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2014-10-16 12:24 PM
in reply to: TankBoy

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by TankBoy
Originally posted by GoFaster

One thing on my "spend" list (seems to be a long list) is to get a bike fit done in the next couple of months.  How tough would it be to then dial in the road bike position to be close to the Tri Bike?

Neil, I hardly ever touch my fit except when I get a new bike. When I do I take both my TT bike and road bike together to my fitter. It seems pretty straight forward and he doesn't charge anything extra.

I haven't had much trouble moving things around, but also haven't tried to keep the exact same fit between bikes. Tends to have some "this feels good" to it.

2014-10-16 12:26 PM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by TankBoy
Originally posted by mndymond
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by axteraa

This sounds like a reasonable plan.  I'm sure I can make it work.

no no no no You are not leaving me alone in this miserable weather. My only consolation when it's -40 and snow is that it's worst where you are :-) Man you guys get hammered with snow. Jason, are we allowed to start complaining about winter yet ? Kona is over, isn't that when we can start ?

The presence of snow would overrule any standards he sets.

I had ice on my windshield yesterday. I need to move my bikes around to get my car in the garage.

After almost failing to ignore LBs current attempt at picking a fight in TT this morning (Marc and Ben, don't take the bait!), Ron suggested via PM that I try out the new "Ignore User" feature. Since I have implemented its use I do have to admit that reading threads on kick sets, special diets, and horse grooming tips are already much more enjoyable. I may have to expand its use to include topics that include cold, ice, poutine, and other general forms of misery that are part of living in Canada.

I didn't even know about that feature but I may give it a whirl.  I like LB's enthusiasm about his son.  But I don't like the constant need to tell others how their accomplishments don't matter, etc.  Gets old after awhile.

It's not really a discussion if everyone else is wrong before they even say anything. Expending all that extra energy just seems like a really ineffective way to promote better discussion instead of learning how to ask better questions.

Edited by brigby1 2014-10-16 12:27 PM
2014-10-16 12:37 PM
in reply to: brigby1

User image

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by TankBoy
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by TankBoy
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by TankBoy
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by axteraa

This sounds like a reasonable plan.  I'm sure I can make it work.

no no no no You are not leaving me alone in this miserable weather. My only consolation when it's -40 and snow is that it's worst where you are :-) Man you guys get hammered with snow. Jason, are we allowed to start complaining about winter yet ? Kona is over, isn't that when we can start ?

The presence of snow would overrule any standards he sets.

Well, Matt is ALREADY complaining about the cold on Strava....

And he had moved from Michigan to Texas. 

He must just be complaining about the cold out of habit.

Cranky old people ...

Quite literally LOL'd sitting here in the coffee shop. Too bad Matt Is not actually reading to know the fun we are having at his expense.

Thought Marc could use some company. At least twice now in the past week (?) he's had that thrown at him.

The beauty of being old is that a) you forget very quickly b) you don't hear all that well

When a fast young person tells me I'm old...I say, dang, I would love to be young
When a slow young person tells me I'm old...I say, ok, what's your excuse ?

2014-10-16 12:52 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Whoops - sorry to bring a TT conversation in here as I know it is against Utopia rules. But I have just become beyond frustrated with LBs "contributions." In my estimation he is a troll (albeit a rather sophisticated one) pure and simple. He has been instrumental in driving a number of good folks away, now including Fred it seems. It is a real coup for BT to have folks like JonnyO posting here, so when LB went after him this morning, well, just damn. I don't know how coaches like Shane and the others tolerate it, I really don't? I have been in a discussion with Ron about it via PM for the past couple of days. If up for it I suggest you drop him a note as well. I think he is listening, but I don't blame him at all for thinking everything is fine so long as no one is complaining. I am sorry I waited so long, but I do also hate whining, so I will do my best to stop. Carry on!
2014-10-16 1:02 PM
in reply to: TankBoy

User image

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by TankBoy

Whoops - sorry to bring a TT conversation in here as I know it is against Utopia rules. But I have just become beyond frustrated with LBs "contributions." In my estimation he is a troll (albeit a rather sophisticated one) pure and simple. He has been instrumental in driving a number of good folks away, now including Fred it seems. It is a real coup for BT to have folks like JonnyO posting here, so when LB went after him this morning, well, just damn. I don't know how coaches like Shane and the others tolerate it, I really don't? I have been in a discussion with Ron about it via PM for the past couple of days. If up for it I suggest you drop him a note as well. I think he is listening, but I don't blame him at all for thinking everything is fine so long as no one is complaining. I am sorry I waited so long, but I do also hate whining, so I will do my best to stop. Carry on!

Several times, the person in question has said he enjoys winding people up.
Troll is the perfect term. I am actually surprised the moderators have not stepped in.

I suspect that 99% of the people are able to see through it. I hope so.

2014-10-16 1:05 PM
in reply to: brigby1

User image

Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by GoFaster

There is no shade on that run - I don't see myself doing this race again as long as it stays in July.  The heat and humidity would destroy me.  I would predict there will be no PR's on that course after the date change.  I am thinking about a flat HIM in June of next year (same folks that just put on Barrelman that Arend did), so I hope for less polar vortex this winter so I can long rides in earlier in the season next year.

Brings up a question - do you ride in aero on the trainer?  I don't like the position, even though mostly comfortable on the road, but for my first flat 56mile ride I think I need to spend more time getting used to it.

Haven't necessarily done that much, but planning on putting more in this off-season. I feel fine going to aero when outside, as in it's ok comfort wise holding the position,  but power output tends to be less than expected. HR is noticeably higher for a given power. Legs feel fine, but some core area can tire. Think this might be why I haven't been hitting races at the recommended IF's. Couple years ago I came out of winter doing more aero work and was pretty good in early races, but had some abdominal straining in short hard races later, less training in aero. This year had no aero on the trainer and road bike early season. Noticed core/abdominal area getting tired in the harder sprint races I had once I got the tri bike. I was stronger than ever coming into the season, but didn't show it that well in the races. Think I had matched the hip angle well enough. But it was going from hands to elbows that really felt different. More core engagement in the aggressive position. I didn't notice that issue so much after finally putting the clips on the road bike for the one race. Hip angle wasn't much more open, but I was riding higher with the more slack seat angle and higher front end. It didn't have to engage as much. The SC9 is rotated over quite a bit more.

I do the vast majority of my trainer rides in aero.  I live and train in Houston, which is basically pancake flat and can be quite windy -- it's pretty rare (outside of stoplights / stop signs) that I would need to be out of aero, so I generally find it to be quite comfortable.  Also, since I rarely ride out of aero (unless I'm climbing, which probably means I'm at some destination race!), my hands feel the effects of holding my body upright after quite short periods of time. 

And finally, since I ride in aero almost all of the time, I have exactly the opposite problem that Ben (and probably everyone else) does.  My power is noticeably lower when I'm up on the horns.  For me, there is little benefit (or enjoyment) in being out of aero, so I don't do it, not even on the trainer

2014-10-16 1:10 PM
in reply to: marcag

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by TankBoy Whoops - sorry to bring a TT conversation in here as I know it is against Utopia rules. But I have just become beyond frustrated with LBs "contributions." In my estimation he is a troll (albeit a rather sophisticated one) pure and simple. He has been instrumental in driving a number of good folks away, now including Fred it seems. It is a real coup for BT to have folks like JonnyO posting here, so when LB went after him this morning, well, just damn. I don't know how coaches like Shane and the others tolerate it, I really don't? I have been in a discussion with Ron about it via PM for the past couple of days. If up for it I suggest you drop him a note as well. I think he is listening, but I don't blame him at all for thinking everything is fine so long as no one is complaining. I am sorry I waited so long, but I do also hate whining, so I will do my best to stop. Carry on!
Several times, the person in question has said he enjoys winding people up. Troll is the perfect term. I am actually surprised the moderators have not stepped in. I suspect that 99% of the people are able to see through it. I hope so.

I don't have that much faith in people.

Is the interaction on the boards themselves considered? Many might not complain and just go elsewhere. Or go elsewhere and complain.

2014-10-16 1:20 PM
in reply to: TankBoy

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by TankBoy
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by GoFaster

There is no shade on that run - I don't see myself doing this race again as long as it stays in July.  The heat and humidity would destroy me.  I would predict there will be no PR's on that course after the date change.  I am thinking about a flat HIM in June of next year (same folks that just put on Barrelman that Arend did), so I hope for less polar vortex this winter so I can long rides in earlier in the season next year.

Brings up a question - do you ride in aero on the trainer?  I don't like the position, even though mostly comfortable on the road, but for my first flat 56mile ride I think I need to spend more time getting used to it.

Haven't necessarily done that much, but planning on putting more in this off-season. I feel fine going to aero when outside, as in it's ok comfort wise holding the position,  but power output tends to be less than expected. HR is noticeably higher for a given power. Legs feel fine, but some core area can tire. Think this might be why I haven't been hitting races at the recommended IF's. Couple years ago I came out of winter doing more aero work and was pretty good in early races, but had some abdominal straining in short hard races later, less training in aero. This year had no aero on the trainer and road bike early season. Noticed core/abdominal area getting tired in the harder sprint races I had once I got the tri bike. I was stronger than ever coming into the season, but didn't show it that well in the races. Think I had matched the hip angle well enough. But it was going from hands to elbows that really felt different. More core engagement in the aggressive position. I didn't notice that issue so much after finally putting the clips on the road bike for the one race. Hip angle wasn't much more open, but I was riding higher with the more slack seat angle and higher front end. It didn't have to engage as much. The SC9 is rotated over quite a bit more.

Ben, just re-reading this and finding your experience intersting. It seems a little counter-intuitive that you would feel MORE core engagement when you switch to your TT bike and not less. Is your road bike really, really upright? Do you spend most of your road time in the drops or the hoods? If you do spend most of your time in the drops how heavy (or light) are you in your hands?

I wonder if "different" might be better than "more"? Road bike feels a lot higher up, as it is rotated back around farther, but I'm still not necessarily higher than most people on it. I move around between the drops & hoods for most riding, but racing and hard (non-uphill) efforts are in the drops. I wonder if the road bike is a bit short in length for me? Didn't know much about fitting back when I got it. Still don't know as much about what all is "correct" for a road position. My hands like to have a break every now and then, but don't seem have excessive pressure on them. Perhaps I didn't really get the core engagement in the road position as much as I thought? Seems to have to do with the upper arm position. When they come forward more to seat elbows in the pads I'll feel things change. Core doesn't necessarily feel that tired or so unless I get into a harder effort. In easier riding I don't notice much special going on.

2014-10-16 3:53 PM
in reply to: TankBoy

Subject: ...
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2014-10-16 3:56 PM
in reply to: marcag

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2014-10-16 4:16 PM
in reply to: 0

, California
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

The sad thing is that the trolling leads people to wonder if he's being honest about his son or not.

Enough of that for me.  I'm super excited about my race travel for next year!

Arend - selfishly, I really hope you do Alcatraz.  It'd be cool to have some other people I know... all in the same boat, so to speak :)

Edited by spudone 2014-10-16 4:21 PM

2014-10-16 4:36 PM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I wonder about that too and the more basic idea of actually understanding what is seen. There is a difference between making an observation and actually understanding what is going on, the theory behind it. I can pull something out here and there, but in general "explanations" I've received have been rather lacking.

Good to see Fred's back and doing well with his usual all caps & blue font. 

Edited by brigby1 2014-10-16 4:36 PM
2014-10-16 5:01 PM
in reply to: 0

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by spudone

The sad thing is that the trolling leads people to wonder if he's being honest about his son or not.

He is, but I think you need to put things in context

I have to admit, some things said peeked my interest and the consequence was to go see some of the races. This summer I went to see the Junior elites race. They are exciting to watch. What is even more interesting is watching some of the parents. But you see the same thing at swim meets, little league games.....

You also have to remember that at that age, winning or doing a podium at AG Nationals, or even AG worlds is not to sneeze at, but in 16yo AG, it's not like winning the 30y/o catgeory. Because at 16, AG and Elite are very different

There is a group of kids that race youth elite. The very top kids, then race at Nationals or worlds as Elites NOT AGers.
So for example, a kid we won't identify specifically, ranked 15th in the elite program.
The kid that came first, went to worlds and finished something like 35th AS AN ELITE, not an AGer
So if the top guy in the US is 35th, the 2nd US guy may be 40th, the 3rd guy52......there are a lot of kids in the world as good as US 15th. If you took the top 15 from each country, the 15th kid in the US would be what ? 150th in the world ?

But if they go and race AG, that's another story. Most of the elite kids do not race AG. So you race that and you are now the fastest AGer in the world.

Now, the guy that is 30 has no other racing opportunity, so if he finishes first at worlds AG, he is the fastest in the world for his AG.

In fairness, the 16yo AGers are fast. But to claim they are as fast as Olympians is a stretch.

This is how I understand it. I asked a Canadian coach and he told me my understanding was correct. If you guys know it differently, let me know.

All the info is on the web.

When I went to Canadian Elites racing I got to see that kid Webb. He finished second. What is interesting is he was outrun. And, the guys that won, were not first out of the water. I spoke with the guy that ran the Ontario team and he knew Shane. Shane knows how this stuff really work.

My niece is probably the top 5 backstroker for her age in Canada. She probably has more hope of going to the Olympics that the 15th youth triathlete. But her parents don't spam every thread in message boards with her training.

Edited by marcag 2014-10-16 5:12 PM
2014-10-16 5:42 PM
in reply to: brigby1

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by TankBoy
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by GoFaster

There is no shade on that run - I don't see myself doing this race again as long as it stays in July.  The heat and humidity would destroy me.  I would predict there will be no PR's on that course after the date change.  I am thinking about a flat HIM in June of next year (same folks that just put on Barrelman that Arend did), so I hope for less polar vortex this winter so I can long rides in earlier in the season next year.

Brings up a question - do you ride in aero on the trainer?  I don't like the position, even though mostly comfortable on the road, but for my first flat 56mile ride I think I need to spend more time getting used to it.

Haven't necessarily done that much, but planning on putting more in this off-season. I feel fine going to aero when outside, as in it's ok comfort wise holding the position,  but power output tends to be less than expected. HR is noticeably higher for a given power. Legs feel fine, but some core area can tire. Think this might be why I haven't been hitting races at the recommended IF's. Couple years ago I came out of winter doing more aero work and was pretty good in early races, but had some abdominal straining in short hard races later, less training in aero. This year had no aero on the trainer and road bike early season. Noticed core/abdominal area getting tired in the harder sprint races I had once I got the tri bike. I was stronger than ever coming into the season, but didn't show it that well in the races. Think I had matched the hip angle well enough. But it was going from hands to elbows that really felt different. More core engagement in the aggressive position. I didn't notice that issue so much after finally putting the clips on the road bike for the one race. Hip angle wasn't much more open, but I was riding higher with the more slack seat angle and higher front end. It didn't have to engage as much. The SC9 is rotated over quite a bit more.

Ben, just re-reading this and finding your experience intersting. It seems a little counter-intuitive that you would feel MORE core engagement when you switch to your TT bike and not less. Is your road bike really, really upright? Do you spend most of your road time in the drops or the hoods? If you do spend most of your time in the drops how heavy (or light) are you in your hands?

I wonder if "different" might be better than "more"? Road bike feels a lot higher up, as it is rotated back around farther, but I'm still not necessarily higher than most people on it. I move around between the drops & hoods for most riding, but racing and hard (non-uphill) efforts are in the drops. I wonder if the road bike is a bit short in length for me? Didn't know much about fitting back when I got it. Still don't know as much about what all is "correct" for a road position. My hands like to have a break every now and then, but don't seem have excessive pressure on them. Perhaps I didn't really get the core engagement in the road position as much as I thought? Seems to have to do with the upper arm position. When they come forward more to seat elbows in the pads I'll feel things change. Core doesn't necessarily feel that tired or so unless I get into a harder effort. In easier riding I don't notice much special going on.

I have a computrainer, so I have done this experiment several times

First of all, on multiple occasions, I have shown that my HR and Watts are very correlated 10w=3BPM. I may be 130BPM at 180w one day and 135BPM the next, but if I go up 10w, I go up 3BPM every day.

So I ride on the bars, say 180w, 130BPM.
I go into aero and it goes up to 133. But if I change my pelvic tilt a bit, I feel an engagement in my core and boom, by HR goes down to 130 (in aero position)

So in theory, just by changing this tilt, I get 10w in power and become almost identical aero and road. I need to figure this out. It's weird.
2014-10-16 6:44 PM
in reply to: marcag

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by spudone

The sad thing is that the trolling leads people to wonder if he's being honest about his son or not.

He is, but I think you need to put things in context I have to admit, some things said peeked my interest and the consequence was to go see some of the races. This summer I went to see the Junior elites race. They are exciting to watch. What is even more interesting is watching some of the parents. But you see the same thing at swim meets, little league games..... You also have to remember that at that age, winning or doing a podium at AG Nationals, or even AG worlds is not to sneeze at, but in 16yo AG, it's not like winning the 30y/o catgeory. Because at 16, AG and Elite are very different There is a group of kids that race youth elite. The very top kids, then race at Nationals or worlds as Elites NOT AGers. So for example, a kid we won't identify specifically, ranked 15th in the elite program. The kid that came first, went to worlds and finished something like 35th AS AN ELITE, not an AGer So if the top guy in the US is 35th, the 2nd US guy may be 40th, the 3rd guy52......there are a lot of kids in the world as good as US 15th. If you took the top 15 from each country, the 15th kid in the US would be what ? 150th in the world ? But if they go and race AG, that's another story. Most of the elite kids do not race AG. So you race that and you are now the fastest AGer in the world. Now, the guy that is 30 has no other racing opportunity, so if he finishes first at worlds AG, he is the fastest in the world for his AG. In fairness, the 16yo AGers are fast. But to claim they are as fast as Olympians is a stretch. This is how I understand it. I asked a Canadian coach and he told me my understanding was correct. If you guys know it differently, let me know. All the info is on the web. When I went to Canadian Elites racing I got to see that kid Webb. He finished second. What is interesting is he was outrun. And, the guys that won, were not first out of the water. I spoke with the guy that ran the Ontario team and he knew Shane. Shane knows how this stuff really work. My niece is probably the top 5 backstroker for her age in Canada. She probably has more hope of going to the Olympics that the 15th youth triathlete. But her parents don't spam every thread in message boards with her training.

I have 30 years of being around various levels of competition in a few sports. Some make state finals. Some do well in college. One I coached in basketball like 10 years ago is now playing for the Houston Texans. These parents are actually rather calm & collected, but have seen quite a few, more exuberant ones.

Wasn't Lukas Verzbikas a JR world champ or something? Can't quite remember all the details. Before the accident he still had a lot of development to go to really get up there as a pro.

I've never raced a certain 16 year old. At ITU Chicago (not Chicago Tri which is Lifetime) I did not recognize anyone else for the several pages of results in spite of living in the area. The Oly had several people I knew or knew of on every page up near the top. First name I knew was a guy at masters. Biked ~2:30 slower. At a previous sprint, I out split him by ~4:30. On the same Ordu model Crowie threw to the curb. USAT Nats, a guy I knew out split "someone" by 40 seconds or so. Earlier in the year I was 20 some seconds behind this guy. On my road bike. Without clip ons. Ben Hoffman was at Branson last year. I was ~20 minutes slower than him. Didn't have the best ride, but think the gap may have been ~17 minutes had I done what I wanted. Quassy, I was 2:34:xx. Front group rides 2:16-2:17xx, right where Hoffman rides (others he matches were right there that day). I'll do ok on the bike, but I'm clearly not a pro level rider.

I've seen one of those kids first hand in a madison race, though this one does not have the swim background. Still beat me in the swim. transitioned better, matched my (subpar but not horrible) bike split, and then just ran down everyone else left up front with a 17:30ish on a tough course. His bike & run were very near someone else's at Nats. We might see someone like this every now and then, but really not expecting to see hordes of them taking over the entire race, not at ones I look for. What is the difference between that and a Kona qualifier showing up, really? I had to deal with Ryan Giuliano at the sprint for the other Nats guy. He raced professional tri and duathlon for a few years. Now he "only" battles for very high up spots in IM races. There are 3 Zoot Ultra guys in M30-34 in the local area (I missed Lapinsky awhile back). Thankfully I aged up to M35-39 this year where it's only Mark Harms. Fast people that are or border on pro level speed can be all over the place. It'll be neat seeing it an occasional teenager, but hardly expecting an entire revolution. Already dealing with some guys just out of college running 16:xx off the bike. What's a couple more years when I'm already at least 10 years on them? Age group only concerns? Well that kind of takes care of itself.

2014-10-16 7:37 PM
in reply to: spudone

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by spudone

The sad thing is that the trolling leads people to wonder if he's being honest about his son or not.

Enough of that for me.  I'm super excited about my race travel for next year!

Arend - selfishly, I really hope you do Alcatraz.  It'd be cool to have some other people I know... all in the same boat, so to speak

There is no question about Alcatraz!.  I've registered, flights and hotels are booked.  The only question was whether I could swing a trip to Hawaii in March/April too (not likely).

Chris is going to be there too from round 2.

2014-10-16 10:33 PM
in reply to: axteraa

, California
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by spudone

The sad thing is that the trolling leads people to wonder if he's being honest about his son or not.

Enough of that for me.  I'm super excited about my race travel for next year!

Arend - selfishly, I really hope you do Alcatraz.  It'd be cool to have some other people I know... all in the same boat, so to speak

There is no question about Alcatraz!.  I've registered, flights and hotels are booked.  The only question was whether I could swing a trip to Hawaii in March/April too (not likely).

Chris is going to be there too from round 2.

We have a room at the Sheraton Fisherman's Wharf... now I just need a tow rope I can tie to you during the swim and I'll be all set.

And yeah, Chris better get in.  It's practically home turf for him.

2014-10-17 6:17 AM
in reply to: spudone

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
this guy is great

I suspect that if someone without a swim background can win Kona, this guy can

He does his running on a treadmill and I think bikes on a trainer.
2014-10-17 6:50 AM
in reply to: marcag

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Great read, Marc - thanks for posting it.

So my takeaway is that to reach the next level I should:

a) work on my ability to chug 2 liters of Canada Dry after every workout, and

b) hold 300 watts for four hours and then run ten miles at a 5:50 pace.

I am going to get to work on that Canada Dry thing ASAP.

Can't wait to follow him along at IM Florida in a couple of weeks - interesting to read that he is targeting Kona as his 'A' race for the "next 13 or 14 years."

2014-10-17 6:59 AM
in reply to: TankBoy

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Don't forget Burger King Rusty.

2014-10-17 7:06 AM
in reply to: 0

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
this one cracked me up

Initially I had intended on doing a 21.5 mile run workout (34km). But, I was still feeling very good around 18 miles, so I decided to tack on a couple more intervals and run a marathon. Once I got to the marathon, I was still feeling good and decided to run 28.1 miles (approximately 45k). What’s funny is that I was still feeling good then, and the thought of running 50 kilometers actually popped into my head. I was running on a different treadmill than I am used to though, and decided to err on the side of caution

The problem with us AGers is we aren't cautious enough :-)

Edited by marcag 2014-10-17 7:08 AM

2014-10-17 7:08 AM
in reply to: TankBoy

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Oh and Sanders' swim coach was my swim coach for the two years I swam at University so we are practically like brothers.  Maybe he'll invite me to Kona with him?

2014-10-17 7:09 AM
in reply to: axteraa

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by axteraa

Oh and Sanders' swim coach was my swim coach for the two years I swam at University so we are practically like brothers.  Maybe he'll invite me to Kona with him?

Kona is going to belong to Canada for the next 13 or 14 years.
First Tremblant 70.3, now Kona.
2014-10-17 7:45 AM
in reply to: axteraa

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Don't forget Burger King Rusty.

Oh, wait, he was eating there? I thought he was just there for the free WiFi....

Do you think it would be OK if I keep using Starbucks instead? Starbucks kinda is the "Burger King for Boomers" you know...

2014-10-17 7:46 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag this one cracked me up Initially I had intended on doing a 21.5 mile run workout (34km). But, I was still feeling very good around 18 miles, so I decided to tack on a couple more intervals and run a marathon. Once I got to the marathon, I was still feeling good and decided to run 28.1 miles (approximately 45k). What’s funny is that I was still feeling good then, and the thought of running 50 kilometers actually popped into my head. I was running on a different treadmill than I am used to though, and decided to err on the side of caution The problem with us AGers is we aren't cautious enough :-)

Don't give Nicole any ideas. You know she gets kinda crazy in the fall.

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