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Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
Support a Gay Marriage Ban Constitutional Ammendment
Oppose a Gay Marriage Ban Constitutional Ammendment

2006-06-09 1:37 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Mark, you remind me of another huge piece: doing our taxes each year. It is a royal pain to figure out who should be taking which deductions, and whose name goes on the receipts for donations etc.  This may seem petty, but someone asked for a reason FOR gay marriage, this is another.


But the DOMA we are discussing here is NOT even about legalizng gay marriage! I'm not even asking for that (yet ) It's about making it illegal at the NATIONAL level!   

2006-06-09 2:25 PM
in reply to: #449069

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
To address a couple of things:

1) Chris: the people that e-mailed me didn't get into their specific opinions/rationales, but the gist of what they said (And there have been four such e-mails over the last months) is that they felt intimidated to contribute to COJ, and on two occassions they named specific regular contributors that they felt intimidated by. Because they were worried about being attacked for stating their views and admitted that they weren't "articulate" enough to respond in kind. I won't say who e-mailed me, nor will I say who they were intimidated by.

2) Renee (a) I never said I would be right, you accussed me of being afraid to engage in debate, I attempted to illustrate why that was an incorrect assumption. (b) The gist of an arguement in favor of a gay ban on marriage, in its simplest form goes like this: i. You would have to conceed that the supreme court rulings on sex and privacy make the current state of affairs, that is the legal arguements that same sex marriages are protected, an inevitable argument. ii. However, some of the courts rulings on these matters contradict specific prior rulings on familial matters and the courts own definition of what the family is, what the governments interest in the protection of the family is. iii. that a governmant does have a right, and indeed an obligation to enact morality laws. iv. that the basis for the argument of why gays have the right to have their marriage recognized by the government extends the arguement out of context and in some cases incongruent with prior decisions on familial definitions and the role of the government in protecting the family as defined in those cases.
(this is coming off very inartfully, because like I said, it's an arguement based upon a tracing of certain Supreme court cases and the language in those cases. The reason the arguement would have to be long is to cite the cases and the verbage used therein)
(c) that said, I'll extend you the same courtesy I extended Chris and I'll try to work something up setting out the arguement and I'll PM you on it.
(d) I'm not sure how compelling I find the arguement. But it's one that can certainly be made. For me it goes back to the littany of privacy cases and how you view those. For me I tend to like the result of the cases, but find the legal reasoning behind them strained. i believe in most of those cases the Supreme court decided the outcome they wanted then attempted to justify it. Kinda backwards reasoning. I'm not saying its a bad thing, it just makes for a case that is ripe for challenges.
(e) I can also go through the arguement "for" gay marriages. Admittedly that one is much easier to make.
(f) since it's come up I'll tell all my opinion on the matter for what's its worth: 1. I am against any Amendment to the U.S. constitution regarding marriage issues, on any level. I believe that in and of itself violates the Constitution as these matters have typically been left to the States. 2. While I am a Christian, I am also an attorney, and I believe in the establishment clause. While I believe that liberals have extended the clause beyond its intent, I also find religious based arguements, while personally compelling sometimes, legally and Constitutionally the weakest arguements. 3. Whether a gay couple has a civil union, or the state recognizes their relationship as a marriage, has no implication on my personal life, my marriage, or my family. 4. I find uncompelling the arguement that gay marriages should be recognized because, while there are mechanisms for the couple to gain the economic benefits similar to married couples, i.e. wills, trusts, insurance policies, they don't because it is too costly, or too time consuming or too embarassing to go public with their relationship. Marriages are a matter of public record, 5. Bottom line, I'm not offended by gay marriage, I'm not offended by gay adoption (actually strongly in favor of that one!!! Kids need loving homes.) 6. I also do not have the hatred and venom for those that opposse gay marriage that some do. 7. people do have the right to make religious based arguements, and politicians have the right, and some may argue the duty to listen to their consituency. The establishment clause has not been extended to deny those with religious beliefs access to the government. They are as allowed to attempt to influence the government as any other group.


Edited by ASA22 2006-06-09 2:31 PM
2006-06-09 2:34 PM
in reply to: #449223

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Thank you, John. Did I tell you you're looking very handsome today?

2006-06-09 2:42 PM
in reply to: #445893

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

I took the time to read all of that. 

Thank you for the reply.  I think I understand the gist of your constructing an argument based on the previous definitions of family and such in prior rulings of the courts.  I would still disagree very much that those would be sufficient to support the amendment, as there are likewise other compelling defitions and rulings that would not support the amendment.

I certainly don't expect for you to name names of anyone that's contacted you.  I was asking that if any of them chose to do so, and sent their reasoning to you for specific inclusion here, whether you would be willing to do that.  I didn't want to invite them contact you, before asking you.    I'd ask them to contact me, but I don't think I can quite play the neutral party. 

2006-06-09 3:27 PM
in reply to: #449223

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

they felt intimidated to contribute to COJ, and on two occassions they named specific regular contributors that they felt intimidated by. Because they were worried about being attacked for stating their views and admitted that they weren't "articulate" enough to respond in kind.

1 - Civil discourse is the rule here. We're serious about it. If someone is attacked for respectfully stating a point of view, I'm one PM away.

2 - If someone is worried that you're not articulate enough to clearly state your point of view on a subject: we're triathletes. Overcoming our fears and doing the best with what we have is what we do. It's our raison d'etre. Give it a shot. Get in the game. Just do it respectfully.

On the whole, BT really is an anomaly as far as web forums go, particularly considering that we're here because of a shared interest in a competitive sport. Relatively, we're a very civil bunch. Even at the height of the 2004 Presidential election, while other, otherwise low key online communities were literally being destroyed by political squabbling, we kept things to a pretty low boil.

2006-06-09 3:51 PM
in reply to: #449317

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
marmadaddy - 2006-06-09 4:27 PM


On the whole, BT really is an anomaly as far as web forums go, particularly considering that we're here because of a shared interest in a competitive sport. Relatively, we're a very civil bunch. Even at the height of the 2004 Presidential election, while other, otherwise low key online communities were literally being destroyed by political squabbling, we kept things to a pretty low boil.

You know what, now that it's put in perspective you're right. Maybe that's what gets to me sometimes, that we generally do such a good job of being civil even on hot topics. So when there is a non-civil moment it really sticks out. And because it really sticks out it makes me pounce on it.

I check out an FSU football board and I cant even read it at times it gets so nasty in there.

2006-06-09 5:39 PM
in reply to: #445893

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South of SLC
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
I posted this this morning on the same issue over at slowtwitch after some deep thought on the issue. I have read the rest of this thread and think this bears posting here:

The problem we have here from both sides is that we are working from somewhat different value systems. Those who feel gay marriage should be banned because of religious reasons are working from what they feel is a faith-based set of values. Those values are not fair in every case. Those values require that a person make a judgement call on some issues based on what they feel is good and bad. It doesn't have anything to do with being Christian, but I would argue that most religions require that their followers make those judgement calls. Regardless if you feel those judgement calls are fair or not, that is reality.

Those who favor gay marriage are working from a let's call it a "fairness" paradigm. Regardless of the number of people who practice a certain lifestyle, they should be entitled to live the way they want. From what I have seen, they also believe that within certain limits, it is unfair to pass judgement on the way another person lives their life. To be succinct, they feel you should live and let live.

Neither side can reconcile their value system with the other. Neither will ever understand why the other side cannot accept their paradigm. Personally, as a Christian, I have the same issue of reconcilliation as have been stated before. I don't feel it is my place to judge another as God is the only being who can do that. However, I do feel that the best case scenario is for a child to be raised in a healthy household with a mother and a father. That isn't always possible and frankly, not very probable. So does that exclude everyone else who doesn't fit my mold from raising children?

What about single parents? What about grandparents who step up? What about foster parents? What about a gay couple? What about a polygomous family? What about a heterosexual couple who cheat on each other constantly? Should we discount all of them because they don't fit my definition? I don't think so. But this is where I hit the duality of my values -- wanting to use my Christian value system and be fair at the same time. It doesn't work.

But inaction and ignoring the issue will not solve it. I haven't come to a conclusion about how to balance both of my identities out yet. When I do, I will let you know.

2006-06-11 7:56 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Hailey, ID
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
Ok, I haven't read this whole thing (about 3 pages +) and I would be willing to step up for why I oppose gay marriage, but if this is already dead just say so. And sorry, I will bring up religion, because it has a lot to do with my opinion.

2006-06-11 7:58 PM
in reply to: #447830

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Hailey, ID
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
bmacmanus - 2006-06-08 1:16 PM

Bluejack - 2006-06-08 3:11 PM

Now I'm not saying that there ain't any bad people out there. But sinning does not = a bad person. If you are a Christian the core belief is that we are all sinners and without the sacrafice of Jesus Christ we are all unworthy of salvation. So the whole sinner/non-sinner argument is in the toilet. Homosexuality is not a mortal sin as far as I know.
What's next? A Constitutional Amendement against adultry? Thank goodness Slick Willy is out of office then. Same with JFK. How about divorce? Glutony is one of the seven deadly sins. Let's have a Constitutional Ammendment against over-eating.

Actually, Deuteronomy states that men with men is "an abomination unto the Lord". Two lines down from that, it also states that touching the skin of a pig and NOT selling your eldest daughter into slavery is equally an "abomination". So gay, all football players and every father who did not sell his daughter into slavery are on equal ground. (look it up yourself).

Also would like to know the chapter / verse of what you are talking about. Thanks!
2006-06-13 10:29 AM
in reply to: #449351

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Extreme Veteran
Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
ASA22 - 2006-06-09 3:51 PM

I check out an FSU football board and I cant even read it at times it gets so nasty in there.

Well, THERE'S your biggest mistake!

2006-06-13 10:57 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

A lady I work with just told me she has a nephew who is gay and she wouldn't want him to come to her house (no other reason given).

Rather un-christ like for a christian (Mormon)...


2006-06-13 10:59 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Anyone catch Bill Bennet on the Daily Show?  A lot of food for thought in this very short exchange.

Bennet:  This is an issue of whether you believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Stewart:  No, this is an issue of whether you think being gay is a human condition or whether you think it is a random fetish.




2006-06-13 9:39 PM
in reply to: #452613

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Hailey, ID
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
bootygirl - 2006-06-13 9:57 AM

A lady I work with just told me she has a nephew who is gay and she wouldn't want him to come to her house (no other reason given).

Rather un-christ like for a christian (Mormon)...


Being Mormon myself, I agree this is unchristian like. I am definatly against gay marriage and don't believe homesexuality is right, but the person is not to be turned away because of that. We all sin, in many different ways. If we turned away everyone who sinned, no one would talk to anyone else.

There are non perfect people in all walks of life and in all religions, so please don't think a group is one way based on the actions of one person.

2006-06-14 9:17 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Extreme Veteran
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
alright Brad I'll bite...I'm interested in getting a little perspective on your thoughts.  More specifically, I am wondering: (1) whether you believe homosexuality is a choice; (2) why you believe homosexuality is "wrong"; and (3) (only if necessary after the answer to 2) why you are against gay marriage.
2006-06-14 9:50 AM
in reply to: #452616

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
hangloose - 2006-06-13 11:59 AM

Anyone catch Bill Bennet on the Daily Show?  A lot of food for thought in this very short exchange.

Bennet:  This is an issue of whether you believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Stewart:  No, this is an issue of whether you think being gay is a human condition or whether you think it is a random fetish.


You can watch the Bill Bennett interview here:


2006-06-14 10:17 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

I cannot understand how anyone can say that homosexuality is wrong??? 

If one believes that some sort of divine power is behind the creation of all life, then by that definition did not this so-called divine power also create whatever desires, sexual or otherwise, each person is born with.  I say "born with" because sexual preference is not a choice, it is a part of what a person is. 

The argument based on the premise that marriage should be relegated to two members of diferent sexes and that the marriage cannot change is also suspect.  The original family unit consisted of a male who went out to hunt while the female stayed in the cave with the children for protection.  Women have long ago left the cave to get jobs of their own effectively changing that definition. If we can allow one change, why can we not allow another? Who decides?  Me?  You?  Why not allow each individual decide for him/herself what is right or wrong ... within the context of the law.


Edited by Machiavelo 2006-06-14 10:18 AM

2006-06-14 10:58 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Hailey, ID
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
I don't have a lot of time to give my full response, but the basis of my issue is that homosexuality is a choice. Now let me explain before we get all excited.

I believe that everyone has their trial or trials in life. We are all born with different tendancies and desires. I might have a strong desire to abuse drugs or maybe fight or be homosexual. But I still have a choice over my actions. Just because a person has tendancies to be a drunk or a child abuser, we as people don't say it's ok for them to be a chlid abuser or drunk because that was how they were born. We say they shouldn't have made that choice.

No I am absolutly NOT comparing homesexuality to child abuse. Just an example. I will also again state that just because someone is homosexual doesn't mean we should shun them or turn them away. We all do thing that aren't "right" and we all have faults or problems or different ways of living. We should always help one another and accept eachother.

I don't believe in gay marriage for that reason. Since I don't agree with homosexuality in general I believe it is promoting a problem.

I have no problem answering questions for discussing my points as long as everyone keeps it civil (including myself). Thanks everyone!
2006-06-14 11:06 AM
in reply to: #453941

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Extreme Veteran
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

bradword - 2006-06-14 10:58 AM I don't have a lot of time to give my full response, but the basis of my issue is that homosexuality is a choice. Now let me explain before we get all excited. I believe that everyone has their trial or trials in life. We are all born with different tendancies and desires. I might have a strong desire to abuse drugs or maybe fight or be homosexual. But I still have a choice over my actions. Just because a person has tendancies to be a drunk or a child abuser, we as people don't say it's ok for them to be a chlid abuser or drunk because that was how they were born. We say they shouldn't have made that choice. No I am absolutly NOT comparing homesexuality to child abuse. Just an example. I will also again state that just because someone is homosexual doesn't mean we should shun them or turn them away. We all do thing that aren't "right" and we all have faults or problems or different ways of living. We should always help one another and accept eachother. I don't believe in gay marriage for that reason. Since I don't agree with homosexuality in general I believe it is promoting a problem. I have no problem answering questions for discussing my points as long as everyone keeps it civil (including myself). Thanks everyone!

This is what I suspected...and herein lies the problem with the debate.  Like the exchange hangloose cited on the Daily Show, the problem stems from a fundamental understanding of what the debate is....christians (from my experience) tend to think that homosexuality is a "fetish", or a "lifestyle choice."  I think that perspective generally stems from ignorance.  Those that hold that belief generally don't know, speak to, learn about, homosexuals, and homosexuality.

So that's why the debate can never really start between two people like, say, you and I Brad...we're at a different understanding of what the debate is.  I sincerely hope that you'll come to understand that homosexuality is not a choice...it will make a debate from that point much more useful.  As a step to getting there, ask yourself if you could turn off your heterosexual tendancies...you may get an idea of what you're asking of homosexuals.

2006-06-14 11:13 AM
in reply to: #453960

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Very, very broad brush there.  Kinda ironic too.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:06 AM

christians (from my experience) tend to think that homosexuality is a "fetish", or a "lifestyle choice." 

2006-06-14 11:14 AM
in reply to: #453975

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Extreme Veteran
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
DerekL - 2006-06-14 11:13 AM

Very, very broad brush there.  Kinda ironic too.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:06 AM

christians (from my experience) tend to think that homosexuality is a "fetish", or a "lifestyle choice." 

Note the caveat Derek:  "from my experience"

And, ironic how?

Edited by pbarbato 2006-06-14 11:16 AM
2006-06-14 11:16 AM
in reply to: #453977

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Lots of stereotypes are presented because it's things the person has noted "in his/her experience".  Again, very ironic considering the discussion at hand.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:14 AM
DerekL - 2006-06-14 11:13 AM

Very, very broad brush there.  Kinda ironic too.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:06 AM

christians (from my experience) tend to think that homosexuality is a "fetish", or a "lifestyle choice." 

Note the caveat Derek:  "from my experience"

2006-06-14 11:19 AM
in reply to: #453983

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Extreme Veteran
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
DerekL - 2006-06-14 11:16 AM

Lots of stereotypes are presented because it's things the person has noted "in his/her experience".  Again, very ironic considering the discussion at hand.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:14 AM
DerekL - 2006-06-14 11:13 AM

Very, very broad brush there.  Kinda ironic too.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:06 AM

christians (from my experience) tend to think that homosexuality is a "fetish", or a "lifestyle choice." 

Note the caveat Derek:  "from my experience"

OK derek...let's see if I can't spell it out more clearly...when I refer to these "christians (from my experience)" what I mean is those christians who I've discussed the issue of homosexuality with, and who's views of homosexuality are based in some part on their christianity.  Better?

Oh, and again, ironic how?

Edited by pbarbato 2006-06-14 11:19 AM
2006-06-14 11:22 AM
in reply to: #453988

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

No, it's not better.  You're stereotyping a group based on your own personal experiences.  Substitute "gay" or "black" for Christian and give those same reasons for perpetuating a particular stereotype and see what kind of reaction you get.  But it's ok to bash Christians because it's not a sensitive topic.

The irony is very apparent.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:19 AM
DerekL - 2006-06-14 11:16 AM

Lots of stereotypes are presented because it's things the person has noted "in his/her experience".  Again, very ironic considering the discussion at hand.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:14 AM
DerekL - 2006-06-14 11:13 AM

Very, very broad brush there.  Kinda ironic too.

pbarbato - 2006-06-14 11:06 AM

christians (from my experience) tend to think that homosexuality is a "fetish", or a "lifestyle choice." 

Note the caveat Derek:  "from my experience"

OK derek...let's see if I can't spell it out more clearly...when I refer to these "christians (from my experience)" what I mean is those christians who I've discussed the issue of homosexuality with, and who's views of homosexuality are based in some part on their christianity.  Better?

Oh, and again, ironic how?

2006-06-14 11:22 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Ironic as in gays are generalized, ...and now so are christians...



2006-06-14 11:25 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Extreme Veteran
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

OK...I see where the misfire is.  what I was trying to clarify was that I'm NOT saying that ALL christians believe these things...what I'm saying is the group of christians with whom I've had discusssions about this top believe these things...sorry if that offended, but that's, again, been MY experience.

and I guess that's how I missed the irony too...didn't think i was "stereotyping".

Edited by pbarbato 2006-06-14 11:27 AM
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