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2012-04-07 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

I agree - Peter - I think you just need to add more bricks to your workouts. You don't have any workouts on your Logs...USE it, and put down what you felt that day, even if it's a crappy day, that way you can see a trend and then fix it.

If you're still feeling sluggish when you do your workouts...look at what you eat, and how long after you eat you do a workout.   For me, I go running on a empty stomach. I cannot have food because it makes me feel sluggish and full. 

If you're eating a lot of carbs/heavy foods, cut those back. 

Other than that, bricks are supposed to feel "hard and heavy" just do a few more of those and it'll get easier. Which reminds me...I gotta do that soon!! :-)

2012-04-07 8:52 PM
in reply to: #4136036

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

I don't really eat anything to carb heavy or anything like that. I tend not to have anything too big or heavy for a couple of hours prior to my workout either. I learned that one the hard way. The worst was when I had soup about 1 hr before a run, I was almost praying to throw up for that one.

I do actually have my workouts planned and written down in a day planner. I have to so I can be orgaized.

2012-04-07 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I agree with Peter. You're not missing much being deaf on multi player. I ant stand it sometimes. I don't even use the headset anymore. I just mute anyone that talks and do my own thing. Tired of hearing the 10 year olds talking like truck drivers!

Peter DJ reminded me of a few things on nutrition. It really is an art people are soooo different. You need to keep trying stuff till it works. A couple of guidelines I would try to get you started.

1. Try to eat your meal at least 2 hours before workouts. If you feel Hungary eat something small up to 45 minutes before.

2. You have enough glycogen stores for around 45 minutes to an hour of work. So if your workouts are longer you need to start thinking about gels or drinks to get some calories.

3. Try the gels and drinks in workouts not races! Some may not agree with you and your don't want that in a race.

4. For your weight loss keep eating normal during the day and get your calories for workouts during workouts. Try to schedule workouts before meals so you satisfy the hunger right after workouts with a good meal. You can skip the high cal recovery drinks that way. Unless you workout over two hours then a good recovery drink is not a bad idea.

Anyway, that's some of the stuff I do. You may have different preferences or react better to a different process. Don't be afraid to expirament during workouts. I'm sure Ken and some of the others can add some good ideas to this too.

Good luck!
2012-04-07 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4136051

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 8:52 PM

I don't really eat anything to carb heavy or anything like that. I tend not to have anything too big or heavy for a couple of hours prior to my workout either. I learned that one the hard way. The worst was when I had soup about 1 hr before a run, I was almost praying to throw up for that one.

I do actually have my workouts planned and written down in a day planner. I have to so I can be orgaized.


Do you have a rest day a week penciled in?  Sounds like you might be over-training. One day a week, do nothing.  Nada.  Go to a movie.  Drink lots of water.  Eat right.  Sleep in. 

What are you eating?  Cut out the crap.  Log food.  Lean meats, veggies, fruits. 

Target calories around workouts. 

Did I mention rest days?

And yes, a brick, even 15 to 20 mins after a bike ride is good.  The body will get used to the change over to running quicker and that's all good.  But unless you are stressing the body and then giving it time to recover stronger, you are only overtraining and your performance will go down, not up.  Good tells are your mental attitude.   Are you having fun or going through the motions? 

Just my thoughts. 






2012-04-07 11:44 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 46 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

What I lack in speed and endurance I am abundantly gifted with passion and enthusiasm. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and it is my goal to fully embody this statement!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - 70.3 New Orleans
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3/Half Ironman Distance.  I'm thinking about Rev3/Cedar Point and I still haven't ruled out Ironman Florida, however, finances, vacation, new job, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am 12 weeks out from my "A" Race - Ironman Coeur d'Alene.  I have seen amazing improvements since November 2011.  I still have a ways to go but I am trying to find a way to anchor into the success I have had. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 194lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

I have been following a "Plant Based" Diet in combination with Weight Watchers to manage my weight.  I hope to continue to "inch my way" toward my Goal Weight and learn healthy eating habits that will allow this weight to remain controllable for a lifetime!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

2012-04-08 4:54 AM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

OK so I got to sit down and look at my food, I think it has been way under and I have some thoughts that I will do. I planned out a typical day for me. This is the breakdown, tell me what you think.


Calories 1948

Fat 42

Carbs 207

Protein 183

Sodium 1925

Net Carbs 170

Fiber 38

I do know that I need to add more calories but so far this is ALOT of food for me. The other breakdown shows that my calorie ratios are as follows. Carbs 42%, Protein 38%, Fat 20%

Some helpful thoughts please.

2012-04-08 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4135862

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-04-07 7:32 PM Wow!! the smackdowns are back!! AWESOME!! I missed that highlighter too! LOL Welcome back Ice! It was a really nice day here. I wanted to go mountain biking today. But, I've got family coming for Easter tomorrow. My wife has been working tirelessly trying to get a new business off the ground. I didn't feel right going out having fun all day and letting here clean the house to get ready for Easter. Sooooo, I stayed home and got the house ready while she was at work. I got a nice 10 mile run in too. If the weather holds I'm going for a bike ride in the tomorrow morning before people come over. Not sure how far yet. It'll be at least 35, and depending on who else comes out and how fast we can go, up to 56. Hope you all are having a GREAT weekend!

This is the time of year to earn those spousal approval units (SAU), they can be cashed in during the season for last minute races!  

2012-04-08 6:18 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I hope everyone here is having a lovely Easter Sunday!
2012-04-08 6:22 AM
in reply to: #4136328

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

This is the time of year to earn those spousal approval units (SAU), they can be cashed in during the season for last minute races!  


I never even thought of this. Crap that is AWESOME. I do have it lucky, in a way, my GF is in Buffalo for her family, my son w/ his GF family in Blo also and then my daughters are in Florida. I am going home, feeding the pups, letting them outside and then going to BED!!! Sleep until 530 pm and get up for work then. I cannot wait!

2012-04-08 6:22 AM
in reply to: #4135972

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 8:50 PM

Ok so I took two steps forward and then 3 back I think. I have been taking a local tri class at the YMCA for the past few weeks. The teacher has done a ton of IM and HIM events. Ladies I am going to be a bit piggish here so turn away, she is HOT also so I never mind the runs when she is ahead of me. Ok back to the otheer stuff now. Today we were doing a brick session, we did spin for 45 min and then a 15 minute run. She wanted us to really look at the transition times. Our spin class was on the second floor on the other end of the building and she timed us getting downstairs, ready, and outside for our run. I was proud, I had a 1:48 time and I know I could do better then that with a little more organization. The problem I encountered though was my legs just did not want to work. She knows I am frustrated at this and we talked for a bit. Here are the problems I can be having:

1) Just tired, I did this after a working nights

2) The gray smushy thing between my ears (I'd like to say a brain but if you ask my ex-wife she doubts I have one)

3) My diet. I really think it is this.

4) No real rest day this week.

5) Just frustration of the 3 sports not coming together well.

I tend to look at the glass half empty and REALLY need to look at how far I have come since October. I am a little frustrated that the last 30 pounds are not coming off like the previous 70+. I need to look at what I am eating so I think this will force me to plan better and also for a week. I kind of do a modified Paleo/Wheat Free/Sugar free/Low carb when it comes to food.

I am also thinking of changing my workouts to when I wake up, which is somewhere around 4-5pm with working nights, I would get up sooner if I am going to work out before work. Of course I worry about breakfast though then.
Anyone with thoughts on my food or workouts from my ramblings?

Bricks and learning to run off the bike takes a little bit of getting used to so it could be as simple as that.  It could also be time of day, I struggle more after work than I do before. 

The other thing that new triathletes take time to learn and understand is the effort on the bike.  Although you may feel strong on the bike and great about pounding out a hard effort, if you can't run when you get off you are going to hard for your current condition. 

All of this is why we train, partly to improve our condition, but also to practice different paces and effort.  Keep at it!

2012-04-08 6:23 AM
in reply to: #4136128

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-07 10:35 PM
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 8:52 PM

I don't really eat anything to carb heavy or anything like that. I tend not to have anything too big or heavy for a couple of hours prior to my workout either. I learned that one the hard way. The worst was when I had soup about 1 hr before a run, I was almost praying to throw up for that one.

I do actually have my workouts planned and written down in a day planner. I have to so I can be orgaized.


Do you have a rest day a week penciled in?  Sounds like you might be over-training. One day a week, do nothing.  Nada.  Go to a movie.  Drink lots of water.  Eat right.  Sleep in. 

What are you eating?  Cut out the crap.  Log food.  Lean meats, veggies, fruits. 

Target calories around workouts. 

Did I mention rest days?

And yes, a brick, even 15 to 20 mins after a bike ride is good.  The body will get used to the change over to running quicker and that's all good.  But unless you are stressing the body and then giving it time to recover stronger, you are only overtraining and your performance will go down, not up.  Good tells are your mental attitude.   Are you having fun or going through the motions? 

Just my thoughts. 






All good points Ice!

2012-04-08 6:26 AM
in reply to: #4136246

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-08 12:44 AM

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 46 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

What I lack in speed and endurance I am abundantly gifted with passion and enthusiasm. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and it is my goal to fully embody this statement!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - 70.3 New Orleans
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3/Half Ironman Distance.  I'm thinking about Rev3/Cedar Point and I still haven't ruled out Ironman Florida, however, finances, vacation, new job, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am 12 weeks out from my "A" Race - Ironman Coeur d'Alene.  I have seen amazing improvements since November 2011.  I still have a ways to go but I am trying to find a way to anchor into the success I have had. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 194lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

I have been following a "Plant Based" Diet in combination with Weight Watchers to manage my weight.  I hope to continue to "inch my way" toward my Goal Weight and learn healthy eating habits that will allow this weight to remain controllable for a lifetime!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

Thanks for the update Carla! 

How is your training going? 

2012-04-08 6:32 AM
in reply to: #4136311

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-08 5:54 AM

OK so I got to sit down and look at my food, I think it has been way under and I have some thoughts that I will do. I planned out a typical day for me. This is the breakdown, tell me what you think.


Calories 1948

Fat 42

Carbs 207

Protein 183

Sodium 1925

Net Carbs 170

Fiber 38

I do know that I need to add more calories but so far this is ALOT of food for me. The other breakdown shows that my calorie ratios are as follows. Carbs 42%, Protein 38%, Fat 20%

Some helpful thoughts please.

I am far from a dietary expert, but my 2 cents is that you are good on calories, maybe a little low but not many.  I would suggest maybe lowering the carbs percentage and increasing the fats with good healthy sources like nuts.

Timing may also be an issue.  I would suggest taking in most of your carbs in the time around your training for the day.  I would also suggest getting most of the carbs from fruits and vegetables and avoid the grains.

Iceman is more up on the paleo diet and hopefully will chime in, but I would suggest reading The Paleo Diet for Endurance Athletes.  I am reading it now, and will be starting to focus on diet a lot more now that my traveling will be reduced some.

2012-04-08 6:33 AM
in reply to: #4136329

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

abake - 2012-04-08 7:18 AM I hope everyone here is having a lovely Easter Sunday!

You too Anne! 

Happy Easter all!

2012-04-08 6:42 AM
in reply to: #4136340

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

I am far from a dietary expert, but my 2 cents is that you are good on calories, maybe a little low but not many.  I would suggest maybe lowering the carbs percentage and increasing the fats with good healthy sources like nuts.

Timing may also be an issue.  I would suggest taking in most of your carbs in the time around your training for the day.  I would also suggest getting most of the carbs from fruits and vegetables and avoid the grains.

Iceman is more up on the paleo diet and hopefully will chime in, but I would suggest reading The Paleo Diet for Endurance Athletes.  I am reading it now, and will be starting to focus on diet a lot more now that my traveling will be reduced some.

All my carbs come from fruits and veggies, well and 1 sweet potato. I will have to post my typical food for the day later on.

Iceman, the only bad part I have w/ paleo is the agave/honey. I stay the HECK away from those.

2012-04-08 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4136352

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-08 6:42 AM

I am far from a dietary expert, but my 2 cents is that you are good on calories, maybe a little low but not many.  I would suggest maybe lowering the carbs percentage and increasing the fats with good healthy sources like nuts.

Timing may also be an issue.  I would suggest taking in most of your carbs in the time around your training for the day.  I would also suggest getting most of the carbs from fruits and vegetables and avoid the grains.

Iceman is more up on the paleo diet and hopefully will chime in, but I would suggest reading The Paleo Diet for Endurance Athletes.  I am reading it now, and will be starting to focus on diet a lot more now that my traveling will be reduced some.

All my carbs come from fruits and veggies, well and 1 sweet potato. I will have to post my typical food for the day later on.

Iceman, the only bad part I have w/ paleo is the agave/honey. I stay the HECK away from those.

This life is no one-size-fits-all. Make adjustments and keep logs that include how you FEEL.  That's the whole point.  Feeling better, stronger, happier.  If we aren't doing that, what's the point?

I just want to caution people about one thing - the tendency of athletes in the face of problems making progress is to do more no matter what and that isn't always the best choice.  As I am learning from coaching class, anyone can design a hard workout, but it takes some insight to design the RIGHT workout.  To know when to push and to let up.  Efforts should NOT be all out all the time.  We have to provide stress to the body and then let it recover with proper nutrition and rest. That is a trick when we balance 3 sports and strength training, but it can be done.  Never two hard workouts in a row. Always a rest day once a week. Increase volume gradually. 

Food is harder because there are so many different choices.  But with the right attitude, it gets fun to figure out what works best for you.  One key though is to target calories around the harder efforts to improve performance and to aid recovery. 

Isn't this fun! I love it.  So much to learn.



2012-04-08 7:03 PM
in reply to: #4136035

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 6:39 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-07 9:31 PM

Funny because I don't really like FPS games that much. I used to DESPISE them, until I played Half Life 2.   I'm still not crazy about certain FPS games because my aim sucks. I do like TPS (Third Person Shooters) a little bit better.   I do want to play COD sometime though!  I can't play Rainbow 6 Las Vegas because of all the talking that the other squad members say (I'm deaf), so it's really annoying. 

Depends on what TYPE of games you want to play.  If you like shoot 'ems w/ a storyline - I recommend Half Life 2, Bioshock (totally awesome), Fallout 2 (warning - the game is massive, and really need a guide. It's more of a RPG and Shooter's), Far Cry (although, I never gotten far, but I like it), Resident Evil 5.   I'm really not up to date on current games due to school. 

If you want a quick game to play just to relax for a short time: Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, SSX (Xbox version is AMAZING!). 

I like Survival Horror games as well. I like blood and gore and scaring myself! LOL.

Hope it gave you some ideas!

I LOVE BIOSHOCK! I do not know about the new one coming out if it will be as good. We will see. Didn't like the L4D series. Fallout 2+3 are awesome. Love the maker of them, they also did the Elder Scroll series that is even BETTER then Fallout.

As far as being deaf and playing multiplayer, there are times that I wish I can unhear what people are saying. Some of the language that is on there is HORRIBLE and I am not a prude at all.

The only Elder Scrolls series I've play is Morrowind. I'm not even finished yet. Slowly, but getting there. I am working my way on doing all the missions. I'm not a fan of VERY long games, but I do enjoy it though. REALLY want to play Skyrium though.

Yeah I know about listening to other people - sometimes I get a kick out of it because I can understand more than what I used to (compared to pre cochlear implant surgeries).   However, I HATE any games that are not subtitled. Rainbow Six: Las Vegas is one of them. I don't care how good the game's broken in my eyes.

EVEN Mass Effect 2 is a little bit broken. It IS subtitled, BUT...during the battle, I can hear my teammates saying, "OW, got shot, Reloading" or "Okay I'll protect you" or something like that...that's NOT subtitled.  Valve (the company that makes L4D and Half Life) GOT IT.  They have each character's name, and what they said, SOUNDS are subtitled (really it's closed caption type of thing), and color coded, and no matter what I'm not missing a THING. The Witch is moaning? You got it, it says, [witch moaning] in purple. So, its totally awesome when I see that. Valve got it... 


OKAY, we're deriving away from Tri Video games is what I do besides well as texturing (the look of the game).  

Edited by CyborgQueen 2012-04-08 7:07 PM
2012-04-08 7:27 PM
in reply to: #4136329

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

abake - 2012-04-08 4:18 AM I hope everyone here is having a lovely Easter Sunday!

Yup.  I went to Boulder Beach 57 degrees at Lake Mead. It took a little bit of a HTFU to get in the water because it's cold. After about 10 minutes of cursing, it's fine.  It's been a month since I last swam, so it's nice to get my feet wet again.

HOWEVER - I am having issues with my arms. The wetsuit feel so restricted and it feels like I can't even lift it above my head. Is it the suit or is it my weak arms? I feel like I want a sleeveless instead.    I may have to cut the sleeves by the wrists, the ends were digging in my wrists (I'm vertically challenged...short everything...*sigh*).   

Then I went to ride the IronGirl bike course with a group of people. I didn't know they were asked to go by my former coach. I felt a little bit awkward seeing her again (I basically let her go because I felt like she was a little too inflexible when it comes to cycling.  But..that was two years ago, I was brand new to triathlons, but I was a cyclist more than a Triathlete, and we just didn't agree on how I should be trained, so I let her go). I liked her, but she just wasn't for me. Ya know what I mean? Certain coaches work well with certain people. 

Anyhoo...I've ridden the IronGirl course a few times in the past, and for races, and this is the fastest time that I've ridden, and it felt like in certain areas I could have pushed it more, so I'm happy about that. I didn't even have my aerowheels on. :-)

I also got some free aerobars from a friend. Two different types, so I'm going to try them out. I most likely will NOT use them for Irongirl, or maybe I will when I'm on the flatish part (which is pretty short. LOL!).  So I'm looking forward to learning how to ride with aerobars.

OH fiance's nephew and his sister, as well as my fiance's brother and his girlfriend are in town from NJ.  The brother and girlfriend was expected, but his nephew and sister was a COMPLETE and utter surprise! So it'll be nice to see them this week.  I'm also having a brunch with a former HS teacher of mine (yup, I still keep in touch of my HS teachers for 15 years...and it *still* feels weird calling them by their first names! lol).


Okay 'nuff chit chat...hope everyone else is having a great Sunday and good start of the week!! {{{hugs}}}

2012-04-09 3:56 AM
in reply to: #4137103

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-08 8:27 PM

abake - 2012-04-08 4:18 AM I hope everyone here is having a lovely Easter Sunday!

Yup.  I went to Boulder Beach 57 degrees at Lake Mead. It took a little bit of a HTFU to get in the water because it's cold. After about 10 minutes of cursing, it's fine.  It's been a month since I last swam, so it's nice to get my feet wet again.

HOWEVER - I am having issues with my arms. The wetsuit feel so restricted and it feels like I can't even lift it above my head. Is it the suit or is it my weak arms? I feel like I want a sleeveless instead.    I may have to cut the sleeves by the wrists, the ends were digging in my wrists (I'm vertically challenged...short everything...*sigh*).   

Then I went to ride the IronGirl bike course with a group of people. I didn't know they were asked to go by my former coach. I felt a little bit awkward seeing her again (I basically let her go because I felt like she was a little too inflexible when it comes to cycling.  But..that was two years ago, I was brand new to triathlons, but I was a cyclist more than a Triathlete, and we just didn't agree on how I should be trained, so I let her go). I liked her, but she just wasn't for me. Ya know what I mean? Certain coaches work well with certain people. 

Anyhoo...I've ridden the IronGirl course a few times in the past, and for races, and this is the fastest time that I've ridden, and it felt like in certain areas I could have pushed it more, so I'm happy about that. I didn't even have my aerowheels on. :-)

I also got some free aerobars from a friend. Two different types, so I'm going to try them out. I most likely will NOT use them for Irongirl, or maybe I will when I'm on the flatish part (which is pretty short. LOL!).  So I'm looking forward to learning how to ride with aerobars.

OH fiance's nephew and his sister, as well as my fiance's brother and his girlfriend are in town from NJ.  The brother and girlfriend was expected, but his nephew and sister was a COMPLETE and utter surprise! So it'll be nice to see them this week.  I'm also having a brunch with a former HS teacher of mine (yup, I still keep in touch of my HS teachers for 15 years...and it *still* feels weird calling them by their first names! lol).


Okay 'nuff chit chat...hope everyone else is having a great Sunday and good start of the week!! {{{hugs}}}

57 degrees! Brrrr!  Better you than me!  It does take a little more upper body strength in the wetsuit, but that is just my experience.  It is better in the sleeveless, I have both, but I feel I am working the shoulders and arms more. 

Sounds like you have a busy week DJ!  Enjoy your friends and fiance's family while they are there!

2012-04-09 3:57 AM
in reply to: #4136416

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-08 8:58 AM
peterflagg - 2012-04-08 6:42 AM

I am far from a dietary expert, but my 2 cents is that you are good on calories, maybe a little low but not many.  I would suggest maybe lowering the carbs percentage and increasing the fats with good healthy sources like nuts.

Timing may also be an issue.  I would suggest taking in most of your carbs in the time around your training for the day.  I would also suggest getting most of the carbs from fruits and vegetables and avoid the grains.

Iceman is more up on the paleo diet and hopefully will chime in, but I would suggest reading The Paleo Diet for Endurance Athletes.  I am reading it now, and will be starting to focus on diet a lot more now that my traveling will be reduced some.

All my carbs come from fruits and veggies, well and 1 sweet potato. I will have to post my typical food for the day later on.

Iceman, the only bad part I have w/ paleo is the agave/honey. I stay the HECK away from those.

This life is no one-size-fits-all. Make adjustments and keep logs that include how you FEEL.  That's the whole point.  Feeling better, stronger, happier.  If we aren't doing that, what's the point?

I just want to caution people about one thing - the tendency of athletes in the face of problems making progress is to do more no matter what and that isn't always the best choice.  As I am learning from coaching class, anyone can design a hard workout, but it takes some insight to design the RIGHT workout.  To know when to push and to let up.  Efforts should NOT be all out all the time.  We have to provide stress to the body and then let it recover with proper nutrition and rest. That is a trick when we balance 3 sports and strength training, but it can be done.  Never two hard workouts in a row. Always a rest day once a week. Increase volume gradually. 

Food is harder because there are so many different choices.  But with the right attitude, it gets fun to figure out what works best for you.  One key though is to target calories around the harder efforts to improve performance and to aid recovery. 

Isn't this fun! I love it.  So much to learn.



Very good Ice! Thanks!

And it is fun!

2012-04-09 4:01 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Up early for some strength training and saddle time on the trainer!  I will run some time today, either at lunch at work or after work.  After 3 weeks (pretty much 3 months) of travel, it is time to focus on the diet some as well, didn't fall backwards too far, but certainly didn't lose anything.  Plus, it is time to put the focus on actually doing the prescribed training as written with the races starting in another couple of months!

Depending on how deep the piles are on my desk at work I will try and throw together the links for us sometime today!

How is everyone else doing today?  Any training plans?

2012-04-09 5:08 AM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

In interest of saving some time for Ken, and it also being dead at work, here is the group pages.






















2012-04-09 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4134742

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Thanks Adam, after further thought from your post and Robin's, I definitely plan on at least buying tri shorts, and top if money allows!

2012-04-09 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4137405

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
kenj - 2012-04-09 2:01 AM

Up early for some strength training and saddle time on the trainer!  I will run some time today, either at lunch at work or after work.  After 3 weeks (pretty much 3 months) of travel, it is time to focus on the diet some as well, didn't fall backwards too far, but certainly didn't lose anything.  Plus, it is time to put the focus on actually doing the prescribed training as written with the races starting in another couple of months!

Depending on how deep the piles are on my desk at work I will try and throw together the links for us sometime today!

How is everyone else doing today?  Any training plans?

Welcome back! Hope you're settling in the groove again.

Today - Dropped off my kitty for a dental, went for a short run ( LIKE IT), then go back later in the afternoon to get Stardust's (my dog) stitches removed when she got a splinter in her chest (can you believe it!? a INCH wood splinter...IN THE CHEST..very weird!) and my eldest kitty Mocha (13 years old) for a check up. 

Cleaning the house before our family guests come over tomorrow...ugh, I hate cleaning.  I may do half hour easy spin, but not set on it.

2012-04-09 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Hey everyone, I hope your Easter weekend was great... filled with friends, family, and maybe even a little training!  I was able to get back to back runs in on Saturday and Sunday!

Hope everyone is starting the week off well!
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