BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-03-03 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4078717

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2012-03-03 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-03 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

I found the wind that supposedly left Tucson.  It was on Mt Lemmon.  The morning started pretty chilly here.  I was freezing on the way over to the mountain but it is funny cause if I stopped at a light the sun is just so hot that I would actually start to feel hot.  Tucson is at a fairly high elevation so even when it is cold out that sun is pretty hot.  Anyways, it was getting pretty chilly on the way up the mountain so I went up to just under 6 miles and turned around and headed out in a different direction where the weather was a bit better.  50 minutes up, 10 mins down.  It is rare I put the breaks on going down Lemmon (I like speed) but actually had to use them a few times to get around the curves.  I maxed it at 40mph. 

I had promised to wear sunscreen after burning last week but forgot today.  opps.  Another burn.  I was out late, I should have known better

2012-03-04 5:36 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Good morning!
I am heading out for an AM run soon.
I was thinking and a question for all.
What do you consider short, medium and long runs?  Is there some sort of guide? 
I really have no desire to run past 26.2 miles.  So for me I rank my runs in length by;
Short - up to 6 miles
Medium - 6 to 15 miles
Long - 15 to full marathon


2012-03-04 5:39 AM
in reply to: #4079320

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
tasr - 2012-03-04 6:36 AM

Good morning!
I am heading out for an AM run soon.
I was thinking and a question for all.
What do you consider short, medium and long runs?  Is there some sort of guide? 
I really have no desire to run past 26.2 miles.  So for me I rank my runs in length by;
Short - up to 6 miles
Medium - 6 to 15 miles
Long - 15 to full marathon


Short  5m or less

medium 6-10 miles

long 10+ miles

while this would get some snickers from a lot of people, at my size anything over 10 and i need a couple days to recover. So i try to only do one over 10 a week. Most of my runs are 6-9m, part of why my run mileage is low for the distances i am racing.

2012-03-04 7:31 AM
in reply to: #4079320

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
tasr - 2012-03-04 3:36 AM

Good morning!
I am heading out for an AM run soon.
I was thinking and a question for all.
What do you consider short, medium and long runs?  Is there some sort of guide? 
I really have no desire to run past 26.2 miles.  So for me I rank my runs in length by;
Short - up to 6 miles
Medium - 6 to 15 miles
Long - 15 to full marathon


Oh you fast people, your all so cute.  Tongue out  I go by time.  anything over under an hour is short, anything from an hour to 1:30 is medium and anything over that is long.  Today is a 1:55 long run for me, which is my long run, and I'll barely hit 9 miles.  To train for a marathon my long runs end up in the 3-4 hour range

2012-03-04 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Under 4 is short.4-7 medium.7+ is long. I realize this leaves a huge area for long runs. I read from some training plan somewhere that any run over an hour should be considered a long run and for some reason this just stuck in my head. Fortunately I am on an easy week because I'm having some issues again. Had a hernia operation 4 months ago and I have been getting a dull ache in the area I imagine the mesh is after long runs. No big deal. After last weeks higher intensity but slightly lower miles I was having some serious pain on Thursday and Friday almost like something tore loose. Postponed yesterday's 9 miles and just swam. Felt good yesterday and today so am about to head out for the run. Hoping for the best.
2012-03-04 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4079321

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2012-03-04 8:56 AM
in reply to: #4079405

Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Quick reply as I'm about to head out!

Short run is currently 27mins (about 3 miles)

Medium run is 54mins (about 6miles)

Long run is 81mins (about 9miles)

On a slightly related note, I hit my first 30mile running week!

2012-03-04 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4079374

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
bzgl40 - 2012-03-04 8:31 AM

Oh you fast people, your all so cute.  Tongue out  I go by time.  anything over under an hour is short, anything from an hour to 1:30 is medium and anything over that is long.  Today is a 1:55 long run for me, which is my long run, and I'll barely hit 9 miles.  To train for a marathon my long runs end up in the 3-4 hour range

There is always a faster rabbit.  Wink



2012-03-04 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4079441

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
TSimone - 2012-03-04 9:48 AM

This is pretty close to how I see it distance wise.  But I'm like Kim, more about time.  Short < 60 min, medium 60-90 min, long 90+ min.

Interesting question, though.  I think one's perspective would be based on what they are training for.  There was a time when a 45 min run was medium for me and anything above that was long. 

If I was to go by time that would be close.  My longer runs would be closer to 120 mins.


2012-03-04 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4079447

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
sicone - 2012-03-04 9:56 AM

Quick reply as I'm about to head out!

Short run is currently 27mins (about 3 miles)

Medium run is 54mins (about 6miles)

Long run is 81mins (about 9miles)

On a slightly related note, I hit my first 30mile running week!

Congratulations on the 30 mile week!  Smile
How do you feel?


2012-03-04 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Apart from the run in the rain today draining all my energy, I feel pretty good! Let's see what effect next week has.
2012-03-04 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4079627

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2012-03-04 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
After a hard week of training I decided it was beer o'clock.  I went to my biomechanics run clinic today.  It was very informative.  I am glad I went.  I have a lot to work on.    Nothing I heard was not stuff I haven't heard before, and it all made logical sense, but now I have the pieces on how to execute it.  He did suggest I not really change my running style right now since I am so close to my A race but that it would be good to do during my speed runs. 
2012-03-04 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4079696

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
TSimone - 2012-03-04 12:20 PM

Got in an hour run and man am I glad I didn't mess around procrastinating after church.  Nice to have the rest of the day to tool around with the family.  Now if they'd just get home...

Hope you all had a productive weekend. 


Yeah, when Tina is home I always make a point to get up and get my stuff done early so I can enjoy the rest of the day with her.  She wasn't home this weekend and I was a big procrastinator.    But it meant by the time I was done working out there wasn't much time to do anything useful.  I prefer the early mornings and get it out of the way

2012-03-05 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Morning peeps.  I am off for a swim this morning and that's it for the day.  I'd rather be sleeping though.   What does everyone else have on tap?
2012-03-05 7:34 AM
in reply to: #4080321

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2012-03-05 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-05 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Hi team - sorry to be MIA over the weekend.  I didn't particularly go anywhere but i was productive.  Sadly, we did not get to see the storied P5 at the bike show and we actually came home empty handed.  It's kind of nice not to need anything but, it is fun to get deals - apparently none were good enough for us.

Today is day 1 of ironman training - 60 min swim on the plan and i have floor hockey.  i think we only have 4 more games which although it's fun will be a relief with the rest of training going on.  I had tried to get us into a coached session for tonight but it looks like we're relegated to lane swim at 8:30pm and we can pick up the coached group on wednesday.  Probably means we won't get the full 60 mins in tonight since lane swim is only 60 mins.

I also have to sew my garmin hr strap at some point this week so i can start to wear it for running.  It stays during biking but i need to pinch a couple of inches so it will stay put during runs ...

2012-03-05 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Hello Gang- just got out of Dr's office- he wants to do an MRI- medial Lat Meniscus \left knee. Really bummed out now. No running nor biking at all until he sees the results. Looks like I will be getting really acquainted with the water the next couple of weeks.

2012-03-05 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4080691

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

golfpro - 2012-03-05 8:04 AM Hello Gang- just got out of Dr's office- he wants to do an MRI- medial Lat Meniscus \left knee. Really bummed out now. No running nor biking at all until he sees the results. Looks like I will be getting really acquainted with the water the next couple of weeks.

Keep positive thoughts Thomas. 

2012-03-05 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Hey team:  The weekend flew by but I got acquainted with my bike 3 days in a row with a longer ride on Saturday morning and also got a snowy run in saturday afternoon and hockey game last night.

We took the peanut to her first swim class and she loves the water.  Happy the whole time, kicking and splashing so not bad for a 10 month old.  She was not afraid to put her face in the water either.  Next year we will be racing off the blocks LOL.

Thomas:  Sorry to hear about the knee and hopefully everthing with the MRI turns out fine and its just a minor setback.

2012-03-05 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4080691

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

golfpro - 2012-03-05 8:04 AM Hello Gang- just got out of Dr's office- he wants to do an MRI- medial Lat Meniscus \left knee. Really bummed out now. No running nor biking at all until he sees the results. Looks like I will be getting really acquainted with the water the next couple of weeks.

Really sorry to hear about it, sending positive vibes. 

2012-03-05 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

I've been where Thomas and Fred are, I am sure we all have.  It really affects me hard when I can't run, or when I have injury issues going on.

I haven't realyl found a good coping mechanism except my history, meaning that I've had injuries every year of some sort of another, and as devastating and permanent as they seem at the time, they generally resolve and I forget about them.  To the extent that sometimes I'll get them again and won't realize it until I look at my BT logs from years back.

I find the mental part is a HUGE percentage of what I have to deal with

For me, I've increased training in whatever sport I could do, which is usually swimming, and just concentrated my race season around longer OW swims.  Also, going to a PT/ART guy and trying to get someone's objective look at the issue.

What are your coping mechanisms to get through injury?

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