BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN -CLOSED DUE TO TRAINING Rss Feed  
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2011-12-21 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3947020

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copa2251 - 2011-12-20 8:32 PM


How do people fit marathon training in with tri training?

I'm looking at doing a marathon either in July or August (Gold Coast or Brisbane) but I'd also like to do a HIM in early June and I've got Oly's in March, April and October.

I like to follow a plan but any advice on how to combine these different goals??

The Marathon would be my first and I'd just like to finish it feeling good and start it feeling well prepared.


Looking back at my races, I'm not sure I've had to intertwine fill HIM training and marathon training although I have done a marathon and HIM 4 months apart.  However, I have been doing shorter tris while ramping up for a marathon.  I followed Julia's philosphy and kept to the swim/bike parts of the tri plan and lengthed my weekend runs to accomodate my marathon runs. 

It looks from the order of things you should be in good especially if you go with the Aug marathon.  You can easily work in 10-14 mile runs getting ready for the HIM then spend the rest of June/July adding your long marathon runs.

The only drawback is you will lose most of your taper and recovery for the HIM.  You will want to limit your down time as much as possible while keeping your body healthy.

Edited by sdalessio 2011-12-21 8:08 AM

2011-12-21 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3947458

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san francisco
SSMinnow - 2011-12-21 5:47 AM

fattyfatfat - 2011-12-21 7:42 AM see what happens when you go away for 30 minutes. 

I know!  Now I have to get to the pool and you know how long that takes me!  Your call!

I'll race you to the pool...we'll see who gets back first! Poof!
2011-12-21 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3947406

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dcon - 2011-12-21 7:16 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-21 9:12 AM

Guess what?  It's WEDNESDAY!  Who's racing a little Santa Dash? something else?  Spill the beans! (For you newbies, this question comes at you every week and gives you a chance to lay out your race details and strategy)

If you're not racing, what the heck are you doing? higlights please!

No racing but I do need to fit in a 22-24 mile run over the weekend.  And the rest of the time is relaxing and enjoying time with my family.  Christmas morning is always fun with little kids!

2011-12-21 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3947370

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Brevard, North Carolina
SSMinnow - 2011-12-21 7:59 AM
jfought - 2011-12-21 6:52 AM


I just finished the second ride on my new (used) trainer.  So, I'm noticing that:

1) IT'S HARDER than riding on the roads. Cry  Boo hoo, wahhhh, sob sob

2) The computer on my bike says I'm going really slow and not very far.  That bites.

3) I'm going to be watching more TV this winter than I have in the past 5 years combined.

So, here's the question.  How do you log your miles?  Do you just go by the pathetic distance and average speed displayed on the bike computer, or do you use some other more impressive formula?  It probably doesn't really matter as long as you're putting the time and effort in, does it? 

No racing for me this weekend, unless it's racing around buying gifts because I HATE shopping and I HATE Christmas.  :-) There, I said it.  Now, happy solstice to everyone tomorrow.  Days will be getting longer--that's something to celebrate.Cool

Jayne--it really doesn't matter what the speed turns out to be.  Are you following a plan?  If it's HR, make sure it gets into the right zone.  If it's power, same thing.   I used to be a mileage nut,  but I gave that up this year.  Now, if I hit the planned zones I am happy.  And you're right, it can be harder because you don't have any momentum on the downhills--it's one constant push.  Of course, you could have the tension cranked too hard on the wheel???

Also, fans are you friend when you're indoors.  I open a window, crank the ceiling fan and have an industrial fan that blows on me and my rear tire so it doesn't melt the tube.  It's usually 55F in my exercise room during these efforts.  Hands freeze, but I am still sweating up a storm.

Suzy,  I'm not following a plan yet, but will pick one and get started soon--after the holidays.  I have a HR monitor, so I will use HR zones.  My trainer is a Cycleops Magneto. It's a progressive resistance magnetic trainer, so the faster I spin the more resistance there is.  I just need to get used to it and figure things out.  It only took one ride to figure out the necessity of a fan.  :-)  Open window will be next.  Laughing

2011-12-21 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3947360

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Charlottesville, Virginia
jfought - 2011-12-21 7:52 AM


I just finished the second ride on my new (used) trainer.  So, I'm noticing that:

1) IT'S HARDER than riding on the roads. Cry  Boo hoo, wahhhh, sob sob

2) The computer on my bike says I'm going really slow and not very far.  That bites.

3) I'm going to be watching more TV this winter than I have in the past 5 years combined.

So, here's the question.  How do you log your miles?  Do you just go by the pathetic distance and average speed displayed on the bike computer, or do you use some other more impressive formula?  It probably doesn't really matter as long as you're putting the time and effort in, does it? 

No racing for me this weekend, unless it's racing around buying gifts because I HATE shopping and I HATE Christmas.  :-) There, I said it.  Now, happy solstice to everyone tomorrow.  Days will be getting longer--that's something to celebrate.Cool

Don't sweat it.  It is much, much harder on the trainer than out on the road.  No coasting, no wind pushing you.  On anything but easy spins I'm usually 3-4 MPH slower on the trainer than on the road. 

It all pays off, you'll notice yourself going faster on the trainer soon and even faster out on the road.

2011-12-21 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3947321

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Charlottesville, Virginia
SSMinnow - 2011-12-21 7:12 AM

Guess what?  It's WEDNESDAY!  Who's racing a little Santa Dash? something else?  Spill the beans! (For you newbies, this question comes at you every week and gives you a chance to lay out your race details and strategy)

If you're not racing, what the heck are you doing? higlights please!

No racing until Miami HM Jan 29th, then it's back on the bike full time.

As for what I'm doing, attempting to survive another sickness the kids brought home from school, ugh...

2011-12-21 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3947105

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California

kt65 - 2011-12-20 7:32 PM New salad topping alert "craisins infused with pomegranate juice...omg, yum!!!! Carry on.

Great minds.....that's a favorite here!

2011-12-21 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3947387

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.

Mike_D - 2011-12-21 5:07 AM If there is room at the inn, I'd like to join as well. Will post a bio once I get the OK.





2011-12-21 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3947020

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
copa2251 - 2011-12-20 6:32 PM


How do people fit marathon training in with tri training?

I'm looking at doing a marathon either in July or August (Gold Coast or Brisbane) but I'd also like to do a HIM in early June and I've got Oly's in March, April and October.

I like to follow a plan but any advice on how to combine these different goals??

The Marathon would be my first and I'd just like to finish it feeling good and start it feeling well prepared.

I did Boston in 2009, and then did the Wildflower HIM 12 days later.  I wouldn't ever do it that close again.   However, it looks like you've got 4-6 weeks in between, so I think it's ver do-able.  Make sure you don't skimp on the run part of your HIM training, and and as soon as you finish the HIM, inlduing a recovery time, use the bike and the swim as cross-training/recovery days.

The most important advice I could give is to stay healthy and injury free - which translates into not overdoing it!

Oh, and have fun!!

2011-12-21 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3942845

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
I vote to let Kevan in - he's older than I am!!!
2011-12-21 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3947431

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Just South of Boston

OK, here's my story. Thanks for the welcome!

NAME: Mike_D/Mike Doherty

STORY:  Rewind to February 2010, at the doctor office. Basic height/weight/bp/pulse check. Saw the scale hit an unthinkable number (270) and it was an enormous shocking gut punch moment. Also seeing doctor note "obese" as part of his write up really opened my eyes. Despite a very active/athletic upbringing, too many years of sitting behind a desk, inactivity, and eating junk had taken its toll. Within a week I was at the gym for the first time in 4 or 5 years doing a weights/cardio routine I'd done in earlier more active times. Also started in a fitness boot camp class at the Y. Started losing weight and wanted to keep it going.

Forward about 6 weeks, and I was asked to be the bike rider on a relay team in our local sprint tri. Jumped at the chance despite not having ridden a bike in a long time. Kept up the gym work, and started to ride my Trek street hybrid  a few times. Come race day (late June, 2010) I had an epiphany. Doing the race, despite how slow I was (51 minutes for 14 miles!) made me decide then and there I was going to do a race myself. Within 4 days I'd signed up for a local sprint, found BT, found a C25K plan, and found a swim teacher.  The race was 11 weeks away, and I hadn't run in years, and could not swim. I had my work cut out for me.

Crossing the finish line in that first race was a euphoric moment which hooked me on tri immediately. First words after I finished were "I have to do this again!! - just maybe not today". Met a couple fellow BT'ers there who were a big help.

I kept up the RBS and my weight loss hit the 60 pound mark. I'd never felt so good in decades. I feel like I'd reinvented myself through fitness, and doing tri's is how I was going to keep it that way.

Currently at 220 or so. Workouts have been largely on hold the past 2 months as I recovered from a sprained right quad tendon. No bike/run since early November. I ran for the first time this past sunday - a short 5k jog to see how the knee felt, and all was good. Taking it slow to be sure all is well for 2012.

FAMILY STATUS: Married - 16 years to an awesome chick who somehow puts up with my nonsense. Two kids, both girls 12 & 8.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just starting back up with bike & run due to knee/leg injury. Started masters swim class recently, and its fantastic.

2011  RACES: Just 3 sprints due to a foot injury suffered in late Feb '11 while in final stages of half mary training.

2012 RACES:   Only signed up for 1 tri so far -- Cohasset, MA sprint. Also signed up for a half mary on 3/18/12, as a winter motivation tool. Will be my first one. Looking to do more races, and my goal is to do a HIM, either Patriot or Timberman (or both!).  

WEIGHTLOSS: Quite frankly the 7 week lay off, and recent holiday binging have me looking to shed some weight going into next season. I'm at 220, would love to get to 200 by June.

OTHER STUFF: Love training and racing; in particular the long runs as I find them an incredibly peaceful zen-like time. And I love my bike, although judging by how infrequently I ride it on the trainer you'd think I hate it.

2011-12-21 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3947129

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Henderson, NV
David - I did the iron distance at B2B in November then ran a 3:10 marathon at Napa in march. I did this with Coach Lowell that Suzy recommended. He is awesome. It was all running though for those 4 months. I find I slow down running during tri training but the body and mind feel much stronger. If you are pushing your limits on the marathon, I suggest a focused marathon plan. If you want to finish and have fun, I think you can combine them. Good luck David, I look forward to catching up.

Edited by cbarnes1 2011-12-21 10:53 AM
2011-12-21 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3947676

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.

velcromom - 2011-12-21 7:41 AM I vote to let Kevan in - he's older than I am!!!


He's in, but not for that reason!!!

2011-12-21 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3942845

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Apex, north carolina

Okay, first off, I AM REALLY STARTING TO GET MAD AT CHROME!!!!!!!  Okay, I feel a little better.  

Since I am totally demotivated at work I’ve enjoyed spending the morning catching up on all the bios.  Amazing what you can learn.

Kim – the Goofy challenge – where the heck have I been.  I didn’t know that – awesome!!  And I’m glad to see you are the new pee girl.  It only took me 5 years to lose that title!  BTW, your cat looks just like mine!

Fatty – Augusta – I knew you couldn’t resist the opportunity to smack my butt one more time!!

Chet and Chris – welcome back my friends. Missed ya.

Linda – totally do B2B!    I’ll be there with bells on cheering.

Jayne – trainers suck for all the reasons you mentioned. Way to get ‘er done and stick with it.  I record the numbers directly as they appear (back when I recorded numbers)

And to all the new members – welcome!   

Name: Tracy  (I think we determined I’m the baby of the group at 36 – but please someone prove me wrong!

Background: I am a project manager for a biotech company and am a biologist by training.   I joined this group 6 years ago right after my first race. It was a super sprint with a 2 mile run that I had to train for 3 months to be able to complete without walking.  Fast forward 6 years and I am very proud to say I AM AN IRONMAN!!!!!!    I’ve got Fatty beat on this because I get to put a whole country name in front of my race!!!!  

Family status: I have a husband that also races so there is a nice in-house rivalry going.  Current count:  I am faster in the water, I’ve been racing for 1 year longer than him, and I’m the Ironman – we call him Aluminum Boy since he hasn’t done the IM or marathon distances.  He is referred to as “my Doug” around here and is a ghost member of this group through Facebook.   I also have 2 beautiful girls that are active in cx racing, gymnastics and horseback riding so expect to see lots of pictures from a proud Momma. 

’12 Races:  Last year was the distance year but now I’m looking to get some of my “pop” back.  I’m focusing on getting stronger and faster.  The season is scattered with sprints and Olympics and my goals are to advance into the top half consistently.  Pre IM I yo-yoed from MOP in swim, TOP on bike, and BOP to dead last on run; very frustrating!    I’d like to end the year with the Augusta HIM (raced it before and it will be a good comparison on improvement) and possibly a marathon.  The only marathon I’ve raced was at the end of the IM and I’m curious to see how I can do without having to go 114 miles first!

Current training:   Yhea right, it’s cold outside.   Last year taught me I am good in the heat.  90+ with 80% humidity; bring it on.  Drop below 50 and I turn into a popsicle.  I read Suzy’s logs and just die.

What I bring to the group:  I’ve been here a long time so I’ve got the goods on everyone!!!   Other than that I seem to provide a great source of entertainment for Fatty, Trevor and Rob. 

2011-12-21 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3947642

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dalessit - 2011-12-21 10:25 AM
jfought - 2011-12-21 7:52 AM


I just finished the second ride on my new (used) trainer.  So, I'm noticing that:

1) IT'S HARDER than riding on the roads. Cry  Boo hoo, wahhhh, sob sob

2) The computer on my bike says I'm going really slow and not very far.  That bites.

3) I'm going to be watching more TV this winter than I have in the past 5 years combined.

So, here's the question.  How do you log your miles?  Do you just go by the pathetic distance and average speed displayed on the bike computer, or do you use some other more impressive formula?  It probably doesn't really matter as long as you're putting the time and effort in, does it? 

No racing for me this weekend, unless it's racing around buying gifts because I HATE shopping and I HATE Christmas.  :-) There, I said it.  Now, happy solstice to everyone tomorrow.  Days will be getting longer--that's something to celebrate.Cool

Don't sweat it.  It is much, much harder on the trainer than out on the road.  No coasting, no wind pushing you.  On anything but easy spins I'm usually 3-4 MPH slower on the trainer than on the road. 

It all pays off, you'll notice yourself going faster on the trainer soon and even faster out on the road.

I am glad to hear a lot of other people feel like the trainer is SLOWER! Sometimes it is hard to tough it out and FANS are a necessity! I do enjoy being able to climb on my bike in the basement though and for that I love the trainer!

2011-12-21 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3947321

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SSMinnow - 2011-12-21 7:12 AM

Guess what?  It's WEDNESDAY!  Who's racing a little Santa Dash? something else?  Spill the beans! (For you newbies, this question comes at you every week and gives you a chance to lay out your race details and strategy)

If you're not racing, what the heck are you doing? higlights please!


No racing for me.  Still baking.  Kids get out of school today - YAY!!!

And, it's off to the Nutcracker for Ashley & Me (one of our traditions).  

2011-12-21 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3947944

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sorry DP

Edited by Havin'Fun 2011-12-21 11:20 AM
2011-12-21 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3947889

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Name: Tracy  (I think we determined I’m the baby of the group at 36 – but please someone prove me wrong!

Uh oh.  That might make me the new baby of the group.  I'm 33, though turn 34 before the year end, which means I'll be 35 in triathlon years next season.  Triathlons age you!  

No racing for me right now.  I don't know if I'll do another race before St Patty's day.

As for trainer rides, I don't consider distance to mean anything.  I can crank down my resistance, and crank up my gears.  My garmin will say I'm going faster, but I could be working at exactly the same level.  It might mean more on a fluid trainer?  Mine is a magnetic one though.

2011-12-21 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3948007

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Just South of Boston
_Deb_ - 2011-12-21 12:37 PM

Name: Tracy  (I think we determined I’m the baby of the group at 36 – but please someone prove me wrong!

Uh oh.  That might make me the new baby of the group.  I'm 33, though turn 34 before the year end, which means I'll be 35 in triathlon years next season.  Triathlons age you!  


I'll be 45 in January, so I'm not going to win any baby of the group award

2011-12-21 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3948007

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Horseheads, NY
_Deb_ - 2011-12-21 12:37 PM

Name: Tracy  (I think we determined I’m the baby of the group at 36 – but please someone prove me wrong!

Uh oh.  That might make me the new baby of the group.  I'm 33, though turn 34 before the year end, which means I'll be 35 in triathlon years next season.  Triathlons age you!  

No racing for me right now.  I don't know if I'll do another race before St Patty's day.

As for trainer rides, I don't consider distance to mean anything.  I can crank down my resistance, and crank up my gears.  My garmin will say I'm going faster, but I could be working at exactly the same level.  It might mean more on a fluid trainer?  Mine is a magnetic one though.

Yep...I aged up to the 40-44 AG by turning 39 this month.  Unfortunately for me, that AG does not appear to be any slower!!


2011-12-21 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3948007

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_Deb_ - 2011-12-21 11:37 AM

Name: Tracy  (I think we determined I’m the baby of the group at 36 – but please someone prove me wrong!

Uh oh.  That might make me the new baby of the group.  I'm 33, though turn 34 before the year end, which means I'll be 35 in triathlon years next season.  Triathlons age you!  

No racing for me right now.  I don't know if I'll do another race before St Patty's day.

As for trainer rides, I don't consider distance to mean anything.  I can crank down my resistance, and crank up my gears.  My garmin will say I'm going faster, but I could be working at exactly the same level.  It might mean more on a fluid trainer?  Mine is a magnetic one though.


Sound the alarm! I'm the baby at 29. What's my prize?

2011-12-21 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3942845

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In the Shadow of the Big House

Hoping there is still room for one more.


NAME: GoBlueDDS (Scott or Doc)
STORY: I am from Michigan and have been doing Tri's for three years now.  I got invited (coerced, bribed, hoodwinked) into doing the swim leg of a team tri four years ago (age 38) after not doing any physical activity for many (18) years.  I used to be a competitive swimmer and thought this would be my way back into the sport and into better shape. My team disintegrated around me a couple of weeks before the event and so that race never happened, but I decided that I'd put enough effort into getting back to the pool that I should continue and decided to register for my first sprint tri the following spring. Did three sprints and 1 Oly and HIM that year.  Since then I haven't done as many races in a single season, but I have done at least one HIM each year I've been able to race.  Still trying to figure out how I can find the time to train for a full.


FAMILY STATUS: Married (Liz) 16 years. Two boys 12 and 6
CURRENT TRAINING: Training for a spring marathon (my second) and possibly a summer one as well. Plus Detroit in the fall. Hoping to BQ.
2011  RACES: Did run my first marathon in the spring, but then chaos at work put the rest of the season on hold.  No tri's all year.

2012 RACES:  Planning at least one prolly two and maybe three Marathons plus at least two Oly's and another HIM

WEIGHTLOSS:  Just happens with training, Thankfully!  Hoping to bet back to racing weight in the next month or so here with all the running.

Hoping that I can keep up with the group here.  Did a mentor group in my first year on BT and it didn't go all that well.  Not much in the way of encouragement from other group members and I'm hoping that will be different here.  I'm going to need all the help I can get to meet the goals I've set for myself this winter and spring.  Thanks for having me.

2011-12-21 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3948145

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
gobluedds - 2011-12-21 12:34 PM

Hoping there is still room for one more.


NAME: GoBlueDDS (Scott or Doc)
STORY: I am from Michigan and have been doing Tri's for three years now.  I got invited (coerced, bribed, hoodwinked) into doing the swim leg of a team tri four years ago (age 38) after not doing any physical activity for many (18) years.  I used to be a competitive swimmer and thought this would be my way back into the sport and into better shape. My team disintegrated around me a couple of weeks before the event and so that race never happened, but I decided that I'd put enough effort into getting back to the pool that I should continue and decided to register for my first sprint tri the following spring. Did three sprints and 1 Oly and HIM that year.  Since then I haven't done as many races in a single season, but I have done at least one HIM each year I've been able to race.  Still trying to figure out how I can find the time to train for a full.


FAMILY STATUS: Married (Liz) 16 years. Two boys 12 and 6
CURRENT TRAINING: Training for a spring marathon (my second) and possibly a summer one as well. Plus Detroit in the fall. Hoping to BQ.
2011  RACES: Did run my first marathon in the spring, but then chaos at work put the rest of the season on hold.  No tri's all year.

2012 RACES:  Planning at least one prolly two and maybe three Marathons plus at least two Oly's and another HIM

WEIGHTLOSS:  Just happens with training, Thankfully!  Hoping to bet back to racing weight in the next month or so here with all the running.

Hoping that I can keep up with the group here.  Did a mentor group in my first year on BT and it didn't go all that well.  Not much in the way of encouragement from other group members and I'm hoping that will be different here.  I'm going to need all the help I can get to meet the goals I've set for myself this winter and spring.  Thanks for having me.

Uhm, is that a Wolverine Logo? Hmmm, I think we're full!  HA--Just kidding.  BIG BADGER FAN HERE!

You'll find were are a very encouraging group.  Of course it gets a little overwhelming here occasionally. Don't let it dissuade you from sticking around. We're well meaning.

2011-12-21 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3948145

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gobluedds - 2011-12-21 1:34 PM

Hoping there is still room for one more.


NAME: GoBlueDDS (Scott or Doc)
STORY: I am from Michigan and have been doing Tri's for three years now.  I got invited (coerced, bribed, hoodwinked) into doing the swim leg of a team tri four years ago (age 38) after not doing any physical activity for many (18) years.  I used to be a competitive swimmer and thought this would be my way back into the sport and into better shape. My team disintegrated around me a couple of weeks before the event and so that race never happened, but I decided that I'd put enough effort into getting back to the pool that I should continue and decided to register for my first sprint tri the following spring. Did three sprints and 1 Oly and HIM that year.  Since then I haven't done as many races in a single season, but I have done at least one HIM each year I've been able to race.  Still trying to figure out how I can find the time to train for a full.


FAMILY STATUS: Married (Liz) 16 years. Two boys 12 and 6
CURRENT TRAINING: Training for a spring marathon (my second) and possibly a summer one as well. Plus Detroit in the fall. Hoping to BQ.
2011  RACES: Did run my first marathon in the spring, but then chaos at work put the rest of the season on hold.  No tri's all year.

2012 RACES:  Planning at least one prolly two and maybe three Marathons plus at least two Oly's and another HIM

WEIGHTLOSS:  Just happens with training, Thankfully!  Hoping to bet back to racing weight in the next month or so here with all the running.

Hoping that I can keep up with the group here.  Did a mentor group in my first year on BT and it didn't go all that well.  Not much in the way of encouragement from other group members and I'm hoping that will be different here.  I'm going to need all the help I can get to meet the goals I've set for myself this winter and spring.  Thanks for having me.

Welcome Scott, even though I'm Terps421, I am a fan of the Big House, born in Detroit!

2011-12-21 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3948145

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
gobluedds - 2011-12-21 1:34 PM

Hoping there is still room for one more.


NAME: GoBlueDDS (Scott or Doc)
STORY: I am from Michigan and have been doing Tri's for three years now.  I got invited (coerced, bribed, hoodwinked) into doing the swim leg of a team tri four years ago (age 38) after not doing any physical activity for many (18) years.  I used to be a competitive swimmer and thought this would be my way back into the sport and into better shape. My team disintegrated around me a couple of weeks before the event and so that race never happened, but I decided that I'd put enough effort into getting back to the pool that I should continue and decided to register for my first sprint tri the following spring. Did three sprints and 1 Oly and HIM that year.  Since then I haven't done as many races in a single season, but I have done at least one HIM each year I've been able to race.  Still trying to figure out how I can find the time to train for a full.


FAMILY STATUS: Married (Liz) 16 years. Two boys 12 and 6
CURRENT TRAINING: Training for a spring marathon (my second) and possibly a summer one as well. Plus Detroit in the fall. Hoping to BQ.
2011  RACES: Did run my first marathon in the spring, but then chaos at work put the rest of the season on hold.  No tri's all year.

2012 RACES:  Planning at least one prolly two and maybe three Marathons plus at least two Oly's and another HIM

WEIGHTLOSS:  Just happens with training, Thankfully!  Hoping to bet back to racing weight in the next month or so here with all the running.

Hoping that I can keep up with the group here.  Did a mentor group in my first year on BT and it didn't go all that well.  Not much in the way of encouragement from other group members and I'm hoping that will be different here.  I'm going to need all the help I can get to meet the goals I've set for myself this winter and spring.  Thanks for having me.

I'm a Boilermaker so not much of a Michigan fan but since you beat Ohio State this year, you are ok with me. 

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN -CLOSED DUE TO TRAINING Rss Feed  
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