Other Resources Challenge Me! » 1 year, 1000 miles Rss Feed  
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2013-01-26 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4594973

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
sanhador - 2013-01-25 4:29 PM
peto_primo - 2013-01-25 12:07 PM

(although they if I get both in, they would seriously catch me up to that PACE BUNNY)

That pace bunny is an evil sadistic little bugger isn't he? Cry

Ok, off to do my morning run/walk/thing. How many more weeks till I can go outside and get off the treadmill? Laughing


2013-01-26 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4556786

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

SpeedKnight, I added you to the spreadsheet.  Glad to have you here!  Tell us about yourself.

I got a PM about making some changes to the spreadsheet.  Darren (BigDH) has killer goals and when I was trying to set up the spreadsheet originally, I couldn't figure out how to put everyone's goal in there as well as the pace rabbit.  But now I've added an extra column called "Goal Miles".  

Anyone who has goals greater than 1000 miles, they can add their goals to the spreadsheet. (I kinda think that since the title of the thread is 1000 miles that the goal should be at least 1000.  Everybody agree?)  Those with goals greater than 1000 miles, do you mind putting your name at the bottom of the spreadsheet?  That way, the chart is more in line with 1000 milers and then the bigger goal people will be together and won't intimidate the rabbit as much. Wink

I also put a column on the spreadsheet for anyone to place the actual date that they achieve their goal mileage.  Of course, we don't have that yet but it will be fun when someone completes the goal.  They can still keep on racking up the miles after that date.

I noticed earlier in the week that someone changed the sort order and it looked like it was sorted by 1000 milers in descending order.  I don't know how to do that on the google spreadsheet but if anyone wants to periodically do that, I'm ok with it.  I just don't know how.

Darren, did I get the right goal for you?  If not, please adjust and let me know if there is a problem.  I, for one, am really excited to have you in this challenge because it's inspiring to watch someone with your mileage.  I saw you on the ultra board several months ago and then hubby was in your TG to New Year Challenge.  We sorta stalk your logs because it's amazing.  So I'm glad that you came to this challenge so I don't have to be a silent stalker.Laughing

2013-01-26 4:13 PM
in reply to: #4595718

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Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Pink Socks - 2013-01-26 2:17 PM

SpeedKnight, I added you to the spreadsheet.  Glad to have you here!  Tell us about yourself.

I'm a Clydesdale.  6', 230-235lbs.  I was recently told, "you're not fat.  You just have a prominent gut."  It's true... I'm pretty muscular, and probably 80% of my 21% body fat is my belly.  I'm working on it, though.

As for my running, I do it to improve my lung capacity, to slim down, and to get better at triathlons.  As soon as I saw this thread, I figured it would be pretty bad a$$ to brag that I ran 1000 miles during my last year before retiring from the Navy. 
I'm falling short on the goal so far, thanks to the Navy, but there's time around the corner to get hot.  I'll make up for a couple days later tonight.  :-)

2013-01-26 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4556786

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Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

Just checked out the spreadsheet.  I'm behind the power curve here.  Sadly, it's not going to improve much for a little while.  Some major testing at work has us pulling 12 hour+ shifts, and I'm not sure when they will end. 
We just started this testing on Tuesday.  On Monday, I had a 24 hour shift (duty) and couldn't run.  They forced us to work from 0800 to 2300 on Tuesday, so I ended up staying another night at the ship.  Wednesday, I came home and crashed out; I couldn't run because I hardly had the energy to get home.  Thursday was a 24 hour shift, and Friday found me getting home at 2230.  Today, our testing was cut short due to some issues, so I will be logging at least 5 miles before the night ends.  Tomorrow is a long run day, and my HM training schedule has me doing about 8.5mi.  Not sure that will happen, but I'll definitely log at least 7.5 tomorrow.

I've updated my Training Log for all my runs from 1/1/13.  Sadly, I sit at 30.79 / 1000 and I'm 40.44mi behind the curve.  Recalculating the miles/day I'd have to do gives me 2.86ni per day.  I'll do twice that tonight and tomorrow, and I'll have to do my best during the next hectic work week to do ANYTHING next week.

Edited by SpeedKnight 2013-01-26 5:13 PM
2013-01-26 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4556786

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Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
6.7 miles tonight in 1:10:18. I was at 1:04:34 at the 6.2 mile mark, which means I just PR'd a 10K by 23 minutes!!!
2013-01-26 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4556786

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2013-01-27 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4596083

St. Louis
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
SpeedKnight - 2013-01-26 8:27 PM

6.7 miles tonight in 1:10:18. I was at 1:04:34 at the 6.2 mile mark, which means I just PR'd a 10K by 23 minutes!!!

Congrats on the HUGE PR!
2013-01-27 2:54 PM
in reply to: #4596602

Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

ransick - 2013-01-27 1:44 PM

Congrats on the HUGE PR!

Thanks!  With that run, I gained some of the ground I've lost on "The Rabbit."  He's only 36.48 miles ahead of me right now, as opposed to 40.45 miles at the beginning of yesterday.  In about 30 minutes, I'll be setting off for a run I've been wanting to do for some time... a full on loop that I think will be around 8 miles long.

Where this 1000 miles in 1 year game is fun and is helping me with my training, my ultimate goal is just to finish the Half Mary I wanna do on St. Patrick's Day and to kick arse in some triathlons this year!!

2013-01-27 3:38 PM
in reply to: #4556786

St. Louis
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
And with that 8 mile trail run I'm within a 5k of the bunny. I'm coming after you Mr. Rabbit :-)
2013-01-27 4:44 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Raeford, North Carolina
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
21 miles for the week (7 yesterday, 14 today)! Finally back to running but definitely behind the pace bunny. If all goes well, I should catch back up in 3 weeks.
2013-01-27 5:01 PM
in reply to: #4595718

Sunny Oregon
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Pink Socks - 2013-01-26 11:17 AM

I noticed earlier in the week that someone changed the sort order and it looked like it was sorted by 1000 milers in descending order.  I don't know how to do that on the google spreadsheet but if anyone wants to periodically do that, I'm ok with it.  I just don't know how.

Maybe I missed it, but did someone post how to sort on the spreadsheet? That would be a nice feature just to see with a quick glance how everyone's miles are stacking up. Got a good 10-miler in today. Gonna have to keep chipping away at that darn bunny's lead!!

2013-01-27 6:00 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Falls Church
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
I got in a good 8 miler. I'm still behind the bunny. Maybe this week I can catch up by a few miles.
2013-01-27 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4596914

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2013-01-27 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4596861

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2013-01-27 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
I'm still here. Got half my mileage for the month, but I'm back on the horse. Sucks being out of shape and starting over, but hopefully I will get it back quick. The wife started running with me too. That's cool.
2013-01-27 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
8 miles today. C'm'ere Rabbit!!

2013-01-27 9:34 PM
in reply to: #4561423

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
wgraves7582 - 2013-01-04 5:40 AM

peto_primo - 2013-01-04 12:46 AM

BigDH - 2013-01-03 2:12 PM Take a look at the sidebar on my log to see if you want. I am going for a bit more than 1000 miles but the concept is the same. Have a great year in here!

Ok, 1 year 1000  miles  you are just doing 3 repeats of it Wink

Nice one Scott! - Darren is on the 5k plan for 2013 - SMH (and yes that is 5000 miles not doing a 5k!)

I am not sure if I should laugh, cry or blush at this point. But I will clarify that I am just going for 91km a week this year so that is 4732km, which is a bit shy of 5,000 miles. 4444 KM was my goal for 2012, which I made by a hair and with a little bit of help from my friends around here. 5,000 miles Bill, man, that is almost as far as you biked last year, lmfao, oh that is something to dream about though huh.

Anyways, glad to see things are ticking along in here for everyone. Keep it up. Hit those daily, weekly, monthly goals and pretty soon you will be a obsessive compulsive mileage junkie like me and there will be no hope for you.
2013-01-27 10:19 PM
in reply to: #4596861

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Triguy67 - 2013-01-27 4:01 PM
Pink Socks - 2013-01-26 11:17 AM

I noticed earlier in the week that someone changed the sort order and it looked like it was sorted by 1000 milers in descending order.  I don't know how to do that on the google spreadsheet but if anyone wants to periodically do that, I'm ok with it.  I just don't know how.

Maybe I missed it, but did someone post how to sort on the spreadsheet? That would be a nice feature just to see with a quick glance how everyone's miles are stacking up. Got a good 10-miler in today. Gonna have to keep chipping away at that darn bunny's lead!!

Sorry, I was playing around one day.  To sort, you can highlight a range (thus leaving the Pace Bunny and BigDH at the top).  Then in the DATA, go to Sort Range, then Select Column E for to sort by miles to go, and Sort A-Z for fewest miles left.  

I tried including the pace bunny in the sort once so we could easily see who was ahead of the curve (the Pink Socks household were the only ones at the time) but it messed up the formulas... so I didn't try to figure out how to fix that at the time

2013-01-28 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

I got 5 runs in last week.. Off to find the BT Challenge spreadsheet. I still can't figure how to link to it from my Gmail account.

Found it and entered last week's mileage.. I'm already feeling a bit of friendly rivalry with Pam's husband...

Go Kate Go!!! (and everyone else too) :=)

Edited by KateTri1 2013-01-28 8:57 AM
2013-01-28 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4597508

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

lol KateTri1, you and the rest of the ladies just run on by me and I'll follow ya'll in...enjoying the scenery the whole way...lol 

Just kidding with ya'll please do not be offended, Pink Socks, aka wife, said I could say that... 

2013-01-28 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4597659

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
KWDreamun - 2013-01-28 10:44 AM

lol KateTri1, you and the rest of the ladies just run on by me and I'll follow ya'll in...enjoying the scenery the whole way...lol 

Just kidding with ya'll please do not be offended, Pink Socks, aka wife, said I could say that... 


2013-01-28 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4596941

Falls Church
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
wgraves7582 - 2013-01-27 6:29 PM

hoffsquared - 2013-01-27 7:00 PM I got in a good 8 miler. I'm still behind the bunny. Maybe this week I can catch up by a few miles.

It is a long year - that bunny isn't going anywhere - and you will run him/her down by 12/31

We'll see!!  This is a big challenge for me.  I have a hard time getting in more than 3 runs/week.  

2013-01-28 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Falls Church
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

I am wondering if someone can help me.

I want to put a link to the last post on my blog page so I can check up on the thread every day.  Can someone post what the link would look like?

Thanks in advance.

2013-01-28 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4597827

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2013-01-28 11:23 AM
in reply to: #4597862

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