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2012-04-09 4:34 PM
in reply to: #4124117

New user
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I hope everyone had a good Easter.  Work has been a little crazy but since one of my jobs is a tax business, I shouldn't be surprised.  One more big week and then there will be a little more time for training.  I did a reversed brick Saturday.  (Mainly because I was afraid that I would skip out of the run if I biked first.)  I ran 10.2 miles and then rode almost 20 miles.  Legs were very tired after the run but I suffered through it.  Then Sunday I got a long ride and got 52 miles.  My legs were sore when I first started but after a few miles they felt much better and I had a good ride.  Glad I did it because I have no soreness today at all.  I'm going to try and slip out of workout tonight and get about a 2500yd swim.  The only problem is that the closest pool is almost 1 hour away.  Oh well, I knew that when I started all this training.  I have my first HIM in 41 days and I want to try and finish in under 6:30.  The only way I know to do that is keep putting in the time.

2012-04-09 4:50 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
2012-04-09 4:51 PM
in reply to: #4138006

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-09 11:22 AM
kenj - 2012-04-09 2:01 AM

Up early for some strength training and saddle time on the trainer!  I will run some time today, either at lunch at work or after work.  After 3 weeks (pretty much 3 months) of travel, it is time to focus on the diet some as well, didn't fall backwards too far, but certainly didn't lose anything.  Plus, it is time to put the focus on actually doing the prescribed training as written with the races starting in another couple of months!

Depending on how deep the piles are on my desk at work I will try and throw together the links for us sometime today!

How is everyone else doing today?  Any training plans?

Welcome back! Hope you're settling in the groove again.

Today - Dropped off my kitty for a dental, went for a short run ( LIKE IT), then go back later in the afternoon to get Stardust's (my dog) stitches removed when she got a splinter in her chest (can you believe it!? a INCH wood splinter...IN THE CHEST..very weird!) and my eldest kitty Mocha (13 years old) for a check up. 

Cleaning the house before our family guests come over tomorrow...ugh, I hate cleaning.  I may do half hour easy spin, but not set on it.

Thanks DJ!

Wow, your critters sure do have you busy today!

2012-04-09 4:52 PM
in reply to: #4137822

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Lynie13 - 2012-04-09 10:20 AM

Thanks Adam, after further thought from your post and Robin's, I definitely plan on at least buying tri shorts, and top if money allows!

Shop around and you should be able to find some deals.  Click on the sponsors link here too Lynda. 

2012-04-09 4:52 PM
in reply to: #4138342

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

n.k - 2012-04-09 1:35 PM Hey everyone, I hope your Easter weekend was great... filled with friends, family, and maybe even a little training!  I was able to get back to back runs in on Saturday and Sunday!

Hope everyone is starting the week off well!

Nice work on the runs Nole!

2012-04-09 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4139045

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2012-04-09 5:34 PM I hope everyone had a good Easter.  Work has been a little crazy but since one of my jobs is a tax business, I shouldn't be surprised.  One more big week and then there will be a little more time for training.  I did a reversed brick Saturday.  (Mainly because I was afraid that I would skip out of the run if I biked first.)  I ran 10.2 miles and then rode almost 20 miles.  Legs were very tired after the run but I suffered through it.  Then Sunday I got a long ride and got 52 miles.  My legs were sore when I first started but after a few miles they felt much better and I had a good ride.  Glad I did it because I have no soreness today at all.  I'm going to try and slip out of workout tonight and get about a 2500yd swim.  The only problem is that the closest pool is almost 1 hour away.  Oh well, I knew that when I started all this training.  I have my first HIM in 41 days and I want to try and finish in under 6:30.  The only way I know to do that is keep putting in the time.

Nice work this weekend Wesley!

I see you are signed up for the half in Florida on 5/20.  They moved that to my wife's hometown (Haines City) and my in-laws are trying to convince me to come do it and I probably will if my shoulder continues to improve.  I am guessing that the swim will not be wetsuit legal.  I am told that Lance Armstrong is also doing that race.

2012-04-09 8:10 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

I have a new bike trainer!!!!!!! The old one (in my opinion) finally kicked the bucket.  Hubby had been jerry rigging it using quarters and washers for the last week or so. Took advantage of him being out of town to buy the Cyclops Fluid trainer 2 and it is soooo quiet! I still hope to get outside this week, but if not I am looking forward to being able to watch tv at a "reasonable" volume.  super excited!!!! now I just need a new bike!

2012-04-09 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4139414

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-09 8:10 PM

I have a new bike trainer!!!!!!! The old one (in my opinion) finally kicked the bucket.  Hubby had been jerry rigging it using quarters and washers for the last week or so. Took advantage of him being out of town to buy the Cyclops Fluid trainer 2 and it is soooo quiet! I still hope to get outside this week, but if not I am looking forward to being able to watch tv at a "reasonable" volume.  super excited!!!! now I just need a new bike!

Yeah!!! Way to go Robin!!!! Maybe next time hubby is out of town you can score a new bike!

2012-04-09 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4139045

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2012-04-09 2:34 PM I hope everyone had a good Easter.  Work has been a little crazy but since one of my jobs is a tax business, I shouldn't be surprised.  One more big week and then there will be a little more time for training.  I did a reversed brick Saturday.  (Mainly because I was afraid that I would skip out of the run if I biked first.)  I ran 10.2 miles and then rode almost 20 miles.  Legs were very tired after the run but I suffered through it.  Then Sunday I got a long ride and got 52 miles.  My legs were sore when I first started but after a few miles they felt much better and I had a good ride.  Glad I did it because I have no soreness today at all.  I'm going to try and slip out of workout tonight and get about a 2500yd swim.  The only problem is that the closest pool is almost 1 hour away.  Oh well, I knew that when I started all this training.  I have my first HIM in 41 days and I want to try and finish in under 6:30.  The only way I know to do that is keep putting in the time.

I have the same thing at times. If my legs are sore, dead, or hurting...and I do a bike ride, all the soreness goes away (that's just spinning easily, nothing hard like hard hills or mashing up the hills, which is difficult to avoid when you live here!).

I know the feeling about driving far for training.  The majority of the Tri courses in Vegas is about 30-45 minutes drive. Most of the bike that I do is 20-30 + min drive.   Most of my friends are damn lucky that they can easily bike to the meeting place, and I can't. :-(  Run for short distances outside my house, anything longer than 2-3 miles, I go to the park 15-20 min away.  Swim...5 min drive. and I hate swimming. *le sigh*


Best of luck on your training for your HIM!! Keep up the great work!!

2012-04-09 9:58 PM
in reply to: #4139414

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-09 6:10 PM

I have a new bike trainer!!!!!!! The old one (in my opinion) finally kicked the bucket.  Hubby had been jerry rigging it using quarters and washers for the last week or so. Took advantage of him being out of town to buy the Cyclops Fluid trainer 2 and it is soooo quiet! I still hope to get outside this week, but if not I am looking forward to being able to watch tv at a "reasonable" volume.  super excited!!!! now I just need a new bike!

WHOO HOOT! :-) Yay for new toys!

2012-04-09 10:08 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Well, either I must be nuts or I *am* nuts.

A friend of mine got into a bad MTB accident and she had to give up two triathlons that is coming up. Xterra Triathlon and RAGE Olympic triathlon. She decided to give me her bib for the RAGE Triathlon on the terms that she gets the T-shirt. Plus I'll be able to do this for free.  The only thing I asked her to do is to bump it down to Sprint. I'm in no shape for a Olympic at this point, heck, I am not in 100% shape to do a Sprint either. This Sprint and IronGirl is two weeks apart.  I feel really comfortable with the bike and mostly comfortable with the run. I will do a couple bricks for my next few bike rides to get my legs going. First one is tomorrow. 

I do not have any time goals. I will use RAGE as a precursor for Irongirl. RAGE I probably will work on just pacing myself a little bit without feeling the need to go all out.  IronGirl I want to go out more.  I have done the course many times, so I am familiar with the terrain.  

I also got aerobars for free (Carbon T2+ Totally adjustable in all different directions). I am a little worried that it's not going to work for me because so far it looks like I'm too stretched out. Feels like I need a zero offset seatpost. :-( Damn you short arms!

2012-04-09 10:50 PM
in reply to: #4124117

New user
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Good luck on the races DJ.  I'm sure you'll do fine.

Ken - Lance is scheduled to race the half in Florida.  I definately think a wetsuit will be out of the question in Florida on May 20, especially with how hot it has been down south already.  My girls have been swimming in our pool for almost 3 weeks now.  Still a little cool for me but a 10 and 6 year old have handled it just fine.  Do you have any scoop on the course?  It looks flat but I was wondering about the road conditions.  I sure hope the roads are flat and smooth.  Most of my training is on chip and seal and some good smooth roads would certainly help the speed.

And a little smack down for Carla. (Not really smack down but anyway)  I swam 2500 tonight and it felt real good.  I have an oly in about 3 weeks and hopefully all the swim work will finally show up.

2012-04-09 11:22 PM
in reply to: #4138006

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-09 9:22 AM
kenj - 2012-04-09 2:01 AM

Up early for some strength training and saddle time on the trainer!  I will run some time today, either at lunch at work or after work.  After 3 weeks (pretty much 3 months) of travel, it is time to focus on the diet some as well, didn't fall backwards too far, but certainly didn't lose anything.  Plus, it is time to put the focus on actually doing the prescribed training as written with the races starting in another couple of months!

Depending on how deep the piles are on my desk at work I will try and throw together the links for us sometime today!

How is everyone else doing today?  Any training plans?

Welcome back! Hope you're settling in the groove again.

Today - Dropped off my kitty for a dental, went for a short run ( LIKE IT), then go back later in the afternoon to get Stardust's (my dog) stitches removed when she got a splinter in her chest (can you believe it!? a INCH wood splinter...IN THE CHEST..very weird!) and my eldest kitty Mocha (13 years old) for a check up. 

Cleaning the house before our family guests come over tomorrow...ugh, I hate cleaning.  I may do half hour easy spin, but not set on it.

Our furry family members really keep us on our toes don't they ?!

I did Irongirl Las Vegas a few years ago. It was a fun race. Didn't expect the rocky, trail type run but it was fine. I was very glad that the mention of rattlesnakes was after the race!!!  Is it still being held at the hotel in Henderson?

2012-04-09 11:23 PM
in reply to: #4139672

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-09 8:58 PM
robingray_260 - 2012-04-09 6:10 PM

I have a new bike trainer!!!!!!! The old one (in my opinion) finally kicked the bucket.  Hubby had been jerry rigging it using quarters and washers for the last week or so. Took advantage of him being out of town to buy the Cyclops Fluid trainer 2 and it is soooo quiet! I still hope to get outside this week, but if not I am looking forward to being able to watch tv at a "reasonable" volume.  super excited!!!! now I just need a new bike!

WHOO HOOT! :-) Yay for new toys!

Ditto!  Enjoy it.

2012-04-10 12:20 AM
in reply to: #4139773

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-04-09 9:22 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-09 9:22 AM
kenj - 2012-04-09 2:01 AM

Up early for some strength training and saddle time on the trainer!  I will run some time today, either at lunch at work or after work.  After 3 weeks (pretty much 3 months) of travel, it is time to focus on the diet some as well, didn't fall backwards too far, but certainly didn't lose anything.  Plus, it is time to put the focus on actually doing the prescribed training as written with the races starting in another couple of months!

Depending on how deep the piles are on my desk at work I will try and throw together the links for us sometime today!

How is everyone else doing today?  Any training plans?

Welcome back! Hope you're settling in the groove again.

Today - Dropped off my kitty for a dental, went for a short run ( LIKE IT), then go back later in the afternoon to get Stardust's (my dog) stitches removed when she got a splinter in her chest (can you believe it!? a INCH wood splinter...IN THE CHEST..very weird!) and my eldest kitty Mocha (13 years old) for a check up. 

Cleaning the house before our family guests come over tomorrow...ugh, I hate cleaning.  I may do half hour easy spin, but not set on it.

Our furry family members really keep us on our toes don't they ?!

I did Irongirl Las Vegas a few years ago. It was a fun race. Didn't expect the rocky, trail type run but it was fine. I was very glad that the mention of rattlesnakes was after the race!!!  Is it still being held at the hotel in Henderson?

Did you do it three years ago? If so, that was my first race (Avatar is the finish photo).  Yes the Furry animals kept me on my toes...blew all my graduation money to pay for the dental/bloodworks/splinter removal. Oy vey.  I was hoping to use the money for a new MTB. I guess I'll have to save up a little more...*sad panda*

Yup, it's still hosted at Lowes, now Westin.   However, this year is the first year they changed the run course to asphalt. I guess they have heard a lot of women complaining about the run course. It's not exactly safe to run because it's really a trail/Xterra type of run, not triathlon "run".  So I'm really glad they decided to change it.

2012-04-10 4:03 AM
in reply to: #4139414

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-09 9:10 PM

I have a new bike trainer!!!!!!! The old one (in my opinion) finally kicked the bucket.  Hubby had been jerry rigging it using quarters and washers for the last week or so. Took advantage of him being out of town to buy the Cyclops Fluid trainer 2 and it is soooo quiet! I still hope to get outside this week, but if not I am looking forward to being able to watch tv at a "reasonable" volume.  super excited!!!! now I just need a new bike!

Awesome!  It is a nice upgrade for you!

2012-04-10 4:04 AM
in reply to: #4139687

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-09 11:08 PM

Well, either I must be nuts or I *am* nuts.

A friend of mine got into a bad MTB accident and she had to give up two triathlons that is coming up. Xterra Triathlon and RAGE Olympic triathlon. She decided to give me her bib for the RAGE Triathlon on the terms that she gets the T-shirt. Plus I'll be able to do this for free.  The only thing I asked her to do is to bump it down to Sprint. I'm in no shape for a Olympic at this point, heck, I am not in 100% shape to do a Sprint either. This Sprint and IronGirl is two weeks apart.  I feel really comfortable with the bike and mostly comfortable with the run. I will do a couple bricks for my next few bike rides to get my legs going. First one is tomorrow. 

I do not have any time goals. I will use RAGE as a precursor for Irongirl. RAGE I probably will work on just pacing myself a little bit without feeling the need to go all out.  IronGirl I want to go out more.  I have done the course many times, so I am familiar with the terrain.  

I also got aerobars for free (Carbon T2+ Totally adjustable in all different directions). I am a little worried that it's not going to work for me because so far it looks like I'm too stretched out. Feels like I need a zero offset seatpost. :-( Damn you short arms!

You'll do fine DJ!  Enjoy the race!

Aero bars for a road bike can be a little difficult to get adjusted right.

2012-04-10 4:07 AM
in reply to: #4139748

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-04-09 11:50 PM

Good luck on the races DJ.  I'm sure you'll do fine.

Ken - Lance is scheduled to race the half in Florida.  I definately think a wetsuit will be out of the question in Florida on May 20, especially with how hot it has been down south already.  My girls have been swimming in our pool for almost 3 weeks now.  Still a little cool for me but a 10 and 6 year old have handled it just fine.  Do you have any scoop on the course?  It looks flat but I was wondering about the road conditions.  I sure hope the roads are flat and smooth.  Most of my training is on chip and seal and some good smooth roads would certainly help the speed.

And a little smack down for Carla. (Not really smack down but anyway)  I swam 2500 tonight and it felt real good.  I have an oly in about 3 weeks and hopefully all the swim work will finally show up.

They bill the course as flat and compared to most races it is, but there are some rollers on both the bike and run so it isn't all flat.  The road is fairly smooth in town, I am not sure it is all that smooth once you get out in the country but I am not familiar with all the bike course. 

Shoulder is feeling pretty good the last day or so.  Maybe we will get to meet there!

2012-04-10 7:10 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Another hour on the trainer for me this morning, and I will get a run in today! 

Anything we want to talk about?

2012-04-10 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
How about some transition tips. Maybe a pic of what it should look like.
2012-04-10 7:44 AM
in reply to: #4140048

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I got in a 50 min trainer workout followed by a 10 mile run with some LT intervals mixed in. Felt good and i feel like I'm finally ready to ramp up the volume, now that work is slowing down. Im using a BT custom plan for my HIM on 6/3 with 10 workouts/week (4 run, 3 bike, 3 swim). With one day completely off, that makes for 2 long workouts (weekend mornings) and 4 double days.

So, I'm curious, what do you think of doubles? I never workout in the evenings so as volume increases, i am bound to have long bricks, reverse bricks, etc. I dont think its a big deal on swim days, except that i'm time crunched with driving to pools. But how do you deal with your run/bike doubles? Do you feel like one or both of the workouts suffer too much?

2012-04-10 7:46 AM
in reply to: #4140048

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-10 5:28 AMHow about some transition tips. Maybe a pic of what it should look like.
2012-04-10 8:03 AM
in reply to: #4140048

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

peterflagg - 2012-04-10 8:28 AM How about some transition tips. Maybe a pic of what it should look like.

That is a good topic Peter!

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share, but I do have a bit of advice.  First off, the shorter the race the simpler you need to keep it.  For a sprint, I have my sunglasses in the helmet on the aerobars and bike shoes on the front of a towel next to the front wheel.  Race belt with the number on is also hanging on the aero bars.  On the towel I place my running shoes and a visor or hat.  I use the Yankz speed laces, but even if you just use regular shoe laces just make sure your shoes are wide open and ready to slip your feet in a hurry. 

For olys and sprints I don't wear socks so I don't have to deal with those.  But even for the halfs and full distance I usually go without socks on the bike and wait until T2 to put socks on. 

I can't over emphasize enough that the more stuff you have in transition the slower you will go.  Keep it as simple as possible.

As far as flow, I try to have my wetsuit off to my waist before I get to my bike.  Finish taking it off at the bike and toss it behind the towel.  Put the shoes and helmet on and start the run towards bike exit.  I'll put the glasses on as I am running.  I still haven't mastered clipping the shoes in the bike ahead of time and putting them on while riding.  I will take them off while still on the bike on the way back into transition though which saves a little time in T2.  For T2 I will rack the bike, slip the shoes on and yank em tight.  Put on the visor or hat while heading out of transition.

The other advice I will give you is to practice.  You will or have seen a lot of conversations on the pro's and con's of brick runs.  We can discuss that at another time too, but one of the side benefits of bricks is you can practice your T2 transitions. 

I will also see if I can find a link to an article on transitions here on BT.  It was pretty good if I remember right.  Let me know if I missed anything as it has been a few months since I had to do a transition!

2012-04-10 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4140071

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
bdenehy - 2012-04-10 8:44 AM I got in a 50 min trainer workout followed by a 10 mile run with some LT intervals mixed in. Felt good and i feel like I'm finally ready to ramp up the volume, now that work is slowing down. Im using a BT custom plan for my HIM on 6/3 with 10 workouts/week (4 run, 3 bike, 3 swim). With one day completely off, that makes for 2 long workouts (weekend mornings) and 4 double days.

So, I'm curious, what do you think of doubles? I never workout in the evenings so as volume increases, i am bound to have long bricks, reverse bricks, etc. I dont think its a big deal on swim days, except that i'm time crunched with driving to pools. But how do you deal with your run/bike doubles? Do you feel like one or both of the workouts suffer too much?

Another good topic  Bill!

I am not a huge fan of evening workouts, but for some of the HIM training and a lot of the IM training, I am forced to live with them a couple of days a week.  Our office did put in a fitness room about a year ago or so which helps as I can do treadmill runs at lunch time which saves me from doing them after work. 

I do some of what you are talking about though not always put together as a brick.  If for instance I have a swim scheduled I will park at either the Y or the lake early, usually about 5am and run though the streets of our small city.  Even though it is dark it is still lit well enough with the street lights and there is very little traffic, plus I can run on the side walks.  I can then be swimming by 6 or a little after and still get a good swim in and be to work by 8 or 8:15.

As far as the run/bike doubles I do some weekend bricks where I will do a short run off the long bike.  I will also do some of what I call basement bricks, where I will do an hour on the bike trainer and hop off and on the treadmill.  As far as quality goes, you need to look at the purpose of the particular training day.  If the bike or run has higher intensity training, you shouldn't do it without some recovery.  For instance, if I have intervals for the run scheduled, I would either do that before biking or swimming or save that for a lunch time treadmill run. 

What do the rest of you guys think?

2012-04-10 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I simply don't have mornings to workout. I'm already up at 4am. Best I can do is get a 10-20 min core/strength circuit in before I have to go to work. Sometimes doubles for me are a short run on the treadmill at work and then I go home and do a swim at the gym. On the weekends sometimes I'll do a masters class and then go out for a long ride. I tend to do more brick workouts closer to my races and try to keep them seperate otherwise. I still feel I SHOULD be doing more of them. Reading Carmichaels book he talks about doing interval runs after your bike rides. Seemed like he believed there was a value in doing that kind of work tired, like you would in a race. When the weather is nicer during the nights I'll start doing my short runs after my computrainer workouts. I don't know about interval sets after that but maybe some tempo runs.
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