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2008-07-03 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Nope- very small area to enter when it's not race day-- and no one ever messes with your stuff.  Lake temp is about 70 ?? and feels beautiful in a wetsuit.

Come on in, the water's fine!! 


2008-07-03 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

I'll be arriving Thursday mid-day and going for a swim that afternoon or evening.

I'll also show up Friday morning at 8:30 to swim a loop of the course, and I'll be doing a short ride (<20) sometime Friday as well.

2008-07-03 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
I will be there Thursday as well. I am going to swim a loop Friday morning and bike the first 3-4 miles of the course and run the first mile on Friday. Saturday I may get in the water for a loop as well depending on how I feel.

It sounds like Friday at 8:30 to meet up for the swim?
2008-07-03 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1506287

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Colchester, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
I'll be in on Tuesday, doing a short swim and 5 mile run on wednesday, a short ride on thursday, and a swim on friday. 
2008-07-03 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1506299

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Looks like my plan is the only one that calls for complete rest on Friday. hmmm. 

May just watch you guys from the shore  but I'm definately swimming Saturday.

2008-07-03 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1506265

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

That was my plan until my wife informed me that we aren't leaving until the kids get home from camp at 4pm.  Arguing ddin't seem like a wise choice.

Maine Rob - 2008-07-03 11:29 AM

I'll be arriving Thursday mid-day and going for a swim that afternoon or evening.

2008-07-03 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

I will probably swim on Friday.  Saturday will be a complete rest day (as well as the rest of Friday).

Anyone up for driving the course with me on Friday??

2008-07-03 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1506335

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

I don't yet have my plan for that week, so I can't commit to anything yet. (I don't even have my plan for next week; I prefer to look short term.)

I'm traveling up on Wed and have a condo right near the swim start, so I'll be around. I'll let you know later next week if/when I can make group swims, bikes, runs .

2008-07-03 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

I'll be going with the complete rest on Saturday plan as well.

I'd be happy to be part of a driving tour sometime Friday or Saturday too.

2008-07-03 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

We will drive in Wednesday afternoon.  I am planning on swimming on thurs and friday morning. 

I am also planning on driving the course either thurs or friday, so if you want to team up for that Rick, count me in.

Edited by kenj 2008-07-03 11:23 AM
2008-07-03 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1506335

portland, or
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
rollinbones - 2008-07-03 7:51 AM

Looks like my plan is the only one that calls for complete rest on Friday. hmmm.

May just watch you guys from the shore but I'm definately swimming Saturday.

No it's not. Friday is a rest and relaxation day for me. But if that's the best morning for a meet and greet I'll be there for that.

I'm swimming one loop Thursday morning at ~7:30AM. Riding to Jay later that morning.

Swimming 15-20 minutes Saturday morning, and riding just enough to make sure everything is working on the bike before turning it in.


2008-07-03 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
I plan on driving the course either Friday or Saturday as well. Let me know what day/time everyone wants to do this.
2008-07-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1506458

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

yaqui - 2008-07-03 12:33 PM  Swimming 15-20 minutes Saturday morning, and riding just enough to make sure everything is working on the bike before turning it in. scott


2008-07-03 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
We have a Honda Pilot so I can fit 7 + me in the car ........ might be a little snug doing that, but we can swing it!
2008-07-03 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1038503

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

My plan is to swim Thursday, Friday and Saturday to rid myself of my mental demons and feel calm and comfortable in the water.

Thursday I have 30' run and Saturday a quick 30' spin.

I probably will want to drive the course just to see where the aid stations will be and if they have done any last minute patch jobs like last year.

Edited by KathyG 2008-07-03 12:53 PM
2008-07-03 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1506658

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Really, no one should have any reason to do anything exercise-wise Friday or Saturday other than maybe a quick spin to make sure the bike works.

There will be nothing at that point that you will gain one way or another by doing anything those days.

The only reason I'll be swimming is to test the waters and sighting, that's it, otherwise I wouldn't even be doing that.  And I'll ride my bike up and down the block once or twice checking out the shifting.  Other than that, you just need to mentally prepare yourself for the coming day and organize your gear and sleep well.

It blew my mind seeing people ripping down the road on their bikes in full gear on the frickin' day before the race.  Not casual testing, but full on workout.  Same thing with runners.  And you knew who was racing because the bikes had their numbers on them.

As Peter Reid and Dave Scott both have said in interviews, there is no reason to do anything but rest the week of the race.  You've got nothing to gain and risk injuring/crashing unnecessarily.

2008-07-03 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1506503

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

I know that what you're saying makes sense, Rick. And, yes, there is no physiological benefit to training the week before. That said, my worst workouts come the day after a full rest day. Also, my best races have come when I "trained" the day before. This has always been nothing more than a 15-min run and 20-min bike. I have no idea what I'll be doing on Fri and Sat; but there's no way I'll go into race day having just sat on my butt for the several days prior. Most likely, I'll be swimming. I know it's all mental. I haven't "done nothing" for more than one consecutive day in a few years. I have no idea how my body will respond to doing nothing for a few days and then suddenly having to race for 15 hrs. Yikes!

That said, I'll just do what coach tells me.

2008-07-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1506466

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
rollinbones - 2008-07-03 12:37 PM

yaqui - 2008-07-03 12:33 PM  Swimming 15-20 minutes Saturday morning, and riding just enough to make sure everything is working on the bike before turning it in. scott


Probably ditto for me as well.
2008-07-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1038503

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
well, I have a fullblown walk through on Saturday at noon, and ....oh you guys are RACING? That's my volunteer meeting.

I'd love to join in if you guys set up a swim or anything on Saturday. Probably getting there sometime Sat morning.
2008-07-03 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1506745

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Well I've been following a plan for 34 weeks. I think I'll stick with it.

Mostly I agree. The last swim, 20 -30 mins, is more about feeling comfortable than actual work. 


Daremo - 2008-07-03 2:17 PM

Really, no one should have any reason to do anything exercise-wise Friday or Saturday other than maybe a quick spin to make sure the bike works.

2008-07-03 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1038503

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
I can't build fitness that last week?!?

I will swim one loop easy to pick out some landmarks to site on (including the line under the water) and get used to the water temp. I will also ride a few miles very easy and jog the first mile. Since I did not do a training trip, I want to know how each of the three disciplines start.

It helps me mentally prepare for the race.

2008-07-03 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1506827

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
The first mile of the run is mostly downhill, so be ready for your legs to spin wildly out of control and to have a first mile split way faster than what you had planned .
2008-07-03 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1038503

portland, or
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
I don't know if I'm violating any forum policies, but this is funny stuff right here (from a Slowtwitch thread):

2008-07-03 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1507183

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Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
yaqui - 2008-07-03 4:30 PM

I don't know if I'm violating any forum policies, but this is funny stuff right here (from a Slowtwitch thread):

This is too friggin funny!

So really which is faster red or blue?
2008-07-03 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1506745

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
Daremo - 2008-07-03 2:17 PM

Really, no one should have any reason to do anything exercise-wise Friday or Saturday other than maybe a quick spin to make sure the bike works.

When one is a swimmer that has pretty much just been doing kick sets due to a bike crash injury suffered 5 weeks out and one will not be able to swim for real until probably late next week, one will be swimming race week, albeit slowly and carefully, focusing on form and trying to feel right in the water again.  While I will have to be careful and listen to my shoulder, my swim training ends when I get out of the water on Saturday (my fastest swim times come when I've been swimming a lot, so I have no idea what to expect on raceday, only that I want to start fast so my shoulder doesn't get hit too much during the hand-to-hand combat.

Can you tell this not swimming thing is driving me nuts (yet I'm probably the person that "needed" to swim the least of all you guys)?Yell

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