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2014-06-02 9:17 AM
in reply to: Meathead

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by Meathead

As for my first tri...I survived it! Not only did I survive, but I had so much fun doing it. It was a sprint. I finished in 1:38:50 & placed 9th in my division (novice) despite finishing third in the swim & fifth in the run. Riding a heavy 20 year old mountain bike killed me. I lost 10 minutes on the bike compared to the rest of my division & only 8 minutes separated me from the guy who placed first in the division. It may be time to start dropping more than just subtle hints to the wife that I want a new lighter faster bike!

Drew- Congratulations on your first tri! Are you hooked? It took me some work to convince my wife that I was serious and would continue in the sport. I started on a $15.00 garage sale 1970's vintage 10 speed, next I jumped into the late 80's, with what was a top of the line 1989 Raleigh Technium. That was in 2011. In 2012 I bought my current bike. The road bike tires and aerodynamics are going to make you 2-3 mph faster, next are bike shoes and an Aero helmet, all "free" speed (except for the price). It's a delicate dance, but as she sees you are serious and compares what you have to the other kids she will soften. It's all a matter of time and the illusion of being responsible.
The moral of the story is a cheap road bike will make you feel like Lance on HGH, you don't have to spend $5,000 tomorrow.

2014-06-02 12:50 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
I will start us off for June 1:01:05 runch today. Mark- Good job on the May Challenge.

Jim 01 1:01:05
2014-06-02 2:27 PM
in reply to: #4996214


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Hello I would like to join this mentor group if possible. At work right now but will post a bio tonight. Should I just follow the same format everyone is using for their bio? Thanks
2014-06-02 8:15 PM
in reply to: HijoDMaite

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by HijoDMaite

Hello I would like to join this mentor group if possible. At work right now but will post a bio tonight. Should I just follow the same format everyone is using for their bio? Thanks

Your in. Yes just follow the same format for your bio and let us know who you are.
2014-06-03 1:48 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
50:33 on the bike

Jim 02 1:54:38
2014-06-03 5:59 PM
in reply to: Meathead

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Originally posted by Meathead As for my first tri...I survived it! Not only did I survive, but I had so much fun doing it. It was a sprint. I finished in 1:38:50 & placed 9th in my division (novice) despite finishing third in the swim & fifth in the run. Riding a heavy 20 year old mountain bike killed me. I lost 10 minutes on the bike compared to the rest of my division & only 8 minutes separated me from the guy who placed first in the division. It may be time to start dropping more than just subtle hints to the wife that I want a new lighter faster bike!

Congratulations Drew on completing your first tri and welcome to the club - we warned that it is highly addictive!!!

2014-06-03 6:07 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

I'm in for a June challenge - adding 1hr drainer Sunday, 1hr drainer Monday, 7 mile treadmill run +2k swim today 

Gabe 03 3:41:30
Jim 02 1:54:38

2014-06-03 8:11 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Congratulations Mark on the win for May. And actually, congratulations to everyone who committed to the contest and then followed through!

I'm including my final totals in the list:

Mark 23 29:01:00
Joe 21 21:43:09
Jackie 22 33:50:57
Mitch 21 26:29:11
Drew 21 23:04:18
Jim 20 19:24:15
Bruno 19 24:00:00
Dennis 18 26:08:15
Gabe 18 27:34:00
Lisa 13 14:17:24

Congratulations Drew. You will fly on a road bike!

June list:

Gabe 03 3:41:30
Jim 02 1:54:38
Jackie 03 4:55:30
2014-06-04 1:22 AM
in reply to: HijoDMaite

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Going to try to be better about keeping track of this for June. I realized I had a number of days in May that I didn't log (had to go back and check when I was looking at 13 days and knowing that I didn't take that many rest days!), so here goes.

Yesterday: 5-mile run (55:25). Today: 14.5 mile bike ride in 17-22 mph winds. The wind was so awful, holy cow. The idea was that I'd meet my family at the hot springs in a nearby town and we'd enjoy the rest of the day there. I managed to forget the little one's swimsuit, so the husband took the kids off to purchase a replacement and then drive there, and I knew they'd pass me somewhere along the route unless I managed to be super fast. After an hour, I was ready to call it quits due to the horrendous wind and figured I'd flag them down when they passed me. I kept pedaling and fighting the wind, and then I noticed my back tire seemed bumpy. I was trying to glance down and see if it was flat when my family passed me, so I flagged them down. Or tried to--my husband is a wonderful man but suffice it to say that he thought I was merely waving (apparently any arm gestures were interpreted as "waving") and continued to drive for another half mile or so (up a sizable hill, no less) and only stopped because by then I'd whipped out my cell phone and called them and told them to wait because I had a flat tire and didn't want to waste time changing it. There may have been some cursing once I got over the little hill and realized that they were in fact up the big hill. We were only a couple of miles from the hot springs anyhow.

On the plus side, the hot springs are really relaxing, even with kids, and my legs are a lot less sore than they were when I got off the bike. (Yeah, I know they say to avoid hot but the minerals help, IMO. Also, I did "ice bath" in the frigid cold pool there first. Suffice it to say that up in the Colorado mountains, an unheated pool is cold enough to produce numb feet after about 10 minutes!)

Gabe 03 3:41:30
Jim 02 1:54:38
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Lisa 02 2:07:44
2014-06-04 3:34 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Updating the board for this month:
Sunday: 1.5hr bike ride, Tuesday: 30min run on outdoor oval track (first time!), Today: 1:05 12k run.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 02 1:54:38

Lisa, nothing like a little extra adventure, you remember the trip longer!
2014-06-04 8:01 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by realrellim

On the plus side, the hot springs are really relaxing, even with kids, and my legs are a lot less sore than they were when I got off the bike. (Yeah, I know they say to avoid hot but the minerals help, IMO. Also, I did "ice bath" in the frigid cold pool there first. Suffice it to say that up in the Colorado mountains, an unheated pool is cold enough to produce numb feet after about 10 minutes!)

Lisa- There are no conclusive studies that show either hot or cold are better after exercise. The theories are mixed. Cold will reduce inflammation, so you won't have as much fluid in the muscle and less pain. Heat increases blood flow which also increases inflammation, but it also helps the muscle to repair faster. I normally use cold after a very hard effort, like post marathon or HIM, because I'm looking at reducing the pain of the hard effort immediately. But after a "normal" training session, I usually use heat, hot shower, heating pad, Jacuzzi or steam to increase the blood flow in the area and help the muscle repair itself faster. If you are asking me, the hot springs sounds like a really good idea after a long ride in heavy winds and then up a hill on a flat.

2014-06-04 12:28 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Adding myself for June. Run club with my daughter and her friends on Sunday (I lead a weekly run for a handful of 6th graders) and a run before client golf on Tuesday.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 02 1:54:38
Mitch 02 1:04:00
2014-06-04 2:52 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
My first Tri is 8 weeks away so I am planning on spending June trying to connect the 3 sports together. I'm planning on one open water swim a week with a 3 mile run and riding three times a week with 1 mile short runs. Still need a lot of work on my swimming too.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 02 1:54:38
Mitch 02 1:04:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
2014-06-04 3:17 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
1:07:12 and 2,500 meters in the pool today. I'm done working out of town for a while so hopefully the lake is warm enough to swim in this weekend.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 03 3:01:50
Mitch 02 1:04:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
2014-06-04 3:40 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by JBacarella

I'm done working out of town for a while so hopefully the lake is warm enough to swim in this weekend.

Water Temp = 68 Degrees F. Break out your neoprene hoodie....
2014-06-04 7:37 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Last Saturday was my very first OWS. There was a group that met to swim a half mile lake / there and back. It was a blast! This was my first time with a swim cap and wetsuit, I was a bit nervous about the watertemt (62) but it ended up being really refreshing. I think I'm hooked. Man was I all over the place though... I veer to the right. Great Overall experience.

My first race is Fathers Day - looking forward to it!
45 minute bike on Monday, today I cranked out a 40 minute run and 2000 yards in the pool.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 03 3:01:50
Mitch 02 1:04:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

2014-06-04 9:30 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by sisu13

Last Saturday was my very first OWS. There was a group that met to swim a half mile lake / there and back. It was a blast! This was my first time with a swim cap and wetsuit, I was a bit nervous about the watertemt (62) but it ended up being really refreshing. I think I'm hooked. Man was I all over the place though... I veer to the right. Great Overall experience.

My first race is Fathers Day - looking forward to it!
45 minute bike on Monday, today I cranked out a 40 minute run and 2000 yards in the pool.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 03 3:01:50
Mitch 02 1:04:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

Congrats on your first OWC and I wish I was having the same success, I just can't seem to relax in the open water like I can in the pool. My mind is playing tricks on me and I haven't found a way to fight off the anxiety attacks. I have been swimming in 30'+ water and I believe that has been contributing to current issues. I have found a small straight area about 200 yds long where the water is 5' deep along a bulkhead. I am going to try swimming in that area for a bit to see if I can relax more and just swim.
2014-06-05 8:09 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
1'15" on the bike this morning (12x1' @ 113% FTP with 2' recoveries)

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 03 3:01:50
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

Edited by trisuppo 2014-06-05 8:10 AM
2014-06-05 8:10 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Originally posted by sisu13

Last Saturday was my very first OWS. There was a group that met to swim a half mile lake / there and back. It was a blast! This was my first time with a swim cap and wetsuit, I was a bit nervous about the watertemt (62) but it ended up being really refreshing. I think I'm hooked. Man was I all over the place though... I veer to the right. Great Overall experience.

My first race is Fathers Day - looking forward to it!
45 minute bike on Monday, today I cranked out a 40 minute run and 2000 yards in the pool.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 03 3:01:50
Mitch 02 1:04:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

Congrats on your first OWC and I wish I was having the same success, I just can't seem to relax in the open water like I can in the pool. My mind is playing tricks on me and I haven't found a way to fight off the anxiety attacks. I have been swimming in 30'+ water and I believe that has been contributing to current issues. I have found a small straight area about 200 yds long where the water is 5' deep along a bulkhead. I am going to try swimming in that area for a bit to see if I can relax more and just swim.

It takes time and practice to get comfortable in Open water. Use precautions. One thing I did when I started OWS is I would tether a float on one leg. I never used it but it was comforting to have it there, in case something happened. The biggest thing was when I started feeling anxious, I would flip on my back and kick a while. Once you come to the realization (not being rational but comfortable knowledge) that if you get into trouble all you have to do is flip on your back relax and you will float, those anxieties go away. Especially if you are wearing a wetsuit. Remember more people die of a heart attack during the swim leg rather than drowning. I think its at 100% to 0% ratio between the two, but don't quote me on that. I'm not comfortable with the statistic.
2014-06-05 11:28 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Can I join in?

Name: Kate

Story: I've just turned 42 (on the 1st June) and am into my 7th year of this sport. I saw as a kid and love the water, I also Scuba dive. I love bikes as well but it was mainly easy commuting and the move to a road bike has demonstrated I've a lot to learn. I never ran before starting to Tri and the reason I started was to get me to the gym on a regular basis. My first race was 2007 after a couple of years dreaming of doing it but never thinking I could unless I lost the weight. I read a book call slow fat triathlete and realised I didn't have to wait until I lost weight so I just went ahead and I loved it. I've been racing ever since. My job is very busy, requires lots of travel and long hours hence my consistency is a real issue and this is where I'm hoping my engagement with this group will help keep reminding me of what I'm trying to achieve.

Family: I'm single with a cat and a loving family that live quite a distance away. I would date but I rarely get time to train let alone meet people

Training: I'm focused more on the bike and run. While I'm not a superfast swimmer I'm strong enough and I really need to focus on the other two. My primary focus tends to be the bike as I can't fit that in when travelling so am trying to do ad much as I can when I'm not travelling. I'm currently following a HIM training plan from this site.

Races: Last year I did several 5 K's, a 10K, a2 half marathons, a 2 mile swim, 2 sprints an Olympic tri and a HIM.
This year I'm doing 3 10k's 3 half marathons, 1 sprint, 2 HIM and 2 cycle sportives (156 miles over 2 days London to Paris and 66 km Surrey Cycletta).

Why I make a good mentee: I love to learn more and have spent a good few years in the sport but never feel that I can't learn more. As I mentioned I have a very busy life and consistency is key for me so hope that my participation will keep me accountable on another level.

As an aside can someone explain the numbers thing? )

2014-06-05 12:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by Kate_r

Can I join in?

Name: Kate

Story: I've just turned 42 (on the 1st June) and am into my 7th year of this sport. I saw as a kid and love the water, I also Scuba dive. I love bikes as well but it was mainly easy commuting and the move to a road bike has demonstrated I've a lot to learn. I never ran before starting to Tri and the reason I started was to get me to the gym on a regular basis. My first race was 2007 after a couple of years dreaming of doing it but never thinking I could unless I lost the weight. I read a book call slow fat triathlete and realised I didn't have to wait until I lost weight so I just went ahead and I loved it. I've been racing ever since. My job is very busy, requires lots of travel and long hours hence my consistency is a real issue and this is where I'm hoping my engagement with this group will help keep reminding me of what I'm trying to achieve.

Family: I'm single with a cat and a loving family that live quite a distance away. I would date but I rarely get time to train let alone meet people

Training: I'm focused more on the bike and run. While I'm not a superfast swimmer I'm strong enough and I really need to focus on the other two. My primary focus tends to be the bike as I can't fit that in when travelling so am trying to do ad much as I can when I'm not travelling. I'm currently following a HIM training plan from this site.

Races: Last year I did several 5 K's, a 10K, a2 half marathons, a 2 mile swim, 2 sprints an Olympic tri and a HIM.
This year I'm doing 3 10k's 3 half marathons, 1 sprint, 2 HIM and 2 cycle sportives (156 miles over 2 days London to Paris and 66 km Surrey Cycletta).

Why I make a good mentee: I love to learn more and have spent a good few years in the sport but never feel that I can't learn more. As I mentioned I have a very busy life and consistency is key for me so hope that my participation will keep me accountable on another level.

As an aside can someone explain the numbers thing? )

Kate - Welcome to the team! I'm tickled that the team name was one of the items that attracted you to check us out.

The numbers thing. Through the last few years we have run some sort of a monthly challenge every month. Typically based on points per workout and total time working out. The current version is as follows: (1) you get 1 point for any day in which you Swim, Bike or Run at least 30 minutes. Therefore, max points that can be earned in any one month is equal to the number of days in that month (for June max points is 30); (2) log your total time spent Swimming, biking or running. This is the tie breaker. So where you don't get credit for swimming and running in the same day, you do get to total your time in case of a tie.

The reason behind our challenges is to get each team member to focus on doing something every day or most every day (I typically have one rest day per week - usually more than one due to life getting in the way of working out). I think most of us would agree that consistency in workouts leads to fitness gains over time.

Edited by trisuppo 2014-06-05 12:53 PM

2014-06-05 1:16 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by Kate_r

Can I join in?

Name: Kate

Story: I've just turned 42 (on the 1st June) and am into my 7th year of this sport. I saw as a kid and love the water, I also Scuba dive. I love bikes as well but it was mainly easy commuting and the move to a road bike has demonstrated I've a lot to learn. I never ran before starting to Tri and the reason I started was to get me to the gym on a regular basis. My first race was 2007 after a couple of years dreaming of doing it but never thinking I could unless I lost the weight. I read a book call slow fat triathlete and realised I didn't have to wait until I lost weight so I just went ahead and I loved it. I've been racing ever since. My job is very busy, requires lots of travel and long hours hence my consistency is a real issue and this is where I'm hoping my engagement with this group will help keep reminding me of what I'm trying to achieve.

Family: I'm single with a cat and a loving family that live quite a distance away. I would date but I rarely get time to train let alone meet people

Training: I'm focused more on the bike and run. While I'm not a superfast swimmer I'm strong enough and I really need to focus on the other two. My primary focus tends to be the bike as I can't fit that in when travelling so am trying to do ad much as I can when I'm not travelling. I'm currently following a HIM training plan from this site.

Races: Last year I did several 5 K's, a 10K, a2 half marathons, a 2 mile swim, 2 sprints an Olympic tri and a HIM.
This year I'm doing 3 10k's 3 half marathons, 1 sprint, 2 HIM and 2 cycle sportives (156 miles over 2 days London to Paris and 66 km Surrey Cycletta).

Why I make a good mentee: I love to learn more and have spent a good few years in the sport but never feel that I can't learn more. As I mentioned I have a very busy life and consistency is key for me so hope that my participation will keep me accountable on another level.

As an aside can someone explain the numbers thing? )

Hi Kate and welcome to the group. The numbers thing is our monthly challenge. Its a little motivational tool to keep us moving in the right direction and honest with our selves. There are two numbers the first you get one point for each day you train in one of the three disciplines, swim, bike or run, for a minimum of 30 minutes. The session has to be 30 minutes or longer or no point. The second number is the total amount of time spent. Today when I post I rode my bike for 43:01at lunch. So I will get one point for today and then I will add 43:01 to my total time. We keep track of time for a tie breaker, incase two people get the same number of points. If I run later for a minimum of 30 minutes I add that time in, but I don't get an additional point. At the end of the month the winner will be declared and they shall receive all of the honors and accolades that come with in ( we all tell you good job ). Simple enough and feel free to join in the challenge.

Sorry Mitch, I didn't see your post when I replied. At least our answers are consistent.

Edited by JBacarella 2014-06-05 1:23 PM
2014-06-05 1:19 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
43:01 on the bike at lunch. I discovered that deer not only like to challenge car, but bikes also. I had a white tail jump out of the woods directly in my path. I don't know which of us was more surprised.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
2014-06-05 1:33 PM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
I'm still trying to figure out how this works. Not sure where people are getting the, "June Challenges" and how I actually get my mentorship. Do I just keep coming back to this post and will see new replies? Thanks!

Name: Javier

Story: I am 38 and weigh in at 255lbs I want to lose at least 45 of these pounds to get back to a size 36. I have always had the ability to run, I was a Marine for five years and have done a couple half marathons and a few of 5Ks. My problem is consistency, I start something and go hard for a few days then I totally quit. All in or all out kind of guy. I am looking at this training and goal differently. Not going to try to rush in to anything, I don't even have a Tri in mind that I am training for yet. (maybe I should?) I just want to develop a good training schedule lose weight and get better at swimming.

Family: I have a beautiful wife and two young girls about to be in 6th and 8th grade. Both of them are like monkeys, what they see me do they do. So I am hoping this challenge will be good for their health too. Both girls play softball and are involved in Band. My Wife loves to run but is frustrated with her lack of motivation and consistency in working out. She is a type 1 diabetic too. I am not talking much about my goal of doing a Triathlon at this point. I just want to "walk" the walk not "talk" the talk right now.

Training: I am going to try and do two workouts a day consistently with one complete day off a per week. Running outside, using old mountain bike outside, running on treadmill at 24hr Fitness, swimming at 24hr Fitness pool, using bikes at 24hr Fitness, also need to incorporate some weight training. I will also be swimming in the ocean with my fins on as I am trying to get in shape to bring my DSLR camera in the water and begin surf photography. Still not sure what schedule I should be following at my level, how often and how long. (That's why I am here

Races: I've done Vegas half, Carlsbad half, and about 5 5Ks around. Other than that no other events.

I am going to try to familiarize myself with the forum as best as possible. But would appreciate any guidance along the way.



Edited by HijoDMaite 2014-06-05 1:38 PM
2014-06-05 2:05 PM
in reply to: HijoDMaite

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by HijoDMaite

I'm still trying to figure out how this works. Not sure where people are getting the, "June Challenges" and how I actually get my mentorship. Do I just keep coming back to this post and will see new replies? Thanks!

Name: Javier

Story: I am 38 and weigh in at 255lbs I want to lose at least 45 of these pounds to get back to a size 36. I have always had the ability to run, I was a Marine for five years and have done a couple half marathons and a few of 5Ks. My problem is consistency, I start something and go hard for a few days then I totally quit. All in or all out kind of guy. I am looking at this training and goal differently. Not going to try to rush in to anything, I don't even have a Tri in mind that I am training for yet. (maybe I should?) I just want to develop a good training schedule lose weight and get better at swimming.

Family: I have a beautiful wife and two young girls about to be in 6th and 8th grade. Both of them are like monkeys, what they see me do they do. So I am hoping this challenge will be good for their health too. Both girls play softball and are involved in Band. My Wife loves to run but is frustrated with her lack of motivation and consistency in working out. She is a type 1 diabetic too. I am not talking much about my goal of doing a Triathlon at this point. I just want to "walk" the walk not "talk" the talk right now.

Training: I am going to try and do two workouts a day consistently with one complete day off a per week. Running outside, using old mountain bike outside, running on treadmill at 24hr Fitness, swimming at 24hr Fitness pool, using bikes at 24hr Fitness, also need to incorporate some weight training. I will also be swimming in the ocean with my fins on as I am trying to get in shape to bring my DSLR camera in the water and begin surf photography. Still not sure what schedule I should be following at my level, how often and how long. (That's why I am here

Races: I've done Vegas half, Carlsbad half, and about 5 5Ks around. Other than that no other events.

I am going to try to familiarize myself with the forum as best as possible. But would appreciate any guidance along the way.



Javier -

Welcome to the team. Keep up to date with the conversations in the thread and fire away with any questions and comments you might have. Jim and I both detailed the June Challenge above. Let us know if there are additional questions.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
of 62
date : March 20, 2014
author : tri342
comments : 2
When I found out there was going to be a small sprint triathlon in a month, I signed up and I decided I would try to do my best.
date : February 27, 2012
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
To succeed in a multisport event is to sign the entry form and show up to the start. If you put but a toe in the water consider that a bonus. This sport is hard.
date : July 13, 2011
author : DaveScott
comments : 0
Dave Scott, six-time Hawaii Ironman world champion, shares his insights and plenty of stories to help you define your own success.
date : October 20, 2008
author : EnduRight
comments : 0
Training is often a lonely proposition and sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Finding good training partners can provide you with that extra external motivation to bring out your best.
date : July 3, 2006
author : Team BT
comments : 2
Take some time right now to think of at least three great reasons why your goal is worth achieving. Make them specific, powerful, exciting, and inspiring.
date : January 1, 2006
author : c.krishnan
comments : 0
We must all be aware that success attained in one single effort will have only a short span of life. Because success achieved without any strain or struggle cannot last long.
date : July 5, 2005
author : bflrich
comments : 1
What makes the difference between success and failure is not how often you fall but how often you rise. Next time you’re chewing that second cookie and you realize it’s not what you planned on...STOP!
date : September 1, 2004
author : owie
comments : 0
Your training plan is a guide but you don’t blindly follow it. You shouldn’t know exactly what you are going to do until the day you are to do it.