rss Feed  
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2012-09-02 7:10 PM
in reply to: #4391744

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

bcraht - 2012-09-01 10:56 PM Hey y'all, if you have a minute, shoot Erica (ebshot) a PM.  As you know, her son has been in hospital and she could use the support.  Let's let her know she's got a whole pod behind her.

I don't have access to her log, so I can't send her a message. Is there another way? (Sorry if that's a newb question.)

2012-09-02 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4392449

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-09-02 7:10 PM

bcraht - 2012-09-01 10:56 PM Hey y'all, if you have a minute, shoot Erica (ebshot) a PM.  As you know, her son has been in hospital and she could use the support.  Let's let her know she's got a whole pod behind her.

I don't have access to her log, so I can't send her a message. Is there another way? (Sorry if that's a newb question.)

Same here.

2012-09-02 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4391730

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriAya - 2012-09-01 10:35 PM
KansasMom - 2012-09-02 4:32 AM



Aya - 2012-09-01 10:41 AM

KansasMom - 2012-09-01 12:24 PM

Okay. I actually have a training question if someone would be so kind . . .

I have only 35 minutes to swim during two of my weekly workouts. This week, I swam 12-15 minutes as a warm up and then spent the rest of the time on one arm drills.

I am wondering if I should use the drills as warm up and then do my swim as 100s.

What do you all think?

With only 35 minutes, I'd do the whole thing as 100s (or 50s, or 200s, or 150s, or some combo thereof), do the first couple few easy and really try to hit the rest at the highest repeatable pace you can with 5-15s rest in between, depending on distance. Use the last 100 or 200 (however it's broken up) as cool-down.

Save drilling and technique refinements for when you've got a bigger block of time to mess around with.

Ok. That makes sense. I am just worried about reinforcing bad form. I may be able to get an hour in on Sunday afternoons. Could I drill then? After a warm up or as a warm up? I guess what I'm asking is are drills the main set when you do them or do they function as something else? Sorry for the hairbrain questions.

Drills are better to do in warmup (really, just one or two drills that complement one another) so you can focus on maintaining their aim in the main set.

The only way I'd do drills in a main set is (carefully chosen drills, again complementary ones) let's say for you, 25 drill, 50 or 75 swim, fairly hard, focusing on implementing that drill. Next drill, 25/75 again. 3rd drill, 25/75. Finally, 100 trying to implement as good form as possible but still at a high swim effort.

Don't worry about ingraining bad form. You can always change it later. All swim time is valuable even if you're doggypaddling. You're building swim-specific strength and endurance that you will need anyway in order to truly implement good form and drills; and you're developing water-feel, that nebulous but oh-so-critical swim skill.

Thank you. This really helps. We are camping this weekend, so I had an opportunity to get in a little bit of open water work. Not really swimming because I was watching both boys, but at least it was in the water.  :-)

Hiking and trail running, too. I ran a little on the trail I'll race on in a couple weeks. I don't know what I got myself into. Single track. Over grown. And serious, serious water crossings. We all were completely soaked and muddy! But it was fun.

2012-09-02 7:23 PM
in reply to: #4392450

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
jobaxas - 2012-09-02 5:11 PM
KansasMom - 2012-09-02 7:10 PM

bcraht - 2012-09-01 10:56 PM Hey y'all, if you have a minute, shoot Erica (ebshot) a PM.  As you know, her son has been in hospital and she could use the support.  Let's let her know she's got a whole pod behind her.

I don't have access to her log, so I can't send her a message. Is there another way? (Sorry if that's a newb question.)

Same here.

you can PM her.  Go to messages (next to inspires at top left of page), and click on new message.  You will have to enter her username. 

2012-09-02 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4392457

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-09-02 5:14 PM
TriAya - 2012-09-01 10:35 PM
KansasMom - 2012-09-02 4:32 AM



Aya - 2012-09-01 10:41 AM

KansasMom - 2012-09-01 12:24 PM

Okay. I actually have a training question if someone would be so kind . . .

I have only 35 minutes to swim during two of my weekly workouts. This week, I swam 12-15 minutes as a warm up and then spent the rest of the time on one arm drills.

I am wondering if I should use the drills as warm up and then do my swim as 100s.

What do you all think?

With only 35 minutes, I'd do the whole thing as 100s (or 50s, or 200s, or 150s, or some combo thereof), do the first couple few easy and really try to hit the rest at the highest repeatable pace you can with 5-15s rest in between, depending on distance. Use the last 100 or 200 (however it's broken up) as cool-down.

Save drilling and technique refinements for when you've got a bigger block of time to mess around with.

Ok. That makes sense. I am just worried about reinforcing bad form. I may be able to get an hour in on Sunday afternoons. Could I drill then? After a warm up or as a warm up? I guess what I'm asking is are drills the main set when you do them or do they function as something else? Sorry for the hairbrain questions.

Drills are better to do in warmup (really, just one or two drills that complement one another) so you can focus on maintaining their aim in the main set.

The only way I'd do drills in a main set is (carefully chosen drills, again complementary ones) let's say for you, 25 drill, 50 or 75 swim, fairly hard, focusing on implementing that drill. Next drill, 25/75 again. 3rd drill, 25/75. Finally, 100 trying to implement as good form as possible but still at a high swim effort.

Don't worry about ingraining bad form. You can always change it later. All swim time is valuable even if you're doggypaddling. You're building swim-specific strength and endurance that you will need anyway in order to truly implement good form and drills; and you're developing water-feel, that nebulous but oh-so-critical swim skill.

Thank you. This really helps. We are camping this weekend, so I had an opportunity to get in a little bit of open water work. Not really swimming because I was watching both boys, but at least it was in the water.  :-)

Hiking and trail running, too. I ran a little on the trail I'll race on in a couple weeks. I don't know what I got myself into. Single track. Over grown. And serious, serious water crossings. We all were completely soaked and muddy! But it was fun.

Felicia, you always sound like you have the best time with your family!!  Soaked and muddy IS fun!

2012-09-02 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
mmmmm toasted sandwich - chicken schnitzel, avocado, tomato and cheese.  That and a Cola just perfect after my hot and sunny 7km run!  Love it!  i got me a tan!

2012-09-02 10:22 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Yum! I luv a good schnitzel!!!

Glad you had a good run.
2012-09-03 3:04 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

This is a great find/video on body position in the water. Other than its pure amusement value (I think the Nemo hat is my favorite), it's especially good for leg draggers/wide kickers/sinkers.

Some people do well with the tip/analogy to make a T, press the chest down. Others, it just makes them jackknife more because they're using their upper body to try to "plane" rather than lower-core and leg muscles.

Think Superman on a balance ball ...

And remember, every push-off is an opportunity to practice good body position/muscle memory/streamline.

Edited by TriAya 2012-09-03 3:04 AM
2012-09-03 7:04 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Just popping in to thank you all so much for all of the pm's.  It means a lot to me.

A quick update is that Cole will be discharged tomorrow afternoon.  It has been an insanely long 10+ days and I can't wait for the little guy to come home.  I have two more days (today and tomorrow) of the hour long drive one way to see him.  I'm exhausted in every sense of the word, physically, mentally, spiritually. 

Even though he is coming home we still have a lot of work to do with him.  Wednesday is full of meetings to set up an aftercare program as well as schooling.  This is certainly a marathon and not a sprint race. 
2012-09-03 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Thanks for the kind words everyone, the report is up:

Pretty cut and dry. Not the best, but I knew that going in. I had a great experience during the race though. A young lady caught me as we started biking, and we kinda stayed with one another through out the three laps. I'd get a bit ahead, she'd get a bit ahad, and so on. At one point we were passed by the eventual womens Overall winner and I could see her kinda sag. I pulled alongside her and she looks at me. She says "Wow, she is flying!". I said, "Yeah, she is the best the area has to offer and has won this race a few times. But you are doing fine. Keep low and keep going and you'll do great." She said "thanks, my run is the best part", so I told her to catch her there. I saw her afterward and she turns to her boyfriend and says "This is my bike buddy I told you about. He kept me going on the bike." I always try to be upbeat and helpful to folks, since you never know when you are going to help someone out. It was nice to know it was appreciated. She ended up 2nd Woman Overall, which was pretty cool for her.
2012-09-03 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4393035

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-09-03 9:10 AM Thanks for the kind words everyone, the report is up: Pretty cut and dry. Not the best, but I knew that going in. I had a great experience during the race though. A young lady caught me as we started biking, and we kinda stayed with one another through out the three laps. I'd get a bit ahead, she'd get a bit ahad, and so on. At one point we were passed by the eventual womens Overall winner and I could see her kinda sag. I pulled alongside her and she looks at me. She says "Wow, she is flying!". I said, "Yeah, she is the best the area has to offer and has won this race a few times. But you are doing fine. Keep low and keep going and you'll do great." She said "thanks, my run is the best part", so I told her to catch her there. I saw her afterward and she turns to her boyfriend and says "This is my bike buddy I told you about. He kept me going on the bike." I always try to be upbeat and helpful to folks, since you never know when you are going to help someone out. It was nice to know it was appreciated. She ended up 2nd Woman Overall, which was pretty cool for her.

You had a doubly successful race Chris.  You had a great race, and you helped out a fellow racer.  That's what I love about this sport.  Congrats!

2012-09-03 11:25 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Wow! Nice job Chris. I have not read the race report yet but I love that you were able to encourage somebody else. And I love the fact that you spent the whole bike with the women's second overall leader! I am certainly among greatness in this pod.
2012-09-03 4:28 PM
in reply to: #4392741

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriAya - 2012-09-03 2:04 AM

This is a great find/video on body position in the water. Other than its pure amusement value (I think the Nemo hat is my favorite), it's especially good for leg draggers/wide kickers/sinkers.

Some people do well with the tip/analogy to make a T, press the chest down. Others, it just makes them jackknife more because they're using their upper body to try to "plane" rather than lower-core and leg muscles.

Think Superman on a balance ball ...

And remember, every push-off is an opportunity to practice good body position/muscle memory/streamline.

OK the humor was really dumb, but I appreciate the concepts presented.  I'll try to focus on it in the pool.  (and I do a Sheila E. push off everytime I'm at the wall)

2012-09-03 5:59 PM
in reply to: #4392741

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriAya - 2012-09-03 3:04 AM

This is a great find/video on body position in the water. Other than its pure amusement value (I think the Nemo hat is my favorite), it's especially good for leg draggers/wide kickers/sinkers.

Some people do well with the tip/analogy to make a T, press the chest down. Others, it just makes them jackknife more because they're using their upper body to try to "plane" rather than lower-core and leg muscles.

Think Superman on a balance ball .

And remember, every push-off is an opportunity to practice good body position/muscle memory/streamline.

I swim with a lot of sinkers - the men generally seem to sink more than the ladies at squad.  I've found if I get my head down then my backside pops up which in turn lifts the legs.  Just my own observation...

2012-09-04 12:51 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

This link was on an Introduce Yourself thread - a really good read if you've got five minutes. 

2012-09-04 1:08 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Still out here in Turkey, and after my third attempt of typing the thing out, only to lose it every time, i think it is finally out ready.

My RR from my first Oly.

2012-09-04 1:11 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Well done to all of you who have completed races over the last two weeks. I will be catching up properly when i get back home.

Good luck to those of you racing this weekend.


2012-09-04 9:58 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Pop-in post, Glad everyone had a good weekend and great job Reece!!  I've picked up some night shift work and seem to lose a lot of hours for catching up to sleep.
2012-09-04 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4393767

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
ukweeble - 2012-09-04 1:08 AM

Still out here in Turkey, and after my third attempt of typing the thing out, only to lose it every time, i think it is finally out ready.

My RR from my first Oly.

Flippin' good work Allen!  So cool to have family in there with you!  Must be really cool to do a tri these days in the U.K., Brownlee brothers, Chrissie etc...

2012-09-04 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4392200

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

rrrunner - 2012-09-02 3:44 PM I don't mind shopping.
Shopping for running shoes is more stressful. I have a half dozen pair that don't get much use because they make my feet hurt or give me blisters. I worry about getting yet another pair that seems great at the store but doesn't pan out. My current pair are zoots from REI.

REI has a great return policy!  Bring 'em back.

2012-09-04 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4394271

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
jmkizer - 2012-09-04 9:21 AM

rrrunner - 2012-09-02 3:44 PM I don't mind shopping.
Shopping for running shoes is more stressful. I have a half dozen pair that don't get much use because they make my feet hurt or give me blisters. I worry about getting yet another pair that seems great at the store but doesn't pan out. My current pair are zoots from REI.

REI has a great return policy!  Bring 'em back.

Actually the ZOOTS were great.  I got about 300 miles out of them.  I think they wore out "early" because I run predominantly off-road and they aren't designed for that. I did go shopping specifically for a pair of off-road traininers.  After research I settled on the Salomon Mission.  I found them at REI (after trying a couple of LRS). I did 4 miles this morning and loved them! They are designed specifically for women, have a high arch and a large toe box which is perfect for my feet. 

2012-09-04 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Did I see something out here somewhere about someone signing up for an IM while she is sick? Hmmmm, who thinks this is a good idea?????
2012-09-04 11:18 AM
in reply to: #4394392

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
rrrunner - 2012-09-05 12:10 AM
jmkizer - 2012-09-04 9:21 AM

rrrunner - 2012-09-02 3:44 PM I don't mind shopping.
Shopping for running shoes is more stressful. I have a half dozen pair that don't get much use because they make my feet hurt or give me blisters. I worry about getting yet another pair that seems great at the store but doesn't pan out. My current pair are zoots from REI.

REI has a great return policy!  Bring 'em back.

Actually the ZOOTS were great.  I got about 300 miles out of them.  I think they wore out "early" because I run predominantly off-road and they aren't designed for that. I did go shopping specifically for a pair of off-road traininers.  After research I settled on the Salomon Mission.  I found them at REI (after trying a couple of LRS). I did 4 miles this morning and loved them! They are designed specifically for women, have a high arch and a large toe box which is perfect for my feet. 

Sweet! I love when new runnies work out!

ZOOTS will likely wear out slightly faster than "regular" running shoes even on the road.

The nice thing about off-road trainers is that they work great on the road, too. Some people find them too stiff, but I've done a bunch of running in Brooks and New Balance trail shoes both, and they've been great. For some reason they also seem to be wider than road shoes (even the wide models, at least for those brands).

2012-09-04 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4391451

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
jobaxas - 2012-09-01 6:44 PM

my first Ironman dream!

So for this dream - guy I work with (Dene) was friends with the race director from the states and he told him I was doing IM and how slow I am and the RD said - she's not good enough we're giving her a lifetime ban she can't enter.  I was devastated!  I even left my bike at my friends and said you may as well have it.

WTF - dream come true if that were to happen I wouldn't be devastated I'd be elated!

Then I dreamt I was doing a Tri swim and the water was the colour of tea and your arms touched the debris and garbage at the bottom of the lake every timeyou took a stroke I ended up doing breaststroke!

Family seem better this morning - Artemis has lost 7lbs so is now a chunky 43lbs - can see every rib!  mmmm maybe I could catch this!  She had breakfast today 2 Graham Crackers (for my UK people that's cream crackers) with jam.  She's not allowed butter yet.  I will keep her off school Monday because she's too weak to do a whole day really.  As soon as she can eat and poop normally she can go back!

Father's Day here in Oz - poor Fotis still not great but feels slightly better.  As a good wife and mother I'm off out for breakfast with my girlfriend.  We go to a great cafe on the beach (the IM marathon runs through this part of town) - cafe is owned by Hugh Jackman's sister in law....He was over last week having breakfast there!  He really is very tall.


Poor little Artemis!  Do they have any idea what's going on with her?

2012-09-04 11:23 AM
in reply to: #4391570

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-09-01 8:38 PM Quick check in, race done and I did a bit better on the bike then last race. 4th in the Old Clyde division, so I can't complain. We are in Orlando moving stuff back to the house for the youngest daughter.

Way to go, Chris!!

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