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2010-01-27 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2638807

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Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
MaesMama - 2010-
01-27 10:17 PM  it almost ended my cycling season and tri season. 
  I think you should have ended his.

2010-01-28 1:31 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
I was really pleased after finishing my first ever tri and my sister said to me "don't you think it's a bit undignified at your age?"
2010-01-28 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
I did a HIM where I was seriously underprepared for the bike and it took me a really, really long time.  I finally got to T-2 and was starting to put on my running shoes and this woman who had finished the entire race, probably done the whole post-race party and whatever else was going on, was in the transition area picking up her stuff.  She looks at me and says, "You're STILL going to go out on the run?"  Yeah, I was still going to go out on the run, even that late in the day. 

I've thought of lots of really clever things to say since then, but all I said, was "Yeah.  I'm still going to do it."  For the whole 13.1 miles, the incident was really demotivational and the comment made it really hard to finish the race.  In the years since then, it has been motivational. 

2010-01-28 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Should have told her that yes, and if she thought she could keep up, she could pace you.
2010-01-28 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

6th grade (circa 1976/7) - I tried wrestling.  I quit after a week or so.  I came back a few days later after telling myself that it would "toughen me up".  The wrestling coach came over to me, took me aside, away from the group, and persuaded me to leave since he wasn't interested in having me there and told me that perhaps I "...can come back as a cheerleader".  What an effin' pr**k.  I still think of ways to get back at him.

2010-01-28 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
When my son was 8 he got on his first soccer team.  (Yeah, I know, 8 is late for that.)  Anyway, he got put on a team that was playing maybe two players short and they were still winning all their games.  The players were all club players that for some reason were all on this AYSO team.  AYSO has rules about all kids having to play and so they had to play my son, even though he was just starting out at soccer. 

Post season or maybe Christmas break or something, they all go to play in this indoor tournament (not AYSO, but as a team) and they didn't have the same rules about kids playing.  The coach told my 8 year old son, that is EIGHT flipping years old, words to the effect that he wasn't going to play him because the practice wouldn't help him, but it would help the other boys.  I can still see my son's tearful hurt and disappointment. 

And my son is coordinated and athletic.  All he needed was the coaching and practice, which they never bothered to give him because they could win games without him.  The least they could have done was tell us not to show up for this game or not tell us about it in the first place.  That was his only year playing soccer and then he went to baseball and was a standout. 

People can be so cruel.   Sometimes unintentionally and sometimes not.  It is hard to imagine that this coach didn't know how hurtful his comment was.  (My son is now 33 and has presumably gotten over this.  Me, less so.

2010-01-28 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2625194

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
justtrichris - 2010-01-20 6:56 PM

After every race I've ever run, I've come into my third grade classroom excited the next day to tell my students all about it. After telling them about the experience, and having them ask a a bunch of questions, one boy always raises his hand and asks, "Did you win?" I of course then explain how I run because I love it and do it because it makes me feel fantastic. I also talk about sportsmanship, discipline, self-esteem, the racing atmosphere, etc... This past November after a half marathon, his friend then raises his hand and asks, "Well, did you at least come in second?"


2010-01-29 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
I was a senior in high school. I was struggling on the mound during a home game. I hadn't given up any runs yet, but I wasn't myself. There was a group of the "popular/pretty" girls in the stands cheering me on and shouting encouragement. During the second inning the coach comes out and says, "you know you have no chance at dating any of them so just focus on your job out here." That was all he said and he walked back to the bench. I threw a no-hitter the rest of the way!
2010-01-29 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Helping my wife pack up her room after we got married to move into our apartment, I came across a "Who's Who in American High School" award. She got it for her grades and her accomplishments as a clarinetist. Her parents never knew...they never went to one of her concerts or one of her athletic events. She was the only one without parents at parent's night events. She always stood alone. Makes me cry every time I think about it. People wonder why she is such a strong woman. I don't.
2010-01-29 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2627636

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
bryancd - 2010-01-21 6:15 PM To be honest, I have had family and friends question my focus on the sport and they have certainly hurt my feelings (and I have no doubt reciprocated in kind), but I can honestly say there's nothing anyone on this planet could say to me that would cause me to loose motivation. I just get angry and fight.

Well put!
2010-01-29 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

I'd played on a competative softball team for about three years when I was in my early teens.  I was a lanky, gawky girl with a horrible short boys haircut.  Two things stand out:

I was already dealing with kids (and adults) commenting about my short hair and asking me if I was a boy or a girl (some our of curiosity, but most just to be mean).  After a tournament game one summer...a parent from the other team came up to me and actually gave me a compliment.  He said he thought I had a cute haircut!  What a nice thing to say, I thought.  And then my mother and my older sister looked at eachother and said something along the lines of "well, that was wierd...why would he say that?".

Second, I had a friend on the team named Jessica.  We got along pretty well, I'd thought, and I'd always enjoyed talking to her...warming up together...etc.  Then, randomly, as we were sitting on the bench during a game, she says to me "you know, nobody on the team likes you". 

That was my last season playing for that team.  On a better note...I joined up with another team (less competative and so much more fun) and we ended up matched up against my old team in the championship game of a local tournament.  We were down by 2 runs late in the game.  I hit a 2-run triple, all of the way to the left field fense!  The next batter brings me home. We hold on to win by one run.  It was an awesome feeling and I still smile when I think about it.

2010-01-29 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Most recent demotivated experience i can recall, after 3 seasons of rugby without a win, finding ourselves 23 - 25  down and the last play of the game, one of our players runs the ball of the pitch when we were in space if only they looked up and were aware of the clock. As coach this was very crushing, that was 4 months ago and we have not been that close since. Have since decided  after 14 years its time to retire at the end of the season and focus on triathlon where i only have myself to blame for mistakes. 
2010-01-29 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

I was a (chubby) 6 yr. old in gymnastics class. The class was doing one handed cartwheels but the teacher told me I was too fat for a one handed cartwheel and I couldn't try it.

2010-01-30 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
When i was talking to someone about my fear of my first open water swim...."you will drown"
2010-01-31 12:16 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
...that our rival basketball team had some kid going straight into the NBA named Kevin Garnett.
2010-01-31 1:17 AM
in reply to: #2624922

SF Bay Area, California
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Okay, I'll play.  Both innocent statements or even a compliment but they annoyed me and somehow, I still remember.

1)  I'm twenty something and a good runner who just learned how to swim that year and I was riding a Univega road bike without aero bars in my first IM Canada.  My time was 11:57 and I'm pleased with it.  Right after I finished, my mom says, " I talked with one of your friends, you know the fast one, we agreed that if you trained you could probably be pretty good."  Thanks Mom.

2)  My Father later the next year: "You know Bob's son got in to do that Hawaii Ironman the first time he tried."  
Me: "Dad he got in through the lottery"
Him: "Still, he got in didn't he"  Yeah, thanks Dad.

2010-01-31 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Finding out a regular 3 mile loop was actually 2.65 miles.
2010-02-12 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Winston-Salem, NC
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
I was really tall as a kid and gangly and all legs.  I went to one dance class as an after school program and they told me not to come back.  (I still can't dance.

Got a serious injury when I was 16.  Told me I might never walk again but they would make sure I could have kids.  Yeah right,  F#@$ that.  Part of the reason I want to do an Ironman is so I can shove it in their face.  I don't react well to people telling me I can't do something.  In college and my adviser told me I wasn't smart enough to study theoretical physics--so I got an A in his class.  Just my nature.

Finally, after I'd been riding horses professionally for a couple of years, I had someone tell me that the horse I was riding was lovely, and wasn't it too bad it didn't have a better rider.  At the look I gave her she said, "Well, it's clear you like to ride very much, but you don't take it seriously enough."  This was when I was spending up to 10 hours a day in the saddle, competing (and taking names) every weekend.

I've accepted that people are idiots and I'm just glad that I get mad and work harder instead of "feeling hurt."

Edited by TrishKahle 2010-02-12 5:43 PM
2010-02-12 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
My 6th grade teacher telling me that "I'll never amount to anything." I look at my life now and laugh at the ridiculous statement. How could someone say that to a 6th grader?
2010-02-12 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
When I was about 10 years old and I loved art and took art lessons from an older gal in the neigborhood who gave many kids in the area lessons.  After I had completed one of my pastel drawings, she held it up and told me "you really needed to kind of squint your eyes to appreciate your drawings".  I don't think I took too many more art lessons after that, though I think she was being serious. 

Cross country in High School, we got a new coach who trained us all like we were 400 meter runners as he had been back in the day.  In a race he would always yell at us.....your in a rutt, speed up your in a rutt.  I don't know why but that really was a demotivator, something about being tired as hell and having that yelled in your ear.
2010-02-13 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
A few hours into labor during my first natural (unmedicated) childbirth, a nurse checked on my progress to see how close I was to the 10cm cervical dilation you have to have in order to push the baby out.  What she said:  " She's still at 7 cm."  What I heard:  "She's STILL at 7cm.  She will be in labor forever and will never have this baby."

2010-02-19 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

Talking to my mom wondering if I'll be able to finish my marathon. "Oh, I think you'll finish... You'll just do that little half jog you do." Great! Not only am I not a runner, I'm not even a real jogger! The fact that she could be right is no excuse.

2010-02-19 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
I was doing the spin bike portion of a indoor tri when my cousin walks up and starts chatting with me (didn't know she was there). I had just gotten over a horrible flu and my energy levels were very low (almost didn't do the tri but figured I didn't have anyone to impress anyway). she is looking at my speed and the number of miles I had completed, along with the fact that i was getting winded and overheated. She said to me "is that the best you can do"?  "Everyone else is doing better, I can beat that and I don't train for this stuff".

I don't want her anywhere near me when I train.
2010-02-19 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2671579

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
lovesreading - 2010-02-13 2:47 PM

A few hours into labor during my first natural (unmedicated) childbirth, a nurse checked on my progress to see how close I was to the 10cm cervical dilation you have to have in order to push the baby out.  What she said:  " She's still at 7 cm."  What I heard:  "She's STILL at 7cm.  She will be in labor forever and will never have this baby."

Ha, same thing happened to my wife. She went into Labour 6:00 p.m. got to the hospital at 11:00, was in pretty bad shape at about 1:00 a.m. and the dilation thing was not going along (but lots of contractions) so no one was really paying much attention to us, I think she was at like 4cm. LMFAO, the nurse comes in, says, oh honey, you got another 8 or 10 hours of this at least.....OMG. Not funny at the time. Almost made my wife get an epidural, Crushing. 2.5 hours out popped our daughter. She will be 1 in 7 days, wow.
2010-02-19 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
I had lost about 45 pounds working my a$$ off with a trainer, doing the homework he gave me, cycling and running, and tracking every calorie protein, fat and carb gram that even came near me. It took most of a year. My mom said, "Well, don't get rid of your fat clothes."  WTF?
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