BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Evondo's Group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-16 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2562864

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Oh it is!  But it's good pain.....or at least that's what I'm trying to convince myself

evondo - 2009-12-16 3:32 PM That thing looks like a torture device!

KelliD - 2009-12-16 2:24 PM I've had ITB issues off & on for a few years, so I feel you pain!  I've found that as long as I'm proactive I can keep any problems at bay.  My muscles have a tendency to get really tight, so I think I stretch more than anyone I know.  Like Betsy mentioned, I'm a HUGE advocate for the foam roller!!!!  This has helped me more than anything else.  I'm not gonna's going to hurt, especially if your ITB's are tight.  BUT, stick with it bc it does really help in the long run!

I just got far it's fantastic!  Definitely recommend it!

2009-12-16 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2562331

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Ooops forgot to add the quote in the post above.... hopefully this helps!
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 12:38 PM
NRG42 - 2009-12-16 11:13 AM Hi everyone,

I am really intimidated by the the experience!!!!  I can't wait to learn.  I am really passionate and ambitious and promise to give a 100%.  The next couple of weeks of my life are just i will be under the radar till the new year, I'll pop in when I can!  I have no clue what I am doing but can definitely provide you with some good banter and laughs!

I am still trying to figure out this whole site and will work on adding you all as friends this week!   

Don't be... We are all here to provide advice, support, and encouragement.  New to Tri's is only one element to the equation... your experience & strengths will be just as important, as we all will continue to learn and improve through each other and this forum.  

Oh and the good banter & laughs is always welcome... that is what builds a good coheasive group!   
2009-12-16 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2562932

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Like Eric and Justin said before - no need to be!  We all bring different strengths into the group!

Emmanem - 2009-12-16 2:47 PM Ooops forgot to add the quote in the post above.... hopefully this helps!
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 12:38 PM
NRG42 - 2009-12-16 11:13 AM Hi everyone,

I am really intimidated by the the experience!!!!  I can't wait to learn.  I am really passionate and ambitious and promise to give a 100%.  The next couple of weeks of my life are just i will be under the radar till the new year, I'll pop in when I can!  I have no clue what I am doing but can definitely provide you with some good banter and laughs!

I am still trying to figure out this whole site and will work on adding you all as friends this week!   

Don't be... We are all here to provide advice, support, and encouragement.  New to Tri's is only one element to the equation... your experience & strengths will be just as important, as we all will continue to learn and improve through each other and this forum.  

Oh and the good banter & laughs is always welcome... that is what builds a good coheasive group!   
2009-12-16 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2562864

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Where's Todd when ya need him.  I'm sure he would comment that it is kinky or something...
It's SO Big!  or at least in the pictures it seems big...

Between the power tap and the foam roller... doesn't look like I am gonna have enough pinche dinero to buy my wife those diamond earrings she's been asking for... Ah the life of a dedicated tri-geek spouse!  Toughest job in Traiathlon!  Suck it up Buttercup!  shhhhh....don't tell her I said that!

evondo - 2009-12-16 2:32 PM That thing looks like a torture device!

KelliD - 2009-12-16 2:24 PM I've had ITB issues off & on for a few years, so I feel you pain!  I've found that as long as I'm proactive I can keep any problems at bay.  My muscles have a tendency to get really tight, so I think I stretch more than anyone I know.  Like Betsy mentioned, I'm a HUGE advocate for the foam roller!!!!  This has helped me more than anything else.  I'm not gonna's going to hurt, especially if your ITB's are tight.  BUT, stick with it bc it does really help in the long run!

I just got far it's fantastic!  Definitely recommend it!
2009-12-16 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!

Swim Training... (unhappy camper!)


image001.jpg (12KB - 16 downloads)
2009-12-16 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2563001

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!

Great Picture!

Power tap is what I will have on my wish list for my next investment, then again I want a new Tri -bike. After watching the video (grinning) it is all about the Training! Laughing

Support just changed my screen name to Golfpro.

Have a great night everyone. I am heading to the gym for a swim workout followed by a bike/spinning.

"To be a champion, you must train like a champion"

2009-12-16 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2562995

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 3:09 PM   Suck it up Buttercup! 

THERE IT IS!!!  We knew it was coming didn't we?  Is there some kind of drinking game we can play for every time Justin says Buttercup?  Maybe every time he says it he has to buy a round??? 

2009-12-16 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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The Ocean State
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!

Wow this is a chatty group! Glad I was able to join in, it's just what I need to stay motivated. I was in a MG last winter and it died a slow painful death due to non-participation. I don't see that as a problem for this crew.

Today I did a 2mi WU on the dreadmill and 45 mins of lifting at lunch time. Made the afternoon much better.

2009-12-16 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2563120

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
sma777 - 2009-12-16 1:56 PM

Today I did a 2mi WU on the dreadmill and 45 mins of lifting at lunch time. Made the afternoon much better.

Sadly I think the dreadmill is in my future this evening.  Pouring rain here (and yes I could run in the rain I suppose).  What is annoying is I woke up to no rain and really should have went this morning but talked myself out of it.  I use to be a morning runner but then started working from home 3 days a week and had no reason to get up early and run, I just went at lunch.  And on those 3 days I swim in the morning.  But I have been trying to talk myself into running in the morning the two days I drive to work and am struggling to get back into that routine.  I was blaming jetlag for a bit but now I can't use that as a excuse anymore.  Now it is just motivation.
2009-12-16 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I have to agree with Justin in regards to the total immersion video (by the way thanks for the copy). My swimming was by far my worst event. I couldn't swim more than 100 meters, got out of breathe and just used too much energy to go no where. The thing I liked about the video, is that it explained why you can't "muscle" your way through the swim and emphasized the importance of form and technique. I still have a long way to go but I saw progress.

If any one is having issues swimming, and you don't have the ability to get a coach, take Justin up on his offer.
2009-12-16 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2563129

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
bzgl40 - 2009-12-16 4:01 PM
sma777 - 2009-12-16 1:56 PM

Today I did a 2mi WU on the dreadmill and 45 mins of lifting at lunch time. Made the afternoon much better.

Sadly I think the dreadmill is in my future this evening.  Pouring rain here (and yes I could run in the rain I suppose).  What is annoying is I woke up to no rain and really should have went this morning but talked myself out of it.  I use to be a morning runner but then started working from home 3 days a week and had no reason to get up early and run, I just went at lunch.  And on those 3 days I swim in the morning.  But I have been trying to talk myself into running in the morning the two days I drive to work and am struggling to get back into that routine.  I was blaming jetlag for a bit but now I can't use that as a excuse anymore.  Now it is just motivation.

I also work from home and have the same issue. I just got back from being out of town for 5 weeks and I'm also having a hard time waking up in the morning. Well tomorrow I have a 90 minute ride scheduled. I guess I have to wake up early.

2009-12-16 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2563173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Houstonrider - 2009-12-16 4:22 PM
bzgl40 - 2009-12-16 4:01 PM
sma777 - 2009-12-16 1:56 PM

Today I did a 2mi WU on the dreadmill and 45 mins of lifting at lunch time. Made the afternoon much better.

Sadly I think the dreadmill is in my future this evening.  Pouring rain here (and yes I could run in the rain I suppose).  What is annoying is I woke up to no rain and really should have went this morning but talked myself out of it.  I use to be a morning runner but then started working from home 3 days a week and had no reason to get up early and run, I just went at lunch.  And on those 3 days I swim in the morning.  But I have been trying to talk myself into running in the morning the two days I drive to work and am struggling to get back into that routine.  I was blaming jetlag for a bit but now I can't use that as a excuse anymore.  Now it is just motivation.

I also work from home and have the same issue. I just got back from being out of town for 5 weeks and I'm also having a hard time waking up in the morning. Well tomorrow I have a 90 minute ride scheduled. I guess I have to wake up early.

90 minute ride tomorrow - Good training for our ride Saturday - 40 degrees / windy 50 miles and no Larry to make fun of.  You know how well I do in the wind!  Let's hope the fit change helps a bit.
2009-12-16 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2562836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Kelli if you decide to switch out components you might want to checkout SRAM as well. I switched from durace 7800 to a combo of SRAM Force and Red and I love it (on a road bike and i did keep the durace cassette). I was a little hesitant about doing the change but I'm glad I did. I found that on my bike the shifting was a little quicker, more accurate and the components a little lighter and cheaper. It's totally a preference, some people love shimano more but the good thing is I think they're interchangeable.
evondo - 2009-12-16 3:22 PMYou know me all to well, I'm going to fight not to say it...

Ultegra is the best bang for buck & quality compromise. If you do plan on buying a tri bike later I would hold off on components and even say you'll get more speed from race wheels than components although not as much as training with that other thing PPPP....

Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 1:33 PM
KelliD - 2009-12-16 1:19 PM
I'm also looking to upgrade some of the components on my bike (currently Shimano Tiagra).  QUESTION: Which components are most worth-while to upgrade?

Congrats on the Mooseman entry!
Ohhhh new wheels... totally jealous! Yeah, yeah Eric...we know!

That is not a real cheap thing to do... with minimal gains n reality.  But if you feel you must...
I would begin with the cranks,  a 10 spd crank is compatible with 9 spd cog... but you can't swap out a triple to a double ring crank. 

Are you keeping up?  The cranks... if it's an older set up, you can have them changed out to the external bearings and drop about a pound of weight plus get better cranks.

Next in line would be the rear cog (since you're gonna get new wheels anyways)... then the rear derailluer, then the front.  If you are currently running on 9 speed gear... and you wanna up grade to 10 spd... gotta do the whole kit-n-kaboodle.  For a full build kit Ultegra... at or around $750-1000. 

EvD is gonna tell ya (lol!) Power Tap is about $1000!
2009-12-16 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Finally had some decent weather today (mid 40s).  Got all excited, left work 3 hrs. early so I could do a nice long ride before dark.  Aired up the tires, lubed the chain, dressed in all my winter gear and was off.  Felt so free and fast to be riding outside and then...broke a spoke.  Got a solid 1.8 miles in though!! 

Good news is the LBS fixed the wheel for free.
2009-12-16 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
HIIII!  Eric, I see the group is closed but I'm hoping you still have room for one more?  I will seriously cry if you dont.

I'll get my bio up for all those poor innocent and unsuspecting souls who have not yet be subjected to my fabulousness tomorrow.

2009-12-16 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Okay now that I've read thru the 9 freaking pages you animals have posted in the past 2 days I realize that you have already held a spot for me.  Thank you.

2009-12-16 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
NAME: Nicole 83/ Nicole

Been doing tris for a few years now.  I'm slow, not particularly competitive, and really enjoy training more than I enjoy racing.  But I love the sport and the people I've come to meet along the way, and being part of Eric's first training group has definately motivated me to at least try to move outside my comfort zone and become a better athlete.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, but husband is out of town 5 days a week which gives me plenty of time for swim/bike/run

CURRENT TRAINING: Training for a half marathon at the end of Feb along with swimming and indoor cycling classes.  I need to get my tri schedule together for next season, but it will include at least one HIM race.

2009 RACES: I don't even remember what all I did.  Nothing spectacular, but that means I get to make big improvements in 2010, right?

2010 RACES:  Uh, see above.    Stay on me about this or else I'll never actually register for anything.

WEIGHTLOSS: Probably need to think about that again.  Love the holidays, hate the scale... bad combo for my bootie.

WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR: The same great leadership and inspiration I've had from Eric's group for the past year.  Aw... warm fuzzy... tear.

  Stay on me about training logs
Please don't get offended by anything I say, I tend not to have a filter- espeically in conversations with Justin (trin2bfast) and Todd (newtons).
2009-12-17 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2563623

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Man that stinks, sounds like it's all ready for next time though

kjivie - 2009-12-16 9:13 PM Finally had some decent weather today (mid 40s).  Got all excited, left work 3 hrs. early so I could do a nice long ride before dark.  Aired up the tires, lubed the chain, dressed in all my winter gear and was off.  Felt so free and fast to be riding outside and then...broke a spoke.  Got a solid 1.8 miles in though!! 

Good news is the LBS fixed the wheel for free.
2009-12-17 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2563751

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Of course but in return we need a triathlon race registration from you in within a week please

Nicole83 - 2009-12-16 10:32 PM Okay now that I've read thru the 9 freaking pages you animals have posted in the past 2 days I realize that you have already held a spot for me.  Thank you.
2009-12-17 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2563893

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
For those of you who just swim straight, I'd recommend trying for some ideas on workouts. It'll mix up the workout and allow you to focus more on stroke and speed improvements.

For complete beginners there should be at least 1 day/wk of nearly all drills/stroke work. Pick your biggest problem and find the drill to help you fix it and focus on that for the day. Another good thing about a workout like this is it should be a recovery from all the other workouts you're doing.

2009-12-17 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2558074

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
So Ken (and Kari), I lived in St. Louis for about 4 years right out of college.  I actually raced the St. Louis marathon in oh... 2005 I think?  My father in law did it in 2006.  That's a really fun race, great course and typically good weather.

I also highly reccomend the Lewis and Clark race later in the season, the second half of it is on the Katy Trail and it's awesome.

That said, I'm really jealous of RAGBAI.  I've always wanted to do that, it's totally on my "Before I turn 30" list.

2009-12-17 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2559532

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - OPEN!
Um wait a minute, you have a BOYFRIEND?

Okay, officially out of hibernation now.  KELLI!  DETAILS!!!

KelliD - 2009-12-15 10:24 AM Hey everyone!  I'm so excited for our group!

NAME: KelliD / Kelli

STORY: I caught the tri bug about 2 years ago and was immeadiately hooked!  Just finished my second season and accomplished more goals than I ever thought possible.  I was in Eric's mentor group last year and it was such a great time I couldn't resist coming back for another round

FAMILY STATUS: Great boyfriend (and race partner )who also loves tri's

CURRENT TRAINING: Enjoying the off-season and slowly getting back into the swing of things.   Starting to go to bikram yoga a couple times a week.  Hopefully plan to keep this up through the winter.  After the holidays the plan is to start spending a lot of time on the trainer and get to the pool on a regular basis.

2009 RACES: 2 HIM's, 1 Oly, a handful of sprints & 1 Du

2010 RACES: Just registered for Syracuse 70.3!!  That will be my 'A' race for the season.  Still working on rounding out the rest of my races for the season, but it will include a few oly's and a few sprints.  My main goals for the season are to get stronger on the bike and faster all-around.

WEIGHTLOSS: Just maintain
2009-12-17 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2563993

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - OPEN!
I have to say days like this are why I need this mentor group.  It was 40 degrees (cold for those of us in Houston) and more rain than water coming out of my shower.  Because I knew Eric was watching I went ahead and got my crap on at 4AM and ran.  It was a very good weekday 10k run for me and when I got back I was very happy I ran.  I got on the scale (like I always do) and was happy to see Thanskgiving / last weekends eat fest gone and I am back to pre holiday weight.  I still have a few pounds to drop before I tackle the Houston Half but good slow progress is all I am looking for.

I hate the dreadmill so much now I was willing to get very wet to avoid it. 

2009-12-17 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2563623

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
kjivie - 2009-12-16 9:13 PM Finally had some decent weather today (mid 40s).  Got all excited, left work 3 hrs. early so I could do a nice long ride before dark.  Aired up the tires, lubed the chain, dressed in all my winter gear and was off.  Felt so free and fast to be riding outside and then...broke a spoke.  Got a solid 1.8 miles in though!! 

Good news is the LBS fixed the wheel for free.

I guess the only good news is you weren't too far from where you started.   Sucks that you were ready to ride and only ended up with 1.8.  That spoke probably won't fail you again.

2009-12-17 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2563993

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - OPEN!
This is old news now   We already discussed this in the old thread while you were still in hibernation.

Nicole83 - 2009-12-17 8:45 AM Um wait a minute, you have a BOYFRIEND?

Okay, officially out of hibernation now.  KELLI!  DETAILS!!!

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