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2009-06-11 4:54 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

What gel flavors do they have out on the IMFL course?  Are they the same year to year or do they change it to promote the latest product?

2009-06-12 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
90 degrees + 80% humidity + 10 mile run = feeling HOT..HOT..HOT!!
2009-06-12 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
So I know we are a ways out but I was curious if people already have goals set for themselves.  


Publicly - Just to finish
To close friends - under 15 hrs
Personal goal - under 14 hrs

I believe I can get my personal goal but it is going to be influenced heavily by outside forces (i.e. weather, nutrition, etc...).   
2009-06-12 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2213150

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
This is my first Ironman and I am letting it be known with friends and family that my goal is to finish in under 11 hrs.  I will be happy with anything under 11:30 but I want to really push myself for the 11 hr. mark.  I feel that if everything went perfect that day I would finish around 10:30 but I know it is not going to be perfect.
2009-06-12 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2209368

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jjcnbg - 2009-06-11 5:54 AM

What gel flavors do they have out on the IMFL course?  Are they the same year to year or do they change it to promote the latest product?

Flavors will be's been Powergel in the past so my guess it's going to be again. 
2009-06-12 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2213150

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in a pool, on a bike, or up the trail
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jjcnbg - 2009-06-12 11:08 AM So I know we are a ways out but I was curious if people already have goals set for themselves.  


Publicly - Just to finish
To close friends - under 15 hrs
Personal goal - under 14 hrs  

Love the different flavors of goals. I'm not the only one then. First time for me, run is a complete unknown. Given that, here's my many ways of looking at it.

Publicly and only real goal that matters: Finish
Publicly and secondary: Finish, and also run more than I walk. 13.1000000001 miles is acceptable.
To Sam, who bet $20 I could go sub 12 hrs before I ever started training: go sub 12 hrs and pay up
To my sister who may be reading this: Beat her 2008 time of 11:56:41 Wink
Silly goal just for the heck of it: Beat the very first 1978 Hawaii Ironman winner time: 11:46:58
Super secret inside desire if things go really, really well: sub 11 hrs

Total delusions of grandeur: qualify for Kona  Surprised
I am Male - 40, so that would take roughly 9:30 hahahahahaha (Hey.. it's fun to dream!)

Based on where I am today, my current projection is 11:42:35
  • 2:10/100m swim
  • 20.5 avg. bike
  • 10:30 mileys run
  • 2x8 min trans.

2009-06-13 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Goals...hmmmm since this is my first IM, my main goal is to come in by 16:59:59.  If all goes well and there's favorable conditions like a tailwind that just follows us along on the bike, I'd like to finish in between 13 and 14.  I've ran 2 marys before so I can go the distance but it's just everything that I'll be doing before Iget to that point that's got me a little worried! Right now I've got just a few weeks till RI 70.3 in July so I'm hitting big hours for that. It feels good - just need to be more consistent w/ stretching every day.

2009-06-13 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Anyone else think we were nuts to pick an IM that requires training during the SUMMER??? Holy smokes did I get blasted by some Texas heat, hills, and wind today...but first 100 miler is in the BOOKS and the worst is the heat rash around my legs where my tri-shorts leg bands are.  Everytime I hit hills, I tell myself "I'm glad FL is flat, this will make me stronger." I'm good with wind, I just hate it when its coupled with hills!!

Goals, well, this is my first one, and without knowledge of what putting 140.6 together actually will look like, to finish looking strong (regardless of time) is goal #1.  I would *like* to go 12 hours or less, but we'll see. 

Super happy goal, go 11-11:30 cause that'd probably be good enough to get me close to the women's primary or alternate slot for the Army Ironman team--and that would equal Kona in 2010...but really, I just want to conquer Ironman, have fun with it, and hear Mike Reilly say "Brittany, you are an Ironman!"
2009-06-13 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2215464

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

My Goals in order of importance.

1. Make it to race day injury free

2. Finish the race

3. Finish standing up

4. Finish with a smile

5. Then if everything goes well a sub 12 hour for my first would be a huge bonus.

2009-06-14 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
How's the training going IMFL peeps?
My Ironman training plan starts next week...I am so anxious to "officially" get started.
2009-06-14 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Good posts about goals. I onnly have 2

1 Finish!
2. Run the entire marathon---If I've executed my race properly through the swim/bike, I should be able to run it all. That means I'm having a good day!

Goal 1 is the only one that really matters.

Train hard and have fun eveyone!

2009-06-14 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Goals: Make all the time cut offs and finish vertical - that's not much to ask, right???
(Secretly I would love to finish under 14:00:00 - sshhhh, I'm not supposed to say that out loud!)
2009-06-14 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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in a pool, on a bike, or up the trail
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Are any of you IMFL folks by any chance anywhere left of Asheville, NC? I am relocating to Bryson City/Whittier/Sylva area next month. I've already hooked up the local roadies, and got weekly rides and lots of routes for both riding and running. Guess my training will be a "little" more hilly than necessary for Florida! One thing I don't have in place is a place to swim, but I think I have a line on that in Cherokee.

At least my warm weather training will extend longer into the year and stay a bit closer to FL.
2009-06-15 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

My goal is to do my best   I have others but they are mine...all mine Tongue out

Just booked my room!!!  I am looking forward to a nice long weekend with a little race thrown in.

2009-06-16 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I think a realistic goal for me is to finish in under 12:30.  I've heard that you can double you HIM time and add an hour as a preview of your first IM.  This would put me right at 12 hours.  So anything under that mark will just be a bonus.  Of course, its all about making it the finish line as this is my first.

The summer training is kind of rough.  Especially in the 100% humidity of South Carolina...all summer long!  But I figure it will be worth it for a (flat) November race day!
2009-06-17 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2213150

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My ultimate goal is to finish the race.  I am training to see if I can finish the race in 14 hours.  1:30 for the swim, 6 hours for the ride, 6 hours for the run..the rest of the time spread around.  But to finish my first Ironman and not DNF will be just as sweet as finishing in 14 hours...

I am going to an open water swim clinic this weekend and going to try some swimming in the ocean next week.  I'll be the weird guy at the beach in my wetsuit next week. 

Mr Steve
Lewisburg, PA

2009-06-18 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

My number one goal is to enjoy the race. I want to take in every moment (good and bad) and cherish the fact that I am doing an Ironman.

It is the same goal that I had for Alcatraz this weekend. It was the best time I've ever had at a race. I'm thankful that I am able to complete something that others can only dream of. 2 years ago, I was a dreamer. Also a non-swimmer!

Ideally, I would like to finish under 13.5  hours. But we will have to see what the day brings.

Now that my "fun" race is over it is time to get serious about IMFL.

2009-06-18 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
anyone know of a "training camp" for the Florida IM? I see a lot around for Placid but none for us Would love to get away for a few days and get some real solid training/coaching in.

Goals: 1) finish
2) run most of the marathon (like over 22 miles)
3) under 13:30

2009-06-19 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My #1 goal is to finish, #2 goal is to run the entire marathon -- and if I can do #2, then I hope to finish in sub 13 hours.  Honestly, I just want to hear Mike Reilly call my name!
2009-06-19 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
20 WEEKS!! Time to get serious!
I'm up at CdA to cheer on many friends that are kicking off the Ironman season! I hope to pick up some good inspiration to continue training through the summer heat!

Train hard and stay healthy!
2009-06-20 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2229883

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Heather fuhr has a training camp for florida
I live in CT so I am not going to it but I am going to a lake placid training camp this weekend since I live about a 5 hour drive and my tri club and coach are going for 4 days. Since this is a week where Im starting my build training and want to get in hills IM going to the lake placid camp for about 15 hours of training total for the 4 days. I did lake placid last year in the pouring rain. It was my first IM. I felt great when I finished because I paced myself and got my money's worth for my first IM. For florida Im trying to knock off a couple of hours but still want to cherish every minute

Edited by marathon88 2009-06-20 9:24 PM

2009-06-20 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My "official" plan starts tomorrow!  20 weeks away...
2009-06-23 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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New user

Subject: lodging
I booked a condo at the host hotel that sleeps 6, hoping to share with another racer.  This is my 5th Ironman so I don't want any big partiers (at least before the race).    If interested I can supply more details, reply here or my home e-mail: [email protected]

See you there!
2009-06-23 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Okay, so I played IronSherpa for some friends racing IMCdA this past Sunday.  I had a blast, and I'm still hoarse--people kept asking me how I knew everyone (ummmm...names on their bibs??) as I cheered for every racer I could.  They then asked me why I was yelling for everyone, and I told them a.) cause they're working REALLY hard and deserve our support, not just our silent stares and b.) I'm a firm believer in "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" and I know I will need people to cheer me on in 19 weeks and 3 days (since we're under 20 weeks, I'm officially counting now...I'm a counter)!! They seemed to think that was a fair reason!

Anyhow, watching the race and talking to friends afterwards, they said the swim was really brutal.  Two of them had previously done IMAZ where it's a deep water mass start vs. a run into the water mass start, and they both said it was significantly more difficult at IMCdA vs. IMAZ due to the start. 

IMFL will be the beach start, so I'd love to hear from our IMFL veterans your thoughts on how to tackle to the mass start--everything from seeding, where to start in relation to the buoys, how close to follow the buoy line, and thoughts on the waves.  I am typically in the top 1/3rd or 1/4 of my AG in the swim (like 25/100ish) so not super fast, but not slow. I don't scare easy, and I'm not afraid to get a little physical if I have too (not that I plan on slugging someone though!).  

Also, any tips on the salt water itself? I've heard put lip balm on to help protect the lips from the salt, and put a couple of the listerine strips that melt in your mouth in before the start so that it helps fight the salty taste.

Can you tell IMCdA has put the serious factor into IMFL training for me now???
2009-06-23 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2237835

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
TexasMPGal - 2009-06-23 3:06 PM Okay, so I played IronSherpa for some friends racing IMCdA this past Sunday.  I had a blast, and I'm still hoarse--people kept asking me how I knew everyone (ummmm...names on their bibs??) as I cheered for every racer I could.  They then asked me why I was yelling for everyone, and I told them a.) cause they're working REALLY hard and deserve our support, not just our silent stares and b.) I'm a firm believer in "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" and I know I will need people to cheer me on in 19 weeks and 3 days (since we're under 20 weeks, I'm officially counting now...I'm a counter)!! They seemed to think that was a fair reason!

Anyhow, watching the race and talking to friends afterwards, they said the swim was really brutal.  Two of them had previously done IMAZ where it's a deep water mass start vs. a run into the water mass start, and they both said it was significantly more difficult at IMCdA vs. IMAZ due to the start. 

IMFL will be the beach start, so I'd love to hear from our IMFL veterans your thoughts on how to tackle to the mass start--everything from seeding, where to start in relation to the buoys, how close to follow the buoy line, and thoughts on the waves.  I am typically in the top 1/3rd or 1/4 of my AG in the swim (like 25/100ish) so not super fast, but not slow. I don't scare easy, and I'm not afraid to get a little physical if I have too (not that I plan on slugging someone though!).  

Also, any tips on the salt water itself? I've heard put lip balm on to help protect the lips from the salt, and put a couple of the listerine strips that melt in your mouth in before the start so that it helps fight the salty taste.

Can you tell IMCdA has put the serious factor into IMFL training for me now???

The one thing I have heard...though it didn't work for that as long as you aren't totally slow (i.e. you're mid pack or better) start as close to the front as possible so the IM "draft effect" will help you out.  I did this at IMAZ and pretty much got run over and felt no draft effect at all...but others swear by it.

You are a good swimmer...even with the beach start I would try to start near the front...maybe 4-5 rows back?

As for the salt water...I've done some salt water swiming (Pensacola Bay and now San Francisco Bay) and didn't do anything for either of those...yeah, I noticed the salt water...but not enough to do anything about it.  It sucks to get a face full of salt water...especially multiple times.  But anything you do to get rid of the taste beforehand will get negated so quickly it just isn't worth it.  I had some water available after the Alcatraz swim and swished out my mouth a bit but most of it ended up on my head trying to get the saltwater out of the chafed salt on a paper cut.
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