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2010-01-27 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2637500

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-01-27 12:27 PM
Pector55 - 2010-01-26 4:46 AM
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-01-26 2:27 PM I just remembered something my flute professor used to ask me after each (weekly) lesson:  "So, when you grow up, are you going to be a doctor?"

It was his (backhanded) way of telling me I had no future as a flute player. At least I got to go to college on a music scholarship and was ranked first in state my senior year of high school. Phhhttt!

Tough instrument for a young lady to play after the American Pie movie.  Tongue out

This one band camp...

hahhaa  I was hoping you would find that amusing and not get mad.  Awesome!

2010-01-27 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
This was not actually said to me.

A fellow female classmate went to see one of our professors during his office hours to ask about some problems on the homework (it was either statics or dynamics) and he made the comment, "This is why women should not be engineers". 

It is amazing that people can get away with saying stuff like that. 

On a side note, I got this gem from my college swim coach (only my coach for a 1/2 a year before he had to take a medical leave), "You have the perfect body for a swimmer, flat chested with a long neck"......he made plenty of non-pc comments but he'd been a coach there for like 30 yrs so they were just waiting for him to retire.
2010-01-27 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2637787

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
crazyalaskian - 2010-01-27 12:49 PM (it was either statics or dynamics)

As I was reading all of these, I thought  back to a few times when I have had to tell a student they were not going to be engineers.  The quoted one really hit home.  It would usually go like this:

Me to Student:

"You are having trouble passing statics, statics is your first basic engineering class, if you struggle with statics, dynamics will kill you, mech of materials will destroy you, and that is before we get to any of the specific stuff (like steel, circuits, structures, fluids, termo, etc).

I suggest that you identify a major more in line with your strengths"

Now that I write that, I sure feel demotivational, but at the time, I always felt like I was doing them a favor, a harsh favor; nonetheless, everything is not for everybody.

Edited by bufit323 2010-01-27 1:10 PM
2010-01-27 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

I've done 5 tri's over the past two years...and no one's come out to watch me.  My big sister does her first 1/2 marathon (last October) and the whole family shows up to cheer her on.  Oh

My ex, when I first started training, laughed about how long it took me to finish a 5K race (10+ minute miles...slow, I know).  He said he could easily finish in 24-25 minutes.  But, because of "shin splints", he'd never train with me or sign up for race. 

Thankfully, I got rid of that loser!

Edited by hamiltks10 2010-01-27 1:10 PM
2010-01-27 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2637787

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
crazyalaskian - 2010-01-27 10:49 AM This was not actually said to me.

"You have the perfect body for a swimmer, flat chested with a long neck"......

I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing.... How does one respond to that? "Gee, thanks, that is what every girl dreams of hearing..."?
2010-01-27 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2637844

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
r1237h - 2010-01-27 1:09 PM
crazyalaskian - 2010-01-27 10:49 AM This was not actually said to me.

"You have the perfect body for a swimmer, flat chested with a long neck"......

I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing.... How does one respond to that? "Gee, thanks, that is what every girl dreams of hearing..."?

Usually when I say someone has a perfect swimmers body it includes (in addition to the above) freakishly long arms, big man hands and huge floppy feet . . . oh yeah and a flat butt.

I guess what I am saying is, no one wants to have the perfect swimmers body because they will be alien-like:

  • At 6’ 4” Phelps has the length in the pool he needs
  • An arm span of 6’ 7” gives him incredible pulling power in the water
  • He has the torso of a 6’ 8” man that aids his reach
  • Phelps’ torso is hydrodynamic (low drag) being long and thin and triangular shaped
  • He has the legs of a 6’ tall man giving him a stouter kick, power in the turn and a hydrodynamic lower half
  • Phelps’ hands are huge and can grab a lot of water
  • His feet are even larger (size 14) and act as a flipper
  • Plus Michael Phelps is double jointed which lets him whip his arms, legs and feet through a greater range of motion than most

  • 2010-01-27 1:20 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

    This was the worst for me though.  I'd been cut from the Varsity basketball team my Junior year of high school.  So I played J.V. and tried out again Senior year.  I made the team...but the coach had a long talk with me to let me know that I was the 12th man, I would be mostly a practice player and to not be disappointed if I didn't make it into games.  He asked if I would be ok with that...and I said absolutely.  I understood my role on the team and I was ok with it.  I knew I wouldn't see much playing time, but I knew that from the start.

    Every damn game my parents would yell at me from the bleachers to "say something!" to the coach.  They reeeeaaaalllly thought I should be playing more.  They would get so angry if I didn't get into the game or if I only made it in for a couple minutes.  They made the season games miserable for me.

    I wrote them a note explaining how I felt and asking them not to come to my games anymore...but I never had the guts to give it to them.

    I still had fun...loved being on the team, loved practice and enjoyed when I got into a game.


    2010-01-27 1:20 PM
    in reply to: #2637844

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    Two incidents:

    I did a short run, 2 km, with my 6 y/o son. The short distance was both because I had not been running for over 20 years and had just started to do it again, and because it was my son's first organized run. I am struggling, trying to remember how to breath, telling myself that it will, sooner or later, end, and my sweet little boy, who I was protective of, was running ahead of me, dropping behind, running in circles, discussing all that came to mind, and having a grand old time (Ha! I still control the credit cards! Take that, sonny!). We finished after about 20 minutes, and upon reaching the finish line, I looked for the wife and twins so that they could see us passing the line and show support. However, they had wondered off, since, as my wife explained, the didn't expect us to finish so soon.

    My second case was a few days ago, going to a store and buying my first Tri shorts and Top. Came out wearing the top, and my wife started laughing hysterically. She said that it was because she almost never see's me wearing tight shirts, which is true, but it still felt lousy. Bought it anyway, and I WILL wear it, sooner or later, with no unnecessary bulges.
    2010-01-27 1:25 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

    I'm a very normal size, maybe a little tall, for a white American woman. My host sister in China would comment repeatedly on how "strong" I looked. Eventually I figured out she used the words "strong" and "player" (like basketball player) to mean "big".

    Then there was the time my feet swelled (probably due to all the seafood my host family ate) to a size 8.5 and I needed to buy new shoes. I knew just enough chinese to ask for a size 39. Literally, every woman in the department store turned and stared at me. The white girl with huge feet. No, they did not have shoes that big.

    Combine that with the facts I was taller than everyone I saw, period, and had to buy XL shirts and dresses if I wanted new cute clothes, I was immensly relieved to get back to the states and not feel like a giant.

    However, it was fun to run in the mornings and have an old guy on a bike try to keep up with me. And that one morning that I found a track... The Chinese guy who kept up with me for a lap was beaming. Those were pretty good times.

    2010-01-27 1:29 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

    Oh, and I totally forgot something my stepdad said to me...."Your feet are so big they are like fins.  No wonder you swim fast.  I bet you could waterski on those things no problem".  He was playing around though since he was just jealous that he had small, little man feet and I could wear his shoes when I was in 8th grade. Laughing

    The coach was dead serious though.  And while I had no qualms with my physical attributes, for the most part, at that point in my life, I couldn't believe he had the nerve to actually say that to someone. 

    2010-01-27 1:51 PM
    in reply to: #2637912

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    I finally thought of a good one (I guess that is a good sign that it has taken me so long).

    I was a slightly above average swimmer on a really great team in high school.  The team won state every year in a runaway.  By the time I was a senior, I had worked hard enough to the be 4th man in one of the indiviual events (there were underclassmen that could beat me, but as a senior, I guess I got my chance since we were going to win anyway).

    So I got to swim City and State that year.

    I am in a race, I believe it was 200 free.  In the same heat with me is one of our team captains.  This guy is at least Junior Nationals level, I am barely HS state qualifier.  He is already going to Stanford to swim next year (IIRC).

    So after the heat (where I swim PR by far) my Dad comes to me and says . . . "You should swim like that guy, coming out of the walls he is like a boat with an engine."

    Hell yeah, I should swim like that guy, you think I haven't thought of that during the 3 hours of practice everyday for 4 years!

    Edited by bufit323 2010-01-27 1:53 PM

    2010-01-27 2:13 PM
    in reply to: #2632646

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    wee scotty - 2010-01-25 7:20 AM when i found out last year that i had thyroid cancer, some one saying its only thyroid cancer think yourself lucky..

    My mother in law (whom I really love, so no cracks!) just had this and when someone said this exact same comment I really had to hold back.  Amazing what comes out of some people's mouths.
    2010-01-27 2:16 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

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    Extreme Veteran
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    1986, (I was 3) training for my first triathlon, and I was struggling with my swimming, so I hired a swim coach. After the third or fourth lesson as I'm climbing out of the pool, she kneels down beside me and softly asks, "how much time have we got before the race?"

    On the big feet issue, c'mon ladies, if you're tall you will look pretty silly with small feet. Nobody ever says "man, you really have big feet" when looking at your body; it's only close up looking at them in isolation or when they see empty shoes that anyone besides yourself will think that you have big feet. I have size 14 1/2's on a 6' 2 1/2"  body so I know that of which I speak.

    Blair  (or, by friends, aka Flip [for Flipper], Bigfoot, Sas [for Sasquatch], Big Bird [for, uh, never mind]).

    When arrested and booked in at the county lockup in Maine, the guy says "aliases?" I say "Bigfoot" and he writes it down. It's officially on my rap sheet.

    Without fail, every February driving through Bangor, Maine on the way to our annual ski trip, my buddy turns off the highway to the road to the Old Town Canoe Company and says "Let's see if we can you a new pair of shoes".  I'm am getting tired of that one.

    Edited by blairrob 2010-01-27 2:18 PM
    2010-01-27 2:42 PM
    in reply to: #2625549

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    Columbus, Ohio
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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    KOM - 2010-01-20 10:45 PM My Mom, may she rest in peace, was a master of the backhanded compliment.  My favorite was after I started doing tris and lost 20+ lbs she said "I had forgotten how flat chested you were until you lost all that weight".  Gotta love her.

    LMFAO!!!! This is my favorite so far as I'm reading through. OMG!!!!
    2010-01-27 3:03 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

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    Olney, MD
    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

    After Eagleman, my first half ironman, I stopped by my parents' house to pick up my dog.  I had just finished the race earlier that day. I was really excited, had a great race, felt good about it, and was telling them all about it.  Mentioned that I got a medal and asked them if they wanted to see it.  My dad said "they give you a medal just for finishing?!" 

    Before running my second marathon, my mom asked me if I was going to continue to run marathons.  I said, yeah, I enjoy it!  She said that she didn't think it was a good idea.  Asked her what was wrong with running?  She said that running is fine, but I was running too much, and shouldn't be "running like a fool".   Heh.

    Edited by vball03umd 2010-01-27 3:04 PM
    2010-01-27 3:20 PM
    in reply to: #2637879

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    Columbus, Ohio
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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    r1237h - 2010-01-27 2:20 PM Two incidents:

    I did a short run, 2 km, with my 6 y/o son. The short distance was both because I had not been running for over 20 years and had just started to do it again, and because it was my son's first organized run. I am struggling, trying to remember how to breath, telling myself that it will, sooner or later, end, and my sweet little boy, who I was protective of, was running ahead of me, dropping behind, running in circles, discussing all that came to mind, and having a grand old time (Ha! I still control the credit cards! Take that, sonny!). We finished after about 20 minutes, and upon reaching the finish line, I looked for the wife and twins so that they could see us passing the line and show support. However, they had wondered off, since, as my wife explained, the didn't expect us to finish so soon.

    My second case was a few days ago, going to a store and buying my first Tri shorts and Top. Came out wearing the top, and my wife started laughing hysterically. She said that it was because she almost never see's me wearing tight shirts, which is true, but it still felt lousy. Bought it anyway, and I WILL wear it, sooner or later, with no unnecessary bulges.

    The laughing is WAY uncool.

    But I LOVE it when my dh isn't paying attention because he has calculated the time I will likely pass by, and I am ahead of that time. It makes me feel GREAT! Happened at a New Year's Day 5K. He was looking at his watch and heading back to the car to get the kids out to cheer for me (it was FREEZING so they were warming up) just as I was coming by. I yelled him name and he turned around with this look of surprise.... I LOVE that!

    Demotivator: Happened to my dh. He was doing his first HIM, and at the last run turnaround he looked terrible and a friend of ours said, "It's OK, you can quit! Really, you can quit!"

    She was being sweet and didn't want him to kill himself, but that's the last thing you want to hear when you really do want to quit!

    2010-01-27 3:27 PM
    in reply to: #2638044

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    Midcoast Maine
    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    blairrob - 2010-01-27 3:16 AM

    When arrested and booked in at the county lockup in Maine, the guy says "aliases?" I say "Bigfoot" and he writes it down. It's officially on my rap sheet.

    You can't just leave that one out there...was it because your feet were so big?
    2010-01-27 3:45 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    My father in law and I were playing golf with a 14 year old and his Dad. My father in law tee'd off and I heard the Dad tell his son...See that's how you do it nice and smooth. My father in law was swinging as hard as he could. It still cracks me up thinking about it.
    2010-01-27 3:49 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    After an initial eval at the fitness center at the hospital where I work, my friend who works and did my eval looked at the info and laughed...He said, looking at my body fat test, "you are a fat skinny guy"....

    Second one....while people watching downtown with my then 7 year old daughter , a very, very fit guy walked by. I commented on his shoulders and waist and his "V" shape. My daughter looks at me and (with an accurate assessment) says, "Daddy, you are shaped like a rectangle".........
    2010-01-27 3:56 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

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    A little slice of paradise
    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    When I did my first Ironman my mom frequently said to me "I know you can swim that far, and I know you can bike that far but that run really has me worried Do you know how far that is?"
    She was not being mean . . . it just played in my head so I did ask her to not share her worries like that anymore.
    2010-01-27 4:05 PM
    in reply to: #2638263

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    Extreme Veteran
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-01-27 5:27 PM
    blairrob - 2010-01-27 3:16 AM

    When arrested and booked in at the county lockup in Maine, the guy says "aliases?" I say "Bigfoot" and he writes it down. It's officially on my rap sheet.

    You can't just leave that one out there...was it because your feet were so big?

    2010-01-27 4:06 PM
    in reply to: #2638263

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    Extreme Veteran
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-01-27 5:27 PM
    blairrob - 2010-01-27 3:16 AM

    When arrested and booked in at the county lockup in Maine, the guy says "aliases?" I say "Bigfoot" and he writes it down. It's officially on my rap sheet.

    You can't just leave that one out there...was it because your feet were so big?

                rap sheets are a private matter!
    2010-01-27 4:23 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

    New user
    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    Senior year swim banquet. Our assistant coach says a few words about each senior to the assembled parents.

    I was a typical 6'4" 160 lb 17 yr old. When he gets to me he has a few nice things, but closes with "We should get this guy on a steroids program and bulk him up." There were a few twitters among the swimmers and a lot of dropped jaws among the parents.
    2010-01-27 4:52 PM
    in reply to: #2637787

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    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    crazyalaskian - 2010-01-27 12:49 PM On a side note, I got this gem from my college swim coach (only my coach for a 1/2 a year before he had to take a medical leave), "You have the perfect body for a swimmer, flat chested with a long neck"......he made plenty of non-pc comments but he'd been a coach there for like 30 yrs so they were just waiting for him to retire.

    I am assuming the medical leave was to remove the foot you planted firmly in his rear??

    I have definately heard some good ones. BTW, I have, more than once, had people marvel at the width of my feet. I too have received the -you could waterski on those" comment.

    About the most demotivational thing I have heard was at the Disney Marathon this year. A large group of us were turned back from the start becuase the first racers were already on course. We had to bushwack through the woods, cross the course while people were running it and circle the start. We were the LAST to start.
    We got the the first mile marker and were told by a race official-"You are behind the cutoff time"
    On the motivational side, we passed 6000 people. That didn't suck!!

    Edited by eliwashere 2010-01-27 5:02 PM
    2010-01-27 8:17 PM
    in reply to: #2624922

    Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
    After I finished one of my tri's last summer, I was talking about the race and that I was just happy I finished. The run course was absolutely BRUTAL!!! I'm a walker, not a runner, my knees are totally shot. Praying that my good knee (no surgeries) doesn't need surgery this year.

    One of my cycling teammates (he's an arrogant type-A @$$ hat) steps out with this comment that I am too fat to do triathlons. Yeah right dude. I may be a big girl, but I've seen women bigger than me out there racing and they do just fine. He doesn't have to believe me, but it almost ended my cycling season and tri season. ( I almost hit him.)

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