BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-12-14 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Keller, Tx
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Short bio ---

Name:   Robert

About Me:  Married (15 yrs in June) to a wonderful wife who also has started triathlons, 2 kids 9 and 7, and a dog.  I live in the DFW area (keller, tx).  I did my first tri in Oct. of 2008, a sprint and was hooked.  I did two more sprints in 2009 along with a 5K.

Current Training:  Winter training has consisted of just running which is my weakest area.  Will add in the bike in January.  I look forward to having a group to bounce ideas off of and to hold me accountable!

2010 Races:  Currently I have the Cowtown Half Mary in Feb. and the St. Patty's Day Tri(sprint) in March.  I am looking to complete an Olympic distance and possible a HIM by the end of the year.

2010 Goals:  Lose 20lbs (lost 30 this year)...add an additional day of training to my schedule(5 to 6 instead of 3 to 4)...first out of the water in a sprint tri.

I am looking forward to being a part of the group.

2009-12-14 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2558867

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! (OPEN FOR BUSINESS)
fattyfatfat - 2009-12-14 8:22 PM
gdctex - 2009-12-14 8:01 PM As promised, a short Bio.

Name:  Glen

Background:  Live in Katy, TX outside of Houston.  Married with 2 great teenagers (13 and 15).  Very non-athletic for most of my life til about 18 months ago.  Decided I needed to change how I was living now as it impacts what I could be able to do in 10 years.  I will be 50 this Friday....and feeling great about it now.  I lost 30lbs in 2008 by swimming and doing cardio at the gym.  In early 2009, I was looking for something to keep me motivated to work out and decided to try the triathlon.  I like to swim, hate to run, still not decided about the bike yet.  My wife trains for half-marathons.  She actually was part of the inspiration for me to change my lifestyle....its hard to live with someone who is fit and healthly when you are a couch potato....

Current training:  I completed one sprint tri (Try Andy's Tri in Sugar Land) last October.  I have a race report about it in my profile.  I used the 20 week training program on this site to get ready for it.  It kept me on track and I was pleased with my results.  I am on the Winter Maintenance program now and plan to continue to do Sprint tri's in 2010 (3 or 4 total).

 Goals:  Build a strong base and show improvement with each tri in 2010.  Long term, I want to work my way to a point to complete one IM before I am 60.  Not an aggressive goal, but who knows, maybe I will get it done by the time I am 55.

This is the first time for me to be in a mentor group, so I am looking forward to learning for others in the group.  I have seen an impressive range of folks and accomplishments in this is really inspiring!

KATY, TX!!!  wooooooot!  i'm over in copper lakes.  welcome to the mg and BT.  what races are on tap for 2010?  where do you ride?

edit.  50 beers on your b-day. AWESOME!!!  Canadians suck...a lot of beers down.  (all you new Canadians.. relax i love ya) moosehead.

I have not decided which races yet.  There is one in the Woodlands in April, then Bridgeland in August, and probably Andy's Tri again for nostalgic reasons (and to see if I improved over this year's results....).  I am open to suggestions for good sprint tri's in the Houston area.  

I started riding in Bush Park last fall...when the trail is not flooded.  For now, I am using the spinning bike at the gym in anticipation of getting a real bike in early 2010.  I used an old trail bike I bought at Academy years ago for that first tri and was dead last in my age group for the bike....its the bike, right?  I mean, it was really slooow....

Anyway, thanks for the welcome!  I have learned so much already....about Canadians and how beer appears to be a part of the tri training regiment...hmm, not sure I have seen that anywhere else.
2009-12-14 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Alrighty then, heres the first question....

I have a 2006 Fuji Team Pro, that sadly hasn't had many miles put on it  I bought it new with ultegra/dura ace mix components for my first season in 2007.  Great bike, LOVE it!  Now, the bike came equipped with an 11-23 gearing, I find myself constantly in the lowest gears, and still struggling.  Should I..(A)  Tough it out knowing it will get easier and make me stronger in the long run, or (B) exchange for a 12-27 gearing?

Just curious what the cycling experts say, as I dont know my head from a hole in the ground when it comes to cycling.

Oh, and here is a pic.....because we all love bike porn....


Bike2.JPG (37KB - 18 downloads)
2009-12-14 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
I'm totally in. Posted my bio last week.

2009-12-14 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
WOW, I am overwhelmed with all of the new people.  Can't wait to get to know you better!  Two questions for the group:

1. Is there a way to add more than 60 friends?  I want to get the newbies in the log so I can track them to death

2. Is someone going to be providing a link to the MG so we can all add it to the blogs and be on the last page?

2009-12-14 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2558907

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
AF_SGT - 2009-12-14 7:03 PM Alrighty then, heres the first question....

I have a 2006 Fuji Team Pro, that sadly hasn't had many miles put on it  I bought it new with ultegra/dura ace mix components for my first season in 2007.  Great bike, LOVE it!  Now, the bike came equipped with an 11-23 gearing, I find myself constantly in the lowest gears, and still struggling.  Should I..(A)  Tough it out knowing it will get easier and make me stronger in the long run, or (B) exchange for a 12-27 gearing?

Just curious what the cycling experts say, as I dont know my head from a hole in the ground when it comes to cycling.

Oh, and here is a pic.....because we all love bike porn....

I saw your bike logged miles, and from my experience (I've put in 860 miles within 3 months since I bought the bike), that the more miles you do, the more hills you do, the better it gets.  There are still times where I would be in my easy gears and would struggle, but then the next time I do the same hill, same road, it's easy and I'm in my high gears.  I think there's other factors involved such as amount of energy, amount of strength, and whether you did a long bike ride or long run the day before, etc.

If you feel like you're ALWAYS in the easy gear and still struggle no matter the factors, maybe you can consider getting a triple? I have no idea whether it's worth it or how much of a hassle it will be to go from a double to triple.

Then again, what the hell do I know about cassettes? ;-)


Edited by CyborgQueen 2009-12-14 9:36 PM

2009-12-14 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2558932

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-14 8:28 PM
AF_SGT - 2009-12-14 7:03 PM Alrighty then, heres the first question....

I have a 2006 Fuji Team Pro, that sadly hasn't had many miles put on it  I bought it new with ultegra/dura ace mix components for my first season in 2007.  Great bike, LOVE it!  Now, the bike came equipped with an 11-23 gearing, I find myself constantly in the lowest gears, and still struggling.  Should I..(A)  Tough it out knowing it will get easier and make me stronger in the long run, or (B) exchange for a 12-27 gearing?

Just curious what the cycling experts say, as I dont know my head from a hole in the ground when it comes to cycling.

Oh, and here is a pic.....because we all love bike porn....

I saw your bike logged miles, and from my experience (I've put in 860 miles within 3 months since I bought the bike), that the more miles you do, the more hills you do, the better it gets.  There are still times where I would be in my easy gears and would struggle, but then the next time I do the same hill, same road, it's easy and I'm in my high gears.  I think there's other factors involved such as amount of energy, amount of strength, and whether you did a long bike ride or long run the day before, etc.

If you feel like you're ALWAYS in the easy gear and still struggle no matter the factors, maybe you can consider getting a triple? I have no idea whether it's worth it or how much of a hassle it will be to go from a double to triple.

Then again, what the hell do I know about cassettes? ;-)

860 miles in 3 months...You rock DJ. Thats some serious biking.
2009-12-14 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2558920

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
SSMinnow - 2009-12-14 7:15 PM WOW, I am overwhelmed with all of the new people.  Can't wait to get to know you better!  Two questions for the group:

1. Is there a way to add more than 60 friends?  I want to get the newbies in the log so I can track them to death

2. Is someone going to be providing a link to the MG so we can all add it to the blogs and be on the last page?


1 - You probably cannot add more than 60 friends, but if you want to put some newbies from this MG on your blog, just add their names and the links to their profile in your blog header with "SWBKRUN's Mentor Group" heading. Then you can stalk all of us.  But I've seen this happen when someone has over 60 friends, they can just add more friends in the "Links" section or Heading in their profile.  You won't see a picture, but good enough. 

SWBKRUN - Steve, has a table from his 2009 Mentor group, so that would be one way to have more than 60 friends. Hopefully someone will be creative enough and create one specifically for this group. 

2 - I was just thinking the same thing!  There should be something like, "last unread post".  I know this group is already getting pretty big, fast, but I can get confused on what was the last thing I saw.

(sorry for the multi-editing - first my grammar sucked, then forgot to add something, then saw Steve's profile page, and edited this some more...*sheesh*)

Edited by CyborgQueen 2009-12-14 9:50 PM
2009-12-14 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer?

Lisa AKA losta
2009-12-14 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2558543

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
swbkrun - 2009-12-14 4:31 PM


Suzy, Kim---- Feel free time chime in and kick Kyla's butt into gear, so she can join you 2 in Boston!!!!

From your keyboard to their keyboard to my legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-12-14 10:25 PM
in reply to: #2558907

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
AF_SGT - 2009-12-14 7:03 PM

Alrighty then, heres the first question....

I have a 2006 Fuji Team Pro, that sadly hasn't had many miles put on it  I bought it new with ultegra/dura ace mix components for my first season in 2007.  Great bike, LOVE it!  Now, the bike came equipped with an 11-23 gearing, I find myself constantly in the lowest gears, and still struggling.  Should I..(A)  Tough it out knowing it will get easier and make me stronger in the long run, or (B) exchange for a 12-27 gearing?

Just curious what the cycling experts say, as I dont know my head from a hole in the ground when it comes to cycling.

Oh, and here is a pic.....because we all love bike porn....

Beautiful bike... I love me some good bike porn!

Well, assuming you've got a standard crankset (53/39) and not a compact (typically 50/34), a 11-23 in the rear can be pretty manly gearing. The 12-27 certainly makes it easier to spin up a serious hill, but I'd also take a look at a 11-25. In my mind, there's very little to be gained by grinding out a low gearing. If you were in the 39/23, at 60 rpm, you'd be going a little over 8 mph. With the 39/25, you'd be going 10% slower, and the /27 would be 8% slower still. It may not sound like much, but that's a pretty substantial reduction in effort to keep the bike moving up a steep grade without toppling over.

There have been very few times when I completely spun out of gearing. Doing the same calculation as above, at 100 rpm, a 53/12 equals 34 mph while a 53/11 is 37 mph. So you're giving up about 10% speed on the top end to get 10% on the low end. In my mind, that's usually a good tradeoff unless you're doing a pretty flat course (IMAZ, IMFL, Lonestar, Boise, etc.)

Also, I tend to go with the Ultegra cassettes (or even 105 for my training wheelset) vs. Dura-Ace since the latter is often twice the price to save about 60 grams and will wear faster.

Edited by ryanp100 2009-12-14 10:28 PM

2009-12-14 10:26 PM
in reply to: #2558886

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
TriFrog93 - 2009-12-14 8:46 PM Short bio ---

Name:   Robert

About Me:  Married (15 yrs in June) to a wonderful wife who also has started triathlons, 2 kids 9 and 7, and a dog.  I live in the DFW area (keller, tx).  I did my first tri in Oct. of 2008, a sprint and was hooked.  I did two more sprints in 2009 along with a 5K.

I am looking forward to being a part of the group.

Robert -- we are living parallel lives. My kids are the same ages, and my son is the same name as your town! Nice to meet you!

I forgot to put this in my bio, but I live outside of Seattle (Eastside). The rain is making a lovely noise on my skylights as I type... Tomorrow's run will be a muddy one (or not if I choose to go sidewalks).

Edited by kkcbelle 2009-12-14 10:27 PM
2009-12-14 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2559006

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
losta - 2009-12-14 10:22 PM Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer? Lisa AKA losta

Me for sure for sure.

For shorter workouts (90 minutes or less?) I usually listen to the radio and scan stations among music and NPR. The harder I am working the more I need the tunes. For w/u and w/d I often check email and Facebook on my iphone. ;-)

For longer workouts so far I have the entire season of The Biggest Loser all ready to watch. Last year I did long trainer rides watching multiple seasons of this show (had never seen it) so I had plenty to keep me busy. If I wanted to stop I thought about what those people were doing, who were in not nearly as good of shape as I am, and it motivated me. I'll likely try to queue up some other shows my husband doesn't watch and pass the time with those. Last year I did a few 3:30 to 4:00 training rides... they were long... and I'm sorta dreading doing them again... But they always ended, so that's good. I figure I can endure just about anything for a finite amount of time.
2009-12-14 10:49 PM
in reply to: #2558886

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

TriFrog93 - 2009-12-14 8:46 PM Short bio ---

Name:   Robert

About Me:  Married (15 yrs in June) to a wonderful wife who also has started triathlons, 2 kids 9 and 7, and a dog.  I live in the DFW area (keller, tx).  I did my first tri in Oct. of 2008, a sprint and was hooked.  I did two more sprints in 2009 along with a 5K.

Current Training:  Winter training has consisted of just running which is my weakest area.  Will add in the bike in January.  I look forward to having a group to bounce ideas off of and to hold me accountable!

2010 Races:  Currently I have the Cowtown Half Mary in Feb. and the St. Patty's Day Tri(sprint) in March.  I am looking to complete an Olympic distance and possible a HIM by the end of the year.

2010 Goals:  Lose 20lbs (lost 30 this year)...add an additional day of training to my schedule(5 to 6 instead of 3 to 4)...first out of the water in a sprint tri.

I am looking forward to being a part of the group.

WOO HOO - another DFW'er!!  I live across town in Frisco!  Perhaps you can road trip down to Lonestar and do the oly at the end of April!  Lots of us MG'er will be there!  Welcome Robert!

2009-12-14 10:53 PM
in reply to: #2559006

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

losta - 2009-12-14 10:22 PM Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer? Lisa AKA losta

I am doing Jorge's winter cycling plan - plenty of interval work and some longer steady efforts as well.  I like it!  You can find it over in the challenge forum.  After last season I realized I needed to work on maintaining a higher effort level longer on the bike - Jorge's plan seemed to fit the bill!


2009-12-14 11:17 PM
in reply to: #2559044

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
I have been doing spinervals and find them quite motivating.
I was going to do Jorge's winter training but I find the spinervals give me more incentive. I have about a dozen of the DVDs (spinervals and real rides) I've only watched a few so far. The most I've done on the trainer is 1 hour. I have ridden on the roads for over 3 hours but I find it hard on the trainer to go long.

Lisa-AKA losta

ashort33 - 2009-12-14 11:53 PM

losta - 2009-12-14 10:22 PM Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer? Lisa AKA losta

I am doing Jorge's winter cycling plan - plenty of interval work and some longer steady efforts as well.  I like it!  You can find it over in the challenge forum.  After last season I realized I needed to work on maintaining a higher effort level longer on the bike - Jorge's plan seemed to fit the bill!


2009-12-14 11:19 PM
in reply to: #2558765

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
trysprintolympic - 2009-12-14 2:32 PM
Happychick - 2009-12-14 6:24 PM

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Biathlon, Duathlon, Sprint tri, somewhat of an Oly tri (the swim was short), ½ marathon, and a few smaller running races.  I managed to win my AG in the Du, and top 10% of my AG in all the rest so I’m pretty pleased with my first season!!

Do you really mean biathlon as in shooting/x-country skiing? I did that as a kid! I never thought of it as a companion to triathlons, but I suppose it is technically a multi-sport event!

Oh was run/swim!  I hate to see where I'd shoot if I had to do so after skiing!

2009-12-14 11:21 PM
in reply to: #2559064

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

I know what you mean - I did a two hour ride on a spin bike at the gym the other day - what a beat down!  All I had was my mp3 player....

losta - 2009-12-14 11:17 PM I have been doing spinervals and find them quite motivating. I was going to do Jorge 's winter training but I find the spinervals give me more incentive. I have about a dozen of the DVDs (spinervals and real rides) I've only watched a few so far. The most I've done on the trainer is 1 hour. I have ridden on the roads for over 3 hours but I find it hard on the trainer to go long. Lisa-AKA losta
ashort33 - 2009-12-14 11:53 PM

losta - 2009-12-14 10:22 PM Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer? Lisa AKA losta

I am doing Jorge's winter cycling plan - plenty of interval work and some longer steady efforts as well.  I like it!  You can find it over in the challenge forum.  After last season I realized I needed to work on maintaining a higher effort level longer on the bike - Jorge's plan seemed to fit the bill!


2009-12-14 11:24 PM
in reply to: #2559067

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Happychick - 2009-12-14 11:19 PM
trysprintolympic - 2009-12-14 2:32 PM
Happychick - 2009-12-14 6:24 PM

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Biathlon, Duathlon, Sprint tri, somewhat of an Oly tri (the swim was short), ½ marathon, and a few smaller running races.  I managed to win my AG in the Du, and top 10% of my AG in all the rest so I’m pretty pleased with my first season!!

Do you really mean biathlon as in shooting/x-country skiing? I did that as a kid! I never thought of it as a companion to triathlons, but I suppose it is technically a multi-sport event!

Oh was run/swim!  I hate to see where I'd shoot if I had to do so after skiing!

I have heard it called that before; however, around here they call it an aquathlon (sp?) -  I did one last season and enjoyed it!


2009-12-14 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2559072

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
ashort33 - 2009-12-14 6:24 PM

Happychick - 2009-12-14 11:19 PM
trysprintolympic - 2009-12-14 2:32 PM
Happychick - 2009-12-14 6:24 PM

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Biathlon, Duathlon, Sprint tri, somewhat of an Oly tri (the swim was short), ½ marathon, and a few smaller running races.  I managed to win my AG in the Du, and top 10% of my AG in all the rest so I’m pretty pleased with my first season!!

Do you really mean biathlon as in shooting/x-country skiing? I did that as a kid! I never thought of it as a companion to triathlons, but I suppose it is technically a multi-sport event!

Oh was run/swim!  I hate to see where I'd shoot if I had to do so after skiing!

I have heard it called that before; however, around here they call it an aquathlon (sp?) -  I did one last season and enjoyed it!


Ahhhh, I've heard that before but didn't know what it I know!  For whatever reason, we obviously haven't caught up to the times and it's still called a biathlon!

2009-12-14 11:50 PM
in reply to: #2559006

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
losta - 2009-12-14 8:22 PM Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer? Lisa AKA losta

I'll be riding in the trainer during winter when I can.  I kinda dread using the trainer because I overthink things and look at my avg speed and say to myself "Gosh, you're so freakin' sloooow!" However, after reading some people's comments about the's not the amount of miles you put in that matters, but the amount of time and intervals counts. So, I think I'll feel much better doing the trainer this time around. It's still kinda cool (during the afternoon, when there's no breeze), in Vegas, so I'll be back and forth.

I've watched a movie, watched episode of Golden Girls (and I do fast spins during commericals, so in a way it's kind of doing intervals at the same time). However, I lose my interest after 20 minutes. Longest ride in the trainer was 45 minutes and I did a mesely 7 to 8 miles. Embarassed

I'm hoping to get one or two Spinervals soon.  Do you know if it's Closed Captioned or Deaf-friendly? (meaning, can I see the speed, cadence, RPE on the screen visually?)

2009-12-15 5:52 AM
in reply to: #2559086

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-14 11:50 PM
losta - 2009-12-14 8:22 PM Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer? Lisa AKA losta

I'll be riding in the trainer during winter when I can.  I kinda dread using the trainer because I overthink things and look at my avg speed and say to myself "Gosh, you're so freakin' sloooow!" However, after reading some people's comments about the's not the amount of miles you put in that matters, but the amount of time and intervals counts. So, I think I'll feel much better doing the trainer this time around. It's still kinda cool (during the afternoon, when there's no breeze), in Vegas, so I'll be back and forth.

I've watched a movie, watched episode of Golden Girls (and I do fast spins during commericals, so in a way it's kind of doing intervals at the same time). However, I lose my interest after 20 minutes. Longest ride in the trainer was 45 minutes and I did a mesely 7 to 8 miles. Embarassed

I'm hoping to get one or two Spinervals soon.  Do you know if it's Closed Captioned or Deaf-friendly? (meaning, can I see the speed, cadence, RPE on the screen visually?)

Great question.  I have several Spinervals and Coach Troy puts the gear you are supposed to be in on the screen.  He does not put up cadence and the rest of the chatter isn't included (which isn't all bad sometimes).  You should email him.  He might have cues sheets available for his tapings that he could foward to you. 

One other idea for biking or running inside.  Put a full length mirror in front of you and watch your form.  At first it sounds a little ridiculous, but it helps keep you tuned into the workout and not let things detoriate the longer you are on it.  Finally, training for Boston the last two years  I have been relegated to the TM alot, including a 26m long run.  My best advice, embrace it.  If you go down with the attitude of "I am going to hate this", you will.  For me, it was the only alternative and I learned to love it.
2009-12-15 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2559070

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Another groan here for spin bikes.  I trained for two years including IM training and did 1 trainer ride. Now I'm only training for Sprints while I figure out how to run again and only have short rides and if it's even close to 50 I'm hitting the gym.  Go figure.  Must say I'm catching up on my reading a little more now.   Although that coach Troy is a tail buster.  I will usually do one workout a week focused on keeping my HR down and my RPM's up and then a Spinnerval tape for the other.  If it's longer than an hour I'll pop in a movie.

2009-12-15 6:54 AM
in reply to: #2559006

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
losta - 2009-12-14 10:22 PM Who here is riding a trainer for the winter? If so what do you do while on the trainer? Do you listen to music, watch TV, movies, Spinervals and such, etc? How long do you usually spend on the trainer? Lisa AKA losta

Yes!  The trainer is like the treadmill to me - horribly boring but I can't force myself to ride outside in the snow and ice and cold like I can for the run.  So I'll switch is up w/ all of those things.  Plus it helps that my husband and I have a computrainer which we got used on the cheap.  That really helps for variety. 

Right now I spend about an hour on the trainer but I imagine by peak training in March it will be up to the 3 or so hrs.  My other motivation will be thinking about beating John (FattyFatFat) at Lonestar.  We have some friendly little smack talking about who will be waiting for who at the finish line.

Speaking of Lonestar for you new Texas folks that's righ in your backyard and we have a large SWBKRUN going.
2009-12-15 7:10 AM
in reply to: #2555972

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
I ride the Computrainer (CT) a lot and I run on a treadmill quite a bit this time of year. I am in a minority, but I like them both. I watch shows on the DVR while I race the little pacer guy over various race courses (on the CT).

BTW: This moring I ran with my coach (Marty) in Umstead park. We started before dawn. What was cool was we were supposed to do 4.5 miles in 40 minutes. Today he mentioned during the run that I was averaging about  8 minutes/mileand was talking more. Ended up with about 4.8 miles in 42 minutes. Seeing some progress is great.

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