General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Florida : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2009-11-02 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2492846

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Socks - 2009-11-02 9:33 AM

Is anyone else BORED OUT OF YOUR SKULL??????  I don't do sitting around very well.   

YES! I have little left to pack, going stir crazy!

2009-11-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2491609

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
harvey0706 - 2009-11-01 7:23 AM Holy moly....this is for real...I want my mommy

Well, I am in luck. I brought my mommy.   My unit at the Summitt is on the end, right next to Spinnakers.  They are setting up the test in the parking lot, unloaded a whole tractor trailer of port-a-johns, three people in the water swimming right now.  Chilly outside for me.  Will be going for a bike ride around 10:00am.  Water looks clear and is flat.  Over 1500 miles on the van with this adventure. Did a quick run last night. Glad I have a light on the brim of my hat. Makes it easier to look down at my garmin and see how I am doing. Hardly any clouds in the sky. Have a safe trip down.  

Mr Steve 
2009-11-02 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
This last day at work is going to be SOOOO productive... lol!  I am off tomorrow to check & double check all the gear I have packed.  Headin' east on Wednesday morning!  I hope to see/meet some of y'all on Thursday, as I plan on swimming then too.

Safe travels to all!

2009-11-02 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2492931

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Mr Steve - 2009-11-02 9:03 AM
harvey0706 - 2009-11-01 7:23 AM Holy moly....this is for real...I want my mommy

Well, I am in luck. I brought my mommy.   My unit at the Summitt is on the end, right next to Spinnakers.  They are setting up the test in the parking lot, unloaded a whole tractor trailer of port-a-johns, three people in the water swimming right now.  Chilly outside for me.  Will be going for a bike ride around 10:00am.  Water looks clear and is flat.  Over 1500 miles on the van with this adventure. Did a quick run last night. Glad I have a light on the brim of my hat. Makes it easier to look down at my garmin and see how I am doing. Hardly any clouds in the sky. Have a safe trip down.  

Mr Steve 

Mr Steve is On Site!!!  That's awesome!  Lil' PCB envy, I must say!  Be joining ya soon enough!  Soak it all in! 
2009-11-02 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2492941

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
[QUOTEMr Steve is On Site!!!  That's awesome!  Lil' PCB envy, I must say!  Be joining ya soon enough!  Soak it all in! 

Here is a picture of them setting up the tent.

And a picture of Mr Steve finally in PCB, from yesterday on the balcony of the condo

Just travel safe getting here. 

Mr Steve
2009-11-02 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
The Land of Mickey-Orlando
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Just got back from the bike shop after my favorite mechanic blessed my ride and even took it for a little spin!! Ok...imagine if you will a 6 ft guy on my 48cm Cervelo. It was a sight to behold...!! He did all the mechanicals, greased and she is as ready as the "engine" will allow.

I don't leave until Wednesday morning and Im going nuts!! Really wanna go tomorrow!! Sigh!! Two more days of work!!

2009-11-02 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Here is a little blurb from Endurance Nation:

Ironman Florida 2009 Race Preview

With mere weeks left before race day, athletes preparing for Ironman Florida in sunny Panama City Beach, FL, are starved for any information to give them a leg up on the competition. Renown as a great “first time” Ironman event, well over half the field here in any given year is brand new to the Ironman distance. While there is no such thing as an easy Ironman, IMFL does win points for being extremely straightforward: the course is flat, the weather is consistent and 140.6 miles is a long way to go.

Here is a quick review of the top questions inside Endurance Nation about racing Ironman Florida. In addition to these race specific tips, please download our free race execution guide, read by over 3800 Ironman athletes, to help you manage the overall picture of racing as well. Travel safely and best of luck on race day!

* What is the swim like?
A two-loop ocean affair, the swim at Ironman Florida represents one of the biggest challenges most of the competitors will face all day, especially those looking to use the full time allotted. Salt water, light chop and 2000 of your best tri-friends can make for a difficult first time IM swim. You have a beach start to find some room; remember there’s no rush to hit the water first! Whether there’s chop or not, you’ll need to have your form dialed in so you can be as smooth and as efficient as possible in the ocean. Historically the water has been rougher on the second lap, so enjoy the brief beach respite (there’s a full aid station!) before finishing off the first leg of your day.

* I’ve heard the Florida bike is not that tough…what’s the real deal?
To be clear, 112 miles over any terrain is tough. The bike course consists of two parts: a 10 mile admin stretch along Front Beach Road, then essentially one big loop before returning back to T2. Due to the course layout, there is minimal spectator support on the bike. It’s just a very long quiet ride. The loop nature of the course means that regardless of where you are on the day, you will have a headwind at some point.

The bike starts off pretty “hot” with lots of competitors crowding the single road and riding quite fast. It’s here that the first of many draft packs will form. It’s very tempting to chase the competition early on, but remember that there’s a very tough marathon still on the schedule…and that’s where the true potential of your race will be realized. Also note that the worst winds are off the water in the last 10 miles to transition, so be sure to pace yourself well so that you don’t implode here.

And don’t forget the silent killer lurking on the IMFL course: the pancake flat course itself. With no hills, very few turns or other terrain to encourage you to change positions on the bike, it’s possible to ride the entire course 100% in the aerobars. Athletes over the years have commented that this lack of position changes can create back issues and other challenges late on the bike course and into the run. We HIGHLY recommend you use the aid stations as a reminder/opportunity to sit up, stretch, stand out of the saddle, etc. Your back will thank you!

* I’ve heard the beach transition is pretty tricky? What do we do with all that sand!?!?
They actually have this pretty well set up. You’ll run on some astroturf stuff, get your wetsuit stripped, and then have a light water shower option (think hoses dangling from above) to rinse off the salt water. By the time you are done with all of that — and the run to T1 — you really don’t have much sand on your feet at all. It just takes a second to wipe your feet off at this point, and we recommend you put a face cloth in your T1 bag especially for this purpose.

* Ok, what is the run like?
The run course in Florida is an out-and-back affair with lots of admin turns. You work your way from the host hotel down towards St. Andrews State Park by crisscrossing Thomas Drive multiple times. The wind you face at the end of the bike will be ever-present as most of the run is very close to the water. Also note that there is minimal shade, so being able to manage the heat is what will make or break your run.

While there is a solid amount of local support for the run, and the short nature of the course allows your family/friends to be in multiple places during the day, at some point you will have to face the solitary and quiet space of the State Park. Panama City in November means an early sunset, with the course being entirely in the dark as of 5:30pm at the latest. In other words, the last finishers of the bike could very well run every step of the marathon at night time.

* What Can My Family Do on Race Day?
There is precious little to do other than watching the race and sit on the beach. There are a few kitschy museums, but most aren’t open on Sunday regardless. Their best bet is to watch the swim, then get in a nice breakfast. They can hang out on the beach for a few hours and maybe even catch a nap before you hit T2. Then it’s time to do some serious run spectating. Just like you, they’ll need to be prepared for the heat, the sun, and the early evening (it can get chilly).

* What’s the Biggest Mistake I Could Make?
Aside from underestimating the importance of swimming “well” in the ocean, how you handle the first part of the bike is critical to your day. The flat nature of the ride combined with adrenaline-filled competition makes deciding to ride outside of your comfort zone incredibly easy. We highly recommend that you commit yourself to cruising the swim and bike until you turn onto Highway 231 — roughly 50 miles into your day. At that point you can dial things up to Steady and begin your day of racing. If you think you are going too easy until here, remember that you have 62 miles of cycling and 26.2 miles of running to make that time back!

* What is the Temperature Like on Race Day?
Temps for Florida have historically been in the upper-70s. This is not very hot, but the continued exposure over the course of your day can make even these mild temps seem quite hot. As always, outlier days have seen the temps peek into the low-90s. You’ll need to be ready for anything. It helps to remember that at the end of the day, everyone else has to race under the same conditions!

As you approach race day, remember to relax and enjoy the journey. Don’t ruin the next few weeks – or your race experience – by geeking out. Focus on what matters, take care of your supporters and remember to race with a smile!

2009-11-02 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2493095

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

trihardathena - 2009-11-02 11:02 AM Just got back from the bike shop after my favorite mechanic blessed my ride and even took it for a little spin!! Ok...imagine if you will a 6 ft guy on my 48cm Cervelo. It was a sight to behold...!! He did all the mechanicals, greased and she is as ready as the "engine" will allow. I don't leave until Wednesday morning and Im going nuts!! Really wanna go tomorrow!! Sigh!! Two more days of work!!

LOL same thing happened with me last week They like my baby tho  I want to leave but I thinkits better to bebored silly at home than bored silly away.

2009-11-02 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2492846

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Socks - 2009-11-02 9:33 AM

Is anyone else BORED OUT OF YOUR SKULL??????  I don't do sitting around very well.   

I am too busy packing for the road trip tomorrow to be bored.
2009-11-02 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Anybody know the links for video cover and/or athlete tracker?  Or are they not available until race day?

2009-11-02 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2493368

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
steveseer - 2009-11-02 12:02 PM

Anybody know the links for video cover and/or athlete tracker?  Or are they not available until race day?

Not available until race day (or a couple days before).  The links will be on the homepage in a "usually" pink box. 

2009-11-02 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2492981

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Tent's Up!

Took my bike ride. It is windy when you go past some of the hotels on Front Beach Rd.  Made it out to Hwy 79.  Headwind going to Hwy 20.  Nice tailwind when I turned around to head back to the condo.  Going to take mom and dad out on the bike course so they see where I will be doing this race sometime this afternoon.  Road is bumby in front of Boardwalk Hotel.

Mr Steve
2009-11-02 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Heading down on Thursday as support crew for my husband.  Can't wait.

Edited by tyra 2009-11-02 1:26 PM
2009-11-02 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2493392

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Windermere, FL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Mr Steve - 2009-11-02 1:17 PM

Tent's Up!

Took my bike ride. It is windy when you go past some of the hotels on Front Beach Rd.  Made it out to Hwy 79.  Headwind going to Hwy 20.  Nice tailwind when I turned around to head back to the condo.  Going to take mom and dad out on the bike course so they see where I will be doing this race sometime this afternoon.  Road is bumby in front of Boardwalk Hotel.

Mr Steve

Are you staying at the Boardwalk? I can't wait!!!!
2009-11-02 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I saw a link in one of the other threads about tracking BT people on Saturday. I still don't see the list posted anywhere so I figured I would volunteer to start the list if no one else has done that yet. If you PM me your BT name, real name, bib number, number of Ironman this is for you (1st, 2nd, etc) and your goal, I will start the list to be posted on here.

2009-11-02 2:17 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Hi Guys:

By any chance does anyone have family coming in Friday from PNS Airport? My husband is coming in at 10AM and I'm worried I'm pushing it driving to get him at 10 and then driving back to the hotel for bike check in before 3PM. I guess I should make it back by 12noon if something stupid doesn't happen like a flat tire or something. If anyone knows of anyone coming this way that morning could you PM me??? Thanks!

2009-11-02 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2493675

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
mburkhart - 2009-11-02 2:17 PM Hi Guys:

By any chance does anyone have family coming in Friday from PNS Airport? My husband is coming in at 10AM and I'm worried I'm pushing it driving to get him at 10 and then driving back to the hotel for bike check in before 3PM. I guess I should make it back by 12noon if something stupid doesn't happen like a flat tire or something. If anyone knows of anyone coming this way that morning could you PM me??? Thanks!

My wife is flying in at like 2 or 3pm on Friday.  The airport (PNS) I think it's the same one, is only 8 miles from the Shores of Panama (5 blocks from Boardwalk (host) Hotel).  I would think you would be pretty good... if not, could maybe grab a pretty cheap taxi from the airport.
2009-11-02 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2493718

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Trin2bfast - 2009-11-02 3:32 PM
mburkhart - 2009-11-02 2:17 PM Hi Guys:

By any chance does anyone have family coming in Friday from PNS Airport? My husband is coming in at 10AM and I'm worried I'm pushing it driving to get him at 10 and then driving back to the hotel for bike check in before 3PM. I guess I should make it back by 12noon if something stupid doesn't happen like a flat tire or something. If anyone knows of anyone coming this way that morning could you PM me??? Thanks!

My wife is flying in at like 2 or 3pm on Friday.  The airport (PNS) I think it's the same one, is only 8 miles from the Shores of Panama (5 blocks from Boardwalk (host) Hotel).  I would think you would be pretty good... if not, could maybe grab a pretty cheap taxi from the airport.
Umm.. no the Google map shows a 2.5 hour drive, your wife must be flying into Panama City Regional. But thanks anyway!
2009-11-02 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Wow! I can't believe it is almost here.

Talk about pressure! lol- There were balloons, posters and streamers on my office door today at school. Everywhere I went children were wishing me luck and asking me about my race. One of the classes made individual posters for the race. It was so sweet I almost started crying.  What seemed like a dream a few years ago is now coming true. I'm going to be a basket case Saturday morning before the swim start. Especially when they start playing the National anthem.

2009-11-02 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2493579

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Are you staying at the Boardwalk? I can't wait!!!!

I'm at the Summit.  Right next to Spinnaker.  Could not have asked to be closer to the finish line for my family to walk over...

My unit is on the end of the condo, overlooking to the Spinnaker parking lot.  Just means we will hear all the sounds up to midnight...

Mr Steve
2009-11-02 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2493986

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Catwoman - 2009-11-02 5:52 PM  I'm going to be a basket case Saturday morning before the swim start. Especially when they start playing the National anthem.

I agree.  It was a year ago i was here signing up for this event...Seemed like I had alot of time when I started my countdown timer on my computer back in January...Just need to keep listening to the part of me which is saying I WILL finish the race...

Mr  Steve

2009-11-02 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2492934

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in a pool, on a bike, or up the trail
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Trin2bfast - 2009-11-02 10:04 AM This last day at work is going to be SOOOO productive... lol!  I am off tomorrow to check & double check all the gear I have packed. 

I was on a conference call for our weekly senior staff meeting Monday afternoon. We do a round-robin briefly outlining tasks and issues for the coming week. They got around to me and I said, "I'm in Florida already". Perhaps not physically, but I've mentally been there for days now... not a lick of work getting done.

Tomorrow I try to turn the ginormous pile of crap that's taking up most of one room and try to turn it into organized packing. Then up at the crack of dawn on Wednesday for the drive south!

2009-11-02 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2494039

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in a pool, on a bike, or up the trail
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Mr Steve - 2009-11-02 6:26 PM
Catwoman - 2009-11-02 5:52 PM  I'm going to be a basket case Saturday morning before the swim start. Especially when they start playing the National anthem.

I agree.  It was a year ago i was here signing up for this event...Seemed like I had alot of time when I started my countdown timer on my computer back in January...Just need to keep listening to the part of me which is saying I WILL finish the race...

Mr  Steve

I think I'll be fine as soon as I'm standing on the beach, knowing I made it to the start. Does anybody else have the strange feeling that all of this is going to actually get easier once the gun goes off? I keep hearing the same thing from people that have done Ironmans: the training is far more difficult than they ever expected, but the actual event is easier. I don't know if it's true or just an evil plot to convince more people to sign up!
2009-11-02 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
just popping in to say...

2009-11-02 9:12 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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New user

Lutz, FL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Does the race usually sell out at the registration site or are there typically any slots left open for online registration? I want to drive to Panama City Beach to register, but I wouldnt be able to be there until 10 am or so and i know that it opens at 9am. What do you all suggest that I do?
To all those racing this weekend: Good Luck!!! You are about to join a very exclusive club!
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