BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
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2014-06-08 11:53 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Gabe, glad to hear the knee/ITB is better.

PR on my third century. This was the hardest and fastest one I've done to date. I enjoyed the course immensely, especially the IM symbol painted on the road at mile 80. I took it as a sign.

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 07 11:48:20
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 05 4:38:36
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 05 10:58:44

2014-06-08 3:08 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
10k race this morning following by an open water cool down swim, great way to start the day!

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 07 11:48:20
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 05 4:38:36
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
2014-06-08 4:40 PM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
47:52 on the bike

Joe: 04 2:48:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 07 11:48:20
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 06 5:26:26
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
2014-06-08 6:37 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Congratulations on the PR Jackie!!

Hi All. I'm glad I found the group and even though I'm about a month late , I'm hoping the group will have me after an almost 2 year layoff?

2014-06-08 6:43 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
adding back 3 swims Fr- Sun.

@Gabe - Hamstring is not good.Gotta take it slow - I'm hoping to be back in July.

@Barry - welcome back old friend!

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 07 11:48:20
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 06 5:26:26
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 05 7:20.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
2014-06-08 6:54 PM
in reply to: baurryman

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by baurryman

Congratulations on the PR Jackie!!

Hi All. I'm glad I found the group and even though I'm about a month late , I'm hoping the group will have me after an almost 2 year layoff?

Hi Barry,

Welcome Back! Give us your bio, especially since you are a married man now, and join in the challenge.

2014-06-08 7:48 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Thanks for the welcome Joe & James,

It's good to be back. I actually don't know where to start.

NAME: baurryman/Barry

STORY: I am 53 years old and newly remarried (Oct 2013)and 2011 was my first year doing triathlon. Our previous mentor and some of the folks in this group got me through it with flying colors! I've done 2 sprint and 2 olympic distance triathlons and am coming from a running background. I started running 8 years ago and have done 5 (very slow) marathons. I did my first tri (a sprint) in June of 2011, and my first Olympic (thanks for the inspiration on that Mark) distance, the Chicago Triathlon in August of 2011, both were slow as is my running but I had a blast. I repeated the same schedule in 2012. I am a chemist and (also newly) own a consulting company in hair and skin care manufacturing and research and sometimes struggle to find time to train adequately.

FAMILY STATUS: New remarried with, now, 4 adult children and 3 grandchildren. For those of you I know and who may have wondered I remarried in October of 2013 and three weeks later during a routine procedure, my wife was diagnosed with ovarian and colon cancer. She is proud to be a cancer survivor and things are just getting back to normal.

CURRENT TRAINING: Starting over after gaining 25 pounds. I started swimming almost three years ago to date and it's definitely my weakest discipline. My goal is to get some coaching his year and get much better with the swimming. I run on average 2-3 times a week (15-20 miles total) and have yet to sign up for a spin class. I do have an old road bike. (Time for a new one!)

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I don't have any scheduled as of yet. The race season is a little shorter here in Chicago. I have my eye on a race in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin in September

WEIGHTLOSS: Weightloss has always been a challenge for me but even more so now but I am determined. I would like to lose 40 pounds within the next year.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE? I follow coaching enthusiastically and am not afraid to share victories and failures with others. I learn from all experiences.
2014-06-08 8:23 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Busy day today with a group ride this morning followed by a quick solo sprint and a 5 mile run this evening.

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 07 11:48:20
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 06 5:26:26
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 0712:15.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
2014-06-08 10:25 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
I feel like a negligent kid who went off to summer camp & forgot to call mom & dad for a week. The bad news is that I slipped last week after finishing my first triathlon & only got 1 run & one bike ride in (and a walk with the mrs that kinda counts). The worse news is that I am going to Florida for vacation this week. But I'm done making excuses. Here is my plan for the week:
Monday - 5AM swim in ATL
Tuesday - 5AM bike in my basement
Thursday - 5AM 7 mile run up & down hwy 30A in Florida
Saturday - 5AM 7 mile run up & down hwy 30A in Florida

It's not the best or the most aggressive workout plan, but it's pretty good for a vacation plan. And by putting it out here, I feel beholden to not skip any of the workouts!

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 07 11:48:20
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 06 5:26:26
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 0712:15.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
Drew 03 3:47:26
2014-06-08 10:44 PM
in reply to: Meathead

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

@Jackie, congratulations on your Century ride PR, well done!
@Lisa, your upcoming HM race sounds like a tough one, which one are you racing?
@Barry, welcome back to the group and congrats on your recent wedding!

Adding 1hr drainer tonight

Joe: 07 5:08:00 
Jackie 05 13:15:39 
Gabe 08 12:48:50 
Mark 05 7:00:00 
Lisa 05 5:06:57 
Jim 06 5:26:26 
Mitch 05 5:34:11 
Dennis 0712:15.00 
Bruno 04 4:55:00 
Kate 07 13:38:18 
Drew 03 3:47:26

2014-06-09 1:42 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Gabe--it's the Winter Park Half Marathon (link here:

Adding in 45 minutes on the trainer tonight.

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 08 12:48:50
Mark 05 7:00:00
Lisa 06 5:53:31
Jim 06 5:26:26
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 0712:15.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
Drew 03 3:47:26

2014-06-09 1:48 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Wow, this group is really happening and putting in a lot of effort!

Jackie... seems like all the signs in heaven and on earth are sending you a message. Go for it!
Barry... welcome back! Good to hear your wife is doing fine. And you are welcome, I got infected by Chicago Olympic Tri and just passed it on. Hard to live in that city, or near it and not do it. Just like Chicago Marathon. They are two huge events that are very memorable and make you feel like a superstar.

Minimal ride today for me after a kayak trip on canals. Very windy and kind of cold. Not like Chicago cold, but cold, at least on the water when you're wet.

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 08 12:48:50
Mark 06 7:30:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 06 5:26:26
Mitch 05 5:34:11
Dennis 0712:15.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
Drew 03 3:47:26
2014-06-09 8:25 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
@Barry - Welcome Back! Awesome to hear from you and glad you have joined back in. There's a couple more missing that I'd love to see. If any of the group have contact with some of the founding members please reach out to them

@Jackie - Congrats on a great ride!

I couldn't get my butt out of bed yesterday morning - still recovering from all the time on the bike on saturday plus a late night hanging with the family. Had a full day of activities ending with my 11 year old's piano recital. She did great! So, last night at 9:30 I headed out for my run and managed 8.25 miles at a moderate pace. Planned to swim this morning, but got suckered into watching a show on the making of National Lampoon's vacation late last night. Anyway, heading to the pool at lunch for a swim.

Glad to see the group is putting in the time and effort!

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 08 12:48:50
Mark 06 7:30:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 06 5:26:26
Mitch 06 7:14:31
Dennis 0712:15.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
Drew 03 3:47:26

Edited by trisuppo 2014-06-09 8:34 AM
2014-06-09 12:49 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
53:16 6.1 mile runch in perfect weather.

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 08 12:48:50
Mark 06 7:30:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 07 6:19:42
Mitch 06 7:14:31
Dennis 0712:15.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
Drew 03 3:47:26
2014-06-09 1:14 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
2000 yards in the pool today -

Joe: 07 5:08:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Gabe 08 12:48:50
Mark 06 7:30:00
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Jim 07 6:19:42
Mitch 06 7:14:31
Dennis 0712:15.00
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Kate 07 13:38:18
Drew 04 4:24:01
2014-06-09 1:34 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
30 minute Swunch

Gabe 08 12:48:50
Kate 07 13:38:18
Dennis 07 12:15.00
Mitch 07 7:44:31
Jim 07 6:19:42
Joe: 07 5:08:00
Mark 06 7:30:00
Jackie 05 13:15:39
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Drew 04 4:24:01

Edited by trisuppo 2014-06-09 1:36 PM

2014-06-09 4:33 PM
in reply to: Meathead

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by Meathead

2000 yards in the pool today -

Awesome job on the swimming, 1:47/100m is super fast to me. I can do one 50m set at that speed and have to for :60 or I swear I'll pass out.
2014-06-09 6:26 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Originally posted by markz Wow, this group is really happening and putting in a lot of effort! Jackie... seems like all the signs in heaven and on earth are sending you a message. Go for it!  

Jackie, I couldn't agree more with Mark, now it is a matter of which one - IM Cozumel in November (at your current pace, you can rock that race) or IM Texas in May 2015.  If I cannot do IM Lake Tahoe b/c of my ITB, I might do IM Cozumel again + almost positive I will do IMTX again next year.  So hopefully I will be able to cheer you back on either one!

2014-06-09 6:29 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Today, 7 mile morning run + a good 4k swim at lunch

Gabe 09 15:08:39
Kate 07 13:38:18 
Dennis 07 12:15.00 
Mitch 07 7:44:31 
Jim 07 6:19:42 
Joe: 07 5:08:00 
Mark 06 7:30:00 
Jackie 05 13:15:39 
Lisa 05 5:06:57 
Bruno 04 4:55:00 
Drew 04 4:24:01 

2014-06-09 9:13 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Gabe 09 15:08:39
Kate 07 13:38:18
Dennis 07 12:15.00
Mitch 07 7:44:31
Jim 07 6:19:42
Joe: 07 5:08:00
Mark 06 7:30:00
Jackie 06 14:26:12
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Drew 04 4:24:01

Recovery swim at lunch and then last trail run in the Trailblazers series tonight. I'm a tired puppy!
2014-06-09 9:42 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Thanks for the welcomes Mark, Mitch and Gabe!

50 minute run after work today. My heart rate's been up all day today and I probably should have taken the day off.

Gabe 09 15:08:39
Kate 07 13:38:18
Dennis 07 12:15.00
Mitch 07 7:44:31
Jim 07 6:19:42
Joe: 07 5:08:00
Mark 06 7:30:00
Jackie 06 14:26:12
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Barry 05 4:13:10
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Drew 04 4:24:01

2014-06-10 2:33 AM
in reply to: baurryman

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
12k run this afternoon.

Gabe 09 15:08:39
Kate 07 13:38:18
Dennis 07 12:15.00
Mitch 07 7:44:31
Jim 07 6:19:42
Joe: 07 5:08:00
Mark 07 8:36:00
Jackie 06 14:26:12
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Barry 05 4:13:10
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Drew 04 4:24:01
2014-06-10 12:49 PM
in reply to: markz

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Work only gave me time for a quick runch 32:05 4 miles.

Gabe 09 15:08:39
Kate 07 13:38:18
Dennis 07 12:15.00
Mitch 07 7:44:31
Jim 08 6:51:47
Joe: 07 5:08:00
Mark 07 8:36:00
Jackie 06 14:26:12
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Barry 05 4:13:10
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Drew 04 4:24:01
2014-06-10 1:48 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
70 minutes on the drainer (easy / recovery ride - legs still feeling it from late Sunday run)

Gabe 09 15:08:39
Kate 07 13:38:18
Dennis 07 12:15.00
Mitch 08 8:54:31
Jim 08 6:51:47
Joe: 07 5:08:00
Mark 07 8:36:00
Jackie 06 14:26:12
Lisa 05 5:06:57
Barry 05 4:13:10
Bruno 04 4:55:00
Drew 04 4:24:01
2014-06-10 5:15 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Early morning 6.5 mile run + 1hr drainer at lunch

Gabe 10 17:09:45 
Kate 07 13:38:18 
Dennis 07 12:15.00 
Mitch 08 8:54:31 
Jim 08 6:51:47 
Joe: 07 5:08:00 
Mark 07 8:36:00 
Jackie 06 14:26:12 
Lisa 05 5:06:57 
Barry 05 4:13:10 
Bruno 04 4:55:00 
Drew 04 4:24:01 

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
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