BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
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of 62
2014-06-05 3:02 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Been in self-loathing mood as my hamstring issue is getting me down. Been kicked off the bike by my PT so now I'm just swimming (6x a week). To make matters worse my Finis Neptune is being replaced by the manufacturer so it has been a bit boring in the pool. The good news is that my swimming is improving. Swam a couple of 100 sets at sub 1:30 pace which is a huge improvement and PR from where I used to be. Working really hard on body position.

Dennis: I'm surprised that water depth is bothering you since it is so hard to see in open water anyway. You need to get at what's bothering you - and be brutally honest. Lack of confidence your swim? Death? Discomfort? The fear of the former items will subside with practice and experience. Assuming you get over the drowning fear, like Jim said, do whatever you need to do to keep moving - go on your back, do breastroke or dog paddle. For me, I can breaststroke forever and have used it as a crutch when conditions get bad and I lose confidence. Reality is that you won't be competitive in the swim, so don't worry about time. Your goal is to finish and want to do it again. Open water is quite humbling so be humble and get ready to bike and run. You will do it!

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

2014-06-05 3:15 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
OK I think I get it now.


1. at the end of day should I be copying and pasting everyone's points and times and adding mine in?

2. Also an ocean swim among the sets with bodyboarding fins and webed gloves?


2014-06-05 3:46 PM
in reply to: HijoDMaite

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by HijoDMaite

OK I think I get it now.


1. at the end of day should I be copying and pasting everyone's points and times and adding mine in?

2. Also an ocean swim among the sets with bodyboarding fins and webed gloves?


Javier- With the challenge the easiest way to do it is copy paste and add in your point and time.

I don't swim in the Ocean, but I do swim in Lake Huron most of the time. I've never used any of those items. I do swim in a wetsuit. In a warm year the water temp hits 70 F in August where I live. The Ocean will give you more buoyancy than fresh water, so it just becomes a matter of water temp and comfort in the water. If you use a wetsuit neoprene has to be rinsed with fresh water after every use or the salt will make it turn stiff and ruin the wetsuit.
2014-06-05 4:54 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
OK here goes then, I'm working on the assumption that races work as well for the total time? If not then let me know and i can adjust. Also if you were to do a 2 hr followed by a 15 minute brick would you call that 2 hrs or 2hrs and 15 mins i.e. does each part need to be more than 30 minutes or count any total of >30mins in one day?

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

so that's
5 days
and 10:58:44 spent swimming, cycling and running.

Is that right?
2014-06-05 7:48 PM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by Kate_r

OK here goes then, I'm working on the assumption that races work as well for the total time? If not then let me know and i can adjust. Also if you were to do a 2 hr followed by a 15 minute brick would you call that 2 hrs or 2hrs and 15 mins i.e. does each part need to be more than 30 minutes or count any total of >30mins in one day?

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

so that's
5 days
and 10:58:44 spent swimming, cycling and running.

Is that right?

Kate- You got it right! Yes, races do count toward the challenge unless a segment does not meet the 30 minute criteria, then it does not count. A sprint is unlikely to give you additional time, except for the bike portion. Also, the brick with a 30 minute ride and a 15 minute run only the ride counts, not the run. As a side note an effective brick should have a run between 30-45 minutes. It takes about 20 minutes for your core and legs to adjust from ride position to run position, and get back to good form.
2014-06-05 8:50 PM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Adding todays 6 mile run and 25 mile bike ride with the wife.

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

2014-06-05 9:04 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by JoePetto

Been in self-loathing mood as my hamstring issue is getting me down. Been kicked off the bike by my PT so now I'm just swimming (6x a week). To make matters worse my Finis Neptune is being replaced by the manufacturer so it has been a bit boring in the pool. The good news is that my swimming is improving. Swam a couple of 100 sets at sub 1:30 pace which is a huge improvement and PR from where I used to be. Working really hard on body position.

Dennis: I'm surprised that water depth is bothering you since it is so hard to see in open water anyway. You need to get at what's bothering you - and be brutally honest. Lack of confidence your swim? Death? Discomfort? The fear of the former items will subside with practice and experience. Assuming you get over the drowning fear, like Jim said, do whatever you need to do to keep moving - go on your back, do breastroke or dog paddle. For me, I can breaststroke forever and have used it as a crutch when conditions get bad and I lose confidence. Reality is that you won't be competitive in the swim, so don't worry about time. Your goal is to finish and want to do it again. Open water is quite humbling so be humble and get ready to bike and run. You will do it!

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

Your right Joe it was very humbling, my wife was in her Kayak and she witnessed me freaking out two separate times. Her reaction to the second time was "wow, you do have a chinch in your armor." Don't get me wrong she was very supportive but she has never seen anything get to me like that. I really think is a confidence in my swim abilities issue and I'm only going to get past it by increasing the frequency of my OWS.
2014-06-05 10:40 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 04 5:27:03
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

Today and tomorrow are rest days. I will be riding the Tristates 100 Century Ride (104 mi) on Saturday. I will be riding through 3 states, Alabama, Florida and Georgia. It will take me a week's worth of training time just to ride the ride, but I'm totally stoked for it.
2014-06-05 10:49 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Bruno, do you breathe on both sides, or just one? Breathing bi-laterally may help to keep you straighter. If that's not the problem, then you just need to sight more often. Not that I'm good at this, I just know what I SHOULD be doing ;-)

Kate, welcome. Date a triathlete. They understand us! My boyfriend is training for Paris-Brest-Paris. I hope he can qualify. I've never been to Paris and I want to go!

Javier, welcome. It sounds like you have a tendency to burn out. I might suggest only working out once a day and strive for consistency and involving your family. Perhaps riding or running together. Yes, you will probably have to slow down to do that. But, they are more likely to buy into the lifestyle if you don't burn out and they are a part of it. Recovery is the most important part of training.

Dennis, I love swimming in open water because I don't know how to do flip turns or any smooth turn in the pool. In open water I'm not slowed down every time I get to the wall. I agree with Joe that you have to figure out what's freaking you out. Who knows. The next time you go it may be fine.
2014-06-05 11:01 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Welcome to the group Javier and Kate!

Joe, sorry to hear about the injury and hope you get better soon!

Updating 1hr drainer yesterday + 7 mile run today (feeling better from the knee Jackie :-) and 1hr drainer at night

Joe: 04 2:48:00 
Jackie 04 5:27:03 
Gabe 05 6:45:30 
Mark 03 3:05:00 
Lisa 02 2:07:44 
Jim 04 3:44:51 
Mitch 03 2:18:00 
Dennis 05 7:20.00 
Bruno 00 2:10:00 
Kate 05 10:58:44 

2014-06-06 8:44 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Swim this morning and hoping to squeeze in a run pushing my 4 year old in the BOB Stroller. She likes to ride a bit, run a bit, ride a bit, run a bit...It makes for a challenging run for me but she gets a complete kick out of it. Added benefit it helps use up some of the abundant energy she has.

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 04 5:27:03
Gabe 05 6:45:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 04 2:50:00
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

2014-06-06 11:20 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Originally posted by sisu13

Last Saturday was my very first OWS. There was a group that met to swim a half mile lake / there and back. It was a blast! This was my first time with a swim cap and wetsuit, I was a bit nervous about the watertemt (62) but it ended up being really refreshing. I think I'm hooked. Man was I all over the place though... I veer to the right. Great Overall experience.

My first race is Fathers Day - looking forward to it!
45 minute bike on Monday, today I cranked out a 40 minute run and 2000 yards in the pool.

Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 03 3:01:50
Mitch 02 1:04:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

Congrats on your first OWC and I wish I was having the same success, I just can't seem to relax in the open water like I can in the pool. My mind is playing tricks on me and I haven't found a way to fight off the anxiety attacks. I have been swimming in 30'+ water and I believe that has been contributing to current issues. I have found a small straight area about 200 yds long where the water is 5' deep along a bulkhead. I am going to try swimming in that area for a bit to see if I can relax more and just swim.

Thanks - I was a bit nervous standing there on the beach, but once in the water - my water skiing and wakeboarding years helped me to be comfortable with the deep parts (and it was a clean / clear lake - that helped too).
It does sound like 30+ might be part of the issue - I hope the shallow water works out for ya. The more exposure - the better it will be!

2014-06-06 11:24 AM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by jackiep

Bruno, do you breathe on both sides, or just one? Breathing bi-laterally may help to keep you straighter. If that's not the problem, then you just need to sight more often. Not that I'm good at this, I just know what I SHOULD be doing ;-)

Kate, welcome. Date a triathlete. They understand us! My boyfriend is training for Paris-Brest-Paris. I hope he can qualify. I've never been to Paris and I want to go!

Javier, welcome. It sounds like you have a tendency to burn out. I might suggest only working out once a day and strive for consistency and involving your family. Perhaps riding or running together. Yes, you will probably have to slow down to do that. But, they are more likely to buy into the lifestyle if you don't burn out and they are a part of it. Recovery is the most important part of training.

Dennis, I love swimming in open water because I don't know how to do flip turns or any smooth turn in the pool. In open water I'm not slowed down every time I get to the wall. I agree with Joe that you have to figure out what's freaking you out. Who knows. The next time you go it may be fine.

I just learned to swim laps this February... I've tried to breath to the left - but it's rough. (I know I need to make the effort!) I breath to the right and veer to the right, which is odd says one of the guys at the beach. oh well. I'm just happy I realized it before race day next week. I'll need to focus of slight left and sight often. Thanks for the advice.
2014-06-06 11:30 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Thursday I knocked out 45 on the bike.
Today I was able to do a Brick on the Island I will be competing on June 15th - it was a blast. They just held the Grand Prix there so all the workers were there taking down the grand stand - it was cool to bike and run on the course. I went out today in what I'll wear for the Tri... I gotta say, those 6" inseam desoto shorts are, well - short. With my 6'4" height, I'm showing alot of thigh. I'll have to go with longer for my next purchase.

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 04 5:27:03
Gabe 05 6:45:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 04 2:50:00
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 05 10:58:44
2014-06-06 12:56 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
53:45 runch

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 04 5:27:03
Gabe 05 6:45:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 05 4:38:36
Mitch 04 2:50:00
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 05 10:58:44
2014-06-06 1:04 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by sisu13

Thursday I knocked out 45 on the bike.
Today I was able to do a Brick on the Island I will be competing on June 15th - it was a blast. They just held the Grand Prix there so all the workers were there taking down the grand stand - it was cool to bike and run on the course. I went out today in what I'll wear for the Tri... I gotta say, those 6" inseam desoto shorts are, well - short. With my 6'4" height, I'm showing alot of thigh. I'll have to go with longer for my next purchase.

Sounds like the water levels in the river will be good for the race. A couple years ago the water levels were so low that I watched most of the olympic athletes walk the first leg of the race. Then the 2nd leg was with the current. I did the sprint that year (in thefall version of the race) and its course consisted of just the downstream part - current was strong enough to help you finish without swimming if you chose.

2014-06-06 5:50 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Originally posted by JoePetto

Been in self-loathing mood as my hamstring issue is getting me down. Been kicked off the bike by my PT so now I'm just swimming (6x a week). To make matters worse my Finis Neptune is being replaced by the manufacturer so it has been a bit boring in the pool. The good news is that my swimming is improving. Swam a couple of 100 sets at sub 1:30 pace which is a huge improvement and PR from where I used to be. Working really hard on body position.

Dennis: I'm surprised that water depth is bothering you since it is so hard to see in open water anyway. You need to get at what's bothering you - and be brutally honest. Lack of confidence your swim? Death? Discomfort? The fear of the former items will subside with practice and experience. Assuming you get over the drowning fear, like Jim said, do whatever you need to do to keep moving - go on your back, do breastroke or dog paddle. For me, I can breaststroke forever and have used it as a crutch when conditions get bad and I lose confidence. Reality is that you won't be competitive in the swim, so don't worry about time. Your goal is to finish and want to do it again. Open water is quite humbling so be humble and get ready to bike and run. You will do it!

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 03 3:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00

Your right Joe it was very humbling, my wife was in her Kayak and she witnessed me freaking out two separate times. Her reaction to the second time was "wow, you do have a chinch in your armor." Don't get me wrong she was very supportive but she has never seen anything get to me like that. I really think is a confidence in my swim abilities issue and I'm only going to get past it by increasing the frequency of my OWS.

Sent you a private message on this topic - you got this!!!!
2014-06-06 11:37 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
50k scenic bike ride this morning along the ocean to the vintage car festival.

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 04 5:05:00
Lisa 02 2:07:44
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
2014-06-07 1:52 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Adding in two more days, both running. As an aside, I think hikes should count. Today's was 3-1/2 miles with nearly 1000 feet of climbing, finding a way over the part of the trail that was washed out by a fast-moving creek, and climbing over all the fallen beetlekill trees blocking the trail. Oh well.

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 03 4:55:30
Gabe 03 3:41:30
Mark 04 5:05:00
Lisa 04 3:48:18
Jim 04 3:44:51
Mitch 03 2:18:00
Dennis 03 4:20.00
Bruno 00 2:10:00
2014-06-07 8:54 AM
in reply to: realrellim

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Public Service Announcement - please ensure that you are copying the latest standings when updating your totals. Additionally, if you are quoting someone's post please delete out the standings from the quote so that we reduce confusion.
2014-06-07 9:59 AM
in reply to: 0

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
2 hrs on the drainer this morning (30' plus 3x20' @ 85% FTP)

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 04 5:27:03
Gabe 05 6:45:30
Mark 04 5:05:00
Lisa 04 3:48:18
Jim 05 4:38:36
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

Edited by trisuppo 2014-06-07 10:01 AM

2014-06-07 4:26 PM
in reply to: 0

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Just a heads up to some of the folks that missed Dan's post last month, there are several of us who are linked up on Strava. If you use Strava and would like to share your training with us you can find send me a request to Dennis Sawyer (in Texas). If your interested post your user name her so the others can send you requests.

Edited by sawyer1206 2014-06-07 4:30 PM
2014-06-07 6:09 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

User image

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Great 20k run this morning. Felt fantastic, I wish I knew why, could maybe replicate it for the marathon. 3 days of not running? Going to bed late? No breakfast? Old worn out shoes?

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 04 5:27:03
Gabe 05 6:45:30
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 04 3:48:18
Jim 05 4:38:36
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 05 10:58:44
2014-06-07 10:17 PM
in reply to: markz

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

@Joe, how is your harmstring issue going, any better?

Anyone has any races coming up in the next couple of weeks?

Adding 2 hr drainer Friday, 2hr drainer + 1hr (7mi) brick run today

Joe: 04 2:48:00 
Jackie 04 5:27:03 
Gabe 07 11:48:20 
Mark 05 7:00:00 
Lisa 04 3:48:18 
Jim 05 4:38:36 
Mitch 05 5:34:11 
Dennis 05 7:20.00 
Bruno 04 4:55:00 
Kate 05 10:58:44

2014-06-08 1:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by trigabe

Anyone has any races coming up in the next couple of weeks?

I have a half marathon at the end of the month, at about 9000 feet elevation. I ran it last year and am looking forward to doing it again, now that I'm familiar with what to expect (namely, 5 miles of uphill before things get fun).

Adding in a slow 7 miles running in the mountains today. My left side is back to normal but the right side was still stiff, particularly on the downhill. Running uphill for 2 miles? That felt fine. The issue may be sleep-related though, either due to the mattress (which is more firm than mine at home) or the 4-year-old who flops like a fish. (She has a lot of nightmares; it's just easier to sleep with her than to wake up one or more times and head down the hall to comfort her. Also, my husband snores, loudly and incessantly in the mountains, so it's at least more quiet with the kids.) At any rate, we're back home tonight so I'm thinking I should feel pretty good in a day or two. We've also been canoeing a bunch, so that may have something to do with it. Still, any run in the mountains is a good run, IMO.

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 04 5:27:03
Gabe 07 11:48:20
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 05 4:38:36 
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

Edited by realrellim 2014-06-08 2:00 AM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
of 62
date : March 20, 2014
author : tri342
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When I found out there was going to be a small sprint triathlon in a month, I signed up and I decided I would try to do my best.
date : February 27, 2012
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To succeed in a multisport event is to sign the entry form and show up to the start. If you put but a toe in the water consider that a bonus. This sport is hard.
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What makes the difference between success and failure is not how often you fall but how often you rise. Next time you’re chewing that second cookie and you realize it’s not what you planned on...STOP!
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Your training plan is a guide but you don’t blindly follow it. You shouldn’t know exactly what you are going to do until the day you are to do it.