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2010-02-09 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2576738

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
sickness + snowiness has plagued our little tri team!!!  noooooooooooo!  i'm frustrated because just as i got excited about outdoor rides, the snow has repeatedly plagued my plans.  but compared to the 30+ inches i know other places are getting...i need to shut my pretty mouth and suck it up indoors for a little bit longer!

i'm feeling healthy again, although still tired and facing a daunting pile of tasks every time i come home.  my uncle races tri and once told me, "you've got your work life, your personal life, and your training life...too bad you only have time for two of those lives."  but i'm determined to find the balance!

this week is supposed to be a "recovery week," according to my training schedule, but i'm having a tough time with it.  it's really hard for me to force myself to not work hard for an entire week.  one recovery ride or run?  no problem.  i even find that enjoyable.  but a whole week of not going hard  at all?  even just for the last 5 minutes of a workout?  torturous!  and it feels like a waste of workout time, even though i know it will help my body go harder in future weeks. 

so...if anyone has any suggestions on how to keep my mind in recovery mode, please shout them out.  have great weeks, all!

2010-02-09 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2576738

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Tania - Great job on the non-stop swim!

Trishie - Wow.. I saw your snow pics, that's incredible!!!  I want to come play in the snow!!!  I am SO glad I have both a trainer and a treadmill. 

Pam & Steph - Hope you're both feeling better!

Tara - Agree with Steph.  Tight is good but not TOO tight.  I do prefer a really tight top to hold the girls in place.  Generally my bottoms are a size larger than my top.

Erika - I laughed at your post because I am the SAME way!  I had a few words of encouragement come my way yesterday and here is one that was a helpful reminder (we already know this, we just don't follow it).

"Careful of overtraining! It is almost always (very few exceptions) better to err on the side of training a bit too little than a bit too much. The former will have minor effects on your progress, the latter can lead to lifelong injuries (believe me I have the ___ up shoulders and back to prove it from my days of training hard core!).

This is especially true in the offseason when your body needs to recover. Training improvement is a balance of stressing the body and letting it recover.

You know all this I know, but your intensity is awesome and you probably need to be reminded sometimes. For goodness sake, it's supposed to be a rest day anyway!"

I'm on a recovery week also, and since my knee has been giving me issue, I am going to try my hardest to tone it down this week.  The thought of NOT running REALLY bothers me a LOT; and I hate having missed mileage while I am on track for 1000 miles this year. But I wonder if I should not run this week and ice it whenever I can. It's not bad, but I don't want it to get worse with my first race in 3 1/2 weeks. If small injuries are this depressing, I can't even imagine how depressing a major injury must be.  I think my heart hurts worse than my knee!!!

Enjoyed reading all of the discussion regarding bilateral breathing.  I have definitely found advantages to breathing every breath to my dominant side for a few laps, then switching to every breath on non-dominant side for a few laps.  This has helped me get the proper roll on both sides.  Once I've done a few alternating laps like this, then I can more easily force myself to do some bilateral laps at a slow pace.  I've trained myself to point and click left-handed, so surely I can train myself to bilateral breathe too!
2010-02-09 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2576738


Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Wanted to see if anyone knew of a great nutrition plan for weight loss while training for a tri. I have about 20 lbs I would like to lose and lbs just aren't budging! Just wanted to know what you all experienced and if you had any suggestions. Hope you are all doing well! We are getting hammered with snow today so I was on the treadmill which ended up okay. Have a great evening!!!Tara
2010-02-09 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

Hello from snowy icy Baltimore !

We're expecting another 12-20" before tomorrow night.. on top of the 30" we already have ! The roads are awful.. even the ones that have been plowed have been getting slushy and icing over. Bletch ! I did drag myself to the gym to do 6.41 miles on the treadmill after work. As awful as it was (so mind numbing) I'm so glad I got it in

Pamela: feel better ((())) Hope you get to ski tomorrow !

Stef: YOU feel better, too ! Good luck with the 12K - let us know how it goes

Tara: the clothing should be snug but not horribly tight. If it digs or is uncomfortable, return for a larger size OR go with a different brand. They all fit so differently !

Erika: ha - enjoy the recovery week ! Remember that gains are made during recovery. Use your down time to catch up with friends/ read a book/ do laundry/ etc. Remember that next week will come with harder workouts Remember also that it's better to be slightly undertrained than overtrained, and recovery weeks will help prevent injury, burn out, etc.

Maria: sorry about the knee I would stay off of it for a while and focus on biking and swimming... that's the great thing about our sport - if you are injured in one, you can focus on the other Seriously, taking off a couple weeks now may prevent taking off a couple MONTHS down the road.  Don't push it, okay? I know it sucks ((()))

Tara: I use when I'm focusing on losing weight. It allows me to log calories in (what I eat) versus calories out (what I burn while training). Losing weight while endurance training can be difficult because you need to eat enough to fuel your body. Slow and steady is the key !

2010-02-10 11:14 PM
in reply to: #2664361

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
ohiotrigirl - 2010-02-09 3:07 PM Wanted to see if anyone knew of a great nutrition plan for weight loss while training for a tri. I have about 20 lbs I would like to lose and lbs just aren't budging! Just wanted to know what you all experienced and if you had any suggestions. Hope you are all doing well! We are getting hammered with snow today so I was on the treadmill which ended up okay. Have a great evening!!!Tara

Hi Tara,

I am reading Chris Carmichael's, "Food for Fitness" and it really makes sense.  He trains Lance Armstrong and has lots of info for cycling, running, triathletes.  Good book, would highly recommend. Recipes and food plans in the appendix.

Also, check out  Free website, tons of nutritional info, food log and support.
2010-02-10 11:19 PM
in reply to: #2664549

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Hi Everyone,

Guess what? I am going to live Wink

Got my butt kicked hard by a flu bug, skiied one day of a four day ski trip. But it was a kick , three feet of fresh powder, bluebird skies fantabulous day of skiing.

Getting back to a training plan. I feel SO FAR behind everyone else. Ran 2.5 miles this morning. Felt good but like I was starting all over again.

Signing up for a 5k race 2/20. I joined a "Grand Prix" series this year to motivate me to run more.

Sounds silly, but I missed all of you  

(you know you are really sick when you are too sick to even read/post on your computer!

Going to be in the 70's this weekend, anyone want to fly out and visit for the three sunny days in Santa Barbara this holiday weekend? You can join me on my chicks bike ride Saturday and group run Sunday...maybe even an ocean swim Monday!

Pamela Cool

2010-02-11 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
I am still a bit out of the game. Feeling much better overall but not I have no voice. Like completely gone. All I have is a Whisper and I shouldnt even do that. And to top it all off, I have a presentation to our Board of Trustees in 2 hours. THis should be interesting.

I am back to Spinning and running. No swimming until the congestion clears.

All I am opening is that the weather stays nice for this weekends 12K. I should be fine running it but would prefer it it is not cold and wet! LOL

2010-02-11 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2576738

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Hi everybody!

I'm still in the UK but my meetings have officially ended and it's soon time to go for pizza!  I have been running, biking, and swimming my heart out here in Nottingham.  I didn't have time until early today to fill in my training log.  It's done now, though.

I hope everyone who was sick is feeling better and everyone who's been snowed in has been dug out.  It's comparitively warm here in Nottingham.  Not warm enough to work out outside, but at least there's no snow.  Home tomorrw, so wish me safe travels.  I'll check in with you then.

2010-02-13 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2667932

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Stef: Good luck on your 12k!

Biked today, felt good to be out and not too sick. Still congested/cough, but did 25 miles @ around 16 mph. After almost a month off the bike, I'll take it slow

It's a gorgeous sunny 70 here, biked along the ocean under the palm trees and through the avocado groves and flower farms..hope you all are staying warm

Pamela Cool
2010-02-13 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

Pamela> I would LOVE to join you in sunny SoCal ! Send a private jet to get me??

Stef> is the 12K today or tomorrow? good luck !

Tania> way to go on the s/b/r-ing while overseas! how do you do it? safe travels home !

oh, and happy valentine's day, everyone !

2010-02-13 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2667809

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Alright ladies, let's talk about one of my favorit topics:


I am looking to get tri-specific cycling shoes. Which do you all like? Not like?

Also, I am looking at the Zoot Running shoes, love no sock slip on idea. One of my goals is to have better transition times, I was really slow in T1 & T2 last year (3mins + in every T time in every race).  Time to get serious

Tonight I am taking clients to the SB Intl Film Festival, got to hang in the VIP lounge with Julianne Moore Thursday night, Colin Firth tonight!  Only downside is its going to be a late night...sleep in, run and swim tomorrow

Pamela Cool

2010-02-13 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
the 12k ended up being postponed. (Was supposed to have been this morning) We received snow yesterday into the evening and while that isn't a big deal to most of you all, we only get it max once a year. So that means no one knows how to drive on the stuff down here. Police were advising people to stay off the roads for the morning hours so they postponed the race until March 20th.

Oh well, I am sad to have not run but it sure was nice sleeping in
2010-02-15 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Stef: sorry about the race, but yay for sleeping in !

Pamela: I have Nike women's cycling shoes and I don't like them very much when I tried them on they seemed to fit fine and they were on sale, so I bought them. they are a little too tight and don't 'breathe' very well. I'll have to ask my friend what kind of cycling shoes she has - she LOVES hers.  let me know what you think about the Zoots. I can't imagine running in no socks... for me the socks are worth the 10 sec/ foot it takes for me to put them on. A good tip for putting on socks in transition: put them on the day before the race, then roll them off. when you put them on in transition, just roll 'em right up your foot ! Tell us about all the celebs you got to hang out with ! so cool !!

how was everyone else's weekend?
2010-02-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2576738

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
balance.  balance.  BALANCE. my new mantra.

i will start this mini-rant by saying my boyfriend is the most wonderful man i've ever met and is incredibly supportive in everything i do.  he also happens to be a former national-level swimmer and competitive cyclist, so i'm getting a ton of great training tips (plus he can tune up my bike for me whenever...score!) and encouragement from another athlete. 

however.  he is one of those freaks of nature that only sleeps 5-6 hours a night, and doesn't always understand my need for...oh, 9-10 per night.  he also loves to cook, and is amazing at it, but his butter-laden calorie-dense gourmet concoctions aren't always the best things for my tummy.  so, lately i've been sleep-deprived because he wants to talk before bed every night, and a bit thrown from my eating routine.  everything finally came to a head this weekend, when i had been so looking forward to a lovely long ride followed by errands and housework on monday, and he decided to "surprise" me and come into town sunday night for valentine's day.  (he lives 2 hours away)  it was an incredibly sweet gesture, but i didn't get to ride, or do laundry or clean my apartment or grocery shop, etc., because he was hanging around wanting to spend time with me.  plus, i didn't get the sleep i needed.

we're definitely both working on it, but i'm still tired and cranky this morning, and disappointed in myself for not sticking to my training schedule.    i feel like i'm pretty good at balancing my own needs with my training, how do you make it work with the needs of a partner/spouse?
2010-02-16 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
As far as tri specific cycling shoes, I use the shimano SH-TR51 and I really like them. Granted, I got mine after tri season so I haven't used them in a tri yet but we will see soon how they work out in a tri setting. As far as my cycling experience with them thus far, i love them.

Here they are

Shimano SH-TR51
2010-02-16 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2675037

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Balance is a good goal! Your boyfriend sounds like a right day and score on his background w/ swimming and biking.

It's tough when your SO has a different schedule from you... my husband doesn't s/b/r and he is much more of a nightowl than I am. we just try to plan date nights, even when said 'date nights' are just watching thursday night tv and eating pizza.

remember that this is a hobby... it's a time consuming one and one that we put a lot of energy into, but it should never trump personal relationships. you'll remember the surprise v day visit more than you'll remember any random workout. you can make that up later !!

2010-02-17 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2576738

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

Pam - So glad you are feeling better!!!  Woo hoo!!!

Steph - Sorry to hear about the race.  I was watching for the Myrtle Beach marathon and it got canceled too!  All the training, and travel, and expense those people went to.  Some came form as far away as Colorado, and Florida.  They got nothing.  No reschedule, no refund.  It was a sunny 40 deg that day.  What ashame they did not just postpone the race for a couple of hours.

Erika -  OK.. I know most people in the forum (BT overall) would say that relationships should always come before triathlon, but - you did not mention how long you have been dating or how serious your relationship is, so I guess I'll be the Devil's advocate.  I actually stopped dating a guy once simply because he was too needy of my time and interrupted my sleep and training schedule.  It made me feel resentful.  But we had only gone out a few times and I decided staying focused on training was more important to me than him, so I broke it off.  My current BF trains and races with me and totally respects my schedule.

My only advice is to have open communication about your needs until he catches on to your routine.  It sounds like he's a great guy and means well!  And having schedule interruptions occasionally is to be expected.  But you've mentioned your schedule before and every minute counts!  If you're like me, chores and grocery shopping must happen during their designated time slots or I cannot get back to it for another week.  Lost training and sleep usually cannot be made up at all.  And I imgaine it is hard to enjoy your time with him if your mind is racing about all of the other things you need to be doing.  BUT... if you plan on having a future with this guy, you should be open in talking to him about this.  Hopefully he'll understand and respect your needs.  But you may have to make some compromises too.

Well...  I have had 5 days of down time do to knee injury.  Back I'm back on the board this week!

I just feel like I am getting slower over the winter rather than faster.

Just timed 1000 yard swim at 22:20 for 2:14 min/100 yds.  I'm at my witts end.  I guess I need to find a coach or special classes or something.

2010-02-17 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Maria: sorry to hear about the knee and the swim times this is just a guess, but: sometimes I go for a while without seeing any progress in speed -- and then, suddenly, I'll time a s/b/r and realize - holy crap! - I am faster ! Keep at it and hang in there ((()))
2010-02-19 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2576738

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
I've really had a bad week and could use some encouragement  Tuesday was my birthday (40th) and I was in tears before 6:30 AM due to work stress.  SInce then I literally worked from 6AM until 8 or 9 at night - leaving little room for training.  I would have liked to train in the morning but stress left me really sleepless and without energy.  I ran this morning for the first time since early this week and I'm committed to reclaiming my life.  But I had forgotten how tired I could be when I'm not sleeping right.

Erika,  you need to speak your mind about your needs.  Your bf sounds awesome but can't read your mind.  He would most likely be responsive to your sleep/training needs and if he isn't, well, then at least you know.

Looking forward to getting back on track,

2010-02-20 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2682772

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
waltontl - 2010-02-19 7:29 PM I've really had a bad week and could use some encouragement  Tuesday was my birthday (40th) and I was in tears before 6:30 AM due to work stress.  SInce then I literally worked from 6AM until 8 or 9 at night - leaving little room for training.  I would have liked to train in the morning but stress left me really sleepless and without energy.  I ran this morning for the first time since early this week and I'm committed to reclaiming my life.  But I had forgotten how tired I could be when I'm not sleeping right.'s REALLY hard (and probably not a great idea) to try to get in a workout when you are already so. freaking. exhuasted. A good night's sleep is SO important, and if you aren't getting it, then training is going to fall to pieces.  Is your work schedule going to change anytime soon? If not, maybe you can cut down on what your training calls for. Even a 20-30 min run helps and is bound to make you feel better.

2010-02-20 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2683275

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
trishie - 2010-02-20 8:58 AM's REALLY hard (and probably not a great idea) to try to get in a workout when you are already so. freaking. exhuasted. A good night's sleep is SO important, and if you aren't getting it, then training is going to fall to pieces.  Is your work schedule going to change anytime soon? If not, maybe you can cut down on what your training calls for. Even a 20-30 min run helps and is bound to make you feel better.


Thanks!  I had a birthday do-over the next day and it was much better!

I work from home so I sort of set my own schedule.  It's totally me that heaps on the expectations that lead to the stress.  I really struggle with it when I have a lot of deliverables and no one to help me.  I am trying to reclaim my personal time and keep everything in balance.  Thanks for the tips and advice.  I also struggle with insomnia, so when I'm stressed it only gets worse. 

I find that the pattern is:  I don't sleep well, which means that I sleep later in the morning, which means I don't have time to train.  Plus because I didn't sleep well, I'm hungrier and eat all the wrong things, which makes me not feel good and then the poor diet and lack of exercise further affects my sleep.  Bad cycle.

Key point:  Balance is so important in life!

Thanks again, Trish.  It can only get better - looking forward to my 40's.


2010-02-21 10:56 PM
in reply to: #2676403

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
stefanier - 2010-02-16 5:49 PM As far as tri specific cycling shoes, I use the shimano SH-TR51 and I really like them. Granted, I got mine after tri season so I haven't used them in a tri yet but we will see soon how they work out in a tri setting. As far as my cycling experience with them thus far, i love them.

Here they are

Shimano SH-TR51

I LOVE the look of these, thanks! Will check them out
2010-02-21 11:03 PM
in reply to: #2677298

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
maria40nc - 2010-02-17 8:28 AM

Just timed 1000 yard swim at 22:20 for 2:14 min/100 yds.  I'm at my witts end.  I guess I need to find a coach or special classes or something.

Maria, let me make you feel really fast in the pool. I timed myself today at 500 yds:  17 mins.

I avg'd 3:03 for 100 yds when I swam "as fast as I could go".

So... To are a freaking mermaid swim goddess...

FYI, I can't even swim 1000 yds continuously yet Frown

Pamela Cool
2010-02-22 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2576738

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

last night i got into my first car accident ever.  i rear-ended a guy who suddenly slowed down (but no brake lights), totaled the front of my car while barely leaving a dent in his huge van's bumper.  no one hurt...except for some sore wrists this morning.  i wanted to run yesterday after the whole ordeal, just to work out some stress/anger/fear/frustration/etc., but decided not to, and my bf has convinced me to take today off too. 

i'm really thankful that, in the grand scheme of things, this was a really minor kerfuffle.  just 2 cars involved, at relatively slow speeds, no one hurt, we both had insurance, etc etc etc.  and it's making me realize that missing a few days of training will NOT be the end of the world, let alone prevent me from racing strong in a few months.  i'm healthy, i'm happy, i have a great life, and i'm really thankful for all of those things.

here's to a great week, ladies!
2010-02-23 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2685624

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

IronDiva - 2010-02-22 10:10 AM priorities...

last night i got into my first car accident ever.  i rear-ended a guy who suddenly slowed down (but no brake lights), totaled the front of my car while barely leaving a dent in his huge van's bumper.  no one hurt...except for some sore wrists this morning.  i wanted to run yesterday after the whole ordeal, just to work out some stress/anger/fear/frustration/etc., but decided not to, and my bf has convinced me to take today off too. 

i'm really thankful that, in the grand scheme of things, this was a really minor kerfuffle.  just 2 cars involved, at relatively slow speeds, no one hurt, we both had insurance, etc etc etc.  and it's making me realize that missing a few days of training will NOT be the end of the world, let alone prevent me from racing strong in a few months.  i'm healthy, i'm happy, i have a great life, and i'm really thankful for all of those things.

here's to a great week, ladies!

Sorry about the car accident, but yay for realizations Kiss(<----- I love this face - she has awesome mascara). Take care of yourself, pop some ibuprofen if you start to hurt, and keep up the happy attitude ! love it !

how is everyone else doing ? how is training going ?

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